A Study On Post-Dengue Depression: Original Article
A Study On Post-Dengue Depression: Original Article
A Study On Post-Dengue Depression: Original Article
Background: The depression and anxiety is almost double to the general population with people
bearing a chronic physical health illness.We calculate depression sore among post dengue population
via standard DSM-IV tool and. This not only provides the information for the mode of dengue fever
recovery, but also elaborates the long lasting impact of the dengue fever upon physical and mental
health of a population.
Aim: To determine the distribution of depression in patients recovering from dengue fever.
Methods: This was across sectional observation study with total of 50 patients. The patients with
history of depression prior to depression, with dengue encephalitis, below 12 years of age and patients
with negative dengue serology or normal platelet counts were excluded, whereas patients of either
sex, 12-70 years of age with recent history of dengue fever and patients with positive dengue serology
were included in this study.
Results: The mean age was observed as 32±8.2 years. The patient age was stratified later, out of
which 10(20%) patients were 12-19 years of age, 21(42%) patients were between 20-29 years,
10(20%) patients were 30-39 years of age, 7(14%) were 40-49 years of age and 2(4%) were of above
50 years of age. 40(80%) patients were male and 10(20%) patients were female.
Conclusion: The depression is high in young ages and more frequent in men. The patients recovered
from dengue fever can still be victim of depression and should be screened for it.
Keywords: Depression, Dengue virus, DSM-IV, anxiety, physical health illness, dengue serology
A total of 50 patients were enrolled for this study. The
The disease caused by dengue virus is very exclusion criteria include the patients with history of
infectious and acutely pyretic, named dengue fever. depression prior to depression, patients with dengue
This virus transmitted through mosquito “Aegypti”. encephalitis, patients below 12 years of age and
Psychiatric symptoms may be exhibited in fraction of patients with negative dengue serology or normal
dengue and post dengue patient but very small of it is platelet counts, whereas patients of either sex, 12-70
identifiable. The exact estimation of these symptoms years of age with recent history of dengue fever and
is difficult . The major of the earlier said patients with positive dengue serology were included
symptoms are un identified. This fact demands for in this study. Patients detailed medical history,
more research in this field. That’s why we planned physical examination and demographics were stored
and executed the present study. We calculate electronically. The depressive symptoms were
depression sore among post dengue population via identified and assessed for all patients by using a
standard DSM-IV tool and. This not only provides the standardized tool “DSM-IV” and later categorized as
information for the mode of dengue fever recovery, depressed and non-depressed.
but also elaborates the long lasting impact of the Statistical analysis: All the collected data was
dengue fever upon physical and mental health of a stored electronically & analyzed later by using SPSS
population. The purpose of the study was to version 20. Descriptive statistics were applied to
determine the distribution of depression in patients calculate mean and standard deviation.Frequency
recovering from dengue fever. distribution and percentages were calculated for
qualitative variables like gender, depression. Over all
MATERIAL AND METHOD a P values less than 0.05 was considered statistically
It was an observational cross sectional study, significant.
conducted at Department of Neurology, Mayo
Hospital, Lahore. The study was three months long. RESULTS
----------------------------------------------------------------------- The study includes 50 patients, the mean age was
Asst Prof. of Neurology Kh. M Safdar Medical College Sialkot.
Asst Professor of Physiology Avicena Medical College Lahore. observed as 32±8.2 years. The patient age was
Asst Prof. Medcine Kh. M Safdar Medical College Sialkot stratified later, out of which 10(20%) patients were
Correspondence to Dr. Sajjad Ali, Assistant Professor Email: 12-19 years of age, 21(42%) patients were between
[email protected] Cell: 0322-7588885
20-29 years,10(20%) patients were 30-39 years of
age, 7(14%) were 40-49 years of age and 2(4%) Age has a significant role for the maturity of
were of above 50 years of age . 40(80%) patients mind and body responses. Our study reports the
were male and 10(20%) patients were female. The most frequent age of post dengue depression is 20-
gender wise distribution of depression is given in 29 years, which means the depression is high in
figure 1. young ages. In Indonesia, data from 1975 to 1984
showed an increase in incidence rates of depression
Fig. 1: Gender wise distribution of depression due to dengue fever among young adults in Jakarta
80% 70% as well as in the provincial areas .
Depression No Depression The major strength of our study is not only
60% identification of psychological symptoms in post
50% 50% dengue population but also to report the frequency
over age and gender. The history related to the
40% 30% depression comorbidity with other physical health
issue is almost rare in Pakistan. This kind of study
20% not only open a different way to thinking but also will
contribute to better understanding and handling to the
0% diseased as well as post disease populations.
Male Female
By means of DSM-IV criteria we assessed The depression is high in young ages and more
depression among 34% patents whereas 66% were frequent in men. The patients recovered from dengue
without depression. Among depressed group fever can still be victim of depression and should be
12(24%) were males and 5(10%) were female, on screened for it.
other hand the males were 56% and 10% females in
group with no depression. REFERENCES
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