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The discussion below, is to help Joy realize the danger of abortion and the church teaching.
Basically, I am giving Joy an awareness about the importance of life, through exploring what
the Bible tells us about abortion and the teaching of the Catholic Church.

1.1 Is a foetus a human being?

The Bible is clear that humans are not allowed to murder fellow human beings: “You shall
not murder” (Exodus 20:13). Killing defenceless children is an abomination in God’s sight
(Jeremiah 32:35, Psalm 94:6-10). The foetus is already a human being, it has life once
terminated, it is murder. It is simply absurd to claim that a foetus is just a clump of cells,
given it grows and develops and contains all the genetic material needed to develop into a
unique personality.

1.2 Does God value preborn life?

The development of a human being is amazing. The Bible makes clear that God is the Creator
of the whole universe, and of every individual human. Psalm 139:13-16 sings about his care
for preborn life: See also Jeremiah 1:5: “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and
before you were born, I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” So yes,
God knows and values preborn life. Even when a foetus still has an “unformed substance”,
every one of his days is written in God’s book. Its outward appearance does not influence its
worth in God’s sight. When a foetus is a human being, and if every human being is valuable
to God, then abortion is murder. There is only one legitimate ground to take the life of an
unborn child, namely to save the life of his/her mother, and so to prevent that both would die.
But to be honest, this situation is very rare. 1 The overwhelming majority of abortions are
performed with other motives, contradicting what the Bible says. Some reasons are clearly
not valuing the well-being of the foetus, only that of the mother: some women think their life
will be ruined if they get a child before they finish their education, some think they already
have enough children, others consider themselves too young, or their economic situation is
difficult. These issues can be serious. But in such cases, abortion is never a legitimate
solution be it in Uganda or anywhere in this universe. What one was destined to have only
one child and simply kills it through abortion? Modern screening tests can reveal handicaps
and serious illnesses before the child is born. In such cases, some parents make the decision
to abort the child in order to prevent future suffering, out of genuine love. However, we
Christians can’t decide about the life of another person. Only God can. As Christians, we
know that human life has infinite worth, no matter whether the child is handicapped and
disabled. God is the Creator of this developing human life; we don’t even have the right to

Pope Benedict XVI, Address to the Participants in the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life
(February 24, 2007),
retrieved on 18th October, 2022.

take it. “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell
therein” (Psalm 24:1). Abortion can cause many complications towards the life of Joy.

2.0 Natural law and preservation of Life

Natural Law and the Preservation of Human Life, in order to address the scenarios in this
assignment, one must define when life begins. According to Thomas Aquinas God created the
universe and all plants, animals and life of all types under the doctrine of External Law. Based
on his vision, God instilled Natural Law in law to fulfill the parameters of External Law. Self-
preservation is not only a function of protecting one’s self being, but also by ensuring the
species survives. Aquinas’ teachings proclaim that God created the universe and by doing so,
created all life. So, logic must dictate that life begins at conception and that the developing
foetus has already been instilled with Natural Law.2

3.0 Church teaching and right to life

According to Pope Benedict XVI: God's love does not differentiate between the newly
conceived infant still in his or her mother's womb and the child or young person, or the adult
and the elderly person. God does not distinguish between them because he sees an impression
of his own image and likeness (Gen 1:26) in each one. Life is the first good received from
God and is fundamental to all others; to guarantee the right to life for all and in an equal
manner for all is the duty upon which the future of humanity depends. 3 In preventing
abortion, young girls should abstain from early sex and those who are married should apply
natural family planning methods. Catholic founded schools and hospitals should spearhead
the campaign against abortion to develop a conscious community. Young girls who have
been impregnated should be taken for psychotherapy for proper management and those who
don’t want the babies; they can give birth to them and after take them for adoption. Countries
can criminalize it to tame down those who would wish to kill the unborn babies. Politicians
and legislators, therefore, as servants of the common good, are duty bound to defend the
fundamental right to life, the fruit of God's love.

4.0 Conclusion
I would advise Joy to retain her pregnancy regardless of all life and human threats, since it is
against divine and natural law. Above all she is of age, and did it with her will and out of
love. No reason whatsoever can justify the act of abortion, unless it amounts to preservation
of life as a highest good. What if she kills her only child she would have had in life? Taking
considerations when the child is born and grows to be a very successful person, whom Joy
will forever cherish. It is better to disappoint two people and keep a good relationship with
God than ruining one’s soul in trying to find comfort.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, "Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities: A Campaign in Support
of Life" (2001), http://www.prolife/pastoralplan.shtml#intro, retrieved on 3rd November, 2022.
Pope Benedict XVI, Address to the Participants at the 12th General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for
Life and Congress on "The Human Embryo in the Pre-Implantation Phase"
retrieved on 20th October, 2022.


Pope Benedict XVI, Address at a Meeting on Family and Life Issues in Latin America
(December 3, 2005),
retrieved on 1st November, 2022.

Pope Benedict XVI, Address to the Participants at the 12th General Assembly of the
Pontifical Academy for Life and Congress on "The Human Embryo in the Pre-
Implantation Phase" (February 27, 2006),
f_ben-xvi_spe_20060227_embrione-umano_en.html. retrieved on 25th October, 2022.

Pope Benedict XVI, Address to the Participants in the General Assembly of the Pontifical
Academy for Life (February 24, 2007),
f_ben-xvi_spe_20070224_academy-life_en.html.retrieved on 29th October, 2022.

Pope Benedict XVI, Address to the Participants in the Pontifical Academy for Life
Symposium on "Stem Cells: What Future for Therapy?" (September 16, 2006),
retrieved on 27th October, 2022.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, "Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to
American Catholics" (1998), /prolife/gospel.shtml.

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, "Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities:
A Campaign in Support of Life" (2001), /prolife/pastoralplan.shtml#intro.

Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................1
1.1 Is a foetus a human being?...............................................................................................1
1.2 Does God value preborn life?...........................................................................................1
2.0 Natural law and preservation of Life...................................................................................2
3.0 Church teaching and right to life..........................................................................................2
4.0 Conclusion............................................................................................................................2


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