Muhammad Faisal Hafiz 20018128 - Teachers Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension
Muhammad Faisal Hafiz 20018128 - Teachers Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension
Muhammad Faisal Hafiz 20018128 - Teachers Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension
Lecturer :
Fitrawati, S.S., M.Pd.
Honesty Y. Ayudhia, M.Pd.
Each teacher hoped able to create a condition of learning that challenge the creativity
and the activities of students, motivation of students, and use multimedia, multimethod, and
multisource to achieve the objectives of learning that is hoped. The using Strategy is very
needed to help the learning understanding of students. Teaching strategy is assumed as the
way of achieving something in the teaching process. It is appropriate with the strategy that
teachers used, teacher can achieve the objective of the teaching plan.
Determining the teaching strategy applied in the English classroom has a brief related
to the teachers’ perception. It is very important for teachers aware of their thought before
teaching in the classroom, because all the needs, the condition, and the culture of the
classroom are in the teacher’s control. By recognizing thoughts, the teacher can examine
what should be done in the classroom.
Based on the researcher’s observation in SMK Teknologi Plus Padang the problem in
Senior high school is teacher strategies and students' learning English to understand a
Reading Comprehension, probably this is caused by the teacher strategies are not effective
and lack vocabulary and the activities that do not suit them and also the researcher finds
students will be bored because the teacher only focuses on their study but the teacher
sometimes forget about the strategies in teaching reading comprehension and What are
students’ responses. Perception is the process by which organisms interpret and organize
sensations to produce a meaningful experience of the past.
The teacher has many perceptions in practicing English language teaching in the
classroom. As Baker, R., & Moroz, W. (1997) noted that most teachers conduct social studies
lessons similarly and that little has changed over decades, that is, they continue to use
teacher-centered delivery rather than student-centered inquiry strategies. Some experienced
teachers believe that teaching the English language in the classroom should be teacher-
centered because the teacher is the expert who has the authority to present the material or the
information in the classroom. But, another teacher also believes that the student-centered is
an appropriate strategy to apply because it can promote students more active and enthusiastic
in participating in classroom activities when presenting the material. Some teachers still kept
on their belief to apply a traditional way to teach, and some other teachers have changed to
new beliefs affecting of changing into new strategies in their way of teaching. Besides that,
the students’ perceptions can bring much more benefit for teachers’ future improvement,
because it can evaluate teachers’ teaching in the classroom by analyzing students’
Students’ perception also becomes such a tool to measure the successful teaching and
learning process in the classroom. It is proved that when students are perceived well they also
will act well performance to achieve teachers’ objectives in the classroom. Based on the
background explained above, this research examined what are the Strategy are used by the
teacher and how the students perceive their EFL teachers’ teaching Strategies in English
language classroom experiences entitled “An Analysis of English Teacher’s Strategies in
Teaching Reading Comprehension at SMK Teknologi Plus Padang.”
The scope of this research is focused on describing the strategies used by the teacher
in teaching English reading comprehension and the students’ perception towards the strategy
used by the teacher experienced in teaching and learning process at Second Grade Students in
SMK Teknologi Plus Padang.
Teaching was derived from the word teach which means educating somebody to know
or be able to do something. The word teaches has the most extensive use in formal and
informal situations and at all levels of education. Teaching is the process of transferring
knowledge from the teacher to the students or from someone to another either in a formal or
informal situation. Teaching is a complex process.
Teaching strategies can help students take more responsibility for their learning and
enhance the process of teaching for learning. The key is to create more interactive learning
environments, integrate technology where applicable into the learning experience, and use
collaborative learning strategies when appropriate. A teaching strategy is a teacher’s plan in
the teaching and learning process to achieve a purpose that has been planned. In other words,
teaching strategies were approaches to teaching students. The teacher has to apply the
strategy to balance the method the teachers used and the way the teachers used to apply the
Reading comprehension is the act of understanding what you were reading. While the
definition can be simply stated the act is not easy to teach, learn or practice. Reading
comprehension is an intentional, active, interactive process that occurs before, during, and
after a person reads a particular piece of writing. People read for many reasons but
understanding is always their main purpose. Reading comprehension is important because
without it reading does not provide the reader with any information. Reading comprehension
is the ability to read text, process it, and understand its meaning. An individual's ability to
comprehend text is influenced by their traits and skills, one of which is the ability to make
inferences. If word recognition is difficult, students used too much of their processing
capacity to read individual words, which interferes with their ability to comprehend what was
Reading is the one of skills in the language that must be mastered by the students
because it will enrich students’ vocabulary and the students will be brave in speaking or
expressing their pronunciation well if they have the habit of reading.
Reading is the process of constructing meaning from written texts. It’s a complex skill
requiring the coordination of several interrelated sources of information. Reading is the
process of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among (1) the reader's
existing knowledge; (2) the information suggested by the text being read; and (3) the context
of the reading situation
To strengthen this research, there are some relevant study regarding reading
strategies. First, Antoni on 2010. This research was conducted under the name “to explore
EFL teachers’ strategies in teaching reading comprehension at junior high school in Riau”.
This study employed a qualitative research design which is a case study using three data
collection techniques; observation, interview and questionnaire.
It can be concluded that all of teachers have used teaching strategies to encourage the
students in comprehend the text that formulated in the pre-, while, and post-reading. In the
pre-reading stage, they conducted brainstorming, encourage of using dictionary, discussing
on text types, and predicting.
Second. Ahmad at all on (2013), this study aimed to investigate Study on strategies
for teaching speaking and reading comprehension skill in SMPN 01 Selong. This study
employed a qualitative research design. Necessary data were gathered using open-ended
question, classroom observation, interview, and questionnaire. The concluded the teachers
applied three kinds of stages of teaching speaking and reading comprehension strategies in
three stages; Pre-stages, whilst stage and Post-Stages.
Third, Ramadhon on (2018).this study was conducted under the title of "An analysis
of strategies used by the English teacher in teaching reading comprehension of the second
year students at SMP Negeri 27 Pekanbaru." by this study employed a qualitative research
design. Based on the result of analysis.
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