Be Tolerant in Diversity
Be Tolerant in Diversity
Be Tolerant in Diversity
Truth to be told, the day will never be bright without the sun's light and the night will
never be bright without the moon and the stars, and this place will never be bright
without my greeting. Then guys, please answer my kind greeting by flaming spirits.
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
First of all, let’s all express our gratitude toward The Almighty, Allah SWT who has given us
His endless blessing and grace so that in this very special moment we are all here attending
this event in very good condition and without any troubles at all.
Secondly, Shalawat and salam to our prophet, is the best man leader of leader Muhammad
SAW, who has saved and brought us, his community and society from the dark way to the
bright way, from immoral to moral society that we have been living in today. Also, to his
families, friends and whole followers until the end of time.
Last but not least, I’d like to thank the amazing judges for giving me this very special and
golden opportunity to compete in this contest together with other amazing contestants.
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. My name is Keisha Khayyirah Putribuma and I am
from Junior Highschool 28 Palembang, standing here today before you all. I bet you are
feeling as amazing as I am this moment. Through this opportunity, let me deliver all of you
here a speech about being tolerant in diversity. Then, "sshhh" pay your attention, please. I
would like to present you all my magnificent perfomance that is about "Be Tolerant in
Ladies and gentlemen, we must be very happy and thankful to live the life as one nation in
our beloved country, the country of diversity which is Indonesia. As we all know that
Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest population in the world with more than 281
million people are living side by side in diversity. Other facts every single one here should
know about Indonesia is that this country is the one with the number of islands reaching
1,300 different ethnic groups, 17,000 various yet beautiful islands and more than 1000
languages spread througout the regions of the country. Indonesia’s diversity in culture, food,
plants, animals, landscapes and people makes those who have been living in this country
feels like being into hundreds countries melted amazingly into one. Every island and region
contains such a unique mixture and dirrefent cultures.
But, there is just one question, we know and agree that Indonesia is famous for its
extraordinary diversity, so how do Indonesian people live in harmony in diversity? The
answer is to be tolerant in diversity and promote tolerance itself.
Ladies and gentlemen, before we move on to a more in-depth discussion, let me ask you two
interesting questions, what is tolerance? How important is the tolerance in the society?
Let me let you know this. Tolerance is an ability for someone to accept habits, feelings,
behaviors and beliefs that are different from one’s own with which the one might not agree
or might not approve. If you are tolerant means that you accept other people's opinions and
preferences, even when those people live in various ways that you don't agree with.
Tolerance also defines that you don't put your opinions and perspectives above those of
others, even when you are sure that your opinions and perspectives are right.
Is tolerance essential in the society? Yes, it is. Tolerance is essential in the society. Tolerance
helps in creating a peaceful and harmonious environment where every single one is able to
make acceptance to other's ideas and opinions. We need to appreciate that everyone has
their own beliefs, cultures, feelings and values, which must be embraced and respected.
When we all are able to show our tolerences to each other, we are able to lead to a happy,
loving, and triumphant society.
In order to uphold the harmony in diversity in the community, mutual respect from all
members of the community, especially those who are living in this beautiful Indonesia is
practically needed, not just a string of words and mere seduction. To establish this mutual
respect, it’s an obligation for all of us and every single one of you out there to be tolerant
toward each other, because we realize that we are also the members of this community.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are aware that upholding high tolerance in diversity is a crucial
thing for us to do together in order to create a harmonious life in the diversity that we have.
However, we also have to be wise in tolerating everything that happens in the social life. Do
not let this instead plunge us into the abyss of destruction by tolerating things that should
actually not be tolerated properly. Use it when you think you should do, stop it when you
think you shouldn’t do.
Ladies and gentlemen, might be the time is over, but to end this speech, let me share you a
quote says, “We become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different
beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes and different dreams”. Thankyou very much for
your kind attentions.