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Glizea Jake Ozmynn P. Manlapaz

Allyza Janine L. Panganiban

Akeisha Mae B. Peji



A. Background of the Study

Fruits and vegetables play a big role in our everyday lives. We use them as food

to sustain life and survive. The World Health Organization (WHO), the Department of

Health (DOH), and the National Nutrition Council (NNC) created a simple visual food

guide, called the Pinggang Pinoy. It uses a familiar food plate model to convey the right

food group proportions on a per-meal basis to meet adults' or a particular group of

individuals’ energy and nutrient needs. This food tool has been developed by the Food

and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) of the Department of Science and Technology

(DOST) to assist the Filipinos with the ideal variations and quantity of foods per meal.

The guide shows the recommended proportion by food group, namely; Go, Grow and

Glow on a per meal basis. By just looking at the plate, one will know right away that half

of the plate represents Glow foods consisting of fruits and vegetables. One-sixth of the

plate shows proportion for Grow foods such as meats, eggs, poultry, fish, beans, and

legumes. One-third of the plate is Go foods like rice, corn, bread, oatmeal, bread, and

root crops (Pelegrino, E. N., 2022).

The rising inflation rate has been a big issue because of the high cost of

commodities. In a press briefing Thursday, Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

Undersecretary Dennis Mapa reported that headline inflation in December 2022 stood at

8.1 percent, higher than the 8-percent inflation in the previous month and the 3.1-percent

rate in December 2021. He said vegetable inflation alone stood at 32.4 percent in

December 2022, which is the highest since February 1999, with the rate of price increase

in vegetables at 34 percent. The annual average inflation rate for vegetables was at 7.8
percent in 2022, as the year started with negative inflation for vegetable products, he

added (Crismundo, 2023).

Due to the surge in the prices of basic goods and an unstable economy, people

need to reassess their budget to identify the essentials vs. the non-essentials. This helps

them to prioritize and ensure that their basic needs are met even with inflation. Most

consumers explore more affordable alternatives to their usual choices (Sunlife, 2021).

Most consumers choose to build vegetable gardens at home to reduce their

expenses. This study aims to compare the reliability of organic fertilizer and inorganic

fertilizer in growing vegetable plants. The researchers will use nightshade plants,

specifically tomato and eggplant, to prove which among the two fertilizers is more

effective in growing healthy vegetable plants.

High-quality organic fertilizers are the products of natural decomposition and

are easy for plants to digest. Made from natural sources, organic fertilizers provide

garden plants with slow-release, consistent nourishment. Organic fertilizers are naturally

available mineral sources that contain moderate amount of plant essential nutrients. They

are capable of mitigating problems associated with synthetic fertilizers. They reduce the

necessity of repeated application of synthetic fertilizers to maintain soil fertility. They

gradually release nutrients into the soil solution and maintain nutrient balance for healthy

growth of crop plants. They also act as an effective energy source of soil microbes which

in turn improve soil structure and crop growth. Organic fertilizers are generally thought

to be slow releasing fertilizers and they contain many trace elements. They are safer

alternatives to chemical fertilizers. However, the improper use of organic fertilizers leads

to overfertilization or nutrient deficiency in the soil (Shaji et al., 2021).

On the other hand, inorganic fertilizer contains natural compounds. Inorganic

fertilizer also contains beneficial chemical and mineral deposits and supplies the

nutrients necessary to grow plants. This type of fertilizer can be bought at most

gardening supply stores. Inorganic fertilizer, which is often reasonably priced, consists of

mineral-based nutrients manufactured for immediate application on crops. Unlike the

organic variety, inorganic fertilizer does not need to decompose over time to supply

nutrients to plants. Most inorganic fertilizers contain balanced amounts of nitrogen,

potassium, and phosphorous to feed plants and to foster growth. Overall, the nutrients of

inorganic fertilizer help nourish a plant's roots, stems, shoots, leaves, and blooms

(Harmon, 2022).

B. Review of Literature

This part aims to make this study understandable and comprehensible for the

readers by presenting the relevant literature that the researchers have considered in

strengthening the importance of the present study.


Eggplant cultivation and consumption have spread to almost all parts of the

world. It is ranked among the top 10 vegetables for high content of phenolic acids and

antioxidant properties. Eggplants differ widely in size, shape, color, and compositional

traits. The purple-colored eggplant is preferred by the consumers over the white and

green ones. Besides genotypic variation, cultivation methods, season, maturity level, and

storage conditions influence the composition and properties of eggplants. Eggplants

show a slow rate of quality degradation when stored at 10°C. Chlorogenic acid is the

principal phenolic acid in eggplant and is reported to reduce the risk of human chronic

diseases. The purple peel is rich in nasunin, an anthocyanin which is also associated with
health properties. Eggplant skin and pulp undergo browning on storage. It is desirable to

develop eggplant varieties rich in chlorogenic acid, anthocyanins, and minerals, with

high antioxidant properties and low browning ability (Mahanta and Kalita, 2020).

Eggplant (Solanum melongena), also called aubergine or Guinea squash

requires a warm climate and has been cultivated in native Southeast Asia since remote

antiquity. The plant is closely related to the tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) and the

potato (S. tuberosum) as well as to several poisonous nightshades. It is usually grown as

an annual and features an erect bushy stem that is sometimes armed with spines. The

leaves are large, ovate, and slightly lobed. The pendant violet flowers are

characteristically solitary and approximately 5 cm (2 inches) across. The fruit is a large

egg-shaped berry with a glossy surface that varies in colour from dark purple to red,

pink, yellowish, or white and is sometimes striped; the colour and shape of the white

variety is the source of the common name. Eggplant (Solanum melongena) are rich

sources of phenolic compounds that function as antioxidants. Plants form such

compounds to protect themselves against oxidative stress from exposure to the elements,

as well as from infection by bacteria and fungi. In addition to featuring a host of vitamins

and minerals, eggplant also contains important phytonutrients, many which have

antioxidant activity. It also has an overwhelming supply of any one nutrient, they do

contain an impressive array across the board of many vitamins and minerals, such as

excellent amounts of fiber, folate, potassium and manganese, as well as vitamins C, K,

and B6, phosphorus, copper, thiamin, niacin, magnesium, and pantothenic acid. Studies

indicate that eggplant has a number of health benefits from all these ingredients, as well

as traditional uses. Sometimes, the leaves and roots are juiced or boiled to make a tonic

for throat and stomach troubles, asthma, skin diseases, rheumatism, inflammation,
intestinal hemorrhages, foot pain, coughs, anorexia, toothache, or as a general stimulant.

(Hansol, 2018)


The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is derived from two wild ancestor species,

Solanum pimpinellifolium and Solanum cerasiforme. It is a species of a higher

classification, nightshade. Tomato is the second most produced vegetable in the world. It

is cultivated for fresh consumption and for processing into different industrial products,

and is consumed throughout the whole world. As with other plant foods, the main

component of tomato is water, whereas the protein and lipid contents are low, with the

naturally occurring free sugars being the main component. Tomato is an important

dietary source of bioactive compounds, mainly antioxidants, including ascorbic acid,

vitamin E, folates, polyphenolic compounds, and carotenoids, with lycopene being

responsible for the red color. For this reason, the consumption of tomato products has

been correlated with beneficial effects for the prevention of several noncommunicable

diseases related to oxidative stress and inflammation (García-Alonso et al., 2020).

The tomato is warm season crop. The temperature of 20-25 °C is considered to

be ideal for tomato cultivation, and the excellent quality red color is developed in

tomatoes at 21-24 °C temperature. Due to intense heat (temperature above 43 °C), the

plants get burnt, and flowers and small fruits also fall, whereas less than 13°C and

greater than 35 °C decreases the fruits and the red color production ratio. Tomato grows

very well on a wide range of soils, but it grows well on deep, well-drained soils with

good drainage ability. Sandy loam to medium black soils is considered to be best suitable

for Tomato cultivation. For Tomato farming soil PH must be at 6-7 with soil with

excellent drainage property. At the time of land preparation, broadcast and thoroughly

mix the well-decomposed FYM (farmyard manure) at 20 to 25 t/ha into the soil. Then
add a basal fertilizer dose of nitrogen (60 kg), phosphorus (80 kg), and potash (60 kg) per

hectare. After 30 to 45 days of planting, give the crop 30 kg of nitrogen (Sawant et al.,


Organic Fertilizer

Organic fertilizers are natural materials of either plant or animal source,

including livestock manure, green manures, crop residues, household waste, compost,

and works directly as a source of plant nutrients and indirectly influences the physical,

biological and chemical properties of soil. Microorganisms from the soil decay the

organic fertilizer to make its nutrients available for utilize by plants which added into the

soil and have the characteristic nature of slow release of nutrients. Organic fertilizers

have the following advantages to improve soil fertility: increasing organic matter in soil

which improves the soil structure, creating more air space and water retention within the

soil and enhances soil nitrogen content, enhanced nutrient availability, releasing nutrients

at a slower and more consistent rate, improves nutrient mobilization and Protect the soil

against rain and wind erosion. Organic fertilizer enhances soil biological activity and the

colonization of mycorrhizae. That enhances mutuality association between fungi and

higher plants. Organic fertilizer increases root growth due to enhanced soil structure,

promoting soil aggregates, enhances cation exchange capacity. Organic fertilizer acts as

a buffering agent against undesirable soil pH fluctuations. (Roba, 2018)

Organic fertilizers were different from chemical fertilizers in that the materials

were a by-product of vegetables, animals or minerals. The decomposing matter from

these sources, break down naturally and would provide nutrient and minerals to the soil.

When considering lawn maintenance, it was necessary to make sure that the lawn or

garden gets the all of nutrients that it needed for health growth. Although nutrients were

available in regular soil, fertilizers can provide and ensure that the plant had a balance
and suitable access of nutrients, proper lawn care include providing for the health of the

lawn and garden. One of the benefits of organic fertilizer was that the nutrients were

related more slowly than chemical fertilizers. This slower process allows the plant to

process the fertilizer in a more natural way and will not result in over fertilizing which

could damage the plant. The soil drainage and air circulation of the soil can also be

improved. Having a compost pile was also a great way to get rid of food waste and still

contribute to your lawn care and environment. It was an important valuable option that

would help the soil and environmental be health and produce the best plants. Synthetic

fertilizers usually contain chemicals which were not easily biodegradable. These

chemicals leach into the soil and eventually find their way into the water system where

they were consumed by birds and other wildlife. In contrast, organic fertilizer had no

such harmful compounds and therefore didn’t pose this danger, even with increased use.

In addition, when synthetic fertilizers were sprayed on plants and lawns, they pose an

immediate danger to kids and pets that play in the garden and on the grass. Caution must

be exercised when using these toxins, and exposure must be limited. Unlike chemical

fertilizers, organic fertilizers reduce acidity in the soil and do not cause leaching. They

do not kill beneficial microorganisms in the soil. Organic fertilizers also help improve

the structure of the soil including the circulation of air, which sustains beneficial

microorganisms that help release nutrients to the soil (Assefa and Tadesse, 2019).

Inorganic Fertilizer

Inorganic fertilizer is also known as mineral fertilizer. It is mined from mineral

deposits or manufactured from synthetic compounds. Inorganic fertilizer can be used to

revive dying plants immediately. Just because it releases nutrients easily into the soil and

the plants absorb them. Another advantage is that it is easily available in almost all agro-

input outlets. This makes it very convenient. They contain essential plant nutrients;
however, they also contain other compounds and salts. Plants are unable to absorb these

compounds and salts, so they remain in the soil. As time goes by, these compounds build

up in the soil and change the soil chemistry. This creates soil problems, making it less

ideal to work with. Also, applying too much, at an instance, tends to burn the plant. It can

even destroy it. Recommended rates must be strictly followed (Afrane Okese, 2021).

Some growers prefer chemical fertilizers because these products are a rich

source of 3 important chemicals: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. However,

chemical fertilizers do contain toxic compounds and acids that could affect plant growth.

The price is one of the reasons why some growers prefer chemical fertilizers to organic

fertilizers; synthetic fertilizers are cheap. Apart from being affordable, chemical

fertilizers are more accessible too. These products are available in places that sell garden

supplies. Improvement in plants can be seen within days. Chemical fertilizers release

nutrients at a much faster rate compared to organic fertilizer. This isn’t a good thing

when you have sensitive plants as the quick release of nutrients may lead to fertilizer

burns. But as far as the amount of time it takes for fertilizers to show results is

concerned, this is the faster option. You don't have to wait for weeks or months before

you can see the results once you've applied chemical fertilizers to the soil. You will see

the improvements in your plants within days. (ECO gardener, 2018)

Most Filipino corn farmers prefer to use inorganic fertilizer in increasing the

yield of their crops due to readily available nutrients in the materials and ease in

application. However, due to the high cost of inorganic fertilizer and at time scarce

supply caused by both energy crisis and socio-economic constraints, farmers are hesitant

to use it alone. It is therefore necessary to integrate with organic fertilizer to augment the

poor fertility of the soil. (Binas, Enrique. 2021)

C. Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine which type of fertilizer, organic or

inorganic, is more dependable for growing nightshade plants, particularly tomatoes and

eggplants. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

A. What is the stem length (cm) of nightshade plants in organic fertilizer and

inorganic fertilizer in one week? in two weeks? in three weeks? in one


B. What is the length (cm) of the longest leaf of the nightshade plants in organic

fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer in one week? in two weeks? in three weeks?

in one month?

C. Which of the nightshade plants that were treated with organic fertilizer and

inorganic fertilizer has the fewest dried leaves?

D. Hypothesis

It was hypothesized that:

A. Null: Neither between organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer is reliable to

use in growing nightshade plants.

Alternative: Either between organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer is

reliable to use in growing nightshade plants.

B. Null: Neither the nightshades with organic fertilizer nor the nightshades with

inorganic fertilizer grow 16.8 mm a week.

Alternative: Either the nightshades with organic fertilizer nor the nightshades

with inorganic fertilizer grow 16.8 mm a week.

C. Null: The leaves of either the nightshades with organic fertilizer or the

nightshades with inorganic fertilizer did not grow 1.12 mm a week.

Alternative: The leaves of either the nightshades with organic fertilizer or the

nightshades with inorganic fertilizer grow 1.12 mm a week.

D. Null: Neither the nightshades with organic fertilizer nor the nightshades with

inorganic fertilizer have dried leaves.

Alternative: Either the nightshades with organic fertilizer or the nightshades

with inorganic fertilizer have dried leaves.

E. Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is only limited in Alfonso Integrated Highschool during the school

year 2022-2023. This study determines which among organic fertilizer and inorganic

fertilizer is the most reliable to use in growing nightshade plants. In order to determine

which fertilizer is most reliable in growing nightshade plants, inorganic and organic cow

manure fertilizer will be used. Inorganic fertilizer contains beneficial chemical and

mineral deposits and supplies the nutrients necessary to grow plants (Harmon, 2022).

While, Organic fertilizers are natural materials of either plant or animal source, including

livestock manure, and works directly as a source of plant nutrients and indirectly

influences the physical, biological, and chemical properties of soil (Roba, 2018).

Planting will take place in a controlled environment to ensure that the natural and basic

nutrients of the plants, such as sunlight, are consistent and that the plants are safe from

hazards. Watering will also be done with specific measurements. The researchers will

conduct a total of thirty-two (32) tests. Sixteen (16) test with organic and inorganic

fertilizer on tomato seeds (8 inorganic fertilizer tests and 8 organic fertilizer tests), and

16 tests with organic and inorganic fertilizer on eggplant seeds (8 tests for inorganic

fertilizer and 8 tests for organic fertilizer) to ensure the consistency of the results. The

main source of the data will be the 32 tests, which is prepared by the researchers. The

organic and inorganic fertilizers will only be used to determine which one is the most

reliable at growing nightshade plants.

F. Significance of the Study

This research about the effectiveness of organic and inorganic fertilizer in

growing nightshade plants will be employed to solve certain problems and help the


Family: The family will benefit from this research in their daily lives, such as being able

to grow nightshade plants in a short period of time.

Neighborhood: Planting nightshade plants will be faster and easier, saving time between

planting and harvesting them again. Crop supplies will increase even more, and people

can have more vegetables at home.

Country: This research will help the community improve the method of planting

nightshade plants.

Research: This research will help in the future in conducting an experiment about what

is the most reliable to use between organic and inorganic fertilizer in growing nightshade

plants. This research can serve as a future reference for them.

G. Definition of Terms

Nightshade Plants - The Solanaceae, or nightshades, are a family of flowering plants

that ranges from annual and perennial herbs to vines, lianas, epiphytes, shrubs, and trees.

Tomato - The tomato is the edible berry of the plant Solanum lycopersicum, commonly

known as the tomato plant.

Eggplant - A tender perennial plant of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), grown for its

edible fruits.

Organic Fertilizer - A fertilizer that is derived from organic sources, including organic

compost, cattle manures, poultry droppings and domestic sewage.

Inorganic Fertilizer - Inorganic fertilizer is a synthetic kind of fertilizer that is

comprised of minerals and synthetic chemicals.



A. Materials Used

Carabao manure as Organic Fertilizer – It has

been proven to be an effective, safe and an

economical bio organic fertilizer. This will be added

to soil in order to provide nutrients and to sustain the

growth of the plants.

Inorganic fertilizer – It is also referred to as

synthetic fertilizer. It is manufactured artificially and

contains minerals or synthetic chemicals. This will be

added to soil in order to provide balanced amounts of

nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous to feed plants

and foster growth.

Eggplant Seed – A plant species in the nightshade

family Solanaceae. Solanum melongena is grown

worldwide for its edible fruit. Most commonly

purple, the spongy, absorbent fruit is used in several

Tomato Seed – A nightshade plant and is an edible

berry of the plant Solanum lycopersicum, commonly

known as the tomato plant.

Syringe – This will be used to give each plant and

equal amount of water.

Hygrometer – An instrument used to measure the

amount of water vapor in air, in soil, or in confined

spaces. This will be used in measuring the humidity

in air throughout the experimentation.

B. General Procedure
a. Research Design

In this study, the researchers used a true experimental research design. A true

experimental research design relies on statistical analysis to prove or disprove a

researcher’s hypothesis. The researcher will use three groups: two treatment groups

(also called the experimental group) and a control group. These are essential to

experimental design because the researchers are aiming for the impact of the new

treatments by comparing the behavior changes and effects on nightshade plants over

a month. The researcher can find out whether organic fertilizer and inorganic

fertilizer have made a major difference in improving the growth of the nightshade

plant. This study is qualitative in nature; the research methods of data gathering do

not rely on numbers or the requirement that they be generated by a mathematical

formula but rather on non-qualifiable variables and focus on intervention


b. Laboratory Techniques and Procedure

This describes the process involved in identifying and developing a topic for

research experimentation. It was suggested that researchers consider several sources

for potential ideas, including the data that will be collected through the


The researchers will start by gathering the materials needed. It includes the

following: tomato seedlings, eggplant seedlings, unfertilized soil, cow manure as

organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer, hygrometer, and plastic cups. After gathering

the materials, the researchers will start growing the tomato seeds and eggplant seeds

into seedlings. Then, they will proceed to the experimentation. The research will be

conducted by planting the nightshade plants on soil with organic fertilizer, with

inorganic fertilizer, and with no fertilizer. After conducting the experiment, the
researchers will collect and gather all the necessary data about growing nightshade

plants using organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. The researchers will use

observation and checklist as a tool to collect or gather data from the experiment.

Observation will be done in experimental groups and control group.

After collecting all the necessary data, the researchers will have a data analysis

for the hypotheses testing. They will then formulate conclusions.

c. Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers will use observational and checklist methods to

acquire data from the experiment. The human senses of sight, smell, and hearing are

employed for observation, and checklists are a sort of task assistance that helps to

prevent failure by overcoming the potential limitations of human attention and

memory. The researcher uses observation to collect the data, and they use non-

participant observation. Non-participant observation is a type of observation where

the researcher is not involved in the group being observed; the researcher only

becomes an observer. The researcher is the one who only observes the behaviors of

nightshade plants after putting organic fertilizer and non-organic fertilizer as the

experiment of the study. Observation is used to include direct access to

experimentation, high levels of flexibility in terms of application, and generating a

permanent record of the effects of organic fertilizer and non-organic fertilizer on the

growth of nightshade plants. The researchers will also use a checklist to record the

stem length of each plant, the length of the longest leaves, the amount of water

given, and the humidity.

d. Sampling Technique
The researchers will conduct the sampling technique for the statistical

analysis. The researchers will do the simple random sampling since our research

design is truly experimental. The researchers will pick random seeds for the two type

of nightshade plants (tomato and eggplant). All the seeds must be randomly selected

and equal. All the seeds must also have an equal chance to be selected.

e. Data Analysis Technique

In order to properly use the data and reach the appropriate conclusion, the

researchers will conduct statistical analysis. The researchers will divide the two

types of seeds (tomato and eggplant) into three groups (one controlled and two

experimental groups for inorganic and organic fertilizers), with two of the three

groups receiving treatment or participating in the experiment. Following the

treatment, the researchers will collect data and perform an analysis of variance to

compare the three data sets from the three groups. It will be used to determine the

significant difference between plants grown without fertilizer, plants grown with

inorganic fertilizer, and plants grown with inorganic fertilizer. The inferential

statistic will be used to determine whether the inorganic or organic fertilizer was

reliable, as well as whether our null hypothesis will be accepted or rejected.

C. Schematic Design


The researchers started formulating a After gathering the data, the

title, objectives, research problems, researchers will conduct a
and hypothesis. They also identified hypothesis testing to determine
the scopes and limitations of the whether accept or reject their
study that they are going to conduct. formulated hypotheses. After
Then, they started writing the review testing the hypotheses, the
of related literatures. researchers will formulate a
conclusion to support the
effectiveness of using organic
fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer in
growing nightshade plants.
Materials and Method
- Tomato seedlings
- Eggplant seedlings
- Soil
- Cow manure as organic fertilizer
- Inorganic Fertilizer After conducting the experiment, the
- Plastic cups researchers will collect and gather all
the necessary data with the use of
observation and a checklist. It will be
done in the two experimental groups
and in the control group.

1. Gathering the materials
2. Growing the seeds into seedlings
3. Conducting the test/experiment
4. Observation/Gathering of data After growing the nightshade
5. Analysis of data seedlings, the researchers will
6. Testing the hypothesis conduct the experiment with three
7. Making conclusions groups: two experimental groups
(using organic fertilizer, using
inorganic fertilizer), and a control
group (without any fertilizer). The
researchers will test if which
between the organic and inorganic


This chapter presents the results derived in the conduct of the study which is to test the

effectiveness of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer in growing nightshade plants.

Table 1. Experiment with tomato seedlings in organic fertilizer.

Plant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Stem Length 5.5 cm 4.8 cm 4.9 cm 4.8 cm 5.3 cm 5.0 cm 5.2 cm 5.5 cm

Leaf Length 0.8 cm 0.8 cm 0.7 cm 0.8 cm 0.9 cm 0.7 cm 0.8 cm 1.0 cm
Day 1

Amount of 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml
Humidity 78% 78% 78% 78% 78% 78% 78% 78%

Stem Length 5.6 cm 5.0 cm 5.0 cm 4.9 cm 5.3 cm 5.0 cm 5.3 cm 5.5 cm

Leaf Length 0.8 cm 0.8 cm 0.8 cm 0.8 cm 0.9 cm 0.9 cm 0.9 cm 1.0 cm
Day 7

Amount of 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml 10 ml
Humidity 81% 81% 81% 81% 81% 81% 81% 81%

Table 2. Experiment with tomato seedlings in inorganic fertilizer.

Plant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Stem Length (cm) 5.0 4.9 5.2 5.5 5.8 4.9 4.8 4.7

Leaf Length (cm) 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.6
Day 1

Amount of Water 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Humidity (%) 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78

Stem Length 5.2 5.0 5.4 5.6 6.0 4.8

Died on Day 5

Died on day 3

Leaf Length 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.6

Day 7

Amount of Water 10 10 10 10 10 10
Humidity (%) 81 81 81 81 81 81
Table 3. Experiment with tomato seedlings without fertilizer.
Plant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Stem Length (cm) 4.9 5.6 4.8 4.7 5.3 5.9 4.8 5.2

Leaf Length (cm) 0.7 1.0 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.8 0.9
Day 1

Amount of Water 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Humidity (%) 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78

Stem Length 5.0 5.8 6.1

Died on Day 3

Died on Day 5
Died on Day 3

Died on Day 4

Died on Day 5
Leaf Length 0.8 1.1 1.2
Day 7

Amount of Water 10 10 10
Humidity (%) 81 81 81

Table 4. Experiment with eggplant seedlings with organic fertilizer.

Plant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Stem Length (cm) 4.0 4.5 3.8 3.9 4.9 4.4 4.4 3.9

Leaf Length (cm) 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7
Day 1

Amount of Water 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Humidity (%) 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78

Stem Length 4.6 4.0 5.2 4.1

Died on Day 5
Died on Day 3

Died on Day 2

Leaf Length 0.8 0.7 1.0 0.9 0.8

Day 7

Amount of Water 10 10 10 10 10
Humidity (%) 81 81 81 81 81
Table 5. Experiment with eggplant seedlings with inorganic fertilizer.
Plant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Stem Length (cm) 3.9 3.8 4.0 4.0 4.3 4.5 4.7 4.2

Leaf Length (cm) 0.1 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.9
Day 1

Amount of Water 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Humidity (%) 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78

Stem Length 4.1 4.4

4.7 4.8

Died on Day 6

Died on Day 4
Died on Day 2

Died on day 3
Leaf Length 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.7
Day 7

Amount of Water 10 10 10 10
Humidity (%) 81 81 81 81

Table 4. Experiment with eggplant seedlings without fertilizer.

Plant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Stem Length (cm) 4.4 4.6 3.9 4.0 3.7 4.1 3.8 3.8

Leaf Length (cm) 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.8
Day 1

Amount of Water 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Humidity (%) 78 78 78 78

Stem Length 4.4 4.8 4.2 4.0

Died on Day 3

Died on Day 3
Died on Day 4

Died on Day 4

Leaf Length 0.8 0.9 0.9

Day 7

Amount of Water 10 10 10 10
Humidity (%) 81 81 81 81

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