Low Profile Power Module
Low Profile Power Module
Low Profile Power Module
switches and SiC diodes allows high frequency and very compact
three-phase sinusoidal input rectifiers
Serge Bontemps(1), Alain Calmels(1), Simon D. Round(2), Johann W. Kolar(2)
(1) Microsemi PPG power module Products, Chemin de Magret, F-33700 Merignac
(2) ETH Zurich, Power Electronic Systems Laboratory, Physikstrasse 3, CH-8092 Zurich
This paper focuses on the advantages of low profile and therefore low inductance power modules to
achieve very compact power systems. Such power devices integrate state of art Super Junction
MOSFET devices and latest SiC diodes for increased operating frequency and highest efficiency. A
six-switch Vienna Rectifier is the topology embedded in the power module and a 10 kW output power,
very compact (8.5 kW/litre) and efficient rectifier has been developed as a demonstrator by the Power
Electronic Systems Laboratory at ETH Zurich.
600V, 10A Si FRED
T J = 25°C
T J = 50°C
T J = 100°C
T J = 150°C -6
-1.0E -07 -5.0E -08 0.0E+00 5.0E-08 1.0E -07 1.5E-07 2.0E-07
Power Heatsink
Fig.7 Photograph of the complete SP6-P power Fig.8 CAD depiction of power module assembled
module onto the air-cooled heat-sink.
Thermal performance and operating temperature The plastic lid of the module has been removed.
range can be further extended by the use of A PCB with 103 ceramic capacitors (AVX 220nF
aluminium nitride substrates having a much 630V SMD), giving 22.7µF, is sitting on top of the
better thermal conductivity than the existing module instead of the module cover. The SMD
alumina substrates. On the other hand, the use capacitors are mounted on the bottom of the
of aluminium silicon carbide (AlSiC) base plate, PCB to increase the top capacitance within the
with one third of the density of copper, same volume. This board has a similar low
significantly reduces the weight of the power inductance as integrating the capacitors into the
function, which has a major impact in aircraft module but is less problematic since the
electric systems. The AlSiC metal matrix capacitors would be subjected to high thermal
composite material, with a Temperature and mechanical stress inside the module.
Coefficient of Expansion (TCE) very close to the The rectifier is designed for low parasitic
value of the substrates with the soldered power inductance and to operate with minimal output
devices, significantly improves the temperature capacitance to increase the power density. The
cycling behaviour of the power module and the system is able to operate over a wide line-to-line
overall reliability of the power system. input voltage range of 320 V RMS to 480 VRMS, with
a nominal voltage of 400 VRMS. The output
3. 3-Phase Vienna rectifier voltage is regulated to be 800V, which is divided
application into two 400V outputs if required. For an output
of 10 kW, the input phase current is
The power module has been implemented in an approximately 15 ARMS. A fully digital controller,
8.5 KW/litre (139W/in ), 3-Phase Vienna rectifier with its control loop operating at the switching
that has a power output of 10 kW, designed by frequency, is used to generate the 400 kHz
the Power Electronic Systems Laboratory of ETH switching signals.
Zurich. A 3-D CAD representation of the final rectifier is
The high power density is achieved by increasing shown in Fig.9a and fig.9b and top and bottom
the switching frequency to 400 kHz, which views of the constructed rectifier are shown
results in smaller EMI filters and boost inductors, respectively in Fig.10a and Fig.10b.
while still maintaining a high efficiency of over
95%. The power module is attached to an
optimized air-cooled heat sink, while low volume
planar boost inductors are used as shown on
Current Sensor
25 0
m m Heat Sink
120 mm
Stacked Filter
Boost Inductors