Final Synopsis
Final Synopsis
Final Synopsis
Performance can be defined as the actual output delivered to the organization when provided
with certain roles and responsibilities within a given period of time.Performance appraisal is
evaluation of the performance of an employee for a defined period of time. Any organizations‟
development is primarily based on its employees‟ efficiency and attitude towards the
organizational goal Neeraj Kumari.These
appraisals can be used in deciding the pay, career prospects, training. Performance appraisal is
normally given to the employee to the next superior designated personwho would observe the
employees' efforts, performance and efficiency. Performance Appraisal creates a negative
effect on the employees as well as towards the organizational objectives. performance
management systems as concerned with directing and supporting employees to work as
effectively and efficiently as possible in line with the needs of the organization Coelho.Broadly,
performance management, which is continuous process must contain performance appraisal to
assess the employees stand in pursuing individual as well as organizational goals. Performance
appraisal simply serves as an aid for managers in the process of performance management.
Performance Planning: According to T V Rao, “It is defined as systematic outlining of the
manager‟s activities which are expected to undertake during specified period contributing for
organizational outcome.” The performance of each mentee was given by ratings from their
superiors. Significant relations were
found between interaction opportunities and both motivation and commitment, and between
relationship closeness and both these attitudes Orper.c ,(1997).It is just a beforehand blueprint
of future plans to be implemented and accomplished. Appraiser: A person who undertakes/ is
given the responsibility to evaluate in terms of performance, skills and ability of his team
(individually) or subordinates or employees at the immediate next & down level of superiority is
called appraiser.Appraisee: A person who is being evaluated (knowingly or unknowingly) by the
Appraiser is called Appraisee Performance Review Discussion: It is the brainstorming and
thought sharing activity performed by appraiser and appraisee. It is also called performance
counseling. Here, even the negative feedback must be given in a positive and constructive way
by the appraiser.Self-Appraisal: A notes developed by an employee about the tasks and
accomplishments performed by to know variations for the last year and now in his performance
even if organization does not mandate its requirement.Performance indicators (PIs) and
performance measurement are popular International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Special Issue 448 topics in management literature nowadays. However, hardly ever is attention
paid to the consequences of the relationships that often exist between the different PIs for
designing effective, consistent performance management systems for organizations as whole.
Flapper.S.Dyadic performance: The role played by the boss in accomplishment of goals of
his/her subordinate is often neglected. The role played and actions performed are called dyadic
performance. Boss and subordinate are called Dyads.
Bezos is known to approach with lead by lean, Six Sigma–style processes that enable Amazon to
offer the best possible customer experience at the best possible price
But Amazon arguably gets its edge by using a data-driven clear metrics to measure both
consumer and employee behavior.
In Gallup's more objective assessment of the company's work ethos, Sean Boyle—head of
finance for Amazon Web Services—said, "Data creates a lot of clarity around decision-making.
Data is incredibly liberating."
So is performance management at Amazon about liberating employees to make the best
decision on behalf of the customer or is it as ruthless and unfair as the Times suggested?
Review of literature:
Review of literature :
Performance management system sets expectations for employee performance and motivates
employees to work hard. It involves identifying strengths andweaknesses of employees in their
performance as it sets work standards, measureactual performance and gives feedback to
employee regarding performance.
Behavioral factors play in the successful implementation and use of performance management
systems that are based on critical success factors, key performance indicators and the balanced
Performance appraisal indicates the level of desired performance, the level of actual
performance and the gap between the two. Once the gap is found, it can be bridged through
training and development.
➢ Input dimension
➢ Time dimension
➢ Focus dimension
➢ Quality dimension
➢ Cost dimension
Performance appraisals are systematic ways of measuring, reviewing and analyzing employee
performance over a given period of time, and using the information gathered to plan for the
employee’s future with the organization. This periodical, impartial feedback is used to judge
employee effectiveness as well as provide necessary development and training to improve the
employee’s contributions to the organization’s goals.
Research Methodology
Research Design:
Sample Design
Due to the limitation of the study, the researcher had to select a sample 100 Employees
for each supervisor by simple random sampling method. All selected employes participated in
the research..
The required data for the study was collected by the researcher personally in the company. The
researcher was neutral and alert during the study.
The activities, actions and full range of interpersonal interactions of each supervisor were
observed in natural situation by anecdotal record method. The factual description of the
incident and the interpretations of the researcher were kept separate. Also observable
company process was observed for the climate and conditions of the work environment
Aims and Objectives:
A performance appraisal is a systematic and objective method of judging the quality of an
employee in performing his job and a part of guiding and managing career development. It is
the process to obtain, analyze, and record the information about the relative worth of an
employee to the organization
According to 360-DFM, the opinion of the company about performance of supervisors should
be measured. The opinionnaire had three parts according to three aspects of supervisors’
Its has been identified that only sixty percentage of the Respondents agrees that the performance
management system is working effectively
Eighty percentage of Respondents are sentient of theperformance management
It has identified that only sixty five percentage of the Respondents feel contented with the target fixing
Almost fifty percentage of Respondents say that their superior are giving endorsement to fulfill their