Commercial Law Review Notes (Prelims)
Commercial Law Review Notes (Prelims)
Commercial Law Review Notes (Prelims)
3. For inward remittances, Foreign investors should bring Purpose of reserve requirements
into the PH at least 200,000USD
1. To service withdrawals
XPN: 2. To manage money supply (the higher amount of money in
- At least 100,000USD required when foreign investor circulation, the higher the prices will go)
will bring in advanced technology as determined by 3. To serve as source of funds for the BSP’s rediscounting
the DOST and will directly hire at least 50 Filipino facility or window
Deposit Liabilities
4. Former natural born Filipinos may acquire land in the PH
Deposit liabilities are accounts deposited as savings to the bank
- He may only choose to acquire rural land or urban Bank Secrecy Law
land; he cannot buy from both rural and urban
- If he chooses urban land, he can only acquire lands GR: It is illegal for any bank officer or employee to disclose any
up to a total of 5,000sqm, but he cannot buy two information relating to any deposit (checking, savings, and time)
lands in one city including investments in government securities
- If he chooses rural land, he can only acquire lands up
to a total of 3Ha XPNS:
- In case both spouses are formerly natural born 1. Written authority from the depositor himself
Filipinos, their total lands must not exceed the 2. In case of impeachment
above-stated land areas, and the lands acquired must - XPN to XPN: if the account is part of the Foreign
be in different locations Currency Deposit Unit, it cannot be inspected
because FCDU provides absolute confidentiality
Who are Filipino Nationals? 3. Upon order of the court, in cases involving
- Bribery
1. Filipino citizens - Dereliction of duties of public officers
Commercial Law Review (Abella)
A receiver is one authorized to recover receivables or other In order for PH Coins to be replaced, there must be no sign of
properties to be turned over to the liquidator filing, clipping, or perforation because the total cost of minting the
coin is more than the value of the coin.
A liquidator distributes whatever assets he may have received
upon order of an authority (follow rules on order of preference) In case of possession of damaged coins, the possessor is
presumed to have caused the damage.
A conservator comes in if a corporation is not yet insolvent but
it has iquidity problems. It handles the properties of a corporation Legal Tender
and regulates its shares in order to avoid shareholders from
withdrawing their shares and to avoid dissipation of assets. - Legal tender is currency in such quantity prescribed by law
or regulation to be acceptable as payment for all
Money vs Currency obligations
- PH notes are acceptable as legal tender for all obligations
Money is anything used as a medium of exchange (thus, - PH coins are acceptable as legal tender only up to a certain
anything can be money). Money is not defined under the law. amount
- Centavo coins are accepted up to 100P
Currency means “in circulation”. Currency as defined under the - Peso Coins are accepted up to 1000P
law is the notes and coins issued by the BSP and are in circulation.
Philippine Money
- Philippine money is called PESO Laws that govern mortgages
- The symbol of Peso under the Central bank is capital letter
P overlapped by two horizontal lines one above the other 1. Civil Code of the Philippines
- Under the BSP, the symbol of Peso is capital letter P or PhP 2. Chattel Mortgage Law
- The unit of peso is called a centavo, with the symbol small 3. Ship Mortgage Decree
letter c 4. Act No. 3135 as amended (REM)
- Philippine money are printed by the BSP in the PH (before
it was imported from England – Thomas La Rue); also, Mortgage
coins are minted in the PH
- The paper used in Philippine money is more of a cloth than A mortgage is a contract whereby real or personal property is
a paper, the raw material is imported recorded to secure the fulfillment of any valid obligation
CHATTEL MORTGAGE LAW (Act No. 1508) - If the creditor is the highest bidder, he need not remit
anything to the sheriff
Pactum Commisorium - If the highest bidder is a third party, the latter
delivers the amount of the bid to the sheriff or NP
The CM is governed by the CM Law. However the NCC in effect
repealed the definition of a chattel mortgage under the CM law. 4. Payment
- If the payment is equivalent to the value of the
Under the NCC, a pactum commisorium is a contract whereby judgment debt, no need to recover
personal property is recorded to secure the fulfillment of any valid - If the payment is in excess, the excess shall be
obligation. returned to the mortgagor
- If the payment is deficient, creditor may recover if the
Where is it recorded? mortgage is covered by the Recto Law
- The Recto law applies only when the mortgage is
- The property under pactum commisorium shall be over the property that the debtor is buying in
recorded at the RD of the city or province where the installment
mortgagor resides. - The Recto law also applies to lease purchase
- If the property mortgaged is in another city or province, agreement
the same shall also be registered in the RD where the
property may be found. 5. Certificate of Sale
- If the property mortgaged are shares of stock, it shall be - Awarded by the sheriff or NP to the highest bidder
registered with the RD where the mortgagor resides (not - This is equivalent to a Deed of Sale
with SEC, there is no such thing as registration with SEC)
- There are no RDs in municipalities because properties can REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (Act No. 3135, as amended)
be easily moved from place to place.
- The requirement of recording the property in the RD is not
for the validity of the mortgage but for constructive notice Governing Law
to the world
The REM is governed by Act 3135. It is a special law creating the
Requirement of registration right of the mortgagee to foreclose the REM extra-judicially
Also refer to RRC and 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure
Affidavit of good faith
- It is a sworn declaration of both the mortgagor and Express authorization as requirement (Rule 39, RRC)
mortgagee that they executed the mortgage in good faith
to secure a valid obligation and not for the purpose of To enable a mortgagee to foreclose a REM, the mortgagor must
fraud expressly authorize the mortgagee to sell the mortgaged property
- If the requirement of affidavit of good faith is not in case of default, either in the deed of mortgage or in a separate
complied, the mortgage is still valid as between the instrument
parties, but not as to third persons because the mortgage
cannot be registered without the affidavit of good faith Banks use printed deeds of REM with the following provision:
“In case of default, the Bank can extra-judicially foreclose pursuant
Remedies of the creditor in case of default of the principal debtor to Act No. 3135.” However, according to a SC Circular, mere
reference to Act No. 3135 is not enough. In case of default, the bank
1. Foreclosure of CM; OR must be expressly authorized to sell the property in order to effect
2. File ann action for specific performance EJ foreclosure, otherwise, it can only be foreclosed judicially.
4. Sheriff prepares the notice of auction sale and the latter is the highest bidder is 3 months (90 days) or before
- Posting in at least 3 public places in city or the bank could register its title to the property, whichever comes
municipality where the property is located first. If the bank is not the highest bidder, right of redemption is still
NB: ask sheriff to issue certificate of posting as proof one year.
of posting
- Publication in a newspaper of general circulation Who are entitled to the right of redemption?
once a week for two consecutive weeks
NB: 1. Mortgagor
- Ask publisher certificate of publication and copy - Property right; right is transferrable
of all the issues of the newspaper as proof of - Right of redemption may not be waived; any waiver is
publication void for being contrary to public policy
- If there is an error in publication, immediately 2. Mortgagor’s successor in interest
ask the publisher to correct the error 3. Judgment creditor of the mortgagor
The right of the mortgagor to redeem the property subject of - It may be done in two ways:
foreclosure within one year from date of registration of the 1. Ask sheriff to issue final certificate of sale
certificate of sale with the RD 2. Execute an affidavit of non-redemption, which
is less expensive than the first
The one-year redemption period is 365 days. This is not the
same with 12 months, which is only 360 days - Pay to the BIR the following:
1. DST – within five days from expiration of RP
Under the General Banking Law, the period of redemption 2. CGT / Withholding Taxes – within 30 days from
when the mortgagor is juridical person and mortgagee is the bank expiration RP
Commercial Law Review (Abella)
Cooperative Bank
Ownership of Other Banks
It is one set up and owned by cooperatives. There are no
- UB can own 100% of just one other UB or KB. There is no individual stockholders, all are cooperatives. Under cooperative
limit on the number of smaller banks it can own. office, but bank under the BSP.
- if Universal Bank invests allied or non-allied, the limit is
equivalent to 50% of net worth but only up to 25% in a Rural Bank
single enterprise
It is organized to provide banking services in rural communities,
Commercial Banks to farmers/tenants or simply stated, in rural areas. It is recognizable
by “Rural” in its corporate name.
It is not defined in law. The law only identifies its powers and
functions: Islamic Banks
1. To accept deposits in checking or current accounts subject Note: There is only one, owned by the government of the DBP
to withdrawal as a controlling SH.
- However, the BSP may license other banks to accept There are no interests earned on deposits because it is
similar deposits; Rural banks/Thrift banks do not considered immoral, but there may be profit sharing.
accept checking accounts except when expressly
authorized by MB Regulation of banks
2. To open letters of credit
- MB licensed savings bank to do the same, e.g Ph - Under the law, only corporations under supervision of the
Business Bank MB may use “Bank” or “Banking” in corporate name.
3. To engage in allied enterprises - Banks are prohibited from directly engaging in the
4. To exercise the powers of a corporation business of insurance as an insurer BUT UB can sell
5. As a matter of right, only commercial banks should accept insurance policies of insurance companies which it may
deposits in checking own.
6. accounts/current accounts/commercial accounts/demand - All banks should be organized as a stock corporation and
deposit comply with the requirements of the MB for licensing.
- May issue letters of credit - For banks to open branches and ATMs, it must first obtain
- Lend money a permit from the MB
- Trading of government securities - Single borrowers limit is the maximum amount a person
- Foreign transactions can borrow from the bank
- Safety deposit box
Employment and business
Ownership of Other Banks
- Banks should have employees on permanent basis to
KB can own 100% of just one other KB. There is no limit on the strengthen the secrecy law
number of smaller banks it can own to encourage merger or - Directors and officers must pass the fit and proper rule,
consolidation. wherein MB passed a circular for the requirements, one of
which is college degree
Commercial bank limit is 35% of equity, but still with a
maximum of 25% per industry. Requirements for organizing a bank