Shivani Shikha Internship Project
Shivani Shikha Internship Project
Shivani Shikha Internship Project
A brief study on consumer awareness and preference analysis of
Sudha Milk product in Bihar
Tirhut Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Ltd
From 21-10-2022 to 20-11-2022
I take this opportunity in expressing my sincere gratitude to my teachers, guide and others who Chapter Topic
have helped me in completing my project work in particular and my course in general.
First of all I would like to express my thanks to management of the dairy for allowing me to
a) Dairy industry profile
complete my training here .
b) About the company
c) About the study
I am thankful for my training guide at Muzaffarpur dairy , for their proper guidance, co-
d) Objective of the study
operation and valuable suggestions. It would be difficult task to complete this project report
e) Limitation of the study
without his co-operation and guidance.
2........................................RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
a) Study of the Objective
b) Research design
c) Sampling technique
I am extremely thankful to my able guide Professor Sandeep Kumar, Banaras Hindu University
d) Sampling plan
, for his all along suggestions and dynamic guidance to me.
e) Data collection methods
f) Methods of analysis
And lastly that name who encouraged and assists me, every time in my life. He always tries to
boost up my morality therefore I easily overcome all hindrances. That name goes to my loving
3.......................................DATA ANALUSIS AND INTERPRETATION
parents and all family members.
a) Anova test
CHAPTER 01 Dairy enterprise is an important occupation of the farmer. In India, nearly 70% of the people
depend on agriculture. It is the backbone of India. It is mainly a rural occupation closely as-
sociated with agriculture. More than 2,445 million people economically active in agriculture
in the world, probably 2/3 or even more ¾ of them are wholly or partly dependent on livestock
farming. India is endowed with rich flora & fauna & continues to be vital avenue for employ-
ment and income generation, especially in rural areas. The dairy sector in the India has shown
remarkable development in the past decade and India has now become one of the largest pro-
ducers of milk and value-added milk products in the world. The dairy sector has developed
INTRODUCTION through co-operative in many parts of the state. Traditionally, in India dairying has been a
rural cottage industry. Semi-commercial dairying started with the establishment of military
dairy farms and co-operative milk unions throughout the country towards the end of the 19th
century. In earlier years, many households owned their own ‘family cow’ or secured milk from
neighbors who had one. With the increase in urban population fewer households could afford
to keep a cow for private use & moreover there were other problems also like the high cost of
milk production, problem of sanitation etc. restricted the practice; and gradually the family
cow in the city was eliminated and city cattle were all sent back to the rural areas. Gradually
farmers living near the cities took advantage of their proximity to the cities & began supplying
to the urban population; this gave rise to the fluid milk sheds we see today in every cities of
our country. Prior to the 1850s most milk was necessarily produced within a short distance of
the place of consumption because of lack of suitable means of transportation and refrigeration.
The Indian Dairy Industry has made rapid progress since Independence. A large number of
modern milk plants and product factories have since been established. These organized dairies
have been successfully engaged in the routine commercial production of pasteurized bottled
milk and various Western and Indian dairy products. With modern knowledge of the protec-
tion of milk during transportation, it became possible to locate dairies where land was less
expensive and crops could be grown more economically. In India, the market milk technology
may be considered to have commenced in 1950, with the functioning of the Central Dairy of
Aarey Milk Colony, and milk product technology in 1956 with the establishment of AMUL
Dairy, Anand. Indian dairy sector is still mainly an unorganized sector as barely 10% of our
total milk production undergoes organized handling. Beginning in organized milk handling
was made in India with establishment of Military Dairy Farms. Handling of milk in co-oper-
ative Milk Unions established all over the country on a small scale in the early stages. Long
distance refrigerated rail-transport of milk from Anand to Mumbai since 1945 pasteurization
and bottling of milk on a large scale for organized distribution was started at Aarey (1950),
Calcutta (Haringhata, 1959 ), Worli (1961), Madras(1963) etc. establishment of Milk Plants
under the Five-Year plans for Dairy Development all over India. These were taken up with
the dual object of increasing the national level of milk consumption and ensuing better returns
to the primary milk producer. Their main aim was to produce more, better and cheaper milk.
The National Dairy Development Board was created to promote, finance and support Co-operative companies playing in Dairy industry and its brands:
producer-owned and controlled organizations. NDDB’s programmes and activities seek to
strengthen farmer cooperatives and support national policies are favorable to the growth of
such institutions. Fundamental to NDDB’s efforts are cooperative principles and the Anand
A commitment to help rural producers help themselves has guided the Dairy Board’s work Andhra Andhra Pradesh Dairy Development co- Vijaya
for more than 30 years. This commitment has been rewarded with achievements made by Pradesh operative Federation Limited(APDDCF)
cooperative dairies in milk production, employment generation, and per capita availability
of milk, foreign exchange saving and increased farmer incomes. Bihar Bihar State Co-operative Milk Producers Sudha
The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) has replaced exploitation with empower- Federation Limited(COMPFED)
ment, convention with modernity, stagnation with growth and transformed dairying into an Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing
instrument for the development of Indian farmers.
Gujarat Amul,Sagar
Federation Limited(GCMMF)
The National Dairy Development board was created in 1964 in response to the Prime Min-
Haryana Haryana Dairy Development co-operative Vita
ister Lal Bahadur Shastri’s call to “transplant the spirit of Anand in many other places . He
wanted the Anand model of dairy development- with institutions owned by rural producers, Federation Limited(HDDCF)
which were sensitive to their needs and responsive to their demands-replicated in other parts
of the country. Himachal Himachal Pradesh State Co-operative Milk
Pradesh Producers Federation Limited (HPSCMPF)
The Board’s creation was routed in the conviction that our nation’s socio- economic progress
lies largely on the development of rural India. Karnataka Co-operative Milk Producers Nandini
Thus NDDB’s mandate is to promote, finance and support producer-owned and controlled Federation Limited(KMF)
organizations. NDDB’s programmes and activities seek to strengthen farmer cooperatives
and support national policies that are favorable to the growth of such institutions. Kerala Kerala State Co-operative Milk Marketing Milma
Federation Limited (KCMMF)
NDDB believes that the 7,000-crore(Rs.70-billion) milk cooperative market is getting much
more competitive and wants to strengthen the position of cooperatives through a multi- Madhya Madhya Pradesh state Co-operative dairy Sanchi,
pronged action plan with an outlay of Rs. 800 crores (Rs.8-billion). This includes using
MDFL to enter into 51:49 joint venture companies with state cooperative federations to Pradesh Federation Limited(MPCDF) Shakti,Sneha
assist them with marketing value added products and to help them in other ways to become Orissa Orissa State Co-operative Milk Producers Omfed
self-reliant enterprises.
Federation Limited (OMFED)
Tirhut Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Limited, Muzaffarpur Dairy, Bihar created modern
value – Added processing and production facilities. It has a range of delicious Indian sweets
under the brand name of “SUDHA” in its fold viz Rasgula, Gulabjamun, Peda, Kalakand,
Milk cake, Misthi Dahi, Sweetened condensed milk product called Sudha Special, Paneer.
Now “SUDHA” has been the synonymous of quality in the area of milk and milk products and
has become household name in the eastern part of the country. Two new fresh products i.e.
Ramdana Lie and Kaju Barfi have been introduced recently. Their demand in market is very
much encouraging.
Request for Technology transfer for Indigenous milk products by Mother Dairy, Delhi speaks
about our competency in area of product development. Tirhut Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh
Limited, Muzaffarpur Dairy, Bihar has first introduced Peda making machine in this part of
region to cater to need of grooming demand of desiccated milk products.
Modern technologies in animal breeding and feeding have been adopted by a significant num-
ber of farmers. The conditions for long term growth in procurement have also been created.
Technical input services including artificial Insemination, balanced cattle feed/bypass proteins
fed, better fodder
varieties and emergency veterinary health services have not only helped in raising and sustain-
ing milk production but have also ensured a better quality of life in the village. All these could Tirhut Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Limited, Muzaffarpur Dairy, Bihar
happen because farmer’s productive capacity has been linked with professional management
in fine tuning. At a glance
When farmer have structure like Tirhut Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Limited, Muzaffarpur 1. Year of Establishment 1982
Dairy at their command with the close assistance of efficient professional management, they
have the means to ensure that the fruits of science and technology reach all those who benefits.
2. Initial Plant Capacity 25000 Liters
It is only when such structures exist those farmer’s develop confidence getting an assured re-
munerative price for their produce. This is turn stimulated investment in productivity. Further,
farmers also demand the delivery of services and inputs they need to realize returns on their 3. Present Plant Capacity 100000 Liters
investment. Such structure can perhaps educate farmers to the fragile nature of the environ-
ment and the need to conserve it. 4. Handling Capacity 65000 Liters
Tirhut Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Limited, Muzaffarpur Dairy, Bihar has been identi- 5. Storing Capacity 127000 Liters
fied by NDDB as one of the largest milk union in Eastern India where clean milk Production
scheme has been launched. Now village cooperatives in a village are a clean well and orderly
placed. The villages are cleaner, better-fit and more orderly before our cooperatives began to Chilling Centers at TIMUL
operate. When the people of a village see cleanliness, sanitation, hard work and discipline in
the cooperative and when they know that the cooperative serves them well, does it not lead
1. Sitamarhi 15000 LPD
them to bring more of these qualities in to their own life?
Besides rural employment the union gas also created urban employment significantly by en- 2. Motihari 15000 LPD
gaging dealers and retail outlet for its variety of wholesome products. 3. Gopalganj
The Muzaffarpur Dairy has adjudged the best performing dairy for the year of 1997-98. Cost 4. Sahebganj
reduction and technology Management, Modernization of process and plant technology, qual- 5. Bettiah
ity assurance program leading to ISO 9000:2000 and HACCP certification, high tech informa-
tion management and high profile human resource Management, all are measures under way
Numbers of Tankers
to update the technology available to rural producers / our employees / our customers / our
suppliers / our dealer / our retailer /all one associates direct or indirect and so further improve
1. Small tankers 12
their socio – health.
2. Big tankers 7
The union has been conferred with “National Industries Excellence Award” by world econom-
ics process society (WEPS) new Delhi for its contribution in Samman puruskar by Indian Marketing areas
economic development and research association (IEDRA) New Delhi for its significant contri-
bution towards socio- economic growth of rural India by providing rural employment The im- □ Muzaffarpur
pact of Tirhut Dugdh Utpadak Sahkari Sangh Limited, Muzaffarpur Dairy, Bihar, established □ Motihari
in the region, resulted “Pride of India” award, International Gold star Millennium Award & □ Bettiah
Kohinoor Award conferred to its managing Director. □ Raxaul
□ Sitamarhi
□ Gopalganj
□ Siwan
□ Sahebganj
Area of Operation
LASSSI 200gm,
There are six district level Milk producers Co-operative Unions affiliated to the
Milk Federation. These milk unions are covering twenty six districts and in addi-
tion five districts are being covered by the Federation. RASGULLA 250 gm,500gm,7kg,18kg
1. Vaishali Patliputra Milk Union, Patna: - Patna, Vaishali, Nalanda, Saran and Siwan
GULABJAMUN 500gm,7kg,18kg
2. DR Milk Union, Barauni: - Begusarai, Khagaria, Lakhisarai, Shekhpura and some DAHI 100 gm,7kg,18kg
village of Munger and Saharsa districts.
PANEER 200gm,400gm
3. Tirhut Milk Union, Muzaffarpur: - Muzaffarpur, Sitamarhi, Sheohar, E. Champaran
and Bettiah districts.
4. Shahabad Milk Union, Arrah: - Bhojpur, Buxar, Kaimur and Rohtas districts.
RABRI 100gm,
5. Mithila Milk Union, Samastipur: - Samastipur, Darbhanga and Madhubani districts.
Ramdana lie 100gm,
6. Bhagalpur Milk Union, Bhagalpur: - Bhagalpur, Munger, Banka and Jamui Dis-
tricts. Kaju Barfi 250gm,500gm
The districts of East and West Singhbhum, Ranchi, Bokaro and Dhanbad now in
Jharkhand are being covered by the dairies directly under the control of Milk Fed-
eration for the supply of milk and milk products to the urban consumers in these
cities. Procurement of milk has been taken up in Ranchi districts only.
MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS New Product Launches:-
Our products are available in market under brand name “Sudha”. These products are pro- Sudha cool sip
duced keeping in view the taste and preferences of consumers. Our main products are as Sudha Mattha
follows:- Sudha milk honey
Sudha milk powder
After the new product idea passes the screening stage, it is subjected to ‘concept testing’. Process Engineering
Concept testing is different from test marketing, which takes place at a large stage. What is
tested at this stage is the product concept itself- whether the prospective consumers under-
stand the product idea, whether they are respective towards the idea, whether they actually
need such a product and whether they will try out such a product if it is made available to
them. In fact, in addition to the specific advantage of getting the consumers response to the Manufacturing
product idea, this exercise incidentally helps the company to bring the product concept into
clearer focus. Concept testing helps the company to choose the best among the alternative
product concepts. Consumers are called upon to offer their comments on the precise written Testing
description of the product concept, viz, the attributes and expected benefits.
Final Product
(4) Business Analysis:
(If there is no failure during testing). The possibility of reducing this cycle to half and for
The purpose of business analysis is to develop estimated projections of the sales, costs, and speeding up the development, a concept of concurrent engineering is practice. It uses hi-tech
profitability of the proposed new product over 5-7 years. It is computer hardware and software tools, in conjunction with high speed satellite communication
a detailed analysis in terms of to design, test, process engineer, manufacture tolling, and so forth, simultaneously instead of
in a long sequence. All this is done to ensure that new products are developed and launched in
a).Required investment in plant, equipment, working capital, and market development; the market before the competitors.
b) Market potential, sales forecast, customer and competitive analysis;
c) Costs of product development, manufacturing and marketing the product; (6). TEST MARKETING:
d) Likely price levels, profitability and return on investment, and so on.
In industrial marketing, market testing is done by using different methods. These are alpha and
It is not a right decision to assign the task of business analysis to those persons who have either beta testing, introduction of new product at trade shows, testing in distributer/dealer show-
proposed the new product idea or who are advocating its acceptance, because of their excessive rooms, and test marketing. The choice of the method of testing depends on the size and cost of
optimism or having vested interest. Either management consultants or the corporate planning the product in a short span of time.
staffs, who have experience and skills in strategic planning, marketing, finance, engineering
and production, could be given the task of business analysis. If the projected sales and profits Alpha testing consists of testing the products which are high priced or new technologies, inter-
satisfy the company’s long term objectives or goals, then the new product concept moves to nally in the company. The product is done to evaluate the performance parameter and operating
the next of product development. It should be noted that the projections made in business costs. If the results of an in-company testing are satisfactory, the company will go for the sec-
analysis may be revised if new information comes in. ond stage of beta testing at the potential user sites. The sales marketing people should identify
the user firms who would permit confidential testing of the new product at their factories. The
(5). Product Development: marketing and technical people should observe how the user firms use the product, if any prob-
lems are faced while using the new product, and interact with the user firm’s technical and other
Product development is a process in which engineers and technicians create the desired prod- members. If the numbers of users of the new product are small, product testing at relatively
uct. The R & D department develops one or more prototypes of the product concept. The few user sites may suffice. However, in case of large number of industrial users, the result of
development of a prototype will confirm or negate its ability to produce the product with in product testing at few users site may be difficult to generalize.
the cost estimates and performance parameters previously established. The marketing depart-
ment must inform the R & D department about the needs of the customers in term of product If market testing of the new product gives adequate information to decide on launching the
performance and the cost estimates, based on the customer’s reactions on the concept testing new product, the company management decides to go ahead with commercialization.
carried out earlier. The R & D departments challenge is to achieve both the performance and
the cost objectives.
In today’s fiercely competitive market, developing a new product or a new technology is not
enough, how fast the new product is developed and launched in the market is very critical.
Conventional development engineering cycle consists of:
A product is commercialized or launched when it is introduced to a target market. It in- Every study is conducted under some limitations. This study is also no exception. Main limi-
volves implementation of the various activities developed in an action plan as a part of the tations of the study are as follows:-
marketing plan. The activities include training of :-
1.) Due to fast changing marketing environment the analysis may not hold good for a long
sales force, product catalogues, price list introductory advertisements, adequate stocks at the time
company warehouses and /or with dealers/distributors, customer service, and so on. In order
to ensure proper co-ordination and timely completion of many activities involved in launch- 2.) Due to the lack of time, during this limited period the study may not be detailed full-
ing a new product, industrial marketers can use critical path method (CPM) network tech- fledged and useful in all aspects.
nique. The marketing activities have to be synchronized with production to ensure market
entry timing. 3.) It was very challenging to convince people to participate in interview.
In launching a new product, the company must make four decisions: 4.) There was the limited time available each day and lots of tasks had to complete in a day
like preparing a reports, conducting surveys etc.
1.) When should the product to be launched?
Right time.
2.) Where should it be launched?
A single locality,
A region or
National market.
3.) Which group should be targeted?
Existing customers.
4.) How should it be launched?
Develop an action plan for introducing the new product into the rollout markets.
CHAPTER 02 Methodology is a systematic way to undertake the study. It may be understood as a science of
studying how study is done. In fact, success of the research project depends entirely on the data
and therefore the methods employed in the collection of the data.
The main objective of the study is to understand the business environment of Sudha Soan Papri
in Bihar, to know the marketing prospect of Sudha Soan Papri.
Research design indicates the methods of research i.e., the methods of gathering information
and methods of sampling. Research design in the study is descriptive analytical research. It is
designed to describe something, such as demographic characteristics or who use the product.
The sampling techniques involved in this project are convenience sampling technique. The re-
spondents were interviewed at various places like residence and outlet shop of milk products.
1.) Sampling unit: sampling unit consist of only consumers, it mainly comprises of consumers
in Bihar.
2.) Sampling method:convenience sampling method.
3.) Sample size: It consists of 100 consumers.
The information collection process and methodology which I followed secondary data with the
help of Internal source (Life history, Letters, Diaries and Memory), External Sources (Book,
Business Journals, Websites etc.) and other such modes of information generation.
The questionnaire was prepared consisting of structured and non-disguised. The questions CHAPTER 03
were logically and sequentially arranged in the questionnaire so the proper and authentic in-
formation can be obtained from the respondents without any anomalies from the part of the
respondents provided corrects response can obtained.
In order to analysis the data obtained from questionnaire various statistical tools were used DATA ANALYSIS
like the average, percentage, charts and ANOVA test were used.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is an extremely useful technique concerning researches in
the field of economics, biology, education, psychology, sociology, business/industry and in
researches of several other disciplines. Through ANOVA technique one can, in general, in-
vestigate any number of factors which are hypothesized or said to influence the dependent
variable. Under the one- way ANOVA, we consider only one factor and then observe that the
reason for said factor to be important is that several possible types of samples can occur within
that factor.
Table :-2
Gender of respondents
30-50 Years
36% 20-30 Years
The above table and chart shows that out of the total 100 respondents 80% are male and
the rest 20% are female. So, most of the respondents are male.
The above table and chart shows that 49% respondents fall in the category of age group
20 to 30 years, 36% are 30 to 50 years of age, 6% respondents are 10 to 20 years of age
and rest 9% respondents are above 50 years of age. It is therefore inferred that the age
group 20 to 30 constitute the maximum number of customers who come for purchasing
milk products.
Table :-3
Occupation category No. of respondents
Private Government
employee employee
35% 12%
The above table and chart shows that out of the total respondents 91% respondents have
tasted Soan Papri and remaining 9% respondents have not tasted Soan Papri.
The above table and chart shows that out of the total respondents 35% are in private
job 12% are in government job 13% are in business 28% respondents are students and
remaining 12% are unemployed. So, majority of the respondents are private employee.
Table :-5 Table :-6
Loose 4 Amul 37
Branded 51 Haldiram 31
Packed & Branded 43 Bikaji 18
Other specify 2 Any Other 14
Total 100 Total 100
Packed &
The above table and chart shows that out of the total respondents 51% are purchasers of On the brand of soan papri 37% of respondents are of the opinion that they are con-
branded soan papri 43% are packed and branded 4% are loose purchasers and remaining sumers of Amul, 31% are consumers of Haldiram, 18% are consumers of Bikaji and
2% of respondents buy in other forms. So, majority of the purchases branded soan papri. rest 14% are consumers of other brands. From the above data is comes as an inference
that Amul is the most preferred brand of soan papri among customers.
Table :-7 Table :-8
Vegetable Oil No
12% 17%
Pure ghee
The above table and chart shows that out of the total respondents 88% like pure ghee of The above table and chart shows that out of the total respondents 83% respondents like
soan papri and remaining 12% respondents like vegetable oil’s soan papri. flavored soan papri and remaining 17% respondents don’t like flavored soan papri.
Table :-9 Table :-10
Quality Taste
Chocolate Any other Elaichi Flavor 27% 18%
M ango flavor 19%
Orange flavor
21% The above table and chart shows that out of the total respondents 29% consumers are
select soan papri on the basis of brand, 27% are select on the basis of quality, 19% are
select on the basis of availability, 18% are select on the basis of taste and remaining
7% are select on the basis of price.
The above table and chart shows that out of the total respondents 47% prefer for Elichi
flavor, 21% prefer for Orange flavor, 11% prefer for Mango flavor, 9% prefer for chocolate
flavor and rest 12% prefer for any other flavors of soan papri.
Table :-11 Table :-12
On the usage response it comes as inference that 84% of the total respondents are user
of Sudha products and rest 16% are non users of Sudha products. There it may be said
that Sudha has a dominant purchase in the Motihari as 84% of total respondents are
users of Sudha products. Brand
Price value
The above table and chart shows that out of the total respondents 38% respondents are
influence on the basis of product quality, 27% on the basis of brand, 17% on the basis
of availability, 15% on the basis of price value and remaining 3% are influence on the
basis of design of the product.
Table :-13 Table :-14
The above table and chart shows that out of the total respondents 58% says that good,
41% very good and rest 1% say poor. So, majority of the respondents are satisfied with The above table and chart shows that out of the total respondents 52% are satisfied,
packaging. 32% are highly satisfied, 13% are neutral, 2% are dissatisfied and rest 1% are highly
dissatisfied with quality of Sudha products.
Table :-15 Table :-16
The above table and chart shows that out of the total respondents 84% are aware
and rest 16% not aware that Sudha dairy is going to launch soan papri.
The above table and chart shows that out of the total respondents 45% are aware
through Print media, 26% through Outdoor media, 17% through Electronic media and
rest 12% aware through any other media.
Table :-17 Table :-18
Above 500 gm
26% 100 gm 250 gm
5% 18%
500 gm
The above table and chart shows that out of the total respondents 87% are prefer
Sudha soan papri and rest 13% respondents are not prefer Sudha soan papdi.
On package size 51% respondents are of the opinion that they would prefer 500
gm, 18% prefer 250 gm, 5% prefer 100 gm and the rest 26% preferred above 500
gm size of soan papri. In terms of packaging, 500 gm is the preferred quantity by
maximum number of respondents, while above 500 gm package is the second most
preferred packaged quantity.
Table :-19
Equivalent to Amul 18
Equivalent to Haldiram 9
Equivalent to Bikaji 13
Less than above 60
Total 100
Equivalent to
Total 54.960 99
54.960 99
Ho: there is no significant difference of opinion on the influencing factors of soan papri Ho: there is no significant difference of opinion about the quality of Sudha products
on the basis of age among the respondents. on the basis of age among the respondents.
The tabulated value is 0.233 which is greater than 0.05. Therefore, the influencing factor The tabulated value is 0.974 which is greater than 0.05. Therefore, the opinion about
of soan papri is associated with the age among the respondents. Hence, the null hy- the quality of Sudha products is associated with the age among the respondents.
pothesis is rejected. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.
Table :-22 Table :-23
One-way ANOVA
One-way ANOVA
Sum of Mean
Squares df Square F Significance
Sum of Mean
1.002 4 .250 1.586 .184(NS) Squares df Square F Significance
14.998 95 .158 Groups 6.465 4 1.616 .759 .555(NS)
16.000 99 202.375 95 2.130
208.840 99
Ho: there is no significant difference of selection criteria of soan papri on the basis of
gender among the respondents.
Ho: there is no significant difference of influencing factor of soan papri on the basis of
INTERPRETATION: quality of Sudha products.
The tabulated value is 0.184 which is greater than 0.05. Therefore, the selection
criteria of soan papri are associated with the gender among the respondents. Hence, INTERPRETATION:
the null hypothesis is rejected.
The tabulated value is 0.555 which is greater than 0.05. Therefore, the influencing factor
of soan papri is associated with the quality of Sudha products. Hence, the null hypothesis
is rejected.
CHAPTER 04 1.) Most of the customers are aware that Sudha dairy is going to launch soan papri.
□ Male respondents constituted 80% of total respondents.
2.) It is found that out of the total respondents 35% respondents are in private job.
49% respondents are belongs to age group 20 to 30 years.
□ It is found that 91% respondents have tested soan papri.
□ 51% respondents purchase branded soan papri.
□ Majority 88% respondents like pure ghee of soan papri.
FINDING AND SUGGESTION 3.) It is found that 87% respondents like flavoured soan papri.
84% respondents are user of Sudha products.
□ 51% respondents are preferred from 500 gm of packaging size.
□ 45% respondents are aware through the print media.
58% respondents say that the packaging of products is good.
29% respondents select soan papri on the basis of brand.
52% respondents are satisfied with quality of Sudha products.
4.) It is found that 87% respondents are preferred to Sudha soan papri.
1.) Have also come to know from the survey that people want pure and easily available prod CHAPTER 05
uct. In other words it can be said that consumers favors those products that are widely
available at the retail counter.
2.) The company should arrange social as well as cultural programme in the sales territory.
3.) 84% respondents are users of Sudha products, in order to convert 16% of the respondents,
into regular customers; the company should promote products by offering discounts.
4.) Provide home delivery and credit term facility to the consumers. CONCLUSION
5.) Most of the people on whom survey was conducted are satisfied with Sudha products, so
company retains its brand image.
In simple terms market prospective means to reach a product and services is used or consumed REFERENCES
by in the consumers in a well defined market segment with in a definite period of time.
It means how deeply the product is able to establish itself in a market and what percentage
of Sudha soan papri customer in BIHAR market was conducted for Tirhut Dugdh Utpadak
Sahkari Sangh ltd, Muzaffarpur. Where the product is Sudha soan papri which the company is
going to launch in coming winter season. The market is divided in several categories to iden-
1.) Philip kotler, Kevinkeller, Abraham Koshy and Jha, Marketing Management, 12th Edi
tify the uses level of the Sudha soan papri and to get there feedback on the Sudha soan papri
tion, Pearson Education, New delhi,2007.
they are using. The conclusion was basically drowned on the basis of surveys which consist of
a set of questionnaire followed by the personal interview of the respondent.
2.) Kothari, C.R. Research Methodology, New Age International (P) ltd, New Delhi, 2004.
NAME :........................................................................................................................................
Mob no.:.......................................................................................................................................
1.) Gender? :-
A) Male [ ] B) Female [ ]
A) 10 to 20 years [ ] B) 20 to 30 years [ ]
C) 30 to 50 years [ ] D) Above 50 years [ ]
A) Yes [ ] B) No [ ]
A) Loose [ ] B) Branded [ ]
C) Packed and Branded [ ] D) Other Specify [ ]
A) Amul [ ] B) Haldiram [ ]
C) Bikaji [ ] D) Any other [ ]
A) Yes [ ] B) No [ ]
9.) Which flavour of Soan Papdi you prefer? :-
A) Taste [ ] B) Brand [ ]
C) Availability [ ] D) Price [ ]
E) Quality [ ]
A) Yes [ ] B) No [ ]
12.) What are the main factors that influence you to purchase for Sudha Products?:-
15.) Are you aware that Sudha Dairy is going to launch Soan Papdi? :-
A) Yes [ ] B) No [ ]