Password Reset B2+ CST 4B
Password Reset B2+ CST 4B
Password Reset B2+ CST 4B
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Complete the sentences with appropriate words. 3 Underline the correct words. Sometimes both forms
are correct.
1 Some people are disillusioned with the economic
situation and don’t believe they can really 1 This morning, the police spokesperson stated that
____________ a difference. they are / were in the process of investigating the
2 The local authorities have made several case.
____________ to combat the hate crime rate in 2 Our boss just informed us that the meeting
this area. will / would be held in the town hall tomorrow.
3 This organisation wants to make the citizens 3 Martha called me last night and said that she
____________ of the consequences of the new lives / lived in Berlin. I think we might visit her
government’s policy. when the borders open.
4 Some experts believe that this movement will bring 4 He often said that he will / would leave
____________ significant social changes. the company, but in fact, he stayed with the firm
till his retirement last year.
__ / 4
5 The tour guide admitted that tsunamis
2 Complete the sentences with appropriate nouns occur / occurred relatively frequently in this area.
made from the words in the box. There are three __ / 5
extra words.
accept eager tidy guide defend
conclude admit responsible permit