Abrham Proposal Writing
Abrham Proposal Writing
Abrham Proposal Writing
Contents page
CHAPTER ONE.......................................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER TWO......................................................................................................................................4
LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................................................4
2.3 Entrepreneurs.............................................................................................................................6
a) Leadership...........................................................................................................................7
b) Personal management.........................................................................................................7
CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................................................9
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..............................................................................................................9
4. Work plan.................................................................................................................................12
4.1. Budget......................................................................................................................................13
This proposal is my original work and has not been presented to any other inistitiution or university,
but i used secondary data for litrature review that was made before.
First and for most I would like to thank my almighty God for his protection and blessing.
I am deeply indebted, heartfelt gratitude, appreciation to my advisor Degefe. T(MBA) for his
guidance, fruitful, discussion, encouragement, valuable and scientific comments and excellent advice
throughout this senior essay proposal.
I wish to extend my deepest appreciation to my family for their endless love great support and
encouragement, not only to my study has, but as well to every step of my life. Thank you for
My special respect and thanks should also go to the Tena spring water factory employees specially
the manager of marketing department and employees for their warm cooperation throughout this
senior essay proposal.
Last but not least, yet importantly, I would like to thanks all my friends, for their concerns,
encouragement, helping and giving me spiritual support all the time.
WCU- Wachemo University
%- Percentage
The understanding of entrepreneurship owns match to the work of economists Joseph Schumpeter
and the Austrian economist such as Ludwig van miss and van Hayek. In Schumer an entrepreneur is
a person who is willing and able to convert new idea or innovate in to a successful innovation.
Entrepreneur forces Creative destruction across market and industries. Simultaneously creating new
products and business models in this way creative destruction is legally responsible for the
dynamism of industries and long run economy growth. Entrepreneurship is widely regarded as an
integral player of in the culture of a country and particular as an engine for job creation and
economic growth. The concept of entrepreneurship has a wide range of meaning one extreme an
entrepreneur is a person of very high attitude who pioneer change, possessing characteristics found
in any a very small fraction of the population. On the other extreme definition, anyone who wants to
work for him in considered to be an entrepreneurship. The word entrepreneur originates from the
French word Entrepreneur trait are not true that successful entrepreneur born that way, in fact any
one can be a successful entrepreneur. However, there are some specific entrepreneurial traits person
must have to be success in the field of business. (Joseph Schumpeter 1883-1950)
Despite all those claimed, by considerable number of scholars that entrepreneurship (business) in the
Ethiopia scale has not shown any improvement until this time. This is true to many workers
regardless of the type profession they belong to considering all these issues the overall subject since
the beginning of the 21st centuries entrepreneurship become a topic of discussion, speculation and
research. Accordingly, the researcher aimed mainly to assess the abilities of both business and non
business students in creation of business and enables how much is their attitude in entrepreneurial
activity and business orientation. And also, the researcher intended to guide some possible solutions
for the matter of the problems.
Previous studies show that the problem of entrepreneurial attitude and business orientation of
students are not solved yet. Because of these facts, this study will try to pick out the factors that
encounter them to do so, that is why; the researcher will believe that the presence of entrepreneurial
attitude among university students may be important indicators of the pool of potential entrepreneurs.
The concept of business orientation has only been generally defined by the popular press and has not
been operationalized and tasted as its proposed impact on an organization. This has result on some
confusion concerning on the definition.
Attitudes toward entrepreneurship among university students may be relevant as well. The number of
business initiation and operated in any country and in any given period has strong relation with a
positive entrepreneurial quality and business orientation of the peoples. But there is great difference
between business and not business students. This difference must be removed by providing some
concerned solutions. Both sets of students play an important role in over the economy. But the role
and associated behaviors between them remain different.
Even though there exist a good entrepreneurial traits and business orientation starting and intimation
business will be difficult unless social, political and economic environment factories are conductive.
For entrepreneurship of grow, a good social, political and economic environment is necessary
condition, but not a sufficient one. (kurtko, Donald F. 2005).
Individuals who live in such an environment must have entrepreneurial traits. Therefore, the above
fact the personal quality they possess or lack, the business orientation they developed and the social
political and environmental factors in our country will determine the degree, place and development
of entrepreneurship in Ethiopia
The gap between business and non-business students of entrepreneurial attitudes of university
students determine the development of entrepreneurship in our country. Due to these facts the
following issues have addressed in this study.
Does a business student differ from that of non-business students in the concept of entrepreneur?
Who is more business oriented? Business students or non-business students?
What are the most significance differences between business and not business students?
1.4. Objective of the Study
1.4.1 General Objective of the Study
The general objective of this study is to assess the overall business orientation and
entrepreneurial traits of business and non-business students
1.4.2 Specific objectives of the Study
The study will try to assess business and non-business attitude towards entrepreneurial activities.
To assess the major factors behind inducing students not to involve in business.
To evaluate the existing prospect as far as students are concerned.
To compare the business orientation and entrepreneurial traits of business and non-business
Establish whether significance difference exist between the categories of entrepreneurial traits of
wachamo University students in faculty of social science.
Generally, to show the importance of involving stalk holders in entrepreneurial education and
fostering business venture.
After the answers to the leading questions are sought, the study believes that this paper would give
clear high light of what student feels and their attitude towards business and entrepreneurial
activities. So that any concerned party would a position provided and structured a policy favoring
students. Having the knowledge level of business orientation of students, it:
Make students aware about the merits of business and being one’s own boss.
Aware the latent entrepreneurial talent in students and peruse the path.
Serve as a reference for future researcher.
To solve social, political and economic problems of entrepreneurship.
The main objective of the study is nvestigating the overall business orientation and attitudes
of students. Although due to broad perspective of the subjects the study is supposed to
undertake a wide range investigation to draw reasonable conclusion. But due to some
constraints the study will be confined to the students of wachamo University in faculty of
social science
In addition to this the study is will be limited to a formal business area where students were
engaged. This is because the participation in this sector offers greatest contribution to the
economy and provides a legitimate achievement that would be essential for entrepreneur
students personally and as well as in the eyes of the society.
Some of the major problem will be encountered while conducting this survey is might as follows.
Books written regarding to students’ orientation towards business and entrepreneurial traits might
not readily available in sufficient quality.
Financial constraints, special, related to duplication paper.
The sample which would take for undertaking this study does not thoroughly covered all relevant
Shortages of time of study revise past related studies in sufficient condition.
The researcher came up these problems through saving leaser time for the study by minimizing
costs and by referring least numbers of related documents.
The study has four chapters. The first chapter deals introduction which consists of background of the
study, background of the organization, statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance
of the study. Scope and limitation of the study and organization of the study. The second chapter will
emphasize on review of related literature, which is briefly discuss about the definition and concepts
of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship and other related concepts. The third chapter will consisting of
methodology of the study and the fourth chapter will consisting of data presentation and analysis,
The word entrepreneur originates from the French word Entreprenerd which means to undertake or
go between In business context, it implies to start a business. Entrepreneur is one who originates,
manages and assumes the risk of a business or enterprises. The concept entrepreneur has a wide
range of meaning, on one extreme and entrepreneur is a person of very high attitude who pioneers
changes, possessing characteristics found in any small fractions of the population. On the other way
it means anyone who wants to work for him or herself is considered to be an entrepreneur. (David
Mc Cleland; 1981) P.284) Entrepreneurship placed an emphasis on innovations such as
New products
New production method
New market
New form of organization
An entrepreneurship also defined as the process creating something different with value by devoting
the necessary time and effort, assuming the accompanying financial and personal satisfaction in the
book under the title entrepreneurship starting development and managing a new enterprise. In almost
of the definition of entrepreneurship there is an agreement that new is talking about a kind of
behavior that includes.
initiate taking
The organization and recognizing social income’s mechanisms to turn resources and situation to
practical account.
The acceptance of risk of failure (Robert C.j 1974; P.174).
An underlying assumption of the researcher query is that taken collectively, students attitude affect
the level of entrepreneurial activity. Specific evidence to support this assumption does not yet exist.
But the study offers several reasons why it is plausible. The presence of entrepreneurial attitude
among university students may be an important indicator of the pool of potential entrepreneurs.
Areas with larger proportion to start successful business may display higher rate of form creation
simply because there are many university students graduate who are likely to start business. This
factor may contribute only partially to the country’s entrepreneurial activity. The total number of
students learning a business remains small and dependent up on other un measured characters.
Attitude towards entrepreneurship among university students may be relevant as well. Non business
students have higher failure rate and at least initially pay flower ways than business or learn
entrepreneurship to establish business activity. (David Mc Cleland; 1981)
Entrepreneurship has become a widely thought subject in university and business schools. However,
only a copy small number of studies have investigated the effect of entrepreneurship and graduate
with other majors. The results indicate that graduates on entrepreneurship major are more likely to
start a new business and have stronger entrepreneurial attitude than other graduates. (Recent
entrepreneurial intention of university students). (Researcher tracker and kolkereid; 1999; P 108).
2.3 Entrepreneurs
An entrepreneur is a state of mind that people which to create a new firm or a new value deriver
inside existing organizations. It is driving force of the entrepreneurial activity. Research on
entrepreneurial activity makes an inquiry in to why some people choose to be self-employed or start
their own business while others prefer traditional salary-based jobs.
In sum there are numerous aspects to the study of entrepreneurial in each addressing different facts
of international entrepreneurial activity. (Aizen’s (1992); P.287).
It is not true that successful entrepreneurs are born that way; in fact, anyone can be successful
entrepreneur. However, there are some specific entrepreneurial traits a person must have to be
successful in the field of business of course entrepreneurship is not for every one.
But with these particular character traits, you can really have what it takes to succeed in the highly
competitive world of business, what are those essential entrepreneurial traits that anyone who is
interested in starting a business must possess.
Independence; an entrepreneur has a strong sense of independence and will march forward with a
purpose and that is to earn money through his own means and hard work.
Persistence and determination; these are fueled by a during design to achieve his goal of
succeeding in his chosen field of business.
Self-confidence; Along with independence an entrepreneur possess self-confidence.
Creativity; creative people are naturally curious, inquisitive, bright and highly flexible when
thinking. They keenly observe their environment and have an eye or spotting new friends that
could potentially be as business opportunity.
Organized and goal oriented. All efforts must be focused towards achieving the goal. (Fishbein.
M; 1991; PP 179-211)
Most important characters for success as an entrepreneur are: Perseverance, Desire and willingness
to take the initiative, Competitiveness, Self- reliance, Self-confidence, Willingness to take risk,
Willingness to take risk, Desire to create and innovation. Least important for success as an
entrepreneur are: Ability to read effectively, a willingness to tolerate uncertainty, Strong desire for
money, Patience, being well organized, A need for power.
Assume personal responsibility for decision
To forge ahead with entrepreneurship education seems imperative for the health and well being of a
nation. There is a consensus among researchers that entrepreneurship education under rapid growth.
There is also consult that, despite the growth in entrepreneurship education, little information can be
Different schools or traditions of research begin for the different patterns of expansion. The agents of
the field agree that entrepreneurship has positive effects. These effects are pointed out in a wide
range of areas. Ayttti (2001) P 103 argues that the positive views are so dominant that it might be
even socially un acceptable think negatively. Through this positive attitude do not necessary
correlate with actual activities when it comes to desalting business starts ups. They assumed positive
effects of entrepreneurship has been questioned. (Hennery Nd Hill, 1997; PP 346-347).
There are so general agreements that entrepreneurship education is, must be rather than shall be. It is
described perhaps the most important economic development mechanisms. To succeed in this
entrepreneurship education must be concerned with learning and facilitating for entrepreneurship no
about it “Doing” is more than “thinking” knowledge has to be converted in to solutions that benefits
customers in the market place. (Formiea 2002: P.171) The learning must be personal, practical and
experimental trough discovery.
The concept of business orientation has only been generally defined by the popular press and has not
been operational and tested as to it, proposed impact on an organization. Definition from the popular
point views, business orientation is an Individual that emphasis business and process-oriented way of
thinking and it is an awareness towards the business world related venture.
Business orientation projects has been established business related career interests bean more about
the working of the business world and related ventures. Business orientation sessions are facilities by
minority business professionals who bring the class room made range of knowledge and ability in the
areas of management, Accounting, Marketing, sales and entrepreneurship. This programmed
provides students with an opportunity to learn first had what it takes to successes in various career
paths in the realisms of business. Over the years, students have expressed that the basic skills and
business knowledge which they acquired through the business orientation project to has helped them
to understand the necessary steps it tables to own business choose a career path and business
This study will be undertaken in Hosanna town. Hosanna town is located at a distance of 235 km
away from the Ethiopian capital city, Addis Ababa, to south. The estimated total area of the town is
11,000 hectares. It is characterized by the type of climate with daily temperature ranging from 18 0c
to 270c and is located 1900 meter above sea level. The total population of the town as per the national
census of 2007 was estimated to be 161,690. The town is a capital of the Hadiya Zone. It is divided
into 3 sub-towns and 8 administrative kebeles. Business activities and public sector employment are
the dominant economic activities in the town. The residents of the town also practice urban
agriculture in the peripheral areas of the town administration.
mostly the data is quantitative in nature and have qualitative data in some cases, the researcher will
be using primary and secondary data in order to get usefull information and to be the study relevant,
consistence and completley accuracy and it also be significant if the study will be completed well.
This study will be used descriptive research and explanatory research types which attempts to
clarify how determinant factors affect employee job satisfaction. The descriptive research design
seems appropriate for this study because the study's goal is to produce an accurate explanation of
the determinants and job satisfaction among yeka sub-city employees. In this study, the following
independent variables are considered: they are salary and benefits, working environment, promotion
opportunity, supervisors and supervision style, supervisor’s feedback and trust in leaders.
Research approach is a plan and procedure that consists of the steps of broad assumptions to detail
method of data collection, analysis and interpretation. Investigative strategies such as surveys and
experiments to gather data on predetermined instruments that yield numerical data and variables that
can be easily measured or counted and analyzed using numerical measures(quantitative) like
frequency counting and percentages in tables on some categories to determine whether it is possible
to generalize the study findings to the general population. This study will be used quantitative
method of data analysis.
3.5 Source and Type of Data
The study will be used primary and secondary data (researches conducted before on job satisfaction,
yeka sub city administration official websites, social Medias) which will be collected from sample
employees and office documents of yeka sub city and general truths and information from Addis
Ababa city administration office, library and online information.
According to Babbie (2002), the bull's eye population was a set of the incident, individuals,
mechanisms, administrations, the gathering of things, or families under study. According to Wojtek
J.Krzanowski (2007) identifying the target population is one critical aspect of any study. There are
several different types of measurements, and since the different types generally demand different
statistical techniques for their analysis, we need to consider them briefly here. Addis Ababa City
Administration is contained eleven sub-cities suppose the researcher will be taken the sample by
group (sub-city), for resource and time factors, the researcher will select one sub-city i.e., wachamo
university Administration. The target population of passion for this study comprises students of the
wachamo university specific number of randomly selected office workers will be addressed to take
In this study, the samples will be selected by simple sampling technique of probability sampling
(simple random sampling) and stratified sampling will be used to select the sample from the sub city
and woreda districts of the sub city). The sample size determination for the study will based on Taro
Yamane ‘s a simplified formula to calculate sample sizes. As stated by Yamane for a 95%
confidence level and p = 0.5. The size of the sample should be:
n= 2
1+ N (e )
N is total population
ni =
From the formula, the sample sizes for this study were 365 employees. The respondents will be
chosen based on their availability to respond to the survey. These approaches will be used because,
even though convenience sampling can cause error sampling, but snowball sampling helps to better
define the target population (Hair et al., 2007). The following table summarizes the total population
in selected offices, and woreda districts and the corresponding Sample will be taken from yeka
administrative office workers and woreda districts.
In this study, the researcher will be employed quantitative method of data analysis. To this end, the
collected data through questionnaire were analyzed using, tables, different graphs, correlation, and
multiple regression analysis. To change the collected data into useful information statistical package
for social science (SPSS) version 25.0 and Microsoft Excel 2010 will be used.
In This study we will examine the relationship between among most significant variables of the
research thesis in order to predict the research result and to forcast the research thesis, from among
most useful hypothesis variables of the study is the followings are provided.
2. How we can change and relate the students attitude into enterprinership?
In this research study, issues relating to the ethical conduct of research such as informed consent,
confidentiality, privacy, and anonymity will be withheld. Participants and respondents will be given
full information on the purpose and objectives of the study for them to make informed decisions as
to whether to partake or not. Moreover, all information concerning the identity and personality of
respondents will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Additionally, all information gathered
will be used for the sole purpose of this research study.
4.Work plan
4.1 Budget
1. Burns, P and Dew Hurst, (1993), Small business enterprise and entrepreneurship.
(Tracked and kolvircid, 1999; noto etal, 2001; veliana etal, 2005 and
ale at 2006).
5. Kurtko, Donald F. (1989), Entrepreneurship; a contemporary approach. Fort Worth press.