Solar Radiation
Solar Radiation
Solar Radiation
SET 814
Dr. Francis Njoka
January. 2023
Course contents
1. Tohn Twidell and Tony Weir (2015). Renewable Energy Resources (3rd Edition). Routledge. 2 Park Square,
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN
2. Soteris Kalogirou (2009) Solar energy engineering: Processes and systems (1st Edition) Academic Press.
30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA
3. Aldo V. Da Rosa (2009) Fundamentals of Renewable energy processes (2nd Edition) Academic Press. 30
Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA
4. John A. Duffie and William A. Beckman (2013) Solar engineering of thermal processes (4th edition). John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
The Sun: Earth’s Energy Source
The Sun is located about 150x109 m from the Earth at the center of the Solar
In this interaction Hydrogen isotopes (deuterium and tritium) combine to form
Helium and the excess energy is released in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
All the sun’s energy comes from the innermost ¼ of its
Sun’s surface temperature is about 5780 K.
radius – 1.6% by vol.
80% of this energy is by proton-proton cylce – fusion of 4
protons to form Helium.
1H + 1H = 2D + positron + neutrino
1H + 2D = 3He + γ rays
3He + 3He = 4He + 1H + 1H
Solar Radiation
The output power of sun is L0 = 3.9×1023 kW. The energy flux at the surface of the Sun
is approximately 64 x 106 W/m2 .
The energy reaching the earth is 1.5×1018 kWh/year.
When light travels from outer space to earth, solar energy is lost because of
following reasons:
The solar fluxes at two different distances from the Sun, I1 and I2,
relate to one another as the inverse square of their distances from it,
r1 and r2, that is:
I1/ I2 = (r2/r1)2
Electromagnetic Energy Transfer
The speed of light c*, the frequency of the EM waves 𝝂, and its
wavelength λ are linked through the following relationship: c* = λ𝝂
Blackbody Radiation
λmax = 2898/T
Using Wien’s law and the Earth and Sun average temperatures 288
and 5780 K, respectively we find that their λmax correspond to about
10 and 0.5 μm.
Ib = σT4
where σ is referred to as the Stefan-Boltzman constant = 5.67 x 10−8 W/m2 K4
where (Rav) is the mean sun-earth distance and (R ) is the actual sun-
earth distance depending on the day of the year
R AV 1.0011 0.034221 * cos( ) 0.00128 * sin( )
0.000719 * cos( 2 ) 0.000077 * sin( 2 )
Where β = 2 π n / 365 and n is the day of the year. For example, January 15 is year
day 15 and February 15 is year day 46. There are 365 or 366 days in a year
depending if the year is a leap year.
Each orbit is defined by its mean distance from the Sun (d), by
its eccentricity (e) and by its orientation in space.
The days are longer than the night on the hemisphere tilting
towards the Sun leading to more incoming Solar energy than in the
other hemisphere.
The times of year when the difference between the lengths of day
and night reach their extreme values are called solstices.
Latitude lines run horizontally, parallel and equally distant from
each other.
Degrees latitude are numbered from 0° to 90° north and south.
Zero degrees is the equator, the imaginary line which divides our
planet into the northern and southern hemispheres.
North Pole is 90° north and South Pole and 90° south.
Each degree of latitude is approximately 111 km (69 miles)
Longitude lines (meridians) are vertical, converge at the poles
and are widest at the equator (about 111 km or 69 miles apart).
The degrees continue 180° east and 180° west where they meet
and form the International Date Line in the Pacific Ocean.
Solar Declination
Solar Declination is the angle between the Sun's rays and Earth's
equatorial plane. (Technically, it is the angle between the Earth-Sun
vector and the equatorial plane.)
Solar Elevation (Sun height) Angle ( θ )
The solar elevation angle is the elevation angle of the
sun. That is, the angle between the direction of the sun
and the (idealized) horizon.
It can be calculated, to a good approximation, using the
following formula:
θs is the solar elevation angle,
h is the hour angle of the present time ,
δ is the current sun declination and
Φ is the local latitude
Solar Time and Local Standard Time
The system of standard time is based on two facts:
1. The Earth completes a total rotation on its axis once
every twenty-four hours.
2. There are 360° of longitude all the way around the
The Earth turns 360° in 24 hours, or at a rate of 15° an
hour. (360° in a day÷24 hours = 15° an hour)
Eqt = 4.0 sin [π (n - 106) / 59) for year day n between 107
and 166
Eqt = - 6.5 sin [π( n - 166) / 80) for year day n between 167
and 365
Solar Time and Local Standard Time
To adjust solar time for a longitude, one has to sum the value
resulting from the time equation and add to or subtract the amount
that the local time is ahead or behind the clock time for the time
zone to the local time.
Since the earth rotates approximately once every 24 hours, the hour
angle changes by 15 degrees per hour and moves through 360
degrees over the day.
Typically, the hour angle is defined to be zero at solar noon, when the
sun is highest in the sky.
λ is the latitude of the location of interest,
δ is the sun declination and
h is the hour angle .
Thank you