Chapter Two
Chapter Two
Chapter Two
This chapter presents documented evidence and ideas from other researchers whose work is
relevant to this project’s context. It looks at different sources where the researcher borrowed
constructive ideas considered important for fulfillment of this study.
This chapter also describes the related information of approaches of collecting information in
using information system as a competitive advantage on other poultry farm system. How to
improve on information system for competitive advantage on booking reservation system for
chicks previously published journals, dissertations and related documentations like books will be
2.1 Tool
A tool is a program or application that software developers use to create, debug, maintain or
otherwise support other programs and application.
2.2 Poultry:
Chicken broilers and egg production are most progressive animal enterprises in African today.
The poultry industry in fact began as a backyard enterprise but shifted to the information of that
very large integrated contract farming operations. The growth of tile poultry industry in the
Ghana has indeed been impressive but its problem including inefficient management and the
prevalence of many destructive poultry diseases and parasites cannot be ignored. This manual
provides technology and management know how for poultry raising which we hope present
poultry raisers and prospective poultry producers may find it useful in effectively managing their
poultry farms and help realize substantial financial returns from their enterprise in this period of
high production cost inputs. Poultry provide employment to many people and has contribution
about 1000 Ghana farmers. Many Ghana farmers indeed have been able to get employment
although most of Ghanaians poultry farms are poultry on small scale. According to agricultural
products. is another term for domesticated fowl
(birds), these are birds for eggs and food such as chicken, turkey, goose and pigeon. Basically,
any bird that you would eat.
In the old times poultry farming was the farmer’s wife throwing some feed out to the chickens
who were wandering, loose around the yard. She would find the eggs wherever they might be
laid before they got rotten. Today poultry raising is big business. Each step is done by someone
who know what they are doing. Breeders are known for their special kind of chickens and no one
is allowed to copy them. Food costs are important to poultry farmers. Feeds is about 60% of
raising poultry fowl are usually fed a combination of maize, soya, rice grain and cereals, poultry
is mostly used for meat and eggs, but other products come from these animals.
A separate module is included in these system to develop cost effective formula (HMS) keep
tract of hatcheries comparisons, virtual hatchery employee details selling detail sale reports for
each and identity performance problems early and correct action can be taken before the
performance is adversely affected.
In conclusion the existence of manual system of poultry management system has weakness that
influenced the researcher to propose the new web-based poultry management information