Honorable Juries Honorable Committees Ladies and Gentlemen Assalamu'alaikum Wr. WB
Honorable Juries Honorable Committees Ladies and Gentlemen Assalamu'alaikum Wr. WB
Honorable Juries Honorable Committees Ladies and Gentlemen Assalamu'alaikum Wr. WB
First of all, let us praise to the almighty Allah SWT, Because of his blessing we are able to attend in this english speech contest Secondly, may peace be upon toour prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness. Thirdly, Thanks to the juries who has given me opportunity to delivered a speech in front of the public, standing in front off you all, let me present my speech and the title is : Optimalizing the use of IT For student learning process Ladies and gentleman; What is IT? IT stands for informasion technology, it means technology we use for enabling, supporting, and enhancing the way we communicate. In general IT consist of three components: First is Hardware such as computer, printer, mouse, etc Second is Software such as microsoft office word,excel,point Third is Network such as Local area network, and internet
Realizing or not, we have been using IT in our daily activities. Most of us have used Coputer for typing, chatting, internet and playing games. As a student we are very familiar with facebook, google,wikipedia, games like Point blank or Ragnarok. Facebook maybe the most popular application among the students. Most of my friend has been connected to each other trought facebook. Some friend even become Autist Because of facebook. What I mean by Autist is they are to busy updating their status and commenting in facebook, rather then to response the surrounding So,student are familiar with IT, but sadly, most of the use of IT by student, are just for fun.Some of us may have used Wikipedia to
help us with school assignment. But usually, student just use IT for learing, when they need to type report for assignment. Ladies and gentlemen We discuss here about advantage and disadvantage using IT in learning procces The advantage is Convinience
It allows student to work and learn at their own pace, the student also get class for fun and reduce the learning stresses enhance student Achievement in learning procces
student can benefit from the frequent use of technology and multimedia, wich can help enrich the overall learning procces. Student are able to research information quickly to have a interestion activities Accessibility
Teachers can locate excellent materials on the internet and add them to their lessons by using a computer projector in class. And the next is about then disadvantages a. Lack of interaction between teacher and student b. Costly and complex technology c. Both the teachers and students involved in distance learning may need to make sacrifices at times to get things done in time Ladies and gentlemen, Actually, we can make use of IT more, to help us learningm but why we dont do that?. In my opinion this ismainly because of : The teacher are not ready, their knowledge and skills should be improved. Second, Hardware facilities are not complete. The are not enough software, specially developed for learning.
If these 3 things are prepared, I believe student will use IT more, for learning, rather than for fun.And the quaoity of education overral will be enhanced Ladies and gentlemen. I would like conclude my speech with recommendation. I suggest the local government or school to developed application, where, student and teacher communicate effectively, I imagine, a web page for school, where : The teacher can upload materials or assignment,Put lesson and exam schedule, and student can download them Okay, I hoped this dream can be realised soon, in this way, I believe, our learning process is more fun and effective. Thats end of my speech, thank you for attention Wassalamualaikum WW.