The Botanical Review 1940 v.06
The Botanical Review 1940 v.06
The Botanical Review 1940 v.06
Bureau of Plant Industry
has met with great success. It retains many of its primitive winter
wheat qualities, and produces at the rate of 28 bushels per acre."
In 1883 Hellriegal (26) concluded that barley has a lower opti-
mum temperature during the tiller-formation phase than during the
stem-elongation phase.
In 1893 the phenologists, ecologists and horticulturists met with
the International Meteorological Congres~ in Chicago and their
several papers were published by the U. F~. Department of Agricul-
ture (68). At that meeting Paul Schreiber from Chemnitz, Ger-
many, presented an ecological traper in ",vhich he stated :
"The growth of vegetation requires heat, water and sunshine ; but
of each the proper measure, as every excess or deficiency acts in-
juriously. It should, therefore, he the object of our investigations
to determine how much of heat, water and sunshine is required by
different plants, and how these influential factors are to be dis-
tributed during the various phases of plant life.
"Our information concerning the duration and power of sunshine
is increasing so rapidly that we may hope for early and important
additions to our knowledge concerning these elements of our inves-
tigations. If our labors in this direction are to be of practical value
to the husbandman, they must include careful notations of the suc-
cessive phases of plant life or, at least, of the main phases of growth
--the so-called phenologic observations. If, in this manner, we
discover the laws governing each separate phase or phenomenon,
and from them the joint result of their reciprocal influences, our
object will have been accomplished."
W. Detmer of Jena, Germany, presented a physiological paper
in which he makes the following statement:
"The position of the three cardinal points, the minimum, opti-
mum, and maximum, is by no means the same for the various
physiological processes which take place in a plant or an organ; it
also varies for a given process in different species of plants, and is
even influenced by the degree of development of an organ."
Dr. Egon Ihne of Friedberg, Germany, made the following state-
ment in his paper on plant phenology :
"Although the same vegetal phase may set in on a date varying
from year to year, the date depending primarily on the climate of
each year, yet to reach this phase the plant requires an amount of
heat that is constant from year to year. A plant may, therefore, be
considered as a means for measuring heat; and the beginning of a
certain vegetal phase is also a standard for measuring a certain sum
total of heat supplied up to that date, and this sum total expresses
Cereal Plants
In all types of wheat tested thus far by the writer and Sando (50,
52), sexual reproduction is not dependent on a critical temperature
or a critical photoperiod, because this process occurs over very wide
ranges of both factors. However, the time when sexual reproduc-
tion occurs and also the yield of seed are influenced by temperatures
and the photoperiod (32, 33, 52) and by light intensity (52).
Furthermore, the optimum conditions for the earliest sexual repro-
duction are not the same as the optimum conditions for the highest
seed yield (S).
When winter wheats such as Harvest Queen and Turkey are
grown at high temperatures in a long day throughout the life cycle,
they produce many side shoots or tillers, each of which has many
internodes and Ieaves; the elongation of the internodes, head forma-
52) than when the germinated seeds were vernalized in the usual
Harvest Queen plants from germinated seeds vernalized for 40
days near 33 ~ F. and grown with uninterrupted light at summer
temperatures, headed 89~ days from the time the seed was put to
soak (50). This is the most rapid heading time yet obtained in
Harvest Queen winter wheat from chilled germinated seed. How-
ever, only 10 to 30 seeds per plant were produced.
Yields of 75 seeds per plant have been obtained in Harvest Queen
when heading took place 88 days from the time the seed started to
soak and when the seedlings and plants were grown according to the
following schedule of temperatures, photoperiods, and times (50) :
21.1 ~ to 23.9 ~ C. on moist filter paper for two days to start ger-
10.0 ~ C. for 36 days with a photoperiod of 8 hours in culture
15.6 ~ C. for 18 days with a photoperiod of 8 hours in culture
21.1 ~ to 23.9 ~ C. to end of test with a photoperiod of 18 hours in
These plants actually headed one day earlier than those from
vernalized seed, and it is likely that still earlier heading is possible
without reducing the yield to 30 seeds per plant.
Harvest Queen plants from chilled germinated seeds will yield
75 seeds if grown at 21.1 ~ to 23.9 ~ C. with a daily photoperiod of
16 to 18 hours. However, 100 or more days are required for plants
to head when computing time from the beginning of the soaking
process (50).
Although varieties of winter wheat differ in their temperature
and length-of-day requirements for earliness (50), tests indicate
that all the winter varieties tested complete their life cycles quite
rapidly and produce good yields of seeds when grown near 7.2 ~ to
10.0 ~ C. with a daily photoperiod of 8 to 10 hours for 45 days, fol-
lowed by temperatures near 21.1 ~ to 23.9 ~ C. with a daily photo-
period of 16 to 18 hours. Exposure of 20 days to the low tempera-
tures and short days has been satisfactory for, the facultative
varieties such as Purplestraw.
In hybridizing work Sando and the writer have obtained essen-
tially simultaneous flowering in early, intermediate and late varieties
of both winter and spring wheats, thus making possible all com-
bination crosses.
In addition to hastening maturity it is claimed by Russian
workers that vernalization increases drought resistance in spring
cereals, and it is now claimed that drought resistance is increased
when the seeds are moistened and dried intermittently three times
at moderate tempet:atures, 20 ~ to 22 ~ C., allowing germination to
proceed slowly during the moist stages (27, 28, 29, 30, 57, 58).
Germination is started by adding water amounting to 30 per cent
of the dry weight of the seed. The seed is then dried, remoistened
with water amounting to 20% of the dry weight of seed, dried
again, remoistened with water amounting to 15~ of dry weight of
seed, dried and sown. The object is to allow very slight progress
of germination at each moistening and to keep the plumules and
roots from developing to a point which prevents easy driUing. The
method is referred to as prehardening.
Data cited by Zuhr (77) indicate that vernalization reduced bunt
and loose smut in a spring variety and in a facultative variety of
wheat grown in the field. Loose smut was reduced 45.3% to
68.3% in comparison with non-vernalized controls.
These aspects of the vernalization problem have not been tested
to any extent in other parts of the world.
Vasiljev (69), Timofeeva (66) and others found that winter
hardiness in winter wheats is reduced by vernalization. It appears
that vernalization of the germinated seed before sowing prevents
the normal hardening which takes place in the field during the
autumn and early winter.
Builina (9) found that the optimum time for vernalization tends
to increase with the degree of winter hardiness characteristic of a
given variety of winter wheat. The varieties having low winter-
hardiness required 45 to 55 days, those of medium hardiness re-
quired 55 to 60 days, whereas the most winterhardy required 60 to
65 days.
Rice was vernalized at 3 ~ to 5 ~ C. by Ossewaarde (55) in Hol-
land. The time periods were 2 weeks and 5 weeks. The vegeta-
tive period was shortened 2 to 7 days and the yield of straw and
grain were increased by the two-weeks treatment.
The high-temperature method has been used also for vernalizing
rice as indicated below.
Forage Plants
~epikova (11, 12) reports that Alopecurus pratensis (meadow
foxtail) and Phleum pratense (timothy) produced seed the first
season when the germinated seeds were first vernalized near 3 ~ C.
Trifolium pratense (red clover, double-cut type) produced seed the
first season when the seed was vernalized at 10~ to 12~ C. for 10
Zerling and ~epikova (75, 76) carried out additional tests and
found that Trifolium pratense (red clover, single-cut type) seeded
the first season when vernalized 20 to 40 days at 3 ~ to 8 ~ C. These
investigators report that vernalized meadow foxtail, timothy and
red clover were earlier and gave higher yields than the controls the
second season. In other words, the autumn, winter and spring
conditions seemingly did not have an equalizing effect on the con-
trols when compared with the vernalized lots. The timothy seemed
to show the greatest benefit the second season from vernalization
of the year previous.
Kostov (38) reported favorable results with vetch vernalized for
10 days at 8 ~ to 10~ C.
2vanskii (73) and 2vanskii and Spilevskii (74) report that seed
was obtained from winter rape the first season when the germinated
seeds were kept in snow for 16 days and in a cool cellar for 15 days
before sowing on April 23.
Soybean seeds were vernalized by the high-temperature method
in Holland by Elema (15) and by van Hoek (31) and in England
at the Long Ashton Station (2, 118). All reports indicate that
plants from vernalized seed behaved as the plants from the non-
vernalized seed. Negative results were reported from Long Ash-
ton with respect to peas vernalized by the low-temperature method.
In the United States McKee (47) tested the effect of low-tem-
perature vernalization on White lupine (Lupinus albus), crimson
clover (Trifolium incarnatum) hairy vetch (Vicia villosa), Aus-
trian Winter field pea (Pisum arvense), double-cut red clover (T.
pratenae), and white sweet clover (Melilotus alba). Germinated
Miscellaneous Plants
Burr and Turner (10) vernalized seeds of tomato and cucumber
at 1 ~ to 3 ~ C. for 7 to 44 days before sowing. Vernalization re-
duced germination, stunted the plants and reduced fruit yields. In
later tests these investigators ( T u r n e r and Burr 67) found that
vernalization at - 0 . 2 8 ~ C. followed by continuous illumination of
the seedling and young plants for 2 to 24 days hastened maturity
and increased the yield of fruit in tomato. The failure of the first
test is attributed to the fact that the vernalized seed was kept too
long before planting.
Yamamato (72) reports that seed production is favored in radish
(Raphanus sativus L.) when the small seedlings are first subjected
to 0 ~ to 5 ~ C. for 10 to 15 days before placing at warm tempera-
Van Hoek (31) vernalized potato tubers in a lighted box at 18 ~
to 20 ~ C. for 26 days. Plants from vernalized tubers grew more
rapidly, were more vigorous and matured 6 days sooner than the
controls. Twenty-three hills from vernalized and from nonver-
nalized tubers yielded 22.3 and 20.6 kg tubers, respectively. Tubers
from the vernalized series were larger than those from the control.
Chesnokov (13) tested beet seeds (Beta vulgaris var. Egyptian
and Bordeaux) vernalized 43 days and 68 days at 3 ~ to 5 ~ C. The
longer time of exposure increased the amount of bolting the first
season. This treatment induced bolting in almost 2/3 of the plants
in both varieties and seed was produced. Similar results have been
reported by others (4).
In southern New Mexico (56), high yields of sugar beet seed
are obtained in late June and July from seed sown in the field dur-
In general the chilling method of vernalization has been found
to accelerate sexual reproduction with greater certainty than the
high-temperature method in the particular species for which each
method has been recommended. Many workers report that they
have been unable to obtain acceleration with the high-temperature
method and in those cases where acceleration has occurred the com-
mercial advantage has not been evident.
For several years vernalization methods have been tested in many
parts of the world and it is noteworthy that the majority of investi-
gators outside of Russia fail to recognize any great commercial
value to be derived from the methods as applied to the small grains,
rice, corn, sorghum, forage crops and cotton in the regions where
1. ALT_~W,R. L. American Farm Book; or Compend of American Agri-
culture. 325 pp. 1850.
2. [Anon.] Vernalization and phasic development of plants. Imp. Bur.
PI. Genet. Bull. 17. 1935. (L)
3. [Anon.] Vernalization. Bermuda Agr. Bull. 14: 21-23. 1935.*
4. [Anon.] Committee report, Mededeeling Instituut Suikerbietenteeh,
9: 23-24. 1939. [Abst., Facts About Sugar 34 (4). 1939].
5. BA~S^aS~:~A, M. Slowing down the growth of seeds during vernali-
zation. Bull. Iarov. No. 2-3, p. 87-104. Odessa, 1902.
6. Bsz~, G. D. H. Experiments on vernalization. Jour. Agr. Sci. 25:
155-171. 1936.
7. . The effect of low-temperature grain pretreatment, yield
and grain of some varieties of wheat and barley. Jour. Agr. Sci.
27 : 377-393. 1937.
8. BORODIN,D. Yarovization formulas for winter oats. 16 pp.
9. BUILXNX, E. S. On vernalization of winter wheat. Semenovodstvo.
No. 8, 6-7. 1935.*
10. BURR, SYnNsr, ^ND Ttmtcvm, D. M. Vernalization of tomatoes. Gard.
Chron. lII, 98: 288. 1935.
11. ~EPIKOVA,A. R. Vernalization of herbage plants. Senokosy i Past-
biota. No. 1, 432-63. 1935.*
12. . Vernalization of forage plants. Semenovodstvo. No. 6,
34-37. 1935.*
13. CHXSNOKOV,V. A. Vernalization of edible beetroot. Trudy Leuingr.
Obshch. Estestv. Otd. Bot. 63: 101-12. 1934.*
See Summary of Moscow Conference in Herbage Reviews 5: 118-120.
ZThe asterisk (*) following a citation indicates that the lSaper is ab-
stracted in the bulletin listed in citation No. 2. A paper having a compre-
hensive literature list is indicated by the letter (L) following the citation.