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NE25. Sterilizing Liquid Filtration TR26

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Life Sciences

PDA Technical Report No. 26 Sterilizing Filtration of Liquids

PDA New England Chapter June 13, 2007 Jerry Martin Sr. Vice President, Scientific Affairs Pall Life Sciences Co-author, PDA TR26 Member, PDA Sterilizing Filtration Task Force
Filtration. Separation. Solution. SM

Presentation Overview
US FDA Issues PDA Tech Report Scope Task Force Members Contents Overview Key New Recommendations

Pall Corporation 2007

FDA Statement
The agency does not agree that the demonstration of the lack of holes* in the membrane, by any selected membrane integrity test, automatically implies the retention of the microorganisms which may be present in the drug product.
Peter Cooney, Ph.D., FDA CDER, PDA/FDA Forum, 7/95

* (defects)
Pall Corporation 2007

FDA Published Statements on Filter Validation

FDA Human Drug CGMP Notes, Dec., 1995 Since there is a possibility that the drug product may cause reduction in the size of the micro-organism, it is best to test the microbial retentivity of the filter with the microbial challenge in the actual drug product.

Pall Corporation 2007

FDA Published Statements on Filter Validation

FDA CDER Perspective on Isolator Technology, ISPE Barrier Technology Conference, Dec, 1995 Recently, several instances have come to the Agencys attention, when passage of a drug product through a 0.2 m rated filter was not sufficient to remove contaminating microorganisms.

Pall Corporation 2007

FDA Published Statements on Filter Validation

FDA CDER Perspective on Isolator Technology, ISPE Barrier Technology Conference, Dec, 1995 Issues to be considered are. How long will the filling line be operated? Does the subject drug product support growth? Does the drug product alter filter retentivity? Does the drug product alter the size of microorganisms or other physical trait, such as deformability, that could affect filterability?
Pall Corporation 2007

PDA Technical Report #26 Scope Statement

Purpose: Generate an educational monograph on sterilizing filtration technology
Not intended as a standard or regulatory document

Include manufacturers, users and FDA Solicit PDA member and FDA review of drafts Publish Technical Report for industry guidance

Pall Corporation 2007

PDA TR26 Task Force

Drug Manufacturers
Pharmacia & Upjohn Abbott Laboratories Eli Lilly Glaxo Wellcome Merck

Filter Manufacturers
Pall (J. Martin) Millipore Sartorius W. L Gore & Assoc. Filterite (now part of Pall) Meissner

Filtration Consultants
J. Wilson (ex. Abbott) T. Meltzer H. Schroeder
Pall Corporation 2007

FDA Representative
P. Stinavage, CDER
(now at Pfizer and Chair of 2007 revision task force)

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 2. Pharmaceutical Filtration - History 3. How Filters Work 4. Filter Selection and Characterization 5. Physical and Mechanical Characteristics 6. Sterile Filter Validation / Bacterial Retention 7. Integrity Testing 8. Sterilization 9. Appendices and Bibliography
Pall Corporation 2007

1. Introduction 2. Pharmaceutical Filtration
Historical highlights

3. How Filters Work

Size exclusion Other retention mechanisms Bioburden retention probability Pore size rating

Pall Corporation 2007

4. Filter Characterization and Selection
Types, Configurations, Particle Shedding Extractables, Chemical Compatibility, Adsorption Thermal and Hydraulic Stress Resistance Toxicity Testing, Bacterial Challenge, Physical Integrity Testing

5. Physical and Mechanical Characteristics

Filtration Rate and Clogging (Throughput) Fluid Interactions, Physical and Structural Limitations

Pall Corporation 2007

6. Sterile Filter Validation / Bacterial Retention
Factors and Considerations for Retention Studies, Challenge Organism Selection and Culture, Challenge Concentration, Level, Aggregation, Viability Test Methods, Procedures and Protocols Nonbactericidal Processes and Fluids, Surrogates Bacteristatic/Bactericidal/Nondispersive Fluids Reduced Exposure Time, Modify Process/Formulation Indigenous Bioburden

Pall Corporation 2007

6. Sterile Filter Validation / Bacterial Retention (cont.)
Filter Medium versus Device Pressure Differential and Flow Rate Duration Downstream Sampling, Assay Membrane Selection Results Interpretation Product Bioburden Filter Configuration Change

Pall Corporation 2007

7. Integrity Testing
Integrity Testing Theory Integrity Test Results and Microbial Retention Product-Wetted vs.Water-Wetted Integrity Testing Upstream Testing, Automated Instruments When to Integrity Test Failure Analysis/Trouble Shooting

8. Filter Sterilization
Autoclave, Steam in Place Irradiation, Gas
Pall Corporation 2007

A. B. C. D. Pore Size Estimation Toxicity and Filter Extractable Testing Filter Validation Recommendations Nondestructive Physical Integrity Test Methods

E. Statistical Adjustment


Pall Corporation 2007

Sterilizing Filter Validation Summary Concepts

Select and Characterize Filter to Meet Process Conditions Adsorption Compatibility Extractables Microbial Retention Validation Relate Physical Test Parameters (Integrity Tests)

Pall Corporation 2007

FDA Guidelines on Aseptic Processing (1987)

A sterilizing grade filter is one which, when challenged with the microorganism Pseudomonas diminuta at a minimum concentration of 107/cm2 of filter surface, will produce a sterile effluent

Forget about it!

Peter Cooney, Ph.D., FDA CDER PDA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Nov. 98
Pall Corporation 2007

PDA Filtration Committee Discussion Points

A sterilizing grade filter is one that sterilizes the drug product.
Peter Cooney, Ph.D., FDA CDER

Filter claims for sterilizing grade will continue to be of value to drug manufacturers for selection and product-specific retention validation.
PDA Filtration Committee
Pall Corporation 2007

PDA TR26 Summary

Sterilization Validation
Product sterilization may not be achieved with integral sterilizing grade filter cartridges
Filter manufacturers integrity test limit and lot sample challenge predict Brevundimonas diminuta retention under standard test conditions (e.g. ASTM F838-83, now F838-05)

Sterilization of drug product should be validated

Confirm that drug product, process conditions and bioburden do not affect the process filters ability to produce sterile effluent
Pall Corporation 2007

PDA TR26 Summary

Sterilization Validation
PDA Technical Report # 26: The goal of conducting bacterial retention validation studies is to generate data demonstrating that the filtration process will consistently remove high levels of a standard bacterium, or relevant bioburden isolate, suspended within product (or surrogate fluid), under actual process conditions
Pall Corporation 2007

PDA TR26 Summary

Sterilization Validation
Every product need not be tested Products can be grouped into families Family extremes can be bracketed Worst case product models can be selected Scientific rationale must be documented

Pall Corporation 2007

PDA TR26 Summary

Sterilization Validation
Validate filtration sterilization process under worst case conditions for:
Product - drug product formulation Process - drug filtration process Bioburden - drug and filling environment Membrane - physical QC specifications

Pall Corporation 2007

PDA TR26 Summary

Relating Integrity Test Values

Validation studies should establish the relationship between the chosen integrity test method and bacterial retention and serve as a basis for establishing appropriate parameters for the pre- and post- use integrity testing of production filters.
Pall Corporation 2007

Integrity Test Correlation

Bubble Point
Not consistent with filter area
High area cartridges may have different BP than discs cut from identical pore distribution membrane

Filter mfr certifies cartridge membrane BP > min. production membrane BP (prodn BP test) User confirms certified cartridge membrane BP > min. validated disc membrane BP (prodn BP test)
Confirms membrane in cartridge is at least as tight as worst case validated membrane

User tests assembly BP to > min. allowable limit for cartridge/assembly BP

Confirms cartridge is free of leaks or perforations = integral.
Pall Corporation 2007

Integrity Test Correlation

Forward Flow (a.k.a. Diffusion)
Flow too low to measure on small discs
Cant scale up disc flow to cartridge flow accurately

Filter mfr certifies cartridge membrane BP > min. production membrane BP (prodn BP test) User confirms certified cartridge membrane BP > min. validated disc membrane BP (prodn BP test)
Confirms membrane in cartridge is at least as tight as worst case validated membrane

User tests assembly FF to < max. allowable limit for cartridge/assembly FF

Confirms cartridge is free of leaks or perforations = integral.

Pall Corporation 2007

Summary Recommendations PDA TR#26

Parametric approach for validation of sterilizing filtration process
Worst case product/fluid or surrogate model Worst case process conditions Worst case bioburden model or isolate Worst case membrane discs based on manufacturers specification

Relate production filter membrane/cartridge integrity to validated membrane disc retention and integrity specification
Pall Corporation 2007

PDA TR 26 Revision 2007

24 Member Task Force
Biotech, pharmaceutical, contract manufacturing, filter manufacturing and consultants

Updated for current best practices Expanded sections New sections, e.g.
Redundant filtration Re-sterilization of filters Integrity testing multi-cartridge systems Disposable filtration systems
Pall Corporation 2007

Process Risk Assessment Factors

Higher Risk
Higher levels, Diminutive organisms Higher Higher Growth promoting Ambient and higher Longer
Pall Corporation 2007

Bioburden Differential pressure Flow rate Product Temperatures Time

Lower Risk
Lower levels Large organisms Lower Lower Bactericidal or preserved Refrigerated Shorter

Integrity Test Failure Decision Tree

Integrity Test Falure Analysis Decision Tree

System Setup Checks

Check that the test setup is assembled and functions properly. Check that the test equipment has been properly calibrated. Check that there are no leaks in the test system Check that the correct filter has been installed. Check that the temperature has remained within specified range during testing.

Test Parameter Checks

Check that the appropriate integrity test has been selected. Check that the correct test parameters are being used. Check that the correct wetting fluid and wetting procedure are being used.

Rewet the filter & repeat integrity test

Pall Corporation 2007

Step 1

Integrity Test Failure Decision Tree



Increase flush volume/ time Increase differential pressure Apply back pressure


Record Pass result. Filter is integral

Pall Corporation 2007

Step 2

Filter Wetting (Stage I)

Integrity Test Failure Decision Tree

Filter Wetting (Stage II)


Flush filter with a low surface tension reference wetting liquid to enhance wetting per manufacturers instructions Repeat integrity test using appropriate test parameters and limits for low surface tension reference wetting liquid

Record Pass result. Filter is integral


Record Fail result. The filter fails the test

Pall Corporation 2007

Step 3

PDA TR 26 Revision 2007

Select Review Phase (to 8/15) PDA Member Review Phase (to 9/15)
Available to PDA members on website

Publication (~Nov/Dec, 2007)

Suppl. to PDA J. Paren. Sci. & Techol.

Pall Corporation 2007

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