Management - Organization Structures and Change - Narrative Report
Management - Organization Structures and Change - Narrative Report
Management - Organization Structures and Change - Narrative Report
Graduate School
As much as individual and team-level factors affect employee attitudes and behaviors
2. Describe the ways in which mechanistic and organic structures can be created by
Key Terms:
Organizations can operate under a variety of different structures, each of which has
specific advantages and disadvantages. Some organizational models are better suited
for specific surroundings and jobs, even though any structure with poor management
company's structure. Then, we'll look at how these components combine to create two
employees who are closest to the issue at hand make decisions and address issues
at lower levels.
(As an employee, where would you feel more comfortable and productive?)
because they have greater authority. Employees frequently assume that decentralized
businesses offer higher levels of procedural justice to employees since decisions can
be made more quickly. Decentralized companies are more likely to draw in job
candidates. That is why CEOs and other high-level managers are subject to greater
services, strategic course, and the majority of other important areas are made by the
Apple's Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who took over as company president after
Steve Jobs' death, is mostly responsible for making decisions within the company.
They are long regarded as an organization that retains a high level of centralized
control over the business's strategic activities, including the creation of new products,
the selection of target markets, and business acquisitions. In fast evolving technical
descriptions, and rules are written and explicitly articulated. There are formalized
systems when there are several written rules and regulations. These systems use
written rules to regulate employee conduct and leaving limited room for employees to
making in these businesses frequently happens only during times of crisis. This
defined framework is linked that decreased motivation, worse job satisfaction, and
Hierarchical Levels
of its structure. When the size of the organization is held constant, tall structures
contain several levels of management between the top level and the frontline staff,
employee's behavior. In contrast, flat structures have more employees who report to
each management. Managers will be less able to give close oversight in such a
According to E. E. Ghiselli & D. A. Johnson (1970), their study shows that flat
modeled on L. B. Chonko's study from 1982, managers who are responsible for a
larger workforce report higher degrees of role ambiguity, or the uncertainty that comes
from not knowing exactly what is expected of them in the workplace. This is especially
organizational systems must be more adept at meeting their higher-order needs, such
generally divided into functional and divisional categories. Organizations that use
Each member of these structures performs a specific function and manages a large
might also act as an event planner, organizing marketing campaigns for the entire
goods, services, clients, or geographic location that the business caters to. Thus, each
distinctive good or service the business offers will have a separate department.
Marketing, manufacturing, and other roles are replicated inside each department.
Employees will be responsible for carrying out a variety of duties in support of the
product rather than doing specific jobs. In a company with a divisional structure, for
interactions with advertising agencies, and organizing and carrying out marketing
research, all for the specific product line handled by his or her division.
product may enhance innovation and speed up response time if the organization has
several product lines. Although each of these departments may have specialized
marketing, manufacturing, and customer service personnel serving the relevant
product, the business may also discover that centralizing some operations and
technology. If the same organization serves several nations or regions, it may also
does not have a huge number of products and services requiring specific attention,
functional structures frequently work well. It also performs better in a situation that are
more stable and slower to change. Each product in a company's diversified product
line will have different requirements, making divisional structures more practical for
challenging conditions.
result, depending on how these components are arranged, we can discuss two
rigid line of command. These organizations are very centralized and formalized.
Employees are provided with detailed job descriptions outlining their specific tasks and
Mechanistic organizations are not suited for innovation and swift action since they are
frequently rigid and resistant to change. The disadvantage of these forms would be
that they inhibit entrepreneurial activity and discourage employees from using their
own initiative. Mechanistic frameworks not only limit human liberty and self-
determination, which will probably result in lower levels of intrinsic motivation at work,
aim to maximize efficiency and reduce expenses. For instance, McDonald's has a well-
known bureaucratic organization with highly formalized staff jobs, distinct lines of
communication, and detailed job descriptions. They benefit from this structure since it
enables McDonald's to provide a consistent product at low cost all over the world.
There models can be helpful for young businesses. Uncertainty, ambiguity, and a lack
of structure are common problems for new companies. It has been demonstrated that
new ventures.
Organic Structures
formalization and are flexible and decentralized. Communication channels are more
open and flexible in organizations with an organic structure. Job descriptions for
employees are broader, and they are expected to carry out tasks in accordance with
the current demands of the company and their own levels of skill. Employee job
satisfaction is typically higher when organic structures are present. These institutional
organic structure. The business firmly supports decentralization. Nearly 100 profit
centers make up 3M, but each division seems like a little business. Each division
manager has complete autonomy and is responsible for all decisions made.
Operations inside each division are spun off to form a different business unit once they
grow too large and a division's product becomes profitable. This is carried out to
impact on employee attitudes and behaviors at work as well as how effective and
inventive the organization is. Together, these components give rise to both
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