The document describes the procedure for nasogastric tube feeding. It lists 20 steps for the procedure including explaining it to the patient, positioning them, inserting and securing the tube, checking placement, administering feeding through the tube over 10-15 minutes, flushing the tube, and monitoring and recording the patient's condition. It also provides a table to record if steps were fully, partially, or not performed along with space for remarks.
The document describes the procedure for nasogastric tube feeding. It lists 20 steps for the procedure including explaining it to the patient, positioning them, inserting and securing the tube, checking placement, administering feeding through the tube over 10-15 minutes, flushing the tube, and monitoring and recording the patient's condition. It also provides a table to record if steps were fully, partially, or not performed along with space for remarks.
The document describes the procedure for nasogastric tube feeding. It lists 20 steps for the procedure including explaining it to the patient, positioning them, inserting and securing the tube, checking placement, administering feeding through the tube over 10-15 minutes, flushing the tube, and monitoring and recording the patient's condition. It also provides a table to record if steps were fully, partially, or not performed along with space for remarks.
The document describes the procedure for nasogastric tube feeding. It lists 20 steps for the procedure including explaining it to the patient, positioning them, inserting and securing the tube, checking placement, administering feeding through the tube over 10-15 minutes, flushing the tube, and monitoring and recording the patient's condition. It also provides a table to record if steps were fully, partially, or not performed along with space for remarks.
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Wolkite University
College of Medicine and Health sciences
Department of Nursing Type of procedure: a Nasal- gastric Tube Feeding Name of student______________________________ ID No: _______________
2= completely performed 1= partially performed 0= not Performed
S/No Procedure steps 2 1 0 Remarks
1. Explain the procedure to the patient, provide privacy 2. Perform hand hygiene and put on disposable gloves if available 3. Position the client with the head of the bed elevated at least 30 degree angle to 45 degree angle 4. If NG tube is not in place follow the NG tube insertion procedure and insert the tube and secure it. 5. Confirm correct placement of the tube 6. Cover the patient’s chest with the towel to protect him/her from spills of food. 7. Aspirate stomach contents to determine amount of residual and measure it if the residual is over 50-100 ml in adults and 10 ml or more infants, hold the feeding until residual diminishes or subtract the withdrawn amount from the total feeding and administer the rest. 8. Reinstall the gastric contents to the stomach to prevent electrolyte imbalance. 9. Before the feeding solution has drained from the neck of the bottle, instil 50-60 ml of water through the tube, to prevent tube feeding syndrome and further blockage. 10. Remove air from the feeding tubes and attach it to the nasogastric tubes 11. Hang bottle on IV stand beside patient and run the food through the giving set or if a syringe is to be used remove plunger from barrel of syringe and attack barrel to nasogastric tube. 12. Deliver feeding over the desired length of time (as ordered). Usually 200- 350 ml Over 10-15 minutes is given. 13. After the administration of the appropriate amount of food, flush the tube by adding about 60ml of water to the syringe. 14. Discontinue the NG tube feeding disconnect the syringe from the feeding tube. 15. Close the tip of the NG tube with its plug cap 16. Leave the patient in semi sitting position of slightly elevated right lateral position for at least 30minutes. 17. Communicate with your patient. 18. Clean and return used equipment. 19. Wash your hand 20. Record the amount given and the patient’s general condition. Wolkite University College of Medicine and Health sciences Department of Nursing Type of procedure: Gastric Lavage Name of student______________________________ ID No: _______________
2= completely performed 1= partially performed 0= not Performed
S/ Procedure steps 2 1 0 Remarks
No 1. Explain the procedure to the patient 2. Perform hand hygiene 3. Assemble the necessary equipment. 4. Keep patient privacy and position the patient 5. Protect client and bed linen with towel and rubber sheet 6. Done single use examination glove 7. Pass NG tube if the tube is not in place 8. Assess the correct placement by aspirating stomach contents, or by listening gosh of air while the client exhales. 9. Once you confirm proper placement of the tube, begin gastric lavage by instilling about 250ml of irrigating solution to assess the patient’s tolerance and prevent vomiting. 10. Fill the small jug with water/ solution, measure and pour gently until the funnel is empty. 11. Take specimen, if required, and continue the process until the returned fluid becomes clear and the prescribed solution had been used. 12. Instruct the client to take deep breath and hold it to close epiglottis 13. Monitor patient’s vital signs, urine output, and level of consciousness every 15 minutes and notify the physician for any changes. 14. Give mouth wash 15. If ordered, gently remove the tube, feel the client’s tube, and watch the respiration 16. Remove glove, hand wash, Clean or discard used equipment. 17. Comfort the patient 18. Record the procedure, including the time, date, type of irrigating solution and the amount of
Notes on Nursing - What It Is, and What It Is Not: With a Chapter From 'Beneath the Banner, Being Narratives of Noble Lives and Brave Deeds' by F. J. Cross