Intro To Seo
Intro To Seo
Intro To Seo
Introduction to SEO
With Innocent Mushamba
The internet is like the city of Harare
Crawling: The process by which search engines discover your web pages.
Indexing: The storing and organizing of content found during crawling.
Ranking: Ordering search results by relevance to the query (words typed into
search bar by the user
Crawling, Indexing and Ranking
Intent is deciphered
through Google’s language
models that initially took
over 5 years to develop
Example for the practical use of intent based search:
Millennials have moments of need, and Google identifies
these as micro-moments:
1) Want-to-know moments
2) Want-to-go moments
3) Want-to-do moments
4) Want-to-buy moments
The relevance of your web pages
The most basic signal that information is relevant is when a
webpage contains the same keywords as your search query. If those
keywords appear on the page, or if they appear in the headings or
body of the text, the information is more likely to be relevant.
Google search
Google Keyword Planner
Plan and write content that is optimized for
Tools and Tips:
● Find the websites that share broken links and reach out to
recommend your own content via email, phone call etc
● Write guest blogs/articles and link back to your site
● Use paid ads
● Promote your content on social media
● Write research and white papers for authority sites
● Feature as a guest in a podcast and link back to your site
Setup & optimize Google My Business account
This has been a Google ranking factor since 2014, and we are moving
to an all-https internet
When you use a website that’s not secure, it messes with your Google
Analytics data, because traffic from HTTPS to HTTP won’t be
recognized as referral traffic (people visiting your website from other
sites via link without using search engine to find the page). Instead it will
go under direct traffic.
Make sure the website is mobile friendly
Url optimization