9700 BIOLOGY: MARK SCHEME For The October/November 2009 Question Paper For The Guidance of Teachers
9700 BIOLOGY: MARK SCHEME For The October/November 2009 Question Paper For The Guidance of Teachers
9700 BIOLOGY: MARK SCHEME For The October/November 2009 Question Paper For The Guidance of Teachers
MARK SCHEME for the October/November 2009 question paper for the guidance of teachers
9700/22 Paper 2 (Structured Questions AS), maximum raw mark 60
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners meeting before marking began, which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers. Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the examination.
CIE will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.
CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the October/November 2009 question papers for most IGCSE, GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level syllabuses.
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Syllabus 9700
Paper 22
(a) (i) calcium ions are, water soluble / charged / not, fat / lipid, soluble / hydrophilic / ionic ; A not oil soluble phospholipid bilayer / AW, is hydrophobic / AW ; (ii) active transport / active uptake ; (calcium ions) moved against their concentration gradient ; ref. to, carrier protein / transport protein / pump protein ; ignore ion pump R channel protein ref. to calcium ions combine with binding site ; carrier protein, changes shape / conformational change ; ref. to ATP ; (b) bacteria / antigen / epitope, combine(s) with / attach to/ recognition by, receptor ; antibody on bacteria combines with receptor ; opsonisation / opsonisation described ; e.g. facilitates phagocytosis ref. to constant region ; membrane infolds / invaginates / envelops / engulfs / enclose / AW ; accept answers without membrane where implied previously / later membrane fuses ; to form, vacuole / vesicle / phagosome (enclosing bacteria) ;
[2] [1]
[2 max]
[3 max]
(c) lysosomes fuse with, vacuole / vesicle / phagosome ; A form secondary lysosomes lysosomes contain, enzymes / named digestive enzyme ; (catalyse) hydrolysis / digestion ; A breakdown (digests / breaks down) protein / murein (or peptidoglycan) / carbohydrate / lipid / phospholipid / nucleic acid / DNA / RNA ; named bond ; e.g. peptide, glycosidic, ester, phosphodiester [4 max] [Total: 12]
UCLES 2009
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Syllabus 9700
Paper 22
(a) denature, sucrase / enzyme ; A deactivate stop the reaction (in each tube at the same time) ; idea that Benedicts test requires a high temperature ; ref to reducing sugars ; (b) starts at, the origin / 5 g dm3, increases to 4555 g dm3 ; constant from 80 to 100 g dm3 ; (c) description conc 5 10 15 20 50 100 rate* 0.0036 0.0069 0.0105 0.0133 0.0213 0.0222 [2 max]
penalise lack of units once only 1 2 3 4 5 6 increase in rate of hydrolysis to approx 50 g dm3 ; A decrease in time taken to approx 50 g dm3 / correct rate calculations* to show an increase remains constant / plateaus / levels out / AW, from approx 50 g dm3 to 100 g dm3 ; explanation to max 4 (sucrase / enzyme) hydrolyses / breaks , glycosidic bonds ; forming, reducing sugars / glucose / fructose ; idea that concentration is the limiting factor, at low concentration of, sucrose / substrate ; (at low concentrations) active sites, unoccupied / available ; A as concentration increases, more active sites are occupied / more enzymesubstrate complexes formed / AW at higher concentrations all active sites, occupied / saturated / AW ; R enzymes for active sites substrate, in excess / AW ; Vmax reached / working at maximum rate ; [5 max] [Total: 9]
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Syllabus 9700
Paper 22
(a) so they have the same number of chromosomes (as parent cell) ; idea that cells would be rejected (if genetically different) ; ref. to role of the immune system in removing genetically different cells ; (b) reject smoking or radioactive transmissions unqualified (chemical) carcinogen(s) / named ; any two named chemical carcinogens to max 2 if term carcinogen not used e.g. benzpyrene / ethidium bromide / phenol / tar check any others UV ; X rays ; ionising radiation ; gamma rays ; radon ; virus(es) / correctly named virus ; A HIV / HPV / HTLV / HSV R named disease genetic / hereditary, factors ; (c) (i) cytokinesis ; (ii) chromosomes, uncoil / become diffuse / decondense / AW ; A chromosomes unwind / become long and thin A chromosomes become chromatin A cell enters interphase spindle breaks down / microtubules disassemble / AW ; R disappears nuclear envelope, reforms / forms / forming ; A nuclear membrane R (re)appears nucleolus / nucleoli, reform(s) / forms / forming ; R (re)appears cell membrane, drawn together / furrows / AW ; idea of role of, microfilaments / AW, in drawstring effect ; division of cytoplasm / cell separation / cleavage / cleavage furrow develops ; A cytokinesis if not credited in (i) cell membrane fuses ; (iii) divide / replicate, uncontrollably ; ignore quickly / fast A uncontrolled mitosis R grow uncontrollably do not, differentiate / become specialised ; A loss of function form an (irregular) mass (of cells) / AW ; A (a) growth promotes growth of blood vessels / AW ; AVP ; e.g. ref to genes / no programmed cell death / loss of contact inhibition [2]
[2 max] [1]
[3 max]
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Syllabus 9700
Paper 22
(a) (i) moist / AW, surface of mesophyll cells ; water evaporates / evaporation ; in correct context from spongy mesophyll cell walls ; into (intercellular) air spaces ; air within leaf is fully saturated ; water vapour diffuses through stomata ; A water if evaporated down water potential gradient / from a high to a low water potential / from less negative to more negative water potential (ii) mass / water, loss increases from 0400 to 1600 and then decreases ; 0.34.4 g h1 ; A other correct comparative data quote with units mass / water, uptake increases from 0800 to 19001930 and then decreases ; 0.80.9 3.4 g h1 ; A other correct comparative data quote with units rate of, mass / water, loss peaks before rate of water uptake ; A description related to light (mass loss) and dark (uptake) data quote for times of peaks for both rates ; 1600 and approx 1900 0600 to 1600 rate of mass loss, ref. to steeper gradient ; (rate of) mass / water, loss is higher than uptake, between 0700 and approx 1830 ; A ora [4 max] (b) cohesion-tension ; cohesion / AW between water molecules ; hydrogen bonds ; accept here or for adhesion once only transpiration pull / water is pulled up the xylem / water in a continuous column ; ignore negative / hydrostatic pressure adhesion to (cell) walls ; water molecules stick to cellulose / cellulose is hydrophilic ; A lignin (although it is hydrophobic!) [3 max]
UCLES 2009
Syllabus 9700
Paper 22
nucleolus ; Golgi (body / apparatus) ; cell wall ; R murein / peptidoglycan ignore cellulose or chitin vacuolar membrane / vacuole ; A tonoplast R cell sap
[4 max]
(ii) no double membrane-bound organelles ; no, nucleus / nuclear membrane / nuclear envelope / nucleolus ; A DNA lies free in the cytoplasm no mitochondrion ; mesosomes ; no (large) vacuole ; no, ER / RER / SER ; no Golgi (body / apparatus) ; smaller / 70S / 18nm, ribosomes ; cell wall made of, murein / peptidoglycan / different compounds (from eukaryote) ; circular DNA / plasmid(s) / no linear DNA ; no histones / not complexed with proteins ; A naked DNA / no chromosomes AVP ; e.g. pili / no 9+2 microtubule pattern [2 max] (b) nucleus, transcription / described as DNA to complementary RNA code / AW ; nuclear pore, mRNA to, cytoplasm / ribosome / RER ; RER / ribosome, assembly of amino acids / translation / polypeptide or protein synthesis ; RER, transports protein to Golgi (apparatus / body) / modifies protein ; Golgi adds, carbohydrates / sugars, to proteins ; A glycosylation A post translational modification / other e.g.s Golgi, packages protein / makes vesicle(s) ; (Golgi) vesicle fuses with cell (surface) membrane ; mitochondrion, provides / produces / synthesises, ATP in correct context ; [4 max] [Total: 10]
UCLES 2009
Syllabus 9700
Paper 22
all populations / all organisms / all plants + animals (+ microorganisms) ; R all the species in same, place / ecosystem / area / (common) habitat, (at same time) ; (b) (i) award two marks for the correct answer (4.5%) if no answer or incorrect answer or answer to too many decimal places, award one mark for working (2946/65 800 100) 2946 / 65 800 ( 100) 4.5 (%) ;; (ii) energy available (from secondary consumers) is too small ; R no energy 2 kJ m2 (per week) ; (iii) decomposers are, saprophytes / saprotrophs / saprobionts / bacteria / fungi ; plant matter provides little, protein / AW ; ora A high carbon / low nitrogen plant matter / cellulose / lignin, not easy to decompose ; ref. to organic matter / energy source, in plants not easy to obtain ; supply of nitrogen is, limiting factor / limits growth of decomposers ; (animal waste) protein / amino acids / urea, provides nitrogen ; (animal wastes) provide materials for growth of, decomposers ; further detail e.g. amino acids for proteins / membrane proteins / (hydrolytic) enzymes / other named protein(s) / nucleotides / nucleic acids ; more decomposers leads to faster decomposition (hence more energy flow) ; [3 max] [Total: 9] [2 max] [2] [2 max]
UCLES 2009