Low Profile Power Module

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Low profile power module combined with state of the art MOSFET

switches and SiC diodes allows high frequency and very compact
three-phase sinusoidal input rectifiers
Serge Bontemps(1), Alain Calmels(1), Simon D. Round(2), Johann W. Kolar(2)

(1) Microsemi PPG power module Products, Chemin de Magret, F-33700 Merignac
(2) ETH Zurich, Power Electronic Systems Laboratory, Physikstrasse 3, CH-8092 Zurich


This paper focuses on the advantages of low profile and therefore low inductance power modules to
achieve very compact power systems. Such power devices integrate state of art Super Junction
MOSFET devices and latest SiC diodes for increased operating frequency and highest efficiency. A
six-switch Vienna Rectifier is the topology embedded in the power module and a 10 kW output power,
very compact (8.5 kW/litre) and efficient rectifier has been developed as a demonstrator by the Power
Electronic Systems Laboratory at ETH Zurich.

1. Introduction 2. Low profile power module

An increasing number of applications, especially
in telecom/data server and aircraft power A six switch Vienna Rectifier (Fig.1) is selected
supplies, require high power, highly efficient, as the topology as it has lower conduction losses
compact sinusoidal input current rectifiers. Direct since the phase current flows through only one
3-phase rectifiers, such as the 3-level Vienna diode in each phase during the switch
rectifier are suitable for producing an ultra conduction.
compact rectifier solution, especially for aircraft
power systems since the next generation aircraft DSiC+
will operate with a variable frequency between C+
380 and 800 Hz. To achieve a minimum DN+ S+
U0 /2

harmonic distortion level, this high fundamental M

frequency requires that the switching frequency S-
of the rectifier is increased to values above C-
100 kHz. Such high frequencies only allow the DSiC-
U0 /2
use of MOSFETs as the power switches. The
Vienna rectifier is a 3-level topology that reduces
the voltage stress and allows 600V MOSFETs to LR
be used from 400V line to line mains systems.
When coupled with SiC diodes the switching
losses are further reduced and the rectifier is uN1
~ ~ ~
able to still achieve a high efficiency even with
the high switching frequencies. The performance Fig.1 Circuit configuration of the 3-phase six-
of the converter is further improved with the very switch Vienna Rectifier
low profile SP6-P Microsemi package, which
offers a height of only 12mm, by minimizing the Near zero reverse recovery SiC diodes are
parasitic inductance and resistance. This connected to the positive and negative DC bus
package features solderable terminals that since they are subjected to the high frequency
allows a direct interface with a top PCB switching.
populated with decoupling capacitors and gate To achieve a high power density, the size of the
driver circuits. passive components (inductors and capacitors)
and the power semiconductors have to be
significantly reduced. Increasing the switching
frequency by a ratio of 5 to 10, compared to
conventional systems, contributes to the drastic
passive components size reduction. The Fig.3 shows the recovery behaviour of fast
electrical configuration of the rectifier consists of recovery silicon diodes (FRED) used in a
a large number of individual components from conventional boost chopper circuit.
various technologies (6 fast SiC diodes, 6
MOSFETs, 3 thyristors and 3 standard rectifier
diodes). Using discretes to achieve the full
configuration leads to a very wide area for the
power function. In addition, the inevitable long
wires for interconnecting the semiconductor
devices generates wiring inductances, which
increase the voltage stress of the power
semiconductors and limit at the same time their
switching speed. Parasitic ringing or oscillations
may also appear that are difficult to cancel
and/or damp out and these may affect the
stability and EMC performance of the system.
Therefore it makes great sense to concentrate
the whole functionality inside a single package to
achieve the power conversion module of the 3-
phase Vienna Rectifier according to Fig.2. Fig.3 Voltage, current and turn on switching loss
in a boost switch using a Si diode.
The diode recovery current affects significantly
D1 D3 D5
the switching turn on energy within the power
Q5 switch when hard switched. Such behaviour will
G1 G3 G5 generate a significant amount of turn on losses
R S1 C1 S S3 C2 T S5 C3 both in the power switch and the diode, with
increasing switching frequency. It has to be
K7 Q2 K8 Q4 K9 Q6 noted that at the end of the recovery phase some
Q7 Q8 Q9
G7 G2
G4 G9 G6
oscillations can appear, leading to a significant
S2 S4 S6 amount of noise in the system that may be
CR6 difficult to cancel by expensive and bulky input
0/VBUS1 0/VBUS2 0/VBUS3 filters.
Fig.2 Power module electrical diagram
On the other hand, Fig.4 shows the same turn on
behaviour of the boost switch but with SiC diodes
The phase control thyristors feature as the boost diode instead of the silicon devices.
VRRM=1200V, ITAV=30A, VT0=0.85V, RT=10 mΩ.
The mains rectifier diodes CR1B, CR3B and
CR5B feature VRRM=1200V, IFAV=40A, V T0=0.8V
and RT=6.5 mΩ.
The Super Junction MOSFET switches are made
of 600V ultra low RDSon COOLMOSTM devices.
With very low input capacitance they allow high
frequency operation in the range of several
hundred of kHz with acceptable conduction
losses at high output power. Each high
frequency diode is made of two 10A/600V SiC
diodes dice in parallel from Cree. With a positive
temperature coefficient for the VF, the static
current sharing in each device is absolutely safe
without the risk of thermal runaway. SiC diodes
also feature essentially zero forward and reverse
recovery losses that provide a significant
advantage when compared to standard fast
silicon diodes. Fig.4 Voltage, current and turn on switching loss
in a boost switch using a SiC diode.
Faster recovery results in much lower switching transistors allows higher temperature operation
loss both in the switch and the diode. The small than with conventional silicon transistors having
peak current observed while the diode turns off is the same blocking voltage. COOLMOSTM devices
due to the capacitive junction of the Schottky can be safely operated up to 200°C. The intrinsic
barrier device rather than to reverse recovery carrier density depends on the material bandgap.
characteristics. As opposed to the configuration With three times the material bandgap of Si, SiC
using conventional FRED diodes, no ringing or devices are able to operate at higher
oscillations are measured. Such quiet switching temperatures, 200°C and above (most of the
is of prime interest to reduce the size and time limited by packaging techniques).
complexity of input filters and a great help to It has also to be noted that both the
meet EMI/RFI requirements that become more COOLMOSTM transistors and SiC diodes exhibit
and more severe as level of installed electrical very low leakage current as temperature
power in aircraft increases. increases, thus minimizing the power losses and
The recovery behaviour of SiC devices is not improving the reliability at elevated operating
only excellent at room temperature but also temperatures. Also with three times the thermal
constant over wide temperature range. Fig.5 conductivity of Si, SiC devices offer higher
shows the reverse recovery behaviour of a current densities and contribute to the size
10A/600V Cree SiC diode versus a silicon diode reduction of power systems.
of same current and voltage rating for a range of Fig.6 shows a picture of the power module with
junction temperatures. all power semiconductors brazed onto alumina
substrates. Three identical substrates are used
10 within the package to offer good design
8 symmetry. The substrates are soldered to a
copper base plate for best heat transfer to the
heat sink.
TJ = 25, 50, 100, 150°C 0

600V, 10A Si FRED
T J = 25°C
T J = 50°C
T J = 100°C
T J = 150°C -6


-1.0E -07 -5.0E -08 0.0E+00 5.0E-08 1.0E -07 1.5E-07 2.0E-07

Fig.5 Reverse recovery behaviour of SiC and Si

diodes for various junction temperatures.
Fig.6 Picture of the open Microsemi power
The SiC devices exhibit temperature module
independent switching behaviour and offer very
stable operation even up to elevated junction Each leg of the bridge is provided with
temperatures. Switching losses using SiC diodes independent Vbus and 0/VBus connections. This
will remain stable compared to silicon devices offers the advantage to further reduce the
where the switching losses dramatically increase parasitic inductance, proportionally to the
with temperature. number of connections. The power connections
COOLMOSTM silicon transistors and SiC devices are also placed as close as possible to the power
have also both the ability to operate at high semiconductors to minimize layout stray
temperatures, which could be of great interest for inductances, shorten high frequency loops and
aircraft applications where there is a growing facilitate outside decoupling with capacitors
demand for power devices to operate in the placed outside the power module directly across
vicinity of the engine. When the intrinsic carrier the output terminals. The power connections are
density reaches the doping level of the base made of short and large lead frames terminated
material, the electrical parameters are expected by pins to facilitate the connection to a top PCB.
to change drastically. The maximum junction The module is potted with silicone gel and
temperature depends also on the breakdown completed with a plastic cover (Fig.7). Such
voltage, 150°C for 1000V devices and up to architecture meets HAST tests requirements,
200°C for 100V components. The highly doping which are very often specified for severe aircraft
level of the base region of COOLMOS environments.
Ceramic Output
Capacitor Board Fans

Power Heatsink
Fig.7 Photograph of the complete SP6-P power Fig.8 CAD depiction of power module assembled
module onto the air-cooled heat-sink.
Thermal performance and operating temperature The plastic lid of the module has been removed.
range can be further extended by the use of A PCB with 103 ceramic capacitors (AVX 220nF
aluminium nitride substrates having a much 630V SMD), giving 22.7µF, is sitting on top of the
better thermal conductivity than the existing module instead of the module cover. The SMD
alumina substrates. On the other hand, the use capacitors are mounted on the bottom of the
of aluminium silicon carbide (AlSiC) base plate, PCB to increase the top capacitance within the
with one third of the density of copper, same volume. This board has a similar low
significantly reduces the weight of the power inductance as integrating the capacitors into the
function, which has a major impact in aircraft module but is less problematic since the
electric systems. The AlSiC metal matrix capacitors would be subjected to high thermal
composite material, with a Temperature and mechanical stress inside the module.
Coefficient of Expansion (TCE) very close to the The rectifier is designed for low parasitic
value of the substrates with the soldered power inductance and to operate with minimal output
devices, significantly improves the temperature capacitance to increase the power density. The
cycling behaviour of the power module and the system is able to operate over a wide line-to-line
overall reliability of the power system. input voltage range of 320 V RMS to 480 VRMS, with
a nominal voltage of 400 VRMS. The output
3. 3-Phase Vienna rectifier voltage is regulated to be 800V, which is divided
application into two 400V outputs if required. For an output
of 10 kW, the input phase current is
The power module has been implemented in an approximately 15 ARMS. A fully digital controller,
8.5 KW/litre (139W/in ), 3-Phase Vienna rectifier with its control loop operating at the switching
that has a power output of 10 kW, designed by frequency, is used to generate the 400 kHz
the Power Electronic Systems Laboratory of ETH switching signals.
Zurich. A 3-D CAD representation of the final rectifier is
The high power density is achieved by increasing shown in Fig.9a and fig.9b and top and bottom
the switching frequency to 400 kHz, which views of the constructed rectifier are shown
results in smaller EMI filters and boost inductors, respectively in Fig.10a and Fig.10b.
while still maintaining a high efficiency of over
95%. The power module is attached to an
optimized air-cooled heat sink, while low volume
planar boost inductors are used as shown on
Current Sensor
25 0
m m Heat Sink

120 mm
Stacked Filter

Boost Inductors

Fig.9a 3-D CAD depiction of the 8.5 kW/liter,

forced air cooling Vienna Rectifier (top view) Fig.9b Bottom view photograph of the 10 kW
Vienna Rectifier

As it can be seen, the input EMI filter occupies

approximately 30% of the volume, while the
cooling system takes up an additional 30%. The
boost inductors, power module and
interconnection and control boards fill the
remaining volume. The 4-layer main PCB carries
the current from the input terminals, through the
EMI filter boards and current sensors to the
boost inductors and the power module. Ceramic
output capacitors are mounted on a separate
PCB that is placed directly on top of the power
module. This minimizes the output inductance
Fig.9b 3-D CAD depiction of the 8.5 kW/liter, between the boost diodes and the output
forced air cooling Vienna Rectifier (bottom view) capacitors. Additionally, electrolytic SMD output
DC capacitors are mounted on top of the main
PCB. The gate drivers of the six MOSFETs and
Output DC-Link the three thyristors are mounted underneath the
Gate Drivers digital controller board. Three high-bandwidth
(1 MHz) magneto-resistive current sensors are
DSP Board placed vertically between the boost inductors
40 mm

and the last EMI daughter board. Input and

AC output voltage measurement circuitry is also
mounted on the main PCB. The digital controller
is based upon an Analog Devices ADSP-21992
DSP and is constructed on a separate PCB that
Boost Inductor
plugs directly into the main PCB. The sampling
rate of the DSP is the switching frequency of 400
EM kHz and the DSP is programmed in assembly
Bo I F i
ar lte language. The total volume of the 10 kW 3-
ds r
phase Vienna rectifier is 1200 cm3 (120cm x
Fig.9a Top view photograph of the 10 kW Vienna 250cm x 4cm) for a weight of 2.1 kg.
4. 3-Phase Vienna rectifier test

The first verification of the rectifier’s performance

has been carried out. Fig. 10 shows the three
phase input currents and one input phase 600V transistors offer much better conduction
voltage when the rectifier is operated with a and switching losses than equivalent 1200V
230V phase voltage, a 680V output voltage and components. When combined with SiC diodes,
an output power of 4 kW. state of the art Super junction MOSFET devices
can operate at their full speed without significant
At 4 kW output power the line current has a de-rating on the switched current compared to
value of 5.8 ARMS with a THD of 4.75% (up to the use of silicon diodes. All the power function,
the 20th harmonic). As can be seen in the current with multiple components packaged in die form
waveforms, there is additional distortion caused into the very low profile SP6-P package from
at the zero crossings of the phase current. This Microsemi allows the advantage of the full speed
distortion then causes distortion in the other characteristics of the power semiconductors to
phase currents. The control system is currently be taken without introducing any parasitic
being refined to clamp the switch during the zero elements in the power circuit. 400 kHz operation
crossing in order to remove any sensitivity on the is made possible where 100 kHz would be
measurement of the phase voltage and current. sufficient on a control loop point of view, resulting
in a drastic reduction of the magnetic
components size and the overall system volume.
There is still an avenue to improve the
performance of the rectifier by using Aluminium
i N1 Nitride substrates to lower the junction
temperature of the devices at same output power
i N2 and possibly improve the efficiency or increase
the output power for the same maximum
operating temperature. The use of AlSiC base
plate instead of copper would result in a lower
i N3
weight of the module and therefore of the rectifier
and improve the temperature cycling behaviour
uN3 of the power function should the system be
submitted to fast temperature transients during
the mission profile.

Special acknowledgements to the company

Huettinger, in Germany, for whom similar 3-phase
Vienna rectifier modules have been developed for
Fig.10 Experimental result showing the three giving its authorization to use their custom module
phase current waveforms (Ch1 – Ch3) and the design for the ETH Zurich project.
phase T input voltage (Ch4) for an output power
of 4 kW. “COOLMOS™ comprise a new family of transistors
developed by Infineon Technologies AG. “COOLMOS”
is a trademark of Infineon Technologies AG”.
5. Conclusion
6. Bibliography
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assembly of all the functions together. With an stresses
8.5 kW/litre power density, the 3-phase ultra of a power module dedicated to high
compact Vienna Rectifier developed by ETH temperature applications“ proceedings of
Zurich has demonstrated that the 3-level EPE 2005, Dresde, September 2005.
converter electrical topology is the best choice 3. P. Karutz, S. D. Round, M. L. Heldwein, J. W.
allowing the use of 600V devices for operation at Kolar, “Ultra Compact Three-phase PWM
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