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Ansi Ashrae 129-1997 (Ra 2002)

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ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 129-1997 (RA 2002)

(with minor editorial changes)

Approved by the ASHRAE Standards Committee on June
26, 2002; by the ASHRAE Board of Directors on June 27,
2002; and by the American National Standards Institute
on March 12, 2003.

ASHRAE Standards are updated on a five-year cycle; the

date following the standard number is the year of ASHRAE
Board of Directors approval. The latest copies may be
purchased from ASHRAE Customer Service, 1791 Tullie
Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329-2305. E-mail:
[email protected]. Fax: 404-321-5478. Telephone: 404-
636-8400 (worldwide) or toll free 1-800-527-4723 (for or-
ders in U.S. and Canada).

©Copyright 2002 American Society of Heating,

Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
ISSN 1041-2336

When addenda or interpretations to this standard have

been approved, they can be downloaded free of charge
from the ASHRAE web site at http://xp20.ashrae.org/stan-
dards/addenda.htm or http://xp20.ashrae.org/standards/

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ASHRAE Standard Project Committee 129-1997
Cognizant TC: TC 5.3, Room Air Distribution
SPLS Liaison: Frederick H. Kohloss
William J. Fisk, Chair* Paul L. Miller, Jr.
Neil P. Leslie, Secretary* Francis J. Offerman, III*
Ren Scott Anderson* Bjarne W. Olesen
William S. Apple Fred L. Paul
John A. Carlton-Foss Andrew K. Persily*
J.D. Cummins Dale O. Rammien*
Daniel Int-Hout, III* Richard K. Thomas
Thomas M. Kenney* William J. Waeldner*
Arthur E. McIvor* James E. Woods
Milton Meckler*
*Denotes members of voting status when the document was approved for publication


Nance C. Lavvorn, Chair John F. Hogan
Thomas E. Watson, Vice-Chair Frederick H. Kohloss
Charles G. Arnold William J. Landman
Van D. Baxter Rodney H. Lewis
Dean S. Borges Ross D. Montgomery
Paul W. Cabot Davor Novosel
Waller S. Clements Dennis A. Stanke
Charles W. Coward, Jr. Michael H. Tavares
Brian P. Dougherty Steven T. Taylor
Richard A. Evans J. Richard Wright
Arthur D. Hallstrom Lee W. Burgett, CO
Matt R. Hargan Gordon V.R. Holness, ExO
Richard D. Hermans

Claire B. Ramspeck, Manager of Standards

This American National Standard (ANS) is a national voluntary consensus standard developed under the auspices of the American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). Consensus is defined by the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI), of which ASHRAE is a member and which has approved this standard as an ANS, as “substantial agreement reached
by directly and materially affected interest categories. This signifies the concurrence of more than a simple majority, but not necessarily
unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and objections be considered, and that an effort be made toward their resolution.”
Compliance with this standard is voluntary until and unless a legal jurisdiction makes compliance mandatory through legislation.
ASHRAE obtains consensus through participation of its national and international members, associated societies, and public
ASHRAE Standards are prepared by a Project Committee appointed specifically for the purpose of writing the Standard. The
Project Committee Chair and Vice-Chair must be members of ASHRAE; while other committee members may or may not be ASHRAE
members, all must be technically qualified in the subject area of the Standard. Every effort is made to balance the concerned interests
on all Project Committees.
The Manager of Standards of ASHRAE should be contacted for:
a. interpretation of the contents of this Standard,
b. participation in the next review of the Standard,
c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Standard,
d. permission to reprint portions of the Standard.

ASHRAE uses its best efforts to promulgate Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available
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ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are established to assist industry and the public by offering a uniform method of
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Licensed to Krassimira Iolova. ANSI order X_135986. Downloaded 8/12/2009 9:41 AM. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.

ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 129-1997 (RA 2002)

Measuring Air-Change Effectiveness

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© Copyright 2002 American Society of Heating,

Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
1791 Tullie Circle NE
Atlanta, GA 30329

All rights reserved.

Licensed to Krassimira Iolova. ANSI order X_135986. Downloaded 8/12/2009 9:41 AM. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.
(This foreword is not part of this standard but is pro- NK mromlpb
vided for information only.)
This standard prescribes a method for measuring air-
change effectiveness in mechanically ventilated spaces and
FOREWORD buildings that meet specified criteria. The air-change effec-
tiveness is a measure of the effectiveness of outdoor air distri-
This standard defines a method of measuring air-change
bution to the breathing level within the ventilated space.
effectiveness in mechanically ventilated buildings or spaces.
The method involves an age-of-air approach to air-change
OK p`lmb
effectiveness and employs tracer gas procedures to measure
the age of air. The age of the air at a given location is the OKN The method of measuring air-change effectiveness com-
average amount of time that has elapsed since the air mole- pares the age of air where occupants breathe to the age of air
cules at that location entered the building. The definition of that would occur throughout the space if the indoor air were
air-change effectiveness is based on a comparison of the age perfectly mixed.
of air in the occupied portions of the building to the age of
air that would exist under conditions of perfect mixing of the OKO The standard includes measurement procedures and cri-
ventilation air. teria for assessing the suitability of the test space for measure-
ments of air-change effectiveness.
The need for a test method for air-change effectiveness
arose from discussions concerning ANSI/ASHRAE Stan- PK abcfkfqflkp
dard 62-1989, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality
with regard to the uniformity of air distribution within build- adjoining spaces: any ventilated or unventilated indoor space
ings and mixing within ventilated spaces. Short-circuiting that adjoins, or is surrounded by, the test space.
airflow patterns, in which a significant portion of supply air
flows directly to the exhaust, bypassing the occupied portion age of air: the average time elapsed since molecules of air in
of the ventilated space, have been a source of concern. Short a given volume of air entered the building from outside.
circuiting could adversely impact indoor air quality and building air infiltration: uncontrolled inward leakage of air
thermal comfort in the occupied space and increase energy (that may contain enriched water vapor) through cracks and
use. Additionally, there is an increased interest in innovative interstices in any building element and around windows and
ventilation, such as displacement ventilation, that may be doors of a building, caused by the pressure effects of wind or
more effective in maintaining acceptable indoor air quality the effect of differences in the indoor and outdoor air density.
than ventilation that causes indoor air to be thoroughly
mixed. calibration gas: a mixture of air and tracer gas with a tracer
gas concentration that is known within specified tolerances,
The effective rate at which outside air is provided to the used to calibrate tracer gas instruments.
occupied portion of the ventilated space is determined by
both the pattern of air flow within the ventilated space and concentration: the quantity of one constituent dispersed in a
by the extent of the mechanical recirculation of air by the defined amount of another.
ventilation system. Increased mechanical recirculation
concentration, tracer gas: the volume or mass of tracer gas
decreases both the adverse effect of short circuiting and the
divided by the volume or mass of air plus tracer gas.
benefits of displacement flow. The air-change effectiveness
parameter defined in this standard reflects the combined exfiltration: converse of building air infiltration.
influence of the indoor airflow pattern and mechanical recir-
culation on the age of air at locations where people breathe. exhaust air: air discharged from a space to the outdoors as
Appendix B describes how measured values of air-change differentiated from air transferred from one space to an adja-
effectiveness can be used to adjust the outdoor air require- cent space.
ments for ventilation determined in accordance with ANSI/ indoor air volume: the entire air volume of a space or build-
ASHRAE Standard 62-2001. ing in which the ventilation air is distributed, including duct-
The test method has been used successfully in labora- work and plenums. The volume of indoor furnishings,
tory test rooms to study the performance of different ventila- equipment, and occupants must be subtracted from the gross
tion systems, but there is considerably less experience in the indoor volume that is based on interior dimensions of the
field where many factors can complicate the measurement space or building.
process and increase measurement uncertainty. Therefore,
nominal time constant: the indoor air volume of a space or
the standard places strict limitations on the characteristics
building divided by the rate of outdoor air supply; the nominal
of the spaces that can be tested with the method. While the time constant also equals the average age of air exiting from
test method will not be usable in all field situations, it is gen- the space or building. The reciprocal of the nominal time
erally applicable in laboratory test rooms. Future versions of constant is called the nominal air-change rate.
the standard will benefit from additional experience with the
test method in the field, perhaps making the test method outdoor air: air outside a building or taken from outdoors and
more widely applicable. not previously circulated through the system.

2 ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 129-1997 (RA 2002)

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perfect mixing: a theoretical airflow distribution pattern (b) The difference between maximum and minimum
within a ventilated space where the supply air is instanta- number of occupants within the test space shall not
neously and uniformly mixed with the air in the space such be larger than 10% or the test space shall be unoc-
that the concentration of all constituents in the air, and the age cupied. No restrictions are placed on occupant
of air, are spatially uniform. movement within the test space.
real-time measurement: In the context of this standard, a (c) The range of the temperature difference between all
real-time measurement of a tracer gas concentration is a return airstreams and the supply airstream shall not
measurement that includes sample analysis by a tracer gas be larger than 2°F (1.1°C) during the test. The dif-
analyzer during the tracer gas decay or step-up. The output ference between the maximum and minimum tem-
from the tracer gas analyzer is available within approximately perature of each return airstream shall not be larger
a ten-minute period after the air is sampled. than 6 °F (3.3 °C).
return air: air extracted from a space and totally or partially (d) The difference between maximum and minimum
returned to an air conditioner, furnace, or other heat source. rate of airflow through fans operating within the
supply air: air entering a space from an air-conditioning, heat- test space, e.g., desktop fans, shall not be larger
ing, or ventilating apparatus. than 10% during a test.

test space: a building or portion of a building that is the QKQ This standard applies to test spaces with limited air infil-
subject of the air-change effectiveness measurement. tration, exfiltration, and air exchange with surrounding indoor
spaces. This standard includes test procedures to assess the
tracer gas: a gas that can be mixed in trace amounts with air extent of infiltration, exfiltration, and air exchange with sur-
for the purpose of studying airflow patterns and measuring rounding spaces, as well as criteria for acceptability.
ages of air and air-change rates.
RK fkpqorjbkqp=^ka=^mm^o^qrp
QK `ofqbof^=clo=^``bmq^_ib=qbpq=pm^`b
RKN qê~ÅÉê=d~ëK A tracer gas is used to label the indoor air
To help ensure repeatable and accurate measurements, the at the start of a tracer decay measurement procedure or to
space or building in which air-change effectiveness is label the outdoor air during a tracer gas step-up. The tracer gas
measured, hereinafter called the “test space,” must meet the must be nontoxic at the concentration used (if used in an occu-
following criteria. pied space). The tracer gas should not be removed from the
QKN This standard applies to single-room or multi-room test indoor air by adsorption or absorption on indoor surfaces or
spaces, which may be a research laboratory, an entire build- by chemical reaction at a rate that is significant compared to
ing, or a section of a building. Test spaces may be partly or the rate of tracer gas removal by ventilation. Ease and accu-
entirely surrounded by other indoor spaces. In all cases, the racy of measuring the concentration of the tracer gas are addi-
test space shall be representative of a space designed for tional considerations. The tracer gas shall not be a compound
human occupancy. that is prohibited to be released to the atmosphere in the Fed-
eral Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. ASTM Standard
QKO This standard applies to spaces that are mechanically E741-951 discusses tracer gas properties and tracer gas selec-
ventilated. During the measurement of air-change effective- tion.
ness, all airstreams of the HVAC system serving the test
space, including the supply air, return air, outdoor air, and the RKO qê~ÅÉê=d~ë=^å~äóòÉê
airstreams exiting each supply outlet and entering each return RKOKN pÉäÉÅíáçåK The selection of a tracer gas analyzer
inlet, shall have a constant flow rate to the degree practical, depends on the tracer gas utilized and the tracer gas concen-
e.g., the difference between the maximum and minimum tration employed. The tracer gas analyzer shall be capable of
should be within 10%. Fan and damper controls shall be over- measuring tracer gas concentration over a range of a factor of
ridden if necessary so that damper positions and fan speeds 50 with a precision in the upper 95% of this range as defined
are constant during the test. HVAC systems that supply air to in Section 5.2.2. Normal constituents or pollutants of air
or remove air from the test space shall not supply air to or should not interfere with tracer gas measurements using the
remove air from any other space. Mechanical recirculation of analyzer.
air is permitted but not required.
RKOKO mêÉÅáëáçå= ~åÇ= pí~ÄáäáíóK Acceptable measurement
QKP The standard applies to test spaces that have limited precision and minimal drift in analyzer response shall be dem-
temporal variation in heat loads and limited variation in the onstrated as follows:
operation of air-moving equipment according to the following
(a) At the maximum and at 5% of maximum tracer gas
concentration measured during tests, the arithmetic
(a) The difference between maximum and minimum standard deviation of ten sequential measurements
internal heat generation by equipment (e.g., lights, of tracer gas concentration in a calibration gas must
space heaters, computers) shall not be larger than be less than 4% of the average of the ten measure-
10% during a test. ments.

ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 129-1997 (RA 2002) 3

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(b) Repeating the ten measurements of the calibration sample storage bag through a sampling system that may
gas after a period of six hours has elapsed (six include sample tubing, tube fittings, valves, and pumps. The
hours is a typical period for measurements of air- sampling system shall be checked for leakage, and negligible
change effectiveness) must yield the same average leakage shall be demonstrated. A recommended procedure for
concentration within ±3%. this leakage test is provided in Appendix H.
(c) This demonstration must be conducted and docu- RKQKNKN qê~ÅÉê= içëëÉë= áå= qìÄáåÖK Negligible loss of
mented within the three-month period prior to the tracer gas from the sample stream as it passes through the tub-
measurement of air-change effectiveness. ing shall be demonstrated using the following procedure:
RKOKP `~äáÄê~íáçåK Tracer gas analyzers shall be cali- (a) Samples of a calibration gas shall be directed into
brated with at least six calibration gases during the three- the tracer gas analyzer through metal tubing of the
month period preceding the measurement of air-change effec- minimum practical length. Ten sequential measure-
tiveness. The calibration gases shall include a zero gas con- ments of tracer gas concentration shall be com-
taining no tracer, a span gas at the maximum anticipated pleted.
concentration, and at least four other calibration gases with
(b) The same calibration gas shall be directed into
intermediate and approximately equally spaced concentra-
tracer gas analyzer through the type of tubing that
tions. The concentration of tracer gas in each calibration gas
will be used in the measurement of air-change
shall be known within ±5%. During the one-hour period that
effectiveness with a tubing length greater than or
precedes the measurement of air-change effectiveness, the
equal to the maximum anticipated length of sample
analyzer’s calibration shall be checked with at least two cali-
tubing. Ten sequential measurements of tracer gas
bration gases—one each in the top and bottom 30% of the cal-
concentration shall be completed.
ibrated range. If the instrument response has changed by more
than ±5% from the preceding calibration, a recalibration with (c) The average of the ten measurements of tracer gas
six or more tracer gases shall be completed before the mea- concentration determined in steps (a) and (b) must
surement of air-change effectiveness. be equal within ±5%.
If the tracer gas analyzer is not designed to accept an inter- RKQKNKO p~ãéäÉ= qìÄÉ= mìêÖáåÖ= ~åÇ= qê~ÅÉê= d~áåë= áå
nal six-point calibration, the analyzer may be calibrated qìÄáåÖK Sample tubes shall be adequately purged of the prior
according to the manufacturer’s instructions and then the sample. Also, negligible gain of tracer gas as samples pass
instrument accuracy checked using six calibration gases. If through sample tubing must be demonstrated. This gain can
necessary, the six-point calibration check may then be applied occur due to desorption of tracer gas from tubing previously
by correcting the tracer gas concentration data via a spread exposed to a higher tracer gas concentration. The procedure
sheet or other computer program. for demonstrating adequate sample tube purging and negligi-
RKP qê~ÅÉê=d~ë=fåàÉÅíáçå=bèìáéãÉåí ble gain of tracer gas is as follows:
Equipment and methods to inject tracer gas must meet the (a) A calibration gas with the maximum tracer gas con-
following criteria. centration shall be drawn through the type of tub-
RKPKN In tracer gas step-ups, the tracer gas injection rate ing that will be used in the measurement of air-
must be stable; however, an accurate measurement of the change effectiveness with a tubing length greater
absolute value of the tracer injection rate is not required. To than or equal to the maximum anticipated length of
confirm that the injection rate is sufficiently stable, the injec- sample tubing. The rate of flow shall be representa-
tion rate shall be measured and recorded at least every thirty tive of the rate of sample flow in measurements of
minutes during the measurement of air-change effectiveness air-change effectiveness and shall be maintained
using an instrument with a resolution less than or equal to 2% for a period of 10 minutes or more.
of the average injection rate. During the measurement of air-
change effectiveness, the standard deviation of the measured (b) Immediately after stopping the flow described in
injection rates divided by the average must be less than 0.05. (a), tracer-free air shall be drawn through the tub-
ing at the same airflow rate. The flow of tracer-free
RKPKO Leakage of tracer gas from the injection system
air shall be continued for a time equal to the mini-
when the outlet of the system is capped at the actual point of
mum time between sample analyses, then a sample
injection must be nondetectable based on measurements of
from the outlet of the tube shall be directed into the
tracer gas in all rooms containing the tracer injection appara-
tracer gas analyzer and the sample shall be ana-
tus. There must be no leakage of air into the injection system
lyzed. The concentration of tracer gas in this sam-
at any point between the source of tracer gas and the location
ple must be less than 3% of the concentration in the
of the instrument used to measure injection rate. The leakage
calibration gas. If this criterion is not met, the
test shall be performed whenever components of the injection
investigators shall change the sample flow rate,
system are changed or any components of the system are dis-
time interval between sample analyses, or the type
connected and reconnected.
and length of tubing such that the criterion is satis-
RKQ qê~ÅÉê=d~ë=p~ãéäáåÖ=bèìáéãÉåí fied.
RKQKN p~ãéäÉ= póëíÉãK Samples of air containing tracer RKQKNKP qÉëí=cêÉèìÉåÅóK The tests described in Sections
gas may be drawn to a tracer gas analyzer or pumped into a and are required before the first measurement

4 ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 129-1997 (RA 2002)

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of air-change effectiveness is taken and thereafter only when (e) This procedure shall be repeated whenever the
the types of materials in the sampling system are changed, the type of tracer gas, type of container, or method of
sample flow rate is decreased by more than 10%, or the length introducing samples into the tracer gas analyzer is
of sample tubing is increased by more than 10%. changed.
RKQKO dê~Ä= p~ãéäáåÖK A grab sample is a sample col- RKQKP qáãÉJfåíÉÖê~íÉÇ= p~ãéäáåÖ= ïáíÜ= p~ãéäÉ= _~ÖëK
lected from a single location during a period of 30 seconds or Samples can be drawn at a constant rate for the duration of a
less. Grab samples of air containing tracer gas may be col- tracer decay or step-up and stored in sample bags. Subsequent
lected in containers and analyzed after some period of stor- analyses of these samples yields the time-averaged tracer gas
age. For example, a sample may be manually drawn into a concentration during the period of sampling. For accurate
disposable or reusable syringe that is sealed with an airtight time-integrated sampling in bags, the sample flow rate must
cap immediately after collecting the sample. be constant, losses of tracer gas due to sorption on bags or
RKQKOKN Negligible loss of tracer gas during storage in the leakage must be negligible, and the transfer of tracer gas from
grab-sample containers and acceptable measurement preci- prior samples to new samples must be negligible. The follow-
sion must be demonstrated and documented using the follow- ing tests are required to verify the performance of bag sam-
ing procedures. pling apparatus and procedures.
(a) Ten grab samples shall be withdrawn from a stream RKQKPKN Before the first measurement and at least once in
of calibration gas. every ten measurements of air-change effectiveness, the flow
rate through each equipment system used for time-integrated
(b) The containers shall be capped and stored for at
bag sampling shall be monitored every 30 minutes during a
least six hours or the maximum anticipated storage
continuous period of six hours. The standard deviation of the
period, whichever is greater.
measured flow rates divided by the average must be less than
(c) The samples shall be introduced into the tracer gas 5%.
analyzer using the same method employed in mea- RKQKPKO Before each measurement of air-change effec-
surements of air-change effectiveness. tiveness, bags shall be checked for leakage by filling the bag
(d) The same calibration gas shall be directed into the with air, immersing the bag in water, and inspecting for air
tracer gas analyzer through the minimum practical bubbles that indicate leakage. A bag that leaks during this test
length of metal tubing. must not be used for subsequent measurements of air-change
(e) The response of the analyzer to the calibration gas
RKQKPKP The test procedures described in Sections
stream must equal the average response to the ten and for grab sampling shall be performed for
grab samples within ±5%.
time-integrated sampling in sample bags. For this test, the
(f) The standard deviation of the analyzer’s response to introduction of calibration gas into the sample bags may be
the ten grab samples divided by the average completed at any rate.
response must be less than 5%. RKQKQ oÉéêÉëÉåí~íáîÉ=p~ãéäáåÖ=Ñêçã=^áêëíêÉ~ãë
(g) This procedure shall be repeated whenever the type RKQKQKN dÉåÉê~ä= oÉèìáêÉãÉåíëK= Air samples with-
of tracer gas, grab-sampling equipment, grab-sam- drawn from airstreams must have a tracer gas concentration
pling procedure, or method of introducing samples representative of the average concentration at the same cross
into the tracer gas analyzer is changed. section of the airstream. An exact determination of the aver-
age concentration would require measurements of concentra-
(h) If grab samples will be transported via airplane,
where leakage is possible due to the reduced pres- tion and air velocity at every point in the cross section, which
sure, the sample storage test described in this sub- is not possible. To demonstrate that the samples withdrawn
section shall include a period of transportation of from each airstream are reasonably representative, the follow-
samples in an airplane. ing test must be performed using the airstreams that supply air
to, or remove air from, the test space. The representativeness
RKQKOKO If grab-sample containers are to be reused, neg-
of samples withdrawn from each location shall be confirmed
ligible transfer of tracer gas from prior samples to new sam-
ples must be demonstrated using the following procedure: through performance of this test. To the degree practical, air-
flow rates and temperatures shall be identical to those during
(a) Ten grab samples of a calibration gas shall be col- the measurement of air-change effectiveness.
lected and stored for at least six hours. RKQKQKO mêçÅÉÇìêÉ=~åÇ=`êáíÉêá~K=The following proce-
(b) The samples shall be ejected from the grab-sample dure shall be used to ensure that samples withdrawn from air-
container and the containers purged with tracer-free streams are sufficiently representative.
air (e.g., outdoor air) five times. (a) The concentration of tracer gas in the samples with-
(c) Samples of tracer-free air shall be stored in the con- drawn from each airstream using the same equip-
tainers for at least six hours. ment and methods employed during measurements
of air-change effectiveness shall be determined.
(d) The concentration of tracer gas in each container
shall be analyzed and must be less than 2% of the (b) At least six grab samples shall be withdrawn within
concentration of calibration gas used for this test. one minute of the sample collection in step (a) from

ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 129-1997 (RA 2002) 5

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a cross section of the same airstream. Each of the indoor air. Very small chambers, e.g., a few cubic meters in
six or more locations in the cross section shall be at volume, are acceptable. The rate at which air samples are with-
the center of an approximately equal but different drawn from the chamber must not exceed 0.01 chamber
area of the cross section. volumes per hour. The chamber shall be ventilated with
tracer-free air at a stable rate between 0.75 and 1.25 chamber
(c) The average concentration of tracer gas in the six or
volumes per hour. The air within the chamber shall be mixed
more grab samples must be within ±5% of the con-
with fans as needed to ensure uniformity of mixing of the
centration of tracer gas in the sample described in
indoor air.
step (a).
The same measurement method, tracer gas decay or tracer
RKQKR p~ãéäÉ=mìãéëK Sample pumps used to direct sam- gas step-up, that will be used to measure air-change effective-
ples into gas sample bags or located upstream of a tracer gas ness shall be selected and implemented using the test chamber.
analyzer shall be gas tight so that air at the location of the The measurement shall be performed according to the proce-
pump does not leak into the sample. dures outlined in Section 6 except tracer gas concentration
RKR qÉãéÉê~íìêÉ=jÉ~ëìêÉãÉåíë shall be measured within the chamber at eight locations, each
Instrumentation used for temperature measurements shall at the approximate center of an equal volume of air. Each air
have a resolution of 1°F (0.6°C) or better and must be cali- volume shall be distinct from other volumes and contain
brated by comparison to an instrument with a resolution of approximately one eighth of the indoor air. Tracer concentra-
0.5°F (0.3°C) or better that is traceable to the National Institute tion shall also be measured in the exhaust airstream. All ages
of Standards and Technology (NIST). of air within the chamber must be equal to the age of air in the
exhaust airstream, within ±10%.
RKS jÉ~ëìêÉãÉåí=çÑ=^áêÑäçï=o~íÉë
RKSKN The measurements of airflow rate required in Sec- SK mol`barobp=clo=jb^profkd
tion 5.7 shall be made using one of the following options: ^foJ`e^kdb=bccb`qfsbkbpp
(a) Instruments and procedures described in ANSI/ SKN pÉäÉÅíáçå=çÑ=báíÜÉê=~=qê~ÅÉê=d~ë=aÉÅ~ó=çê=~=qê~ÅÉê
ASHRAE Standard 41.7-1984 (RA 2000).2 How- d~ë=píÉéJré
ever, the specifications in ASHRAE Standard 41.7 Based on a review of the requirements for a tracer gas
for differential pressure measurement (i.e., a mini- decay and a tracer gas step-up and consideration of available
mum pressure difference of 5 in. water (1250 Pa) measurement equipment and the nature of the test space and
measured with a mercury manometer) are relaxed. associated HVAC systems, either a tracer gas decay or a tracer
The differential pressure must be measured with gas step-up is selected as the procedure for measuring air-
sufficient accuracy to determine airflow rate with change effectiveness (see Appendix F).
an accuracy of ±4% or better.
SKO jÉ~ëìêÉãÉåí=çÑ=pìééäó=~åÇ=oÉíìêå=^áêÑäçï=o~íÉë
(b) A dry test meter with a rated accuracy of ±4% or With operating conditions identical, to the degree practi-
better. cal, to those during the air-change effectiveness measurement,
(c) A bubble flow meter with a rated accuracy of ±4% the rates of air supply to the test space and return and exhaust
or better. from the test space shall be measured. To the degree possible,
the measurement locations shall be selected to reflect the
RKSKO Except as required in Section 5.6.1, airflow rates can
airflow into and out of the test space and not the rates of flow
be measured using any instrumentation and procedure that
to or from the outdoors, which may be different due to leakage
result in a maximum uncertainty of ±10%. ANSI/ASHRAE
in ducts. The ratio of total supply flow rate to the total return
Standard 111-19883 provides guidance on procedures for
plus exhaust flow rate must be within 0.10 of unity. If this
measuring airflow rates in ducts and contains information on
criterion is not met, the rate of air leakage into or out of the test
measurement accuracy.
space is considered excessive and the test space does not meet
RKT sÉêáÑáÅ~íáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ=^ÅÅìê~Åó=çÑ=íÜÉ=qê~ÅÉê=d~ë the criteria of this standard.
SKP jÉ~ëìêÉãÉåí=çÑ=bñÜ~ìëí=^áêÑäçï=o~íÉë
The precision and accuracy of the measurement system
If the test space has multiple exhaust airstreams, the flow
and procedures shall be evaluated by a tracer gas measurement
rate of each exhaust airstream shall be measured.
in a well-mixed test chamber under controlled conditions at
the following times: SKQ qÉëí=çÑ=fåÑáäíê~íáçå=~åÇ=^áê=bñÅÜ~åÖÉ=ïáíÜ
(a) prior to conducting measurements for the first time,
This section describes measurements that must be
(b) before using a new tracer gas analyzer or equip- completed to determine if the test space has limited air infil-
ment or method of obtaining samples for analysis, tration and limited air exchange with adjoining indoor spaces.
and If the requirements listed in this section are not met, the test
space is not acceptable according to the criteria of this stan-
(c) at least once in every two-year period.
The test chamber shall be of a size and configuration (e.g., If a tracer gas decay is selected for measurement of air-
small and with a single compartment) to aid mixing of the change effectiveness, a special tracer step-up test called the

6 ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 129-1997 (RA 2002)

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“Test of Infiltration and Air Exchange with Adjoining Spaces” SKQKR Tracer gas injection shall be continued until tracer
is required based on the procedures in Sections 6.4.1 through gas concentrations in all exhaust airstreams have increased by
6.4.8. If a tracer gas step-up is selected for measurement of air- less than 8% during the previous hour. Samples shall then be
change effectiveness, the measurements required in Sections collected or measurements completed at other required mea-
6.4.1 through 6.4.8 may be completed in a special tracer step- surement locations.
up test or during the measurement of air-change effectiveness. SKQKS If samples were collected for subsequent analyses of
The tests of infiltration and air exchange with adjoining spaces tracer gas concentrations, analyze all samples using the tracer
shall be performed gas analyzer.
(a) before the first measurement of air-change effec- SKQKT Calculate the ratio of each final exhaust-air tracer
tiveness, gas concentration to the final supply-air tracer gas
concentration. These ratios must be within 0.10 of unity.
(b) whenever the size of any openings in the envelope
Ratios less than unity indicate air infiltration, airflow into the
of the test space are increased, or
test space from adjoining spaces, or measurement errors.
(c) whenever, in the judgment of the personnel per- SKQKU Calculate the ratio of each final tracer gas concen-
forming the measurement, the indoor pressure in tration in adjoining rooms to the final supply-air tracer gas
the test space or pressure in surrounding rooms or concentration. These ratios must be less than 0.10.
weather changes sufficiently to significantly affect
air infiltration and interzonal air exchange. SKR aÉíÉêãáå~íáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ=qê~ÅÉê=d~ë=jÉ~ëìêÉãÉåí
SKQKN The internal loads, furnishings, ventilation equip- içÅ~íáçåë=Ñçê=íÜÉ=jÉ~ëìêÉãÉåí=çÑ=^áêJ`Ü~åÖÉ=bÑÑÉÅíáîÉåÉëë
ment, and operating conditions during this test must be iden- SKRKN Measurements are required at a typical breathing
tical, to the degree practical, to the conditions during the level of occupants in the test space at 25% of workstations but
tracer decay measurement of air-change effectiveness. Identi- not at less than ten workstations nor at less than the total num-
cal set points must be used for the fans and dampers that con- ber of workstations if the test space contains fewer than ten. If
trol rates of airflow supplied to the test space and removed the space is predominantly occupied by seated adults, a height
from the test space. The set point for the supply air tempera- of 42 in. (1.1 m) above the floor shall be used as the breathing
ture must also be identical to the conditions during the tracer level. If the space is predominantly occupied by standing
decay measurement of air-change effectiveness. Small differ- adults, a height of 66 in. (1.7 m) above the floor shall be used
ences in loads, e.g., due to changes in weather or to normal as the breathing level. If the space is occupied by children, the
changes in occupants use of equipment in a space with many appropriate breathing level shall be selected by the person
occupants, are unavoidable and considered acceptable. Minor measuring air-change effectiveness. To the degree practical,
differences in furnishings (e.g., the position of chairs or the these measurement locations shall be spaced evenly per unit
location of one out of many desks or partitions) are also per- floor area throughout the test space. Because a selection of
missible. measurement locations that are predominantly near either
SKQKO Tracer gas measurements are required in each supply outlets or return grilles may cause a measurement bias,
exhaust airstream of the test space with a flow rate exceeding the breathing-level measurement locations shall be selected
10% of the total exhaust airflow rate. Sufficient measure- without consideration of the positions of supply outlets and
ments are required to characterize the tracer gas concentration return grilles.
in at least 85% of the air exhausted from the test space. Mea- SKRKO Measurements are required in all exhaust airstreams
surements are also required in the supply airstreams of the test with a flow rate exceeding 10% of the total exhaust airflow
space and from one breathing-level location within each rate, and sufficient measurements are required to characterize
adjoining space with a volume greater than 2% of the volume the tracer gas concentration in at least 85% of the air
of the test space. If an adjoining space has no supply and exhausted from the test space. Any location in the exhaust air-
exhaust airstreams, tracer gas measurements are required stream may be selected subject to the requirements of Section
from one centrally located point in the space. Measurements 5.4.4.
in the exhaust airstream of the test space must be in real time
with an approximately constant interval and a frequency of at SKRKP If air from a single outdoor airstream is supplied to
least five measurements during each nominal time constant. the test space, a measurement of tracer gas concentration in
At other measurement locations, only the final tracer gas con- the outdoor airstream is not required even when the tracer gas
centration must be measured. step-up method is used. If air from multiple outdoor air-
streams is supplied to the test space, the concentration of
SKQKP The equipment for tracer gas measurements shall be tracer gas in each outdoor airstream must be measured in
installed as required. order to confirm that each airstream has the same tracer gas
SKQKQ Real-time measurement of tracer gas concentration concentration within 15% (i.e., the maximum difference
in the exhaust airstreams shall be initiated. After one or more between any two concentrations is 15%). Consequently, with
measurements are complete in each exhaust airstream, start multiple outdoor airstreams, the HVAC systems must have
the injection of tracer gas into the outdoor air supply airstream outdoor air ducts or apparatus such that the tracer gas and out-
at a constant rate. Appendix G provides guidance on selection door air mix thoroughly before the outdoor airstreams mix
of tracer gas injection rates. with recirculated air or divide into more than one airstream.

ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 129-1997 (RA 2002) 7

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SKS pÉäÉÅíáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ=qê~ÅÉê=d~ë=p~ãéäáåÖ=~åÇ=jÉ~ëìêÉJ (b) to inject tracer gas at a constant rate into a supply
ãÉåí=jÉíÜçÇë=~åÇ=cêÉèìÉåÅáÉë airstream without stopping the supply of outdoor
SKSKN In each exhaust airstream, tracer gas concentration air.
shall be measured in real time (i.e., during the test) at a fixed time Unless a continuous injection process as described in (b)
interval of no more than one-fifth the nominal time constant. is used, the supply of outdoor air must be temporarily stopped;
SKSKO In the occupied zone, tracer gas concentration shall otherwise tracer concentrations will never stabilize and the
be measured in one or more of the following ways. At breath- initial tracer gas concentration cannot be determined. Fans
ing-level locations, tracer gas concentration may be measured may be operated within the test space to facilitate the initial
in real time at the same minimum frequency required for mixing of tracer gas. When the process described in (a) is
exhaust airstreams, or grab samples may be collected at the used, unstable air temperatures at the time the supply of
same locations and times and analyzed subsequently, or a outdoor air is started may lead to an invalid test based on the
time-integrated sample (e.g., bag sample) may be collected criteria in Section 4.3. Collect and analyze samples from the
continuously and at a constant rate during the test for subse- required measurement locations at breathing level and in
quent analysis and determination of the time-averaged tracer exhaust airstreams. The standard deviation divided by the
gas concentration at the measurement location. Where time- mean of the measured concentrations must be less than 10%,
integrated samples are collected and a tracer gas decay is and the ratio of the maximum to minimum concentration must
employed, the tracer gas concentration at the start of the decay be less than 1.2.
must also be measured. (The same measurement can be used SKNMKP Initiate the real-time measurement of tracer gas
to verify the initial mixing of tracer gas within the test space.) concentration in exhaust airstreams. After one measurement
Where time-integrated samples are collected and a tracer gas is complete in each exhaust airstream, start the supply of out-
step-up is employed, the tracer gas concentration at the end of door air if it has been stopped or terminate the injection of
the step-up, as defined in Section 6.11.4, must also be mea- tracer gas and record the time. Turn off any fans used to facil-
sured. itate initial mixing of tracer gas and indoor air. Simulta-
SKSKP When measurements of tracer gas concentration in neously, initiate the required sampling of tracer gas
outdoor airstreams are required, tracer gas concentration may concentration at breathing-level locations.
be measured in real time at the same frequency required for SKNMKQ Continue sampling of tracer gas until the tracer gas
exhaust airstreams or grab samples may be collected at the concentrations in all exhaust airstreams have decreased by
same locations and times and analyzed subsequently.
95%, which will have occurred when approximately three
SKT ^áê=qÉãéÉê~íìêÉ=jÉ~ëìêÉãÉåíë nominal time constants have elapsed. Record the time. This
To determine compliance with Section 4.3, air tempera- time is referred to as the end of the tracer gas decay.
ture must be measured during the measurement of air-change Continuing the tracer gas decay until concentrations in all
effectiveness in the center of a cross section of the supply exhaust airstreams have decreased by 95% is generally suffi-
airstream(s) and in the center of a cross section of all exhaust cient to prevent significant errors in measurement of air-
airstreams at a fixed interval at least five times per each nomi- change effectiveness but can result in significant errors (e.g.,
nal time constant. 15%) in the ages of air computed using Equation 1. When
more accurate measurements of age of air are desired,
SKU j~áåí~áåáåÖ=`çåëí~åí=fåíÉêå~ä=eÉ~í=dÉåÉê~íáçå=
measurements should be continued until tracer concentrations
The operation of internal sources of heat and air motion
have decreased by 97% or the calculation procedure described
and the number of occupants in the test space shall be docu-
in Appendix C should be used.
mented during the test to determine if the requirements in
Section 4.3 are met. As an alternative to documenting the use SKNMKR If samples were collected for subsequent analyses
of heat-producing equipment and fans, prior to the test the of tracer gas concentrations, analyze all samples using the
occupants can be instructed not to turn heat-producing equip- tracer gas analyzer.
ment or fans on or off during the test.
SKNN qê~ÅÉê=d~ë=píÉéJré=mêçÅÉÇìêÉ
SKV lîÉêêáÇáåÖ=es^`=`çåíêçäë SKNNKN Install instrumentation for sampling and measure-
During the measurement of air-change effectiveness, fan ment of tracer gas concentration and air temperatures at the
and damper controls must be overridden so that damper posi- required locations.
tions and fan speeds are constant during the test. SKNNKO Install tracer gas injection equipment. Tracer gas
SKNM qê~ÅÉê=d~ë=aÉÅ~ó=mêçÅÉÇìêÉ must be injected into each stream of outdoor air that is sup-
SKNMKN Install the instrumentation for sampling and mea- plied to the test space. With multiple outdoor airstreams,
surement of tracer gas concentration and air temperatures at tracer gas injection rates must be adjusted so that each outdoor
the required locations. Install tracer gas injection equipment. airstream has the same tracer gas concentration within 15%.
In a tracer gas step-up, the air and tracer gas must mix thor-
SKNMKO Use any method to label the indoor air uniformly
oughly between the location of tracer gas injection in the out-
with tracer gas. Two common methods are
door air and the downstream location in the outdoor air or
(a) to rapidly inject a volume of tracer into the supply supply air where the concentration of tracer gas in the air-
or return air or indoor air while the outdoor air sup- stream is measured or at a downstream location where the air-
ply is temporarily stopped, and stream divides into two or more airstreams. To check for

8 ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 129-1997 (RA 2002)

Licensed to Krassimira Iolova. ANSI order X_135986. Downloaded 8/12/2009 9:41 AM. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.
tracer mixing, air samples shall be withdrawn from at least six Ci,avg = the time-averaged tracer gas concentration at
locations in the appropriate cross section of the airstream. If location i between time tstart and tstop
this airstream contains recirculated indoor air, the samples Ci (tstart)= the tracer gas concentration at location i at time
shall be collected within ten minutes of the start of tracer gas tstart
injection. Collection of samples during the minimum practi-
cal time period is recommended. Each location shall be at The parameter Ci,avg is the concentration in the sample
approximately the center of an equal area of the cross section. bag when time-integrated bag sampling is employed. This
The subsequent analyses of these air samples must confirm parameter, Ci,avg equals the arithmetic average of the
that each sample has a tracer gas concentration within ±15% measured tracer gas concentrations at location i when concen-
of the average concentration. This check of tracer gas mixing tration is measured at approximately equally spaced intervals
can be completed at any time; however, the tracer injection of time. Appendix D provides a recommended equation for
location, rate, and equipment and the airstream flow rate and computing Ci,avg from a series of concentration measurements
temperature must be identical, within practical limit, to those with uneven time intervals.
during the measurement of air-change effectiveness.
TKO ^ÖÉ=çÑ=^áê=Ñêçã=~=qê~ÅÉê=d~ë=píÉéJré
SKNNKP Initiate the real-time measurement of tracer gas con-
centration in exhaust airstreams. After at least one measurement The age of air at location i from a tracer gas step-up
is complete in each exhaust airstream, start the injection of tracer measurement is calculated from Equation 2:
gas into the outdoor airstream and record the time. Simulta-
A i = ( t end – t start ) { 1 – [ C i,avg ⁄ C i ( t end ) ] } (2)
neously, initiate the required sampling of tracer gas concentra-
tion at breathing-level locations. The concentration of tracer gas
measured in the exhaust airstream prior to the start of tracer gas
injection must be less than 10% of the tracer gas concentration tend = the time when the final tracer gas concentration is
at the end of the tracer gas step-up as described in Section 6.11.4. measured at location i during the tracer gas step-up
SKNNKQ Continue sampling of tracer gas until the tracer gas or, with time-integrated sampling at location i, the
concentrations in all exhaust airstreams have increased no time when sampling is terminated
more than 8% during the previous hour, which will have tstart = the time when tracer gas injection starts at the
occurred when approximately three nominal time constants beginning of the tracer gas step-up
have elapsed. Then, at each location where a time-integrated
Ci(tend) = the tracer concentration at location i and time tend
sample is collected, collect a grab sample or measure the final
concentration and record the time. TKP kçãáå~ä=qáãÉ=`çåëí~åí
Continuing the measurements until tracer gas concentra-
The nominal time constant is calculated using Equation 3:
tions in all exhaust airstreams have increased by less than 8%
during the previous hour is generally sufficient to prevent
significant errors in measurement of air-change effectiveness ∑ ( Q ex,m A ex,m )
but can result in significant (e.g., 15%) errors in the ages of air τ n = -------------------------------------
m - (3)
computed using Equation 2. When more accurate measure- ∑ Q ex,m
ments of age of air are desired, measurements should be
continued until tracer concentrations have stabilized within where
the precision of the measurement system or the calculation
τn = the nominal time constant
procedure described in Appendix C should be used.
SKNNKR Stop the injection of tracer gas. m = an identification number unique for each exhaust
TK `^i`ri^qflkp Qex,m = the rate of airflow in exhaust airstream m
TKN ^ÖÉ=çÑ=^áê=cêçã=~=qê~ÅÉê=d~ë=aÉÅ~ó Aex,m = the age of air in exhaust airstream m
The age of air from a tracer gas decay is calculated from The symbol ∑ indicates a summation for all m exhaust
Equation 1: airstreams.

A i = ( t stop – t start ) C i,avg ⁄ C i ( t start ) (1)

TKQ ^áêJ`Ü~åÖÉ=bÑÑÉÅíáîÉåÉëë
where The air-change effectiveness is calculated from Equa-
Ai = the age of air at location i tion 4:
tstop = the time of the final tracer gas measurement at E = τ n ⁄ A avg (4)
location i during the tracer gas decay or, with
time-integrated sampling at location i, the time where
when sampling is terminated
tstart = the time when outdoor airflow is started or tracer E = the air-change effectiveness
injection is stopped at the beginning of a tracer gas Aavg = the arithmetic average of the ages of air measured
decay at breathing level within the test space

ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 129-1997 (RA 2002) 9

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UK obmloqfkd=lc=fkcloj^qflk=lk=qbpq=pm^`b= and Refrigeration Systems. American Society of
^ka=es^`=pvpqbj Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engi-
neers, Inc. Atlanta, GA.
Features of the test space, HVAC system, and operating
conditions influence the air-change effectiveness and should be (This appendix is not part of this standard but is pro-
included with reports of measurements of air-change effectiveness. vided for information only.)
UKN Inclusion of the following information with reports of
the measurement of air-change effectiveness is required: Appendix A—Bibliography

(a) the nominal time constant or its reciprocal—the Bauman, F.S., D. Faulkner, E.A. Arens, W.J. Fisk, L.P.
nominal air-change rate, Johnston, P.J. McNeel, D. Pih, and H. Zhang. 1991. Air
movement, comfort, and ventilation in workstations.
(b) the total supply airflow rate, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report, LBL-30574,
(c) the flow rate of each exhaust airstream, Berkeley, CA.
Fisk, W.J., J. Binenboym, H. Kaboli, D. Grimsrud, A.W.
(d) the flow rate through each supply diffuser, Robb, and B. Weber. 1985. A multi-tracer system for
(e) the flow rate through each return grille, measuring ventilation rates and ventilation efficiencies
in large mechanically ventilated buildings. Supplement
(f) the percentage of outdoor air in the supply air, to the Proceedings of the 6th AIVC Conference, Ventila-
(g) the history of supply and return air temperatures tion Strategies and Measurement Techniques, pp. 69-92.
during the measurement, and Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre, Coventry, Great
(h) the height above the floor of the breathing-level Fisk, W.J., D. Faulkner, and R.J. Prill. 1991. Air exchange
measurements of age of air. effectiveness of conventional and task ventilation for
UKO Inclusion of the following information with reports of the offices. In IAQ ’91, Healthy Buildings, American Soci-
measurement of air-change effectiveness is recommended: ety of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers, Atlanta, GA.
(a) a floor plan with dimensions and measurement Fisk, W.J., R.J. Prill, and O. Seppanen. 1988. Commercial
locations indicated on the plan, building ventilation measurements using multiple tracer
(b) a diagram of the HVAC system with measurement gases. Proceedings of the 9th AIVC Conference, Effec-
locations indicated on the diagram, tive Ventilation, vol. 1, pp. 161-182. Air Infiltration and
Ventilation Centre, Coventry, Great Britain.
(c) a description of internal loads, Fisk, W.J., R.J. Prill, and O. Seppanen. 1989. A multi-tracer
(d) a description of supply diffuser types and locations, technique for studying rates of ventilation, air distribu-
tion patterns, and air exchange efficiencies. Building
(e) a description of return outlet types and locations, Systems: Room Air and Air Contaminant Distribution,
(f) a record of the position of doors (open or closed) pp. 237-240. American Society of Heating, Refrigerat-
within the test space during the measurement of ing and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. Atlanta, GA.
air-change effectiveness, and Offermann, F.J. 1988. Ventilation effectiveness and ADPI
measurements of a forced-air heating system. ASHRAE
(g) the rate of airflow through fans operating within Transactions, Vol. 94, Part 1, pp. 694-704. American
the test space, e.g., desktop fans. Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
It is beyond the scope of this standard to describe the Engineers, Inc. Atlanta, GA.
methods for determining each of these parameters. Substantial Persily, A.K., and R.A. Grot. 1985. Ventilation measure-
guidance is provided in the documents listed in Section 9 and ments in large office buildings. ASHRAE Transactions,
Appendix A. Vol. 91, Part 2a., pp. 488-502. American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,
VK obcbobk`bp Inc. Atlanta, GA.
1. ASTM Standard E741-95, Standard Test Methods for Persily, A.K. 1986. Ventilation effectiveness measurements
Determining Air Change in a Single Zone by Means in an office building. IAQ ’86, Managing Indoor Air for
of a Tracer Gas Dilution, American Society for Health and Energy Conservation, pp. 548-567. Ameri-
Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA. can Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Condi-
2. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.7-1984 (RA 2000), Method tioning Engineers, Inc. Atlanta, GA.
of Test for Measurement of Flow of Gas. American Persily, A.K., and W.S. Dols. 1989. Field measurements of
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Condi- ventilation and ventilation effectiveness in an office/
tioning Engineers, Inc. Atlanta, GA. library building. Indoor Air 1, pp. 229-246.
3. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 111-1988, Practices for Mea- Persily, A.K., W.S. Dols, and S.J. Nabinger. 1994. Air
surement, Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of change effectiveness measurements in two office build-
Building Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning ings. Indoor Air 4, pp. 40-55.

10 ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 129-1997 (RA 2002)

Licensed to Krassimira Iolova. ANSI order X_135986. Downloaded 8/12/2009 9:41 AM. Single user license only. Copying and networking prohibited.
Sandberg, M., C. Blomquist, and M. Sjoberg. 1982. Warm If for some reason a significant amount of the supply
air systems, part 2: Tracer gas measurements and venti- airflow from the diffusers flows directly into the return vents
lation efficiencies. Bulletin M82:23. Swedish Institute without mixing with the room air, then the effective rate of
for Building Research, Gavle, Sweden. outdoor airflow to the occupied portion of the space will be
Sandberg, M., and M. Sjoberg. 1983. The use of moments less than the total outdoor airflow rate into the space. An air-
for assessing air quality in ventilated rooms. Building change effectiveness measurement using this standard will
and Environment, Vol. 18, pp. 181-197. yield a value of E that is significantly less than 1. Under these
Seppanen, O. 1986. Ventilation efficiency in practice. IAQ circumstances, the ventilation process will be less effective in
’86, Managing Indoor Air for Health and Energy Con- delivering outdoor air to the occupied portion of the space than
servation, pp. 559-567. American Society of Heating, it would be under conditions of perfect mixing. The outdoor
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. airflow rate provided to the space CDVR should be increased
Atlanta, GA. above DVR62 to account for this short-circuiting.
Some ventilation systems are designed so that the venti-
(This appendix is not part of this standard but is pro- lation air is delivered within the occupied portion of the space
vided for information only.) and sweeps through the space to the return vents with little
mixing of the ventilation air with the room air. Such systems
Appendix B—Relationship of Air-Change are more effective in delivering outdoor air to the occupied
Effectiveness to Design Ventilation Rates in portion of the space than systems that offer perfect mixing
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62-2001 with the same outdoor airflow rate to the space. An air-change
effectiveness measurement conducted in accordance with
This appendix discusses how the values of air-change
Standard 129 will yield a value of E that is greater than 1. The
effectiveness determined with this test method can be used
outdoor airflow rate to the space CDVR can therefore be
with the Design Ventilation Rates from ANSI/ASHRAE Stan-
decreased below the value of DVR62 based on the above
dard 62-2001, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.
Standard 62-2001 describes the determination of the At present, only limited measurements of E are available
Design Ventilation Rate (DVR62) for a ventilated space based for mechanical ventilation systems. Ideally, a series of values
on the space type and occupancy and an analysis of contami- for air-change effectiveness would be available for different
nant sources. The DVR62 is the minimum recommended ventilation system types at different supply air and room air
amount of outdoor air that must be delivered to the occupied temperatures and airflow rates. These would then be used at
portion of a space in order to comply with the ventilation the system design stage to adjust the DVR62 values for each
requirements of Standard 62-2001. The calculation of DVR62 space to determine the outdoor air delivery rates required for
is based on the assumption that the indoor air is well mixed. each space. However, values of E for different circumstances
Indoor airflow patterns that are distinct from perfect mixing will not be available until more experimental work is
within the ventilated space may result in a difference between performed in the laboratory and the field. Given the current
the effective outdoor air delivery rate to the occupied space lack of values for E, one can adjust the DVR62 for a space by
and the DVR62 of the space. If such a difference exists, then measuring the value of E in a mock-up of the space.
the value of DVR62 for a space should be corrected to account The air-change effectiveness varies with HVAC system
for other mixing conditions. The corrected value, referred to as operating conditions. The extent of mechanical recirculation
CDVR, is the outdoor airflow rate that should be supplied to (e.g., percent outside air in the supply airstream) and the
the space and used in the ventilation system design. supply air temperature, when it exceeds the room air temper-
The air-change effectiveness, E, determined with this ature, have a particularly strong influence on air-change effec-
standard can be used to relate CDVR and DVR62 according to tiveness. Additionally, the configuration of the ventilated
CDVR = DVR62/E space and the sources of heat generation and air motion in the
ventilated space will influence the air-change effectiveness.
In other words, if a design ventilation rate of DVR62 has Therefore, corrections to the design ventilation rate for a
been determined for a space using the procedures in Standard particular HVAC operating condition and ventilated space
62-2001, the actual outdoor airflow rate CDVR provided to condition must be based on measured values of air-change
the space by the ventilation system should be equal to DVR62 effectiveness made in a similar space under the same or very
divided by the air-change effectiveness, E. similar operating conditions.
If the ventilation air within a space is perfectly mixed, i.e.,
E = 1, then the outdoor airflow rate to the ventilated space (This appendix is not part of this standard but is pro-
should be identical to the required rate of outdoor airflow vided for information only.)
DVR62. While perfect mixing is an idealized airflow pattern,
it is the objective of induction air diffusers commonly used in Appendix C—Exact Equations for Calculating Age
mechanically ventilated commercial buildings. If these diffus- of Air from Tracer Gas Concentrations
ers are performing properly, then a measurement of E using The test method uses approximate equations to determine
this standard will yield a value essentially equal to one, and the the age of air Ai from tracer gas concentrations. These equa-
outdoor airflow rate to the space CDVR should be equal to tions result in sufficiently accurate determinations of air-
DVR62. change effectiveness given the restrictions in the test method.

ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 129-1997 (RA 2002) 11

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Significant (e.g., 15%) errors in age of air can result from use As discussed for the decay test, this equation is essentially
of these equations. This appendix presents the theoretical the same as Equation C5, except that the integral is terminated
equations relating tracer gas concentrations to the age of air for at tstop instead of being evaluated through to infinity. The
both decay and step-up tests. errors associated with a finite period of integration are less-
ened by determining Ci,avg over a period of about three nomi-
Decay nal time constants. If the concentration of tracer gas in the
In a decay test, the space being tested is assumed to be at incoming outside air, Ceq, is known, Equation C6 can be
a uniform tracer gas concentration, C0, at time t = 0. The tracer corrected to account for the early termination of the integral by
gas concentration in the space then decreases toward the adding the following term:
outdoor concentration, assumed to equal zero, at a rate that
[ C eq – C i ( t end ) ] ⁄ L′ C eq (C7)
depends on the air-change rate of the space and the location
within the space. The age of air at a point i in the space is given where L’ is the negative of the slope of the natural logarithm
by Equation C1: of the concentration difference (Ceq − Ci (t)) as a function of
∞ time calculated at the end of the concentration step-up. In
1 practice, this slope can be determined based on the concentra-
A i = ------ ∫ C i ( t )dt (C1)
C0 tion data over the last time constant prior to tend. Ceq is iden-
tical to the tracer gas concentration in the outdoor air (Coa)
Equation C2 is presented in the standard to calculate Ai for downstream of the tracer gas injection location. The equation
a decay test: for the corrected age of air Ai,corr is, therefore,

A i = ( t stop – t start ) C i,avg ⁄ C i ( t start ) (C2) A i,corr = ( t end – t inj ) { 1 – [ C i,avg ⁄ C i ( t end ) ] } +
[ C eq – C i ( t end ) ] ⁄ L′ C eq .
This equation is essentially the same as Equation C1,
except that the integral is terminated at tstop instead of being
evaluated through to infinity. The errors associated with a (This appendix is not part of this standard but is pro-
finite period of integration are lessened by determining Ci,avg vided for information only.)
over a period of about three nominal time constants. Equation
C2 can be corrected to account for the early termination of the Appendix D—Determination of Average
integral by adding the following term: Tracer Gas Concentration from a Series of
Concentration Measurements with Uneven Time
C i ( t stop ) ⁄ LC i ( t start ) (C3)
Intervals Between Measurements
where L is the negative of the slope of the natural logarithm of An accurate value of the time-average tracer gas concen-
the concentration as a function of time calculated at the end of tration, Ci,avg, is required to calculate the age of air with Equa-
the concentration decay. In practice, this slope can be deter- tions 1 and 2. When Ci,avg is determined from a series of
mined based on the concentration data over the last time concentration measurements with uneven time intervals,
constant prior to tstop. The equation for the corrected age of air, Equation D1 is recommended:
Ai,corr, is, therefore,
n = last – 1
C i,n + C i,n + 1
A i,corr = ( t stop – t start ) C i,avg ⁄ C i ( t start ) + ∑ --------------------------------- ( t n + 1 – t n )
(C4) 2
C i ( t stop ) ⁄ LC i ( t start ) C i,avg n =
= -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
( t last – t first )
Step-Up where C is a tracer gas concentration, t is a time, subscript i
In a step-up measurement, the tracer gas concentration refers to a specific location, subscript n refers to an individual
throughout the space being tested is assumed to equal zero at measurement in the time series of measurements, last refers to
time t = 0. At that time, tracer gas is injected into the outdoor the final measurement in the time series, and first refers to the
air being delivered to the space at a constant rate. The tracer first measurement in the time series.
gas concentration in the space increases to an equilibrium
value C at a rate that depends on the air-change rate of the (This appendix is not part of this standard but is pro-
space and the location within the space. The local age of air at vided for information only.)
a point i in the space is given by Equation C5:
Appendix E—Measurement Uncertainty

Ci ( t ) 
 1 – ------------- A large number of factors can cause errors in measure-
Ai = ∫  C ∞ ( t )
- dt (C5)
ments of air-change effectiveness. Assuming that the
measurement procedures and quality-control checks
Equation C6 is presented in the standard to calculate Ai for described in this standard are followed, an estimate of
a step-up test: measurement uncertainty has been developed. This appendix
describes the method of estimating uncertainty and reports the
A i = ( t end – t start )+ { 1 – [ C i,avg ⁄ C i ( t end ) ] } (C6) uncertainty estimates.

12 ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 129-1997 (RA 2002)

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A list of the factors considered most likely to cause signif-
icant measurement errors was developed, and either standard (This appendix is not part of this standard but is pro-
propagation of error techniques or example calculations were vided for information only.)
used to estimate the uncertainty in measured air-change effec-
tiveness associated with each factor. The inputs for these Appendix F—Selecting the Tracer Decay
calculations are based on the specifications within the stan- or Tracer Step-Up Methods
dard and also on professional judgment (e.g., a judgment of the
precision of tracer gas analyzers) of those experienced with The selection of either the decay or step-up method
measurements of air-change effectiveness. The total estimated should be based on the ability to achieve the conditions
uncertainty was then computed as the square root of the sum required by the respective method. The decay method should
of the squares of the individual uncertainties. be used if it is easier to achieve an initial uniform tracer gas
Table E1 lists the factors considered, some of the assumed concentration throughout the test space, and the step-up
inputs for the uncertainty estimates, and the estimated uncer- method should be used if it is easier to achieve a uniform and
tainties associated with each factor. Some factors caused identical tracer gas concentration in the outdoor airstream(s).
unexpectedly small errors in the measurement of air-change In a large test space with many air handlers, it may be
effectiveness because the resultant error in the numerator and
difficult to use the step-up method, which requires that the
denominator of the air-change effectiveness parameter largely
canceled out. Based on these calculations, the estimated total concentration of tracer in each outside airstream be uniform
uncertainty in the measured values of air-change effectiveness and identical within specified limits. For this type of test
is approximately ±16% for both the tracer gas decay measure- space, a uniform initial concentration in the test space may be
ment procedure and the step-up measurement procedure. This achieved through controlled tracer gas injections into selected
estimate of uncertainty does not account for temporal varia- air handlers with the air handlers adjusted for maximum recir-
tions in airflow rates or in internal loads during tests. Temporal culation.
variations in flow rates and loads may increase the imprecision For test spaces that are physically divided into many
of air-change effectiveness measurements, not because of zones with little recirculation, it may be difficult to use the
increased measurement errors but due to instabilities in the decay method, which requires a uniform initial tracer gas
system subject to the measurements.
concentration throughout the entire test space. For this type of
The estimated measurement uncertainty of ±16% may be
an overestimate of actual measurement uncertainty for many test space, the requirements of a tracer gas step-up may be
situations. The calculations are based on the maximum allow- achieved by adjustment of the tracer gas injection rates into
able tolerances in the measurement standard. In addition, each outside airstream as required to obtain identical tracer gas
some near-worst-case assumptions were made to simplify the concentration. Multipoint injection of tracer into each outside
calculations. In general, measurement uncertainty will airstream may be necessary to ensure a uniform concentration
decrease as the air-change effectiveness becomes closer to in the outside airstream. Passage of the airstream through a fan
unity. also facilitates mixing of the tracer in the airstream.
Measurement uncertainties may be reduced by eliminat-
ing or decreasing some sources of error. For example, an aver- (This appendix is not part of this standard but is pro-
age error of ±3% (maximum error of 7%) was obtained from vided for information only.)
11 measurements of the air-change effectiveness in a research
facility containing fans that vigorously mixed the indoor Appendix G—Estimation of Tracer Gas
Injection Rates
REFERENCES FOR APPENDIX E This appendix provides guidance on estimating tracer gas
1. Bauman, F.S., D. Faulkner, E.A. Arens, W.J. Fisk, L.P. injection rates for performing measurements of air-change
Johnston, P.J. McNeel, D. Pih, and H. Zhang. 1991. effectiveness.
Air movement, comfort and ventilation in worksta- When performing a decay test to determine air-change
tions. ASHRAE Transactions 98 (1), pp. 756 - 780. effectiveness, it is required that the space start with a uniform
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and tracer gas concentration at time t = 0. Any method that
Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. Atlanta, GA. achieves these conditions is acceptable. Two common meth-
2. Faulkner, D., W.J. Fisk, and D.P. Sullivan. 1993. Indoor ods are described in this appendix. The first method is to inject
air flow and pollutant removal in a room with
tracer at a constant rate and wait until the concentration is
desk-top task ventilation. ASHRAE Transactions 99
(2), pp. 750-758. American Society of Heating, uniform throughout the space. The second method is to release
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. a quantity of tracer gas over a short period of time (relative to
Atlanta, GA. the nominal time constant) and wait for this gas to mix
3. Faulkner, D., W.J. Fisk, and D.P. Sullivan. 1995. Indoor throughout the interior of the space. As discussed in the stan-
airflow and pollutant removal in a room with dard, mixing fans can be used in the space in either case to
floor-based task ventilation: Results of additional exper- facilitate achieving a uniform concentration.
iments. Building and Environment 30(3): 323-332. When performing a step-up measurement of air-change
4. Fisk, W.J., D. Faulkner, D. Pih, P.J. McNeel, F.S. Bau- effectiveness, the constant injection method must be used.
man, and E.A. Arens. 1991. Indoor air flow and pol-
lutant removal in a room with task ventilation. Constant-Injection Method
Indoor Air 1 (3), pp. 247-262.
5. Faulkner, D., and W.J. Fisk. 1994. Unpublished data, If the constant-injection method is used, one can estimate
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. the required tracer injection rate based on the outdoor air

ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 129-1997 (RA 2002) 13

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Estimates of Uncertainty Due to a Variety of Factors
Source of Assumed Condition Method of Estimated Error in
Measurement Error Estimating Error Measured
Air-Change Effectiveness
Decay Step-Up
Uncertain calibration gas concentrations Random 4% error in calibration gas con- Propagation of error analysis 5.7% 5.7%
Imprecision and bias of analyzer 5% error in tracer gas concentration Propagation of error analysis 8.5% 8.5%
Exhaust airstream sample doesn't have average 5% error in exhaust tracer gas concentration Propagation of error analysis 6% 6%
exhaust concentration
Loses or gains of tracer in sampling system(s) 5% error in tracer gas concentration Propagation of error analysis 8.5% 8.5%
Uneven tracer concentration at start of decay 10% difference between initial concentra- Example calculations with 2.6% not applicable
tion in two adjacent zones two-zone model
Exhaust air age based on a portion of all exhaust Concentration not measured in 10% of Example calculations 2.5% 2.5%
air exhaust flow, age in uncharacterized
exhaust is 75% of measured exhaust age
In step-up, different outside airstreams have dif- Two outside airstreams have 15% different Example calculations with not applicable 1.5%
ferent tracer concentration tracer concentration two-zone model
Air leaks into test space or exhaust air duct from Air leakage rate is 10% of mechanical Example calculations with 0% 4.4%
outside delivery of outside air two-zone model
Air leaks into test space or exhaust air duct from Air leakage rate is 10% of mechanical Example calculations 0 to 9%, Avg. 0 to 9%, Avg.
surrounding indoor space(s) delivery of outside air, age identical in test 4.5% 4.5%
space and leakage air
Test stopped before time of infinity Stop after 3 nominal time constants, no esti- Example calculations < 1% < 1%
mate of remainder
Uncertain time at start of decay or step-up 1 minute uncertainty in start time, nominal Example calculations 1.6% 1.6%
time constant is 0.25 h, air-change effec-
tiveness ~0.75
Unstable tracer concentration in outside air Step change in concentration by 5%, after 2 Example calculations with not applicable 2.4%
h in a 4-h step-up, nominal time constant = two-zone mass balance
1 h, air-change effectiveness ~ 0.75 model
Estimated Total Uncertainty 16%

ventilation rate of the space being tested and the concentration – 9 6 × 10 mL ⁄ min
range of the measurement device. Ideally, the outdoor air q = 5000L ⁄ s ( 25 × 10 ) ---------------------------------------- = 7.5 mL ⁄ min (G2)
1L ⁄ s
ventilation rate of space Q will have been measured previously
under the test conditions. If not, then the user must estimate its If the ventilation rate is 10,000 cfm, then the tracer gas
value. Based on the concentration range of the tracer gas concentration is calculated as follows:
analyzer, the user should select a concentration near the
middle of the measurement range, Cmid. The tracer injection ft
– 9 2.832 × 10 mL
q = 10000 ---------- ( 25 × 10 ) ------------------------------------
- = 7.08 ---------- (G3)
rate, q, to the space is then given by Equation G1: min 1ft
3 min

q = Q × C mid . (G1)
Inject and Mix Method
When using these equations, the user must be careful in
In this method, a short-term tracer gas injection is
dealing with the units. The ventilation rate, Q, is generally
followed by a mixing period. One estimates the injection
expressed as a volumetric airflow rate in L/s or cfm. Tracer gas
volume based on the volume of the space being tested and the
concentrations are usually expressed in parts per million or
concentration range of the measurement device. The tracer gas
billion (ppm or ppb) and in some cases in percentage. Tracer
injection volume, v, into a space of volume, V, is then given by
gas injection rates are expressed in a variety of units, such as
Equation G4:
L/min., mL/min., cfm, or scfh (standard cubic feet per hour).
Depending on the units employed, the user may have to v = V × C mid (G4)
employ various unit conversions to determine q.
For example, if the outdoor air ventilation rate of the When using these equations, the user must again be care-
space is 5000 L/s and the target tracer gas concentration is 25 ful in dealing with the units. The space volume V is generally
ppb, then the tracer injection rate, q, is calculated as shown expressed m3 or ft3, and the tracer gas volume is usually
below: expressed in L, mL, or ft3. Depending on the units employed,

14 ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 129-1997 (RA 2002)

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the user may have to employ various unit conversions to deter- recommended procedure for checking for leakage in sampling
mine v. systems follows:
For example, if the space volume is 5000 m3 and the target Step a) Fill a gas sample bag with a calibration gas. Draw
tracer gas concentration is 25 ppb, then the tracer injection a sample from the sample bag into the calibrated tracer gas
volume, v, is calculated as shown below. analyzer through metal tubing with the minimum practical
length and with the minimum practical amount of fittings and
3 – 9 10 mL valves in the sample path. Analyze the sample ten times to
v = 5000 m ( 25 × 10 ) ----------------
- = 125 mL (G5)
1m determine the average measured tracer gas concentration. This
concentration should equal the known concentration of the
If the space volume is 100,000 ft3, then the tracer gas calibration gas, within the limits of the analyzer’s accuracy.
concentration is calculated as shown below. Step b) After the sampling system is fully assembled,
4 select a time period when the tracer gas concentration in the air
3 – 9 2.832 × 10 mL
v = 100, 000 ft ( 25 × 10 ) ------------------------------------
- = 70.8 mL (G6) surrounding the sampling system is less than 5% of the tracer
1ft gas concentration in the sample bag. Connect the sample bag
filled with calibration gas to the inlet end of a sample tube.
Given the tracer gas injection volume, one can measure
Draw a sample from the bag into the tracer gas analyzer, allow-
out the volume and inject it all at once. Alternatively, one can
ing for sufficient purging of the sampling system. Using the
inject the tracer gas through a flow meter over some short
tracer gas analyzer, determine the tracer gas concentration.
period of time at a constant rate. In this case, the injection rate
Repeat the measurement ten times and compute the average
will equal the injection volume divided by the length of the
measured tracer gas concentration. Within the limits of the
injection period. The injection period should be short relative
analyzer’s accuracy, the average concentration should match
to the nominal time constant of the space and is typically on the
that measured in step a.
order of a few minutes.
Step c) Repeat Step b for each sample tube.
(This appendix is not part of this standard but is pro-
vided for information only.)

Appendix H—Recommended Procedure for

Ensuring Negligible Leakage in Sampling Systems
Leakage of air into sampling systems may lead to signif-
icant errors in measurements of tracer gas concentration. The

ANSI/ASHRAE STANDARD 129-1997 (RA 2002) 15

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