Mts 004872
Mts 004872
Mts 004872
be certain.
Clip-On Gages
Product Information
100-007-834 B
Copyright information
© 2001, 2008 MTS Systems Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Trademark information
MTS is a registered trademark of MTS
Systems Corporation within the United
States. This trademark may be protected in
other countries.
Publication information
Technical Support 5
Preface 11
Introduction 15
Contents 3
Calibration 21
Calibration Overview 21
Certified Calibration 21
Gain 21
Delta K 22
Symmetrical versus Asymmetrical Clip-On Gages 22
How to Use a Calibration Block 23
How to Use a Calibration Stand 25
Installation 29
Operation 33
4 Contents
Technical Support
How to Get Technical Support
Start with your manuals
The manuals supplied by MTS provide most of the information you
need to use and maintain your equipment. If your equipment includes
MTS software, look for online help and README files that contain
additional product information.
[email protected]
MTS Call Center 800-328-2255
Technical Support 5
Before You Contact MTS
MTS can help you more efficiently if you have the following
information available when you contact us for support.
When you have more than one MTS system, the system job number
identifies which system you are calling about. You can find your job
number in the papers sent to you when you ordered your system.
• How long and how often has the problem been occurring?
6 Technical Support
Know relevant computer information
If you are experiencing a computer problem, have the following
information available:
If you are calling about an issue that has already been assigned a
notification number, please provide that number. You will be assigned a
unique notification number about any new issue.
Technical Support 7
Identify system type
To assist the Call Center agent with connecting you to the most qualified
technical support specialist available, identify your system as one of the
following types:
Be prepared to troubleshoot
Prepare yourself for troubleshooting while on the phone:
• Call from a telephone when you are close to the system so that you
can try implementing suggestions made over the phone.
• If you are not familiar with all aspects of the equipment operation,
have an experienced user nearby to assist you.
8 Technical Support
Problem Submittal Form in MTS Manuals
Use the Problem Submittal Form to communicate problems you are
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acceptable response time. We guarantee a timely response—your
feedback is important to us.
Technical Support 9
10 Technical Support
Before You Begin
Safety first!
Before you attempt to use your MTS product or system, read and
understand the Safety manual and any other safety information provided
with your system. Improper installation, operation, or maintenance of
MTS equipment in your test facility can result in hazardous conditions
that can cause severe personal injury or death and damage to your
equipment and specimen. Again, read and understand the safety
information provided with your system before you continue. It is very
important that you remain aware of hazards that apply to your system.
Preface 11
Documentation Conventions
The following paragraphs describe some of the conventions that are
used in your MTS manuals.
Hazard conventions
As necessary, hazard notices may be embedded in this manual. These
notices contain safety information that is specific to the task to be
performed. Hazard notices immediately precede the step or procedure
that may lead to an associated hazard. Read all hazard notices carefully
and follow the directions that are given. Three different levels of hazard
notices may appear in your manuals. Following are examples of all
three levels.
Danger notices indicate the presence of a hazard with a high level of risk
which, if ignored, will result in death, severe personal injury, or
substantial property damage.
Caution notices indicate the presence of a hazard with a low level of risk
which, if ignored, could cause moderate or minor personal injury,
equipment damage, or endanger test integrity.
Notes provide additional information about operating your system or
highlight easily overlooked items. For example:
12 Preface
Note Resources that are put back on the hardware lists show up at
the end of the list.
Special terms
The first occurrence of special terms is shown in italics.
Illustrations appear in this manual to clarify text. It is important for you
to be aware that these illustrations are examples only and do not
necessarily represent your actual system configuration, test application,
or software.
Hypertext links
The electronic document has many hypertext links displayed in a blue
font. All blue words in the body text, along with all contents entries and
index page numbers, are hypertext links. When you click a hypertext
link, the application jumps to the corresponding topic.
Preface 13
14 Preface
This manual describes the MTS Series 632 Clip-on Gage. Clip-on gages
are extensometers designed to sense crack openings. Opening
displacements are typically used to monitor crack growth in a specimen
during fracture mechanics testing.
Several models of the clip-on displacement gage are available.
Introduction 15
• Some clip-on displacement gages are designed for use at very high
frequencies. Because of their sensitivity, visual monitoring of the
specimen is not required. Crack growth will be apparent on the
Related documentation
This manual covers topics that are common among all transducers.
Specific information about a given clip-on gage is available from the
drawings that are included with it.
• You might have drawings for optional kits for your clip-on gage.
These drawings include specifications and installation information
for the given option.
• You might have a model application drawing that lists the family of
clip-on gages for the model number you purchased. It lists the
specification differences among the clip-on gage family. The
drawing also includes the part number of the installation drawing
for your clip-on gage and the wiring diagram of the connector.
16 Introduction
Clip-On Gage Functional Description
A clip-on gage (extensometer) is a sensor attached to a specimen that
measures a dimensional change (gage length or strain) that occurs in the
specimen while being tested. Clip-on gages use precision resistance-
type strain gages bonded to a metallic element to form a Wheatstone
bridge circuit. Because they are DC devices, they require a DC
conditioner for signal processing.
About DC Conditioning
The transducer requires a DC conditioner to process the transducer
signal. A DC conditioner provides a DC excitation voltage to the
transducer. Any changes to the gage length of the transducer change the
excitation signal. The changed signal is output to the DC conditioner as
feedback. The DC conditioner processes the signal and makes it
available to the controller where the signal may be used.
Introduction 17
About Wheatstone Bridge
The axial transducer uses precision, resistance-type, foil strain gages
bonded to a metallic element to form a Wheatstone bridge. Two knife
edges on the transducer arms contact the specimen. Elongation or
compression of the specimen causes movement of the transducer arms.
This movement bends the metallic element, changing the resistance of
the strain gages. The change in the balance of the Wheatstone bridge
produces an electrical output that is proportional to the displacement of
the transducer arms.
18 Introduction
Transducer Calibration
The DC conditioner and the transducer signal must be calibrated.
Calibration ensures that the transducer signal accurately represents the
gage length measure by the transducer. Calibration involves adjusting
the excitation voltage and gain of the DC conditioner to achieve the
desired transducer signal. The purpose of calibration is to equate a
specific transducer displacement to a specific voltage. When the
transducer is calibrated, it is matched to a DC conditioner. If either
component of the matched pair is changed, recalibration is required.
Introduction 19
20 Introduction
This section describes how to calibrate a Product Name with a
controller. Calibration ensures the output from the clip-on gage
accurately represents the displacement measured by the clip-on gage.
Two adjustment methods are described.
Calibration Overview
The calibration process coordinates the interaction between the
transducer, a DC conditioning circuit, and a cable. Calibration of a
transducer is a two step process:
Certified Calibration
MTS Systems Corporation offers a transducer calibration service. The
service offers full calibration (including verification) of your transducer
to ASTM E83. Further information on the verification procedure can be
found in the two predominant standards for transducers, ASTM E83 and
ISO 9513.
The conditioner is designed to have an output of approximately ±10 V at
the full-scale displacement of the desired range. Most transducers may
be used with this conditioner to obtain full-scale ranges down to 10% of
the full travel range of the transducer. (Full-scale ranges of 5% may be
possible, but some increase in drift and noise will result.)
Calibration 21
adjustment procedures in this manual use 80% full scale as the reference
Delta K
Delta K is a feature of DC conditioners manufactured by MTS Systems
Corporation. Delta K compensates for differences in symmetry between
the positive and negative outputs of the transducer. Gain is usually
adjusted to calibrate the compression half of the transducer range. Use
Delta K to calibrate the tension half of the transducer range.
For example
Suppose you have a transducer with an asymmetrical travel of +3 mm
and -1 mm. It is desired to adjust the conditioner to have a full-scale
output equal to the full travel range of the clip-on gage. In this case +3
mm would approximately equal +10 V, and -1 mm would have an
output of -3.3 volts. Gain would be adjusted so that -0.6 mm would
yield -2 volts, and delta k would be adjusted so that +2.4 mm would
yield +8 volts while adjustments to zero are made to keep the null
position of the clip-on gage at zero.
⎛ Actual Displacement-⎞
------------------------------------------------- × 10 V = Calculated Output
⎝ Full-Scale Range ⎠
22 Calibration
The following table shows the proper conditioner output for each clip-
on gage displacement of the preceding example.
100% 3 mm +10 V DC
80% 2.4 mm +8 V DC
60% 1.8 mm +6 V DC
40% 1.2 mm +4 V DC
20% 0.6 mm +2 V DC
Zero 0 mm 0 V DC
-20% -0.6 mm -2 V DC
Calibration 23
The arms of the clip-on gage must be in the zero reference position.
This can be accomplished using a calibration block with the zero
reference set in it.
Adjust the zero control to set the clip-on gage signal to 0.00 V DC.
Note Several clip-on gages have asymmetrical outputs. This means
that the compression and tension outputs are not equal. Ensure
that you are aware of the maximum ratings of the clip-on gage
you are calibrating.
3. Adjust compression.
Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 until the zero and gain outputs can be
measured without readjustment.
5. Adjust tension.
Install the clip-on gage in the calibration block so that the arms are
in the 80% tension displacement position (or the maximum
positive travel).
24 Calibration
How to Use a Calibration Stand
This method requires a tool such as the Model 650.03 Calibrator from
MTS Systems Corporation. Use this procedure as a guideline to
calibrate other clip-on gages.
Calibration 25
D. Attach the clip-on gage to the calibrator. This figure shows a
typical installation.
The arms of the clip-on gage must be in the zero reference position
(which should be the compressed gage length).
Adjust the zero control to set the clip-on gage signal to 0.00 V DC.
Note Several clip-on gages have asymmetrical outputs. This means
that the compression and tension outputs are not equal. Ensure
that you are aware of the maximum ratings of the clip-on gage
you are calibrating.
3. Adjust compression.
B. Adjust the calibrator for the 80% compression setting (or the
range being calibrated) and note the voltmeter reading.
– If you cannot adjust the gain control to set the clip-on gage
signal to -8 V DC, you can change the excitation voltage.
Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 until the zero and gain outputs can be
measured without readjustment.
5. Adjust tension.
26 Calibration
B. Adjust the calibrator for 80% tension (or for the maximum
positive travel) of the range you are calibrating.
Calibration 27
28 Calibration
This section describes how to install a clip-on gage onto a prepared
Ensure that the clip-on gage is not active when handling it.
The shield of the Extensometer (pin E for PT style connector and pin A
for Amphenol style connector) must be connected to the controllers
chassis ground. This is typically accomplished by using a metal or
metalized plastic connector and a braided shielded cable from the
controller to the Extensometer cable, see MTS cable part numbers 50-
120-0xx PT style or 56-233-6xx Amphenol style for an example.
Post installation
After you have installed the clip-on gage you need to perform the
Installation 29
• Knife edges must be added to the specimen.
Crack Starter Notch
The shape of the knife edges
can vary between models.
30 Installation
1 3
350W A +Excitation
2 4
D -Excitation
Shunt WHT
R2 C -Output
GRN +Output
E Shield
Note The location of the shunt cal
resisters depend on the F
controller being used.
• The location of the shunt resistors differs with each controller. See
your controller manual for more information about the shunt
calibration resistors.
1. Attach the plastic connector holder, provided with the clip-on gage,
to the load unit column.
Installation 31
How to Attach the Clip-On Gage to a Specimen
Refer to the drawings that came with the clip-on gage for any model-
specific information related to attaching the gage to a specimen.
The specimen must be prepared to accept the gage. The specimen must
also be installed into the load unit or test machine.
The clip-on gage clips between the knife edges on the specimen. The
following figure shows three types of attachment methods.
Squeeze the arms of the clip-on gage just enough to engage the knife
edges. The clip-on gage drawing has an over travel specification.
32 Installation
Operation of any clip-on gage consists of zeroing the sensor output after
it has been attached to a specimen. It is also good practice to establish
sensor limits for the clip-on gage.
Before operating the clip-on gage, the signal from the clip-on gage must
be calibrated. The clip-on gage must also already be attached to a
specimen and connected to a controller.
Operation 33
34 Operation
MTS Systems Corporation
14000 Technology Drive
Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344-2290 USA
Toll Free Phone: 800-328-2255
(within the U.S. or Canada)
Phone: 952-937-4000
(outside the U.S. or Canada)
Fax: 952-937-4515
E-mail: [email protected]