Heggerty Week 12 Lesson Plan

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Heggerty Week 12

Intended for First-Grade Students


CC.1.1.1.C - Demonstrate an understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
CC.1.1.1.D - Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words

● How does our knowledge of digraphs help us to blend, add, or delete sounds from a word?

● The students will physically and verbally participate in the Heggerty curriculum
● The students will identify medial sounds, onsets, and rimes
● The students will use their knowledge of phonemes, specifically digraphs, to add, delete, and
blend sounds

● Heggerty week 12 instruction manual

● The students are familiar with the Heggerty routine. They come in from the bathroom break
and walk quietly to the carpet, and wait for instruction.

Active Learning Strategies

● Review the blends and digraphs with the students. Use the premade cards that the Heggerty
instruction manual provides: Letters are ______, sound is ______. Remind the students that
we no longer say, “Letters are _____, sound is _____, like _____.

Sequence of Learning
● Thyme Recognition: Students will use thumbs up or thumbs down vote to signify if two words
● Onset Fluency: Say three words with the same onset. Students will verbalize the onset
● Blending Phonemes: Sound out the phonemes of a word. Students will repeat the whole
● Identify Medial Sound: Use the rollercoaster hand motion. Say a word, have the students
repeat the word, then sound it out together. At the end, students will say the middle phoneme
● Segmenting Phonemes: Say a word aloud. The students will use the chopping hand motion
to sound out the phonemes of the word
● Substituting Phonemes: “_______, change (onset one) to (onset two): _____” The students
will say the new word depending on the changed phoneme
● Adding Phonemes: Say the rime of a word and add a digraph to the beginning. “___ add ___”
● Deleting Phonemes: Say a whole word and take out the digraph. “___ without ___ is ___”
Summarizing Strategy
● There is no summarizing strategy from Heggerty for their instructional style.

● Look for participation. This is a phonemic awareness program that requires total participation
from the students.

● Work one-on-one with students who need extra help or a more in-depth explanation. Use
words that may not have been covered due to time.

Early Finishers
● This lesson will not have early finishers. It is a total participation and whole-group activity.

● There is no enrichment for Heggerty instruction as it is strict to scheduling.

● Provide one-on-one help for the ELL students as the ESL teacher suggests.

● Mitchell must sit in an area on the floor away from distractions on his own carper square.

● Use all hand motions suggested in the instruction manual

● Allow students to respond both verbally and physically.

● “Standards.” SAS, www.pdesas.org/standard/.

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