Every existing power cable network consist of various maintenance requirements.
Non-availability of reliable expertise services has become a serious issue for all power
utility companies in the Middle East region.
Wide range of underground power cables latest testing techniques. Diagnosis, network reliability monitoring and
quality improvement to meet customer's optimum satisfaction is our business main concern.
Why Do You Need Diagnostic Test Program?
Non-destructive diagnostic test program provides significant advantages to your
underground cable system. It ensures,
+ Avoid unexpected cable failures and thus significant overall savings in cable maintenance is realized,
+ Provides an estimation of remaining service life and able to plan future cable replacement.
+ Diagnostic test program creates a comprehensive maintenance data base
+ Many more advantages of operation and maintenance point of view
+ Present condition of reliability of each feeder in the network
‘Through this you will know the network reliability percentage.
TAQQAT technical staff carries out comprehensive
Non-destructive cable diagnostic program VLF, AC Testing associated with
+ Partial Discharge Test and Tan Delta MeasurementPARTIAL DISCHARGE (PD) TEST
+ PD sites are small sparks or discharges that occur in defects in cable
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in the cable)
+ When neglected, cable failures may occur within days to years,
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Let TAQQAT Perform Partial Discharge (PD) Test to assess or evaluate the
present condition of U/G cable.
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workmanship on cable installation.
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We Test your cable system thoroughly and provide
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On your request after careful study we can provide a Benchmark Index
based on tan delta measurement for next five years cable replacement
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+ Conduct wide range of power cable routine and diagnostic tests from low
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‘Technical solutions to customers’ power cable related problems.
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‘Complete cable sheath testing for bonded cable circuits
Cable route tracing and provide accurate as built drawings.
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Undertake complete responsibility of power cable laying at cable trench and tumkey cable project's cable
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Undertake turnkey cable projects13.8kV, 33/34.5kV and 69 kV Civil, Electrical and Mechanical works from
design stage up to commissioning,
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