Money Matters (The Daily News)
Money Matters (The Daily News)
Money Matters (The Daily News)
FINANCIAL PLANNING GUIDE A guide to budgeting, planning, investing,
and reaching your financial goals
FINANCIAL PLANNING GUIDE A guide to budgeting, planning, investing,
and reaching your financial goals
Money management tips for retirees ‘ Making contributions to a retirement plan each
[email protected]
property taxes. If moving is
not a consideration, discuss
improve their financial well-
being in retirement.
expenses in retirement. And
health care costs are just one
pay period is a good way to lower taxable income.
BEN GUERRERA, owner Padget Business Services ’
What constitutes a per- a reverse mortgage with a fi- n Stick to a budget during of many expenses retirees
fect retirement is different nancial advisor. retirement. The U.S. Depart- can expect to have. Budgeting
for everyone. Some people “There is usually a 10% ment of Health and Human and avoiding overspending
may imagine spending their IRS penalty for withdraw- Services reports that roughly can ensure retirees have the
golden years fishing their ing money from a traditional 70 percent of individuals money they need when they
days away, while others may retirement plan (includ- who turn 65 will need long- need it.
aspire to finally embrace their ing 401(k) and 403(b) prior term care in their lifetimes. No one wants to outlive
inner globetrotter. Though to reaching the age of 59 ½. That’s just one expense re- their money in retirement.
individuals’ retirement There are some exceptions to tirees must budget for, and Various strategies can help
dreams differ, every retiree this rule, but not too many,” it’s more sizable than some retirees effectively manage
will need money, which only said Guerrera. people may recognize. The their money so they can en-
underscores the importance A trusted financial advisor Fidelity Retiree Health Care joy their golden years without Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC • 113 Main St., Batavia, NY 14020
of a wise and disciplined ap- can highlight the advantages Cost Estimate found that the having to worry about their 585-343-4551 • Toll Free: 800-847-2332 • [email protected]
proach to money manage- and disadvantages of reverse average retired couple age finances.
ment. mortgages, which are a great 65 in 2022 will need roughly
Average life expectancies option for some people to $315,000 to cover health care
have risen considerably over
the last several decades. Ac-
cording to estimates from the
United Nations Population
Division, the average life ex-
pectancy is slightly more than
79 in the United States. The
rise is a welcome sign, but 84 Avon Geneseo Rd.,
they may inspire a little fear Geneseo, NY 14454
among seniors who are con- Cell: 585-737-7420
Office: 585-243-2643
cerned that they might out- John Wallin
Fax: 585-243-1838
live their money. [email protected] Assoc. Broker
No one knows how long 585-737-7420
they will live, but everyone
can embrace a handful of
money management strate-
gies to increase the chances
that they won’t feel a finan- 77 Years in Business “IT’S WHAT WE DO”
cial pinch in retirement.
n Study up on the tax im-
Trusted. Reliable.
plications of withdrawing Professional.
from your retirement ac- 84 Avon-Geneseo Rd. Geneseo, NY 14454 Richard Wendt, President
counts. Every retirement in- Cell: 585-747-2108 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • AGRICULTURAL Fully Insured & Free Estimates
vestment vehicle, whether Office: 585-243-2643
it’s an IRA or a 401(k), has tax Fax: 585-243-1838 Marie Beikirch 128 Cedar St. Batavia, NY • 585-343-2400 / 585-356-4300
implications. Money with- [email protected] Lic. R.E. Salesperson
drawn too early may incur tax 585-747-2108 RAHAITZ.COM
penalties, and even money
withdrawn long past retire-
ment age could elevate retir-
ees into a new tax bracket that
could prove costly.
“I recommend saving for
retirement as soon as pos-
sible if you have the money
to do so. Most employers al-
low their employees to con-
tribute a percentage of their
gross pay to a 401(k) or 403(b)
retirement plan. Also, making
contributions to a retirement
plan each pay period is a good
way to lower your taxable in-
come. There are retirement
plans for the self-employed
as well, such as a SEP or SIM-
PLE IRA,” said Ben Guerrera
EA and owner of Padget Busi-
ness Services.
A financial advisor can help
retirees determine the tax
implications of withdrawing
money from their retirement
accounts and may even de-
velop a detailed guideline of
when withdrawals should be
made and how much should
be withdrawn in a given year
in order to minimize tax li-
n Prioritize your own
needs. Though retirees, par-
ticularly those with children
and grandchildren, may feel
an obligation to help their
families in difficult financial
times, generosity can be very
costly for adults who have
stopped working. Retirees
may or may not have oppor-
tunities to generate new in-
come, and even those who
do likely won’t make enough
to meet their daily financial
needs. Given that reality, re-
tirees must prioritize their
own financial needs, includ-
ing their immediate needs
and those they will have for
the rest of their lives. Though
it might be difficult to turn
down loved ones’ requests for
financial help, retirees must
make sure they can pay their
bills and maintain a quality
of life that won’t jeopardize
their long-term health.
n Examine your housing
situation. Equity in a home
is a feather in the cap of many
retirees. Retirees who own
their homes and live in lo-
cations with high property
taxes might be able to cash
in on their equity by selling
their homes and downsizing
to a smaller home with lower