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International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) Vol.7, No.

4, July 2017


Prajakta Yerpude1 and Vaishnavi Gudur2
Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois

With a substantial increase in crime across the globe, there is a need for analysing the crime data to lower
the crime rate. This helps the police and citizens to take necessary actions and solve the crimes faster. In
this paper, data mining techniques are applied to crime data for predicting features that affect the high
crime rate. Supervised learning uses data sets to train, test and get desired results on them whereas
Unsupervised learning divides an inconsistent, unstructured data into classes or clusters. Decision trees,
Naïve Bayes and Regression are some of the supervised learning methods in data mining and machine
learning on previously collected data and thus used for predicting the features responsible for causing
crime in a region or locality. Based on the rankings of the features, the Crimes Record Bureau and Police
Department can take necessary actions to decrease the probability of occurrence of the crime.

Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, Regression, Data Mining,
Machine Learning

Criminal activities across the globe have created a menace in the society. Every year large
volume of criminal data is generated by the law enforcement organizations and it is a major
challenge for them to analyse this data to implement decision for avoiding crimes in future. The
crime data has many features including information about immigrants, race, sex, population,
demographics and so on. Analysing this data not only helps in recognizing a feature responsible
for high crime rate but also helps in taking necessary actions for prevention of crimes. Data
mining provides powerful techniques and algorithms to analyse data and extract important
information from it.
The knowledge discovery in data mining is gaining useful information or extracting patterns that
contribute to an important prediction from large amounts of data. McCue defines [1] knowledge
discovery as extraction of operationally actionable output from crime data for solving crimes or
explaining criminality. She mentions that crime investigation by police uses case based reasoning
techniques and relates it to data mining. Therefore, the data source from police can be used as a
source for crime data mining. Predictive analysis according to Nyce [2] is a statistical technique
used to develop models that predict future events. These predictive models usually are measured
using scores on which the features are extracted are taken as accuracy, precision, recall and F1
score. For this purpose, there is a need to train the data according to a specific data mining
algorithm and then test on a new dataset to know how well our model fits the new dataset by
measuring in terms of accuracy and F1 scores.
Data mining generally involve two categories with respect to the data to be mined that includes
Description [3] mining and Classification with Prediction [4]. Description mining usually is
mining of association rules, frequent patterns, clusters, or correlations.
DOI: 10.5121/ijdkp.2017.7404 43

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Classification and Prediction involves classifying a class label for data using probability
equations and predicting any feature using numeric measures accordingly.

In this paper, for performing predictive analysis, the Communities and Crime dataset from UCI
repository [5] has been used which consists of crime data in Chicago, a city having highest crime
rate in the United States of America. It includes features affecting crime rate like population, race,
sex, immigrants etc. Many features involving the community like, such as the percent of the
population considered urban, and the median family income, and involving law enforcement,
such as per capita number of police officers, and percent of officers assigned to drug units are
included so that algorithms that select or learn weights for attributes could be tested [5]. The
attribute or feature to be predicted is ‘Per Capita Violent Crimes’ which was pre-calculated in the
data using population and the sum of crime variables considered violent crimes in the United
States: murder, rape, robbery, and assault.
Here, 80% of data will be trained according to the given algorithms and tested on the rest of 20%
data. The aim is to predict top most features with the accurate predictive model that affects the
high crime rate which will eventually help police or law enforcement makers take necessary
actions. For this purpose, a precise implementation of following data mining algorithmic
predictive models has been made:
1. Decision Trees and Random Forest Classification
2. Naïve Bayes Classification
3. Linear Regression

Accuracy [6] measures the performance of each model that gives percentage of features that are
predicted correctly among total number of features, Precision [6] which is defined as number of
positive features classified by the model that are positive and Recall [6] that gives number of
positive features classified correctly by the model. Also, F1 Score [6] is a harmonic mean of
precision and recall for balancing out both has been taken as a measure of performance.
A systematic approach using Software Development Lifecycle [7] was followed that included
phases of modules that were planned, designed, coded, tested and integrated effectively. Planning
included requirements gathering, technological study, survey of data and deciding upon flow of
working. Coding consisted of implementation of predictive models by training and testing of
data. The paper introduces the topic followed by the literature search and related work done in
predictive analysis and its applications in crime data. It also includes various technologies and
methods used for getting results. A detailed description about the libraries used for this
prediction, classification and, the performance metrics decided upon, for obtaining the most
accurate results has been discussed in modules. Pre-processing of data describes the data in its
available format and the techniques used to process it. The data in the given dataset contained
many missing, null and erroneous values. Hence, there was a need for the data to be cleaned,
transformed, and integrated to reduce noise. To increase the accuracy of prediction, three data
mining techniques for developing prediction models were employed, the results of which can then
be compared to analyse which model best fits this type of data and to obtain the most accurate
prediction. The detailed description of every classifier with its analysis and implementation
results shall be seen in this paper. In conclusion, a comparative analysis of these algorithms in
terms of their scores with top features affecting crime rate will be discussed.
Decision Trees [8] includes a root node, branches, and leaf nodes with each internal node
denoting a test on an attribute, each branch denotes the outcome of a test, and each leaf node
holds a class label. The Random Forest [21] considers multiple individual trees. Each tree
individually classifies the dataset and the algorithm then chooses the classification commonly


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chosen by most number of individual trees. Thus, Random Forest Classifier algorithm formed a
key factor in getting an accurately predictable set of features with the help of decision trees.
Naïve Bayes Classification [22] is a supervised learning classifier that returns a set of classes,
instead of a single output. The classification is thus given by the probability that an object
belongs to a class. This approach is mainly used for its ease in implementation and precise results.
Linear Regression [25] allows to study relationships between two continuous (quantitative)
variables by fitting a straight line between target feature and remaining features. The best line that
fits the data can be found using a straight-line function. Performance of a linear predictive
regression model is measured by mean squared error that is average of the squares of the errors or
deviations - that is, the difference between the estimator(features) and what is estimated (Target

Data Mining [8] is the process of analysis to find trends, patterns, and knowledges. For this
purpose, two factors are important viz. data used for analysis requiring accuracy and sufficiency
and knowledge of expertise. This knowledge in the form of result obtained is used to assist in
decision making and solving problems. Growing amount of criminal data gives rise to numerous
problems like data storage, warehousing, and analysis [9]. The major areas used in data mining
are Association Rule mining, Classification, Prediction, and Clustering. Association mining [9] is
used to discover relationship between entities and finding frequent occurring item sets in dataset.
The relationship can be one to one, one to many or many to many. This is usually referred in
Market Basket analysis that shows customers buying products frequently. Classification and
Prediction [9] usually use divide and conquer method of grouping the data and predicting the
missing or not defined values in a dataset. Clustering [9] groups similar data into chunks called
clusters. In this case, it can be clusters of groups having age greater than 30, less than 30 and so
Several techniques have been proposed in the recent years for solving a problem of extracting
knowledge from explosive data adopting different algorithms. One of such applications is that of
finding knowledge of criminal behaviour from its historical data by studying the frequency of
occurring incidents [9]. P.Thongtae [9] studied and gave a comprehensive survey of effective
methods on data mining for crime data analysis. One of such proposed information system was
that of ‘Regional Crime Analysis Program’ that is used to turn data into knowledge using data
fusion. Data fusion manages, fuses, and interprets information from different sources and
overcomes confusion from cluttered backgrounds.
Ozgul [10] studied the sources of crime data mining by pointing out which forms of knowledge
discovery if suitable for which methodology. He studied CRISP-DM, Cross-Industry Standard
Process for Data Mining like SEMMA (Sample, Explore, Modify, Model, Assess). This method
suited best for prediction and clustering tasks. He also studied the Van der Hulst’s Methodology
that involves criminal network analysis. This included study of network boundaries, defining
actors, its attributes, activities, and affiliations that ensure data reliability and change over time.
He concluded that selecting the appropriate methodology depends on tasks required or high
volume of crime data to be prepared.
Chen Hsinchun [11] proposed a general framework for crime data that shows relationships
between data mining techniques applied in criminal and intelligence analysis and the crime types
at local, national, and international levels. They used entity extraction, association, prediction,
and pattern visualization to categorize each crime type. For example, investigators can use neural
networks in crime entity extraction, clustering in association and visualization and so on.
Currently they are associated in creating a cybercrime database with the help of this framework.


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This research focuses on prediction using:

1. Decision Trees [12] that uses root node, branches, and leaf nodes. Each internal node
denotes a test on an attribute, each branch denotes the outcome of a test, and each leaf node
holds a class label. Random Forest takes multiple trees into account and produces the mean
result which is useful in balancing the biased data.
2. Naïve Bayes classification [6]that uses Bayes rule to predict class membership probabilities
such as the probability that a given tuple belongs to a class. It uses the concept of conditional
3. Linear Regression [6] is a predictive modelling technique where the target variable to be
estimated is continuous.
The technology and tools used for Data mining are usually Python, R, Weka, Orange etc. A
predictive analytical model has been coded and designed in Python using Scikit [13] Learn
Modules. Scikit Learn is an open source and an efficient coding tool for data mining that is built
on numpy, Scipy and matplotlib modules of python. The overview and implementation part of
these algorithms shall be seen in the next chapter.



1. Pandas: It is an open source library [14] that provides high-performance, easy-to-use data
structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming language. It stores the tabular,
matrix data into rows and columns using data frames in Python which helps to process the
data dynamically. The CSV file can be loaded and converted into a data frame in Python
using a pandas object usually called as ‘pd’. The general syntax for this process is:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(‘Crime.txt’)
2. Numpy: It is a powerful package [15] for scientific computing in Python. It can be used by
creating an N-dimensional object array usually represented by np. The general syntax for
creating a numpy object is:
import numpy as np


1. Sklearn – Decision Tree Classifier: As described in the related work, decision tree model
is a supervised learning method of classification. The goal of this classifier [16] is to create a
model that predicts the value of a target variable by learning simple decision rules inferred
from the data features.A deeper tree indicates complex decision rules and that makes a better
fitted model. If y is an attribute to be predicted and X are the attributes used for prediction,
then the classifier syntax can be written as:
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion = 'entropy')
#Object of DecisionTreeClassifier with Entropy as the criterion, y)
Entropy gives the information gain from a decision rule. Hence for this predictive model,
Entropy as a criterion for splitting of branches has been used.


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2. Sklearn – Random Forest Classifier: This classifier [17] fits n number of decision tree
classifiers on various sub-samples of the dataset, controls the over-fitting of data and
improves predictive accuracy by averaging. This classifier has been used to gain a good
accuracy over singular decision trees obtained in 3. If y is an attribute to be predicted and X
are the attributes used for prediction, then the classifier syntax can be written as:
from sklearn.tree import RandomForestClassifier
dt = RandomForestClassifier() #Object of classifier, y)

3. Sklearn – GaussianNb: GaussianN [18] module make use of Naïve Bayes theorem that are
a set of supervised learning algorithms with the “naive” assumption of independence
between every pair of features. If y is an attribute to be predicted and X are the attributes
used for prediction, then the classifier syntax can be written as:
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
dt = GaussianNB() #Object of classifier, y)
4. Sklearn – Regression: Linear Regression [19] in Scikit allows to study relationships
between two continuous (quantitative) variables:
• One variable, denoted x, is regarded as the predictor - Features as variables.
• The other variable, denoted y, regarded as the response - HighCrime variable.
A linear regression line has an equation of the form y = a + bX, where X is the explanatory
variable and y is the dependent variable. Therefore, then the classifier syntax can be written
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
dt = LinearRegression() #Object of classifier, y)


1. Cross Validation Score: In Cross validation [6], each record is used the same number of
times for training and exactly once for testing. For example, in a 2-fold cross validation
method, choose one of the subsets for training and the other for testing. Then swap the roles
of the subsets so that the previous training set becomes the test set and vice versa. For
analysis, 10-fold cross validation method has been used thereby ruling out the possibility of
over fitting the data. Hence, CV Scores of accuracy, precision, recall and F1 Score have
been considered for elevating the performance of our model.

2. Accuracy, Precision, Recall and F1 Score: Performance of a model is measured by

reflection of well observed actual events. While training any model, a labelled data set that
includes the actual values to be predicted is considered. This introduced the concepts of a
confusion matrix [6]. It gives a relation between an actual and predicted class.


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Figure 1 Confusion Matrix

True positives [6] and true negatives [6] are the observations which were correctly predicted, and
therefore shown in green. The terms “false positive” and “false negative” can be confusing. False
negatives are observations where the actual event was positive. The way to think about it is that
the terms refer to the observations and not the actual events. So, if the term starts with “false”, the
actual value is the opposite of the word that follows it.
Accuracy is simply the ratio of correctly predicted observations and is given by:

Accuracy =

Precision and Recall is given by:

Precision =
Recall =

F1 Score is a harmonic mean of Precision and Recall.

3. Mean Squared Error: MSE [25] is the average of the squared errors between actual and
estimated readings in a data sample. Negative numbers are taken away by squaring the
difference. It also gives bigger differences more weight than smaller differences in the
result. Mean square error is widely used in signal processing applications, such as assessing
signal quality, comparing competing signal processing methods, and optimizing signal
processing algorithms. It is given by:

where Q is the MSE and the entity (yi−y^i)2 the squared prediction error for data point i.


Data pre-processing [20] is a data mining technique that involves transforming raw data into an
understandable format. Often the data is unstructured, inconsistent, has missing values, and lack
in certain behaviour or trends that gives many errors. Therefore, it needs to be cleaned, integrated,
transformed, and hence reduced. Cleaning fills in the missing values and removes noise.

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Integration take the data cubes or chunks together using multiple databases. Transformation uses
normalization and aggregates the data and Reduction helps in decreasing the volume of data
keeping similar analytical results.
The data set as mentioned above is taken from a UCI Repository: Communities and Crime
dataset. It has total 1994 instances and 128 attributes like population, race, and age.The attributes
are real and of multivariate characteristics. This data was first converted into CSV file using
JSON file from the website using Python. For naming convention, original data was assumed as
‘dirty data’ and the data with no missing values as ‘cleaned data’.
For clean data, removal of missing values was needed to get an appropriate crime data set.
Initially, columns that had these missing values or sparse values were deleted as undefined values
would have a negative impact on the accuracy of the model. For dirty data, the missing data of a
feature were converted into median value of that feature. For predicting feature, ‘Per Capita
Violent Crimes’, a new column called ‘High Crime’ was created that had a value ‘1’ for Per
Capita Violent Crime’ greater than 0.1 and ‘0’ otherwise. The threshold of 0.1 was decided upon
manual analysis of data by view-through process. All the features had to be predicted using this
target feature ‘High crime’.
Clean and dirty data sets were converted into different data frames and the target feature ‘High
crime’ was assigned to a variable ‘Target’ and the remaining features to ‘Features’. Following are
the steps to implement this conversion using Python:

>>>df['HighCrime'] = (df['Per Capita Violent Crimes'] > 0.1)

#A new column for target feature
>>>df, targets = encode_target(df, " HighCrime", "Target")
#After encoding from string values to integer values, we name ‘High crime’ to ‘Target’
>>> features = list(df)
#This consists of all the features in a data frame
>>>features.remove("Per Capita Violent Crimes")
#As we have a new column ‘High crime’ based on this feature, we remove this column
for our model
# Target feature is not included in the remaining features’ list
The comparative analysis, though is done using both datasets that is, dirty and cleaned data.
Because in data mining, sometimes missing values also play an important role in the analysis.
Hence implementation and testing of predictive models was performed on both datasets.


The decision tree was built to predict the target column, after splitting the dataset into random
training and test sets. The splitting criterion ‘Entropy’ was decided upon for splitting the dataset.
According to the Shannon Information Entropy Theory [23], the entropy of a variable can be
defined as, ∑ -P * log P, for the probability P of that variable taking values of 0,1,2…. n and, the
sum of probabilities of all variables is 1. Dingsheng Wan [24] mentions in his paper that, smaller
the value of entropy, better can the system be described.


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The predictor feature ‘High crime’ was evaluated using a confusion matrix [25] for train and test
set, and then using Cross- Validation [26] procedure to reduce this overfitting. In the k-fold cross
validation, the training set is split into k- subsets and the model is trained using remaining k-1
folds of training data (which would then become the test set). The average of the values computed
is then taken into consideration for calculating the confusion matrix.The accuracy, precision and
recall values calculated after performing 10-fold Cross Validation on the Decision Tree gave the
values, which are much more realistic and practical as opposed to those obtained with the
overfitted data (100%). Following are the steps to be implemented while using a Decision Trees
Classifier in Python:
>>> from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
# Importing classifier from scikit learn

>>> from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split

#Importing train_test_split method from cross validation that splits our data into train (75%)
and test (25%)

>>> y = df ['Target']
#Target data - HighCrime
>>> x = df2[features]
# Remaining features

>>>X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x , y)

#We split the data into train and test using train_test_split()

>>>dt = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion = 'entropy')

#Object of DecisionTreeClassifier with Entropy as the criterion

>>>, y_train)
Output: DecisionTreeClassifier(class_weight=None, criterion='entropy', max_depth=None,
max_features=None, max_leaf_nodes=None,
min_impurity_split=1e-07, min_samples_leaf=1,
min_samples_split=2, min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0,
presort=False, random_state=None, splitter='best')
#This fits the model in our data

>>>y_pred = dt.predict(X_train)
#Pass the training data to predict the feature

>>> from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score

>>>accuracy_dt = accuracy_score(y_train,y_pred)*100

>>> print('Accuracy: ', accuracy_dt)

>>>precision_dt = precision_score(y_train,y_pred)*100
#Calculate accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score using metrics in scikit learn

Feature Importance in scikit learn measures the importance of feature in relation to target feature.
Therefore, the top 10 most important features that helped in prediction of crime, based on this
score were fetched. Higher the importance score, more significant is that feature in contribution to
crime. The same procedure was applied on both cleaned as well as uncleaned data and the results
were as follows:

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Table 1: Performance Measures- Decision Trees Clean Data

Evaluating Measure 10-fold Cross-Validation (%)

DecisionTreeClassifier- Clean data

Accuracy 75.9%
Precision 80.62%
Recall 81.53%
F1 score 81.22%

Table 2: Performance Measures- Decision Trees Dirty Data

Evaluating Measure 10-fold Cross-Validation (%)

DecisionTreeClassifier/Dirty Data

Accuracy 76.77%
Precision 81.56%
Recall 80.58%
F1 score 80.76%

The top 10 features extracted according to the feature importance scores were:

• PctKids2Par : Percentage of kids in family housing with two parents

• RacePctWhite: Percentage of population that is Caucasian

• RacePctHisp : Percentage of race Hispanic

• PctFam2Par : Percentage of families (with kids) that are headed by two parents State

• PctNotSpeakEnglWell: Percentage of people not speaking English well

• TotalPctDiv : Percentage of population who are divorced

• MalePctDivorce: Percentage of Male divorced

• PctWorkMomYoungKids: Percentage of moms of kids 6 and under in labour force

• PctIlleg: Percentage of kids born to never married

Decision Tree Classifier had ‘PctKids2Par’as its root implying the topmost predictive feature for
‘High crime’. Using entropy as a splitting criterion, the remaining features were extracted.


Random Forests Classifiers correct the decision trees’ habit of overfitting the training dataset. It
constructs multiple trees at the training time and outputs a mean prediction in regression and
mode prediction in classification of the data set. Gini Index was used as an impurity measure for
constructing trees with the help of Random Forest Classifiers. Gini Index [3] gives the separation
measure between the probabilistic measure of the target attribute’s values. It is an alternative to
Information Gain in Decision trees and Classification. Like Entropy, Gini also reaches its
maximum value when all the classes in the data set have equal probability.


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Table 3: Performance Measures- Random Forest Classifier Clean Data

Evaluating Measure 10-fold Cross-Validation (%)

RandomForestClassifier/Clean Data

Accuracy 83.39%
Precision 88.30%
Recall 84.86%
F1 score 86.54 %
Table 4: Performance Measures- Random Forest Classifier Dirty Data

Evaluating Measure 10-fold Cross-Validation (%)

RandomForestClassifier/Dirty Data

Accuracy 81.35%
Precision 87.35%
Recall 82.81%
F1 score 84.80%

The top 10 features extracted according to the feature importance scores were:
PctNotSpeakEnglWell: Percent of people who do not speak English well

• PctFam2Par: Percentage of families (with kids) that are headed by two parents
• FemalePctDiv: Percentage of females who are divorced
• PctPersDenseHous:Percent of persons in dense housing (more than 1 person per room)
• PctKids2Par: Percentage of kids in family housing with two parents
• TotalPctDiv: Percentage of population who are divorced
• Racepctblack: Percentage of population that is African American
• PctWInvInc: Percentage of households with investment / rent income in 1989
• racePctWhite: Percentage of population that is Caucasian
• PctPopUnderPov: Percentage of people under the poverty level
• MedIncome: Median household income

Since the accuracy, precision and recall values for Random Forest Classifier is almost same on
both clean and dirty data, this model perfectly fits for median values for both with and without
missing values. Also, the top features like ‘PctKids2Par’: Percentage of kids in family housing
with two parents and ‘racePctWhite’: Percentage of population that is Caucasian are common to
the decision trees all together.


Naïve Bayes Classification uses Bayes theorem [26] that describes the probability of an event,
based on prior knowledge of conditions that might be related to the event. It is given as:


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where P(A|B) = Probability of A given B is true

P(B|A) = Probability of B given A is true
P(A) and P(B) = Probability of A and B respectively
A: Target and B: Remaining Features
This classifier is implemented in Python using GaussianNB Classifier that uses Naïve Bayes Rule
for calculating feature importance and their score. Again, to reduce over fitting, cross validation
was used to measure accuracy, precision, recall and F1 Score. The initial steps of taking target
feature in y variable and other features in x variable will be common for all models. Following
are the steps to be implemented while using a Naïve Bayes Classifier in Python:
>>> from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
#Importing Gaussian Naïve Bayes classifier from scikit learn

>>>clf_gnb = GaussianNB()
#Creating an object of a model and fitting it over train and test data

#Fitting the data in the classifier’s object
Output: GaussianNB(priors=None)

Table 5: Performance Measures- Naïve Bayes Classifier Clean Data

Evaluating Measure 10-fold Cross-Validation (%)

NaiveBayesClassifier/Clean Data

Accuracy 77.64 %
Precision 92.53 %
Recall 69.82 %
F1 score 79.58 %
Table 6: Performance Measures- Naïve Bayes Classifier Dirty Data

Evaluating Measure 10-fold Cross-Validation (%)

NaiveBayesClassifier /Dirty Data

Accuracy 75.42 %
Precision 82.53 %
Recall 79.45 %
F1 score 79.97 %

The top 10 features extracted according to the feature importance scores were:
NumUnderPov: Number of people under Poverty line, Population
NumbUrban: Number of people in Urban Area
HousVacant: Number of vacant houses
RacePctHisp: Percentage of race Hispanic
LemasPctOfficDrugUn: Percentage of officers assigned to drug unit
PctNotSpeakEnglWell: Percentage of people not speaking English well
RacePctAsian: Percentage of race Asian
PctPersDenseHous: Percentage of people in dense housing


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The accuracy results for clean data are better than the dirty data implies the clean data set could
fit this GaussianNb predictive model well. Sparse and missing data creates inconsistency and that
affects the overall performance of the model. Also, the clean data gives maximum number of
correctly identified documents according to the precision. However, if recall is taken into
consideration with precision, dirty data gives the better performance as the relevant features
identified using recall are correct according to a maximum precision.

5.4 Linear Regression

Linear Regression fits a straight line to the data using two continuous variables
• One variable, denoted x, is regarded as the predictor - Features as variables.
• The other variable, denoted y, regarded as the response - High crime variable.

A linear regression line has an equation of the form Y = a + bX, where X is the explanatory
variable and Y is the dependent variable.
Target = a + b(Features)
For example: High crime = a + b(Population)
Linear Regression minimizes the sum of squares of the variables predicted by linear
approximation. Following are the steps to be implemented while using a Linear Regression
predictive model in Python:

>>> from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

# Importing classifier from scikit learn

>>>linreg = LinearRegression()
#Object of a Linear Regression Model

#Fitting the data in the classifier’s object
Output: LinearRegression(copy_X=True, fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=1, normalize=False)

>>> from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

#Importing mean squared error module from metrics

#Calculating mean squared error

Table 7: Performance Measures- Linear Regression Classifier Clean Data

Evaluating Measure 10-fold Cross-Validation (%)
LinearRegression- Clean Data

MSE 0.0179
Accuracy 64.72 %
Precision 88 %
Recall 85.4 %
F1 score 82.3 %


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Table 8: Performance Measures- Linear Regression Classifier Dirty Data

Evaluating Measure 10-fold Cross-Validation (%)

Linear Regression- Dirty Data

MSE 0.0177
Accuracy 66.93 %
Precision 74 %
Recall 84.98 %
F1 score 86.6 %

The top 10 features extracted according to the feature importance scores were:

FemalePctDiv: Percentage of females who are divorced

PctRecImmig8: Percentage of _population_ who have immigrated within the last 8 years
PctOccupMgmtProf: Percentage of _population_ who have immigrated within the last 8 years
RentHighQ: Rental housing - upper quartile rent
PctForeignBorn: Percentage of people foreign born
PctRecImmig5: Percentage of _population_ who have immigrated within the last 5 years
AgePct16t24: Percentage of population that is 16-24 in age
PctImmigRec10: Percentage of _immigrants_ who immigrated within last 10 years
RacePctHisp: Percentage of race Hispanic
AgePct65up: Percentage of population that is 65 and over in age
Although the values for Mean squared error and Accuracy came out to be close, the dirty data
fitted this regression model well. It is a surprising fact that although the accuracy value is low for
the clean data, balance in precision and recall values(high) shows that whatever the features
identified, are identified correctly.

Table 9: Comparative Results of Data Mining methods and their performance

Clean Data

Table 10: Comparative Results of Data Mining methods and their performance
Dirty Data


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International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) Vol.7, No.4, July 2017

The paper concludes withRandom Forest Classifier giving the most balanced results with respect
to accuracy, precision, recall and F1 scoreout of three models for prediction of ‘Per Capita
Violent Crimes’ feature. While Linear Regression gave the lowest values in these performance
measures, the data could not fit well to the straight line considered using target and remaining
features. The high value of accuracy in dirty data for this model as compared to clean data shows
that regression needs continuous data including the sparse values. Random Forest Classifier takes
multiple trees into account and gives an average of the result which proved to be perfect for this
type of data. Naïve Bayes proved to be a balancing quotient for this crime data as it had values
close to the Random Forest Classifier. Some common features having high importancescores that
proved to be highly predictive of ‘High crime’ features are ‘NumUnderPov’: Number of people
under poverty level, ‘PctNotSpeakEnglWell’: Percent of people who do not speak English well,
‘LandArea’, ‘NumbUrban’: Number of people in Urban Area using Random Forest Classifier
model and Naïve Bayes Classifier model.

Reduction of overfitting using cross validation improves performance by enough training and
testing samples that seemed to help in this analysis by giving correct and consistent performance
measures. These predicted features will be useful for the Police Department to utilize their
resources efficiently and take appropriate actions to reduce criminal activities in the society. This
can be used to enhance security and protection of criminal data by a desktop or a mobile
application to track the crime rate and take any safety measures based on the relevant features.By
maintaining dynamic databases with the criminal records across various countries, this technique
can be implemented widely all over the world. The present dataset consists of all types of crimes,
this type of analysis can be narrowed down to a single category of crime.


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International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP) Vol.7, No.4, July 2017

Prajakta R. Yerpudeis pursuing her Masters in Computer Science 2016-18,
2016 18, from Illinois
Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA. She has been working in the domain of Data Science
since the past 4 years. Her interests include Advanced Data Mining, Machine Learning, Data
analytics, Databases, and Artificial Intelligence. She has published a research paper titled
“Algorithms for text to graph conversion and text summarization using NLP: A business
solution” at International Journal of Natural Language Computing

Vaishnavi V. Gudur is pursuing her Masters in Computer Science 2016-18,

2016 18, from Illinois
Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA. She has been working in the domain of Database
Management and Web Enterprise Applications since the past 3 years. Herinterests include
Big Data Analytics,Advanced
ics,Advanced Data Mining,Web Development, Databases.


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