Research Log 4

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Research Log #4- Solutionary Project 2022

Date: Feb 21, 2023

Name: Xyrus Senining
Essential Question: How can we help depression and mental illness?

Three Points to Prove: #1: Golf can improve a person’s mental health

#2: Golf can teach a person perseverance

#3: Golf can be used as a form of therapy

Point that this Source Proves: # Golf can improve a person’s mental health

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove)

Positive interpersonal interactions to boost mental health.

It gives you a reason to catch up with your friends.

Away from the pressures of day-to-day life.

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):
This source proves my point because the short documentary film shows how golf can benefit you
and the people around you. As you watch the film you see the group of friends playing and interacting
positively. Obviously, they aren’t pros, so they make a lot of mistakes. When one of them makes a
mistake like skulling the ball over the green the group laughs instead of making fun of the guy. Golf is
hard game so we all can’t be good.
Golf encourages positive interactions. The game is humbling so no one can be cocky and act like
they’re super good because everyone is going to have bad rounds. When a person hits a bad shot, the
people in the group would usually try and help the person or tell them things so that the person knows that
the shot wasn’t all that bad. For example, say you hit it too far left of the green and land on the fringe,
you’re playing partner would say “oh that’s okay, you can still putt or chip from there,” rather than saying
“bro you are so bad it hurts to look at you.” Golf forces you to be optimistic even when you hit a bad shot.
When a person keeps looking on the brighter side when playing golf, this can translate to them having a
nice outlook on their life.
Golf can be a getaway for some people. Many people have busy lives so going to the golf course
can be a way for them to get away from the pressures of day-to-day life. Golf immediately puts people in
a different mindset which is beneficial to many people. When you play golf, you don’t necessarily worry
about your job or kids, you worry if you’re going to hit a good drive off the first tee, drain this birdie putt,
or get out of a bunker onto the green.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

“A Film about the Social Benefits of Golf for Mental Health.” YouTube, uploaded by The Club,
17 Aug. 2020,
This is a reputable and reliable article because this documentary film was done by a reputable golf
channel who is promoting golf in a forward-thinking way.

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