Ansi Ashrae 129-1997 (Ra 2002)
Ansi Ashrae 129-1997 (Ra 2002)
Ansi Ashrae 129-1997 (Ra 2002)
Approved by the ASHRAE Standards Committee on June
26, 2002; by the ASHRAE Board of Directors on June 27,
2002; and by the American National Standards Institute
on March 12, 2003.
Licensed to Krassimira Iolova. ANSI order X_135986. Downloaded 8/12/2009 9:41 AM. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.
ASHRAE Standard Project Committee 129-1997
Cognizant TC: TC 5.3, Room Air Distribution
SPLS Liaison: Frederick H. Kohloss
William J. Fisk, Chair* Paul L. Miller, Jr.
Neil P. Leslie, Secretary* Francis J. Offerman, III*
Ren Scott Anderson* Bjarne W. Olesen
William S. Apple Fred L. Paul
John A. Carlton-Foss Andrew K. Persily*
J.D. Cummins Dale O. Rammien*
Daniel Int-Hout, III* Richard K. Thomas
Thomas M. Kenney* William J. Waeldner*
Arthur E. McIvor* James E. Woods
Milton Meckler*
*Denotes members of voting status when the document was approved for publication
This American National Standard (ANS) is a national voluntary consensus standard developed under the auspices of the American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). Consensus is defined by the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI), of which ASHRAE is a member and which has approved this standard as an ANS, as “substantial agreement reached
by directly and materially affected interest categories. This signifies the concurrence of more than a simple majority, but not necessarily
unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that an effort be made toward their resolution.”
Compliance with this standard is voluntary until and unless a legal jurisdiction makes compliance mandatory through legislation.
ASHRAE obtains consensus through participation of its national and international members, associated societies, and public
ASHRAE Standards are prepared by a Project Committee appointed specifically for the purpose of writing the Standard. The
Project Committee Chair and Vice-Chair must be members of ASHRAE; while other committee members may or may not be ASHRAE
members, all must be technically qualified in the subject area of the Standard. Every effort is made to balance the concerned interests
on all Project Committees.
The Manager of Standards of ASHRAE should be contacted for:
a. interpretation of the contents of this Standard,
b. participation in the next review of the Standard,
c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Standard,
d. permission to reprint portions of the Standard.
ASHRAE uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available
information and accepted industry practices. However, ASHRAE does not guarantee, certify, or assure the safety or
performance of any products, components, or systems tested, installed, or operated in accordance with ASHRAE’s Standards
or Guidelines or that any tests conducted under its Standards or Guidelines will be nonhazardous or free from risk.
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(This foreword is not part of this standard but is pro- NK mromlpb
vided for information only.)
This standard prescribes a method for measuring air-
change effectiveness in mechanically ventilated spaces and
FOREWORD buildings that meet specified criteria. The air-change effec-
tiveness is a measure of the effectiveness of outdoor air distri-
This standard defines a method of measuring air-change
bution to the breathing level within the ventilated space.
effectiveness in mechanically ventilated buildings or spaces.
The method involves an age-of-air approach to air-change
OK p`lmb
effectiveness and employs tracer gas procedures to measure
the age of air. The age of the air at a given location is the OKN The method of measuring air-change effectiveness com-
average amount of time that has elapsed since the air mole- pares the age of air where occupants breathe to the age of air
cules at that location entered the building. The definition of that would occur throughout the space if the indoor air were
air-change effectiveness is based on a comparison of the age perfectly mixed.
of air in the occupied portions of the building to the age of
air that would exist under conditions of perfect mixing of the OKO The standard includes measurement procedures and cri-
ventilation air. teria for assessing the suitability of the test space for measure-
ments of air-change effectiveness.
The need for a test method for air-change effectiveness
arose from discussions concerning ANSI/ASHRAE Stan- PK abcfkfqflkp
dard 62-1989, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
with regard to the uniformity of air distribution within build- adjoining spaces: any ventilated or unventilated indoor space
ings and mixing within ventilated spaces. Short-circuiting that adjoins, or is surrounded by, the test space.
airflow patterns, in which a significant portion of supply air
flows directly to the exhaust, bypassing the occupied portion age of air: the average time elapsed since molecules of air in
of the ventilated space, have been a source of concern. Short a given volume of air entered the building from outside.
circuiting could adversely impact indoor air quality and building air infiltration: uncontrolled inward leakage of air
thermal comfort in the occupied space and increase energy (that may contain enriched water vapor) through cracks and
use. Additionally, there is an increased interest in innovative interstices in any building element and around windows and
ventilation, such as displacement ventilation, that may be doors of a building, caused by the pressure effects of wind or
more effective in maintaining acceptable indoor air quality the effect of differences in the indoor and outdoor air density.
than ventilation that causes indoor air to be thoroughly
mixed. calibration gas: a mixture of air and tracer gas with a tracer
gas concentration that is known within specified tolerances,
The effective rate at which outside air is provided to the used to calibrate tracer gas instruments.
occupied portion of the ventilated space is determined by
both the pattern of air flow within the ventilated space and concentration: the quantity of one constituent dispersed in a
by the extent of the mechanical recirculation of air by the defined amount of another.
ventilation system. Increased mechanical recirculation
concentration, tracer gas: the volume or mass of tracer gas
decreases both the adverse effect of short circuiting and the
divided by the volume or mass of air plus tracer gas.
benefits of displacement flow. The air-change effectiveness
parameter defined in this standard reflects the combined exfiltration: converse of building air infiltration.
influence of the indoor airflow pattern and mechanical recir-
culation on the age of air at locations where people breathe. exhaust air: air discharged from a space to the outdoors as
Appendix B describes how measured values of air-change differentiated from air transferred from one space to an adja-
effectiveness can be used to adjust the outdoor air require- cent space.
ments for ventilation determined in accordance with ANSI/ indoor air volume: the entire air volume of a space or build-
ASHRAE Standard 62-2001. ing in which the ventilation air is distributed, including duct-
The test method has been used successfully in labora- work and plenums. The volume of indoor furnishings,
tory test rooms to study the performance of different ventila- equipment, and occupants must be subtracted from the gross
tion systems, but there is considerably less experience in the indoor volume that is based on interior dimensions of the
field where many factors can complicate the measurement space or building.
process and increase measurement uncertainty. Therefore,
nominal time constant: the indoor air volume of a space or
the standard places strict limitations on the characteristics
building divided by the rate of outdoor air supply; the nominal
of the spaces that can be tested with the method. While the time constant also equals the average age of air exiting from
test method will not be usable in all field situations, it is gen- the space or building. The reciprocal of the nominal time
erally applicable in laboratory test rooms. Future versions of constant is called the nominal air-change rate.
the standard will benefit from additional experience with the
test method in the field, perhaps making the test method outdoor air: air outside a building or taken from outdoors and
more widely applicable. not previously circulated through the system.
test space: a building or portion of a building that is the QKQ This standard applies to test spaces with limited air infil-
subject of the air-change effectiveness measurement. tration, exfiltration, and air exchange with surrounding indoor
spaces. This standard includes test procedures to assess the
tracer gas: a gas that can be mixed in trace amounts with air extent of infiltration, exfiltration, and air exchange with sur-
for the purpose of studying airflow patterns and measuring rounding spaces, as well as criteria for acceptability.
ages of air and air-change rates.
RK fkpqorjbkqp=^ka=^mm^o^qrp
QK `ofqbof^=clo=^``bmq^_ib=qbpq=pm^`b
RKN qê~ÅÉê=d~ëK A tracer gas is used to label the indoor air
To help ensure repeatable and accurate measurements, the at the start of a tracer decay measurement procedure or to
space or building in which air-change effectiveness is label the outdoor air during a tracer gas step-up. The tracer gas
measured, hereinafter called the “test space,” must meet the must be nontoxic at the concentration used (if used in an occu-
following criteria. pied space). The tracer gas should not be removed from the
QKN This standard applies to single-room or multi-room test indoor air by adsorption or absorption on indoor surfaces or
spaces, which may be a research laboratory, an entire build- by chemical reaction at a rate that is significant compared to
ing, or a section of a building. Test spaces may be partly or the rate of tracer gas removal by ventilation. Ease and accu-
entirely surrounded by other indoor spaces. In all cases, the racy of measuring the concentration of the tracer gas are addi-
test space shall be representative of a space designed for tional considerations. The tracer gas shall not be a compound
human occupancy. that is prohibited to be released to the atmosphere in the Fed-
eral Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. ASTM Standard
QKO This standard applies to spaces that are mechanically E741-951 discusses tracer gas properties and tracer gas selec-
ventilated. During the measurement of air-change effective- tion.
ness, all airstreams of the HVAC system serving the test
space, including the supply air, return air, outdoor air, and the RKO qê~ÅÉê=d~ë=^å~äóòÉê
airstreams exiting each supply outlet and entering each return RKOKN pÉäÉÅíáçåK The selection of a tracer gas analyzer
inlet, shall have a constant flow rate to the degree practical, depends on the tracer gas utilized and the tracer gas concen-
e.g., the difference between the maximum and minimum tration employed. The tracer gas analyzer shall be capable of
should be within 10%. Fan and damper controls shall be over- measuring tracer gas concentration over a range of a factor of
ridden if necessary so that damper positions and fan speeds 50 with a precision in the upper 95% of this range as defined
are constant during the test. HVAC systems that supply air to in Section 5.2.2. Normal constituents or pollutants of air
or remove air from the test space shall not supply air to or should not interfere with tracer gas measurements using the
remove air from any other space. Mechanical recirculation of analyzer.
air is permitted but not required.
RKOKO mêÉÅáëáçå= ~åÇ= pí~ÄáäáíóK Acceptable measurement
QKP The standard applies to test spaces that have limited precision and minimal drift in analyzer response shall be dem-
temporal variation in heat loads and limited variation in the onstrated as follows:
operation of air-moving equipment according to the following
(a) At the maximum and at 5% of maximum tracer gas
concentration measured during tests, the arithmetic
(a) The difference between maximum and minimum standard deviation of ten sequential measurements
internal heat generation by equipment (e.g., lights, of tracer gas concentration in a calibration gas must
space heaters, computers) shall not be larger than be less than 4% of the average of the ten measure-
10% during a test. ments.
(a) the nominal time constant or its reciprocal—the Bauman, F.S., D. Faulkner, E.A. Arens, W.J. Fisk, L.P.
nominal air-change rate, Johnston, P.J. McNeel, D. Pih, and H. Zhang. 1991. Air
movement, comfort, and ventilation in workstations.
(b) the total supply airflow rate, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report, LBL-30574,
(c) the flow rate of each exhaust airstream, Berkeley, CA.
Fisk, W.J., J. Binenboym, H. Kaboli, D. Grimsrud, A.W.
(d) the flow rate through each supply diffuser, Robb, and B. Weber. 1985. A multi-tracer system for
(e) the flow rate through each return grille, measuring ventilation rates and ventilation efficiencies
in large mechanically ventilated buildings. Supplement
(f) the percentage of outdoor air in the supply air, to the Proceedings of the 6th AIVC Conference, Ventila-
(g) the history of supply and return air temperatures tion Strategies and Measurement Techniques, pp. 69-92.
during the measurement, and Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre, Coventry, Great
(h) the height above the floor of the breathing-level Fisk, W.J., D. Faulkner, and R.J. Prill. 1991. Air exchange
measurements of age of air. effectiveness of conventional and task ventilation for
UKO Inclusion of the following information with reports of the offices. In IAQ ’91, Healthy Buildings, American Soci-
measurement of air-change effectiveness is recommended: ety of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers, Atlanta, GA.
(a) a floor plan with dimensions and measurement Fisk, W.J., R.J. Prill, and O. Seppanen. 1988. Commercial
locations indicated on the plan, building ventilation measurements using multiple tracer
(b) a diagram of the HVAC system with measurement gases. Proceedings of the 9th AIVC Conference, Effec-
locations indicated on the diagram, tive Ventilation, vol. 1, pp. 161-182. Air Infiltration and
Ventilation Centre, Coventry, Great Britain.
(c) a description of internal loads, Fisk, W.J., R.J. Prill, and O. Seppanen. 1989. A multi-tracer
(d) a description of supply diffuser types and locations, technique for studying rates of ventilation, air distribu-
tion patterns, and air exchange efficiencies. Building
(e) a description of return outlet types and locations, Systems: Room Air and Air Contaminant Distribution,
(f) a record of the position of doors (open or closed) pp. 237-240. American Society of Heating, Refrigerat-
within the test space during the measurement of ing and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. Atlanta, GA.
air-change effectiveness, and Offermann, F.J. 1988. Ventilation effectiveness and ADPI
measurements of a forced-air heating system. ASHRAE
(g) the rate of airflow through fans operating within Transactions, Vol. 94, Part 1, pp. 694-704. American
the test space, e.g., desktop fans. Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
It is beyond the scope of this standard to describe the Engineers, Inc. Atlanta, GA.
methods for determining each of these parameters. Substantial Persily, A.K., and R.A. Grot. 1985. Ventilation measure-
guidance is provided in the documents listed in Section 9 and ments in large office buildings. ASHRAE Transactions,
Appendix A. Vol. 91, Part 2a., pp. 488-502. American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,
VK obcbobk`bp Inc. Atlanta, GA.
1. ASTM Standard E741-95, Standard Test Methods for Persily, A.K. 1986. Ventilation effectiveness measurements
Determining Air Change in a Single Zone by Means in an office building. IAQ ’86, Managing Indoor Air for
of a Tracer Gas Dilution, American Society for Health and Energy Conservation, pp. 548-567. Ameri-
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA. can Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Condi-
2. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.7-1984 (RA 2000), Method tioning Engineers, Inc. Atlanta, GA.
of Test for Measurement of Flow of Gas. American Persily, A.K., and W.S. Dols. 1989. Field measurements of
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Condi- ventilation and ventilation effectiveness in an office/
tioning Engineers, Inc. Atlanta, GA. library building. Indoor Air 1, pp. 229-246.
3. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111-1988, Practices for Mea- Persily, A.K., W.S. Dols, and S.J. Nabinger. 1994. Air
surement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of change effectiveness measurements in two office build-
Building Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning ings. Indoor Air 4, pp. 40-55.
A i = ( t stop – t start ) C i,avg ⁄ C i ( t start ) (C2) A i,corr = ( t end – t inj ) { 1 – [ C i,avg ⁄ C i ( t end ) ] } +
[ C eq – C i ( t end ) ] ⁄ L′ C eq .
This equation is essentially the same as Equation C1,
except that the integral is terminated at tstop instead of being
evaluated through to infinity. The errors associated with a (This appendix is not part of this standard but is pro-
finite period of integration are lessened by determining Ci,avg vided for information only.)
over a period of about three nominal time constants. Equation
C2 can be corrected to account for the early termination of the Appendix D—Determination of Average
integral by adding the following term: Tracer Gas Concentration from a Series of
Concentration Measurements with Uneven Time
C i ( t stop ) ⁄ LC i ( t start ) (C3)
Intervals Between Measurements
where L is the negative of the slope of the natural logarithm of An accurate value of the time-average tracer gas concen-
the concentration as a function of time calculated at the end of tration, Ci,avg, is required to calculate the age of air with Equa-
the concentration decay. In practice, this slope can be deter- tions 1 and 2. When Ci,avg is determined from a series of
mined based on the concentration data over the last time concentration measurements with uneven time intervals,
constant prior to tstop. The equation for the corrected age of air, Equation D1 is recommended:
Ai,corr, is, therefore,
n = last – 1
C i,n + C i,n + 1
A i,corr = ( t stop – t start ) C i,avg ⁄ C i ( t start ) + ∑ --------------------------------- ( t n + 1 – t n )
(C4) 2
C i ( t stop ) ⁄ LC i ( t start ) C i,avg n =
= -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( t last – t first )
Step-Up where C is a tracer gas concentration, t is a time, subscript i
In a step-up measurement, the tracer gas concentration refers to a specific location, subscript n refers to an individual
throughout the space being tested is assumed to equal zero at measurement in the time series of measurements, last refers to
time t = 0. At that time, tracer gas is injected into the outdoor the final measurement in the time series, and first refers to the
air being delivered to the space at a constant rate. The tracer first measurement in the time series.
gas concentration in the space increases to an equilibrium
value C at a rate that depends on the air-change rate of the (This appendix is not part of this standard but is pro-
space and the location within the space. The local age of air at vided for information only.)
a point i in the space is given by Equation C5:
Appendix E—Measurement Uncertainty
Ci ( t )
1 – ------------- A large number of factors can cause errors in measure-
Ai = ∫ C ∞ ( t )
- dt (C5)
ments of air-change effectiveness. Assuming that the
measurement procedures and quality-control checks
Equation C6 is presented in the standard to calculate Ai for described in this standard are followed, an estimate of
a step-up test: measurement uncertainty has been developed. This appendix
describes the method of estimating uncertainty and reports the
A i = ( t end – t start )+ { 1 – [ C i,avg ⁄ C i ( t end ) ] } (C6) uncertainty estimates.
ventilation rate of the space being tested and the concentration – 9 6 × 10 mL ⁄ min
range of the measurement device. Ideally, the outdoor air q = 5000L ⁄ s ( 25 × 10 ) ---------------------------------------- = 7.5 mL ⁄ min (G2)
1L ⁄ s
ventilation rate of space Q will have been measured previously
under the test conditions. If not, then the user must estimate its If the ventilation rate is 10,000 cfm, then the tracer gas
value. Based on the concentration range of the tracer gas concentration is calculated as follows:
analyzer, the user should select a concentration near the
middle of the measurement range, Cmid. The tracer injection ft
– 9 2.832 × 10 mL
q = 10000 ---------- ( 25 × 10 ) ------------------------------------
- = 7.08 ---------- (G3)
rate, q, to the space is then given by Equation G1: min 1ft
3 min
q = Q × C mid . (G1)
Inject and Mix Method
When using these equations, the user must be careful in
In this method, a short-term tracer gas injection is
dealing with the units. The ventilation rate, Q, is generally
followed by a mixing period. One estimates the injection
expressed as a volumetric airflow rate in L/s or cfm. Tracer gas
volume based on the volume of the space being tested and the
concentrations are usually expressed in parts per million or
concentration range of the measurement device. The tracer gas
billion (ppm or ppb) and in some cases in percentage. Tracer
injection volume, v, into a space of volume, V, is then given by
gas injection rates are expressed in a variety of units, such as
Equation G4:
L/min., mL/min., cfm, or scfh (standard cubic feet per hour).
Depending on the units employed, the user may have to v = V × C mid (G4)
employ various unit conversions to determine q.
For example, if the outdoor air ventilation rate of the When using these equations, the user must again be care-
space is 5000 L/s and the target tracer gas concentration is 25 ful in dealing with the units. The space volume V is generally
ppb, then the tracer injection rate, q, is calculated as shown expressed m3 or ft3, and the tracer gas volume is usually
below: expressed in L, mL, or ft3. Depending on the units employed,
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