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1.1 Introduction

Smart Agriculture is a concept in which information and communication technology is

implemented to manage all the activities and processes related to the agriculture domain. Internet

of things has the capability to influence many of the areas of the world we live in such as

advanced industries, smart cities and novel technologies in connected vehicles (Kamienski, et al.,

2017). However, IoT could have an even more significant impact on the agriculture area. The

designed solution described in this paper illustrates an IoT-based smart agriculture system built

to perform crop fields miniaturization based on multiple sensors (for temperature measurements,

temperature of leaves and flower buds, level of oxygen in the soil, shortwave global radiation,

UV global radiation, etc.) and to improve the irrigation system. One of the impacts that the

system has is to enhance productivity while keeping the costs to a minimum.

As a prelude to other parts of this study, this chapter will discuss the background upon which this

study was initiated, the statement of problems that led to this study, the Aim and Objectives of

the study. Others are Significance of the study, Scope of work, Limitation of the study and

Definition of technical terms.


According to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), by 2050

worldwide food production should increase by 70% to feed 9.6 billion people. Thus, developing

smart agriculture with IoT becomes a must. Besides, both weather and biological disasters

produced a total damage of 36 billion dollars in a ten years period (FAO, 2019). Various

solutions that offer outstanding facilities and monitoring features on agriculture processes are
available. However, the accuracy and the relevance of the measurements represent a big concern

when it comes to making decisions based on the analysis performed on gathered data. Libelium

and Beecham Research are improving knowledge on smart agriculture as a critical application in

the IoT market, offering deep insight on how wireless sensor networks would have an impact in

reducing crop losses and increasing production (Haptic, 2016).

In Ferrández-Pastor et al., (2018) a solution for the existing automated systems in precision

agriculture is developed. The proposed infrastructure uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) paradigms

to optimize and improve the results. It can be installed on both current and new facilities. Two

edge nodes and one fog node are proposed to control the irrigation process and climate.

However, the AI services are implemented in fog node. The final goal is to optimize resources:

water, energy, etc. without losing productivity.

The Harrison piggery farm also state Pig farming as the raising and breeding of domestic pigs. It

is a branch of animal husbandry. Pigs are raised principally as food (e.g pork, bacon, gammon)

and sometimes for their skin. Pigs are amenable to many different styles of farming intensive

commercial units, commercial free range enterprises, extensive farming being allowed to wander

around a village, town or city, or tethered in a simple shelter or kept in a pen outside the owners


The main aim of this project is to design an IOT Based Smart Agriculture System that has been

operated manually. Management information system is and will remain the system that is aimed

at providing information for the smooth running of the farm on a regular basis. This call to mind

the time value of information which implies that when the required information needed is

received behind the period it will be used, it becomes useless.

Management information system provides a means to manage and retrieve information as at

when due. Management is aimed at reading the climax in the decision performance for

attainment of set objectives and if this system lacks the effective information tool which can

provide the management with quality and needed information at the appropriate time, then taking

decisions for the growth and development of the farm will be affected drastically.

Quality information, thus, is very essential and the only information that can accelerate the

management decision performance is the information that possesses such qualities like:

accuracy, completeness, reliability and timeline. This qualities mentioned were not found in the

former system which is manual, thus, an alternative system is suggested which is an automated

system. Software is developed to replace the manual operation of management information

system. This form of software is an expert system.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

Investigation revealed that IOT Based Smart Agriculture System for the precision irrigation has

different challenges such as;

1. The existing system cannot adapt to new agricultural adjustment;

2. It has deployment issue due to the incompatibility of hardware and software devices; and

3. There is complexity using cameras, actuators for real-time management of irrigation


1.4 Aim and Objective of the Study

The aim of the study is to design and implement of a Internet of Things (IOT) Based Smart

Agriculture System: In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as


a) To accelerate decision performance of IOT based agriculture system;

b) To automate all the activities of agriculture management information system;

c) To eliminate the steady decline in the management; and

d) To design an expert system that will be fast, reliable and be able to make decision.

1.5 Significance of the Study

In the event of the above mentioned faults and errors discovered in the manual system. It is

believed that the introduction of an IOT Based Smart Agriculture System will change the whole

thing positively to the agriculture management.

This study will be of immense benefit to other researchers who intend to know more on this

study and can also be used by non-researchers to build more on their research work. This study

contributes to knowledge and could serve as a guide for other study.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The scope of this research is to Design and Implementation of a Internet of Things (IOT) Based

Smart Agriculture System.

1.7 Limitations of the study

During the course of this study, many things militated against its completion, some of which are:

a) Time Constraint: The time frame given to accomplish this project was very short due to

school academic calendar and it was carried out under pressure which made the researcher

not to implement some necessary features.

b) Establishment Policies: Establishment policies posed a serious limitation as most staffs

are not ready to release information needed for this project work. There were lots of

information needed from the staffs of this institution to enhance the study which took them

time to release or they did not release at all for security purposes, hence the scope was


1.8 Definition Of Terms

Computer: A machine used in modern times in organization and homes do manipulate data.

Data: Is a row fact that has no meaning.

Database: A collection of interrelated data stared with controlled redundancy to serve one or

more application.

Information: Information is a data that has been evaluated. It is a processed data.

Information system: A systematic way of organizing the handling of information, from

information gathering to information retrieval and use.

Management: The process of procuring, allocating, combing and utilizing or organizational

resources expressed usually as 3ms (men, materials and money) through planning organizing

directing and controlling activities of work of the organization member to reach certain stated


Management Information System: Management Information System is an integrated and

holistic reporting network system in an organization that provides planning and controlling

information for effective decision making.

Hardware: physical component that can make up or build up a computer system

Software: The programs that control the computer operation the system program controls the

hardware component of computer which application program controls task performed by




2.1 Introduction

This chapter focuses on the review of related literature. A literature review includes the current

knowledge as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic. It

documents the state of the art with respect to the topic you are writing. It surveys the literature in

the topic selected. In this research work the literature review includes the Conceptual Review of

Smart Agriculture, Theoretical Framework and Review of Related Literature.

2.2 Conceptual Review of Smart Agriculture

Smart Agriculture is a concept in which information and communication technology is

implemented to manage all the activities and processes related to the agriculture domain. Internet

of things has the capability to influence many of the areas of the world we live in such as

advanced industries, smart cities and novel technologies in connected vehicles (Kamienski, et al.,

2017). However, IoT could have an even more significant impact on the agriculture area. The

designed solution described in this paper illustrates an IoT-based smart agriculture system built

to perform crop fields monitorization based on multiple sensors (for temperature measurements,

temperature of leaves and flower buds, level of oxygen in the soil, shortwave global radiation,

UV global radiation, etc.) and to improve the irrigation system. One of the impacts that the

system has is to enhance productivity while keeping the costs to a minimum.

The term of precision agriculture (PA) refers to any activity that makes farming practice more

controlled and more accurate when it comes to raising livestock and growing crops (Iotforall,

2019). Precision agriculture is formed with a set of technologies that combines sensors,

information systems, and informed management to optimize production. It is based on

observing, measuring and responding to inter and intra-field variability in crops

(Europarl.europa, 2019). The main goals of precision agriculture are (Sjaak et al., 2017):

1. Sensing and monitoring, meaning measurements of the performance of the farm processes.

This can be done either manually by an observer or automated using sensors and satellites.

2. Analysis and decision making, meaning the comparison of the measurements from the

quantity, quality and lead time point of view.

3. Intervention, which consists of improving farming performance.

Systems used for crop quality monitoring use renewable energy. There are two types of solar

energy: passive and active. Passive solar energy involves taking advantage of the position,

intensity, and duration of the Sun’s rays, without any special technology besides the one needed

to store the energy (Alternative-energy-tutorials, 2019).

On the other hand, the active type of solar energy involves other mechanical and electrical

technologies such as photovoltaic solar panels or thermal panels that have the function to capture

the energy convert and store it for later use (Alternative-energy-tutorials, 2019). In the proposed

system we used active solar energy; thus, the station has also a system which converts the energy

and stores it in a battery to power it. In this way, we keep the cost to a minimum. The other

primary functions of the system, used mainly to increase productivity, are assured by the use an

increased number of specialized sensors. The presence of these sensors in such a large number

allows the measurement of different parameters such as weather conditions, light and radiation

levels, soil morphology, fertilizer presence, plant and fruit growth and development, and other

environmental parameters necessary to improve production crop quality and to prevent harvest

losses (Libelum, 2019).

2.2.1 Management Information System (MIS)

A management information system (MIS) is a computer system that gathers data from multiple

business systems, analyzes the information, and provides reports that help guide management in


2.2.2 Farm records and Their Uses

A farm record is a document (in most cases a book) that is used to keep account of different

activities, events, materials etc. regarding the farm operations. Farm records are different from

farm accounts in the sense that farm accounts deal only with the financial aspects of all farm

operations. Farm accounts deal majorly with the farm expenditures and income and help the

farmer to calculate how his business is doing.

2.2.3 Importance of Keeping Farm Records

a) Farm records help a farmer to keep stock and manage each aspect of the farm properly.

b) They are important for planning and budgeting. They provides a farmer with enough

information needed for proper planning and budgeting at every point in time.

c) They help farmers know the progress and contributions of each aspect of the farm to its

overall success.

d) They are important for proper farm management.

e) They can be very helpful when a farmer needs to access financial aids from banks or other

financial institution.

2.2.4 Types of Farm Records and Their Uses

a) Daily Farm Record: These are the records of all important daily activities and events that

happen on the farm. These records help the farmer keep track of past farming activities and

plan for future activities.

b) Records of farm implements and equipment:This is used to keep an inventory of all the

equipment on the farm and their quantity. It can also contain the date of purchase of the

equipment and sometimes their description.

c) Record of agricultural inputs: This record is used to keep track of all agricultural inputs

such as fertilizers, seeds, etc. The record often also contains the amount of that was bought,

the amount that has been used, and what is left.

d) Records of livestock and livestock products: Farmers keep different records of livestock

for each type of livestock on the farm. Also, for livestock that have products e.g. eggs from

chickens, the farmer keeps a record that accounts for the number of eggs laid every day. If a

farmer has cows for milk production, he keeps record of the amount of liters of milk

produced per day.

e) Records of animal feeds: This record is used for keeping an inventory of the types of

animal feed and the quantity purchased, used, and also quantity in stock on a daily basis.

f) Production records: Production records are used to document everything that is produced

on the farm. These records are prepared every week. And then summed up at the end of the

month and also at the end of the year. Thus, there is a weekly record, a monthly record, and

an annual record of everything produced on the farm. They help the farmer to keep track of

how well the farm is doing.

g) Records for farm use: Used for recording the date the land was prepared for farming, the

number of plots or hectares used in planting, the plants planted on the farm and where they

are planted.

h) Farm expenditure records:Farm expenditure records are used to keep a record of all


i) Workers records: This type is used to keep the record of staffs, their salaries, and payment.

It is also known as labour record.

j) Vehicle records: It is used to keep a record of all vehicles used on the farm, petrol and oil

used, and also any repairs and servicing and the dates of the repair or servicing.

k) Sales record: Sale records are used to keep a record of all sales made from farm produce.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

Farm business has different impact on different people. The relevance of farm business is seen in

different ways by different scholars in the profession.

2.3.1 Managing the Farm Business

According to Stephen (1886), “In general, the value of information is the value of the change in

decision behaviours caused by the information less the cost of the information”. In other words, a

decision maker given a set of possible decisions will select on the basis of the information at

hand. If new information brings about taking a different decision, then the value of the new

information is the difference in value between the outcome of the old decision, less the cost of

obtaining the information.

From the above assertion, Internet of Things (IOT) Based Smart Agriculture System can be

regarded as the prior technology for farm managers, although some people failed to understand

the importance and as well appreciate the opportunity offered by technology, which would be of

a great advantage to the management at all levels. Without information, farm managers will just

grind to a half.

They went further to throw more light on the difference between data and information.

Information is obtained from the data. The farm manager typically has a large multitude of data,

but a limited supply of information.

Data -> Processing -> Information

2.3.2 Transmission of Data Into Information

The relation of data to information is roughly that of raw material to finished products. Data is a

group of unprocessed symbols which represents quantities, actions, things, etc. Information is

data that has been processed into a form that is meaningful to the recipient and is of real or

perceived value in current or prospective decision. Hence, information is data that have been

evaluated in the context of a specific problem or situation. The true value of information is

related to decision that the manager has to make”.

According to Davis who defined management information as “integrated man / machine system

for providing information to support the operation, management and decision making in an

organization”; MC Donough defined Management and Information System (MIS) as “Logical

configuration of the significant element in a selected problem area.

Engr. Agbo defined it as “a supporting system which assist management in his decision for the

attainment of organization objective”

In view of all these attempts to define management information system, it implies that the basic

purpose of MIS in an organization is to provide a means for supplying the decision makers (the

managers) with information for making decision. It also implies that it is a supporting system

which assists the management in his decision for the attainment of set objectives. This shows that

poor management information system can lead to a total liquidation of a management. In this

study effort and intention is geared to effective and efficient means of information.

Computerizing a system is to hand over all man activities / manual activities like data gathering,

storage, processing and dissemination of information to computer power. The computer makes

for the availability of accurate, efficient, and timely information promptly to the farm manager.

Jorue et al. (2000) in their research work “Given that information innovation adoption is not due

to either government or similar edict (e.g. from Bank lender), nor due to technological necessity,

the research hypothesis is that information innovation adoption depends on the concurrent

presence of three factors: Thus

1. Knowledge gap between the software developer and user: This gap involves the

knowledge and information that each farmer possesses and use for operating and managing

her / his farm relative to software developer’s concept. Its large gap may result in different

viewpoints of the decision problem and its solution. If this knowledge gap is small, the

adoption will be facilitated, otherwise adoption will not occur.

2. Extent of farmer’s perception of the economic benefit and ease of management

derived from the adoption of information system innovation: A clearly perceived

benefit will reinforce adoption behaviour, otherwise adoption will not occur.

3. Skills needed to manage the information innovation: Adoption will be accelerated if

farmers have the skills, otherwise adoption will be slowed down. According to these

scholars, “successful use of information system depends on the three factors:

a. The extent to which information innovation operation fits with the farmers

existing work environment: The better this fit, the greater the use and vise – versa.

b. The matching of the information innovation capacity with the farmer’s decision

context: The more flexible the system to accommodate the farmer’s requirements, the

more successful the system will be.

c. Suitable system facilities such as introduction of inputs, interface design, output

type and design and integration with the other applications: This aspect defines the

level of application friendliness. The greater the friendliness, the more likely will the

application be successful and vice –versa”.

2.3.3 Management Information Systems For Tertiary Institution

According to Akuwudike et al., (2004), “Evolution of computer – Based management

information system (MIS), this author emphasized on the evolution of computer-based

Management Information System which started from stage one (1) data processing to the last

stage which is interactive networks. It is this last stage that we have up to date.

Table 2.1: Evolution of Computer – Based Management Information System (MIS)

S/ Stages Time Period Description

1 Centralized data processing (Batch 1954- 1964 Accounting and clerical

processing) applications pay rolling and salary


2 Management focused data 1965- 1980 Direct support DSS for

processing management and operation


3 Decentralized End – user 1980- 1985 Personal computers under the

computing (real time processing direct control of users

4 Interactive networks 1986-date Lining individuals end-users

2.3.4 The Evolution of Management Information Systems (MIS)

A management information system (MIS) is a computer system that gathers data from multiple

business systems, analyzes the information, and provides reports that help guide management in


MIS started as a data capturing and processing system and evolved into a more complex and

intelligent system. Here’s how MIS evolved through the years.

1950-1960: Electronic Data Processing (EDP): Electronic Data Processing (EDP) systems,

also called Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), were groundbreaking at the time. It was the

first large-scale computer information system to centralize and process day-to-day transactions

and activities such as cash deposits, ATM transactions, and payment orders. Shifting from

manual to electronic made transaction processing and record-keeping a much faster process.

1960-1970: Management Information Systems (MIS): It wasn’t long before the EDP system

was upgraded to a Management Information System (MIS) that was able to generate reports

from the data it collected. MIS pulled reports from historical data to determine cost trends, do a

sales analysis, keep track of inventory, and measure production performance.

When managers evaluated the information in these reports, they could see which areas of the

business were underperforming and adjust decisions accordingly.

1970-1980: Decision Support Systems (DSS): Decision Support System (DSS) provided

historical and ad hoc reports on both internal and external information for example, internal sales

reports and external market pricing.

This advancement brought a new level of decision-making to businesses. Management could

more accurately forecast sales, perform a risk analysis, and make bolder strategic decisions.

It was during this era that personal computers entered the workplace. PCs were connected to the

main server so information became accessible to employees throughout the company. This led to

a significant boost in productivity.

With this came the need for expert skills to manage these computer networks. Information

technology (IT) soon became a burgeoning career and a degree in Management Information

Systems became sought after.

1980-1990: Executive Information Systems (EIS): As PCs put power in the hands of

executives, they could purchase software tailored to their department’s needs, such as

accounting, project management, and HR systems. It resulted in multiple systems within an

organization working independently.

This led to Executive Information Systems (EIS), a more refined version of the DSS system. It

allowed executives to analyze their department’s output and how it impacted the business’s

overall performance.

1990-2000: Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) Systems: Multiple information systems

that were not integrated resulted in employees wasting time duplicating information across

systems. MIS had to become efficient.

It did that by creating Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) systems that integrated

knowledge management systems and expert systems.

Knowledge-based systems were used to organize and disseminate business knowledge within an

organization. Example: placing a best practices resource on the intranet.

Expert systems started to use artificial intelligence to provide advice and solutions. Example:

proposing faster delivery routes or assessing risk profiles for credit applications.

For the first time, different systems were “talking” to each other.

How is MIS Changing?

MIS systems are becoming more intelligent. Most of the trends below are not new but they will

continue to shape how management information systems function in the future.

a) Automation and cross-functional integration: Automation can be used for repetitive

tasks and to cross-populate data with other systems. This frees up employees’ time to focus

on higher-value tasks. For example, automation can track inventory and alert you when

stocks are low or automatically reorder stocks when needed without human intervention.

b) Big data analytics: Worldwide, around 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are being generated

daily. That’s a ton of data and a lot of it is harvested by businesses. From customers’

buying habits to social media interactions, data is rolling in from everywhere. Management

information systems not only have to cope with the influx of data, but also analyze it. The

information gleaned can be used to make operations more efficient, improve customer

service, and create personalized marketing campaigns.

c) Artificial intelligence (AI): Artificial intelligence is making waves across almost every

sector. AI has been the biggest disruptor in business in recent years. From chatbots to self-

driving cars, AI is already a part of our lives and will continue to become more entrenched.

d) AI technology is capable of learning patterns and identifying anomalies when processing

big data. It can be used to detect fraud and determine the risk profile of applicants applying

for credit.

e) Cyber security: Cybercrime is a threat every business faces. Most cyber attacks are

financially motivated but some want to access or steal information to gain a competitive

edge. A cyber attack can be a fatal blow to a business. Research by Fundera shows that

60% of small businesses that experience a cyber attack go out of business within six

months. Companies now invest heavily in protecting their data. As cybercriminals become

more sophisticated, cyber security software will have to stay one step ahead.

Outdated technology can hold your business back. If your business still uses an old

management information system, it may be time to upgrade. A more robust MIS can

enhance productivity and improve customer service, and that ultimately leads to higher


2.4 Review of Related Literature

According to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), by 2050

worldwide food production should increase by 70% to feed 9.6 billion people. Thus, developing

smart agriculture with IoT becomes a must. Besides, both weather and biological disasters

produced a total damage of 36 billion dollars in a ten years period (FAO, 2019). Various

solutions that offer outstanding facilities and monitoring features on agriculture processes are

available. However, the accuracy and the relevance of the measurements represent a big concern

when it comes to making decisions based on the analysis performed on gathered data. Libelium

and Beecham Research are improving knowledge on smart agriculture as a critical application in

the IoT market, offering deep insight on how wireless sensor networks would have an impact in

reducing crop losses and increasing production (Haptic, 2019).

In Duan (2011) the authors proposed an IoT application that provides agricultural and crop

information to farmers based on collected wireless sensor network data. This is used to adjust the

proper amount of fertilizer within the recommended limit. In this way, the cost of excess

fertilizer is eliminated, and the exact amount for the proper growth of the plants is applied, thus

increasing productivity. An IoT application using WSNs (Wireless Sensor Network) and a

monitoring interface, forming an alerting system for the control of water stress of plants is

described in (Karim et al., 2017).

The goals are achieved by monitoring the variations of the soil conditions and whenever a certain

threshold is reached, the system alerts via SMS the farmer. A complex application of IoT in

precision irrigation is described in (Zyrianoff et al., 2018). The primary purpose of the system is

to build a platform based on IoT for the precision irrigation focusing on different challenges such

as adaptability, deployment, and complexity using cameras, actuators for real-time management

of irrigation system, ZigBee models. The fundamental idea is to optimize the water distribution

and consumption based on collected data from all the aspects of the system. Thus, it guarantees

the availability of water in some situations where the water supply is limited, preventing in the

same time over-irrigation and under-irrigation.

In Ferrández-Pastor et al., (2018) a solution for the existing automated systems in precision

agriculture is developed. The proposed infrastructure uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) paradigms

to optimize and improve the results. It can be installed on both current and new facilities. Two

edge nodes and one fog node are proposed to control the irrigation process and climate.

However, the AI services are implemented in fog node. The final goal is to optimize resources:

water, energy, etc. without losing productivity.

The research also presents the main IoT technologies applied in precision agriculture scenarios, a

user- centered analysis and design of the architecture. Lee et al. proposed in Lee et al., (2013), a

monitoring system for crops that involves a method for decision making improvement by harvest

statistics analysis and their correlation with the information regarding the monitored crop. The

system consists in three components: crop monitoring subsystem (IoT Service), statistics

prediction system and analysis system based on text mining technology. Intelkia has developed a

Smart Garden solution based on Libelium Waspmote sensor platform to optimize the use of

resources in a sustainable way and save costs to their customers. Smart Garden is a fully

integrated solution that covers areas like water quality, air quality, soil quality, water flow

measurement, controlling irrigation system and security (Libelium et al., 2019).




The concept research design is simply referred to the specification of the relevant procedure for

collection and analysis of information (data) which would help solve the research problem at

hand. The success of any system development depends on its methodology adopted on carrying

out the work. To develop software, one needs to put into consideration of the method that will

guarantee cost and environment in collecting data in order to have a perfect result. There are

several methods that can be adopted in system development, to mention few are interview,

Questionnaire, document examination and personal involvement relationship. In this chapter

the following will be view in details; introduction, detailed analysis of the existing system,

problems of the existing system, system methodology, objective of the new system, feasibility

study, technical feasibility, operational feasibility, economic feasibility, new system structure

(program structure), context diagram, modularity, system flowchart, program flowchart, system

design/menu specifications, output design specification, input design specification,

file/database specification, security design specification


An overview of the proposed system flow chat has a relationship between an object to another

just like the entity. Relationship diagram, the object relationship pair can be graphically

represented by a diagram called entity relationship diagram (Entity Relationship Diagram). It is

mainly used in database applications but now it is more commonly used in data design. The

primary purpose of ERD is to represent the relationship between data object. The Harrison

piggery farm also state Pig farming as the raising and breeding of domestic pigs. It is a branch of

animal husbandry. Pigs are raised principally as food (e.g pork, bacon, gammon) and sometimes

for their skin. Pigs are amenable to many different styles of farming intensive commercial units,

commercial free range enterprises, extensive farming being allowed to wander around a village,

town or city, or tethered in a simple shelter or kept in a pen outside the owners house.

The main aim of this project is to design an IOT Based Smart Agriculture System that has been

operated manually. Management information system is and will remain the system that is aimed

at providing information for the smooth running of the farm on a regular basis. This call to mind

the time value of information which implies that when the required information needed is

received behind the period it will be used, it becomes useless.


Investigation revealed that IOT Based Smart Agriculture System for the precision irrigation has

different challenges such as;

4. The existing system cannot adapt to new agricultural adjustment;

5. It has deployment issue due to the incompatibility of hardware and software devices; and

i. There is complexity using cameras, actuators for real-time management of irrigation



The object oriented analysis and design methodology (OOADM) was adopted for the analysis,

design and implementation of this system. Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) is a

technical approach for analyzing and designing a web based application, system, or business by

applying object-oriented as well as using visual modeling throughout the software development

process to guide stakeholder communication and product quality.

OOAD in modern software engineering is typically conducted in an iterative and incremental

way. The outputs of OOAD activities are analysis models and design models respectively. The

intention is for these to be continuously refined and evolved, driven by key factors like risks and

business value.

Object-Oriented Analysis: The purpose of any analysis activity in the software life-cycle is to

create a model of the system's functional requirements that is independent of implementation

constraints. The main difference between object-oriented analysis and other forms of analysis is

that by the object-oriented approach we organize requirements around objects, which integrate

both behaviors (processes) and states (data) modeled after real world objects that the system

interacts with.

Object-Oriented Design: During object-oriented design (OOD), a developer applies

implementation constraints to the conceptual model produced in object-oriented analysis. Such

constraints could include the hardware and software platforms, the performance requirements,

persistent storage and transaction, usability of the system, and limitations imposed by budgets

and time.

Object-oriented modeling: Object-oriented modeling (OOM) is a common approach to

modeling applications, systems, and business domains by using the object-oriented paradigm

throughout the entire development life cycles. OOM is a main technique heavily used by both

OOD and OOA activities in modern software engineering. Object-oriented modeling typically

divides into two aspects of work: the modeling of dynamic behaviors like business processes and

use cases, and the modeling of static structures like classes and components. OOA and OOD are

the two distinct abstract levels (i.e. the analysis level and the design level) during OOM.

Problem Identification Using SSADM

The SSADM was used to discover some problems;

a) Feasibility Study: This assumes that the proposed project has been identified as a result of

an exercise such as strategic planning and sets out to evaluate the various technical,

organizational, financial and business options available. The aim is to establish the whether

the direction and requirements of the project are feasible. The aim is to evaluate the

feasibility of the proposal, involving an analysis of the problem and determination of the

best solution; usually a range of potential solutions are presented.

b) Investigation of the Environment: The process of identifying, modeling and documenting

the data requirements of the system being designed. The result is a data model containing

entities (things about which a business needs to record information), attributes (facts about

the entities) and relationships (associations between the entities).

c) Business System Option (BSO): A BSO defines the functional scope of a proposed

solution. At its most basic level it consists of textual descriptions of those requirements

satisfied by the solution. All BSOs must satisfy the minimum requirement as identified by

user representatives.

d) Requirement Certification: Requirement Certificate aims to equip the learner or end user

(client) with the advanced knowledge of project management and will enable the learner to

understand the system requirement to uphold the project management required parameters.

e) Technical System Option (Implementation): There is availability of software, hardware

and technical man power for the development and running of the new system. Hence the

system is technically feasible as the requirement can be met without stress and much

financial input. The software and hardware requirements include an Integrated

Development Environment for web based applications, a standard PC for running this

application, a local server and an up to date web browser for testing. As a programmer, the

researcher can provide these requirements with ease and as such, this project is technically


f) Logical Design: Technical system options are production and logical design updates and

query processing and system dialogue.

g) Physical Design: physical database design and a set of program specifications Program

specifications are using the logical system specification and the technical system



This project was achieved by gathering materials from different sources. One of the invaluable

sources of data was oral interview, which I conducted with stack holders in industries and

prospective users of similar systems.

Another source that gave me a wealth of information was the internet, which provided some of

the details used to analyze some key issues. Some websites are willing to provide vital

information on Inventory control. The state and federal library were also resourceful in finding

data concerning the topic.


This involves oral interviews conducted with various personnel in Sam Daddy Farms

LtdOwerri Imo State, reviewing and sharing their experience about the difficulties they

undergo not using cryptocurrency.


This includes the use of textbooks, dictionaries, journals, newspapers, electronic books and

internet downloads to collect data and aid comprehension of the system.


This covers my personal visit to Sam Daddy Farms LtdOwerri Imo State, during the business

time. I observed the warehouse which looked disorganized, the queue of retailers waiting to be

attended to and the difficulties faced by the staff in service delivery.


Many small business owners, especially if the business has very few products, keep track of

inventory manually using a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets are set up to calculate when products

need to be reordered. At the start of each week, the owner manually counts products and

materials that are on hand and enters the values in the spreadsheet and also enters expected

usage based on existing orders. Using the appropriate spreadsheet formulas, the owner can

determine if he has enough materials for the week or if purchases should be made. Manual

systems allow the small business owner to manage inventory with very little investment in

systems or training.


The aim of the study is to design and implement of a Internet of Things (IOT) Based Smart

Agriculture System: In achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out as


e) To accelerate decision performance of IOT based agriculture system;

f) To automate all the activities of agriculture management information system;

g) To eliminate the steady decline in the management; and

h) To design an expert system that will be fast, reliable and be able to make decision.


The main objective of a feasibility study is to test the technical, social, and economic feasibility

of developing a computer system. This is done by investigating the existing system and

generating ideas about a new system. The proposed system(s) must be evaluated from a

technical point of view first and if feasible their impact on the organization and staff must be

accessed. If compatible, social and technical systems can be devised then they must be tested

for economic feasibility. In this project work, a through feasibility study was carried out to

ensure that the software to be designed in this project work will provide the needed solution.

These are the feasibility that was carried out on this project.


This project work uses hardware resources that the users can use comfortably. The hardware

resource includes a computer system, a printer and network facilities.

The software part of the project work are the one that are familiar to the users. The operating

system of windows, video recorder, and MS-word software for editing of Document or Adobe

reader for portable document format –PDF. Seeing that the hardware and the software man

power for the development of the new system is available, the new system is technically feasible.


In the use of this system, there is no much skill the operators need to acquire if not knowing how

to make of the computer system i.e. the peripheral aspect of the computer and how to make use

of internet. Seeing that there is no much skill to acquire in other to operate this system, therefore,

the new system is operationally feasible.


Economic feasibility this determines the positive economic benefits to the school that the

proposed system will provide. it includes qualification and identification of all benefits expected.

This assessment typically involves a benefit cost analysis. A benefit –cost analysis and a

breakeven analysis are important aspects of calculating the economic feasibility of new projects.

The tangible and intangible aspects of the project should be translated into economic terms to

facilitate a consistent basis for evaluation.


The program structure describes the way the program is being structured using Modularity,

Context Diagram, System and program Flow Chart. The software designed methodology that

was used to achieve the system is the Structured System Analysis and Designed Methodology

(SSADM) because of its effectiveness and the feature of breaking down a system into its

simplest modules. Also with the SSADM, the system was analysed in different stages, steps

and tasks. These will be clearly illustrated by context diagram and the system modularity.


The context diagram defines the boundary between system and its environment, showing the

entities that interact with it. It shows the whole system and its inputs and outputs, to and from

external factors.



Input Analysis Output Analysis

Process Analysis
Fill Registration Produce Result

Process Request
Opening Account Generate Report

Login to System Process New Account

Validate Login Details


Usually well engineered Software Systems are composed of one or more independently

developed modules that are not compiled until the program is linked. In this system, Members

module, payment module, subscription module, SMS module, Invoice Module, expenses

module, Plan module, and Setting module are different modules that made up this great


Members Module

This is a module that allows the registration of new members; it also allows us to see all the

registered gym members, Active and Inactive Members

Payment Module

In this module, all payment made are viewed, new payment are added to the system through

this module.

Invoice Module

In this module, all invoices generated are seen, paid, unpaid, partial and overpaid invoices are

viewed from this module.



Input from keyboard


Result to screen
Disk storage Report (output)

Figure: 3.1 System flowchart



Enter User ID

Validate User ID

Input Phone Number

Display Agricultural Info

Answer security question B

Are answers correct? Display Error message


Send Request



Figure: 3.2 Program Flowchart


The main menu specification involves the corresponding controls and attributes of the new

system with specific functionalities involving input, processing and output procedures of the

entire system.


Output design and requirements are usually established first, because it is the expected output

that determines necessary input and processing method. The output refers to the result of the

processing and these are in the form of various reports generated after necessary information is

entered during the data capture. The proposed system incorporates attractive documents and

grid -like reports the outlook and contents of which have been made accurate and also visually

pleasing because good and self-explanatory designs plays important role in convincing users

and creating ways for the acceptability of the new system. In the course of examining how the

output of the system will look like, considerations were made on the content, format, frequency

of production, data retention, distribution of output and types of documents to be produced.

Other significant consideration is about the platform where the new system will be



The new online parcel tracking analysis involves understanding and presentation of

requirements data and identified in the interview stage: for example, the interview report

indicated that a database approach is needed, and then investigation and analysis stages and

data analysis should reflect the approach. By data analysis we need entity modeling allocation

of attributes and recognition of functional database administrator may carry these out and its

result could be used in detail design of data base. The below design stage show the data capture

screen of certificate of origin Management system and analysis of the file that hold the data in

the system.


This handles entry and storage. It consists of data entry screen, which is the medium through

which data is entered into the computer system and saved automatically. However, this is a pre-

detailed design of the program files by the analyst before they are converted to a form design.

These form design will then contain the information from their previous state of file.

The database management system used as the data repository in this software is MySQL server.

It consists of the following table. Collection table, users table, customers table, products table,

purchases item table, sales table, and supplier table

Table 3.1 Admin Login page

S/N FieldName FieldType Width Index/P-Key

1 UserName VarChar 25 Yes

2 Password VarChar 25 No

3 Status Integer Long No

Table 3.2: Country table structure

S/N Field Name Data type Size

1. id Integer 30
2. Country Varchar 100
3. Location Varchar 100

Table 3.3: Register table structure

S/N Field Name Data type Size

1. id Integer 30
2. Fname Varchar 100
3. Gender Varchar 10
4. address Varchar 1000
5. photo Varchar 255
6. pn Varchar 30
7. pass Varchar 100
8. datereg timestamp

Table 3.4: Agriculture Data Dictionary

S/N Field Name Description

1. Id This field signifies the unique identification of
the table and it’s a primary key.
2. Contact It contains the phone number of the end-user
3. State It has 2 states which are; processing and ready
4. Pn It contains the phone number of the End-user
5. Country It consist of the list of countries
6. It consist of the list of states within a specific
7. Fname It signifies the full name of the End-user
8. Gender It signifies the gender of the End-user
9. Address It signifies the address of the End-user

10. Pass It contains the end-user’s password / pin
11. Datereg Date of registration

In this very system, the security is not too secure with strong security measure. For this very

project, the security measure adopted is the use of username and password.

In the admin page, the admin must enter his or her username and also password in other to

access the software.




System implementation is the actual process of bringing the proposed system to life and places

it in the organization; system implementation also includes creating a new system and getting it

into working order. For this to be achieved it must be done in a procedure involving how to

start and stop the system, entering of information and data must be documented. Although

some users already have a good idea of the system, while others will need to be taught about it

in order to be conversant with it.

Here, the entire program in tested using different data and system platform. During this phase,

the developer documents clearly the users training and instructions on the changes the new

system will introduce in the area of information and management and decision making.

Here in this chapter the following are going to discussed in more in detailed; introduction,

software development tools and justification, system requirements, software requirements,

hardware requirements, people requirements, system testing, implementation details, coding,

end user training and manual, file conversion, changeover procedure, commission, user

manuals, maintenance details, output design, input design and discussion


The new system was implemented using Web Technologies, which are different sets of tools and

techniques for creation of web pages which makes up a web application. They are PHP, HTML,


PHP: which is an acronym for (Hypertext Preprocessor) was selected as the Server-script

scripting. PHP was developed by RasmusLerdorf in 1995 to track the online access of his
personal resume. Since then, the Language has been improved with additional features such as

database support for web application development.

PHP is now widely used around the world in web development due to its numerous strengths. It

is an Open Source Language; its extensibility is limitless, flexibility, support Web application

and data manipulation, support Object-Oriented programming which makes it an attractive

option for Web developers who prefer OOP concepts. In addition, PHP can be easily embedded

into HTML codes to create interactive and dynamic web page, which makes it especially

appropriate for Web development where the PHP code is executed in the Web server which in

turn create the desired web page on the code.

HTML5: HTML5 an acronym for Hypertext-Markup Language version 5 is a Markup Language

used for describing and formatting web pages. It is one of web technology indispensable tool as

it allows text to be structured according to its purpose, as it involves writing code in HTML tags

that describes to the browser how the text is to be displayed.

CSS: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, it is used for adding aesthetic functions to web

pages. CSS also defines how HTML elements are to be displayed.

JAVASCRIPT: JavaScript is the Client-Side Scripting Language used during the development

phase. Unlike PHP which is a Server-Side scripting language, it is most commonly used as part

of web browser whose implementation allow browser to interact with user, control the browser,

communicate asynchronously and alter the document content that is displayed, in form of popup

windows to alert users to errors in data entered during validation of input or possible loss of data

when a delete operation is executed.

BOOTSTRAP: Bootstrap is the most popular CSS, JavaScript and HTML framework. It was

also used in the development of this project to make it responsive.

MYSQL: MYSQL an acronym for My Structured Query Language is a relational database

management system (also known as SQL Database) which is widely used around the globe due

to it Open-sourced nature. Most SQL servers provide reliability but not ease of use like MySQL.

MySQL is platform independent which means it can run on any operating system.


A system is a collection of various components like software, hardware and people or human

ware coming together to achieve a whole. The system requirement involves this parameter that

will come together for the realization of the new system.


Software is an organized collection of instruction known as code, used by computers to

facilitate their operations and utilization. It gives the computer the capability of doing whatever

the user wants.

The general software requirement for this system to run successfully on an environment is:

i. Operating system (Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System and above)

ii. Web browser: This system was implemented on the web, so a web browser is needed to

serve as the client side of the website e.g. (Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox etc.

iii. Relational database management system (MySQL 5.7.10 or higher)


The hardware requirement for the system is a computer system with the following


1. Processor (Intel Centrino 1.68 GHZ or Higher or either equivalent processor)

2. Hard disk space (500 GB)

3. RAM (4 GB and Above)

4. Keyboard and mouse

5. Leaser jet printer


The people here are referred as the users. These users should at least have basic knowledge of

computer such as windows operating system environment, how to browse the internet, printing,

mouse operation and booting of computer system.


The system was tested with some web tools that runs on a local serve. Since the system is a

web based system, a local server called XAMMP which is a solution stack was used for hosting

the system locally through which data were inputted via its input module of the intended output

and result were gotten as anticipated


System implementation is made up of many activities. These activities involve logical steps

taken to actualize the main aim of the study. The purpose of these steps is to convene the

physical system specification into working and reliable software and hardware.

4.5.1 CODING

In programming, code is a term used for both the statement written in a particular programming

language (source code) and the term for the source code after it has been processed by a

compiler and made ready to run in the computer (the object code). Coding is the process of

instructing the computer on what to do with words usually known to the programming

language compiler used. Coding involves intensive activity because this is the stage where the

intended system comes into limelight.


A user’s manual or guide is a technical communication document intended to give assistance to

people using a particular system. It is usually written by a technical writer although user guides

are written by programmers, product or project managers, or other technical staff, particularly

in smaller companies.

Most user guides contain both a written guide contain both written guide and the associated

images. In the case of computer applications, it is usual screenshots of how the program should

look, and hardware manuals often include clear simplified diagrams. The language used is

matched to the intended audience with jargon kept to a minimum or explained thoroughly. A

detailed user guide was prepared by the researcher.


Training and Re-training of staff and users are criteria so critical for the successful operation of

any information system. The administrative staff who are the targeted user of the new system

will be trained, so as to adapt and appreciate the introduction of the new system during

operation. Also training will equally increase courage on how to use the system successfully.

This process of training enables manual working to be shifted to the computerized system.


File conversion is the major part of system development and involves fact findings, data

findings, data capturing, clerical procedure design, form design and even program


It is an often expensive part of the system implementation and usually means the conversion of

existing and manual records into a medium used by the computer. This involves the

transcription of records or part of them, onto specially design forms before they are keyed into

the appropriate computer medium. Once the file has been created, extensive checking for

accuracy is essential otherwise considerable problem may arise when the system becomes

operational. In this project file are converted from the keystroke of the keyboard to the database

and from database to text files.


This is the most sensitive aspect of the project work and any mistake made in the

implementation can ruin every good work done from the onset. After the software has been

tested extensively, it is ready for integration with official setting. There are four types of

software integration or changed over procedure. It can also be explain as the process of putting

the new information system online and retiring the old system.

i. Direct change-over: The direct change over approach causes the change in procedure from

the old system to the new system to occur immediately when the new system becomes

operational. It is the least expensive but involves more risks than other change over


ii. Parallel change-over: The parallel operation change over method requires that both the old

and the new information system operate fully for a specific period. Data is inputted in both

systems and output generated by the new system is compared with the equivalent output

generated by the old system. When users, management and IT professionals are satisfied that

the new system operates correctly then the old system is terminated. It is the most costly

changeover procedure and involves lower risks.

iii. Pilot change-over: The Pilot change over procedure involves implementing the complete

new system at a selected location of a company. It could be tried and used by part of the

company e.g. one branch and if all process goes well, the rest of the company can change to

the new system. The group that uses the system first is called the PILOT site. It reduces risk

of system failure and less expensive that a parallel system.

iv. Phased change-over: The phase operation change over method involves implementing the

new system in stages, or modules. We can implement each subsystem by using any of the

three changed over methods. In this approach risk of errors or failures is limited to the

implemented module only as well as it is less expensive than the full parallel operation.

However the suitable change over procedure recommended for this project work is parallel

changeover procedure


The approval of this research is based on the use of web based system to achieve the system of

Entrepreneurship education development center. To commission the features of the application

to what the need of this study was meant for, the system will be able to undertake the


i. Accept orders from the public based on the information they provide.

ii. The system should be able to store different transactions carried out on the system

iii. The system should be able to identify users of the system based on the activities they

carry out.

iv. The system should be user friendly in order to achieve adequate User interface


v. Finally, the system would be handed over to the need point after all testing on software

and hardware on it is achieved.


Maintenance is necessary to eliminate errors found in the system during it working life and to

tune the system to any variation in its working environment. It has been seen that there are

always some errors found in the system that must be noted and corrected. It also means the

review of the system from time to time. The review is done for knowing the full capabilities of

the system, knowing the requirement or required changes of the additional components and

studying its performance.

Maintenance of the new system cut across every faces of the requirement, that’s hardware and

software and human ware. Maintenance should be routine/preventive to avoid sudden

breakdown of the system.

There are three types of system maintenance which include;

i. Corrective Maintenance: This covers maintenance, which is needed to put right coding errors

and other faults, which may be introduced into the software. It include, the routine

“debugging” of newly produced or recently amended code and emergency error correction in

response to report faults.

ii. Adaptive Maintenance: This covers the changes which are made to the software to meet new

or changed circumstances, such as restructuring of a database, alternatives in operating

procedures and changes to hardware or software versions.

iii. Preventive Maintenance: This covers attempts to make the software perform more effectively. It

includes user requests for enhancement, improvement due to experience, changes to make the

software more easy to use and rewrite the code to make the maintenance that is specifically used

for the new system to reduce its chances of breakages.

Hence, the researcher advised the use of preventive and corrective maintenance to reduce the

chances of breaking down to all and subsequently advise these;


The result of the new system is that system was able to help in proper record management of

Sam Daddy Farms Ltd Music Concepts thereby providing all details appropriately.


Nigeria as a country has not fully accept the settings transaction with blockchain technology,

this has contributed to a lot of setback to sectors in Nigeria, for a lot of young and upcoming

Nigerians, that is the kind of technology they adopt and we want to see how we can deploy it to

grow our market these issues rea the reason that gave rise to the need for this project research.

This research will achieve or solve the problems identified by implementing a system where

customers can buy farm products using blockchain. The proposed system which is an “online

agricultural products system using blockchain” is designed to introduce the using of

blockchain in Nigeria.



5.1 Summary

Smart Agriculture is a concept in which information and communication technology is

implemented to manage all the activities and processes related to the agriculture domain. Internet

of things has the capability to influence many of the areas of the world we live in such as

advanced industries, smart cities and novel technologies in connected vehicles (Kamienski et al.,

2017). However, IoT could have an even more significant impact on the agriculture area. The

designed solution described in this paper illustrates an IoT-based smart agriculture system built

to perform crop fields monitorization based on multiple sensors and to improve the irrigation

system. One of the impacts that the system has is to enhance productivity while keeping the costs

to a minimum. The motivation that led to the implementation of the proposed system is that the

existing system cannot adapt to new agricultural adjustment and there is complexity using

cameras, actuators for real-time management of irrigation system. he aim of the study is to

design and implement of a Internet of Things (IOT) Based Smart Agriculture System: In

achieving this aim, the following specific objectives were laid out to accelerate decision

performance of IOT based agriculture system and automate all the activities of agriculture

management information system. The methodology adopted in this study is the object oriented

analysis and design methodology (OOADM) which is a technical approach for analyzing and

designing an application or system by applying object throughout the software development

process. The programming language used is HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP, SQL and

JQUERY. The reason why web programming languages was used is because, it is platform

independent and it is a web based application. This research work will be of benefit to farmers,

researchers and it is believed that the introduction of an IOT Based Smart Agriculture System
will change the whole thing positively to the agriculture management. The expected result is

Internet of Things (IOT) Based Smart Agriculture System that will eliminate the steady decline

in the management and the system will generates an information for decision making purpose.

5.2 Conclusion

In essence, the research work was successfully researched to meet the objectives set at the

beginning of the project work. While one cannot completely rule out one form of limitation or

the other, it was a success to a greater extent. On the whole, the research has been a worthwhile

exercise. It has afforded the researcher the opportunity to really appraise the situation on the

ground and allow one to bring out areas that might need attention for the improvement of the

research work.

5.3 Recommendation

The researcher has successfully carried out the necessary study on this topic and now stands in a

better position to make sure necessary Recommendation and suggestions.

(1) All farm managers should Endeavour to adopt and use a IOT Based Smart Agriculture

System since it is capable to carry out all the managerial function perfectly and effectively.

(2) It has the capability to eliminate all the inherent problem of the old system there by

projecting the decision performance.

(3) It is suggested that student should not be supervised but should be assisted to ensure that

what is said is what is done.

(4) Students should be given free hand in choosing project topic.

(5) It is also suggested that this very project topic should be given to many other students who

wish to work on this topic so that difference findings should be available.

(6) As well any project topic which is not properly completed should be assigned to another

student in the preceding year to ensure the continuity & completion of the topic.

Finally, this software is recommended as decision comparison and facilitation for all farm


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<?php session_start();
#IOT Based Smart Agriculture System
$db['db_host'] = 'localhost'; $db['db_user'] = 'root'; $db['db_pass'] = ''; $db['db_name'] = 'stdreg';
foreach($db as $key => $value){ define(strtoupper($key), $value); } $conn =
mysqli_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASS,DB_NAME); if (isset($_POST['register1']))
{ $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $dob = $_POST['dob']; $address =
$_POST['address']; $department = $_POST['department']; $sex = $_POST['sex']; $level =
$_POST['level']; $session = $_POST['session']; $sql = "INSERT INTO `student` (`id`, `regno`,
`name`, `email`, `sex`, `dob`, `department`, `level`, `session`, `waec`, `nd`, `birth`, `attestation`,
`fees`, `date`, `status`) VALUES (NULL, '', '$name', '$email', '$sex', '$dob', '$department',
'$level', '$session', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');"; if(mysqli_query($conn,$sql)){ $message = "Bio Data
Uploaded Successfully, Proceed to Upload Your Credentials!"; }else{ $error = "Bio Data was
not Uploaded Successfully, try again later!"; } if (isset($message)) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM
`student` WHERE `email` = '$email' AND `name` = '$name';"; $query=mysqli_query($conn,
$sql); $numrow=mysqli_num_rows($query); if($numrow>0)
{ $result=mysqli_fetch_array($query,MYSQLI_ASSOC); $_SESSION['uid']=$result['id']; }
echo "<script>alert('".$message."');</script>"; echo
"<script>window.location='register2.html';</script>"; }elseif (isset($error)) { echo
"<script>alert('".$error."');</script>"; } } if (isset($_POST['register2'])) { // Count # of uploaded
files in array $total = count($_FILES['waec']['name']); // Loop through each file for( $i=0; $i<
$total; $i++ ) { $name = $_FILES['waec']['name'][$i]; $ext = end((explode('.', $name))); $ext1=
".".$ext; //Get the temp file path $tmpFilePath = $_FILES['waec']['tmp_name'][$i]; //Make sure
we have a file path if ($tmpFilePath != ""){ //Setup our new file path $newFilePath = "images/" .
$newname = date('YmdHis',time()).mt_rand().$ext1; //Upload the file into the temp dir
if(move_uploaded_file($tmpFilePath, $newFilePath)) { $waec = $newname; } } } // Count # of
uploaded files in array $total = count($_FILES['nd']['name']); // Loop through each file for( $i=0;
$i< $total; $i++ ) { $name = $_FILES['nd']['name'][$i]; $ext = end((explode('.', $name))); $ext1=
".".$ext; //Get the temp file path $tmpFilePath = $_FILES['nd']['tmp_name'][$i]; //Make sure we
have a file path if ($tmpFilePath != ""){ //Setup our new file path $newFilePath = "images/" .
$newname = date('YmdHis',time()).mt_rand().$ext1; //Upload the file into the temp dir
if(move_uploaded_file($tmpFilePath, $newFilePath)) { $nd = $newname; } } } // Count # of
uploaded files in array $total = count($_FILES['birth']['name']); // Loop through each file
for( $i=0; $i< $total; $i++ ) { $name = $_FILES['birth']['name'][$i]; $ext = end((explode('.',
$name))); $ext1= ".".$ext; //Get the temp file path $tmpFilePath = $_FILES['birth']['tmp_name']
[$i]; //Make sure we have a file path if ($tmpFilePath != ""){ //Setup our new file path
$newFilePath = "images/" . $newname = date('YmdHis',time()).mt_rand().$ext1; //Upload the

file into the temp dir if(move_uploaded_file($tmpFilePath, $newFilePath)) { $birth =
$newname; } } } // Count # of uploaded files in array $total = count($_FILES['attestation']
['name']); // Loop through each file for( $i=0; $i< $total; $i++ ) { $name = $_FILES['attestation']
['name'][$i]; $ext = end((explode('.', $name))); $ext1= ".".$ext; //Get the temp file path
$tmpFilePath = $_FILES['attestation']['tmp_name'][$i]; //Make sure we have a file path if
($tmpFilePath != ""){ //Setup our new file path $newFilePath = "images/" . $newname =
date('YmdHis',time()).mt_rand().$ext1; //Upload the file into the temp dir
if(move_uploaded_file($tmpFilePath, $newFilePath)) { $attestation = $newname; } } } // Count
# of uploaded files in array $total = count($_FILES['fees']['name']); // Loop through each file
for( $i=0; $i< $total; $i++ ) { $name = $_FILES['fees']['name'][$i]; $ext = end((explode('.',
$name))); $ext1= ".".$ext; //Get the temp file path $tmpFilePath = $_FILES['fees']['tmp_name']
[$i]; //Make sure we have a file path if ($tmpFilePath != ""){ //Setup our new file path
$newFilePath = "images/" . $newname = date('YmdHis',time()).mt_rand().$ext1; //Upload the
file into the temp dir if(move_uploaded_file($tmpFilePath, $newFilePath)) { $fees = $newname;
} } } $date = date('U'); $uid = $_SESSION['uid']; $sql = "UPDATE `student` SET `status` =
'Pending', `waec` = '$waec', `nd` = '$nd', `birth` = '$birth', `attestation` = '$attestation', `fees` =
'$fees', `date` = '$date' WHERE `id` = '$uid';"; if(mysqli_query($conn,$sql)){ $message =
"Credentials Uploaded Successfully, a confirmation email will be sent to you
shortly!"; }else{ $error = "Credentials were not Uploaded Successfully, try again later!"; } if
(isset($message)) { echo "<script>alert('".$message."');</script>"; echo
"<script>window.location='index.html';</script>"; }elseif (isset($error)) { echo "<script>alert('".
$error."');</script>"; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8">
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</html> <?php $allow = "no"; ob_start(); session_start(); require_once('db.php');
include('mail.php'); if(isset($_POST['checkbox'])){ foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $user_id)
{ $regno = "15H/000".$user_id."/CS"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `student` WHERE `id` =
'$user_id';"; $query=mysqli_query($conn,$sql); $numrow=mysqli_num_rows($query);

if($numrow>0){ $result=mysqli_fetch_array($query,MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$email=$result['email']; $name=$result['name']; $department=$result['department']; $bd =
urlencode('Congratulations '.$name.', your registration in the '.$department.' department is
completed. Your Registration Number is '.$regno);
m=StdRegPortl&to=".$email."&body=".$bd); $bulk_option = "delete"; if($bulk_option ==
'delete'){ $bulk_del_query = "UPDATE `student` SET `status` = 'Approved', `regno` = '$regno'
WHERE `id` = '$user_id';"; mysqli_query($conn, $bulk_del_query); echo
"<script>alert('Approval Successful!');</script>"; echo
"<script>window.location='index.php';</script>"; } } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html
lang="en"> <?php include_once('head.php'); $x = ""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `student`
WHERE `status` = 'Pending';"; $query=mysqli_query($conn,$sql);
$numrow=mysqli_num_rows($query); if($numrow>0)
{ $result=mysqli_fetch_array($query,MYSQLI_ASSOC); $id=$result['id'];
$name=$result['name']; $email=$result['email']; $sex=$result['sex']; $dob=$result['dob'];
$department=$result['department']; $level=$result['level']; $session=$result['session']; while
($result=mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { $id=$id."||".$result['id']; $name=$name."||".
$result['name']; $email=$email."||".$result['email']; $sex=$sex."||".$result['sex']; $dob=$dob."||".
$result['dob']; $department=$department."||".$result['department']; $level=$level."||".
$result['level']; $session=$session."||".$result['session']; } $id2=explode("||", $id);
$name2=explode("||", $name); $email2=explode("||", $email); $sex2=explode("||", $sex);
$dob2=explode("||", $dob); $department2=explode("||", $department); $level2=explode("||",
$level); $session2=explode("||", $session); $allow = "yes"; $px=count($id2); } ?> <div
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>Approve (*)</button></th> <th>Name</th> <th>Email</th> <th>Sex</th> <th>DOB</th>
<th>Department</th> <th>Level</th> <th>Session</th> <th>View</th> </tr> </thead> <tfoot>
<tr> <th><button type="submit" class="btnbtn-primary btn-block" name="del" >Approve
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<th>Department</th> <th>Level</th> <th>Session</th> <th>View</th> </tr> </tfoot> <tbody>
<?php if($allow === "yes"){ for ($i=0; $i< $px; $i++) { ?> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox"
name="checkbox[]" value="<?php echo $id2[$i]; ?>"></td> <td><?php echo $name2[$i];
?></td> <td><?php echo $email2[$i]; ?></td> <td><?php echo $sex2[$i]; ?></td> <td><?php
echo $dob2[$i]; ?></td> <td><?php echo $department2[$i]; ?></td> <td><?php echo
$level2[$i]; ?></td> <td><?php echo $session2[$i]; ?></td> <td><a target="_blank" href="<?
php echo 'view.php?id='.$id2[$i] ?>" ><i class="fa fa-eye"></i></a></td> </tr> <?php }} ?>
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