Clinical: Dialogu S e
Clinical: Dialogu S e
Clinical: Dialogu S e
Vo l u m e 6 . N o . 2
clinical neuroscience
Editor-in-chief Jean-Paul MACHER, MD, Rouffach, France Editorial Board Manfred ACKENHEIL, MD, Mnchen, Germany Csar CARVAJAL, MD, Santiago de Chile, Chile Marc-Antoine CROCQ, MD, Rouffach, France Michael DAVIDSON, MD, Tel Hashomer, Israel Margret R. HOEHE, MD, Berlin, Germany Barry D. LEBOWITZ, PhD, Rockville, Md, USA Deborah J. MORRIS-ROSENDAHL, PhD, Johannesburg, South Africa Rajesh M. PARIKH, MD, Bombay, India David RUBINOW, MD, Bethesda, Md, USA Pierre SCHULZ, MD, Chne-Bourg, Switzerland Carol A. TAMMINGA, MD, Baltimore, Md, USA International Consultant Jorge-Alberto COSTA E SILVA, MD, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Publication Director / Directeur de la Publication Jean-Philippe SETA, MD, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
ear Colleagues,
The known properties of the central nervous system are quite remarkable and we may confidently assume that many more fascinating aspects of the brain remain to be discovered. Until recently, the causation of mental disorders was always explained in terms of abnormalities involving familiar biological concepts, such as monoamine neurotransmission, receptor regulation, and molecular biology. The appearance of a novel explanatory model, accounting for some previously unexplained phenomena, is of tremendous interest. It has long been known that some disorders involve regional modifications that can be evidenced by studying brain structure. Neurotrophic factors preventing cell death have been shown to exist and, more recently, the process of hippocampal neurogenesis has been described. Neuroplasticity is the process that underlies neurogenesis: it leads to protein synthesis and constitutes a defense mechanism against the deleterious effects of stress. Plastic modifications of neurons and synapses have been observed thanks to the development of neuroimaging techniques, which can reach as far as the cellular level. The observations relating to neuroplasticity have led to: New diagnostic markers. A better understanding of certain pathogenetic mechanisms. The proof of activity of certain compounds. We believe that it is important to give a progress report on the concept of neuroplasticity and its influence on the understanding of the mechanisms of depression. We are grateful to Dr David R. Rubinow from the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Md, for bringing together the most qualified authors in the field to discuss this topic in this issue of Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience.
Yours sincerely,
Jean-Paul Macher, MD
Marc-Antoine Crocq, MD
Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience is a quarterly publication that aims to serve as an interface between clinical neuropsychiatry and the neurosciences by providing state-of-the-art information and original insights into relevant clinical, biological, and therapeutic aspects. Each issue addresses a specific topic, and also publishes free contributions in the field of neuroscience as well as other nontopic-related material. All contributions are reviewed by members of the Editorial Board and submitted to expert consultants for peer review. Indexed in EMBASE and Elsevier BIOBASE. EDITORIAL OFFICES Editor in Chief Jean-Paul MACHER, MD FORENAP - Institute for Research in Neuroscience and Neuropsychiatry BP29 - 68250 Rouffach - France Tel: + 33 3 89 78 70 18 / Fax: +33 3 89 78 51 24 Secretariat, subscriptions, and submission of manuscripts Marc-Antoine CROCQ, MD FORENAP - Institute for Research in Neuroscience and Neuropsychiatry BP29 - 68250 Rouffach - France Tel: +33 3 89 78 71 20 (direct) or +33 3 89 78 70 18 (secretariat) Fax: +33 3 89 78 51 24 / E-mail: [email protected] Annual subscription rates: Europe 150; Rest of World 170. Production Editor Sarah A. NOVACK, PhD Servier International - Medical Publishing Division 192 avenue Charles-de-Gaulle 92578 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex - France Tel: +33 1 55 72 33 10 / Fax: +33 1 55 72 68 88 E-mail: [email protected]
PUBLISHER Les Laboratoires Servier 22 rue Garnier - 92578 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex - France E-mail: [email protected] Copyright 2004 by Les Laboratoires Servier All rights reserved throughout the world and in all languages. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in any form or by any means either mechanical or electronic, including photocopying, recording, or through an information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the copyright holder. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, editors, or editorial board. The authors, editors, and publisher cannot be held responsible for errors or for any consequences arising from the use of information contained in this journal. ISSN 1294-8322
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113 117 119 135 143 157 171 185 199 217
Jean-Paul Macher, Marc-Antoine Crocq
In this issue
David R. Rubinow
Basic research
Structural plasticity of the adult brain Fred H. Gage Regulation of cellular plasticity and resilience by mood stabilizers: the role of AMPA receptor trafficking Jing Du, Jorge A. Quiroz, Neil A. Gray, Steve T. Szabo, Carlos A. Zarate Jr, Husseini K. Manji
Pharmacological aspects
Neural plasticity: consequences of stress and actions of antidepressant treatment Ronald S. Duman Cellular consequences of stress and depression Eberhard Fuchs, Gabriele Flgge
Clinical research
Cellular abnormalities in depression: evidence from postmortem brain tissue Craig A. Stockmeier, Grazyna Rajkowska Neuroplasticity in mood disorders Wayne C. Drevets Cellular plasticity and resilience and the pathophysiology of severe mood disorders Dennis S. Charney, George DeJesus, Husseini K. Manji
Free papers
Texture analysis of the brain: from animal models to human applications Jean-Franois J. Nedelec, Olivier Yu, Jacques Chambron, Jean-Paul Macher Problems in texture analysis with magnetic resonance imaging Lothar R. Schad Texture analysis methodologies for magnetic resonance imaging Andrzej Materka
In this issue...
For many of us, a central tenet of our neurobiological training was that the structure of the brain was fixed, as was the number of neurons in the adult brain. This belief was not only incorrect, but also restricted our understanding of a variety of fundamental processes including learning, adaptation and maladaptation to stress, development of susceptibility to disease, and resilience. This issue of Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience describes the flexible, adaptive responses of the brainneuroplasticityand the relevance of neuroplastic changes to the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric illness, the mechanism of action of psychotropic medications, and the transduction of environmental factors to changes in brain function. In the State of the art article, Bruce S. McEwen (page 119) provides an introduction to allostasisadaptation to stressand an overview of the structural and cellular consequences of stress, its molecular mediators in altering brain structure, and the kinetics of stress-induced structural remodeling. The compelling models described make apparent the complexity and dynamic nature of adaptation, as well as the ontogeny of susceptibility to psychiatric illness. In the first Basic research article, Fred H. Gage (page 135) reviews an element of neuroplasticity, neurogenesis, ie, the generation of new neurons, and describes the multiple steps involved in the process of neurogenesis: differentiation, commitment, survival, and functional integration. This capacity for self-repair represents one of the therapeutic frontiers in the treatment of neuropsychiatric illness. In the second Basic research article, Jing Du and colleagues (page 143) review the evidence suggesting the role of glutamatergically mediated synaptic plasticity in both the pathophysiology and treatment of affective illness. While focusing on AMPA (-amino-3-hydroxy-5methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate) and GluR1 (glutamate) receptor trafficking, these authors provide an excellent introduction to glutamate receptor pharmacology and intracellular signaling as a way of demonstrating both the mechanisms of action of mood stabilizers and targets for subsequent drug development. In one of the Pharmacological aspects articles, Ronald S. Duman (page 157) discusses the effects of stress and antidepressants on neuroplasticity, particularly as these effects relate to depression. He focuses on two mediating systems that appear to link, at a molecular level, neuroplasticity, stress, depression, and pharmacotherapy: the neurotrophin BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), and the cAMP-CREB (cyclic adenosine monophosphate [cAMP]cAMP-response element binding protein) cascade. He suggests that the cellular and molecular underpinnings of structural and functional plasticity offer promising clues to the pathophysiology of depression and targets for drug development. In the other Pharmacological aspects article, Eberhard Fuchs and Gabriele Flgge (page 171) describe the pharmacology of the stress response by focusing on changes in monoamines and monoamine receptors in several animal stress models. They provide a basis for understanding depression as an impairment of synaptic and structural plasticity, with consequent implications for its treatment. In the first Clinical research article, Craig A. Stockmeier and Grazyna Rajkowska (page 185) describe in detail the neural and glial abnormalities identified in several critical brain regions in affective illness. This comprehensive review of postmortem studies discusses the possible functional implications of abnormalities of cell morphology and distribution and introduces the circuitry that is described in more detail in the second article by Wayne C. Drevets (page 199). While focusing on neuroimaging studies, he provides a synthesis of identified neuropathological and imaging abnormalities in affective illness, highlighting those neural circuits strongly implicated as dysfunctional in affective disorder. Elucidation of this circuitry at functional and structural levels will also help illuminate substrates for component processes common to a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders. Indeed, in the last article, Dennis S. Charney and his colleagues (page 217) suggest that studies of neuroplasticity will result in a new psychiatric nosology, as well as new therapeutic targets. Thus, not only will the therapeutic armamentarium be expanded as we better understand the mechanics of neuroplasticity, but this better understanding will also lead to a reconceptualization of how psychiatric illness is acquired, how it is optimally treated (with attention to both structural and functional elements), and, perhaps most importantly, how resilience is expressed at cellular and organismic levels. David R. Rubinow, MD
Bruce S. McEwen, PhD Wayne C. Drevets, MD Author affiliations: Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY, USA Author affiliations: Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program, NIH NIMH/MIB, Bethesda, Md, USA
Dennis S. Charney, MD
Author affiliations: Laboratory of Genetics, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, Calif, USA
Author affiliations: Laboratory of Molecular Pathophysiology, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Md, USA
Author affiliations: Division of Molecular Psychiatry, Departments of Psychiatry and Pharmacology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Author affiliations: Department of Biophysics and Medical Radiation Physics, German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Germany
Author affiliations: Clinical Neurobiology Laboratory, German Primate Center, Gttingen, Germany
Author affiliations: The University of Mississippi Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Jackson, Miss, USA
Keywords: structural plasticity; brain; allostasis; allostatic load; stress; depression; anxiety Author affiliations: Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY, USA
Address for correspondence: Bruce S. McEwen, PhD, The Rockefeller University, Box 165, 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA (e-mail: [email protected])
amino acid neurotransmitters in the brain suppress neurogenesis in dentate gyrus (DG) and causes debranching of dendrites in hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex, whereas chronic stress causes neurons in amygdala to show dendritic growth.2-5 The hippocampus contains receptors for adrenal steroids, which regulate excitability and morphological changes (Figure 1). Along with many other brain regions, the amygdala also contains adrenal steroid receptors, which influence function in this structure as well (Table I).
Figure 1. The hippocampus is a target for adrenal steroids. GR, glucocorticoid receptor; MR, mineralocorticoid receptor; Sch, Schaffer colateral; MF, mossy fiber; CC, corpus callosum.
depressant, antiseizure, and mood-stabilizing drugs prevents stress-induced hippocampal structural changes.14,15,19 Besides reduced neurogenesis in DG, there is also evidence for reduced size of principal neuron cell bodies in hippocampus, which is consistent with reduced size of the dendritic tree.20 Synaptic reorganization is also a likely consequence of these rather drastic structural changes, and the animal models cited above provide evidence that synapses can be rapidly formed as a result of stress. Taken together, such structural changes seem likely to play a major role in the volume loss in the human hippocampus and the related effects on cognitive function and affect.18 This article will review underlying mechanisms and consider their applicability to furthering our understanding of the pathophysiology of mood and anxiety disorders.
fear conditioning.24 Thus, adrenal steroids may regulate the nature of the signals that reach the amygdala and allow for greater discrimination of the most salient cues for learning. Moreover, in passive avoidance, both catecholamines and glucocorticoids play a role in facilitating learning.25,26 Catecholamines work outside of the bloodbrain barrier and their effects can be blocked by -adrenergicblocking agents, which do not cross the bloodbrain barrier.26 Glucocorticoids enter the brain, and local implants of exogenous corticosterone into hippocampus, amygdala, and nucleus tractus solitarii are all able to enhance passive avoidance learning.25 Adrenal steroids also play a supporting role in the learning of a spatial navigation task in mice.27 Adrenalectomy impairs the acquisition of the memory of hidden platform location in the Morris water maze, and glucocorticoid administration restores the normal learning curve; however, in mice in which the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is deleted and replaced with a GR that lacks the DNA binding domain, glucocorticoids do not improve task acquisition.27 This finding illustrates a role for GRs acting upon the genome in a task that is known to depend on the hippocampus. Interestingly, other actions of glucocorticoids via GRs are known to involve the proteinprotein interactions that are not prevented in mice carrying the GR defective in the DNA binding domain.28 Other evidence for glucocorticoid actions supports an inverted U-shaped doseresponse curve in which low to moderate levels of adrenal steroids enhance acquisition of tasks that involve the hippocampus, whereas high levels of glucocorticoids disrupt task acquisition.22,29-31 Adrenal steroids have biphasic effects upon excitability of hippocampal neurons, which may underlie their biphasic actions on memory and recall.30,32-34
Table I. Distribution of adrenal steroid receptors in brain regions. GR, glucocorticoid receptor; MR, mineralocorticoid receptor.
Neurogenesis in the DG
There is structural plasticity within the DG-CA3 system, in that new neurons continue to be produced in the DG throughout adult life38 and CA3 pyramidal cells undergo remodeling of their dendrites,2 as will be discussed further below.39 The subgranular layer of the DG contains cells that have properties of astrocytes (eg, expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein) and give rise to granule neurons.40 After administration of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to label DNA of dividing cells, these newly born cells appear as clusters in the inner part of the granule cell layer, where a substantial number of them will go on to differentiate into granule neurons within as little as 7 days. The new granule neurons appear to be quite excitable and capa-
Remodeling of dendrites
Another form of structural plasticity is the remodeling of dendrites in the hippocampus.39 CRS causes retraction and simplification of dendrites in the CA3 region of the hippocampus (Figure 4).2 Such dendritic reorganization can also be seen in rats undergoing adaptation of psychosocial stress in the visible burrow system (VBS). The VBS is an apparatus with an open chamber where there is a food and water supply and several tunnels and chambers.52 Rats can be observed from above by a video camera in this apparatus. In the VBS, male rats housed with several females establish a dominance hierarchy within several days. Over the course of the next week, a few subordinate males may die and others (showing scars from bite marks) will show enlarged adrenals, low testosterone, and many changes in brain chemistry. The dominant shows the fewest scars and has the highest level of testosterone, but also has somewhat larger adrenal glands than cage control rats.
Figure 2. Why is the CA3 so vulnerable? Feed-forward excitability serves memory functions but increases vulnerability for excitotoxicity. DG, dentate gyrus.
Figure 3. A single restraint stress does not suppress cell proliferation. Repeated restraint stress for 21 days suppresses cell proliferation. Repeated restraint stress for 42 days reduces volume of the dentate gyrus (DG) and the number of neurons in the DG.
Reproduced from reference 51 with permission: Pham K, Nacher J, Hof PR, McEwen BS. Repeated restraint stress suppresses neurogenesis and induces biphasic PSA-NCAM expression in the adult rat dentate gyrus. Eur J Neurosci. 2003;17:879-886. Copyright 2003, Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
Regarding changes in brain structure, it was the dominant rats that had a more extensive pattern of debranching of the apical dendrites of the CA3 pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus, compared with the subordinate rats, which showed reduced branching compared with the cage controls.53 What this result emphasizes is that it is not adrenal size or presumed amount of physiological stress per se that determines dendritic remodeling, but a complex set of other factors that modulate neuronal structure. We refer to the phenomenon as dendritic remodeling and we generally find that it is a reversible process. In hibernating hamsters, it occurs in a matter of hours and reverses itself just as quickly when hibernating animals are aroused from torpor (A. M. Magarinos, B. S. McEwen, P. Pevet, unpublished data). Below we consider mechanisms involved in structural remodeling. The role of adrenal steroids in the structural remodeling described above reflects may interactions with neurochemical systems in the hippocampus, including serotonin, -aminobutyric acid (GABA), and excitatory amino acids (Figure 5).2 Probably the most important interactions are those with excitatory amino acids such as glutamate. Excitatory amino acids released by the mossy fiber pathway play a key role in the remodeling of the CA3 region of the hippocampus, and regulation of glutamate release by adrenal steroids may play an important role.54-57 We have found that the glutamate transporter, Glt-1, is elevated by CRS in hippocampus, particularly in the CA3 region, providing another indication that elevated gluta-
Figure 4. Hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons are remodeled by 21-d restraint stress. A. Control. B. 21 days chronic restraint stress.
mate levels are an important component of structural plasticity. We previously showed that NMDA receptor blockade and the Na/Ca channel blocker, phenytoin, both block CRS- and glucocorticoid-induced remodeling of dendrites in CA3.58-60 Recent evidence indicates that presynaptic receptors containing kainate receptor subunits such as GluR6 are important for the feed-forward actions of glutamate on mossy fiber terminals,61 and one study showed that a number of kainate receptor subunit mRNAs are regulated biphasically by adrenal steroids.57 In particular, preferential mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) occupancy by low corticosterone (CORT) levels enhanced mRNA levels for KAR2, GluR6, and GluR7.57 This agrees with our finding that MR activation by aldosterone in adrena-
Glutamate levels NMDA receptors Ca++ currents 5-HT turnover 5-HT2 receptors 5-HT1A receptors GABAA receptors
++ ++ ++ ++ ++ -+/-
Figure 5. Glucocorticoids increase glutamate levels, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, calcium currents, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) turnover, and 5-HT2 receptors, decrease 5-HT1A receptors, and alter subunit expression of GABAA receptors. A. Cross-section of dorsal hippocampus. B. Blow-up of CA3 region. C. CA3 neurons highlighting stratum lucium (SL), where mossy fiber terminals form synaptic contacts .GABA, -aminobutyric acid; DG, dentate gyrus; SR, stratum radiatum; SP, stratum pyramidale; SO, stratum oriens.
tPA induces termination of its own action via plasminogen-activator inhibitor1 (PAI-1). tPA activity is required for increased anxiety in the elevated plus maze. We are presently studying the long-term effects of stress. Neuropsin is another protease that is induced in hippocampus by NMDA-mediated excitation in seizures and leads to proteolysis of the presynaptic adhesion molecule, L1.82 The gp130 cytokines are expressed in hippocampus under stimulation by seizures, along with their receptors, which are constitutively expressed.83 Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is particularly interesting because it interferes with neurotrophin signaling84 and causes dendritic retraction in cell culture.85 However, it has not yet been determined whether acute or chronic stress increases LIF expression, and it is conceivable that increased expression of LIF might play a role in dendritic shortening. The ability of neuronal processes to expand or contract, and newly formed neurons to make connections, is dependent on the extracellular environment in which polysialated neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) plays an important role.86 PSA-NCAM is associated with regions of the brain that show structural plasticity such as the inner granule cell layer of the DG and the mossy fiber terminals of CA3.87 CRS for 21 days causes increased PSA-NCAM expression in the DG proliferative zone even though cell proliferation is suppressed, and these changes have disappeared after CRS for 42 days.51 This raised questions about the role of PSA-NCAM in adaptive structural plasticity, which need to be investigated. Removal of the PSA residue by endoneuraminidase (EndoN)88 is a powerful tool for manipulating this system, since PSA removal abolishes plasticity of suprachiasmatic neurons to environmentally induced phase shifting of the diurnal rhythm.89 We now turn to the important question of whether chronic stress increases or decreases vulnerability of the hippocampus to damage from other insults.
duction. Continuation of CRS for a total of 6 weeks abolishes the upregulation of PSA-NCAM and results in a significant 6% reduction in DG volume and 13% reduction in granule neuron number.51 We do not yet know whether structural changes occurring after 6 weeks of CRS are reversible or whether they can be accelerated by antidepressant or antiepileptic drugs that block the effects of stress and glucocorticoids on remodeling. Nor do we know whether the structural changes occurring with CRS increase or decrease the vulnerability of the hippocampus to damage by excitotoxicity. It is well established that glucocorticoids exacerbate damage to the hippocampus caused by ischemia90 and seizures.91,92 Glucocorticoids exacerbate excitotoxic damage and do so, at least in part, by facilitating trafficking of immune cells to the injury site,93 and, there, cytotoxic T cells are able to produce cytotoxic death of neurons.94 However, the phenomenon of ischemic preconditioning95 reveals that prior stimulation of the hippocampus can induce a protective mechanism that may reduce the damage produced by a full-scale ischemic event. It is not clear whether the same mechanisms might be operative when stress is applied and whether they might affect the response to excitotoxicity in response to seizures, but this possibility needs to be kept in mind if it turns out that prior CRS has a protective effect on subsequent responses to excitotoxic challenge. Protective agents may also involve substances that are upregulated in the brain in response to damage or threat of damage. One of the prominent features of excitotoxic damage or removal of adrenal steroids is the robust induction of calcitonin generelated peptide (CGRP) in terminals and cell bodies in hippocampus and in mossy cells. The increased expression of CGRP in mossy cells is especially prominent after bilateral ADX under conditions in which there is apoptosis of granule cells, and the CGRP immunoreactivity is enhanced within the inner third of the molecular layer of the DG. The neuroimmune peptide, CGRP, is one of the most diverse and influential immunoregulators of the periphery. This important neuropeptide has multiple functions including: its actions as a potent vasodilator96 and an immune modulator,97-102 as well as a neural and immune developmental regulator, a modulator of hormone release involved in growth and development, and a stimulator of sympathetic outflow, which is mediated by CRF and an inducer of apoptosis (reviewed in reference 103). Some of the different functional roles for CGRP may not be independent, but may be part of a
the scope of this discussion, but they may be explained by differences in the duration of depression, as well as gender and age. It should be noted that hippocampal size in elderly twins shows only 40% genetic contribution, with the predominant influence being environmental.135 This emphasizes the importance of experimental factors and allostatic load in determining hippocampal volume. Hippocampal atrophy has been found in relation to depression in the elderly,136 with an association detected with presence of the ApoE4 genotype.137 In subjects with a long-term history of depression, Sheline and colleagues described magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evidence for discontinuities that might represent sites of damage.130 Although some recent postmortem studies on brains from depressed individuals did not show neuron loss in hippocampus,138,139 the duration of the depression and the subtype of depression were not carefully controlled.Thus, the possibility that neural damage may ultimately occur in major depression cannot be disregarded, particularly when depression lasts a long time. However, in a recent study in young depressed subjects, hippocampal volume was not smaller in first-episode depression, but declined rapidly over several years.140 The key, unanswered question is whether such changes can be prevented or even reversed. It is important to note that other brain regions besides hippocampus are affected in depressive illness and undergo structural changes. One region is the prefrontal cortex, and structural imaging141 showed loss of volume in familial pure depressive disorder, whereas autopsy studies142-144 have shown loss of volume and glial cells, as well as neuronal density in both unipolar and bipolar disorder. There is one animal study showing that chronic glucocorticoid treatment induces loss of dendrites in the rat prefrontal cortex.4 However, much more work needs to be done on this brain region. Depressive illness is associated with a hyperactivation of the amygdala,145,146 and more recently, with an actual enlargement of the amygdala in the first episode of major depression.147 This is reminiscent of the increased dendritic branching reported in rats after repeated immoblization stress (see above and reference 148). Since the amygdala integrates information related to fear and strong emotions, and also sends outputs via the central nucleus for autonomic arousal and via the basal nucleus for more active aspects of coping,149 the elevation of amygdala activity may be a first step that leads to overactivation of systems involved in physiological and behavioral coping. The long-term consequences of this may well be a wear
and tear on the body that results in a number of pathophysiological consequences, since the amygdala regulates both autonomic nervous system activity and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol production through outputs of its central nucleus.149,150 It is important to note that there are reports that in recurrent major depression of long duration the amygdala may undergo shrinkage.131,151 It is thus possible that initial hypertrophy gives way to atrophy in this important brain structure. Besides the brain changes in major depression, there are other changes in the body that reflect dysregulated hypothalamopituitary axis (HPA) and autonomic activity, and are slow in developing.These constitute allostatic load that produces cumulative pathophysiology, which may also be reversible if caught in time. Such cumulative, long-term effects include bone mineral loss152-154 and abdominal fat deposition.155-157 Moreover, the combination of long-term allostatic load, together with dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system in major depression,158 is associated with increased blood platelet reactivity159-161 and increased risk for cardiovascular disease.162-165 There are parallels between the story for major depression and what is known about psychiatric and somatic features of Cushings disease involving melancholia, depression, abdominal obesity, bone mineral loss, and increased risk for cardiovascular disease.166-169 In addition, there is evidence for hippocampal atrophy in Cushings disease along with memory impairments.170-172 Interestingly, hippocampal volume loss in Cushings disease is at least partially reversible over several years after correction of the hypercortisolemia.173-175 Finally, a largely unexplored area concerns the effects of antidepressant medication on the brain and body changes associated with depressive illness. On the one hand, certain antidepressants may contribute to some of the associated pathophysiology, such as cardiovascular instability.176 On the other hand, withdrawal from antidpressant treatment may cause imbalances in neurotransmitter systems, with elevations of excitatory amino acid tone,177 and contribute to the allostatic load that occurs as the depressive state continues.178
Translational studies of brain changes in major psychiatric illnesses such as unipolar and bipolar depression and posttraumatic stress disorder are showing that changes in volume of structures such as hippocampus, prefrontal cortex,
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Plasticidad estructural del cerebro adulto: cmo los modelos animales nos ayudan a comprender los cambios cerebrales en la depresin y los trastornos sistmicos relacionados con la depresin
El cerebro interpreta experiencias y las traduce en respuestas conductuales y fisiolgicas. Los acontecimientos estresantes son aquellas situaciones amenazantes, o al menos, inesperadas y sorpresivas; y las respuestas fisiolgicas y conductuales intentan promover una adaptacin a travs de un proceso llamado alostasis. Los mediadores qumicos de la alostasis incluyen el cortisol y la adrenalina de las glndulas adrenales, otras hormonas y neurotransmisores, el sistema nervioso parasimptico y simptico, y citoquinas y quimioquinas del sistema inmune. Dos estructuras cerebrales, la amgdala y el hipocampo, juegan papeles clave en la interpretacin de lo que es estresante y en la determinacin de respuestas apropiadas. El hipocampo, una estructura clave para las memorias de los acontecimientos y del contexto, expresa receptores que lo capacitan para responder a hormonas glucocorticodeas de la sangre. El hipocampo se atrofia en numerosos trastornos psiquitricos y tambin responde a estresores con cambios en la excitabilidad, disminucin de las ramificaciones dendrticas y reduccin del nmero de neuronas del giro dentado. La amgdala, que es importante para las memorias emocionales, aumenta su actividad en el trastorno por estrs postraumtico y en la enfermedad depresiva. En modelos animales de estrs existen evidencias del crecimiento e hipertrofia de clulas nerviosas en la amgdala. Los cambios en el cerebro despus de situaciones de estrs agudo y crnico reflejan el patrn observado en los sistemas metablico, cardiovascular e inmune; esto es, una adaptacin a corto plazo (alostasis) seguida de un dao a largo plazo (carga alosttica), como por ejemplo, ateroesclerosis, obesidad localizada, desmineralizacin del hueso y deterioro de la funcin inmune. La carga alosttica de este tipo se observa en la depresin mayor y tambin se puede expresar en otros trastornos ansiosos y afectivos crnicos.
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Basic research
Structural plasticity of the adult brain
Fred H. Gage, PhD
The adult brain has long been considered stable and unchanging, except for the inevitable decline that occurs with aging. This view is now being challenged with clear evidence that structural changes occur in the brain throughout life, including the generation of new neurons and other brain cells, and connections between and among neurons. What is as remarkable is that the changes that occur in the adult brain are influenced by the behaviors an individual engages in, as well as the environment in which an individual lives, works, and plays. Learning how behavior and environment regulate brain structure and function will lead to strategies to live more effective lives and perhaps protect from, or repair, brain damage and brain disease.
2004, LLS SAS Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2004;6:135-141.
hose of us who study the nervous system believe that the brain is the organ that controls our behavior. Therefore, what we think and what we do, while obviously influenced by the experience, are results of the brains processing of information and directing our subsequent actions. Given this basic assumption, it is no wonder that the most common model or analogy of how the brain operates is that of a computer. While this analogy may have some heuristic value, it is likely wrong or at least very limiting. The brain is an organ, like the liver, heart, and kidney, and is made of chemicals, cells, and tissue. Communication between brain cells is mediated through neurons with long processes (axons) that connect many cells at once and release small batches of chemical information (neurotransmitters) to a network of other neurons. The neurons receive the signals on their antennae, called dendrites, which protrude, in many cases, quite elaborately from the cell body. The specific site where the chemical signal from one cell makes contact with another cell is called a synapse, which is made up of signaling cells (presynaptic boutons) and receiving cells (postsynaptic spines). The synapse is the structural unit that transmits the majority of information between neurons. Each neuron can have thousands of these synapses on its dendrites and cell body. The real trick for the neuron is to calculate (interpret) the temporal and spatially transmitted information it receives and to send that interpreted message onto the next neurons in a circuit. The aggregation of this information passing and processing results in thought and behavior.
Keywords: neurogenesis; adult stem cell; brain structure; neurological disease; depression Author affiliations: Laboratory of Genetics, The Salk Institute, La Jolla, Calif, USA Address for correspondence: Fred H. Gage, PhD, Laboratory of Genetics, The Salk Institute, 10010 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA (e-mail: [email protected]) Copyright 2004 LLS SAS. All rights reserved
Basic research
time, how could we do that? For that matter, if the brain is the seat of consciousness, as proposed by Francis Crick,1 how would we maintain a self identity if the brain were not stable? Well, the dirty little secret is coming out: the brain is not stable and that is a good thing. The structural changes seen in the brain may be required to provide the extra capacity we need for dealing with complexity. It may also provide the underpinning for the adaptability and flexibility, or plasticity as neuroscientists refer to it, that is required for dealing with the variety of challenges that we face throughout life. In addition, and in some ways even more importantly, structural plasticity provides the mechanism for the brain to repair itself. All organs of the body have some capacity to repair themselves following minor injury. Skin, liver, heart, kidney, lung, and blood have some level of repair capacity, and most have the capacity to generate new cells to replace damaged ones, at least to a small extent. Until recently, the brain was considered unique in its lack of ability to repair itself once it had matured to adulthood. Researchers were convinced that Once development was ended, the fonts of growth and regeneration of the axons and dendrites dried up irrevocably. In the adult center the nerve paths are something fixed and immutable, nothing may be regenerated (S. Ramon y Cajal, 1928).2 This dogma even influenced clinical research and the accepted methods for treating brain damage. In general, the therapeutic strategy clinicians would suggest could be summed up as try not to damage your brain, because there is no way to fix it. The dominant strategy for repairing a broken, injured, or damaged brain was to replace the lost neurotransmitters (for example, providing L-dopa for Parkinsons disease [PD], which works pretty well for a while) or, more experimentally, to replace the missing or dead neurons (as in neural transplantation for treating PD, Huntingtons disease [HD],Alzheimers disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or spinal cord injury). The replacement of dead cells by transplantation of externally derived cells continues both experimentally and clinically and, with the new hope provided by the availability (albeit limited) of the pluripotent human embryonic stem cells, optimism for transplantation therapy has been renewed. The previously accepted dogma of adult neural stability is now being called into question. Pioneering studies by Raisman,3 Bjorklund,4 and Aguayo5 and their colleagues in the 1960s and 1970s revealed that damaged axons could grow under some extraordinary circumstances. These studies have led to a recent stampede of very promising work that could lead to the regeneration of cut or damaged axons due to spinal cord injury.6 A deeper blow to the dogma of adult neural stability has been the recent acceptance of the ability of certain areas of the adult brain to generate new neurons throughout life, known as adult neurogenesis. Early evidence of this ability was generated by Altman and colleagues in the 1960s and 1970s,7 and was beautifully extended to birds by Goldman and Nottebohm in the 1980s,8 and later to nonhuman primates and humans in the 1990s.9 During this same period, it was discovered that adult neurogenesis itself was not stable and predictable, but was, in fact, highly regulated by experience, with stress and aging decreasing neurogenesis and environmental enrichment and exercise increasing neurogenesis.
culture. Freshly dissociated cells from the fetal brain, if taken at the appropriate time and from the appropriate location, survive and differentiate quite readily into the types of neurons and glial cells from which they were obtained. In fact, the fetal cells have already matured somewhat and have committed themselves to a particular neuronal type; given minimal local environmental signals, they proceed toward their predetermined fates. These properties of fetal tissue make it more amenable to therapeutic applications. For example, in experimental treatments for PD, committed dopamine cells are being taken from fetal substantia nigra for transplantation; in HD treatment, fetal cells are being taken from fetal basal ganglia and transplanted into patients. The irony then is that fetal tissue grafts are more mature than adult stem cells that have been isolated and expanded in culture. The problem with the adult brain is that, outside of the limited number of stem cells, the adult cells are too mature and will not withstand the isolation and transplantation procedures; they have lost the youthfulness to survive and integrate into the adult brain. Part of the problem with fetal tissue is that there are so few cells available that are at just the right age and in just the right location, which means that either many fetuses must be used for each transplantation or the cells must be put in culture to expand their number. However, once placed in culture, only the primitive fetal stem cells will divide extensively, and, as was seen with adult stem cells, these fetal stem cells are so immature that, unless the adult brain has all the necessary signals to direct them to a particular neural type, ie, a hippocampal neuron, then the cells will either die or become glial cells or merely persist as stem cells. The way to make both fetal and adult stem cells more useful for therapeutic transplantation applications is to determine what the signals are in development that induce the stem cells to become a particular neuronal type, and then induce the stem cells toward that lineage in a culture dish just far enough so that, once they are subsequently transplanted to a particular part of the brain, they will continue toward that cell type and eventually integrate and replace the missing function. At this juncture of stem cell biology and adult neurogenesis, the concept of neural self-repair emerged. The question was posed: if the adult brain has pockets of stem cells that can become neurons, astroglial cells (which play a crucial role in generating and maintaining the health of neurons), and oligodendrocytes (a third type of cell in the
brain that insulates the neuronal axons so that they can transmit their information efficiently), then why cant the brain repair itself after injury or disease? The answer seemed to be that the brain is capable of repairing itself and that it already does, to a limited extent. The current strategy is, therefore, to try to understand how, and perhaps to what end, adult neurogenesis normally occurs, in order to find ways whereby we can enhance it, direct it, and more generally harness the residual elements of neural plasticity that are inherent to neural self-repair as a treatment for brain disorders. Surprisingly, we may not be too far away from this goal. Lets first summarize what we know about the process of adult neurogenesis.
Basic research
the young cells to mature and become functional. It is the understanding of how these growth factors and cellular environments control neurogenesis in the normal setting that will lead to development of therapies aimed at enhancing and directing neurogenesis in disease states. adaptability to the processing of new information. Since it takes a month from the time the new cells are born until they are integrated into the functional circuits of the brain, the role that the new neurons play in behavior has likely less to do with birth of the cells and more to do with the properties of the newly born functioning neuron.20 Thus, future studies are focusing in part on determining whether the spines and synapses of the newly born neurons have properties that give them advantages over neurons that have been in the circuit for the whole life of an animal. One of the most striking aspects of neurogenesis in the hippocampus is the number of events, experiences, and factors that can regulate either the rate of cell division, the survival of the newly born neurons, or their integration into the neural circuitry. First and foremost, there is a clear genetic underpinning to neurogenesis, with a correlation in mice showing that those strains of mice with higher rates of neurogenesis learn more quickly.21,22 However, as with most things, it is not nature or nurture, but more correctly an interaction or cooperation between the two. For example, movement of adult and even old mice from a rather sterile simplified cage into a large enriched environment with significant complexity and diversity will result in a significant increase in new neurons by decreasing the number of cells that die.This increase in new neurons correlates with increased functioning of the hippocampus, as well as a significant improvement in learning and memory. In an attempt in my laboratory to tease out the elements of the enriched environment that are critical for the increased neurogenesis, van Praag discovered that running on a running wheel alone was sufficient to nearly double the number of dividing cells, resulting in robust increases in new neurons.23,24 In addition to the positive effects of exercise and environmental enrichment, the process of neurogenesis is also negatively regulated by events in the environment, such as stress, injury, and disease. Understanding how neurogenesis is normally regulated will be the key to developing strategies to counteract the misregulations of neurogenesis.
How does the process of neurogenesis respond in the damaged, injured, or diseased brain?
In the last 5 years, a striking number of neurological diseases and conditions have been shown to affect neurogenesis, especially in the hippocampus. For example, most forms of experimental epilepsy25,26 result in a robust
increase in the proliferation of stem cells within the hippocampus. Many of these new cells die, but some survive and, as a result of the epileptic state, these new cells migrate to the wrong place in the hippocampus and appear to differentiate incorrectly. These incorrectly generated new neurons have been speculated to play a role in the persistence of certain types of abnormal behavior and pathology that result from the epileptiform activity. By understanding how neurogenesis normally occurs to generate healthy neurons, it is hoped that this aberrant neurogenesis could be blocked or perhaps the aberrantly generated cells could be trained to wire up correctly (even at a later point in time), given the remarkable structural plasticity of these new brain cells. Cerebral stroke also results in a striking increase in the proliferation of new cells in the hippocampus, but most of these cells die soon thereafter. In addition, in certain types of stroke (like ischemia), there is loss of cells in areas of the brain that do not normally give rise to new neurons, and thus offer little hope for repair.27,28 Quite remarkably, more recent studies have revealed that, in fact, the brain is inducing repair by bringing new cells in from areas of the brain that do have stems cells and directing them to the sites of damage. While with severe strokes, this microrepair is not enough to reverse the damage, it is likely that this microrepair system is adequate to protect, prevent, and repair the brain after small, often-unrecognized strokes. Some of this repair is likely to be behind the often-observed remarkable though quite variable recovery that occurs after many strokes. Growth factors like EGF and FGF are now being used to try to enhance the intrinsic repair process, and with encouraging results.29 One of the most striking correlations between disease and neurogenesis is in depression. As mentioned above, stress reduces the process of neurogenesis leading to fewer newborn cells in the dentate gyrus, and chronic stress is believed to be the most important causal factor in depression aside from genetic predisposition.30-32 Antidepressants (tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tianeptine, and lithium) augment neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of experimental animals and, interestingly, the time required to observe therapeutic effects of these drugs corresponds to the time course for neurogenesis. This has led to a hypothesis that depression is in part caused by a decrease in neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus and thus antidepressant therapy and physical therapy (ie, running and exercise)
reverse depression by activating neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus. While this is currently only a working hypothesis, there is converging evidence to support this view, which is leading to the examination of other factors that affect adult neurogenesis and the determination of their effects on depression.
Harnessing the endogenous capacity for self-repair that exists in the adult brain
We now know that the brain does indeed have a pool of residual cells that can divide making new cells that can roam around the brain and spinal cord and, under special conditions, differentiate into new functioning cells. We are also beginning to understand some of the cellular and molecular factors, as well as environment events, that regulate the process of neurogenesis. Importantly, there is a consistent correlation between improved function and increases in neurogenesis. This is particularly the case for hippocampus-associated behaviors and functions; moreover, several neural diseases have been associated with changes in neurogenesis. Now the principle strategy is to learn enough about the factors that regulate each of the components of neurogenesis in order to control cell proliferation (making more cells), migration (getting the cells to places where they are needed), and differentiation (turning the cells into the type of cell that is needed). For diseases of the brain and spinal cord, this will require more knowledge about which cells are affected in a disease, as well as knowing more about the factors that regulate the components of neurogenesis: For depression, epilepsy, and stroke, which are diseases that involve the hippocampus (a structure where neurogenesis does occur), the most straightforward strategy would be to induce more neurogenesis or reroute neurogenesis. In diseases like HD and PD, where very specific cell types die to cause the symptoms, the best strategy would be to induce the local dividing cells to proliferate and then differentiate in small spine neurons, in the case of HD, and dopamine neurons, in the case of PD. In diseases like spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis, the strategy may not be to make endogenous cells become neurons, but rather to ensheath oligodendrocytes. Since the endogenous cells already have the capacity to make these cells at low frequency in the intact spinal cord, the task will be to enhance the endogenous capacity.
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The task aheadto realize the goals of these strategies is not an easy one, but it is the knowledge that this is a realistic and approachable strategy that heralds a remarkable change in how we even think about brain disease, damage, and repair. I imagine a time when selective drugs will be available to stimulate components of neurogenesis, and this treatment will be combined with very specific physical therapy directed at activating specific brain areas to accept and integrate the new cells in that brain area. The implication of this knowledge is that we will be able to conduct our lives in such a way as to limit brain disease and enhance the natural repair process.
I thank Mary Lynn Gage for her valuable assistance with this manuscript.
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Regulation of cellular plasticity and resilience by mood stabilizers: the role of AMPA receptor trafficking
Jing Du, MD, PhD; Jorge A. Quiroz, MD; Neil A. Gray, BS; Steve T. Szabo, PhD; Carlos A. Zarate Jr, MD; Husseini K. Manji, MD, FRCPC
espite the devastating impact that mood disorders have on the lives of millions worldwide, there is still a dearth of knowledge concerning their underlying etiology and pathophysiology.The brain systems that have heretofore received the greatest attention in neurobiological studies of mood disorders have been the monoaminergic neurotransmitter systems, which are extensively distributed throughout the network of limbic, striatal, and prefrontal cortical neuronal circuits thought to support the behavioral and visceral manifestations of mood disorders.1-3 Thus, clinical studies over the past 40 years have attempted to uncover the specific defects in these neurotransmitter systems in mood disorders by utilizing a variety of biochemical and neuroendocrine strategies. There is increasing evidence from a variety of sources that severe mood disorders are associated with regional reductions in brain volume, as well as reductions in the number, size, and density of glia and neurons in discrete brain areas. Although the precise pathophysiology underlying these morphometric changes remains to be fully elucidated, the data suggest that severe mood disorders are associated with impairments of structural plasticity and cellular resilience. In this context, it is noteworthy that a growing body of data suggests that the glutamatergic system (which is known to play a major role in neuronal plasticity and cellular resilience) may be involved in the pathophysiology and treatment of mood disorders. Glutamate -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) GluR1 receptor trafficking plays a critical role in regulating various forms of neural plasticity. It is thus noteworthy that recent studies have shown that structurally dissimilar mood stabilizers lithium and valproate regulate GluR1 receptor subunit trafficking and localization at synapses. These studies suggest that regulation of glutamatergically mediated synaptic plasticity may play a role in the treatment of mood disorders, and raises the possibility that agents more directly affecting synaptic GluR1 represent novel therapies for these devastating illnesses.
2004, LLS SAS Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2004;6:143-155.
Keywords: lithium; valproate; antidepressant; bipolar disorder; glutamate receptor GluR1; phosphorylation Author affiliations: Laboratory of Molecular Pathophysiology, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Md, USA Copyright 2004 LLS SAS. All rights reserved
Address for correspondence: Husseini K. Manji, MD, Laboratory of Molecular Pathophysiology, Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program, National Institute of Mental Health, 9000 Rockville Pike, Building 10, Unit 3 West, Room 3s250, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA (e-mail: [email protected])
Basic research
Selected abbreviations and acronyms
-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid CAMKII calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II EAAT excitatory amino acid transporter LTD long-term depression LTP long-term potentiation NMDA N-methyl-D-aspartate MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase PCP phencyclidine PKA protein kinase A PP1 protein phosphatase 1 WMH white matter hyperintensities While such investigations have been heuristic over the years, they have been of limited value in elucidating the unique biology of mood disorders, which must include an understanding of the underlying basis for the predilection to episodic and often-profound mood disturbance, which can become progressive over time. These observations have led to the appreciation that, while dysfunction within the monoaminergic neurotransmitter systems is likely to play important roles in mediating some components of the pathophysiology of mood disorders, they do not fully explain all the facets of these complex neuropsychiatric disorders.4,5 In addition to the acknowledgement that investigations into the pathophysiology of complex mood disorders have been excessively focused on monoaminergic systems, there has been a growing appreciation that progress in developing truly novel and improved medications has consequently also been limited.A recognition of the clear need for better treatments and the lack of significant advances in our ability to develop novel, improved therapeutics for these devastating illnesses has led to the investigation of the putative roles of intracellular signaling cascades and nonaminergic systems in the pathophysiology and treatment of mood disorders. Consequently, recent evidence demonstrating that impairments of neuroplasticity may underlie the pathophysiology of mood disorders, and that antidepressants and mood stabilizers exert major effects on the signaling pathways that regulate cellular plasticity and resilience, have generated considerable excitement among the clinical neuroscience community, and are reshaping views about the neurobiological underpinnings of these disorders.1,2,6-8 Somewhat surprisingly, the potential role of the glutamatergic system in the pathophysiology and treatment AMPA of bipolar disorder has only recently begun to be investigated in earnest. Glutamate is the major excitatory synaptic neurotransmitter regulating numerous physiological functions in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS), such as synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory, and represents a major neurotransmitter system in the circuitry thought to subserve many of the symptoms of severe, recurrent mood disorders.3 In this perspectives paper, we review the growing body of data that suggests that severe mood disorders are associated with impairments of cellular plasticity and resilience, effects that may arise from perturbations of neurotrophic signaling cascades and the glutamatergic system. We follow with a discussion of the emerging data that suggests regulating the balance of glutamatergic throughput via N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) receptors may play an important role in the actions of our most effective thymoleptic agents, and represent very attractive targets for the development of novel therapeutics for these devastating disorders.
What is the evidence for impairments of cellular plasticity and resilience in severe mood disorders?
Structural imaging studies have demonstrated reduced gray matter volumes in areas of the orbital and medial prefrontal cortex (PFC), ventral striatum, and hippocampus, and enlargement of third ventricle in mooddisordered patients relative to healthy control samples.3,9,10 Postmortem neuropathological studies have shown abnormal reductions in glial cell counts/density, neuron size/density, and cortical volume/thickness in the subgenual PFC, orbital cortex, dorsal anterolateral PFC, amygdala, and in basal ganglia and dorsal raphe nuclei and hippocampus.11-16 Morphometric studies also have reported layer-specific reductions in interneurons in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and reductions in nonpyramidal neurons (~40% lower) in CA2 of the hippocampal formation in bipolar disorder subjects compared with controls.17 Overall, the layer-specific cellular changes observed in several distinct brain regions, including the PFC, ACC, and hippocampus suggest that multiple neuronal circuits underlie the neuropathology of mood disorders. This is not altogether surprising since the behavioral and physiological manifestations of the illnesses are complex and include cognitive, affective,
motoric, and neurovegetative symptomatology, as well as alterations of circadian rhythms and neuroendocrine systems, and are thus undoubtedly mediated by networks of interconnected neurotransmitter systems and neural circuits.13 In addition to the accumulating neuroimaging evidence, several postmortem brain studies are now providing direct evidence for reductions in regional CNS volume, cell number, and cell body size. Baumann and associates18 reported reduced volumes of the left nucleus accumbens, the right putamen, and bilateral pallidum externum in postmortem brain samples obtained from patients with unipolar depression or bipolar depression. The abnormal presence of white matter hyperintensities (WMH) has been reported in multiple magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of geriatric patients with affective disorder, particularly those with late-onset depression (ie, elderly depressed patients who experience their first depression after age 60). Elderly adults (>60 years old) with severe WMH are 3 to 5 times more likely to have depressive symptoms as compared with persons with only mild or no white matter lesions.19 Tupler and colleagues20 reported that late-onset depressed patients had more severe hyperintensity ratings in deep white matter than early-onset patients and controls, and that late- and early-onset patients had more severe subcortical gray matter hyperintensities (particularly in the putamen) compared with controls. Recently, Silverstone and colleagues21 reported that bipolar patients showed more severe deep WMH on brain MRI than age-matched unipolar and control subjects. WMH severity has been suggested to predict poorer response to antidepressant therapy.22 In fact, these lesions have been also found to be increased in children with psychiatric disorders, but are highest among bipolar patients, when compared with controls, particularly in the frontal lobes,23 and also early in the course of bipolar illness in adolescent subjects.24 Although the cause of WMH in mood disorders is unknown, their presenceparticularly in the brains of young bipolar patientssuggests importance in the pathophysiology of the disorder.25,26 Together, these results support the contention that WMH indicate damage to the structure of brain tissue, and likely disruption of the neuronal connectivity necessary for normal affective functioning. It is not known whether these structural brain changes seen in patients with severe mood disorders constitute developmental abnormalities that may confer vulnerabil-
ity to abnormal mood episodes, compensatory changes to other pathogenic processes, or the sequelae of recurrent affective episodes per se. Understanding these issues will partly depend upon experiments that delineate the onset of such abnormalities within the illness course and determine whether they antedate depressive episodes in individuals at high familial risk for mood disorders. Nevertheless, these prominent atrophic changes and impairments of plasticity have drawn much attention to the glutamatergic system, sinceas we discuss in detail belowthe glutamatergic system is known to play critical roles in regulating various forms of plasticity. Furthermore, as is discussed extensively in this issue and elsewhere,27 alterations in glutamatergic signaling, mediated by both NMDA and non-NMDA receptors, are known to play important roles in stress-induced morphometric brain changes.14,28,29 Since some clinicians may be less familiar with the intricacies of the regulation of glutamate receptor subtypes, we now present a brief overview of the functioning and regulation of NMDA and AMPA glutamatergic receptors. We follow with a discussion of the exciting emerging data suggesting that glutamatergic signaling represents a very attractive target for the development of novel therapeutics for severe mood disorders.
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Figure 1. Glutamatergic system. This figure depicts the various regulatory processes involved in glutamatergic neurotransmission, as described in the text. In astrocytes, glutamine can undergo oxidation to yield -ketoglutarate, which can also be transported to neurons and participate in glutamate synthesis. Glutamate is either metabolized or sequestered and stored into secretory vesicles by vesicular glutamate transporters (VGluT). Glutamate can then be released by a calcium-dependent excitotoxic process. Glutamate has its action terminated in the synapse by reuptake mechanisms utilizing distinct GLU transporters (GLUTs), which exist not only on presynaptic nerve terminals, but also on astrocytes; indeed, current data suggests that astrocytic glutamate uptake may be more important for clearing excess glutamate, raising the possibility that astrocytic loss (as has been documented in mood disorders) may contribute to deleterious GLU signaling, but more so by astrocytes. It is now known that there are a number of important intracellular proteins, which are able to alter the function of glutamate receptors. Gly, glycine; GTn, glutamate transporter; GTg, glutamate transporter (glial); 5-HT1A, 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 1A; AMPA, -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid; NMDAR, NMDA receptor; PKA and PKC, protein kinase A and C; PP1, PP2A, and PP2B, protein phosphatase 1, 2A, and 2B; Yotiao, NMDA receptor accessory protein; AKAP, protein A kinase anchoring protein; nNOS, nitric oxide synthetase; Src, a family of protein tyrosine kinases; PTP1D, protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1D; SHP2, src homology 2 domaincontaining tyrosine phosphatase; PSD95, postsynaptic density protein 95; CAMKII, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II; MyoV, myosin V; SynGAP, Ras guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase)activating protein; GKAP, guanylate kinaseassociated protein; PYK2, proline-rich tyrosine kinase-2; Shank; Shank family of multidomain proteins; Homer, a family of dendritic multidomain proteins; Rap2, a small GTPase; H-ras, Harvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene homologue; Rac1, a Rho family GTPase; ERK, extracellular signalregulated kinase; Raf, MEK, and Rsk, ribosomal S6 kinases; Hsp70, heat-shock protein 70.
Modified and reproduced with permission from reference 30: Szabo ST, Gould TD, Manji HK. Neurotransmitters, receptors, signal transduction, and second messengers in psychiatric disorders. In: Schatzberg A, Nemeroff CB, eds. The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychopharmacology. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing Inc; 2003:3-52. Copyright 2003; American Psychiatric Publishing Inc.
regulated and controlled, primarily by a sodium-dependent reuptake mechanism involving several transporter proteins.The major glutamate transporter proteins found in the CNS include excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs): EAAT1 (or GLAST-1), EAAT2 (or GLT-1), and EAAT3 (or EAAC1), with EAAT2 being the most predominantly expressed form in the forebrain. Additionally, these transporters are differentially expressed in specific cell types, with EAAT1 and EAAT2 being found primarily in glial cells, EAAT3 localized in neurons, and EAAT4 mainly localized in cerebellum. The physiological events regulating the activity of the glutamate transporters are not well understood, though there is evidence that phosphorylation of the transporters by protein kinases may differentially regulate glutamate transporters and therefore glutamate reuptake (discussed in reference 30). Glutamate concentrations have been shown to rise to excitotoxic levels within minutes following traumatic or ischemic injury, and there is evidence that the function of the glutamate transporters becomes impaired under these excitotoxic conditions.32 Moreover, microdialysis studies have shown that severe stress increases extracellular levels of glutamate in hippocampus, and NMDA glutamate receptor antagonists attenuate stress-induced atrophy of CA3 pyramidal neurons. Glutamate receptor subtypes: a focus on NMDA and AMPA receptors The many subtypes of glutamatergic receptors in the CNS can be classified into two major subtypesthe ionotropic and metabotropic receptors (Table I). The ionotropic glutamate receptor ion channels are assemblies of homooligomeric or hetero-oligomeric subunits integrated into the neurons membrane. Every channel is assembled of (most likely) four subunits associated into a dimer of dimers, as has been observed in crystallographic studies.33,34 Every subunit consists of an extracellular amino terminal and ligand-binding domain, three transmembrane domains and a re-entrant pore loop (located between the first and second transmembrane domains), and an intracellular carboxyl terminal domain.35 The subunits associate through interactions between their amino terminal domains forming a dimer that undergoes a second dimerization mediated by interactions between the ligand-binding domains and/or between transmembrane domains.33,34 Three different subgroups of glutamatergic ion channels have been identified utilizing their pharmacological ability to bind dif-
Ionotropic receptors NMDA NR1 NR2A, NR2B, NR2C, NR2D NR3A, NR3B AMPA GluR1, GluR2, GluR3, GluR4 Kainate GluR5, GluR6, GluR7 KA1, KA2 Metabotropic receptors Group I mGlu1a, mGlu1b, mGlu1c, mGlu1d Group II mGlu2, mGlu3 Group III mGlu4a, mGlu4b, mGlu4c, mGlu4d mGlu6 mGlu7a, mGlu7b, mGlu7c, mGlu7d mGlu8a, mGlu8b, mGlu8c, mGlu8d Table I. Receptor subtype units. Once released from the presynaptic terminal, glutamate is able to bind to numerous excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptors, including both ionotropic (eg, N-methyl-Daspartate [NMDA]) and metabotropic receptors. Presynaptic regulation of glutamate release occurs through metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR2 or mGluR3), which subserve the function of autoreceptors. However, these receptors are also located on the postsynaptic element. AMPA, -amino-3-hydroxy5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid.
ferent synthetic ligands, each of which is composed of a different set of subunits. These are the NMDA receptor (NMDAR), the AMPA receptor (AMPAR), and the kainate receptor (KAR). The latter two groups are often referred to together as the non-NMDA receptors, but undoubtedly subserve unique functions (Table I). In the adult mammalian brain, NMDA and AMPA glutamatergic receptors are colocalized in approximately 70% of the synapses.36 By contrast, at early stages of development, synapses are more likely to contain only NMDA receptors. Radioligand binding studies have shown that NMDA and AMPA receptors are found in high density in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, striatum, septum, and amygdala. NMDA receptors The NMDA receptor is activated by glutamate and requires the presence of a coagonist, namely glycine or D-serine, to be activated. However, the binding of both glutamate and glycine is still not sufficient for the NMDA receptor channel to open, since, at resting membrane potential, the NMDA ion channel is blocked by Mg2+ ions. Only when the membrane is depolarized (eg, by the activation of AMPA or kainate receptors on the same postsynaptic neuron) is the Mg2+ blockade relieved. Under these conditions, the NMDA receptor channel will open and permit the entry of both Na+ and Ca2+ (Figure 1).
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The NMDA receptor channel is composed of combination of NR1, NR2A, NR2B, NR2C, NR2D, NR3A, and NR3B subunits (Table I). The binding site for glutamate has been localized to the NR2 subunit and the site for the coagonist glycine has been localized to the NR1 subunit, which is required for receptor function. Two molecules of glutamate and two of glycine are thought to be necessary to activate the ion channel. Within the ion channel, two other sites have been identified called the sigma () site and the phencyclidine (PCP) site. The hallucinogenic drug PCP, ketamine, and the experimental drug dizocilpine (MK-801), all bind at the latter site and are considered noncompetitive receptor antagonists that inhibit NMDA receptor channel function. In preclinical studies, drugs of this type have been shown to have neuroprotective properties against anoxia and hypoglycemia; these studies await clinical confirmation. In clinical psychiatric studies, ketamine has been shown to transiently induce psychotic symptoms in schizophrenic patients, and to produce rapid antidepressant effects in depressed patients.37 These latter observations have led to the investigation of NMDA antagonists as putative novel antidepressants.29,37 NMDA receptors play a critical role in regulating synaptic plasticity.38 The best-studied forms of synaptic plasticity in the CNS are long-term potentiation (LTP) and longterm depression (LTD) of excitatory synaptic transmission. The molecular mechanisms of LTP and LTD have been extensively characterized and have been proposed to represent cellular models of learning and memory.38 Induction of LTP and LTD in the CA1 region of the hippocampus and in many regions of the brain has now clearly been demonstrated to be dependent on NMDA receptor activation. During NMDA-receptordependent synaptic plasticity, Ca2+ influx through NMDA receptors can activate a wide variety of kinases and/or phosphatases that, in turn, modulate synaptic strength. An important recent development is the finding that two of the primary molecules involvedCa2+/ calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CAMKII) and the NMDA subtype of glutamate receptorform a tight complex with each other at the synapse.39 Interestingly, this binding appears to enhance both the autophosphorylation of the kinase and the ability of the entire holoenzyme, which has 12 subunits, to become hyperphosphorylated.39 This hyperphosphorylated state has been postulated to represent a memory switch, which can lead to long-term strengthening of the synapse by multiple mechanisms. One important mechanism involves direct phosphorylation of the glutamate-activated AMPA receptors, which increases their conductance. Furthermore, once CAMKII is bound to the NMDA receptor, it may organize additional anchoring sites for AMPA receptors at the synapse. It is intriguing that activation of synaptic NMDA receptor versus nonsynaptic receptor has an opposite effect on cell survival via differential regulation of CREB (cyclic adenosine monophosphate [cAMP]response element binding protein) function. Calcium entry through synaptic NMDA receptors induced CREB activity and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene expression as strongly as did stimulation of L-type calcium channels. In contrast, calcium entry through nonsynaptic NMDA receptors, triggered by glutamate exposure or hypoxic/ischemic conditions, activated a general and dominant CREB shut-off pathway that blocked induction of BDNF expression. Synaptic NMDA receptors have antiapoptotic activity, whereas stimulation of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors caused loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (an early marker for glutamate-induced neuronal damage) and cell death.40 AMPA receptor trafficking plays critical roles in the regulation of various forms of neural plasticity The AMPA receptor is stimulated by the presence of glutamate and characteristically produces a fast excitatory synaptic signal that is responsible for the initial reaction to glutamate in the synapse. In fact, as discussed above, it is generally believed that it is the activation of the AMPA receptor that results in neuronal depolarization sufficient to liberate the Mg2+ cation from the NMDA receptor, thereby permitting its activation. The AMPA receptor channel is composed of the combination of GluR1, GluR2, GluR3, and GluR4 subunits, and requires two molecules of glutamate to be activated (Table I). AMPA receptors have a lower affinity for glutamate than the NMDA receptor, thereby allowing for more rapid dissociation of glutamate and therefore a rapid deactivation of the AMPA receptor (reviewed in reference 41). Emerging data suggest that AMPA receptor trafficking, including receptor insertion and internalization, and delivery to synaptic sites, provides an elegant mechanism for activity-dependent regulation of synaptic strength.AMPA receptor subunits undergo constitutive endocytosis and exocytosis; however, the process is highly regulated with a
variety of signal transduction cascades being capable of producing short- or long-term changes in synaptic surface expression of AMPA receptor subunits. Indeed, although the mechanisms of LTP and LTD have not been completely elucidated, it is widely accepted that AMPA receptor trafficking is the key player in these phenomena. Most importantly for the present discussion, AMPA receptor trafficking is highly regulated by the protein kinase A (PKA), protein kinase C (PKC), CAMKII, and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascades; these are the very same signaling cascades that mood stabilizers and antidepressants exert major effects on.42-45 These observations have led to an extensive series of studies, which have clearly demonstrated that AMPA receptor trafficking is highly regulated by antidepressants and mood stabilizers46,47 (see below). Regulation of AMPA receptor trafficking by signaling cascades Most vesicle trafficking requires the ordered coating of a donor membrane, budding and fusion to form transport vesicles, transport by passive or active delivery along microtubule, and final fusion with the target membrane.48 AMPA receptors adopted this mechanism to be delivered to the neuronal membrane surface. AMPA receptors are multimeric assemblies of the subunits GluR1 to GluR4. Each subunit is composed of N-terminal extracellular domain, membrane-spanning domain, and C-terminal intracellular domain.49,50 AMPA receptor trafficking is subunit-specific and regulated by phosphorylation of its C-terminal domain, and subsequent alteration of protein-protein interactions. PKA pathway The GluR1 subunit appears to govern the trafficking behavior of heteromeric GluR1/GluR2 receptors, preventing constitutive exchange and conferring inducible delivery of the heteromer.51 Phosphorylation of GluR1 at the PKA site p845 facilitates the insertion of GluR1 onto the membrane and synapses, and is often associated with LTP.52 Dephosphorylation of the GluR1 by protein phosphatases (eg, calcineurin and protein phosphatase 1 [PP1]) target GluR1 to recycling endosomes, where rephosphorylation by PKA may occur and the receptors will be reinserted onto the membrane.53 Phosphorylation of GluR1 at PKA site can be enhanced by synapse-asso-
ciated protein 97 (SAP97)/protein A kinase anchoring protein (AKAP79) complex that direct PKA to GluR1 via a PDZ (PSD95, disk large, ZO1) domain interaction.54 CAMKII pathway Numerous studies have demonstrated that CAMKII is required for the proper formation of LTP in slice preparations, and in regulating learning and memory in rodents.55 In response to stimulation, CAMKII translocates to the postsynaptic site, where it has two major effects on AMPA receptor activity at the postsynaptic site during the formation of LTP.55 First, the AMPA single conductance is directly increased by CAMKII at Ser831 of GluR1 subunit.56 Second, CAMKII is required for the delivery of AMPA receptor to the synapse, which is lacking AMPA receptors.51,57,58 This enhancement of synaptic GluR1 level by activation of CAMKII requires an intact C-terminal domain of GluR1, and is possibly involved in interaction with SAP97.59 PP1, which is also known to be a important modulator for learning and memory, can dephosphorylate the phosphorylation of GluR1 at p831 site by CAMKII.60 Extracellular signalregulated kinase (ERK) MAPK pathway A recent study reported that the small guananine triphosphatases (GTPases) Ras and Rap are involved in AMPA receptor trafficking through a postsynaptic signaling mechanism. Ras mediates activity-evoked increase in GluR1/GluR4containing AMPA receptor surface expression at synapses via a pathway that requires p42/44 MAPK activation. In contrast, Rap mediates NMDA-dependent removal of synaptic GluR2/GluR3containing vesicles via a pathway that involves p38 MAPK. The regulation through Ras and Rap, which work as molecular switches, may in turn control the AMPA receptor level at synapses.61 PKC pathways AMPA GluR2 receptors respond to secondary signals by constitutive receptor recycling. Phosphorylation of Ser880 on GluR2 provides a switch from receptor retention at the membrane by binding to ABP (AMPA receptorbinding protein)/GRIP (glutamate receptorinteracting protein), to receptor internalization by binding to PICK 1 (protein interacting with C kinase-1). Therefore,
Basic research
phosphorylation of GluR2 at Ser880 by PKC may release the AMPA receptor from the anchoring proteins and initiate the internalization of receptors.62-65 The mechanism for AMPA receptor trafficking is specific for brain region and neuronal type. For example, the endocytosis of AMPA receptors mediating LTD is triggered by very different signaling cascades in different cell types despite the fact that a conserved cell biological mechanism (ie, clathrin/dynamine-dependent endocytosis) always seems to be involved. Specifically, in CA1 pyramidal cells, protein phosphatases seem to be involved in triggering LTD through dephosphorylation of GluR1 and phosphorylation of PKA site on GluR1 is associated with LTP.53 However, in midbrain dopamine cells, activation of PKA appears to trigger LTD and endocytosis of AMPA receptors.66 ing, we found that an agent that provokes mania, namely the antidepressant imipramine, has an opposite effect as it upregulates AMPA synaptic strength in the hippocampus.47,67 Since chronic administration of mood stabilizers bring about numerous biochemical effects, our laboratory8,68 and others69 have established several criteria that findings should meet in order to maximize the likelihood of their therapeutic importance: This effect of mood stabilizers on GluR1 is a common effect of the structurally dissimilar antimanic agents lithium (a monovalent cation) and valproate (which is an 8-carbon branched fatty acid). This attenuation of synaptic GluR1 by lithium and valproate occurs in the hippocampus, a brain region known to be involved in critical affective neuronal circuits. This effect of lithium and valproate on synaptic GluR1 occurs at therapeutic concentrations both in vivo and in vitro. Similar to the clinical therapeutic effects, the changes in GluR1 were observed only after chronic (and not acute) administration. The effects were specific for antimanic agents, as a promanic antidepressant produced opposite effects. While it is impossible to determine whether synaptic GluR1 attenuation occurs in patients being treated with lithium or valproate, our experimental conditions attempt to mimic this situation as closely as possible. Further supporting our data are recent studies that show that AMPA receptor antagonists attenuate several manic-like behaviors produced by amphetamine administration. Thus, AMPA antagonists have been demonstrated to attenuate psychostimulant-induced development or expression of sensitization and hedonic behavior without affecting spontaneous locomotion; additionally, some studies have demonstrated that AMPA receptor antagonists reduce amphetamine- or cocaine-induced hyperactivity.70-75 The need to use caution in the appropriate application of animal models to complex neuropsychiatric disorders has been well articulated, and in fact it is unlikely we will ever develop rodent models that display the full range of symptomatology clinically expressed in man.76,77 However, one current model of mania, which has been extensively used and has reasonable heuristic value in the study of mood disorders, involves the use of psychostimulants in appropriate paradigms. Thus, psychostimulants like amphetamine and cocaine are known to induce manic-like symp-
AMPA receptor trafficking and mood disorders: implication for development of new medications
In view of the critical role of AMPA receptor trafficking in regulating various forms of plasticity, our laboratory has sought to determine if two structurally highly dissimilar antimanic agents, lithium and valproate, exert effects on AMPA receptor trafficking. Lithium, a monovalent cation, and valproic acid (VPA), an 8-carbon fatty acid, are the two most commonly used agents in the treatment of mania. Because lithium and valproate both require several weeks to exert their therapeutic effects, it is widely believed that adaptive changes in intracellular signaling and/or cellular physiology underlie the beneficial effects; interestingly, these two agents have been shown to exert robust effects on the very same signaling pathways known to regulate AMPA receptor trafficking (vide supra). Thus, we investigated whether lithium and valproate regulate synaptic plasticity and AMPA receptor trafficking in the hippocampus, a brain region presumed to be involved in the circuitry of mood disorders.3 We have found that the structurally highly dissimilar antimanic agents lithium and valproate have a common effect on downregulating AMPA GluR1 synaptic expression in the hippocampus after prolonged treatment with therapeutically relevant concentrations as assessed both in vitro and in vivo. In cultured hippocampal neurons, lithium and valproate attenuated surface GluR1 expression after long-term treatment. Further supporting the therapeutic relevance of the find-
toms in healthy volunteers, and trigger frank manic episodes in individuals with bipolar disorder.78 Thus, the best-established animal models mania utilize the administration of amphetamine or cocaine to produce hyperactivity, risk-taking behavior, and increased hedonic driveall very important facets of the human clinical
condition of mania. Moreover, these psychostimulantinduced behavioral changes are attenuated by the administration of chronic lithium in a therapeutically relevant time frame. Thus, the fact that AMPA receptor antagonists are capable of attenuating psychostimulantinduced sensitization, hyperactivity, and hedonic behav-
mG mG
EAAT1/2/(3) glu EAAT3 Kainate glu Memantine
luR I
? Felbamate ?
-Ketoglutarate TCA
glu (-)
? ?
Presynaptic neuron
Postsynaptic neuron
Figure 2. Thymoleptic agents, which exert major effects on the glutamatergic system. The various glutamate receptors and the presumed antiglutamatergic drug sites of action are presented. Memantine is a noncompetitive antagonist at the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. Felbamate is a noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist (glycine NR1 and glutamate NR2B), an -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) receptor antagonist, an mGlu group I receptor (mGluRI) antagonist, and a glutamate release inhibitor. Riluzole is a glutamate release inhibitor (acting through blockade of Na+ voltage dependent channels), a -aminobutyric acid GABAA agonist, and probably an AMPA and kainate (KA) antagonist. The sites for second-generation mGlu group II and III receptor agonists are also depicted. NMDAR, NMDA receptor; AMPAR, AMPA receptor; KAR, KA receptor; glu, glutamate; gln, glutamine; mGluRII (or mGluRIII), mGlu group II (or III) receptor; EAAT, excitatory amino acid transporter; TCA, tricarboxylic acid cycle.
Modified and reproduced with permission from reference 28: Zarate CA, Quiroz J, Payne J, Manji HK. Modulators of the glutamatergic system: implications for the development of improved therapeutics in mood disorders. Psychopharmacol Bull. 2002;36:35-83. Copyright 2002. MedWorks Media LLC.
Basic research
ior70-75 provides compelling behavioral support for our contention that AMPA receptors play important roles in regulating affective behavior. As mentioned already, in striking contrast to the effects seen with the antimanic agents lithium and valproate, we found that the chronic administration of the antidepressant imipraminewhich is capable of triggering manic episodes in susceptible individuals78increased hippocampal synaptic expression of GluR1.Very recent studies from other laboratories have also demonstrated that chronic administration of antidepressants enhances membrane expression of GluR1 as well as phosphorylation of GluR1 at the PKA site (p845) and the CAMKII/PKC site (p831).79,80 Furthermore, it is noteworthy that AMPA potentiating agents reportedly have efficacy in preclinical models of depression.81 Additionally, chronic exposure to the psychostimulants amphetamine and cocaine caused an increase in GluR1 level in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), and these effects have been postulated to represent a trigger for sensitization to drug abuse.82 An elegant series of studies has recently provided insights into how dopamine receptors, which are activated during psychostimulant administration, might influence glutamatedependent forms of synaptic plasticity, which are being increasingly recognized as important to drug addiction.83 They showed that surface GluR1 labeling on processes of medium spiny neurons and interneurons was increased by brief incubation with a dopamine D1 agonist.83 Although these studies were designed to investigate the role of GluR1 in mediating the effects of drugs of abuse, it is noteworthy that many of the symptoms of mania resemble the effects of psychostimulants (eg, locomotor hyperactivity, racing thoughts, reduced sleep, and psychosis). Taken together, the biochemical and behavioral studies investigating the effects of antimanic (lithium and valproate) and promanic (antidepressants, cocaine, and amphetamine) agents on GluR1 strongly suggest that AMPA receptor trafficking is an important target in the pathogenesis and treatment of certain facets of bipolar disorder. The mechanisms by which glutamate receptors are actively recruited to synapses have long intrigued the neuroscience community; the information reviewed here suggests that they may also play important roles in the pathophysiology and treatment of complex neuropsychiatric disorders.
Concluding remarks
Regionally selective impairments of structural plasticity and cellular resiliency, which have been postulated to contribute to the development of classical neurodegenerative disorders, may also exist in mood disorders. It remains unclear whether these impairments correlate with the magnitude or duration of the biochemical perturbations in mood disorders, reflect an enhanced vulnerability to the deleterious effects of these perturbations (eg, due to genetic factors and/or early life events), or indeed represent the fundamental etiological process in mood disorders. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that there is growing evidence from preclinical and clinical research that the glutamatergic system is involved in the pathophysiology and treatment of mood disorders. Over the last few years, an impressive amount of information has been gathered regarding the mechanisms underlying the regulation of AMPA receptor localization at synapses. The findings that mood stabilizersin therapeutically meaningful paradigmsregulate AMPA receptors at synapses opens new potential avenues for new drug development in regards to regulating glutamatergic synaptic strength in critical neuronal circuits (Figure 2). The development of new modulators of AMPA receptor signaling for the treatment of mood disorders may lead to improved therapeutics for these devastating disorders.
1. Manji HK, Drevets WC, Charney DS. The cellular neurobiology of depression. Nat Med. 2001;7:541-547. 2. Nestler EJ, Barrot M, DiLeone RJ, Eisch AJ, Gold SJ, Monteggia LM. Neurobiology of depression. Neuron. 2002;34:13-25. 3. Drevets WC. Neuroimaging and neuropathological studies of depression: implications for the cognitive-emotional features of mood disorders. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2001;11:240-249. 4. Manji HK, Lenox RH. Signaling: cellular insights into the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 2000;48:518-530.
5. Payne JL, Quiroz JA, Zarate CA Jr, Manji HK. Timing is everything: does the robust upregulation of noradrenergically regulated plasticity genes underlie the rapid antidepressant effects of sleep deprivation? Biol Psychiatry. 2002;52:921-926. 6. D'Sa C, Duman RS. Antidepressants and neuroplasticity. Bipolar Disord. 2002;4:183-194. 7. Young LT, Bakish D, Beaulieu S. The neurobiology of treatment response to antidepressants and mood-stabilizing medications. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2002;27:260-265. 8. Manji HK, Lenox RH. The nature of bipolar disorder. J Clin Psychiatry. 2000;61(suppl 13):42-57.
Regulacin de la plasticidad celular y de la resiliencia mediante estabilizadores del nimo: el papel del trfico del receptor AMPA
Diversas fuentes aportan una evidencia creciente acerca de la asociacin entre los trastornos del nimo severos y reducciones regionales del volumen cerebral, como tambin del nmero, tamao y densidad de la gla y de las neuronas en distintas reas cerebrales. Aunque la fisiopatologa especfica que est a la base de estos cambios morfomtricos no est totalmente aclarada, los datos sugieren que los trastornos del nimo severos estn asociados con un deterioro en la plasticidad estructural y en la resiliencia celular. En este contexto es destacable que una informacin creciente sugiere que el sistema glutamatrgico (que se sabe que juega un papel importante en la plasticidad neuronal y en la resiliencia celular) puede estar involucrado en la fisiopatologa y en el tratamiento de los trastornos del nimo. El trfico de la subunidad GluR1 del receptor AMPA (cido-3-hidroxi-5-metil4-isoxazol propinico) juega un papel decisivo en la regulacin de varias formas de plasticidad neural. Es de destacar que estudios recientes han mostrado que estabilizadores del nimo, estructuralmente dismiles, como el litio y el valproato regulan el trfico de la subunidad GluR1 y su localizacin en las sinapsis. Estos estudios sugieren que la regulacin de la plasticidad sinptica mediada por el sistema glutamatrgico puede jugar un papel en el tratamiento de los trastornos del nimo y se aumenta la posibilidad que agentes que afecten ms directamente la subunidad GluR1 sinptica se transformen en nuevas terapias para estas devastadoras enfermedades.
Rgulation de la plasticit et de la rsilience cellulaires par les stabilisateurs de lhumeur : le rle du trafic neuronal du rcepteur AMPA
Il existe de plus en plus darguments provenant de sources diffrentes en faveur de lassociation des troubles de lhumeur svres avec des rductions rgionales du volume crbral, ainsi quavec des rductions en nombre, taille et densit de la glie et des neurones dans des zones crbrales discrtes. Bien que la physiopathologie exacte sous-tendant ces modifications morphomtriques soit incompltement lucide, les donnes suggrent que les troubles de lhumeur svres sont associs des dficits de la plasticit structurale et de la rsilience cellulaire. Dans ce contexte il faut remarquer quun nombre croissant de donnes est en faveur dune intervention du systme glutamatergique (connu pour jouer un rle majeur dans la plasticit neuronale et la rsilience cellulaire) dans la physiopathologie et le traitement des troubles de lhumeur. Le trafic neuronal de la sous-unit GluR1 du rcepteur AMPA (acide glutamate -amino-3-hydroxy-5mthyl-4-isoxazole propionique) et les changements morphologiques qui en rsultent jouent un rle crucial dans la rgulation des diffrentes formes de plasticit neuronale. ce titre il faut galement noter que de rcentes tudes ont montr que des stabilisateurs de lhumeur structurellement diffrents comme le lithium et le valproate rgulent le trafic neuronal des sous-units GluR1 et leur localisation dans les synapses. Ces tudes suggrent que la rgulation de la plasticit synaptique mdie par le glutamate peut jouer un rle dans le traitement des troubles de lhumeur et voquent la possibilit pour ces maladies invalidantes dun nouveau traitement par lintermdiaire de molcules affectant plus directement le GluR1 synaptique.
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Pharmacological aspects
Neural plasticity: consequences of stress and actions of antidepressant treatment
Ronald S. Duman, PhD
Neural plasticity is emerging as a fundamental and critical mechanism of neuronal function, which allows the brain to receive information and make the appropriate adaptive responses to subsequent related stimuli. Elucidation of the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying neural plasticity is a major goal of neuroscience research, and significant advances have been made in recent years. These mechanisms include regulation of signal transduction and gene expression, and also structural alterations of neuronal spines and processes, and even the birth of new neurons in the adult brain. Altered plasticity could thereby contribute to psychiatric and neurological disorders. This article reviews the literature demonstrating altered plasticity in response to stress, and evidence that chronic antidepressant treatment can reverse or block the effects, and even induce neural plasticity-like responses. Continued elucidation of the mechanisms underlying neural plasticity will lead to novel drug targets that could prove to be effective and rapidly acting therapeutic interventions.
2004, LLS SAS Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2004;6:157-169.
eural plasticity is a fundamental process that allows the brain to receive information and form appropriate adaptive responses to the same or similar stimuli. The molecular and cellular adaptations underlying learning and memory are the best-characterized and moststudied examples of neural plasticity. However, many different stimuli can activate neural plasticity processes in different brain structures, including environmental, social, behavioral, and pharmacological stimuli. In fact, it could be argued that neural plasticity is one of the most essential and important processes that the brain performs as it relates to many types of central nervous system functions. Thus, disrupted or abnormal plasticity could lead to maladaptive neuronal responses and abnormal behavior. This could occur in response to genetic abnormalities of the cellular machinery required for plasticity, and abnormal or inappropriate stimuli. For example, exposure to inappropriate or prolonged stress has been reported to alter molecular and cellular markers of neural plasticity, and could contribute to stress-related mood disorders. This review will discuss the literature demonstrating altered neural plasticity in response to stress, and clinical evidence indicating that altered plasticity occurs in depressed patients. The second part of the review will present evidence that antidepressant treatment blocks the effects of stress or produces plasticity-like responses.
Keywords: signal transduction; gene expression; neurotrophic factor; neurogenesis; neuronal atrophy Author affiliations: Division of Molecular Psychiatry, Departments of Psychiatry and Pharmacology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA Copyright 2004 LLS SAS. All rights reserved
Pharmacological aspects
Selected abbreviations and acronyms
BDNF cAMP CaRE CREB FGF-2 5-HT LTP NMDA PDE4 PKA SSRI brain-derived neurotrophic factor cyclic adenosine monophosphate cAMP response element cAMP response element binding protein fibroblast growth factor2 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) long-term potentiation N-methyl-D-aspartate phosphodiesterase type IV protein kinase selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor Mechanisms of long-term plasticity: gene expression and protein synthesis The Ca2+/cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) response element (CaRE) binding protein (CREB) is one of the major transcription factors that mediate the actions of Ca2+, as well as cAMP signaling. CREB has been reported to play a role in both cellular and behavioral models of learning and memory.3 There are a number of gene targets that are influenced by Ca2+, cAMP, and CREB, and the pattern of gene regulation is dependent on the cell type, the length of stimulation, as well as the magnitude of stimulation. Gene targets that have been implicated in learning and memory, and are relevant to the effects of stress and antidepressant treatment, are the neurotrophic factors. Of particular interest is brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), one of the most abundant neurotrophic factors in the brain.
cells or circulating factors. The systems that have been most extensively studied are cellular and behavioral models of learning and memory, including long-term potentiation (LTP), in slices of brain and rodent models of behavior. The mechanisms identified for learning and memory most likely also subserve plasticity occurring in other regions and for other adaptive functions of the brain. This section will briefly discuss some general mechanisms and concepts of plasticity. Mechanisms of acute neural plasticity: synaptic transmission and protein kinases The effects underlying the rapid responses to neuronal activation are mediated by activation of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate and regulation of intracellular signaling cascades (for a review of acute mechanisms underlying LTP, see reference 1). Glutamate causes neuronal depolarization via activation of postsynaptic ionotropic receptors that increase intracellular Na+. This leads to the subsequent activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and the resulting influx of Ca2+. Ca2+ is a major intracellular signaling molecule that activates a signaling cascade, including activation of Ca2+/ calmodulin-dependent protein kinase. Within minutes to hours, activation of glutamate and Ca2+-dependent pathways can result in structural alterations at the level of dendritic spines. Spines mark the location of glutamate synapses and have been the subject of intensive investigation for understanding synaptic plasticity.2 Changes in the shape and even number of spines can occur very rapidly (minutes to hours) after glutamate stimulation. These alterations are made permanent or long-term when they are stabilized or consolidated, a process that requires gene expression and protein synthesis.
memory.8 A role for BDNF in the actions of stress on LTP has also been suggested.9 For additional references and discussion of the effects of stress on learning and memory, see the reviews in references 4 to 7. Stress causes atrophy of hippocampal neurons One of the best-characterized examples of altered structural plasticity in response to stress is the atrophy of hip-
pocampal neurons, which was first described by McEwen and colleagues (Figure 1).10 They found that repeated restraint stress results in atrophy of the dendrites of CA3 pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus, measured as a decrease in the number and length of apical dendrites.11 The reduction in dendritic arborization was found to be dependent on long-term, repeated exposure to restraint stress (3 weeks) and to be reversible when the animals are removed from stress. The atrophy
Hippocampal plasticity
sc CA3 mf pathway
Granule cell
Dentate gyrus
Atrophy or death
Increased vulnerability resulting from genetic and environmental factors (eg, hypoxia, hypoglycemia, or viral infections)
Figure 1. Model of hippocampal plasticity showing structural alterations in response to stress: atropy of CA3 pyramidal neurons and decreased neurogenesis of dentate gyrus granule cells. Stress results in powerful effects on the hippocampus, partly because of the high levels of glucocorticoid receptors expressed in this brain region. Stress results in at least two major actions in two different subfields of the hippocampus. Repeated stress causes atrophy or remodeling of CA3 pyramidal neurons, decreasing the number and length of apical dendrites. Administration of glucocorticoids causes a similar effect, and decreased expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) could contribute to pyramidal cell atrophy. Stress also decreases the proliferation of newborn granule cells in the dentate gyrus, and glucocorticoid administration mimics this effect. Chronic antidepressant administration can reverse the atrophy of CA3 neurons and block the downregulation of neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus. The effects of antidepressant treatment occur via acute regulation of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) and norepinephrine (NE) and the regulation of intracellular signaling and gene expression. mf, mossy fiber; sc, Schaffer colaterals.
Pharmacological aspects
of CA3 pyramidal cells appears to result from the elevation of adrenal glucocorticoids that occurs during stress because chronic administration of corticosterone, the active form in rodent, results in a similar decrease in number and length of dendrites.12 The actions of stress and glucocorticoids are blocked by administration of an NMDA receptor antagonist, indicating that this glutamate receptor is required for atrophy of CA3 neurons.10 Atrophy of CA3 pyramidal neurons occurs after 2 to 3 weeks of exposure to restraint stress or more long-term social stress, and has been observed in rodents and tree shrews.11-13 In contrast to the atrophy of hippocampus, recent studies demonstrate that chronic stress causes hypertrophy of neurons in the amygdala.14 This study found chronic immobilization stress increased the dendritic arborization of pyramidal neurons in the basolateral amygdala, but decreased dendrite length and branching in the CA3 pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus. Hypertrophy of the amygdala could underlie increased learning and memory as a result of stressinduced emotional arousal, and may be relevant to the pathophysiology of stress-related disorders, including anxiety, posttraumatic stress, and depression. Increased
Neurogenesis in adult hippocampus
arborization of neurons in the amygdala could thereby enhance emotional states or disrupt normal processing of emotional responses. Stress decreases neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus In addition to regulation of the morphology of neurons in the hippocampus, stress influences the number of newborn neurons or neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus15,16 (Figures 1 and 2). The hippocampus is one of two brain regions where neurogenesis continues to occur in adult organism (the other region is in the subventricular zone). In the hippocampus, neural progenitor cells are found in the subgranular zone, between the granule cell layer and the hilus. These cells give rise to newborn cells that migrate into the granule cell layer and mature into neurons with the morphological and physiological characteristics of adult granule cells.17 Interestingly, the process of neurogenesis is highly regulated by a variety of stimuli and can be considered a form of neural plasticity. For example, enriched environment, exercise, and learning increase neurogenesis, while aging and exposure to drugs of abuse decrease neurogenesis.15,16,18 In addition to these factors, stress also results in a dramatic downregulation of neurogenesis in the hippocampus.10,18 Exposure to just a single stressor is sufficient to significantly decrease neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. Adult neurogenesis is decreased by different types of stress, including subordination stress,19 predator odor,20 maternal separation,21 and footshock.22 In addition, exposure to inescapable stress in the learned helplessness model of depression decreases adult neurogenesis and this effect correlates with behavioral despair in this model.22 Moreover, the reduction in neurogenesis and the behavioral despair is reversed by antidepressant treatment. Regulation of CREB and decreased expression of BDNF in response to stress Stress results in a wide range of effects that influence many different neurotransmitter and neuropeptide systems, signal transduction pathways, and altered gene expression. The hallmark of the stress response is activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which includes increased circulating levels of
GCL SGZ Decreased by: Intruder stress Predator odor Footshock stress Maternal separation Learned helplessness Glucocorticoids Increased by: SSRI NE reuptake inhibitor MAOI ECS Exercise
Figure 2. Model demonstrating the regulation of adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus. Neural progenitor cells are restricted to the subgranular zone (SGZ) that is located between the granule cell layer (GCL) and hilus. These progenitor cells give rise to newborn neurons that migrate into the granule cell layer and mature into adult neurons. The proliferation and survival of newborn neurons is subject to change and can be considered a form of neural plasticity. Neurogenesis is influenced by a number of different stimuli in either a positive or a negative manner as indicated. SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; NE, noradrenaline; MAOI, monoamine oxidase inhibitor; ECS, electroconvulsive seizures; mfp, mossy fiber pathway.
adrenal glucocorticoids. The hippocampus contains very high levels of glucocorticoid receptors and is therefore significantly impacted by stress. As mentioned above, studies by McEwen and colleagues have demonstrated that glucocorticoids contribute to the atrophy and decreased neurogenesis of hippocampal neurons resulting from exposure to stress.10 In addition, stress is reported to influence CREB and BDNF in the hippocampus and other brain regions. The transcriptional activity of CREB is regulated by phosphorylation and levels of phospho-CREB are used as an indirect measure of CREB activation and function (Figure 3). The regulation of phospho-CREB is complex and is dependent on the brain region and whether the stress is acute or chronic.23-26 Acute stress increases levels of phospho-CREB in many limbic regions associated with mood disorders and this may represent a normal or appropriate adaptive responsiveness.24 In contrast, chronic stress leads to decreased levels of phosphoCREB in many limbic brain regions, which could lead to decreased plasticity and function.26 Stress has profound effects on the expression of BDNF in the hippocampus. Levels of BDNF expression in hippocampus are dramatically downregulated by both acute and chronic stress, and this effect could contribute to the atrophy and decreased neurogenesis caused by stress (Figure 1).27-29 The role of other factors that could underlie the actions of stress on adult neurogenesis is a subject of interest and could lead to novel targets for drug development.
pocampal volume is also observed in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).32 The reduction in hippocampal volume is directly related to the length of illness.33,34 In addition to hippocampus, atrophy of prefrontal cortex and amygdalabrain regions that control cognition, mood, and anxietyhas also been reported in patients with depression or bipolar disorder.35 Evidence from postmortem studies Atrophy of hippocampus or other brain regions could result from loss of cells (neurons or glia) or decreased size of the cell body or neuronal processes. The most extensive studies have been conducted on prefrontal and cingulate cortex and demonstrate that the neuronal body size and number of glia is decreased in depressed patients.36-38 There is much less known about the hippocampus and additional studies will be required to determine what accounts for the atrophy of hippocampus observed in depressed patients. Postmortem analysis of CREB and BDNF has also provided evidence consistent with a loss of neural plasticity in depression. Levels of CREB are decreased in the cerebral cortex of depressed patients or suicide victims.39,40 Levels of BDNF are also decreased in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of depressed patients.41 Reduced levels of CREB and BDNF, two molecular markers of neural plasticity, indicate that the ability of limbic brain structures to mount adaptive responses is compromised in depressed patients.
Pharmacological aspects
Antidepressant treatment increases adult neurogenesis
Neurogenesis is increased by chronic antidepressant administration One of the most surprising discoveries of recent times in the field of depression is that antidepressant treatment regulates neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus (Figures 1 and 2). In contrast to the actions of stress, chronic antidepressant treatment increases the number of newborn neurons in the adult hippocampus of rodents or tree shrews.42,43 The upregulation of neurogenesis is dependent on chronic antidepressant treatment, consistent with the time course for the therapeutic action of antidepressants.43 In addition, different classes of antidepressants, including serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors, and electroconvulsive seizures are reported to increase adult neurogenesis.43-45 Antidepressant treatment influences two important aspects of neurogenesis, the rate of cell proliferation (ie, the number of newborn neurons) and the survival of newborn neurons.46 An increase in the number of newborn neurons could contribute to the reversal of hippocampal atrophy observed in depressed patients. Antidepressant treatment blocks the downregulation of neurogenesis caused by stress The influence of antidepressant treatment in the context of stress has also been examined. These studies demonstrate that chronic antidepressant treatment can block or reverse the downregulation of neurogenesis that results from exposure to stress. Several different types of stress have been tested, including blockade of intruder stress,42 maternal separation,47 and learned helplessness.22 In addition, different types of antidepressants have been tested, including an atypical antidepressant, tianeptine,42 a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI),22,47 and a neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist.48 The influence of antidepressant treatment on the atrophy of CA3 pyramidal neurons resulting from chronic exposure to stress has been examined. These studies demonstrate that chronic administration of tianeptine blocks the atrophy of CA3 apical dendrites that is caused by stress.12 Chronic administration of an SSRI antidepressant did not block the atrophy of CA3 neurons in this study. Analysis of dendrite branch number and length is tedious and labor intensive, but additional studies of other antidepressants are necessary to determine the relevance of this effect in the actions of antidepressant treatment. A functional role for neurogenesis in the action of antidepressant treatment A major issue in the field of adult neurogenesis is how to test the function of newborn neurons. A recent study has addressed this question by using a combination of irradiation and mutant mouse approaches.49 This study demonstrates that focused irradiation of hippocampus in the mouse completely blocks neurogenesis and there was a corresponding blockade of the behavioral actions of antidepressant treatment in two behavioral models, novelty suppressed feeding and chronic mild stress. In addition, Santarelli et al49 studied the effects of antidepressants in mice with a null mutation of the 5-HT1A receptor, a subtype that has been implicated in the actions of antidepressant treatment. They found that upregulation of neurogenesis by chronic administration of an SSRI was completely blocked in 5-HT1A null mutant mice, and that the behavioral effects of SSRI treatment were similarly blocked. These results are the first evidence that increased neurogenesis is necessary for an antidepressant response in behavioral models. There are a few limitations to this study. First, although novelty-suppressed feeding is responsive to chronic antidepressant treatmentand this is why it was chosen this paradigm is a better model of anxiety than depression. Second, although the effects of antidepressant treatment were blocked, irradiation and 5-HT1A null mutation alone, in the absence of antidepressant administration, did not produce a depressive phenotype. This is consistent with another report demonstrating that decreased neurogenesis is not correlated with behavior in the learned helplessness model of depression.50 Together these studies indicate that neurogenesis is not required for baseline response. However, it is possible that intact neurons are sufficient to sustain baseline response and that more long-term inhibition of neurogenesis would be required to influence activity.
of the pathways that is regulated by antidepressant treatment and has been demonstrated to contribute to the actions of chronic antidepressant responses is the cAMP-CREB cascade, the subject of this section. However, it is likely that other signaling pathways are also regulated byand play a role inthe actions of antidepressants. For reviews covering other signal transduction pathways, see reference 51 and 52.
Antidepressant treatment upregulates the cAMPCREB cascade Several studies have investigated the influence of antidepressant treatment on the cAMP-CREB pathway (Figure 3).53,54 This work demonstrates that chronic antidepressant treatment upregulates the cAMP second-messenger cascade at several different levels. This includes
Antidepressant treatment
AR 5-HT7
Adenylyl cyclase
1-AR 5-HT1A
Figure 3. Model demonstrating the upregulation of the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) cascade and expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) by antidepressant treatment. Chronic, but not acute, antidepressant treatment upregulates the cAMP-CREB cascade in limbic regions of the brain including the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. This includes increased coupling of stimulatory G protein (Gs) to adenylyl cyclase, increased levels of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), and increased function and expression of CREB. CREB can also be phosphorylated and activated by other kinases, including Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase and mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase. In this way, CREB could serve as a common target for different types of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) and norepinephrine (NE) receptors, including -adrenergic (AR), 5-HT7, 1-adrenergic (1AR), and 5-HT1A receptor subtypes. One downstream target of CREB that has been shown to have antidepressant effects is BDNF. The BDNF promoter has at least one Ca2+/cAMP response element (CaRE) that is regulated by phosphorylation (P) of CREB.
Pharmacological aspects
increased coupling of the stimulatory G protein to adenylyl cyclase, increased levels of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), and increased levels of CREB as well as phospho-CREB.55-57 Upregulation of these components of the cAMP-CREB signaling pathway is dependent on chronic antidepressant treatment, consistent with the time course for the therapeutic action of antidepressants. In addition, upregulation of the cAMP-CREB cascade is observed in response to chronic administration of different classes of antidepressants, indicating that this is a common target of antidepressant treatment. In addition to phosphorylation by PKA, CREB is also phosphorylated by Ca2+-dependent kinases, such as Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, and by mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways (Figure 3). In this way, CREB can serve as a target for multiple signal transduction pathways and neurotransmitter receptors that activate these cascades. Activation of the cAMP-CREB cascade produces an antidepressant response Direct evidence for cAMP-CREB signaling in the action of antidepressant treatment has been tested by pharmacological, viral vector, and mutant mouse approaches. First, drugs that block the breakdown of cAMP produce an antidepressant response in behavioral models of depression.54 The primary target for inhibition of cAMP breakdown is cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase type IV (PDE4), and rolipram was one of the first selective PDE4 inhibitors. In addition, we have found that chronic rolipram administration increases neurogenesis in adult hippocampus.46,58 Second, viral expression of CREB in the hippocampus of rat produces an antidepressant response in the forced swim and learned helplessness models of depression.59 However, further studies demonstrated that the effects of CREB are dependent on the brain region where it is expressed. For example, expression of CREB in the nucleus accumbens produces a prodepressant effect, while expression of a dominant negative mutant of CREB results in an antidepressant response in the forced swim test.60 Transgenic expression of dominant negative CREB in the nucleus accumbens is consistent with this effect.61 The different behavioral effects of CREB can be explained by different target genes in the hippocampus (ie, BDNF) versus the nucleus accumbens (ie, prodynorphin).
structures is also reported to block the effect of antidepressant treatment, demonstrating that BDNF signaling is necessary for an antidepressant response.63 Microinfusions of BDNF into the dorsal raphe, a midbrain region where 5-HT cell bodies are localized, also produces an antidepressant response in the learned helplessness model.64 Together, these studies indicate that BDNF could contribute to antidepressant responses in both forebrain and brain stem structures by affecting different populations of neurons. Alternatively, it is possible that microinfusions of BDNF into the hippocampus influence 5-HT neuronal function by acting at presynaptic sites, and could therefore enhance 5-HT signaling as observed after brain stem infusions of BDNF.64 A neurotrophic hypothesis of depression Basic research and clinical studies of BDNF have resulted in a neurotrophic hypothesis of depression and antidepressant action.53,54 This hypothesis is based in part on studies demonstrating that stress decreases BDNF, reduces neurogenesis, and causes atrophy or CA3 pyramidal neurons. Brain imaging and postmortem studies provide additional support, demonstrating atrophy and cell loss of limbic structures, including the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and amygdala. In contrast, antidepressant treatment opposes these effects of stress and depression, increasing levels of BDNF, increasing neurogenesis, and reversing or blocking the atrophy and cell loss caused by stress and depression. Additional brain imaging and postmortem studies, as well as basic research approaches will be required to further test this hypothesis. In any case, the studies to date provide compelling evidence that neural plasticity is a critical factor in the pathophysiology and treatment of depression. Antidepressants influence other neurotrophic factor systems Because of the preclinical and clinical evidence implicating neurotrophic factors in the pathophysiology and treatment of depression, studies have been conducted to examine other neurotrophic factor systems. One of the most robust effects identified to date is that antidepressant treatment increases the expression of fibroblast growth factor2 (FGF-2).65 FGF-2 is known to have a potent influence on neurogenesis during development and in the adult brain, and could contribute to antide-
pressant regulation of neurogenesis. Studies are under way to examine the role of FGF-2 in antidepressant regulation of neurogenesis and regulation of behavior in models of depression. Several other growth factors have been identified by microarray analysis and gene expression profiling, including vascular endothelial growth factor, neuritin, and VGF.66 Studies are currently under way to determine the functional significance of these growth factors in models of depression.
Pharmacological aspects
mal function of the brain. Nevertheless, regulation of neural plasticity is an exciting area of research for design of new drugs for a variety of indications, including learning, memory, cognition, mood, and neurodegenerative disorders. This section discusses a few of these targets in the context of the pathways regulated by antidepressants and stress. Targets for antidepressant regulation of neurogenesis Identification of the signal transduction and gene expression pathways that are responsible for the actions of antidepressant regulation of neurogenesis is a subject of intense investigation.Activation of the cAMP-CREB signaling cascade using either pharmacological or transgenic approaches is reported to increase both proliferation and survival of newborn neurons in the hippocampus,46,58 supporting the possibility that antidepressants increase neurogenesis via regulation of this intracellular pathway. Gene targets of CREB, as well as other neurotrophic/growth factors that have been shown to regulate adult neurogenesis, include BDNF, FGF-2, and insulin-like growth factor1, to name but a few.18 Because antidepressant treatment increases the expression of both BDNF and FGF-2, these two factors are currently being investigated. This is just a partial listing of the signal transduction cascades and factors that could contribute to antidepressant regulation of adult neurogenesis. Targets for regulation of the cAMP-CREB cascade There are several different sites within the cAMP pathway that could be targeted for drug development. One that has already proven to be effective for antidepressant treatment is blockade of PDE4 and the breakdown of cAMP. Rolipram is a PDE4-selective inhibitor that has been demonstrated to have antidepressant efficacy in early clinical trials and behavioral models of depression.69,70 However, the clinical use of rolipram has been limited by its side effects, primarily nausea. The identification of four different PDE4 isozymes that are equally inhibited by rolipram raises the possibility that one of the isozymes underlies the antidepressant actions of rolipram, while another mediates its side effects. Studies are currently under way to characterize the regional distribution and function of the three PDE4 isozymes expressed in brain (PDE4A, PDE4B, and PDE4D) and the role of these isozymes in the actions of antidepressant treatment.71 Studies of mutant mice demonstrate that null mutation of PDE4D produces an antidepressant-like phenotype indicating a role for this isozyme,72 and similar studies are currently under way for PDE4A and PDE4B. BDNF as a target for drug development The use of BDNF and other neurotrophic factors for the treatment of neurological disorders has been a subject of interest for several years, although problems with delivery, efficacy, and side effects have hampered these efforts. To more directly replicate the in vivo situation, it may be possible to stimulate the expression of endogenous BDNF expression by stimulating signaling pathways known to regulate this neurotrophic factor. First, activation of the cAMP-CREB cascade by inhibition of PDE4 increases the expression of BDNF.56 Small molecular agonists for neurotransmitter receptors have also exhibited some promise. Activation of ionotropic glutamate receptors increases BDNF expression and could be targeted for the treatment of depression.73 One drug that modulates glutamate transmission and increases BDNF expression is memantine.74 Riluzole, a sodium channel blocker, also increases BDNF expression, as well as neurogenesis in adult hippocampus.75 Specific 5-HT and norepinephrine receptor subtypes that activate cAMP (eg, -adrenergic, 5-HT7), Ca2+, or mitogen-activated protein kinase (1-adrenergic, 5-HT1A) pathways could also be targets for development. Characterization of the antidepressant actions of these compounds will be needed, as well as identification of additional neurotransmitter and signal transduction systems that regulate BDNF.
Studies of the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying neural plasticity responses in learning and memory, as well as fear, anxiety, depression, and drug abuse to name but a few, are some of the most exciting and rapidly advancing areas of research in neuroscience. Progress in our understanding of neural plasticity has profound implications for the treatment of a number of psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders, and for enhancing performance in what are considered normal subjects. One of the promising aspects of neural plasticity is that it implies that the alterations that occur are
reversible, even neuronal atrophy and cell loss. Reversibility of structural as well as functional plasticity has already been demonstrated in response to pharmacological treatments or even behavioral therapy. As the fundamental mechanisms of neural plasticity are further elucidated, new targets and paradigms for enhancing
plasticity will be revealed and will lead to more effective and faster-acting therapeutic interventions.
This work is supported by USPHS grants MH45481 and 2 PO1 MH25642, a Veterans Administration National Center Grant for posttraumatic stress disorder, and by the Connecticut Mental Health Center.
Pharmacological aspects
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Pharmacological aspects
Cellular consequences of stress and depression
Eberhard Fuchs, PhD; Gabriele Flgge, PhD
Stress is known to activate distinct neuronal circuits in the brain and induce multiple changes on the cellular level, including alterations in neuronal structures. On the basis of clinical observations that stress often precipitates a depressive disease, chronic psychosocial stress serves as an experimental model to evaluate the cellular and molecular alterations associated with the consequences of major depression. Antidepressants are presently believed to exert their primary biochemical effects by readjusting aberrant intrasynaptic concentrations of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin or noradrenaline, suggesting that imbalances within the monoaminergic systems contribute to the disorder (monoaminergic hypothesis of depression). Here, we review the results that comprise our understanding of stressful experience on cellular processes, with particular focus on the monoaminergic systems and structural changes within brain target areas of monoaminergic neurons.
2004, LLS SAS Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2004;6:171-183.
tressful life events are among the most potent factors that trigger or induce depressive episodes in humans. The brain responds to stress experiences in a complex manner related to the activation and inhibition of neurons that are involved in sensory, motor, autonomic, cognitive, and emotional processes. Chronic stress, which is known to be accompanied by hyperactivity in central nervous neurotransmitter systems, induces cellular changes that can be regarded as a form of plasticity. This causes mood alterations in the affected individual and has the potential to reverse the psychopathological processes, thus alleviating the symptoms of depression. Since social stress in animals evokes symptoms that resemble those found in depressed patients, chronic social stress can serve as an experimental paradigm to investigate the neuronal processes that may also occur during depressive disease in humans. Research over past years has led to considerable advances in the understanding of the neural causes of depression and the cellular mechanisms that underlie the beneficial effects of currently available antidepressants. More importantly, such research forms the basis for the future development of more effective antidepressant drugs.
Keywords: noradrenaline; adrenaline; serotonin; dopamine; histamine; neuronal remodeling; 2-adrenoceptor; 5-HT1A receptor; dopamine transporter; tree shrew Author affiliations: Clinical Neurobiology Laboratory, German Primate Center, Gttingen, Germany Address for correspondence: Eberhard Fuchs, PhD, Clinical Neurobiology Laboratory, German Primate Center, Kellnerweg 4, 37077 Gttingen, Germany (e-mail: [email protected]) Copyright 2004 LLS SAS. All rights reserved
Pharmacological aspects
Selected abbreviations and acronyms
2-AR -AR DAT GPCR 5-HT LC 2-adrenoceptor -adrenoceptor dopamine transporter G proteincoupled receptor 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) locus ceruleus
dopamine, serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]), and histamine. The present survey focuses on processes related to stress-mediated activation of monoaminergic neurons in the brain. The noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons are located in the brain stem, where they form groups of cells that project axons to many parts of the brain. The beststudied group of noradrenergic neurons, located in the pontine locus ceruleus (LC), innervate several brain regions including the neocortex and the limbic system. The limbic system is a collection of regions that appear to regulate emotional processes (Figure 1). The noradrenergic LC neurons play an important role in the regulation of mood and emotions as well as of attention span. When stimulated through stressful challenge, for example, noradrenaline is released from the nerve terminals in the target brain region and is bound to adrenergic receptors belonging to the group of G proteincoupled receptors (GPCRs). These membrane-bound proteins convey signals from the extracellular to the intracellular compartment of a cell (Figure 2). GPCR signaling requires several steps for transmission of the signal, lasting from milliseconds to many minutes. The binding of a natural agonist such as noradrenaline or adrenaline to the receptor initiates a cascade of intracellular events that drive the activity of the cell and involve effectors such as enzymes (eg, adenylyl cyclase, phospholipase, kinases, and phosphatases), second messengers (eg, cyclic adenosine monophosphate [cAMP], cyclic guanosine monophosphate [cGMP], calcium ions, and arachidonic acid), as well as ion channels, which modulate the electrical activity of the neuron. A long-term effect occurring minutes after binding GPCR is the regulation of gene transcription and subsequent protein synthesis (Figure 2).5 There are different types of adrenergic receptors in the brain whose activation either stimulates or inhibits the respective target neurons. Noradrenaline and adrenaline bind to the same types of adrenergic receptors, although with slightly different affinities.6 Various experiments have shown that during stress,
noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons release more noradrenaline and adrenaline, respectively, and that the turnover of these neurotransmitters is accelerated so that their concentrations and/or amounts of their metabolites fluctuate in relation to the intensity and duration of the stressor.7-10 Acute stress induces only a transient rise in noradrenaline levels, but chronic stress with recurrent environmental challenges can lead to repetitive increases in concentration. As a consequence, adrenoceptors on the surface of the target neurons are bombarded with noradrenaline, leading to a reduction in adrenoceptor numbers (receptor downregulation).11 On the other hand, low concentrations of noradrenaline induce adrenoceptor upregulation.12
A. Noradrenaline
B. Dopamine
C. Serotonin
D. Histamine
Figure 1. Monoaminergic neurons innervate almost all brain areas. A. Noradrenaline. The noradrenergic neurons of the locus ceruleus project to the limbic and cortical regions, and to the thalamus, cerebellum, and spinal cord. They play an important role in the regulation of mood and attention. The noradrenergic neurons of cell groups A1, A2, A5, and A7 project to more restricted regions.4 They are important for autonomic function. B. Dopamine. The dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra and the adjacent ventral tegmental area (VTA) project to the striatum and to regions in the neocortex. They are important in the initiation of movements and for emotional processes. Furthermore, there is a dopaminergic cell group in the hypothalamus that regulates neuroendocrine processes. C. Serotonin. The serotonergic neurons located in the raphe nuclei project to almost all parts of the brain and are involved in many functions including the regulation of emotional processes. D. Histamine. Histaminergic neurons are located in the tuberomammillary complex of the hypothalamus. They project to all parts of the brain and are important for arousal (the excited brain state). Modulation of neuronal activity by these monoamines is an important factor of well-balanced central nervous activity. Stress leads to hyperactivity of the monoamine neurons and thus to a dysregulation of neuronal activity. Currently available antidepressants are thought to adjust the balance between the different neurotransmitter systems.
Pharmacological aspects
regions.24,25 We investigated the consequences of chronic psychosocial stress using a stress paradigm in male tree shrews.26 Our experiments showed that chronic psychosocial stress reduces 2-AR expression in brain regions that regulate autonomic functions and emotional behavior.27 This receptor downregulation is most probaNeurotransmitter
bly related to the stress-mediated rise in noradrenaline concentrations. Regulation of noradrenaline release is impaired soon after the onset of the stress period, as revealed by reduced expression of the 2A-AR in the LC.28 During a stress period lasting several weeks, adrenergic regulation changes, giving an initially high level and
Membrane-bound enzyme
Ion channel
Protein synthesis
Figure 2. Neurotransmission via a G proteincoupled receptor (GPCR): binding of the neurotransmitter to the receptor initiates a cascade of intracellular events that drive the activity of the neuron or cell. The G-protein complex, consisting of subunits , , and , serves as the machinery that transduces the extracellular signal to various effectors at the intracellular side of the plasma membrane, to the enzymes adenylyl cyclase or phospholipase. These enzymes catalyze the synthesis of second messengers, such as cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and diacylglycerol, which regulate gene transcription in the nucleus. Transcripts (mRNA) are later translated into protein. Calcium ions released from intracellular stores and other second messengers activate protein kinases and phosphatases. This leads to phosphorylation and/or dephosphorylation of many intracellular proteins as well as ion channels that are located in the plasma membrane of the cell. Phosphorylation/dephosphorylation induces opening and closing of these channels and this modulates the electrical activity of the neuron. These dynamic cellular processes are accelerated during stress when neurotransmitter concentrations are elevated.
then finally a low level of noradrenaline. This is the case in the prefrontal cortex, a brain area important for the regulation of mood and behavior.29 Following a chronic stress period, noradrenaline concentrations are obviously low throughout the whole brain, probably due to a gradually acquired deficit in transmitter synthesis, transport, and/or release from the noradrenergic neurons.30 Interestingly, studies on postmortem material from brains of depressed human patients also revealed the upregulation of 2-ARs in several brain regions.31-33 These data therefore support the noradrenaline deficit hypothesis, which assumes there is a reduced noradrenaline concentration in the brains of depressed patients.34 Antidepressants that interact with 2-ARs such as mirtazapine probably counteract this deficit.35
intracellularly sequestered receptor molecules into the plasma membrane. Finally, after 4 weeks of psychosocial stress, the number of 1-ARs was decreased in cells of the hippocampus and parietal cortex.
Pharmacological aspects
stress induces alterations in those brain regions that are targets of the serotonergic neurons, so that repeated exposure of rats to forced swimming increased 5-HT concentrations in the striatum, whereas they were reduced in the lateral septum.57 Chronic restraint stress in rats accelerated 5-HT turnover in the hippocampus and produced low amounts of the monoamine.58 Many receptors (>14) are known to mediate the effects of 5-HT.59 The present survey focuses on the 5-HT1A receptor, the best characterized 5-HT receptor. This GPCR inhibits neuronal activity by reducing cAMP formation or phosphoinositide hydrolysis, depending on the type of neuron where it is expressed, and it modulates potassium and calcium channels.60,61 The somatodendritic 5-HT1A autoreceptors located on the serotonergic neurons in the raphe nuclei regulate 5-HT release. Postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors regulate the activity of neurons in cortical, limbic, and other regions. For example, they affect the activity of pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus.62-64 The 5-HT1A receptor has been implicated in many functions. Like other 5-HT receptors, it is involved in the regulation of mood and emotional behavior,65 and there is evidence that 5-HT1A receptor dysfunction is involved in depressive disorders. The agonists buspirone and gepirone act as anxiolytics and display antidepressantlike effects in clinical trials.66 Human brain studies showed that 5-HT1A receptor binding in depressed patients is lower than in healthy subjects.67,68 However, there are conflicting data on this issue. Brains of nonviolent suicides had increased 5-HT1A receptor binding in the frontal cortex in one report, whereas another report showed no difference between suicides and controls.69,70 Furthermore, other psychiatric diseasesas well as depressionmight cause changes in 5-HT1A receptors of the central nervous system. A variant of the 5HT1A receptor gene was found in Tourettes patients and, in schizophrenics, 5-HT1A receptor binding sites were increased in the ventral prefrontal cortex.71-73 Schizophrenics also displayed some 5-HT1A receptor binding in the cerebellum, a brain region normally devoid of these receptors.74 Restraint stress downregulated 5-HT1A receptors in the hippocampus of rats, and this effect was attributed to a stress-induced rise in plasma glucocorticoids, the adrenal hormones that regulate the transcription of many genes.75,76 The stress-induced downregulation of postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors in distinct cortical areas and the hippocampal formation, in tree shrews, could also be attributed to high levels of glucocorticoids.64 However, it is interesting to note in relation to postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptor downregulation that the effect is not exclusively due to high glucocorticoid levels, but also to low testosterone. Social stress in male animals lowers testosterone levels, and normal 5-HT1A receptor numbers can be restored by a testosterone substitution (Figure 3).77 It is interesting that the number of somatodendritic 5-HT1A autoreceptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus did not change during chronic stress in male tree shrews, with only their affinity being reduced.64 This agrees with electrophysiological data from the rat brain stem, which showed that stress reduces 5-HT1A autoreceptor functioning.78
positive correlation between locomotor activity, which is reduced in stressed animals, and the total number of DAT binding sites.84 Low levels of DAT may indicate low extracellular dopamine concentrations. In agreement with these findings, social defeat in male rats also decreased DAT binding sites in the striatum.85 Dopamine was initially considered to convey its cellular actions via two receptor subtypes, D1 and D2; these exert
opposing effects on the adenylate cyclase system. Five distinct dopamine receptors have now been cloned.36 Experiments with various knockouts could not determine where on the neurons these receptor subtypes are located (presynaptic versus postsynaptic location).86 However, there are indications that D1 and D5 receptors are located postsynaptically, whereas D2, D3, and D4 receptors are located presynaptically and postsynapti-
Release of serotonin
Figure 3. Serotonergic nerve endings (schematic drawing, upper left) in the hippocampal formation release the neurotransmitter serotonin (gray balls), which binds to its receptors, the serotonin-1A (5-HT1A) receptors (orange). The three pseudo-color pictures demonstrate receptor binding in normal male tree shrews (left), in tree shrews that were submitted to chronic psychosocial stress (middle), and in stressed tree shrews that had received testosterone as a treatment (right). Colors indicate numbers of receptors in the different regions of the hippocampal formation: orange, high receptor numbers; yellow, moderate numbers; green, low numbers; purple, no receptors. Note that after chronic social stress receptor numbers are decreased, but that the normal receptor number is restored following testosterone treatment.
Pharmacological aspects
cally, with the presynaptic receptors acting as inhibitory autoreceptors.87,88 In the tree shrew model, D1 receptors were slightly increased in the striatum after 4 weeks of psychosocial stress (Mijnster et al, unpublished observations), with a reliable increase in the prefrontal cortex, while D2 receptors were upregulated in the hippocampus.89 Taken together, these changes in receptors and DAT indicate impaired dopamine release after stress. Such a deficit in dopamine release might also account for a lack of motivation in depression. Antidepressants that block the D2 receptor (eg, clomipramine and fluvoxamine) might contribute to an improvement in motivation. antagonists and H3 receptor agonists decrease anxiety, and because of the existence of antidepressants that block the H1 receptor (eg, doxepin and amitriptyline).
of the dendrites at the basal pole of the pyramidal neurons was increased after the double defeat paradigm.100,101 Therefore, two severely stressful experiences had longlasting consequences on the morphology of neurons that differed from those induced by daily chronic stress. Stress was also shown to prevent long-term potentiation (LTP, a mechanism of synaptic plasticity that is thought to be related to memory formation) of CA neurons in the hippocampus. This inhibition of LTP was observed in male rats after only two exposures to social defeat.101 The antidepressant tianeptine increases the amplitude of excitatory postsynaptic potentials and this mechanism appears to be related to alterations in the phosphorylation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, one of the most prominent receptors for the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate.102
Synapses are often located at the tips of the spine protrusions on the dendritic shafts of neurons (Figure 4). The shape of a spine is related to the arrangement of the actin-containing microfilaments, the cytoskeletal fibers.103 Spines may form rapidly under the influence of synaptic activity.104 Activation of the NMDA receptor initiates changes in the actin cytoskeleton that stabilize the synaptic structure.105 Spine formation in the neurons of the prefrontal cortex can be induced by even minor stimuli, such as handling the experimental animals daily.106 In response to an acute stress, spine density was enhanced in the hippocampus of male rats, whereas, in contrast, female rats showed reduced spine density.107 It therefore appears that spine morphology is modulated by stress, although other factors such as sex hormones may also have an effect on their formation.
Apical dentrites
Spine Synapse
Basal dentrites
Figure 4. Schematic drawing of a CA3 pyramidal neuron plus its dendrites. Note the small soma in comparison to the highly arborized apical and basal dendrites. Inset: dendritic shafts can build up protrusions (spines) that form synapses with axons or dendrites from other neurons. Synapses are sites of signal transmission between neurons. Formation and disappearance of spines are regulated by many factors such as gonadal hormones. Chronic psychosocial stress reduces the arborization of the apical dendrites, thus reducing the surface area of the neuron with the consequence that the neuron receives less information from other neurons (see text for details).
Pharmacological aspects
Conclusions and further directions
Despite extensive preclinical and clinical investigations, the exact neurobiological processes leading to depression and the mechanisms responsible for the therapeutic effects of antidepressant drugs are still not completely understood. Antidepressants are presently believed to exert their primary biochemical effects by readjusting aberrant intrasynaptic concentrations of neuromodulators such as 5-HT. However, the limitations of current antidepressant medications, such as the time delay for a full therapeutic response, the substantial number of nonresponders, and bothersome side effects merit a full exploration of all plausible agents with novel antidepressant mechanisms of action. Recent preclinical and clinical studies suggest that major depressive disorders are associated with cellular resilience and an impairment of synaptic and structural plasticity, and that antidepressant medications may act by correcting this dysfunction. Although this concept is still in its infancy, it has increasingly attracted research efforts that may result in new treatment strategies for the etiopathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, such as major depression.
The contributions of former and current members of the Clinical Neurobiology Laboratory at the German Primate Center are gratefully acknowledged. The work summarized here was in part supported by the German Science Foundation, the DAAD, and the EC.
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Clinical research
Cellular abnormalities in depression: evidence from postmortem brain tissue
Craig A. Stockmeier, PhD; Grazyna Rajkowska, PhD
During the past two decades, in vivo neuroimaging studies have permitted significant insights into the general location of dysfunctional brain regions in depression. In parallel and often intersecting ways, neuroanatomical, pharmacological, and biochemical studies of postmortem brain tissue are permitting new insights into the pathophysiology of depression. In addition to long-recognized neurochemical abnormalities in depression, novel studies at the microscopic level support the contention that mood disorders are associated with abnormalities in cell morphology and distribution. In the past 6 years, cell-counting studies have identified changes in the density and size of both neurons and glia in a number of frontolimbic brain regions, including dorsolateral prefrontal, orbitofrontal, and anterior cingulate cortex, and the amygdala and hippocampus. Convergence of cellular changes at the microscopic level with neuroimaging changes detected in vivo provides a compelling integration of clinical and basic research for disentangling the pathophysiology of depression. The ultimate integration of these two research approaches will occur with premortem longitudinal clinical studies on well-characterized patients linked to postmortem studies of the same subjects.
2004, LLS SAS Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2004;6:185-197.
uring the past two decades, anatomical substrates associated with the neuropathology of mood disorders have been revealed through both in vivo neuroimaging studies and morphological and neurochemical studies on postmortem brain tissue. While neuroimaging studies have given significant insight into the gross morphological location of dysfunctional brain regions in depression, the neurochemical, cellular, and molecular features of depression are being unlocked by studies in postmortem brain tissue. Novel studies at the microscopic level are establishing that the mood disorders are associated with abnormalities in cell morphology and distribution, in addition to the long-recognized neurochemical abnormalities. Major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BPD) have been examined in postmortem brain tissue by several laboratories in the past 6 years. Cell-counting studies report changes in the density and size of both neurons and glia in a number of frontolimbic brain regions, including dorsolateral prefrontal, orbitofrontal, and anterior cingulate cortex, and the amygdala and hippocampus. These studies in postmortem brain tissue confirm and extend structural and functional neuroimaging studies that reveal volumetric and metabolic changes in the same frontolimbic brain regions in the same disorders. Convergence of cellular changes at the microscopic level with neuroimaging changes detected in vivo provides a compelling integration of clinical and basic research for disentangling the pathophysiology of depression. Regionally localized and cell typespecific changes in neuronal and glial cytoarchitecture recently identified in
Author affiliations: The University of Mississippi Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Jackson, Miss, USA Address for correspondence: Craig Stockmeier, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, University of Mississippi Medical Center, 2500 N State St, Box 127, Jackson, MS 39216, USA (e-mail: [email protected])
Keywords: major depression; bipolar disorder; postmortem brain; glia; neuron; neuropathology Copyright 2004 LLS SAS. All rights reserved
Clinical research
Selected abbreviations and acronyms
AVP BDNF BPD CRH GABA GFAP HPA MDD NAA NMDA arginine-vasopressin brain-derived neurotrophic factor bipolar disorder corticotropin-releasing hormone -aminobutyric acid glial fibrillary acidic protein hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (axis) major depressive disorder N-acetylaspartate N-methyl-D-aspartate across all cortical laminae.1,3,4 However, when neurons are assessed within individual cortical layers or in subgroups determined by size or immunohistochemistry, marked reductions in neuron density are found in both MDD and BPD. For example, the density of large-sized neuronal cell bodies is reduced in cortical layers II to VI in the dorsolateral prefrontal and rostral orbitofrontal cortex in MDD.5 These reductions in density of large-sized neuronal cell bodies are accompanied by increases in the density of neurons with smaller-sized cell bodies (Figure 1). The concomitant decrease in the density of large neuronal cell bodies and increase in the density of small neuronal cell bodies suggests that neuronal shrinkage/enlargement or perhaps altered neuronal development, rather than outright neuronal loss, is responsible for neuronal abnormalities in mood disorders.
Orbitofrontal cortex Cortical layers
mood disorders complement and expand hypotheses of dysfunction within the monoaminergic, glutamatergic, and -aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmitter systems in these disorders. While MDD and BPD are clearly not neurodegenerative disorders, impaired neuroplasticity is associated with these mood disorders. The etiology of histopathological changes observed in postmortem brain tissue is unknown. It is not clear how factors such as genetic risk factors, neurodevelopmental abnormalities, the progression of the disease, or exposure to antidepressant or mood-stabilizing medications contribute to the abnormal neuronal and glial observations in mood disorders. It remains to be determined whether the chronic administration of clinically effective therapeutic medications can reverse or even staunch histopathological changes in the mood disorders.
200 I
500 VI
White matter
Pia (m)
Figure 1. Changes in neuronal size and size-dependent density in layer II of rostral orbitofrontal cortex in a 73-year-old female with MDD as compared to a 71-year-old psychiatrically normal female control subject. For both subjects, the postmortem delay was less than 17 hours and fixation time was less than 10 months. Photomicrograph depicting cell composition across the six cortical layers in rostral orbitofrontal cortex (upper left). Expanded printouts of cortical layers with neuronal cell bodies represented by equivalent diameter circles with the area measured for the individual neuron in its equatorial plane (right panel). Note that neuronal sizes are smaller in layers II and III in the depressed subject than in the control subject. Note especially dramatic increases in the density of small neurons in layer II associated with significant reductions in the density of the largest neurons of this layer.
Reprinted from reference 5: Rajkowska G, Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Wei J, et al. Morphometric evidence for neuronal and glial prefrontal cell pathology in major depression. Biol Psychiatry. 1999;45:1085-1098. Copyright 1999, Elsevier.
In BPD, decreases in laminar neuronal densities have also been reported in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex4 and anterior cingulate cortex,2,6,7 but not by all studies.1,8 Moreover, in BPD, a decrease in density of pyramidal neurons in cortical layers III and V4 and nonpyramidal neurons in layer II6 has been observed in the same cortical regions. This last observation coincides with reports on reductions in the density of layer II nonpyramidal neurons that are identified with an antibody against the calciumbinding protein, calbindin, in the anterior cingulate cortex7 and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex9 in BPD. Calbindin immunoreactive neurons are known to colocalize GABA. Our recent measurements of the density and size of calbindin-immunoreactive neurons in layer II and the upper part of layer III of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex revealed a 43% reduction in the density of these neurons in MDD as compared to controls.10 The depression-related decrease in calbindin immunoreactive neurons, which colocalize GABA, may be closely related to in vivo clinical evidence suggesting that MDD is associated with decreased levels of GABA in cerebral cortex.11 Another manifestation of neuronal pathology in cerebral cortex in mood disorders is the reduced size of neuronal cell bodies. Smaller soma sizes have been reported in subjects with MDD, as compared to normal controls, in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,3,5 orbitofrontal cortex,5 and anterior cingulate cortex.8,12 Two other studies, however, did not report significant changes in neuronal size in the anterior cingulate cortex.1,2 In a manner more subtle than in MDD, reductions in neuronal soma size have been observed in BPD by some,4,12 but not by all investigators.1,2,8 In another study, a minor increase in the size of small nonpyramidal neurons was noted in the anterior cingulate cortex in BPD subjects.6 Factors leading to a reduction in the size of neuronal soma are not known. Smaller soma size may be related to smaller dendritic trees and/or abnormal morphology of synaptic contacts. However, visualization of neuronal dendritic trees in cerebral cortex using the Golgi silver impregnation method has not yet been conducted in subjects with mood disorders. Studies looking at synaptic proteins in the anterior prefrontal13 and anterior cingulate cortex14 describe reductions14 or no changes13 in synaptic proteins in mood disorders. Systematic studies of dendritic trees and synaptic contacts in prefrontal and cingulate areas are warranted to shed light on the possible etiology of smaller neuronal cell bodies in mood disorders.
The most consistent cell abnormality described in mood disorders has unexpected finding of prominent reductions in the density and number of glial cells. Glial reductions have been reported consistently by independent laboratories in the anterior cingulate cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and orbitofrontal cortex in MDD and/or BPD subjects. For example, a 24% to 41% reduction in the number of a general population of Nissl-stained glial cells is reported in the subgenual region of the anterior cingulate cortex (ventral part of Brodmanns area 24) in a small subgroup of patients with familial MDD and familial BPD, as compared to control subjects.1 However, when data from familial and nonfamilial subgroups of patients were combined, the reductions are not found.The estimation of glial cell number in this study is combined across all six cortical layers, and no information is provided on laminar specificity of glial loss. Reductions in glial cell density, however, are reported in specific cortical layers of the anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortices in four other studies. These glial reductions are observed in layer VI of the supragenual anterior cingulate cortex,8 layers III and V of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex3-5 and in layers III, IV, V, and VI of the caudal orbitofrontal cortex,5 in mood disorder patients. Glial cell size and shape, in addition to density, appears to be affected in mood disorders.The size of glial cell bodies (corresponding to glial cell nuclei in Nissl-stained material) has been estimated in several studies. In three of these investigations, glial size is reported as increased,3-5 whereas two other studies find glial size to be unchanged in MDD or BPD.1,15 Significant increases in glial size are observed in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in BPD4 and to a smaller degree in MDD,5 comparing these cohorts to psychiatrically normal control subjects. More recently, similar increases in glial size are noted in the anterior cingulate cortex in MDD.12 In addition, changes in the shape of glial nuclei to a less rounded conformation are detected in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in BPD.4 Reductions in glial density, paralleled by an increase in the size of glial nuclei, suggest that some compensatory mechanisms may take place in mood disorders. It can be speculated that a decrease in the density of glial cells is indicative of a decrease in the number of normally functioning glial cells. At the same time, glial cells that survive and are not damaged might be forced to play a larger role in supporting the metabolic needs of the surrounding neurons. As a consequence of increased metabolic demand, the nuclei of these glial cells might enlarge in size and change in shape.
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Glutamate-induced swelling of astroglia, reported in animal cell cultures,16 may be another factor in the etiology of enlarged glial cells in depression. Glial cell pathology in mood disorders does not appear to be universally noted throughout the cerebral cortex. Changes in glial cell density or number are not found in the sensorimotor cortex in either MDD or BPD.1 Recent reports suggest a lack of marked glial pathology in the supragenual part of the anterior cingulate cortex,12 the entorhinal cortex in BPD and MDD,17 or the most rostral part of the orbitofrontal cortex in MDD (corresponding to the transitional cortex between Brodmann areas 10 and 47).5 Glial pathology in mood disorders has yet to be systematically studied in subcortical structures. Only one report suggests that glial pathology extends to limbic subcortical regions, with a significant reduction in glial number noted in the amygdala in subjects with MDD and unmedicated subjects with BPD.17 studies report no significant cell loss in any hippocampal region in any of the subject groups. In most of the depressives, there was evidence for a slight increase in fragmented DNA associated with apoptosis and necrotic neuron death detected in the dentate gyrus, CA1 and CA4.30 Decreases in astrocytic immunoreactivity for cellular GFAP and the neuron-specific phosphoprotein B50 (or GAP-45) were detected in CA1 and CA2 in depression.31 The authors suggest that apoptosis may only be a minor contributor to volume changes in the hippocampus in depression, while patterns of reactive astrogliosis and synaptic reorganization proteins are significantly altered in only some hippocampal regions in depression. Other reports of hippocampal changes in mood disorders identify a significant decrease in the density of nonpyramidal neurons in the CA2 region and a reduction in reelin-positive cell density in the hilus in subjects with BPD.32,33 Two other studies conducted on the postmortem hippocampal formation in a small sample of subjects with BPD reveal a decrease in the density and size of nonpyramidal neurons in the CA2 region and some disorganization in neuronal clusters in layers II and III of the entorhinal cortex.34,35 Neuronal and glial cell packing density and soma size were estimated recently in Nissl-stained sections including the hippocampal subfields in 16 subjects with MDD and 16 age-matched normal control subjects.36 Representative photomicrographs are presented in Figure 2. Prominent abnormalities in the CA regions and dentate gyrus are found in subjects with MDD.There is a significant increase in the mean density of pyramidal neurons in depressed subjects, as compared with normal control subjects. In the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus, cell density is significantly increased in MDD. In addition, there is a significant decrease in the mean soma size of pyramidal neurons in depressed subjects, as compared with normal control subjects. On the basis of covariate analyses, the main findings of increased neuronal density and decreased neuron soma size in depression are not significantly altered when taking into consideration such factors as gender, age, postmortem interval, tissue pH, brain weight, smoking, antidepressant drug prescription in the last month of life, or suicide.The substantial increases noted in neuronal packing density and decrease in neuronal soma size detected in postmortem tissue may be related to the decrease in hippocampal volume noted by some in MDD. Glial pathology in depression appears to extend beyond the frontal cortex to the hippocampus. A recent study of the hippocampus in a large number of subjects with MDD
and aged-matched normal control subjects reports a significant increase in the density of glial cells in all hippocampal CA subfields and the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus.36 In MDD, increases in the packing density of glial cells detected in postmortem tissue suggests a potential reduction in surrounding neuropil (see above), and may be related to decreases in hippocampal volume noted by neuroimaging studies in MDD (see above). The different pattern of density change noted in depression in the hippocampus in contrast to frontal cortical areas may be related to a unique reduction in neuropil in the hippocampus in depression. Neuropil consists of the lattice of glial cells and their processes, dendrites, and proximal axons surrounding neuron cell bodies. The hypothesis of neuropil reduction in the hippocampus in MDD is supported by other postmortem studies revealing a decrease in dendritic spine density on neurons and diminished arborization of apical dendrites in the subiculum in a small group of mixed subjects with bipolar disorder or depression37 and decreased levels of synaptic proteins
found in CA4 in BPD.38 Thus, the diminished volume of the hippocampus noted by some in depression may be critically determined by a loss in neuropil including dendritic branching, dendritic spine complexity, and glial processes. The expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has been measured in the hippocampus of subjects with depression, and alterations in these factors might be related to changes in cell density and volume in depression. There is preliminary evidence that BDNF in the human hippocampus may be regulated by chronic treatment with antidepressant medications. In an immunohistochemical study of subjects with MDD and others with BPD or schizophrenia, the immunoreactivity of BDNF, as measured by optical density, is upregulated in the dentate gyrus and hilus only in subjects taking antidepressant medications (regardless of psychiatric diagnosis).39 Chen et al39 provide the first evidence beyond rodent studies that chronic antidepressant drugs upregulate the expression of BDNF in the human hippocampus. In a recent study, Dwivedi et al40 observed a significant reduction in mRNA and protein levels of BDNF in hippocampus as well as dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in suicide victims with either MDD or other psychiatric disorders. In the Dwivedi et al40 study, the decrease in expression of BDNF occurred regardless of antidepressant treatment. It remains to be determined whether alterations in BDNF are related to increases in the packing density of neurons in the hippocampal formation or prefrontal cortex. The different pattern of neuronal pathology in the frontal cortex (decrease in density) and hippocampus (increase in density) suggests unique involvement of these brain regions in the neuropathology of depression. Other evidence of dissimilarities between prefrontal cortex and hippocampus has been reported in MDD.41-43 Successful clinical treatment (or even the use of placebo) in depression was associated with an increase in metabolism in prefrontal cortex and a decrease in metabolism in hippocampus.
Figure 2. Brightfield photomicrographs of coronal sections of the postmortem human hippocampal formation. A. Cresyl violetstained coronal section from a 54-year-old male (23-h postmortem interval). B. An adjacent coronal section processed by Timm staining. Note the intensely stained granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus (DGgr) in A and B, and the clear demarcation in B between hippocampal subfields CA2 and CA3 afforded by the Timm staining. Pyramidal neurons and glial nuclei of CA3 are highlighted in C by the large white arrows and white arrowheads, respectively. Neurons and glial nuclei of the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus are depicted in D by the large black arrows and black arrowheads, respectively. The scale bars in A and C are 750 m and 25 m, respectively.
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dala.44-52 Results of these subcortical histopathological studies are somewhat inconsistent. Increases, decreases, or no change in the cell number or density are reported in the hypothalamus and brain stem nuclei in depressed subjects. Stereological investigation of specific types of hypothalamic neurons reveals an increase in the numbers of arginine-vasopressin (AVP)immunoreactive neurons, oxytocin-expressing neurons, and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) neurons in the paraventricular nucleus in subjects with BPD or MDD, compared to normal controls.44,45 Moreover, increases in CRH mRNA, and in the number of CRH neurons colocalizing AVP are also found in depressed patients.46,47 These findings of increases in specific immunoreactive neurons are consistent with the evidence of activation of the hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in some subsets of depressed patients.48 On the other hand, decreased number and density of nitric oxide synthasecontaining neurons in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus are described in a small group of subjects with either MDD or BPD.49 Subtle structural abnormalities have been reported in mood disorders in the monoaminergic brain stem nuclei, the major sources of serotonin (dorsal raphe nucleus) and norepinephrine (locus ceruleus) projections to the cerebral cortex. An increased number and density of tryptophan hydroxylase immunoreactive neurons is observed in the dorsal raphe nucleus of suicide victims with MDD compared with controls.50 In suicide victims, Arango et al51 report fewer pigmented neurons within the rostral locus ceruleus. Another study in a larger number of subjects found no differences in the number of pigmented neurons in the locus ceruleus between subjects with MDD (most were suicides) and control subjects.52 Although the number of neurons in the locus ceruleus does not appear altered in MDD, CRH immunoreactivity is increased in the locus ceruleus and pontine dorsal and median raphe nuclei.53,54 No changes in neuronal densities were detected in amygdala in subjects with either MDD or BPD, as compared to normal controls.17 These postmortem findings suggest that some changes in the morphology of hypothalamic neurons and brain stem neurons may take place in mood disorders. However, future studies employing stereological techniques and a larger number of subjects are required to determine the exact pathology in these regions in depression.
suggest dysfunction of monoaminergic projections originating from the brain stem neurons and terminating in frontolimbic cortical regions. It is likely that the functions and morphology of cortical neurons are affected by alterations in the functional state of noradrenergic, serotonergic, and dopaminergic neurons that project axons to prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex. Postmortem neurochemical studies in MDD report alterations in noradrenergic 2-adrenergic receptors and the norepinephrine transporter, as well as levels of tyrosine hydroxylase in the locus ceruleus,52,61,62 serotonin-1A receptors in the midbrain dorsal raphe nucleus,63 and dopaminergic receptors and transporters in the amygdala.64 The layer-specific changes in neuronal density and size identified in mood disorders implies that both inhibitory local circuit neurons and excitatory projection types of cortical neurons may be involved in the neuropathology of mood disorders. Nonpyramidal inhibitory neurons using GABA are localized mainly in cortical layer II and establish local corticocortical connections within or between adjacent functional columns of cortical cells. In contrast, pyramidal glutamatergic excitatory neurons reside predominantly in cortical layers III, V, and VI and give rise to long projections to other cortical associational regions (layer III), striatum (layer V), and thalamus (layer VI). Neuronal pathology detected in cortical layers III, V, and VI of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex in MDD may be associated with the pathology of excitatory pyramidal neurons within these laminae that use glutamate as their neurotransmitter. Moreover, the density of pyramidal neurons is selectively reduced in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in subjects with BPD,4 further confirming the pathology of glutamatergic neurons in mood disorders. These findings in postmortem brain tissue coincide with an in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study in the anterior cingulate cortex revealing a reduction in glutamate levels in depression.65 There is increasing preclinical and clinical evidence that antidepressant drugs directly or indirectly reduce the function of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors.66 Depression-related decreases in glutamate levels or the density of glutamatergic pyramidal neurons may alter in cortex and elsewhere the glutamatergic recognition site and its coupling to the NMDA receptor complex. One study of suicide victims, some of whom were diagnosed with MDD, reveals changes in the glutamatergic recognition site and
its coupling to the NMDA receptor complex in the anterior prefrontal cortex.67 Interestingly, drugs that reduce glutamatergic activity or glutamate receptorrelated signal transduction may also have antimanic effects.66 Reductions in size and density of layer II neurons in the orbitofrontal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, as well as reductions in the density of nonpyramidal neurons in layer II of the anterior cingulate cortex suggest deficient GABAergic neurotransmission. Most nonpyramidal neurons in cortical layer II colocalize GABA and recent clinical evidence suggests that MDD is associated with decreased levels of cortical GABA.11 In summary, the localization of morphological abnormalities in the mood disorders occurs in prefrontolimbic circuits that are likely to regulate emotional, cognitive, and somatic symptoms in depression. The observation in the mood disorders of neuronal pathology in specific cortical layers gives support to the hypotheses that the monoamine, glutamate, and GABA neurotransmitter systems are involved in the pathophysiology of these disorders. It remains to be determined whether the cellular pathology is the reason for, or the consequence of, depression.
Clinical research
ferences in the packing density of GFAP-reactive astrocytes are present in this study, there is a significant correlation between age and GFAP immunoreactivity among subjects with MDD, when the entire group of MDD (young and old) is compared with normal controls. A significant reduction in the population of reactive astroglia is found in a small subgroup of young (30 to 45 years old) subjects with MDD, as compared to young control subjects and older (46 to 86 years old) subjects with MDD (Figures 3A and 3B). This subgroup of younger adults with MDD also had a shorter duration of depression and most of these subjects were suicide victims. Recent observations from our laboratory confirm that the levels of GFAP protein are also reduced in these young adults with MDD as compared to age-matched control subjects (Figures 3C and 3D), and that GFAP levels are positively correlated with age at the time of death and with the age of onset of depression.69 Thus, the involvement of GFAP expression in early- versus late-life depression differs because the underlying pathophysiology in early-life depression is different from that in late-life depression. Clinical evidence confirms that late-onset depression (first depressive episode when older than 50 years) differs from early-onset depression by its etiology, phenomenology, and cerebrovascular pathology.70-72 Alterations in GFAP in both BPD and MDD are also suggested by a proteomic study in which different forms of GFAP proteins displayed disease-specific abnormalities.73 Oligodendrocytes may also be involved in the cellular pathology of depression. In both the dorsolateral prefrontal and anterior frontal cortex in subjects with BPD or MDD, there are ultrastructural changes in oligodendrocytes and there is a reduction in the density and immunoreactivity of these cells.74,75 Moreover, key oligodendrocyte-related and myelin-related gene expression is reduced in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in BPD.76 While these results are intriguing, further immunohistochemical and molecular studies are needed to definitively determine which specific glial cell types are compromised in BPD and whether the same or different types of glial cells are involved in the pathology reported in MDD. Reductions in glial number and density, in addition to changes in size and shape, might be related to the dysfunction of monoamine and glutamate systems reported extensively in depression. For example, astrocytes express virtually all of the receptor systems, ion channels, and
GFAP immunohistochemistry A
100 r=0.890 P<0.0005
0 20
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 3. An illustration of the pathology of glial cells found in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in MDD.5,68 Reductions in the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactive astroglia are found in a subgroup of young adults with major depression as compared to aged-matched control subjects and older subjects with major depression (A) and these reductions are correlated with the age of the subjects at the time of death (B). Recent preliminary observations (Si et al, unpublished observation) indicate that the levels of GFAP protein in the same area of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex are also reduced in these young (D) but not old (C) subjects with major depression as compared to age-matched control subjects. Note that the level of actin, another protein in brain, is unchanged in a depressed subject as compared to the control.
Reproduced (A and B) from reference 68: Miguel-Hidalgo JJ, Baucom C, Dilley G, et al. Glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity in the prefrontal cortex distinguishes younger from older adults in major depressive disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 2000;48:861-873. Copyright 2000, Elsevier.
transporters found in neurons.15 Thus, the postsynaptic monoaminergic receptors distributed on glial cell bodies and processes may play a role in serotonin, norepinephrine, or dopamine neurotransmission. Moreover, astroglia are the primary sites of glutamate uptake by glial transporters and are important in regulating NMDA receptor activity. Astroglia regulate the levels of extracellular glutamate and thereby protect neurons in vitro from cell death and provide energy for neurons. Astrocytic pathology in MDD may indirectly promote glutamate-mediated neuronal excitotoxicity, with consequences that may be detected by functional neuroimaging. A mounting body of data suggests that treatment with antidepressant or mood-stabilizing medications regulates neuronal survival and also influences neurogenesis. Pharmacologically induced increases in neurogenesis in adult rodent brain have been reported in two independent studies.77,78 Moreover, there is evidence that treatment with lithium induces an increase in the astrocytic protein GFAP in rodent hippocampus79,80 and the neural lobe of the pituitary.81 However, whether these increases represent a protective or compensatory effect of these medications, and the mechanisms underlying the regulation of neurogenesis and glial proliferation have to be further investigated. Furthermore, a precise link between cell loss and atrophy, observed in the postmortem human brain, and medication-induced production of new cells, observed in the animal brain, has yet to be established.
strated in familial mood disorders.1 Glial reductions reported in this study may in fact reflect a true loss of glial cells since the neuroimaging studies in the same cortical region show a reduction in the volume of gray matter.84 There are unquestionable limitations to the use of postmortem brain tissue in studying the mood disorders.56 Some of the critical issues to be considered when interpreting the studies of postmortem brain tissue include the psychiatric status of the subject at the time of death and the underlying psychiatric disorder, whether control subjects were psychiatrically normal, the cause of death of the subjects (suicide or by other means), evolving criteria used to establish psychiatric diagnoses, the possible inclusion of subjects with concurrent psychoactive substance use disorders, the regional and hemispheric localization of the brain regions being studied, and the presence and duration of treatment with a psychotropic medication. Other frequent drawbacks to studies of postmortem brain tissue include low numbers of subjects per cohort, or inadequate expertise in cytoarchitectonic delineation of individual brain regions. Ideally, longitudinal clinical studies on wellcharacterized patients should be linked to subsequent postmortem studies of the same subjects. It is important to seek to control for the potential effects of suicide on postmortem biological observations in depression. In two of our studies,5,36 enough depressed nonsuicide subjects were available to tentatively determine that the main findings of these studies appear to persist regardless of whether the depressed subjects died by suicide or natural causes.While suicide makes tissues available for most postmortem studies of depression, the results obtained with this cohort must be cautiously interpreted since the majority of living individuals with depression do not attempt or commit suicide. In the mood disorders, the alterations in cell density and size are likely to be related to the disorder itself and not to the age of subjects at the time of death, postmortem delay, or the time of fixation of the tissue. Statistical analyses conducted in all of the above morphometric studies yielded no significant correlation between cell density or size and any of these confounding variables. It cannot be ruled out, however, that some of the cellular alterations in mood disorders are related to prior treatment with antidepressants and lithium (for further discussion see reference 85). The question of whether cell abnormalities can be attributed to the effect of therapeutic medications is open to debate. There have been no systematic studies on the effect of antidepressant and mood-stabilizing medications
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on cell number and morphology in the postmortem human brain, most likely due to an insufficient number of treated versus untreated subjects. in glutamate-glutamine-GABA metabolites in the adult anterior cingulate cortex of these animals were also observed 10 years after the stressors.These NAA measures reflect neuronal integrity and metabolism whereas changes in glutamate-glutamine-GABA metabolites may reflect changes in membrane structure, glial functions, and glutamate content. Together, the above data suggest that structural and metabolic alterations observed in vivo may be related to alterations in cell viability, which, itself, may be related to alterations in cell number, density, and size observed in postmortem tissues at the microscopic level. The studies reviewed above undeniably prove the usefulness of postmortem tissue in unraveling the microscopic anatomical substrate of depression. For the first time, postmortem cell-counting studies in mood disorders have established that MDD and BPD are brain diseases with unique pathological alterations in neuronal and glial cells. The precise region- and layer-specific alterations in neuronal and glial architecture observed in mood disorders are consistent with the hypotheses of specific dysfunction in monoamine, glutamate, and GABA neurotransmitter systems in these disorders. Moreover, colocalization of cellular changes detected in postmortem tissues with in vivo neuroimaging findings proves that postmortem studies provide an important interface between clinical and basic research in unraveling the neuroanatomical substrates of depression. Postmortem studies in depression also indicate that while MDD and BPD are clearly not neurodegenerative disorders, these disorders are associated with impaired cellular neuroplasticity and resilience. It remains to be fully elucidated to what extent these findings represent neurodevelopmental abnormalities, progression of the disorder, biochemical changes (in glucocorticoid or trophic factors levels) accompanying repeated disease episodes, or the results of treatment with therapeutic medications. It is unknown whether the cellular changes observed postmortem in mood disorders can be reversed by antidepressant and mood-stabilizing medications. Although molecular and genetic mechanisms associated with depression are yet to be unraveled, preliminary microarray studies of gene expression in postmortem brain tissues from subjects with mood disorders confirm that the dorsolateral prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex are sites of pathology in mood disorders.93,94
The authors acknowledge the support of the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, and Public Health Service Grants MH60451, MH61578, MH63187, MH67996, and P20 RR17701.
Cellular abnormalities in mood disorders are observed in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala. In these same brain regions, neuroimaging studies reveal volumetric, metabolic, and neurochemical alterations in subjects with mood disorders. Structural neuroimaging studies in mood disorders provide evidence of modest but intriguing volumetric changes that suggest cell loss and/or atrophy.86 Some studies, but not all, report enlargement of the lateral and third ventricles in mood disorders87 that may be indicative of atrophy of surrounding cortical and subcortical regions. Functional neuroimaging studies in MDD and BPD lend further support to physiological abnormalities in cortical and subcortical frontolimbic regions. Abnormal regulation of glucose metabolism, regional cerebral blood flow, and high-energy phosphate metabolism are observed in the prefrontal and temporal cortex, basal ganglia, and amygdala in mood disorders.88 Neuroimaging studies that examine neurochemical changes in the living brain provide further support for the hypothesis that mood disorders are associated with changes in cell viability and function. For example, high-resolution magnetic resonance spectroscopy in unmedicated subjects with BPD report decreased N-acetylaspartate (NAA) levels bilaterally in the hippocampus89 and in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,90 as compared to healthy controls. In contrast, therapeutic doses of lithium increase levels of NAA in the brain of subjects with BPD.91 Such increases in NAA are found in a number of regions including frontal cortex, and are localized almost exclusively in the gray matter. NAA is regarded as a measure of neuronal viability and function, and therefore the changes in NAA levels seen in BPD strongly implicate alterations in neuronal viability, which may be related to alterations in cell number, cell density, and size, and related volumetric changes. Interestingly, recent magnetic resonance spectroscopic studies of nonhuman primates exposed to early life stressors or repeated stressors also reveal a significant decrease in NAA. The NAA decrease in the animals exposed to repeated stressors was normalized by chronic treatment with the antidepressant tianeptine.92 Increases
Anomalies cellulaires observes dans le tissu crbral post mortem au cours de la dpression
Ces 20 dernires annes, les tudes de neuro-imagerie in vivo ont permis des avances significatives dans la comprhension de la localisation gnrale des rgions crbrales dysfonctionnelles au cours de la dpression. Les tudes neuroanatomiques, pharmacologiques et biochimiques des tissus crbraux post mortem offrent ainsi, en parallle et souvent de faon croise, un aperu renouvel de la physiopathologie de la dpression. De nouvelles tudes au niveau microscopique ont confort lhypothse selon laquelle les troubles de lhumeur sont associs des anomalies de la distribution et de la morphologie cellulaires, tout en confirmant lexistence danomalies neurochimiques connues depuis longtemps dans la dpression. Ces 6 dernires annes, des tudes de comptage cellulaire ont identifi des modifications dans la densit et la taille des neurones et de la nvroglie au niveau dun certain nombre de rgions crbrales frontolimbiques comprenant les cortex dorsolateral prfrontal, orbitofrontal et cingulaire antrieur, ainsi quau niveau de lamygdale et de lhippocampe. La convergence entre les modifications cellulaires observes au niveau microscopique et les changements in vivo dtects par neuro-imagerie tmoigne avec loquence de lutilit dassocier la recherche clinique et fondamentale en vue dlucider la physiopathologie de la dpression. Lultime intgration de ces deux approches de recherche consistera rapprocher les donnes issues dtudes cliniques longitudinales pre mortem sur des patients bien dfinis avec celles provenant dtudes post mortem sur ces mmes patients.
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Clinical research
Neuroplasticity in mood disorders
Wayne C. Drevets, MD
he recent development of neuroimaging technologies that permit in vivo characterization of the anatomical, physiological, and receptor pharmacological correlates of mood disorders have enabled significant advances toward delineating the neurobiological correlates of mood disorders. Because these conditions were not associated with gross brain pathology or with clear animal models for spontaneous, recurrent mood episodes, the availability of tools allowing noninvasive assessment of the human brain proved critical to illuminating the pathophysiology of major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD). The results of studies applying imaging technologies and postmortem studies have Neuroimaging and neuropathological studies of major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD) have identified abnormalities of brain structure in areas of the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, striatum, hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, and raphe nucleus. These structural imaging abnormalities persist across illness episodes, and preliminary evidence suggests they may in some cases arise prior to the onset of depressive episodes in subjects at high familial risk for MDD. In other cases, the magnitude of abnormality is reportedly correlated with time spent depressed. Postmortem histopathological studies of these regions have shown abnormal reductions of synaptic markers and glial cells, and, in rare cases, reductions in neurons in MDD and BD. Many of the regions affected by these structural abnormalities show increased glucose metabolism during depressive episodes. Because the glucose metabolic signal is dominated by glutamatergic transmission, these data support other evidence that excitatory amino acid transmission is elevated in limbic-cortical-striatal-pallidal-thalamic circuits during depression. Some of the subject samples in which these metabolic abnormalities have been demonstrated were also shown to manifest abnormally elevated stressed plasma cortisol levels. The co-occurrence of increased glutamatergic transmission and cortisol hypersecretion raises the possibility that the gray matter volumetric reductions in these depressed subjects are partly accounted for by processes homologous to the dendritic atrophy induced by chronic stress in adult rodents, which depends upon interactions between elevated glucocorticoid secretion and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)glutamate receptor stimulation. Some mood-stabilizing and antidepressant drugs that exert neurotrophic effects in rodents appear to reverse or attenuate the gray matter volume abnormalities in humans with mood disorders. These neurotrophic effects may be integrally related to the therapeutic effects of such agents, because the regions affected by structural abnormalities in mood disorders are known to play major roles in modulating the endocrine, autonomic, behavioral, and emotional experiential responses to stressors.
2004, LLS SAS Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2004;6:199-216.
Keywords: major depressive disorder; bipolar disorder; neuroplasticity; neuroimaging abnormalities; postmortem studies Author affiliations: Wayne C. Drevets, MD, Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program, NIH NIMH/MIB, 15K North Dr, Bethesda, Md, USA Copyright 2004 LLS SAS. All rights reserved
Address for correspondence: Wayne C. Drevets, MD, Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program, NIH NIMH/MIB, 15K North Dr, MSC 2670, Bethesda, MD 20892-2670, USA (e-mail: [email protected])
Clinical research
Selected abbreviations and acronyms
ACC BD FPDD 5-HT MDD NMDA PFC VTA anterior cingulate cortex bipolar disorder familial pure depressive disease 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) major depressive disorder N-methyl-D-aspartate prefrontal cortex ventral tegmental area cation of functional imaging approaches. The regions affected by these abnormalities have been shown to play major roles in modulating emotional behavior by electrophysiological, lesion analysis, and functional neuroimaging studies in experimental animals and healthy humans. Thus, the structural abnormalities in these regions may prove relevant to the emotional dysregulation that is clinically manifest in mood disorders.
guided clinical neuroscience toward models in which both functional and structural brain pathology play roles in the pathogenesis of mood disorders. Longitudinal positron emission tomography (PET) imaging studies of MDD and BD identified abnormalities of regional cerebral glucose metabolism and cerebral blood flow (CBF), which, in some cases, persisted beyond symptom remission, and in other cases appeared mood statedependent (reviewed in reference 1; Figure 1). These reversible abnormalities presumably reflect areas where metabolic activity increases or decreases to mediate or respond to emotional and cognitive manifestations of the depressive syndrome, because local glucose metabolism and CBF (which is tightly coupled to glucose metabolism) reflect summations of the energy utilization associated with terminal field synaptic transmission during neural activity.2-4 In contrast, abnormalities that persist independently of the mood state may instead reflect neuropathological sequelae of recurrent illness or neurodevelopmental abnormalities that may confer vulnerability to MDD (eg, in cases where they are evident in otherwise healthy individuals at high familial risk for developing mood disorders). Such abnormalities in CBF and metabolism may reflect pathological changes in synaptic transmission associated with altered neurotransmitter receptor function, cerebrovascular disease, changes in neuronal arborization or synapse formation, or abnormalities in cellular viability or proliferation.5 For example, areas where CBF and metabolism appeared irreversibly decreased in depressives relative to controls in PET studies of MDD and BD were subsequently associated with focal tissue reductions in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)based morphometric and postmortem histopathological studies of MDD and BD.6-10 Abnormalities of gray matter volume and histology have now been identified in several brain structures using volumetric MRI and postmortem neuropathological assessments, which in many cases were guided by initial appli-
early age of MDD onset, or in midlife depressives who are not delusional. In addition, enlargement of the third ventricle has been consistently reported in BD, but not in MDD. A major technical issue that influences the sensitivity for detecting neuroimaging abnormalities across studies is the low spatial resolution of imaging technology relative to the size of brain structures of primary interest. With respect to morphometric assessments of gray matter volume, the volumetric resolution of state-of-the-art image data has recently been about 1 mm3, compared with the cortex thickness of only 3 to 4 mm. MRI studies involving images of this resolution have been able to reproducibly show regionally specific reductions in mean gray matter volume across groups of clinically similar depres-
sives versus controls. However, they have lacked sensitivity to detect the relatively subtle tissue reductions extant in mood disorders in individual subjects. Moreover, studies attempting to replicate such findings using data acquired at lower spatial resolutions (ie, voxel sizes 1.5 mm3) have commonly been negative because of the substantial partial volume effects that arise when attempting to segment regions of only 3- to 4-mm cortex thickness in such low-resolution MRI images.
Medial thalamus
Ventrolateral PFC Anterior insula Lateral orbital cortex Ventral striatum Amygdala
Medial cerebellum
Areas where neuropathological/morphometric changes reported Indicates direction of metabolic abnormality relative to control
Figure 1. Summary of neuroimaging abnormalities in early-onset, primary, major depressive disorder (MDD). The regions where neurophysiological imaging abnormalities have been consistently reported in unmedicated MDD samples are listed and approximately shown on this midsagittal brain diagram in which subcortical structures are highlighted onto the medial surface. Because only the medial wall of the cortex is shown, the location of the lateral orbital/ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC)/anterior insular region is better illustrated in Figure 2B. The ventral anterior cingulate region refers to both pregenual and subgenual portions (see text and Figure 2). The arrows in front of each region name indicate the direction of resting state abnormalities in glucose metabolism in unmedicated, depressed MDD samples relative to healthy control samples. In some cases, abnormalities in both directions have been reported which may depend either on the specific region involved or on the clinical state (eg, treatment responsive vs nonresponsive; see text). The red arrows have indicate histopathological and/or gray matter volumetric abnormalities in postmortem studies of primary mood disorders.
Clinical research
Temporal lobe structures Morphometric MRI studies of specific temporal lobe structures reported significant reductions in the hippocampal volume in MDD, with magnitudes of difference ranging from 8% to 19% with respect to healthy controls.22-28 Sheline et al23 and MacQueen et al28 reported that the hippocampal volume was negatively correlated with the total time spent depressed or with the number of depressive episodes in MDD. Other groups found no significant differences between MDD and control samples.29-35 The inconsistency in the results of MDD studies may reflect pathophysiological heterogeneity within the MDD samples studied. For example, Vythilingam et al36 reported that the hippocampal volume was abnormally decreased in depressed women who also had suffered early-life trauma, but not in women who had depression without early-life trauma. In BD, reductions in hippocampal volume were identified by Noga et al37 and Swayze et al38 relative to healthy controls, although Pearlson et al39 and Nugent et al27 found no differences between BD and control samples. In postmortem studies of BD, abnormal reductions in the mRNA concentrations of synaptic proteins40 and in apical dendritic spines of pyramidal cells41 were specifically observed in the subicular and ventral CA1 subregions of the hippocampus. A recent study using high-resolution MRI scans found that the volume of the subiculum, but not the remainder of the hippocampus, was decreased in BD relative to control samples.27 Two studies reported abnormalities of the hippocampal T1 MRI signal in MDD. Krishnan et al42 observed that the T1 relaxation time was reduced in the hippocampus, but not in the entire temporal lobe, in unipolar depressives relative to healthy controls, and Sheline et al23 observed that elderly subjects with MDD have a higher number of areas with a low MRI signal than age-matched controls in T1-weighted images. The significance of such abnormalities remains unclear. In the amygdala, the literature is in disagreement. Studies of MDD have reported that amygdala volume is decreased,43,44 increased,45 or not different26 in depressives relative to healthy controls. Similarly, in BD, amygdala volume was reported to be increased,46-48 decreased,39,49,50 or not different38 relative to healthy controls. Although the extent to which disagreements in the results across studies are accounted for by confounding factors (such as medication effects) remains unclear, it appears more likely that MRI images acquired at 1.5 tesla lack the spatial and tissue contrast resolution needed to measure amygdala volumes with sufficient validity and reliability. The amygdalas small size and proximity to other gray matter structures seriously limits the specificity (accuracy) for delimiting amygdala boundaries in images acquired using MRI scanners of 1.5-tesla field strength. High-resolution MRI images acquired at 3-tesla magnetic field strength, in contrast, permit valid and reliable volumetric measures of the human amygdala. A recent study employing this technique established that mean amygdala volumes are decreased bilaterally (P<0.001) in MDD relative to healthy control samples.51 Amygdala volumes were decreased both in currently depressed and currently remitted MDD subsamples. Although mean amygdala volumes did not differ between BD and control samples, they were smaller in BD subjects who had not been recently medicated with mood stabilizers than in BD subjects who had been taking such agents, consistent with evidence that some mood stabilizers exert neurotrophic effects.14 Basal ganglia Volumes of some basal ganglia structures have also been reported to be abnormally decreased in mood disorders. Husain et al52 reported that the putamen was smaller in depressives (mean age 55) than controls, and Krishnan et al53 found a smaller caudate nucleus volume in depressives (mean age 48) than controls. In a sample limited to elderly depressives, Krishnan et al54 also reported smaller putamen and caudate volumes relative to controls. These findings were consistent with the postmortem study of Baumann et al,55 which found that caudate and accumbens area volumes were markedly decreased in both MDD and BD samples relative to control samples. Nevertheless, Dupont et al56 and Lenze et al57 failed to find significant differences in caudate or lentiform nucleus (putamen plus globus pallidus) volumes between younger MDD subjects and controls. The factors accounting for the discrepant results across studies remain unclear. Abnormalities of corpus callosal volume in mood disorders The genual subsection of the corpus callosum was reduced in volume in both depressed women with MDD and their high-risk, female offspring (insufficient num-
bers of males were studied to determine whether the abnormality extends to males).58,59 These white matter regions contain the transcallosal fibers connecting the orbital cortex, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), and medial PFC with their homologous cortices in the contralateral hemisphere. The volumes of the splenial subregion of the corpus callosum was also decreased in mood-disordered versus control samples, which contains transcallosal fibers from the posterior cingulate cortex. Other cerebral structures Morphometric studies of other brain structures in depression have produced less consistent results. Of MRI studies of the thalamus, Dupont et al56 reported that the thalamic volume was decreased in unipolar depressives relative to controls, but Krishnan et al42,54 found no differences between depressives and controls. Two studies of thalamic volume in BD also have reported conflicting results. Of MRI studies of the cerebellum, two reported that the vermal volume is reduced in depressives relative to controls,60,61 while a third did not.62 Consistent with evidence that the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function is elevated in some mood-disordered subgroups, enlargement of the pituitary and adrenal glands has been reported in MDD. Krishnan et al63 showed that MRI-based measures of cross-sectional area and volume of the pituitary were increased (by 34% and 41%, respectively) in depressives (n=19) versus controls (n=19). This observation is consistent with evidence that the adrenal gland is also abnormally enlarged in MDD,1 which would putatively result from chronically elevated stimulation of the adrenal cortex by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).
of neurons, reductions in synapses or synaptic proteins, elevations in neuronal density, and reductions in neuronal size.9,17,18,20,40,64,65 Abnormal reductions in glial cell counts and density, and/or glia-to-neuron ratios have also been found in MDD in Brodmann area (BA) 24 cortex of the pregenual ACC,20 the dorsal anterolateral PFC (BA9),21,66 and the amygdala.1,67 Finally, the mean size of neurons was reduced in the dorsal anterolateral PFC (BA9) in MDD subjects relative to controls,18 and the density of neurons was decreased in the ACC in BD.68 In several of these studies, the decreases were largely accounted for by differences in the left hemisphere.1,7,9,17,67 In the amygdala and the dorsal anterolateral PFC (BA9), the glial type that specifically differed between MDD and control samples was the oligodendrocytes. In contrast, astrocyte and microglial cell counts did not differ significantly between MDD or BD samples and healthy control samples in the amygdala.1 Oligodendroglia are best characterized for their role in myelination, and the reduction in oligodendrocytes may conceivably arise secondary to an effect on myelin, either through demyelination, abnormal development, or atrophy in the number of myelinated axons. Notably, the myelin basic protein concentration was found to be decreased in the frontal polar cortex (BA10) in MDD subjects.69 Compatible with these data, the concentration of white matter within the vicinity of the amygdala27 and the white matter volume of the genual and splenial portions of the corpus callosum are abnormally reduced in MDD and BD.58,59 These regions of the corpus callosum were also smaller in child and adolescent offspring of women with MDD who had not yet experienced a major depressive episode, in comparison to age-matched controls, suggesting that the reduction in white matter in MDD reflects a developmental defect that exists prior to the onset of depressive episodes.58 All of these observations support the hypothesis that the glial cell loss in mood disorders is accounted for by a reduction in myelinating oligodendrocytes. Further evidence supporting this hypothesis comes from several reports that deficits in glia in the cerebral cortex depend upon laminar analysis, with the greatest effects in layers III, V, and VI.18,20,70,71 The intracortical plexuses of myelinated fibers known as bands of Baillarger are generally concentrated in layers III and V. The size of these plexuses varies across cortical areas, so if the oligodendrocytes related to these plexuses were affected, different areas would be expected to show greater or lesser deficits. Layer VI in particular has a relatively large component of
Clinical research
myelinated fibers running between the gray and white matter. Finally, a population of satellite oligodendrocytes exists next to neuronal cell bodies that have largely unknown functions, but do not appear to have a role in myelination under normal conditions.72 An electron microscopic study of the PFC in BD revealed decreased nuclear size, clumping of chromatin, and other types of damage to satellite oligodendrocytes, including indications of both apoptotic and necrotic degeneration.73 Fewer signs of degeneration were seen in myelin-related oligodendrocytes in white matter. Satellite oligodendrocytes may play a role in maintaining the extracellular environment for the surrounding neurons, which resembles the functions mediated by astrocytes.These oligodendrocytes are immunohistochemically reactive for glutamine synthetase, suggesting that they function like astrocytes and take up synaptically released glutamate for conversion to glutamine and cycling back into neurons.74 Many studies of glial function have not distinguished astrocytes from oligodendrocytes, and the two glial types may share several functions. In other brain regions, reductions in astroglia have been reported by postmortem studies of mood disorders. In the frontal cortex, Johnston-Wilson et al75 found that four forms of the astrocytic product glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were decreased in mood-disordered subjects relative to controls, although it remained unclear whether this decrement reflected a reduction in the astrocyte density or in GFAP expression. Using immunohistochemical staining for GFAP, Webster et al76 did not find significant differences in cortical astrocytes between controls, and MDD or BD cases. Other studies also did not find differences in GFAP between mood disorder cases and controls.66 Factors that may conceivably contribute to a loss of oligodendroglia in mood disorders include the elevated glucocorticoid secretion and glutamatergic transmission evident during depression and mania. Glucocorticoids affect glia as well as neurons,77 and elevated glucocorticoid levels decrease the proliferation of oligodendrocyte precursors.78 Moreover, oligodendrocytes express -amino-3-hydroxy5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) and kainatetype glutamate receptors, and are sensitive to excitotoxic damage from excess glutamate as well as to oxidative stress.1 These vulnerabilities putatively contribute to oligodendrocyte degeneration in ischemic brain injury and demyelinating diseases,79,80 although no data exist to establish a similar role in mood disorders. The targeted nature of the reductions in gray matter volume and glial cells to specific areas of the limbic-cortical circuits that show increased glucose metabolism during depressive episodes is noteworthy given the evidence reviewed below that the glucose metabolic signal is dominated by glutamatergic transmission. The hypothesis that glutamate transmission is elevated in these areas in depression was also supported by a postmortem study in depressed suicide victims.81 Elevations of glutamate transmission and cortisol secretion in mood disorders may also contribute to reductions in gray matter volume and synaptic markers by inducing dendritic atrophy in some brain structures. In the medial PFC and parts of the hippocampus and amygdala of adult rodents, the dendritic arbors undergo atrophy or debranching in response to specific types of repeated or chronic stress.82 The effects of stress on dendritic arborization depend both upon the type of stress applied and anatomical location. For example, chronic unpredictable stress produces dendritic atrophy in the basolateral amygdala, whereas chronic immobilization stress increased dendritic branching in pyramidal and stellate neurons within the basolateral amygdala, but did not affect dendritic arborization in the central nucleus of the amygdala.83,84 These dendritic reshaping processes depend upon interactions between N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamatergic receptor stimulation and glucocorticoid secretion associated with repeated stress.82 The depressives with BD and FPDD who show regional reductions in gray matter volume also show evidence of having increased cortisol secretion and glutamate transmission. Specifically, depressives with FPDD or BD are more likely to show abnormal suppression of cortisol secretion by dexamethasone and blunted hypoglycemic response to insulin8 and to release excessive amounts of cortisol during stress.8,85 Subjects with FPDD or familial BD also show elevations of glucose metabolism, which largely reflects glutamate transmission, in the medial and orbital PFC, amygdala, ventral striatum, and cingulate cortex regions that show reductions in gray matter volume and cellular elements.
bility that excitatory amino acid transmission plays a role in the neuropathology of mood disorders.At least 85% to 90% of the glucose metabolic measure is accounted for by glutamate transmission from afferent projections originating within the same structure or from distal structures.4,86-89 In the depressed phase of familial MDD and BD, regional cerebral metabolism and CBF are abnormally increased in the amygdala, lateral orbital/ventrolateral PFC, ACC anterior to the genu of the corpus callosum (pregenual ACC), posterior cingulate cortex, ventral striatum, medial thalamus, and medial cerebellum.1 During effective antidepressant drug or electroconvulsive therapy, metabolic activity decreases in all of these regions,1,8 compatible with evidence that these treatments result in desensitization of NMDA glutamatergic receptors in the frontal cortex.90 In addition to these areas of increased metabolic activity, areas of reduced CBF and metabolism in depressives relative to controls were found in the ACC ventral to the genu of the corpus callosum (ie, subgenual ACC7) and the dorsomedial/ dorsal anterolateral PFC.19,91,92 Yet even in these regions, metabolic activity increases during the depressive relapse induced by tryptophan depletion (a dietary challenge that depletes central 5-HT transmission),93 and metabolism is increased in the subgenual ACC in the unmedicated-depressed phase relative to the unmedicated-remitted phase. In all of these regions where glucose metabolism is increased in the depressed phase relative to the remitted phase, reductions in cortex volume and/or histopathological changes have been found in in vivo MRI studies and/or postmortem studies of MDD and/or BD. The hypothesis that the elevations in glucose metabolism seen in these circuits reflect elevations in glutamatergic transmission is supported by evidence that the anatomical projections between affected areas are excitatory in nature.The abnormally increased CBF and metabolism in the ventrolateral and orbital PFC, ventral ACC, amygdala, ventral striatum, and medial thalamus evident in depression (Figure 2) implicate a limbic-thalamo-cortical circuit involving the amygdala, the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus and the orbital and medial PFC, and a limbicstriatal-pallidal-thalamic circuit involving related parts of the striatum and the ventral pallidum along with the components of the other circuit.95 The first of these circuits can be conceptualized as an excitatory triangular circuit, whereby the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala and the orbital and medial prefrontal regions are interconnected by excitatory (especially glutamatergic) projections with
each other and with the mediodorsal nucleus.96-100 This means that increased metabolic activity in these structures would presumably reflect increased synaptic transmission through the limbic-thalamo-cortical circuit.The limbic-striatal-pallidal-thalamic circuit constitutes a disinhibitory side loop between the amygdala or PFC and the mediodorsal nucleus. The amygdala and the PFC send excitatory projections to overlapping parts of the ventromedial striatum.101 This part of the striatum sends an inhibitory projection to the ventral pallidum,102 which in turn sends GABAergic (GABA, -aminobutyric acid), inhibitory fibers to the mediodorsal nucleus.99
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PFC-amygdalar projections may also play a role in the pathogenesis of depressive and anxiety symptoms in mood disorders. Although the reciprocal PFC-amygdalar projections are excitatory in nature, these connections ultimately appear to activate inhibitory interneurons, which, in turn, lead to functional inhibition in the projected field of the amygdala (for PFC-amygdalar projections) or the medial PFC and ventrolateral PFC.96,108-110 The function of the PFC in modulating the amygdala appears to be impaired in mood disorders, according to functional MRI data showing that abnormally sustained amygdala activity in response to aversive words or sad faces in MDD is associated with blunted activation of PFC areas.108,111 Thus, the volumetric and/or histopathological changes evident in the subgenual and pregenual ACC, lateral orbital cortex, dorsomedial/dorsal anterolateral PFC, hippocampal subiculum, amygdala, and ventral striatum may interfere with the modulation of emotional behavior, as discussed below.
Figure 2. Altered metabolism in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) ventral to the genu of the corpus callosum (c.c.) (ie, subgenual PFC) in mood disorders. A. Negative voxel t values where glucose metabolism is decreased in depressives relative to controls in coronal (31 mm anterior to the anterior commissure, or y=31) and sagittal (3 mm left of midline, or x=-3) planes of a statistical parametric image comparing depressives relative to controls.7 This image localized an abnormality in the subgenual portion of the anterior cingulate cortex (subgenual ACC7), which was subsequently shown to be accounted for by a corresponding reduction in cortex volume on the left side (see text). Anterior (or left) is to the left of the image. B. Mean, normalized, glucose metabolic values for the left subgenual ACC measured using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)based region-of-interest analysis. Metabolism is decreased in depressed subjects with either bipolar disorder (BD) or major depressive disorder (MDD) relative to healthy controls. In contrast, subjects scanned in the manic phase of BD (bipolar manic) have higher metabolism than either depressed or control subjects in this region. *P<0.025 controls versus depressed; P<0.01 depressed versus manic; P<0.05 controls versus manic. Although none of these subjects were involved in the study that generated the images shown in Figure 3, the mean glucose metabolism in this independent sample of depressives and controls also confirmed the areas of abnormally increased activity in the depressives in the amygdala, lateral orbital cortex, ventrolateral PFC, and medial thalamus (not shown in A, which only illustrates negative t values corresponding to hypometabolic areas in the depressives).
Figure 2A reproduced with permission from reference 6: Drevets WC, Price JL, Simpson JR, et al. Subgenual prefrontal cortex abnormalities in mood disorders. Nature. 1997;386:824-827. Copyright 1997, Nature Publishing Group. Figure 2B reproduced with permission from reference 94: Drevets WC. Neuroimaging and neuropathological studies of depression: Implications for the cognitive emotional manifestations of mood disorders. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2001;11:240-249. Copyright 2001, Elsevier.
Ventral ACC The ACC ventral and anterior to the genu of the corpus callosum (subgenual and pregenual, respectively; Figure 2) shows complex relationships between CBF, metabolism, and illness state, which appear to be accounted for by a left-lateralized reduction in the corresponding cortex, initially demonstrated by MRI-based morphometric measures6,12-16,112 and later by postmortem neuropathological studies of familial BD and MDD.9 Thus, computer simulations that correct the PET data acquired from this region for the partial volume effect of the reduction in gray matter volume measured in MRI scans of the same subject conclude the actual metabolic activity in the remaining subgenual PFC tissue is increased in depressives relative to controls, and decreases to normative levels during effective treatment.113 This hypothesis appears to be compatible with the observations that effective antidepressant pharmacotherapy results in a decrease in meta-
Subgenual PFC
c.c. -5.5 -2.8 t value 0
1.2 *
1 * 0.9
bolic activity in this region in MDD,8,10,114 that during depressive episodes metabolism shows a positive relationship with depression severity,8,115,116 and that flow increases in this region in healthy, nondepressed humans during sadness induced via contemplation of sad thoughts or memories.114,117,118 The reduction in volume in this region exists early in the illness in familial MDD11 and BD.12 The gray matter deficit may nevertheless worsen or initially become apparent following illness onset based upon preliminary evidence in twins discordant for MDD that the affected twin has a smaller volume than their unaffected cotwin.119 Kimbrell et al120 reported that the subgenual ACC metabolism correlated inversely with the number of lifetime depressive episodes, compatible with the possibility that the reduction in metabolism in this region measured via PET reflects a partial volume effect of a gray matter reduction that worsens with repeated illness. In the pregenual ACC, Drevets et al95 initially found increased CBF in MDD, and subsequent studies extended this observation by demonstrating complex relationships between pregenual ACC activity and subsequent antidepressant treatment outcome. Wu et al121 reported that depressed subjects whose mood improved during sleep deprivation showed elevated metabolism in the pregenual ACC and amygdala in their pretreatment scans. Mayberg et al122 reported that, while metabolism in the pregenual ACC was abnormally increased in depressives who subsequently responded to antidepressant drugs, metabolism was decreased in depressives who later had poor treatment response. Finally, in a tomographic electroencephalographic (EEG) analysis, Pizzagalli et al123 reported that depressives who ultimately showed the best response to nortriptyline showed hyperactivity (higher theta activity) in the pregenual ACC at baseline, compared with subjects showing the poorer response. During effective antidepressant treatment, most PET studies have shown that pregenual ACC flow and metabolism decrease in posttreatment scans relative to pretreatment scans.1 The finding that this region contains histopathological changes in MDD and BD20,64,68 suggests the hypothesis that the abnormal reduction in metabolism in treatment-nonresponsive cases reflects more severe reductions in cortex. In rodents and nonhuman primates, the regions that appear homologous to human subgenual and pregenual ACC, namely the infralimbic, prelimbic, and ventral ACCs, have extensive reciprocal connections with areas implicated in the expression of behavioral, autonomic, and
endocrine responses to threat, stress, or reward/nonreward, such as the orbital cortex, lateral hypothalamus, amygdala, accumbens, subiculum, ventral tegmental area (VTA), raphe, locus ceruleus, periaqueductal grey (PAG), and nucleus tractus solitarius.7,124 Humans with lesions that include these ventromedial PFC structures show abnormal autonomic responses to emotionally provocative stimuli and an inability to experience emotion related to concepts that ordinarily evoke emotion.125 Electrical stimulation of the ACC elicits fear, panic, or a sense of foreboding in humans, and vocalization in experimental animals.126 Similarly, rats with experimental lesions of prelimbic cortex demonstrate altered autonomic, behavioral, and neuroendocrine responses to stress and fear-conditioned stimuli.The prelimbic and infralimbic cortices contain abundant concentrations of glucocorticoid receptors, which, when stimulated by corticosterone (CORT), reduce stress-related HPA activity.127 Lesions of these cortices consequently result in exaggerated plasma ACTH and CORT responses to restraint stress.127 In rats, bilateral or right-lateralized lesions of the ACC and prelimbic and infralimbic cortex attenuate sympathetic autonomic responses, stressinduced CORT secretion, and gastric stress pathology during restraint stress or exposure to fear-conditioned stimuli.128-130 In contrast, left-sided lesions of this area increase sympathetic autonomic arousal and CORT responses to restraint stress.130 These data suggest that the right subgenual PFC facilitates expression of visceral responses during emotional processing, while the left subgenual PFC inhibits or modulates such responses.130 It is thus noteworthy that the gray matter reduction in this region in MDD and BD was lateralized to the left side, suggesting that it may contribute to disinhibition of neuroendocrine and autonomic function in depression.127,131,132 The ventral ACC also appears to participate in processing of behavioral incentive and motivated behavior. These areas send efferent projections to the VTA and substantia nigra, and receive dense dopaminergic innervation from VTA.124 In rats, electrical or glutamatergic stimulation of medial PFC areas that include prelimbic cortex elicits burst firing patterns from dopamine (DA) cells in the VTA and increases DA release in the accumbens.113 These phasic, burst firing patterns of DA neurons appear to encode information regarding stimuli that predict reward and deviations between such predictions and actual occurrence of reward.133 Ventral ACC dysfunction may thus conceivably contribute to disturbances of motivated behavior and hedonic perception in mood disorders.
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Dorsomedial/dorsal anterolateral PFC Metabolism and CBF are abnormally decreased in the dorsolateral and dorsomedial PFC in MDD.1 The dorsomedial PFC region includes the dorsal ACC92 and an area rostral to the dorsal ACC involving cortex on the medial and lateral surface of the superior frontal gyrus (approximately corresponding to BA9 and BA32).8,19,91 Postmortem studies of MDD and BD found abnormal reductions in the size of neurons and/or the density of glia in this portion of BA9,18,20,134 which may account for the reduction in metabolism in this region in MDD, and for the failure of antidepressant drug treatment to correct metabolism in these areas.8,19 Nevertheless, currently remitted MDD subjects who experience depressive relapse during tryptophan depletion show increased metabolic activity within these areas in the depressed versus the remitted conditions,93 similar to other structures where histopathological and gray matter volume changes exist in MDD. Flow normally increases in the vicinity of this dorsomedial/dorsal anterolateral PFC in healthy humans as they perform tasks that elicit emotional responses or require emotional evaluations.1 In healthy humans, CBF increases in this region during anxious anticipation of an electrical shock to an extent that correlates inversely with changes in anxiety ratings and heart rate, suggesting that this region functions to attenuate emotional expression. In rats, lesions of the dorsomedial PFC result in exaggerated heart rate responses to fear-conditioned stimuli, and stimulation of these sites attenuate defensive behavior and cardiovascular responses evoked by amygdala stimulation,128 although the homologue to these areas in primates has not been clearly established. In primates, the BA9 cortex sends efferent projections to the lateral PAG and the dorsal hypothalamus through which it may modulate cardiovascular responses associated with emotional behavior.124 It is thus conceivable that dysfunction of the dorsomedial/dorsal anterolateral PFC may contribute to impairments in the ability to modulate emotional responses in mood disorders. Lateral orbital/ventrolateral PFC In the lateral orbital cortex, ventrolateral PFC, and anterior insula, the resting CBF and metabolism have been abnormally increased in unmedicated subjects with primary MDD (Figure 3).1 The elevated activity in these areas in MDD appears to be mood-state dependent,95 and, during treatment with somatic antidepressant therapies, flow and metabolism decreases in these regions.1 The relationship between depression severity and physiological activity in the lateral orbital cortex/ventrolateral PFC is complex. While CBF and metabolism increase in these areas in the depressed phase relative to the remitted phase of MDD, the magnitude of these measures is inversely correlated with ratings of depressive ideation and severity.95,116,135 Moreover, while metabolic activity is abnormally increased in these areas in treatment-responsive unipolar and bipolar depressives, more severely ill or treatment-refractory samples show CBF and metabolic values lower than or not different from those of controls.81,139 This inverse relationship between orbital cortex/ventrolateral PFC activity and ratings of depression severity extends to some other emotional states as well. Posterior orbital cortex flow also increases in subjects with obsessive-compulsive disorder or simple animal phobias during exposure to phobic stimuli and in healthy subjects during induced sadness,140-142 with the change in posterior orbital CBF correlating inversely with changes in obsessive thinking, anxiety, and sadness, respectively. These data appear to be consistent with electrophysiological and lesion analysis data showing that parts of the orbital cortex participate in modulating behavioral and visceral responses associated with defensive, emotional, and reward-directed behavior as reinforcement contingencies change.124,143,144 The orbital cortex and amygdala send overlapping projections to each of these structures and to each other through which they appear to modulate each others neural transmission.124,143,145 Activation of the orbital cortex during depression may thus reflect compensatory attempts to attenuate emotional expression or interrupt unreinforced aversive thought and emotion. Consistent with this hypothesis, cerebrovascular lesions of the orbital cortex are associated with an increased risk for depression.146 These observations also suggest that the reduction of CBF and metabolism in the orbital cortex and ventrolateral PFC during antidepressant drug treatment may not be a primary mechanism through which such agents ameliorate depressive symptoms. Instead, direct inhibition of pathological limbic activity in areas such as the amygdala and ventral ACC may attenuate the mediation of depressive symptoms.8 The orbital cortex neurons may thus relax, as reflected by the return of metabolism to normal lev-
els, as antidepressant drug therapy attenuates the pathological limbic activity to which these neurons putatively respond.145 The amygdala In the amygdala, neurophysiological activity is altered both at rest and during exposure to emotionally valenced stimuli in some depressive subgroups. The basal CBF and metabolism are elevated in mood-disordered subgroups who meet criteria for FPDD (Figure 3),8,95,135,136 for MDD melancholic subtype,148 type II or nonpsychotic type I BD,136,149 or for those who are responsive to sleep deprivation.121 In contrast, metabolism has not been abnormal in unipolar depressives meeting criteria for depression spectrum disease,136,137 or in MDD samples meeting Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders (DSM) criteria,150-152 although the interpretation of the latter results was confounded by technical problems that reduced sensitivity for measuring amygdala activity.136 During antidepressant treatment that both attenuates depressive symptoms and prevents relapse, amygdala metabolism decreases toward normative levels.8
Functional imaging data acquired as subjects view emotionally valenced stimuli that normally activate the amygdala also demonstrate altered physiological responses in MDD. In the left amygdala, the hemodynamic response to viewing fearful faces was blunted in depressed children153 and depressed adults,94 consistent with the elevation of basal CBF and metabolism in the left amygdala in such cases (physiologically activated tissue is expected to show an attenuation of further rises in the hemodynamic/metabolic signal in response to tasks that normally engage the same tissue). The duration of the amygdala response to emotionally valenced stimuli is also abnormally prolonged in response to sad stimuli in depression. Drevets et al94 observed that, although the initial amygdala CBF response to sad faces was similar in depressives and controls, this response habituated during repeated
A Amygdala
Figure 3. Areas of abnormally increased blood flow in subjects with major depressive disorder (MDD). The image sections shown are from an image of t values, produced by a voxel-by-voxel computation of the unpaired t statistic to compare regional CBF between a depressed sample selected according to criteria for familial pure depressive disease (FPDD) (n=13) and a healthy control sample (n=33).95 The positive t values shown correspond to areas where flow is increased in the depressives relative to the controls. The abnormal activity in these regions was replicated using glucose metabolism imaging in independent subject samples.8,135,136 A. Sagittal section at 17 mm left of midline illustrating areas of increased CBF in depression in the amygdala and orbital cortex. B. Area of increased flow extended through the lateral orbital cortex to the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) and anterior insula.8,95 The x coordinate locates sagittal sections in millimeters to the left of midline. The PET images in A and B from which the t image was generated have been stereotaxically transformed to the coordinate system of Talairach and Tournoux,137 from which the corresponding atlas outline is shown. Anterior is left.
Figure 3A reproduced with permission from reference 126: Price JL, Carmichael ST, Drevets WC. Networks related to the orbital and medial prefrontal cortex: a substrate for emotional behavior? Prog Brain Res. 1996;107:523-536. Copyright 1996, Elsevier. Figure 3B reproduced with permission from reference 138: Drevets WC, Videen TO, Snyder AZ, MacLeod AK, Raichle ME. Regional cerebral blood flow changes during anticipatory anxiety. Soc Neurosci Abstr. 1994;20:368. Copyright 1994, Society for Neuroscience.
Orbital cortex
2.25 t value
2.0 t value
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exposure to the same stimuli in the controls, but not in the depressives over the imaging period. Similarly, Siegle et al44 reported that hemodynamic activity increased in the amygdala during exposure to negatively valenced words to a similar extent in depressives and controls, but, while the hemodynamic response rapidly fell to baseline in the controls, it remained elevated in the depressives. The amygdala plays major roles in organizing other behavioral, neuroendocrine, and autonomic aspects of emotional and stress responses to experiential stimuli. For example, the amygdala facilitates stress-related corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) release154 and electrical stimulation of the amygdala in humans increases cortisol secretion,155 suggesting a mechanism via which excessive amygdala activity may participate in inducing the CRH and cortisol hypersecretion that is evident in MDD. In PET studies of MDD and BD, CBF and metabolism in the left amygdala correlates positively with stressed plasma cortisol secretion, which may reflect the effect of either amygdala activity on CRH secretion or cortisol or CRH on amygdala function.136 If the reduction in amygdala volume is associated with reductions in synaptic contacts formed by afferent projections from regions known to modulate amygdala function, then amygdala neuronal activity may become disinhibited. The above reports that amygdala blood flow and metabolism are abnormally elevated and hemodynamic responses to emotional stimuli are abnormally persistent in MDD support this hypothesis. Notably, Siegle et al44 reported that the abnormally prolonged hemodynamic responses of the amygdala to sad words occurred particularly in the MDD subjects who had reduced amygdala volumes. If the neurotrophic effects of mood-stabilizing drugs restore and protect modulatory connections formed between the amygdala and cortex,1 then the volumetric changes observed during treatment may contribute to their therapeutic effects in mood disorders. Abnormalities in anatomically related limbic and subcortical structures In the medial thalamus and ventral striatum, CBF and metabolism are abnormally elevated in the depressed phase of MDD and BD, and decrease during antidepressant pharmacotherapy.8,95,134,136,154,156,157 Several groups also reported abnormally increased CBF in the posterior cingulate cortex in the unmedicated, depressed phase of MDD.8,112,158 Bench et al158 specifically reported that the elevation of posterior cingulate flow in depressives relative to controls correlated positively with anxiety ratings. Exposure to aversive stimuli of various types results in increased physiological activity in the posterior cingulate cortex.159 The posterior cingulate cortex sends major anatomical projections to the pregenual ACC.160
opment.162 It remains unclear, however, whether the reduction in 5-HT1A receptor function and expression constitutes a neurodevelopmental or an acquired abnormality in mood disorders.165
Concluding remarks
The convergent results from studies of mood disorders conducted using neuroimaging, lesion analysis, and post-
mortem techniques support models in which the signs and symptoms of major depression can emanate from dysfunction within PFC, striatal, and brain stem systems that modulate emotional behavior. Antidepressant therapies may compensate for this dysfunction by attenuating the pathological limbic activity that mediates such symptoms,9 and by increasing genetic transmission of neurotrophic factors that exert neuroplastic effects within the pathways modulating emotional expression.14
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Clinical research
Neuroplasticidad en los trastornos afectivos
Los estudios neuropatolgicos y de neuroimgenes en la depresin mayor (DM) y en el trastorno bipolar (TB) han identificado anormalidades de la estructura cerebral en reas de la corteza prefrontal, la amgdala, el cuerpo estriado, el hipocampo, el giro parahipocmpico y el ncleo del rafe. Estas anormalidades estructurales en las neuroimgenes se mantienen ms all de los episodios de la enfermedad y las evidencias preliminares sugieren que en algunos casos ellas pueden aparecer antes del inicio de los episodios depresivos en sujetos con alto riesgo familiar de DM. En otros casos, la magnitud de la anormalidad se correlaciona con el tiempo que lleva la depresin. Estudios histopatolgicos postmortem de estas regiones han mostrado disminuciones anormales de marcadores sinpticos y de clulas gliales y, en raros casos, disminucin de neuronas en la DM y el TB. Muchas de las regiones afectadas por estas alteraciones estructurales muestran un aumento del metabolismo de la glucosa durante los episodios depresivos. Dado que la seal metablica de glucosa est comandada por la transmisin glutamatrgica, estos datos sustentan el argumento a favor del incremento de la transmisin del aminocido excitatorio en los circuitos lmbico-crtico-estriato-plido-talmicos durante la depresin. Algunos de los sujetos de las muestras en que se encontraron estas anormalidades metablicas tambin tuvieron cifras elevadas de cortisol plasmtico en respuesta al estrs. La aparicin concomitante del aumento de la transmisin glutamatrgica y de la hipersecrecin de cortisol incrementa la probabilidad que las disminuciones del volumen de sustancia gris en los sujetos con depresin se deba en parte a los procesos equivalentes a los de la atrofia dendrtica inducida por el estrs crnico en roedores adultos, lo que depende de las interacciones entre el aumento de la secrecin de glucocorticoides y la estimulacin del receptor de glutamato N-metil-D-asprtico (NMDA). Algunos antidepresivos y estabilizadores del nimo que ejercen efectos neurotrficos en roedores parece que revierten o disminuyen las anormalidades del volumen de sustancia gris en humanos con trastornos afectivos. Estos efectos neurotrficos pueden estar relacionados ntegramente con los efectos teraputicos de dichos frmacos, ya que se sabe que las regiones afectadas por alteraciones estructurales en los trastornos afectivos tienen un papel importante en la modulacin de las respuestas endocrina, autonmica, conductual y emocional que se experimenta frente al estrs.
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Clinical research
Cellular plasticity and resilience and the pathophysiology of severe mood disorders
Dennis S. Charney, MD; Georgette DeJesus, MD; Husseini K. Manji, MD
Recent advances in the identification of the neural circuits, neurochemicals, and signal transduction mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology and treatment of mood disorders have led to much progress toward understanding the roles of genetic factors and psychosocial stressors. The monoaminergic neurotransmitter systems have received the most attention, partly because of the observation that effective antidepressant drugs exert their primary biochemical effects by regulating intrasynaptic concentrations of serotonin and norepinephrine. Furthermore, the monoaminergic systems are extensively distributed throughout the network of limbic, striatal, and prefrontal cortical neuronal circuits thought to support the behavioral and visceral manifestations of mood disorders. Increasing numbers of neuroimaging, neuropathological, and biochemical studies indicate impairments in cellular plasticity and resilience in patients who suffer from severe, recurrent mood disorders. In this paper, we describe studies identifying possible structural, functional, and cellular abnormalities associated with depressive disorders, which are potentially the cellular underpinnings of these diseases. We suggest that drugs designed to enhance cellular plasticity and resilience, and attenuate the activity of maladaptive stress-responsive systems, may be useful for the treatment of severe mood disorders.
2004, LLS SAS Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2004;6:217-225.
epression is a common, chronic, and often disabling psychiatric illness, which is estimated to affect 5% to 10% of the population. It frequently appears in early life, has a chronic course, and is considered a risk factor for other medical illnesses, such as coronary vascular disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. This is not altogether surprising given the extensive bidirectional mind-body interactions mediated via the autonomic nervous system, immune system, and a host of neuroendocrine factors. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the leading global cause of years of life lived with disability and the fourth leading cause of disabilityadjusted life-years. Disability-adjusted life-years is defined as the reduction in an individuals productive life, and takes into account premature mortality.1,2 Considering the high morbidity and mortality associated with depression, it is unfortunate that the psychological and neurobiological underpinnings of depression have not been specifically defined. Although major depression is currently diagnosed by means of a diagnostic system (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders, Fourth Edition [DSM-IV]) based upon phenomenology, this disorder most likely embodies a heterogeneous set of disorders with multiple causes. Therefore, one of the major goals of current and future research on depression is the development of a diagnostic system based on etiology.3 This goal is becoming increasingly closer to reality due to recent progress in the identification of neural circuits, neurochemicals, and signal transduction mechanisms
Keywords: mood disorder; depression; neuroplasticity; stress; resilience; brain morphology Author affiliations: National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Md, USA Address for correspondence: Prof Dennis S. Charney, National Institute of Mental Health, 15K North Drive, Room 101, Bethesda, MD 20892-2670, USA (e-mail: [email protected])
Clinical research
Selected abbreviations and acronyms
BDNF CREB ERK HPA LTP MAP PFC brain-derived neurotrophic factor cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) response element binding protein extracellular response kinase hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (axis) long-term potentiation mitogen-activated protein prefrontal cortex there should be an appreciation of the episodic and often intense mood disturbance, which can become progressive over the time. Furthermore, the phenotypic expression of the disease involves not only episodic and often profound mood disturbances, but also a constellation of cognitive, motor, autonomic, endocrine, and sleep/wake abnormalities. Additionally, while most antidepressants exert their initial effects by increasing the levels of serotonin and/or norepinephrine in the synapse, clinical antidepressant effects exclusively result after chronic administration (days to weeks). This suggests that a cascade of downstream effects is ultimately responsible for the clinical antidepressant effects of these medications. These observations have led to the recognition that, although monoaminergic neurotransmitter system dysfunction undoubtedly plays an important role in mediating some facets of the pathophysiology of depressive disorders, additional fundamental alterations in cellular plasticity cascades are most likely involved.13-15 The functional impairments during mood episodes have long been recognized; however, there is increasing evidence of significant interepisode impairment as well. The devastation of these disorders is further complicated by the fact that the medications currently used for their treatment are associated with variable rates of efficacy and not intolerable side effects.An appreciation for both the need for more efficacious treatment for mood disorders and the absence of significant advances in the development of truly innovative therapeutics has led to the investigation of intracellular signaling cascades and their role in the pathophysiology and treatment of mood disorders. Thus, while traditionally viewed exclusively as neurochemical disorders, recent evidence suggests the presence of impairments of cellular plasticity cascades, which produce not only functional, but also morphological impairments; this evidence has generated considerable excitement among the clinical neuroscience community and is reshaping views about the neurobiological underpinnings of these disorders. Thus, as we discuss in detail below, increasing neuroimaging, neuropathological, and biochemical studies suggest impairments in cellular plasticity and resilience in patients who suffer from severe, recurrent mood disorders. The term neuroplasticity encompasses diverse essential processes by which the brain perceives, adapts to, and responds to a variety of internal and external stimuli. Manifestations of neuroplasticity in the adult central nervous system (CNS) include alterations of dendritic function, synaptic remodeling, long-term potentiation (LTP),
underlying the pathophysiology and treatment of depressive illness.4,5 Advances toward specifying the contribution of genetic factors,6 psychosocial stressors,7,8 and geneenvironment interactions to susceptibility to depression are also taking place.9,10 It is anticipated that, in the next few years, combined use of genomic and proteomic strategies to refine complex psychiatric diseases into mechanism-based subcategories may ultimately facilitate the matching of specific target-based therapies to particular markers in certain patient subgroups.11 Of all brain systems, the monoaminergic neurotransmitter systems have received the greatest attention in neurobiological studies of depressive disorders. The implication of these systems in depression is based on several observations: (i) effective antidepressant drugs exert their primary biochemical effects by regulating intrasynaptic concentrations of serotonin and norepinephrine; and (ii) antihypertensives that deplete these monoamines sometimes precipitate depressive episodes in susceptible individuals. Furthermore, the monoaminergic systems are extensively distributed throughout the network of limbic, striatal, and prefrontal cortical (PFC) neuronal circuits implicated in the behavioral and visceral manifestations of mood disorders.12 Over the past 40 years, clinical studies have aimed to uncover specific flaws in these neurotransmitter systems in mood disorders by using various biochemical and neuroendocrine approaches. In fact, assessment of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) chemistry, neuroendocrine responses to pharmacological challenge, and neuroreceptor and transporter binding have demonstrated a number of abnormalities of the serotonergic, noradrenergic, and other neurotransmitter and neuropeptide systems in mood disorders. Although such studies have been useful in the past, they have proved to be of limited value in clarifying the particular pathophysiology of depressive disorders. In order to clarify the biological underpinnings of these disorders,
axonal sprouting, neurite extension, synaptogenesis, and neurogenesis. In this perspective paper, we describe studies identifying possible structural, functional, and cellular abnormalities associated with depressive disordersthe potential cellular underpinnings of these micro- and macromorphological brain changes.We suggest that therapeutics designed to enhance cellular plasticity and resilience, and to attenuate the activity of maladaptive stress-responsive systems may have considerable utility for the treatment of severe mood disorders.
hippocampus, and enlargement of third ventricles in mood-disordered patients when compared to healthy controls. Complementary postmortem studies have demonstrated abnormal decreases in cortex volume, glial cell counts, and/or neuron size in the subgenual PFC, orbital cortex, dorsal anterolateral PFC, and amygdala.12,14,15-17 It remains unclear whether these alterations in brain structure represent developmental abnormalities that may increase an individuals susceptibility to abnormal mood episodes, compensatory changes to other pathogenic processes, or the sequelae of recurrent affective episodes per se.The clarification of these issues will in part depend on investigations that outline the onset of such abnormalities within the illness course, as well as determine whether they precede depressive episodes in individuals with a high familial risk for mood disorders. The lack of complete reproducibility among neuroimaging or postmortem studies is not altogether surprising, and the disparities likely represent variations in experimental design and in patient populations. Further research is needed in order to understand whether more specifically defined subtypes of depression or mood disorders are associated with any specific abnormality.18 The marked reduction in glial cells in these regions has been especially interesting, given the tremendous recent progress in our understanding of the critical roles of glial cells in regulating neuronal function. Thus, there is now compelling evidence that radial glial cells have the potential not only to guide newly born neurons, but also to self-renew and to generate both neurons and astrocytes. Furthermore, recent data have shown that astrocytes increase the number of mature, functional synapses on CNS neurons sevenfold, demonstrating that CNS synapse number can be profoundly regulated by glia. Glial cells are also known to play critical roles in regulating synaptic glutamate levels, CNS energy homeostasis, and the liberation of trophic factors, which in turn participate in the development and maintenance of synaptic networks formed by neuronal and glial processes.16,17,19-22 Glial function abnormalities could thus prove essential to structural plasticity impairments and overall pathophysiology of mood disorders.
Clinical research
pocampus. This is partly due to early studies on neuronal populations of the limbic brain regions, including the dentate gyrus granule cell layer, and the CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cell layers. These cell layers and their connections (mossy fiber pathway and Schaffer collateral) have long been used as cellular models of learning and memory (ie, LTP). However, it is clear that stress and glucocorticoids also influence the survival and plasticity of neurons in other brain regions (such as PFC, vide infra) that have not yet been studied in the same detail as the hippocampus. Dendritic remodeling of hippocampal neurons is one of the best-characterized effects of stress on cellular morphology.23,24 Dendritic remodeling is deeply observed in the CA3 pyramidal neurons as atrophy-decreased number and length of the apical dendritic branches.This stress-induced atrophy of CA3 neurons results after 2 to 3 weeks of exposure to restraint stress or more long-term social stress, and has been observed in rodents and tree shrews.23,24 Although the effects of chronic stress in the CA3 layer tend to be most pronounced, slight structural changes are also found in the CA1 and dentate gyrus following a 1-month multiple stress paradigm.25 Profound alterations in mossy fiber terminal morphology and significant synapse loss have also been described.The hippocampus has a very high concentration of glutamate and expresses both glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralcorticoid (MR) corticosteroid receptors, though these may be relatively scarce in the hippocampus of primates,26,27 and more prevalent in cortical regions. MR activation in the hippocampus (CA1) is associated with reduced calcium currents, while GR activation leads to increased N-methyl-D-asparate (NMDA) receptor throughput and increased calcium currents that could predispose to neurotoxicity. In fact, increasing evidence implicates glutamatergic neurotransmission in stress-induced hippocampal atrophy and death. Histopathological changes in rat PFC after corticosterone administration have recently been described although this area has not been as comprehensively studied as the hippocampus. Using a Golgi-Cox procedure, Wellman28 examined pyramidal neurons in layers II and III of the medial PFC, quantifying dendritic morphology in three dimensions. In this study, he demonstrated a significant rearrangement of apical dendrites in corticosterone-treated animals, with an increase in the dendritic material proximal to the soma and a decrease in distal dendritic material. This suggests that stress may result in a significant reorganization of the apical dendritic arbor in medial PFC in rats. It is noteworthy that glucocorticoids may exert deleterious effects on neural plasticity and morphology, since a significant percentage of mood disorder patients show some form of HPA axis activation. It has been hypothesized that the depressive subtypes most frequently associated with HPA activation are also the most likely to be associated with reductions in hippocampal volume.23 Many patients with Cushings disease, in which pituitary gland adenomas cause cortisol hypersecretion, also show marked depressive symptoms, as well as hippocampal atrophy. Moreover, some patients with Cushings disease also show reduced hippocampal volumes, correlating inversely with plasma cortisol concentrations. Corrective surgical treatment results in an enlargement of hippocampal volume in proportion to the treatment-associated decrease in urinary free cortisol concentrations.29,30 HPA axis hyperactivity in mood disorder patients has been demonstrated by a variety of techniques/measures, including increased cortisol levels in plasma (especially at the circadian nadir), urine, and CSF, increased cortisol response to adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), blunted ACTH response to corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) challenge, enlarged pituitary and adrenal glands, and reduced CRH receptor density in the brain (presumably reflecting a compensatory downregulation to sustained CRH elevations) at postmortem examination. In both unipolar and bipolar patients, reduced corticosteroid receptor feedback has been implicated in this process by challenge studies with dexamethasone and dexamethasone plus CRF.31,32 The results of recent longitudinal studies investigating the effects of early life stress and inherited variation in monkey hippocampal volumes underscore the need for caution when interpreting the clinical neuroimaging studies described above. These longitudinal studies in monkeys randomized paternal half-siblings (monkeys raised apart from one another by different mothers in the absence of fathers) to one of three postnatal conditions that interfered with various facets of early maternal care. Paternal half-siblings with small adult hippocampal volumes showed an initial larger relative increase in cortisol level following removal of all mothers after weaning.33 However, plasma cortisol levels 3 and 7 days later did correlate with hippocampal size. These studies suggest that small hippocampal volume also reflects an inherited trait, and emphasize the need for caution in the simple attribution of causality in the cross-sectional morphometric studies of the hippocampus in humans.
Recently, it has been demonstrated that chronic stress (21 days foot-shock) induces a marked and persistent hyperphosphorylation of an extracellular response kinase (ERK) in higher PFC layer dendrites, while phosphoCREB was reduced in the frontal cortex and other cortical regions.44 Since CREB is phosphorylated and activated by phospho-ERK1/2 directly, this reduction indicates that chronic stress could downregulate CREB phosphorylation indirectly, and subsequently downregulate the transcription of some genes such as Bcl-2 and BDNF. In this context, it is worth mentioning that a recent study revealed that severe stress exacerbates stroke outcome by suppressing Bcl-2 expression.45 In this study, stressed mice expressed approximately 70% less Bcl-2 mRNA than unstressed mice following stroke. In addition, stress greatly exacerbated stroke in control mice, but not in transgenic mice that express increased neuronal Bcl-2. High corticosterone concentrations were significantly correlated with a greater stroke size in wild-type mice, but not in transgenic mice overexpressing Bcl-2. Therefore, enhanced Bcl-2 expression seems to offset the potentially harmful consequences of stress-induced neuronal endangerment, and suggests that pharmacologically induced upregulation of Bcl-2 may be useful in the treatment of a various disorders that have been linked to endogenous or acquired impairments of cellular resilience. It is now clear that the neurotrophic factorERK1/2MAPKBcl-2 signaling cascade has a critical role in cell survival in the CNS and that a fine balance exists between the levels and activities of cell survival and cell death factors. BDNFERK1/2CREBBcl-2 cascade dysregulation may be a key mechanism via which prolonged stress induces atrophy of select vulnerable neuronal subpopulations, distal dendrites, or both. Although dysregulation of this cascade most likely results in decreased neuronal survival, the differential survival is likely modulated not only by region-specific expression of protective factors, but also by the network properties of vulnerable structures. Therefore, it is likely that the dynamics of the impairments of cellular plasticity and resilience are determined by intrinsic properties of the affected regions. There is emerging evidencemainly from postmortem studiessupporting a role for abnormalities in neurotrophic signaling pathways in depression. Decreased levels of CREB, BDNF, and the TrkB receptor have been described in suicide victims.46-48 Depressed individuals may also have genetic abnormalities in CREB and BDNF.
Clinical research
Sequence variations in the CREB1 gene have been observed in depressed women.6 A coding variant of BDNF may be associated with the personality trait of neuroticism, which is a risk factor for depression.49 Furthermore, two recent studies50,51 suggest that a polymorphism in the proBDNF molecule is associated with bipolar disorder (a condition in which depressive episodes are accompanied by manic episodes). This polymorphism is associated with alterations in BDNF trafficking and secretion in vitro, as well as with alterations in hippocampal working memory in humans.52 Therefore, an opportunity exists to study the interaction of life stress, signal transductionrelated genes, neuroimaging abnormalities consistent with deficient structural plasticity, and susceptibility to depression.15 been reported to occur with conditions that stimulate neuronal activity (eg, enriched environment, learning, exercise). This suggests that neurogenesis is positively regulated by, and might be reliant on, neuronal plasticity. The enhancement of hippocampal neurogenesis following chronic antidepressant use highlights the level to which these efficacious treatments can regulate long-term neuroplastic processes in the brain. Since stress and antidepressants have opposite effects on hippocampal neurogenesis, it is likely that the clinical symptoms of depression are related to changes in hippocampal neurogenesis. In order to assess whether antidepressant-induced hippocampal neurogenesis is functionally relevant, Santarelli and associates64 utilized both genetic and radiological methods to show that disruption of antidepressantinduced neurogenesis blocked behavioral responses to antidepressants. In this study, serotonin 1A receptor null mice were insensitive to the neurogenic and behavioral effects of fluoxetine, a serotonin selective reuptake inhibitor. In mice, X-irradiation of the hippocampus prevented the neurogenic and behavioral effects of two classes of antidepressants. Together, the above findings suggest that some of the behavioral effects observed with chronic antidepressant use may be mediated by the stimulation of neurogenesis in the hippocampus. However, as Kempermann65 clearly articulated, much more research is required in order to adequately link changes in adult hippocampal neurogenesis to the pathophysiology and treatment of depression. Agents capable of reversing the hypothesized impairments of cellular resilience, reductions in brain volume, and cell death or atrophy in depression have the potential of becoming new therapeutic classes of antidepressant drugs. New molecular targets might include phosphodiesterase inhibitors that increase CREB phosphorylation, MAP kinase phosphatase inhibitors that increase expression of the antiapoptotic protein bcl-2, presynaptic glutamate receptor subtypes that attenuate glutamate release, amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) potentiators that increase BDNF expression, and NMDA antagonists that enhance plasticity and cell survival.14
Concluding comments
A substantial body of evidence suggests that impairments in neuroplasticity and cellular resilience play a central role in the underlying biology of mood disorders.Additionally, there is a growing appreciation that new medications that
simply imitate traditional drugs, those aiming to directly or indirectly alter monoaminergic throughput, may be of limited benefit to those patients with refractory depression. Those strategies assume that the target circuits are functionally intact and that changes in synaptic activity will alter the postsynaptic throughput of the system. The evidence discussed here indicates that, in addition to neurochemical changes, many patients suffering from mood disorders also have marked structural alterations in crucial neuronal circuits. Therefore, in order to obtain an optimal treatment response, it will most likely be crucial to provide both trophic and neurochemical support. The aim of the trophic support would be to enhance and maintain normal synaptic connectivity, therefore permitting the chemical signal to restore maximum functioning of vital circuits essential for normal affective functioning. In fact, preliminary studies suggest that regional structural changes in the brains of patients with mood disorders may be related with not only severity and duration of the illness, but also with altered treatment response to pharmacotherapy and ECT. The evidence also suggests that, somewhat similar to the treatment of other chronic medical conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes, prompt and sustained treatment may be necessary to prevent many of the injurious long-term sequelae associated with mood disorders. Although the evidence hints at an association between hippocampal atrophy and illness duration in depressed patients, it remains unclear whether the volumetric and cellular changes observed in other brain areas are related
to affective episodes. In fact, some studies have described reduced gray matter volumes and increased ventricle size in patients with mood disorders at the time of their first episode and in early onset of the disease.12,15 In conclusion, relevant genotypes for mood disorders are being identified, and clinical research techniques are now capable of defining neurobiological phenotypes. Similarly, results from transcriptomic and proteomic studies which identified neurotrophic signaling as targets for the longterm actions of antidepressants and mood stabilizers have played a role (along with neuroimaging and postmortem brain studies) in a reconceptualization about the pathophysiology, course, and optimal long-term treatment of severe mood disorders. These data suggest that, while mood disorders are clearly not classical neurodegenerative diseases, they are in fact associated with impairments of cellular plasticity and resilience.As a consequence, there is a growing appreciation that optimal long-term treatment will most likely be achieved by attempting to prevent the underlying disease progression and its attendant cellular dysfunction, rather than exclusively focusing on the treatment of signs and symptoms.We are optimistic that a new generation of research will clarify the relation among environmental and genetic risk factors to quantify the risk for the development of depression more precisely. These advances will result in a dramatically different diagnostic system based upon etiology, and ultimately in the discovery of new approaches to the prevention and treatment of some of mankinds most devastating and least understood illnesses.
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Clinical research
Plasticidad celular, resiliencia y fisiopatologa de los trastornos afectivos graves
Los avances recientes en la identificacin de los circuitos neurales, los mecanismos neuroqumicos y de transduccin de seales que participan en la fisiopatologa y el tratamiento de los trastornos afectivos han conducido hacia un significativo progreso en la comprensin de los papeles de los factores genticos y de los estresores psicosociales. Los sistemas de neurotransmisin monoaminrgica han concitado la mayor atencin, en parte, debido a la observacin que los antidepresivos eficaces ejercen sus efectos bioqumicos primarios a travs de la regulacin de las concentraciones intrasinpticas de serotonina y noradrenalina. Adems, los sistemas monoaminrgicos se distribuyen extensamente a travs de la red de circuitos neuronales lmbicos, estriatales y corticales prefrontales, que se piensa son los responables de las manifestaciones conductuales y viscerales de los trastornos afectivos. Un nmero creciente de estudios de neuroimgenes, neuropatolgicos y bioqumicos revelan deterioros en la plasticidad celular y la resiliencia en pacientes que padecen trastornos afectivos graves y recurrentes. En este artculo se describen estudios que identifican posibles anormalidades estructurales, funcionales y celulares que se asocian con los trastornos depresivos, los que constituyen potencialmente los fundamentos celulares de estas enfermedades. Se sugiere que los frmacos diseados para incrementar la plasticidad celular y la resiliencia, y atenuar la actividad de los sistemas que determinan una mala adaptacin al estrs, pueden ser tiles para el tratamiento de los trastornos afectivos graves.
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Texture analysis of the brain: from animal models to human applications
Jean-Franois J. Nedelec, PhD; Olivier Yu, MD, PhD; Jacques Chambron, MD, PhD; Jean-Paul Macher, MD
Animal model
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely used to image brain in vivo both in studies in animal models and for human diagnosis. A large part of the value of MRI is due to the fact that soft tissue contrast is enhanced by the substantial variation in the T1 and T2 relaxation times between tissues. It may be possible to use an alternative approach, which does not rely on the absolute measurement of relaxation times. Generally speaking, textures are complex visual patterns composed of entities, or subpatterns, that have characteristic brightness, color, slope, size, etc. Thus, texture can be regarded as a similarity grouping in an image. The properties of the local subpattern give rise to the perceived lightness, uniformity, density, roughness, regularity, linearity, frequency, phase, directionality, coarseness, randomness, fineness, smoothness, and granulation. The purpose here is to illustrate how texture analysis can be used in animal models and in human clinical applications, as well as in the search for further pharmacological applications in humans. Thus, this article summarzes three different MRI studies in (i) rats, using the lipocarpine epileptic rat model as an animal model; (ii) patients with Alzheimers disease; and (iii) patients with schizophrenia.
2004, LLS SAS Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2004;6:227-233.
he epilepsy induced in the rat by lithium pilocarpine (Li-Pilo) constitutes an animal model of human mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.1 Neuronal damage is mainly detected in hippocampus, thalamus, piriform cortex, entorhinal cortex, and neocortex. At present, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most sensitive imaging method for the study of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, but the examination is often restricted to the detection of hyperintensities. In previous studies, we used MRI to explore the morphological changes resulting from an injection of Li-Pilo that leads to epilepsy.2,3 In order to improve the predictive value of MRI images, we performed a texture analysis4 of MRI images combined with a discriminant analysis. The results presented here indicate that this procedure can detect defects that cannot be visualized by classic examination and permits a more correct classification of the images. Materials and methods MRI protocol MRI images were recording using an MRI scanner operating at 4.7 tesla (SMIS, UK).The rats were anaesthetized for MRI by an intramuscular injection of 37 mg/kg ketaAuthor affiliations: FORENAP, Rouffach, France (Jean-Franois J. Nedelec, PhD; Jean-Paul Macher, MD); Institut de Physique Biologique, Facult de Mdecine, Strasbourg, France (Olivier Yu; Jacques Chambron) Address for correspondence: Jean-Franois J. Nedelec, PhD, FORENAP, Institute for Research in Neuroscience and Neuropsychiatry, BP29, 68250 Rouffach, France (e-mail: [email protected]) This article is published following the 14th Biological Interface Conference held in Rouffach, France, between October 1 and 5, 2002, on the theme of Drug Development. Other articles from this meeting can be found in Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience (2002, Vol 4, No 4).
Keywords: texture analysis; brain; rat; epilepsy; MRI; gray-level dependence histogram; Alzheimers disease; schizophrenia Copyright 2004 LLS SAS. All rights reserved
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Selected abbreviations and acronyms
AD GLDH Li-Pilo MMSE ROI SE Alzheimers disease gray-level dependence histogram lithium-pilocarpine Mini-Mental State Examination region of interest status epilepticus ity of the texture). The software MaZda was used to analyze the texture of the digitized images within all regions of interest (ROI) and yielded 300 parameters.5 Statistical analysis The statistical analysis was carried out using software from Statistica, Statsoft Inc. Discriminant analysis was used for multigroup classification. Using stepwise analysis, we checked the ability of each texture parameter to discriminate between two groups of ROIs, ie, presence or absence of lesions in piriform or entorhinal cortices. As a preliminary step, we determined the most important parameters that best discriminated the lesion ROIs from the safe ROIs observed before the Li-Pilo protocol. The question to be answered here is whether the two groups are well distinguished on the basis of the set of texture parameters. If the discrimination is successful on the basis of the set of selected parameters, it makes sense to classify particular piriform or entorhinal cortices in terms of group membership, ie, in terms of into which group they are most likely to be classified. The search for hidden defects could then be undertaken in the nonmodified images, obtained after the Li-Pilo protocol, in order to discriminate between lesion and safe ROIs. Results In all 21-day-old rats (n=20), pilocarpine injections led to SE within about 50 min. However, only 80% of rats were still epileptic after a mean delay of 70.224.6 days (meanSD). MRI images obtained before Li-Pilo treatment were considered as control group images (Figure 1) (64 ROIs were used for the texture analysis). Among the 20 rats followed for 4 months, 16 exhibited seizures, whereas 4 did not. Retrospectively, three groups of rats could be characterized according to type of images and the possibility of late epilepsy: Group A: 6 rats with obvious lesions characterized by a hypersignal on T2-weighted images in the piriform or entorhinal cortices 24 h after the SE (Figure 1; 44 ROIs were used for texture analysis); all these rats exhibited late epileptic seizures. Group B: 4 rats with control-like images (without any hypersignals), as shown in Figure 1, which did not present late epilepsy (34 ROIs were used for texture analysis). Group C: 10 rats with control-like images (without any hypersignals), as shown Figure 1, but which subse-
mine and 5.5 mg/kg xylazine.A T2-weighted spin-echo fastimaging method sequence (repetition time [TR]=3800 ms and echo time [TE]=80 ms) was used with 4-cm field of view, a 256256 pixel matrix, 1-mm thickness, upon coronal slices of the whole brain. Animals and Li-Pilo protocol Eleven 21-day-old, male, Sprague-Dawley rats were used for the experiments. The images of the 11 rats obtained before the injection of Li-Pilo served as control. All the rats first received lithium chloride (3 mEq/kg) intraperitoneally.After 18 h, the rats received a subcutaneous injection of pilocarpine (30 mg/kg) and 30 min later 1 mg/kg methylscopolamine intraperitoneally, in order to reduce the peripheral consequences of pilocarpine administration. Two hours after onset of status epilepticus (SE), the rats received 2 mg/kg diazepam by deep intramuscular injection in order to improve their survival. Images of all the rats were performed 24 h after onset of SE. Texture analysis Conventional texture analysis was performed using statistical methods, mostly based on first-order and secondorder histograms derived from the co-occurrence matrix, which describes the spatial gray level dependencies. Another possibility is the run-length matrix, which is the matrix of the run-length frequency occurring in the image for a certain angle of sight (lines of the same pixel level). This method has been fully described by Haralick.4 The co-occurrence matrix is based on the probability that pairs of pixels with a given level will appear. For each orientation (0, 45, 90, and 135) and for each distance between two pixels forming a pair, a number of co-occurrence matrix parameters may be calculated: contrast (an uneven texture provides large/high contrast values); correlation (relationship between two pixels); homogeneity (uniformity of the gray levels); and entropy (coarse-grained qual-
Group A
ROI was then classified into one group or the other, according to the highest classification score. The above classification process was then used as a basis for prediction for the 114 apparently normal ROIs from the 57 brain slices of the rats in groups B and C. The resulting classification gave 84 control ROIs and 30 lesion ROIs. Indeed, only 2 rats had control ROIs and were safe (group B). About 50% of the lesion ROIs of the other 12 rats were distributed bilaterally (10 rats in group C and 2 rats in group B). During the 4 months clinical follow-up, 10 rats became epileptic and 4 rats remained nonepileptic, among which 2 had been incorrectly classified as epileptic (Table I). Discussion and conclusion The MRI study that was based only on the presence of hyperintensity signals in the piriform and entorhinal cortices predicted 6 late chronic epilepsy and 5 safe rats.This missed latent disease in 3 rats. The combined texture and discriminant analyses that were based on pixel pattern abnormalities selected 3 texture parameters that characterized structural abnormalities relevant to the hypersignal, both in the modified images of 6 rats and in the images of 4 rats with apparently nonmodified images, predicting the late chronic epilepsy in 10 rats.The classification based on early texture abnormalities in the piriform and entorhinal cortices improved the results of the regular MRI study.6
Group B
Group C
Figure 1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans in rats before treatment (Control) and after treatments with lithium pilocarpine (Lipilo). Group A exhibited late epileptic seizures. Group B presented no late epilepsy. Group C had control-like images, but subsequently became epileptic.
quently became spontaneously epileptic (80 ROIs were used for texture analysis). Therefore, the conventional MRI study could not predict the fate of the 10 rats in group C, which did not display visible lesions in their brain images 24 h after SE, but subsequently became epileptic. The results of the texture analysis yielded 200 texture parameters in each ROI. Preliminary discriminant analysis yielded a classification function corresponding to the control group or group A. Each function was a linear combination of the features (or texture parameters) that yielded the best discrimination. For a given ROI, described by the texture parameters, a classification score was calculated from the classification functions. Each
Group Rats (n) Number of ROIs used in texture analysis Hyperintensity of piriform and entorhinal cortices Texture and discriminant analysis classification of ROIs Prediction of disease Effective chronic epilepsy
Human applications in AD
The method of gray-level dependence histograms (GLDH) as defined by Chetverikov for 2D7 and generalized to 3D by Kovalev and Petrou8-10 leads to derived features of texture anisotropy from MRI data. The aim
A 6 44 Yes 42 lesions 2 control 6 epilepsy Yes B 4 34 No 8 lesions 26 control 2 safe 2 epilepsy No C 10 80 No 22 lesions 58 control 10 epilepsy Yes
Table I. Groups and classification of rats. Group A exhibited late epileptic seizures. Group B presented no late epilepsy. Group C had control-like images, but subsequently became epileptic. ROI, region of interest.
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was to evaluate Alzheimers disease (AD) patients for a correlation between the anisotropic features and their score on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), which is routinely used to help diagnose AD.11 Methods Two groups of subjects were investigated and analyzed in this study: 12 control volunteers and 13 AD patients. The control group was matched with the AD group in terms of age and gender.The mean age (range) at time of investigation was 56.77 (39-72) years for the AD patients and 58.33 (47-72) years for the control volunteers. MRI T1-weighted images with coronal orientation were recorded for each subject. Each data set had 180180124 pixels and the voxel size was 0.93750.93751.5 mm. The scans were segmented to isolate the brain from external structures (eyes, ventricles, bones, etc).12 The brains were further segmented to isolate the white and gray matter, as well as the border between the two types of tissues. Because the texture analysis technique effectively counts the number of pairs of voxels that appear in the same relative position and have certain fixed gray values, the relative gray values of the voxels are extremely important. Thus, a normalization set is used in order to have the same relative gray level values for different scans: the smallest gray-level value is assigned to 1 and the highest to 255 for the segmented scan; 0 is assigned to the voxels that do not belong to the ROI. 3D texture representation: isotropy or anisotropy A coordinate system is defined as a cube of data cube in which the x and y axes form the plane of each slice, and the z axis is perpendicular to each slice. The azimuthal angle is measured on the x,y plane away from the direction of the x axis. The pair of values ,z defines a unique orientation in 3D space. We can then calculate the quantity h (,z;d). One component of h is the number of pairs of voxels that are at distance d from each other, along the direction ,z with one member of the pair having a gray value k and the other l. If the data are isotropic, the function h must be independent of direction and therefore a 3D representation is a sphere. Any deviation from this shape indicates anisotropy in the data. The 3D representation for a fixed distance is a closed digital surface, which is called an indicatrix. Projections of the orientation histograms can be obtained as illustrated in Figure 2 for a control subject and an AD patient. Feature extraction Three features are used to analyze the shape of the 3D indicatrix9: the anisotropy coefficient, the integral anisotropy measure or standard deviation, and the local mean curvature. Another set of features can be extracted by expanding the indicatrix in terms of spherical harmonics. The coefficients of such an expansion can characterize any 3D closed surface: coefficient A0,0 is the mean radius of the indicatrix; any other nonzero coefficient represents different types of anisotropy. Anisotropic features were extracted from four brain regions: the whole brain, white matter, gray matter, and the border between gray and white matter. In every single region, five different distances d were used: 0.9375, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 mm. MMSE score and correlation with the isotropy coefficient The MMSE score is used to detect dementia. The maximum score is 30 (typically above 29 for healthy volunteers). Scores between 10 and 24 are considered to indicate mildto-moderate dementia cases, and scores below 10 indicate severe dementia. The scores obtained in the AD patients (named AD1 to AD13) and the control volunteers (named CO1 to CO12) are displayed in Table II.Two of the scores do not match the clinical diagnosis: AD3 and CO2. While many features correlate well with the MMSE scores, Figure 3 illustrates the best correlation (-0.876) with the MMSE score, which was obtained for the feature A1,1 in gray matter for a distance of 0.9375 mm. Subject AD3 is interesting because this patient was imaged before the onset of the first clinical symptoms, at a time when there may have been ongoing structural brain changes.
Figure 2. Projections of the orientation histogram on the z=0 plane obtained from MRI T1 images: from an Alzheimers disease patient (left) and a healthy volunteer (right). The isotropic features of the histogram are related to brain pathology.
Discussion and conclusion The GLDH method can be used to produce many features that strongly correlated with the MMSE scores when applied to the gray matter components of the MRI T1 scans. The features computed reflected the microtextural properties of the brain, ie, the texture anisotropy at scales of the order of 1 mm, rather than the shape of each ROI. Moreover, they correlate better with the condition of the subject rather than with age. In general, the AD brains presented greater anisotropy in their gray matter texture than the control brains. Both 2D features and 3D features correlate with the MMSE score, indicating that the information is already available in each individual layer.13
Methods Two groups of subjects were investigated and analyzed in this study: 19 control subjects and 21 patients with schizophrenia. The controls were matched for age, gender, and social class. 3D MRI T2-weighted images were collected for each subject. Each data set consisted of slices with a 0.856-mm spatial resolution with interslice distance of 3 mm. The images were segmented such that only the brain component was extracted for further analysis. The anisotropic sampling of the data along the z axis (interslice direction) is handled by an appropriate scaling factor of 3.5 (3/0.856) for all data sets. For the texture analysis, we use generalized co-occurrence matrices.14 3D texture analysis
AD13 10
Alzheimers disease Patient MMSE score AD1 25 AD2 8 AD3 30 AD4 25 AD5 23 AD6 25 AD7 28 AD8 22 AD9 19 AD10 AD11 14 AD12 24 AD13 12
Controls Subject MMSE score CO1 30 CO2 28 CO3 30 CO4 29 CO5 30 CO6 30 CO7 29 CO8 30 CO9 30 CO10 30 CO11 30 CO12 30
AD2 8
6 A 1,1
AD11 AD9 AD8 AD4 AD1 AD12 CO5 CO4 CO10 CO6 CO11 CO1 CO12 CO3 CO6 CO9 30
Figure 3. Feature |A1, 1| in gray matter for d=0.9375 mm versus the score on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). G Alzheimers disease patient (AD1, AD2, AD3, etc); G control volunteers (CO1, CO2, CO3, etc).
Reproduced from reference 13: Segovia-Martinez M, Petrou M, Crum W. Texture features that correlate with the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) Score. EMBS Proc. 2001:910-913. Copyright 2001 IEEE.
Table II. Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) score for subjects with Alzheimers disease (AD1, AD2, AD3, etc) and controls (CO1, CO2, CO3, etc).
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descriptors that include these properties. The calculated co-occurrence matrix was w[g(i), g(j), a(i,j), d(i,j)]], where w is the frequency of the occurrence of a voxel pair i,j, with gradient magnitude g(i) and g(j) respectively, an angle a(i,j) between their gradient vectors, and a distance d(i,j) from each other. Results Three series of experiments were conducted: one considering the whole brain, one considering the bottom half of the brain, and one considering the bottom quarter of the brain.The division of the brain was performed by identifying the slices that are anatomically most similar to slices 12 and 24 of the anatomical atlas of Talairach and Tournoux.15 In each experiment, each element of the co-occurrence matrix was tested as a class discriminator according to the t test. The feature were selected by thresholding the t values using various limits. The classification was then performed using Statistica software. For the whole brain, the best results were obtained by retaining the features with t>4.5, and 14 subjects was misclassified. Using the bottom half of the brain, there were too many features with t>4.5 and so only the features with t>5.5 were used, and only 7 subjects were misclassified. When the bottom quarter of the brain was used, the features were so good that only features with t>7.5 were retained and only 2 subjects were misclassified, as illustrated in Figure 4. Conclusions The most significant conclusion is that the brains of patients with schizophrenia show structural differences from the brains of the control subject. Moreover, from the three series of analysis performed, it appears that these differences are located in the bottom quarter of the brain. Finally, it was demonstrated that the co-occurrence matrices could characterize the two classes of subjects with 90% accuracy using 3D T2-weighted MRI.
8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -20
Texture analysis is a new approach for image analysis. Once the pharmacological aspect in the rat model is clearly demonstrated, extension to potential applications for humans can be considered. In fact, brain plasticity could be assessed with such a technique in brain diseases such as epilepsy, dementia, and schizophrenia. Drug effects could also be investigated in order to evaluate whether brain anisotropy or asymmetry varies during drug therapy. Finally, such an analysis could be correlated with neurocognitive tests to measure improvements in subjects performance.
The authors thank Dr I. J. Namer, Dr M. Petrou, and V. A. Kovalev, who allowed their original data to be included in this overview. This was handled inside the EEC COST-B 11 Action entitled Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging texture, led by Dr R. Lerki.
Figure 4. 2D scattergram produced by projecting the high-dimensional feature space onto a 2D feature space and preserving the euclidean distances between the points.
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11. Fosltein M, Folstein S, McHugh P. Mini-Mental State: a practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. J Psychiatr Res. 1975;12:189-198. 12. Freeborough P, Fox N. MR image texture analysis applied to the diagnosis and tracking of Alzheimers disease. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 1998;17:475-479. 13. Segovia-Martinez M, Petrou M, Crum W. Texture features that correlate with the Mini-Mental state Examination (MMSE) Score. EMBS Proc. 2001:910-913. 14. Kovalev VA, Petrou M, Bondar YS. Texture anisotropy in 3D images. IEEE Trans Image Processing. 1999;l8:346-360. 15. Talairach J, Tournoux P. Coplanar Stereotaxic Atlas of the Human Brain. New York, NY: Thieme; 1988.
Anlisis de la textura del cerebro: desde los modelos animales a las aplicaciones en el hombre
Las imgenes de resonancia magntica (IRM) se utilizan ampliamente para estudiar cerebros in vivo, tanto a nivel experimental en modelos animales como para orientaciones diagnsticas en el hombre. Gran parte del valor de las IRM se relaciona con el hecho que el contraste del tejido blando se acenta por la variacin importante de los tiempos de relajacin T1 y T2 entre los tejidos. Puede ser posible el empleo de una aproximacin alternativa que no se basa en la medicin absoluta de los tiempos de relajacin. En general, las texturas son patrones visuales complejos compuestos de entidades o subconfiguraciones que tienen brillo, color, ngulo, tamao, etc. caractersticos. De esta forma, una textura puede considerarse una agrupacin de unidades semejantes en una imagen. Las propiedades de la subconfiguracin local determinan la percepcin de luminosidad, uniformidad, densidad, aspereza, regularidad, alineacin, frecuencia, fase, orientacin, grosor, aspecto aleatorio, fineza, tersura y granulaciones. El presente artculo se propone ilustrar cmo se puede aplicar el anlisis de la textura en modelos animales y en clnica humana, al igual que en la investigacin de futuras aplicaciones farmacolgicas en el hombre. Se presentan tres estudios diferentes de IRM: (1) en animales, utilizando el modelo de rata epilptica por lipocarpina, (2) en pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer y (3) en pacientes con esquizofrenia.
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Problems in texture analysis with magnetic resonance imaging
Lothar R. Schad, PhD
Since its introduction in the 1980s, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become recognized as a powerful in vivo diagnostic tool. The objective of this article is to discuss developments in quantitative MRIand particularly texture analysisthat maximize diagnostic information. A fundamental part of the work involves careful study of the optimal MRI data collection strategies for texture analysis. This is critical, because different centers may vary their measuring sequences and acquisition protocols for clinical reasons, and may be reluctant to vary these for texture investigation. Different measuring techniques, such as spin echo, gradient echo, and echo planar, and different measuring parameters produce totally different patterns in texture. Careful investigation of the dependence of all these variables using texture phantoms (test objects) will help understand how MRI image texture is formed from tissue structures. Therefore, it is essential to design and test reliable and accurate test objects for a detailed assessment of texture analysis methods in MRI. The main feature of these test objects is their ability to simulate tissue-like textures with tissue-like MR relaxation properties. Long-term stability is also vital, as is uniformity of the overall texture. Another aspect is to examine the test objects under a whole range of MRI measuring sequences and imaging conditions using different scanners to determine their stability and utility.
2004, LLS SAS Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2004;6:235-242.
agnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the most exciting imaging technologies for texture analysis: it offers the best soft tissue contrast, which can be dramatically varied during imaging. Careful study of the dependence of texture parameters on MRI data collection strategy is essential for texture analysis in order to avoid artificial texture from the scanner.This is critical, since different centers may vary their measuring sequences and acquisition protocols for their clinical investigations. The basic problem in quantitative MRI texture analysis is the large number of different measuring techniques and imaging parameters, which can be easily changed during a clinical examination. Thus, different techniques and imaging parameters produce totally different patterns in the texture parameters of the same tissues in clinical examinations with different sensitivity to artificial texture overlaid by the scanner. The main problem in texture analysis with MRI is to avoid this artificial texture and minimize its influence. The presented work was performed in the framework of a European research project COST (Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research) B11 between 1998 and 2002 by institutions from 13 European countries, aimed at the development of quantitative methods for MRI texture analysis.1 For further detail of texture analysis, parameters, and software, see the article by Materka in this volume2 or references 3 to 7.
Keywords: texture analysis; magnetic resonance imaging; brain; trabecular bone Author affiliations: Department of Biophysics and Medical Radiation Physics, German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Germany Address for correspondence: Department of Biophysics and Medical Radiation Physics, German Cancer Research Centre, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, D-69009 Heidelberg, Germany (e-mail: [email protected]) This article is published following the 14th Biological Interface Conference held in Rouffach, France, between October 1 and 5, 2002, on the theme of Drug Development. Other articles from this meeting can be found in Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience (2002, Vol 4, No 4).
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Selected abbreviations and acronyms
EPI FLASH FOV MA RF ROI SNR TE TH TR echo planar imaging fast low angle shot field of view matrix size radio frequency region of interest signal-to-noise ratio spin echo time slice thickness repetition time (T2), which are most responsible for tissue contrast and texture.According to the theoretical equation for the spin echo signal9: S (1e-TR/T1) e-TE/T2 [1]
in which S is the spin echo signal, the contrast can be created by a long TR and short TE, resulting in a flat image contrast and texture at high signal intensity (Figure 1a).T1 contrast can be created by short TR and short TE in spin echo imaging (Figure 1b). On the other hand, T2 contrast is created by long TR and long TE, mainly reflecting the water content of the tissue (Figure 1c). These three physical tissue parameters are described in reference 1.The real physical properties of tissues may be obscured by artificial contrast and texture from the scanner. Slice profile Slice profile is defined by the slice gradient and the shape of the RF pulse. Ideally, we would like to measure a rectangular slice, but due to technical reasons the real slice profile is Gaussian shaped. The consequence is that we have signal contributions from neighboring slices that influence the tissue texture. To minimize this effect, an interleaved slicing scheme is used in multislice 2D imaging. k-space Another aspect of artificial texture is connected to the kspace, which describes the strategy for raw data collection. The k-space contains the measured signal frequencies kx and ky, the so-called hologram from which the real MRI image can be calculated by a Fourier transform
Figure 1. Spin echo images of a patient with meningioma. A. -image (TR/TE = 2000 ms/10 ms). B. T1 image (TR/TE = 600 ms/10 ms). C. T2 image (TR/TE 2000 ms/100 ms). TR, repetition time; TE, spin echo time.
(Figure 2). Some imaging techniques measure only every second line in the k-space to speed up the imaging sequence, which results in a reduction in the signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) by 1/2 and aliasing artifacts, with consequences for image texture. Restriction to the center of the k-space with zero filling of the outer part results in the same SNR effect without aliasing. RF excitation Another important variable is the RF characteristic and sensitivity of the transmitting and/or receiving coil, which can produce a lot of artificial texture from the scanner. This is demonstrated in Figure 3 using hard image scaling, which shows a clear signal inhomogeneity due to nonideal RF pulses at the outer range of the phantom (ie, coil). Another coil effect on image texture is produced with coil arrays, where the summarized image is a result of the combination of single coils, each of which contributes its own coil characteristics (eg, SNR, sensitivity, and RF excitation profile) to the summarized image. This means that image texture could slightly differ between the object center and the object boundary, where protons are close or far away from the center of the coil. Gradient echo techniques Significant effects on image contrast and texture are introduced by the imaging sequence itself, since the imaging signal can have a very complex dependence on the physical properties of the underlying tissue. One example is the so-
called gradient echo technique like FLASH (fast low angle shot),10 where the 90 and 180 RF pulses are replaced by a low-angle RF pulse with a bipolar gradient scheme resulting in a gradient echo signal. This measuring technique can be used as fast imaging 2D technique or as a real 3D imaging technique because of the compact timing of the sequence. On the other hand, the FLASH signal has a complex dependence on T1, the local spin-spin relaxation time (T2*), and the flip angle , according to: S A e-TE/T2* with A = sin 1 e-TR/T1 1 cos e-TR/T1 [2]
Fourier transformation
x ky
k-space kx
Figure 2. The effect of k-space filling on image contrast and texture. The example demonstrates the strong dependence of image texture on the k-space filling factor as used in so-called keyhole techniques.
Figure 3. Effect of radio frequency (RF) profile of the head coil on image contrast and texture. A. Phantom measurement demonstrating the signal inhomogeneity due to nonideal RF pulses at the outer range of the image (ie, coil). B to E. Result of a measurement using coil arrays, where the summarized image is a result of the combination of the single coils, which contribute with their own coil characteristic (signal-to-noise ratio, sensitivity, and RF excitation profile) to the contrast and texture of the image.
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Thus, the different flip angle distributions produced by the coil characteristics result in different signals, and as a consequence in different image texture patterns as demonstrated in Figure 4. A very complex signal and texture situation is present in so-called single shot imaging techniques like echo planar imaging (EPI),11 where k-space is filled in one shot with multiple gradient echoes. This is achieved by a gradient scheme in which the upper corner of the k-space is reached by a single gradient pulse followed by a series of blips resulting in a rectangular movement through the kspace. This technique is very sensitive to local susceptibility artifacts, resulting in image distortions and strong T2* contrast dependence. Some special imaging techniques like spiral imaging can produce a very complex pattern in the image texture, since this single shot technique moves on a spiral through the k-space, which can be achieved by oscillating gradients with a phase shift of 90 in the x and y directions. This technique requires data interpolation in k-space to bring the measured data onto a Cartesian coordinate system before Fourier transform. This interpolation can produce spurious artifacts with the consequence that the image texture is dependent on k-space interpolation and image reconstruction. In addition, the problem of texture dependence on measuring technique is more complicated due to the large number of imaging sequences available on modern scanners, as illustrated in Figure 5.
Figure 4. Example of a 3D FLASH (fast low angle shot) dataset of a normal volunteer measured by the conventional head coil. A. Excellent T1 contrast in the original transversal images. B. A strong signal inhomogeneity is obvious in the reconstructed sagittal images as seen in the homogeneous phantom and corresponding anatomical structures, like upper part of the brain and cerebellum. This artifact is due to the radio frequency excitation profile of the head coil, which produces different T1 weightings and signal amplitudes as a function of the flip angle according to the FLASH formula (Equation 2).
on SNR can be detected for a typical parameter of macrotexture, like correlation 55 (Figure 6e). Based on this observation, a sufficient SNR>4 is necessary to measure the real textural behavior of the human brain.12,13 Normalization A texture test object (PSAG) was developed on the basis of polystyrene (PS) and agar solution (AG) to mimic texture properties artificially. PS spheres are available from the technological process of PS production. Two types of spheres were used for the phantom construction: randomly distributed spheres of diameter 0.2 to 3.15 mm; or mechanically separated spheres of diameter 0.8 to 1.25 mm, 1.25 to 2 mm, or 2 to 3.15 mm. Polyethylene tubes of diameter 1.5 and 2.8 cm were filled with spheres and by
a hot solution of 4% agar (free and doped with DyCl3). One milliliter of 0.1% NaN3 was added per liter of agar for microbiological stability.14 A second texture test object containing foam at different densities in Gd-DTPA solution was used to describe microtexture properties. Phantom tubes containing foams with coarse, middle, and fine density were constructed and filled with a Magnevist (Schering, Berlin) solution at a concentration of 1:4000. Problems with the foam phantoms are air bubbles, which create susceptibility artifacts in the images, and so a careful preparation of the foam phantoms is necessary. Both types of phantoms were placed next to the head of a volunteer and a position for the imaging slab was chosen such that all vials and part of the volunteers brain were contained in the 3D slab. With this setup several 3D data sets with different imaging parameters were
Figure 5. Sketch of the family of imaging techniques available on modern scanners. There are many strategies of mixing spin echoes with gradient echoes to speed up imaging time with the consequence of very complex image contrast and texture.CISS, constructive interference in the steady state; CSE, conventional SE; DESS, dual echo steady state; EPI, echo planar imaging; FAST, Fourier-acquired steady state; FISP, fast imaging with steady precession; FLASH, fast low angle shot; FSE, fast spin echo; FSPGR, fast spoiled gradient recalled acquisition into steady state; GRASE, gradient and spin echo; GRASS, gradient recalled acquisition into steady state; GSE, gradient SE; HASTE, half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo SE; IR, inversion recovery; MPRAGE, magnetization prepared gradient echo imaging; RARE, rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement; SE, spin echo; SPGR, spoiled gradient recalled acquisition into steady state; T1-FFE, T1-weighted fast field echo; T2-FFE, T2weighted fast field echo; TFLAIR, turbo fluid attenuated IR; TGSE, turbo GSE; TIR, turbo IR; TIRM, turbo IR magnitidue; TSE, turbo SE.
Copyright Siemens.
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acquired to demonstrate the influence of resolution and SNR, as well as the dependence of the texture parameters on different imaging parameters (eg, ,TR,TE). In a pilot study, texture parameters such as mean gradient show the same behavior in phantoms as in white matter for different patients, indicating that a normalization of texture parameters using test objects is possible (Figure 7). However, texture normalization is necessary, but it is not possible to mimic all texture features by phantoms.15
White matter
60 50
SNR (mean/SD)
40 30 20 10 0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64
Gray matter
Number of acquisitions
1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1
Entropy 5x5
Gray matter
Number of acquisitions
Correlation 5x5
Mean gradient
0.1 -0.1
Phantom spheres
0.15 0.10
White matter
-0.5 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169 196 225 256 289 324
Number of acquisitions
Patient number
Figure 6. FLASH (fast low angle shot) images of a normal volunteer for measuring signal-to-noise (SNR) dependence of texture parameters at (A) SNR =1 (1 acquisition) and (B) SNR =18 (324 acquisitions). C to E. Texture parameters (SNR, entropy 55, correlation 55) of white matter, gray matter, and noise are shown as a function of the number of acquisitions (=SNR2). SD, standard deviation.
Figure 7. A. Three-dimensional FLASH (fast low angle shot) image of a patient with glioblastoma with texture test objects located beside the head for testing texture normalization. B. Texture parameters such as mean gradient show the same behavior in the phantom as in white matter for different patients, indicating that normalization of texture parameters using test objects is possible.
Clinical application The aim of this pilot study was to assess the possibility of quantitative description of texture directivity in trabecular bone with an attempt to quantitative description of trabecular bone structural anisotropy using texture analysis of 3D FLASH MRI. A series of 3D FLASH images, all of 256256 pixels, with the voxel size of mm3, were measured on a standard 1.5-T scanner (Siemens Vision, Erlangen, Germany) using a small flex coil. The images in Figure 8 represent trabecular bone cross-sections in the sagittal and reconstructed transversal direction. For bone image texture analysis, circular regions of interest (ROI) were marked on corresponding bone cross-sections and effort has been made
to maintain a large-size ROI for better statistical significance of texture parameters. The texture of the bone image shows apparent directivity, which reflects anisotropy of its physical structure according to the direction of gravity (Figure 8c). Quantitative analysis of this directivity is important to medical diagnosis, eg, in early detection of osteoporosis, as the directivity may vary according to the development of the disease.
The author like to thank Michael Bock (DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany), Milan Hajek (University Prague, Czech Republic), Richard Lerski (University Dundee, Scotland), Arvid Lundervold (University Bergen, Norway), Andrzej Materka (University Lodz, Poland), Lubomir Pousek (Technical University Prague, Czech Republic), Yan Rolland (University Rennes, France), and Ivan Zuna (DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany) for their help during the COST B11 action in many aspects of texture measurements and analysis.
1. COST B11. Quantitation of Magnetic Resonance Image Texture. Department of Physiology, University of Bergen, Norway. Available at Accessed 3 December 2003. 2. Materka A. Texture analysis methodologies for magnetic resonance imaging. Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2004;6:243-250. 3. Haralick R, Shanmugam K, Dinstein I. Textural features for image classification. IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern. 1973;3:610-621. 4. Haralick R. Statistical and structural approaches to texture. Proc IEEE. 1979;67:786-804. 5. Lerski RA, Straughan K, Schad LR, Boyce D, Blml S, Zuna I. MR image texture analysisan approach to tissue characterization. Magn Reson Imaging. 1993;11:873-887. 6. Materka A. MaZda Users Manual. Available at cost/ Accessed 3 December 2003. 7. Materka A, Strzelecki M, Lerski R, Schad L. Feature evaluation of texture test objects for magnetic resonance imaging. In: Pietikainen M, ed. Texture Analysis in Machine Vision, Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence. Vol 40. Singapore: World Scientific; 2000:197-206. 8. Hahn EL. Spin echoes. Phys Rev. 1950;80:580-594. 9. Schad LR, Brix G, Zuna I, Hrle W, Lorenz WJ, Semmler W. Multiexponential proton spin-spin relaxation in MR imaging of human brain tumors. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1989;13:577-587. 10. Haase A, Frahm J, Matthaei D, Hnicke W, Merboldt KD. FLASH imaging. Rapid NMR imaging using low flip-angle pulses. J Magn Reson. 1986;67:258-266. 11. Mansfield P. Multi-planar image formation using NMR spin echoes. J Phys Chem Solid State Phys. 1977;10:L55-L58. 12. Lysaker M, Lundervold A, Tai XC, Bock M, Schad LR. Noise removal with tissue boundary preservation using fourth-order partial differential equations. In: Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM). Glasgow, UK, 2000. Abstracts 2001 (ISSN 1524-6965). 2001;9:126. 13. Lysaker M, Lundervold A, Tai XC, Bock M, Schad L. Noise removal with tissue boundary preservation. Collection of Abstracts First SIAM-EMS Conference. Applied Mathematics in our Changing World. Berlin, Germany, 2 to 6 September 2001. 14. Jirk D, Hjek M, Herynek V. New type of phantom for texture analysis based on polystyrene and agar gel. European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology, 17th Annual Meeting, Paris, France, 14 to 17 September 2000. MAGMA. 2000;11:343. 15. Schad LR, Blml S, Zuna I. MR tissue characterization of intracranial tumors by means of texture analysis. Mag Reson Imaging. 1993;11:889-896.
1780 Run length nonuniformity
Figure 8. Example of a trabecular bone 3D FLASH (fast low angle shot) measurement of a normal volunteer in sagittal (A) and reconstructed transversal direction (B) for testing texture directivity. (C) Texture parameters like run length nonuniformity show a clear dependence on direction of gravity. Quantitative analysis of this directivity is important to medical diagnosis, eg, in early detection of osteoporosis, as the directivity may vary according to the development of the disease.
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Problemas en el anlisis de la textura con imgenes de resonancia magntica
Las imgenes de resonancia magntica (IRM) se han reconocido como una poderosa herramienta para el diagnstico in vivo desde su introduccin en la dcada de 1980. El objetivo de este artculo es discutir el desarrollo de las IRM de tipo cuantitativo y en particular el anlisis de la textura, lo que permite maximizar la informacin para el diagnstico. Una parte fundamental de este trabajo incluye un cuidadoso estudio de las mejores estrategias de recoleccin de datos de las IRM para el anlisis de la textura. Este aspecto es central ya que diferentes centros, por razones clnicas, pueden variar la secuencia de medicin y los protocolos de adquisicin de datos y por lo tanto pueden ser reacios a modificar stos para la investigacin de la textura. Diversas tcnicas de medicin como el eco de spin, el eco de gradiente y el eco planar y distintos parmetros de medicin producen patrones de textura totalmente diferentes. Una investigacin cuidadosa de la influencia de todas estas variables mediante el empleo de texturas fantasma (objetos de prueba) ayudar a comprender cmo se forman las texturas de las IRM a partir de las estructuras de los tejidos. Por lo tanto, resulta esencial disear y ensayar objetos de prueba exactos y confiables que permitan una evaluacin detallada de los mtodos de anlisis de la textura de las IRM. La caracterstica principal de estos objetos de prueba es su capacidad para simular texturas parecidas a los tejidos y con propiedades semejantes a estos ltimos. La estabilidad a largo plazo de estos modelos es de gran importancia, como tambin la uniformidad global de la textura. Otro aspecto consiste en examinar la estabilidad y utilidad de los objetos de prueba mediante diversas secuencias de medicin y condiciones en que se realicen las IRM empleando distintos resonadores.
Problmes poss par les analyses de texture au cours de limagerie par rsonance magntique
Depuis son introduction au milieu des annes quatre-vingt, limagerie par rsonance magntique (IRM) est devenue un puissant outil de diagnostic in vivo. Lobjectif de cet article est dvaluer les avances de lIRM quantitative, notamment en ce qui concerne les analyses de texture, qui optimisent linformation diagnostique. Cet article sera en grande partie consacr ltude minutieuse des meilleures stratgies de recueil de donnes dIRM pour les analyses de texture. Ceci est essentiel, dans la mesure o les squences de mesures et les protocoles de saisie cliniques peuvent varier selon les centres et que ces derniers peuvent tre rticents les modifier pour les analyses de texture. Des diffrences aussi bien dans les techniques de mesure utilises, quil sagisse de lcho de spin, lcho de gradient, lcho planaire, etc., que dans les paramtres mesurs retentissent sur la texture en entranant lapparition de motifs totalement diffrents. Lvaluation prcise de linfluence de ces variables en utilisant des images talon ( fantmes ) de texture (ou objets de test) facilitera une meilleure comprhension du mode de constitution des textures des structures tissulaires en IRM. Par consquent, il est essentiel de dvelopper et dexprimenter des objets de test exacts et fiables pour une valuation dtaille des mthodes utilises en IRM pour les analyses de texture. La principale caractristique de ces modles rside dans leur capacit imiter des textures semblables celles produites par les tissus et ayant des proprits de relaxation RM identiques. La stabilit long terme de ces modles revt galement une grande importance, tout comme luniformit globale des textures qui en rsultent. Un autre objectif est dexaminer la stabilit et lutilit de ces objets de test en les soumettant toute une gamme de squences de mesures et de conditions dimagerie par IRM et de les tudier avec divers types dappareils dIRM.
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Texture analysis methodologies for magnetic resonance imaging
Andrzej Materka, MSEE, PhD, DSc
Methods for the analysis of digital-image texture are reviewed. The functions of MaZda, a computer program for quantitative texture analysis developed within the framework of the European COST (Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research) B11 program, are introduced. Examples of texture analysis in magnetic resonance images are discussed.
2004, LLS SAS Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2004;6:243-250.
Keywords: quantitative texture analysis; magnetic resonance imaging Author affiliations: Institute of Electronics, Technical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland Address for correspondence: Technical University of Lodz, Institute of Electronics, ul Wolczanska 223, 90-924 Lodz, Poland (e-mail: [email protected]) This article is published following the 14th Biological Interface Conference held in Rouffach, France, between October 1 and 5, 2002, on the theme of Drug Development. Other articles from this meeting can be found in Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience (2002, Vol 4, No 4). Copyright 2004 LLS SAS. All rights reserved
agnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a unique and powerful tool for medical diagnosis, in that it is a noninvasive technique that allows visualization of soft tissues. There is an increasingly growing interest in using MRI for early detection of many diseases, such as brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, and others. The diagnostic information is often included in the image texture.1,2 In such cases, it is not sufficient to analyze image properties on the basis of point-wise brightness only; higher-order statistics of the image must be taken into account. Texture quantitation, ie, its description by precisely defined parameters (features) is then needed to extract information about tissue properties. Numerical values of texture parameters can be used for classification of different regions in the image, eg, representing either tissues of different origin or normal and abnormal tissues of a given kind. Changes of properly selected texture parameters in time can quantitatively reflect changes in tissue physical structure, eg, to monitor progress in healing. A European research project COST (Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research) B11 was performed between 1998 and 2002 by institutions from 13 European countries, aimed at development of quantitative methods of MRI texture analysis.3 It gathered experts of complementary fields (physics, medicine, and computer science) to seek MRI acquisition and processing techniques that would make medical diagnoses more precise and repetitive. One of the unique outcomes of this project is MaZda,4 a package of computer programs that allows interactive definition of regions of interest (ROIs) in images, computation of a variety of texture parameters for each ROI, selection of most informative parameters, exploratory analysis of the texture data obtained, and automatic classification of ROIs on the basis of their texture. The MaZda software has been designed and implemented as a package of two MS Windows, PC applications: MaZda.exe and B11.exe.4 Its functionality extends beyond the needs of analysis of MRI, and applies to the
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Selected abbreviations and acronyms
ANN LDA NDA PCA ROI artificial neural network linear discriminant analysis nonlinear discriminant analysis principal component analysis region of interest Texture classification: To determine to which of a finite number of physically defined classes a homogeneous texture region belongs (eg, normal or abnormal tissue). Shape from texture: To reconstruct 3D surface geometry from texture information. Feature extraction is the first stage of image texture analysis. The results obtained from this stage are used for texture discrimination, texture classification, or object shape determination. Consider an MRI cross-section of human skull (Figure 1a) in which an elongated, kidney-shape bright object in the upper-right quadrant of the image is needed to be numerically characterized. This object is our ROI in this example, and is marked in red in Figure 1b. For a population of images, the subimage covered by ROI is a random variable. Assuming that texture is homogeneous within the ROI and that the area of the ROI is sufficiently large, one can compute a number, say N, of statistical parameters based on image points contained in the ROI. Depending on definition of these statistics, different properties of the ROI texture can be highlighted; these parameters are called texture features. In the example illustrated, the calculated parameters can be arranged to form a feature vector [p1, p2, , pN]. Such a vector is a compact description of the image texture. Comparison of vectors computed for images measured for different patients indicates whether the texture covered by ROI represents normal or abnormal tissue. Feature vectors can be applied to the input of a device called a classifier. On the basis of its input, the classifier takes the decision as to which predefined texture classes its input represents. Consider a population of K images, each showing a different instance of texture A. A feature vector is computed for each image, and applied to the input of the classifier. In an ideal case, seeing a vector drawn from texture of class A, the classifier responds with the information class A at its output. Similarly, for a population of K images, K feature vectors can be computed. Any of these could be applied to the input of the classifier. In an ideal case, the response of the classifier to a feature vector computed for texture class B is class B. (Sometimes a classifier cannot make a correct decision; in such cases, it wrongly recognizes a texture class different from the one represented at the input, or it is unable to make a choice between assumed texture classes.) The concept of textured image segmentation is illustrated in Figure 2.The left and right halves of the image in Figure 2a have different textures. In the process of image seg-
tion of digital images of any kind, where information is carried in texture. The essential properties of the MaZda package is described in this report, illustrated by examples of its application to selected MRI texture analysis.
Figure 1. A cross-section of human skull (A), with the region of interest (ROI) marked in red (B).
mentation, the two regions are automatically identified and marked in different colors, eg, orange and blue in Figure 2b. (Some parts of the image are wrongly recognized as regions of yet other texture types, though.) There are two main techniques of image segmentation: supervised, where texture classes are known in advance; and unsupervised, where they are unknown, and so the segmenting device has to identify not only the texture classes, but also their number. There exist a variety of different texture segmentation methods, such as region growing, maximum likelihood, split-and-merge algorithms, Bayesian classification, probabilistic relaxation, clustering, and neural networks.2 All of these are based on feature extraction, which is the initial step and is necessary to describe (measure and analyze) the texture properties. This paper is confined mainly to feature extraction and texture classification techniques, which are typically the basic steps performed to support medical diagnosis. Approaches to texture analysis are usually categorized into structural, statistical, model-based, and transform methods. Structural approaches Structural approaches6,8 represent texture by well-defined primitives (microtexture) and a hierarchy of spatial
arrangements (macrotexture) of those primitives. To describe the texture, one must define the primitives and the placement rules. The choice of a primitive (from a set of primitives) and the probability of the chosen primitive to be placed at a particular location can be a function of location or the primitives near the location. The advantage of the structural approach is that it provides a good symbolic description of the image; however, this property is more useful for texture synthesis than analysis tasks. The abstract descriptions can be ill defined for natural textures because of the variability of both micro- and macrostructure and no clear distinction between them. A powerful tool for structural texture analysis is provided by mathematical morphology.9,10 This may prove to be useful for bone image analysis, eg, for the detection of changes in bone microstructure. Statistical approaches In contrast to structural methods, statistical approaches do not attempt to explicitly understand the hierarchical structure of the texture. Instead, they represent the texture indirectly by the nondeterministic properties that govern the distributions and relationships between the gray levels of an image. Methods based on second-order statistics (ie, statistics given by pairs of pixels) have been shown to achieve higher discrimination rates than the power spectrum (transform-based) and structural methods.11 Human texture discrimination in terms of the statistical properties of texture is investigated in reference 12.Accordingly, the textures in gray-level images are discriminated spontaneously only if they differ in second-order moments. Equal secondorder moments, but different third-order moments, require deliberate cognitive effort.This may be an indication that, for automatic processing, statistics up to the second order may be the most important.13 The most popular secondorder statistical features for texture analysis are derived from the so-called co-occurrence matrix.8 These have been demonstrated to feature a potential for effective texture discrimination in biomedical images.1,14 Model-based approaches Model-based texture analysis15-20 using fractal and stochastic models attempts to interpret an image texture by use of a generative image model and a stochastic model, respectively. The parameters of the model are estimated and then used for image analysis. In practice, the com-
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putational complexity arising in the estimation of stochastic model parameters is the primary problem. The fractal model has been shown to be useful for modeling some natural textures. It can be used also for texture analysis and discrimination16,21-23; however, it lacks orientation selectivity and is not suitable for describing local image structures. Transform methods Transform methods of texture analysis, such as Fourier24-26 and wavelet27-29 transforms, produce an image in a space whose coordinate system has an interpretation that is closely related to the characteristics of a texture (such as frequency or size). Methods based on the Fourier transform perform poorly in practice, due to lack of spatial localization. Gabor filters provide means for better spatial localization; however, their usefulness is limited in practice because there is usually no single filter resolution at which one can localize a spatial structure in natural textures. Compared with the Gabor transform, the wavelet transform have several advantages: Varying the spatial resolution allows it to represent textures at the most appropriate scale. There is a wide range of choices for the wavelet function, and so the best-suited wavelets for texture analysis can be chosen a specific application. Wavelet transform is thus attractive for texture segmentation. The problem with wavelet transform is that it is not translation-invariant.30,31 Regardless of their definition and underlying approach to texture analysis, texture features should allow good discrimination between texture classes, show weak mutual correlation, preferably allow linear class separability, and demonstrate good correlation with physical structure properties. For a more detailed review of basic techniques of quantitative texture analysis, the reader is referred to reference 2. In this paper, we will discuss practical implementation of these techniques, in the form of MaZda computer program. gram. (The name MaZda is an acronym derived from Macierz Zdarzen, which is Polish for co-occurrence matrix.Thus, MaZda has no connection with the Japanese car manufacturer.) Up to 16 ROIs can be defined for an image; they may overlap each other. Once ROIs are established, MaZda allows calculation of texture parameters available from a list of about 300 different definitions that cover most of the features proposed in the known literature. The parameters can be stored in text files. One can demonstrate using properly designed test images that some of the higher-order texture parameters, especially those derived from the co-occurrence matrix, show correlation to first-order parameters, such as the image mean or variance. To avoid this unwanted phenomenon, prior to feature extraction, image normalization is preferably performed. Typically, the features computed by MaZda are mutually correlated. Morover, not all of them are equally useful for classification of given texture classes or to measure properties of the underlying physical object structure. Thus,
Image acquisition
MR scanner
ROI selection
Feature selection
there is a need for feature selection.To do that, a subset of the computed parameters can be selected manually. MaZda also offers the possibility of selecting the best 10 features automatically following two different selection criteria. One criterion maximizes the ratio of between-class to within-class variance, which resembles the Fisher coefficient.32,33 The second minimizes a combined measure of probability of classification error and correlation between features.33 The selected best 10 parameters can be used for texture classification. Still, it is too difficult for a human operator to imagine and understand relationships between parameter vectors in the 10-dimensional data space. The B11 program of the MaZda package allows further data processing to transform them to a new, lower-dimension data space. The data preprocessing employs linear transforms, such as principal component analysis (PCA)34 and linear discriminant analysis (LDA),32 as well as nonlinear operations leading to artificial neural network (ANN)based nonlinear discriminant analysis (NDA).35 The B11 program displays both input and transformed data in a form of a scatter-plot graph. B11 allows also raw and transformed data vectors classification, and evaluation of the usefulness of texture features calculated using MaZda to classification of different texture classes present in image regions. For data classification, the nearest-neighbor classifier (k-NN)36 and ANN classifiers33,37,38 are implemented. Neural networks of the architecture defined during training can be tested using data sets composed of feature vectors calculated for images not used for the training. At the time of writing this paper, MaZda version 3.20 was available. It implements procedures which allow4: Loading image files in most popular MRI scanner standards (such as Siemens, Picker, Brucker, and others). MaZda can also load images in the form of Windows Bitmap files, DICOM files, and unformatted gray-scale image files (raw images) with pixel intensity encoded with 8 or 16 bits. Additionally, details of image acquisition protocol can be extracted from the image information header. Image normalization. There are three options: default (analysis is made for original image); 3 (image mean m value and standard deviation is computed, then analysis is performed for gray scale range between m-3 and m+3); or 1%-99% (gray-scale range between 1% and 99% of cumulated image histogram is taken into consideration during analysis).
Definition of ROIs. The analysis is performed within these regions. Up to 16 regions of any shape can be defined; they can be also edited, loaded, and saved as disk files. A histogram of defined ROIs may be visualized and stored. Image analysis, which is computation of texture feature values within defined ROIs. The feature set (almost 300 parameters) is divided into following groups: histogram, co-occurrence matrix, run-length matrix, gradient, autoregressive model, and Haar waveletderived features. Detailed description of feature definitions can be found in reference 33. Computation of feature maps that represent distribution of a given feature over an analyzed image. It is possible to save or load feature maps into a special floating-point file format or into Windows Bitmap file. Display of image analysis reports, saving, and loading reports into disk files. Feature reduction and selection, in order to find a small subset of features that allows minimum error classification of analyzed image textures. This is performed by means of two criteria, as explained above. Selected features can be transferred to B11 program for further processing and/or classification. Image analysis automation by means of text scripts containing MaZda language commands. Scripts allow loading analyzed images and their ROI files, running the analysis, and saving report files on disk. The number of features computed by MaZda is still increasing. New feature groups are added according to suggestions of the project members and other MaZda users.Also, new procedures for data processing are being appended.
MaZda module
MaZda generates windows and selected window elements when the program main functions are invoked. The report window contains list of numerical values of all parameters computed by MaZda for defined ROIs. The selection of texture parameters that are actually computed is made using appropriate options window. Once computed, the reports can be stored as text files. There is a possibility of manual and automatic feature selection that gives lists of 10 parameters maximizing selection criteria. These lists can be stored as text files. Texture parameters can also be computed by MaZda in a rectangular ROI moved automatically around the analyzed image. Parameter values calculated for each ROI
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position can be arranged to form a new image, a so-called feature map. Options of feature maps calculations (ROI size and step size of ROI movement) can be selected using appropriate window tools. B11 module This program can either be called from the MaZda windows or run as a separate MS Windows application. Input to this program is a file containing data vectors corresponding to selected texture parameters. The content of this file is displayed in the left panel of B11 window. The results of data transformation and classification are shown in the right panel of the window. The input data preprocessing and classification options can be selected in the options window. Nonlinear transforms and classifiers implemented in B11 employ feedforward ANNs. Training techniques of these networks are described in the Users Manual of MaZda.33 The clusters formed in the transform data spaces can be visualized in the form of 2D or 3D scatter plots, which are generated by B11 program and discussed in the next section. on some selected texture parameters computed using the MaZda software. There were 22 images showing different cross-sections of the test objects, leading to 22 examples of texture of each class. Numerical values of about 300 texture statistical parameters were computed using MaZda module. This step produced eighty-eight 300-dimensional data vectors. A list of 10 best features was then automatically generated based on Fisher coefficient criterion (maximization of the ratio F of between-class to within-class variance).The best parameters were then passed to the B11 module.Thus, the input to B11 was made of eighty-eight 10-dimensional data vectors, with 22 vectors for each texture class. A scatter plot of the input data in the 3D data space was made of first three best texture features. The raw data were transformed to lower-dimensional spaces, using the PCA, LDA, and NDA projections. In each case, the Fisher coefficient F was calculated for the obtained data vectors. They were also classified using a 1-NN classifier, and tested using a leave-one-out technique.36 The PCA projection to a lower-dimensionality data space does not improve the classification accuracy. This can be explained by the fact that PCA is optimized for representation of data variability, which is not the same as data suitability for class discrimination (which is the case of LDA). Although the LDA gives lower value of the Fisher coefficient F, it eliminates the classification errors. Thus,
Application example 1
Figure 4a shows an MRI image that contains regions of different texture, and its respective ROIs are illustrated in Figure 4b. Each circular region in Figure 4a represents a cross-section through a tube filled with polystyrene spheres of different diameters, which were test objects manufactured in the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague. The example experiment described here was made to verify whether texture classes represented in the image in Figure 4a could be classified based
foam 1 foam 2
ps1 foam 3
Figure 4. A. Magnetic resonance image cross-section of four test objects of different texture. B. Four regions of interest (four texture classes) defined for the image in A.
Figure 5. Magnetic resonance image with eight regions of interest (ROIs) marked with different colors. ps1, ps2, ps3, foam 1, foam 2, and foam 3 are test objects.
the lower F coefficient does not necessarily indicate worse classification. Extremely large F can be obtained using NDA; however, one should verify (using a separate test dataset) whether the ANN does not suffer from the overtraining problem.38 An overtrained network does not generalize the training data well and, consequently, it may wrongly classify unseen data points.
Application example 2
Figure 5 shows an MRI image that contains cross-section of human scull, along with cross-section of six artificial test objects (phantoms designed and manufactured to generate standard texture patterns), three on each side of the scull. There are altogether eight ROIs defined for this image, each marked with a different color. The numerical experiment carried out on seven images of the described category aimed to verify whether one can find features able to separate mixed, artificial, and natural textures. The experiment was performed in three parts. First, higherorder features were considered only.Those were co-occurrence matrix, run-length matrix, gradient, and autoregressive modelderived parameters. The best of these were automatically selected by MaZda. Using the B11 program, the two sets of best features were transformed (PCA and LDA) and the transform data were used as new features for classification (by means of a 1-NN classifier tested using the leave-one-out technique). The results are
As computed data Standardized data Raw PCA LDA Raw PCA LDA Best higher-order features (histogram and wavelet-based features excluded) Fisher 22 31 19 22 31 19 POE+ACC 26 28 3 6 4 4 Best higher-order features (wavelet-based features excluded) Fisher 1 1 1 9 9 1 POE+ACC 24 24 0 4 3 2 Best higher-order features (wavelet-based features only) Fisher 3 4 0 0 0 0 POE+ACC 3 6 0 0 0 0 Table I. Number of classification errors (out of 56 samples) for best higherorder features (histogram and wavelet-based features excluded; wavelet-based features excluded; and wavelet-based features only). POE, probability of classification error; ACC, average correlation coefficient; PCA, principal component analysis; LDA, linear discriminant analysis.
shown in Table I, which indicates, that lowest error figure (3/56) was obtained for the LDA data, with no possibility of perfect classification. In the second part of the experiment, histogram-based features were added to the higher-order ones used in the first part. Table I shows significance of these parameters in region discrimination. Perfect classification was achieved for LDA-transformed data. One can notice that even if histogram data do not represent texture, they are significant to ROI classification. In the third part, wavelet-based features only were used. Table I shows that perfect ROI discrimination is possible even in the raw data space.This family of features seems to describe texture for classification purposes extremely well. The results collected (Table I) indicate that one cannot specify in advance which particular texture features will be useful for discrimination of texture classes, and that raw-data texture features usually do not allow perfect discriminationsome pre-processing is necessary, eg, by means of linear or nonlinear discriminant transforms.
Texture analysis applied to MRI (and other modalities) is one of the methods that provide quantitative information about internal structure of physical objects (eg, human body tissue) visualized in images.This information can be used to enhance medical diagnosis by making it more accurate and objective. Within the framework of a European COST B11 action, a unique package of computer programs has been developed for texture quantitative analysis in digital images.The package consists of two modules: MaZda.exe and B11.exe.The modules are seamlessly integrated, and each of the modules can be run as a separate application. Using the package, one can compute a large variety of different texture features and use them for classification of regions in the image. Moreover, MaZda allows generation of feature map images that can be used for visual analysis of image content in a new feature space, highlighting some image properties.The package has already been used for quantitative analysis of MRI images of different kinds,39 such as images of human liver40 and computed tomography images for early detection of osteoporosis.23 The program appears to be a useful research tool in a PhD student laboratory.41 The MaZda package is available on the Internet.33 So far more than 300 researchers from all over the world have downloaded it onto their computers.
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Delivery of MRI images by Dr Richard Lerski of Dundee University and Hospital (Figure 2a), Prof Milan Hajek of the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague (Figure 4), Prof Lothar Schad of German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg (Figures 1 and 5), and Dr Michal Strzelecki (Figure 2) is very much appreciated.
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2004 Volume 6 No. 1
Jean-Paul Macher, Marc-Antoine Crocq ______________________ 113
Basic research
The future of genetic testing for drug response Deborah J. Morris-Rosendahl, Bernd L. Fiebich______________ 27
Basic research
Structural plasticity of the adult brain Fred H. Gage __________________________________________________ 135 Regulation of cellular plasticity and resilience by mood stabilizers: the role of AMPA receptor trafficking Jing Du, Jorge A. Quiroz, Neil A. Gray, Steve T. Szabo, Carlos A. Zarate Jr, Husseini K. Manji ______________________ 143
Pharmacological aspects
Sex-dependent modulation of treatment response David R. Rubinow, Molly Moore ______________________________ 39 Current perspectives in the management of treatment-resistant depression Rajesh M. Parikh, Barry D. Lebowitz __________________________ 53 Treatment-refractory schizophrenia Asaf Caspi, Michael Davidson, Carol A. Tamminga __________ 61 Differing response to antipsychotic therapy in schizophrenia: pharmacogenomic aspects Manfred Ackenheil, Klaus Weber ______________________________ 71
Pharmacological aspects
Neural plasticity: consequences of stress and actions of antidepressant treatment Ronald S. Duman ______________________________________________ 157 Cellular consequences of stress and depression Eberhard Fuchs, Gabriele Flgge ____________________________ 171
Spectral EEG sleep profiles as a tool for prediction of clinical response to antidepressant treatment Jean-Paul Macher, Rmy Luthringer, Luc Staner ______________ 78
Clinical research
Cellular abnormalities in depression: evidence from postmortem brain tissue Craig A. Stockmeier, Grazyna Rajkowska ____________________ 185 Neuroplasticity in mood disorders Wayne C. Drevets ______________________________________________ 199 Cellular plasticity and resilience and the pathophysiology of severe mood disorders Dennis S. Charney, George DeJesus, Husseini K. Manji ____ 217
Clinical research
Treatment goals: response and nonresponse Jean-Paul Macher, Marc-Antoine Crocq ______________________ 83 Poor response to treatment: beyond medication Csar Carvajal __________________________________________________ 93 Clinicians predictions of patient response to psychotropic medications Pierre Schulz, Patricia Berney ________________________________ 105
Free papers
Texture analysis of the brain: from animal models to human applications Jean-Franois J. Nedelec, Olivier Yu, Jacques Chambron, Jean-Paul Macher________________________ 227 Problems in texture analysis with magnetic resonance imaging Lothar R. Schad ______________________________________________ 235 Texture analysis methodologies for magnetic resonance imaging Andrzej Materka ______________________________________________ 243
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