Module 4
Module 4
Module 4
After studying this module, you as a NSTP Graduate
should be able to:
1. Drug Abuse, Drug Dependence and Drug
a. Commonly Used Drugs
b. Effects/Consequences of Drug Use
2. Prevention and Treatment of Drug Abuse,
Dependence and Addiction Classicism
3. Laws and Measures Promoted by
Government to Fight Drug Use
At your age do you really know what kind of drug can
Over the years, social problem is inevitable help you or could be possibly destroy not only
in the social environment. One of the social
yourself but also your family and the entire
challenges that humans faced is the
problem on Drugs. This may include abuse, community?
misuse and addiction of drugs. Addressing
If you know someone who is already into drugs how
the concern and problem on drugs is a great
challenge to the government to ensure the you would deal with them or how can you help
well-being of the general public. them?
Any drug may be harmful when taken in excess and B. Synthetic- anything that is produced
some can also be harmful if taken in dangerous artificially or processed in the laboratory
combinations or by hypersensitive (allergic) persons
in ordinary or even small amounts.
Any government forensic laboratory or any WHAT IS THE SPECIAL EDUCATION CENTER?
drug-testing laboratory accredited and
monitored by the Department of Health A special education center shall be established in
shall conduct drug tests. each province to sponsor drug-prevention programs
and information campaigns and educate the out-of-
ROLES OF FAMILY, STUDENTS, TEACHERS AND school youth and street children on the harmful
SCHOOL AUTHORITIES effects of drugs.
R.A. 9165 provides for both a voluntary submission Has not been charged or convicted of any
program and compulsory confinement for the offense under R.A. 9165 or R.A. 6425 or the
rehabilitation and treatment of drug dependents.
Revised Penal Code.
How is the voluntary submission program Has not escaped from the center.
Poses no threat or danger to himself, his
1. A drug dependent may voluntarily apply with family and the community.
the dangerous Drugs Board for treatment
or rehabilitation. It can also be done by a
parent, spouse, guardian or relative.
Applicants who cannot meet these rehabilitated
after the second commitment to the Center, shall be
2. The Board shall refer the matter to the court. charged fro violation of Section 5 (Drug Use).
5. After confinement in a center for treatment WHAT ARE THE FUNCTIONS OF THE DANGEROUS
and rehabilitation, the court shall determine DRUGS BOARD AND THE PHILIPPINE DRUG
whether the drug dependent will undergo ENFORCEMENT AGENCY?
further confinement.
The Dangerous Drugs Board is the policy-making
and strategy –formulating body in the planning and
6. After the applicant has been temporarily
formulation of programs on drug prevention and
released, he will still be required to report to
the DOH for aftercare and follow-up control. It is composed of 17 members to ensure
treatment. wider presentation. It shall promulgate rules and
regulations to carry out the provisions of R.A> 9165.
HOW WILL THE DRUG DEPENDENT BENEFIT FROM R.A. 9165 also mandates the creation of the
THIS PROGRAM? Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA). This
shall serve as the implementing arm of the Board
Aside form benefiting from the treatment and
and will carry out the national drug campaign.
rehabilitation, the drug dependent shall also be
exempt from the liability imposed for drug abuse. The PDEA shall have custody of all dangerous drugs
However, the applicant should meet the following seized, and establish forensic laboratories in each
requirements: PNP office. It shall cause the filing of the appropriate
First Regular Session Always remember that any kind of drugs legal or illegal
once used differently according to the prescription can
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the be term as drug abused. Because it affects a person’s life
in many ways and can also destroy a person’s health,
twenty-second day of July, two thousand thirteen.
family and can extend to the community. Your
knowledge and skills acquired during this module could
For further discussion about the laws and be a great help to fight drug abuse in our society by
measurements on drugs, you may read EO 218 and sharing it to your family and friends.
R.A. 10640 to this following sites: and You have learned the three main laws on drugs: The Executive Order No. 218, the Republic Act No.
9165, and the Republic Act No. 10640. These
policies serve as the blueprint in the implementation
LEARNING on preventive measurements of the government
ACTIVITY 2 mainly in prohibited drugs. The existing laws are
the bases of succeeding policies, programs, and
Answer the following questions in a services carried out in most of the government
piece of paper or in a form of a document word.
You might wonder why should you need
to learn these laws. Well as a young citizen of the
1. As stated earlier, policy is an effective way to
country, it is essential for you to have background
address challenges on drugs. Do you think the three about the laws for you to be knowledgeable that any
specific policies learned is substantial in resolving prohibited acts against these laws may cause you to
and addressing challenges in the Philippines? How violate it and equated with legal consequences and
do you say so? (15pts) has punishment. Eventually after finishing your
degree, the knowledge about these laws will be
2. What do you think will happen if we do not have helpful because some of you will be law enforcers,
laws on drugs in the Philippines? Will it affect you? law makers and also in general a law-abiding citizen.