This receipt is for student Bargaje Prajwali Anna for the academic year 2022-23. It details the fees paid of Rs. 610 which includes various funds like the disaster relief fund, administrative processing, ID card, group insurance, student welfare fund, vice chancellor's fund, e-suvidha, alumni association, NSS, and student mutual aid fund. The total amount of Rs. 610 was paid online on June 15, 2022.
This receipt is for student Bargaje Prajwali Anna for the academic year 2022-23. It details the fees paid of Rs. 610 which includes various funds like the disaster relief fund, administrative processing, ID card, group insurance, student welfare fund, vice chancellor's fund, e-suvidha, alumni association, NSS, and student mutual aid fund. The total amount of Rs. 610 was paid online on June 15, 2022.
This receipt is for student Bargaje Prajwali Anna for the academic year 2022-23. It details the fees paid of Rs. 610 which includes various funds like the disaster relief fund, administrative processing, ID card, group insurance, student welfare fund, vice chancellor's fund, e-suvidha, alumni association, NSS, and student mutual aid fund. The total amount of Rs. 610 was paid online on June 15, 2022.
This receipt is for student Bargaje Prajwali Anna for the academic year 2022-23. It details the fees paid of Rs. 610 which includes various funds like the disaster relief fund, administrative processing, ID card, group insurance, student welfare fund, vice chancellor's fund, e-suvidha, alumni association, NSS, and student mutual aid fund. The total amount of Rs. 610 was paid online on June 15, 2022.
Name Mobile No 8767322858 Academic AY 2022-23 Year Receipt No DCU 174 Date 15-Jun-2022 Batch Name T.Y.B.A.F. ( ) Application 1557 No Fee Summary Sr.No Particulars Amount 1 Disaster Relief Fund 10 2 Admi Processing 220 3 I. card & Lab. Card Fee 70 4 Group Insurance 20 5 Students Welfare Fund 50 6 Vice Chancellor's Fund 20 7 E-Suvidha 50 8 Alumni Association Fees 50 9 NSS 20 10 Student Mutual aid fund 100 Total 610 ₹(in words) SIX HUNDRED AND TEN Cash / Online Sr No Payment Date Amount 1 15-06-22 610 This is an online generated receipt and does not requires signature.