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STANDARD 14644-14

ISO/TC 209
Secretariat: ANSI Cleanrooms and associated controlled
Voting begins
environments —
on: 2016-05-12
Part 14:
Voting terminates
on: 2016-07-12
Assessment of suitability for use
of equipment by airborne particle
Salles propres et environnements maîtrisés apparentés —
Partie 14: Evaluation de l’aptitude à l’emploi des équipements par
la détermination de la concentration de particules en suspension
dans l’air

Please see the administrative notes on page ii

LIGHT OF THEIR POTENTIAL TO BECOME STAN­ --``,,`,,``,`,,,,```,,,``,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---


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This final draft has been developed within the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and pro-
cessed under the ISO-lead mode of collaboration as defined in the Vienna Agreement. The final draft was
established on the basis of comments received during a parallel enquiry on the draft.
This final draft is hereby submitted to the ISO member bodies and to the CEN member bodies for a parallel
two-month approval vote in ISO and formal vote in CEN.
Positive votes shall not be accompanied by comments.
Negative votes shall be accompanied by the relevant technical reasons.



© ISO 2016, Published in Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
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Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. vi
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 General outline of the assessment...................................................................................................................................................... 3
5 Visual inspection................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
6 Assessment of suitability by airborne particle concentration measurements.................................... 4
6.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
6.2 Assessment procedure...................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.2.1 Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
6.2.2 Requirements and considerations..................................................................................................................... 5
6.2.3 Representative mode of operation.................................................................................................................... 6
6.2.4 Considerations for the test environment..................................................................................................... 6
6.2.5 Determination of the test environment........................................................................................................ 6
6.2.6 Approximate identification of HPC location(s)...................................................................................... 6
6.2.7 Precise determination of HPC location(s)................................................................................................... 7
6.2.8 Suitability measurement(s)..................................................................................................................................... 7
6.2.9 Data processing.................................................................................................................................................................. 8
6.2.10 Reference to ISO 14644‑1 classification system................................................................................. 10
7 Documentation.....................................................................................................................................................................................................10
7.1 General......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
7.2 Common documentation requirements.......................................................................................................................... 10
7.3 Documentation for visual inspection................................................................................................................................ 11
7.4 Documentation for assessment of test environment........................................................................................... 11
7.5 Documentation for classification measurement...................................................................................................... 12
8 Statement on cleanroom suitability...............................................................................................................................................12
Annex A (informative) Example for data processing deriving from measurements........................................14
Annex B (informative) Additional optional tests...................................................................................................................................18
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21 --``,,`,,``,`,,,,```,,,``,,,`,,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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ISO/FDIS 14644-14:2016(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.iso.org/patents).
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC  209, Cleanrooms and associated controlled
environments, and by Technical Committee CEN/TC 243, Cleanroom technology, in collaboration.
ISO 14644 consists of the following parts, under the general title Cleanrooms and associated controlled
— Part 1: Classification of air cleanliness by particle concentration
— Part 2: Monitoring to provide evidence of cleanroom performance related to air cleanliness by particle
— Part 3: Test methods
— Part 4: Design, construction and start-up
— Part 5: Operations
— Part 7: Separative devices (clean air hoods, gloveboxes, isolators and mini-environments)
— Part 8: Classification of air cleanliness by chemical concentration (ACC)
— Part 9: Classification of surface cleanliness by particle concentration
— Part 10: Classification of surface cleanliness by chemical concentration
— Part 13: Cleaning of surfaces to achieve defined levels of cleanliness in terms of particle and chemical
— Part 14: Assessment of suitability for use of equipment by airborne particle concentration
— Part 15: Assessment of suitability for use of equipment and materials by airborne chemical concentration
The following parts are under preparation:
— Part 16: Code of practice for improving energy efficiency in cleanrooms and clean air devices


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Attention is also drawn to ISO 14698, Cleanrooms and associated controlled — Biocontamination control:
— Part 1: General principles and methods
— Part 2: Evaluation and interpretation of biocontamination data


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Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments provide for the control of contamination to levels
appropriate for accomplishing contamination-sensitive activities. Products and processes that benefit
from the control of contamination include those in such industries as aerospace, microelectronics,
optics, nuclear and life sciences (pharmaceuticals, medical devices, food and healthcare).
This part of ISO 14644 links the cleanroom classification of air cleanliness by particle concentration to
the suitability of equipment for use in cleanrooms and associated controlled environments.


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Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments —

Part 14:
Assessment of suitability for use of equipment by airborne
particle concentration

1 Scope
This part of ISO 14644 specifies a methodology to assess the suitability of equipment (e.g. machinery,
measuring equipment, process equipment, components and tools) for use in cleanrooms and associated
controlled environments, with respect to airborne particle cleanliness as specified in ISO  14644-1.
Particle sizes range from 0,1 µm to equal to or larger than 5 µm (given in ISO 14644-1).
NOTE Where regulatory agencies impose supplementary guidelines or restrictions, appropriate adaptation
of the assessment methodology can be required.

The following items are not covered by this part of ISO 14644:

— assessment of suitability with respect to biocontamination;
— testing for suitability of decontamination agents and techniques;
— cleanability of equipment and materials;
— requirements on design of equipment and selection of materials;

— physical properties of materials (e.g. electrostatic, thermal properties);
— optimizing performance of equipment for specific process applications;
— selection and use of statistical methods for testing;
— protocols and requirements for local safety regulations.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 14644-1:2015, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments  — Part  1: Classification of air
cleanliness by particle concentration
ISO 14644-3:2005, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments — Part 3: Test methods

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
condition not exceeding a specified level of contamination

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room within which the number concentration of airborne particles is controlled and classified, and
which is designed, constructed and operated in a manner to control the introduction, generation and
retention of particles inside the room
Note 1 to entry: The class of airborne particle concentration is specified.

Note 2 to entry: Levels of other cleanliness attributes such as chemical, viable or nanoscale concentrations in the
air, and also surface cleanliness in terms of particle, nanoscale, chemical and viable concentrations might also be
specified and controlled.

Note  3  to entry:  Other relevant physical parameters might also be controlled as required, e.g. temperature,
humidity, pressure, vibration and electrostatic.

[SOURCE: ISO 14644‑1:2015, 3.1.1]


cleanroom suitability
ability to maintain the critical control attributes or condition of any clean zone when used as intended
Note  1  to  entry:  For the purposes of this part of ISO  14644, the assessment is based on airborne particle

clean zone
defined space within which the number concentration of airborne particles is controlled and classified,
and which is constructed and operated in a manner to control the introduction, generation and retention
of contaminants inside the space
Note 1 to entry: The class of airborne particle concentration is specified.

Note 2 to entry: Levels of other cleanliness attributes such as chemical, viable or nanoscale concentrations in the
air, and also surface cleanliness in terms of particle, nanoscale, chemical and viable concentrations might also be
specified and controlled.

Note 3 to entry: A clean zone(s) can be a defined space within a cleanroom or might be achieved by a separative
device. Such a device can be located inside or outside a cleanroom.

Note  4  to entry:  Other relevant physical parameters might also be controlled as required, e.g. temperature,
humidity, pressure, vibration and electrostatic.

[SOURCE: ISO 14644‑1:2015, 3.1.2]

reduction of unwanted matter to a defined level
[SOURCE: ISO 14644‑7:2004, 3.7]
system designed for specific function(s), integrating materials, components and/or controls
EXAMPLE Testing and manufacturing equipment and machinery, equipment for transport and handling,
storage units, tools, furniture, doors, ceilings, Information Technology (IT) hardware and handling robots.

test environment
space in which the test is carried out, described by a set of parameters

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4 General outline of the assessment

Cleanroom suitability assessment has the following outline.
a) Before the assessment can be executed, the customer and supplier shall agree upon the particle
size range(s), with reference to air cleanliness by particle concentration, designated by ISO Class
N as given in ISO 14644-1 and item to be tested including the modes of operation(s). Each selected
mode of operation shall be assessed separately.
b) A short description regarding how the equipment will be used in routine operation (with operating
parameters) shall be given to promote setting the appropriate testing condition and parameters.
c) Visual inspection (see Clause 5).
d) The procedure described in Clause 6 shall be used in order to establish a link to the ISO 14644-1
classification system.
e) Execution of measurements (see 6.2).
f) The data gathered will be processed and the results linked to the ISO classification system (see
6.2.9 and 6.2.10).
g) The results obtained shall conclude the equipment’s cleanroom suitability; the statement shall
follow the defined designation (see Clause 8).
Additional optional tests (not linked to ISO class N), such as total emission of particles or operational
life cycle test, are described in Annex B.
The method described in B.4 may be used to determine the average total emission of equipment and
provides data that may be used to determine the particle load on a cleanroom.

5 Visual inspection
Visual inspection of the equipment shall be carried out before and after any measurement-based
The visual inspection shall ensure that all packaging has been removed and that the equipment is
undamaged and that it is correctly assembled and appropriately connected to its required utilities.
Visual surface cleanliness shall be qualitatively assessed such that any subsequent quantifiable tests
shall not be compromised. This part of the visual inspection can include assessment for particles,
surface films or inappropriately located lubricants.
The objectives of this inspection are the following:
— identify contamination, such as particles and films originated from manufacturing, packaging,
transportation or initial assembly;
— identify contamination that has withstood any prior decontamination process.
It is not intended that this inspection will provide a measurement of surface cleanliness.
Depending on the location of the contamination, the results from visual inspection shall be
— recorded and available for comparison with the post-test visual inspection of surface cleanliness, and
— used as basis to direct a repeat or improved decontamination process.
Detection efficiency of visible contamination on equipment will depend upon the following factors:
— the accessibility and orientation of the surface to be inspected;


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— the materials used for equipment construction, their surface condition and treatment;
— the viewing parameters (e.g. illumination, field of view, vision magnification, viewing distance).

6 Assessment of suitability by airborne particle concentration measurements

6.1 General
The objective of Clause  6 is to describe a suitability methodology using measurement of airborne
particle emissions at critical locations. By including measurement locations at, or close to, the locations
of high particle concentration (HPC), the intended use of the application is reflected.
This assessment methodology enables a link to the classification system of ISO 14644-1, in one or more
particle size ranges to be established.
In order to assess the cleanroom suitability of equipment, it is intended that the location(s) with HPC
emitted by the equipment be identified and included in the final suitability measurement. Since the size
distribution of the emitted particles is not known in advance, it is required that more than one particle
size range is measured. Ideally, three widely spread particle size ranges should be selected.
Subsequently, the particle concentrations thus determined from equipment assessment are compared
with the air cleanliness by particle concentration limits for ISO Class N as specified in ISO 14644-1.
For the equipment to be tested, it shall be ensured that cleanroom compliant design principles have
been incorporated. These principles include, but are not limited to, the following:
— selection of appropriate materials and surface finishes;
— avoidance of static air zones;
— design principles for cleanability;
— considerations for maintenance.
This measurement methodology is not intended to determine overall emission rates for the equipment
under test.

6.2 Assessment procedure

6.2.1 Overview

The flow chart in Figure 1 gives an overview of the necessary assessment steps.


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Figure 1 — Overview of the assessment procedure

6.2.2 Requirements and considerations

When defining the scope of the suitability assessment, aspects that could influence the assessment
results shall be considered, for example (but not limited to):
— variability between the same type of equipment;
— pre-conditioning of the equipment to be tested (accumulated operating hours);
— running-in of equipment.

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The test environment shall be agreed upon before testing (see 6.2.4 and 6.2.5).

6.2.3 Representative mode of operation

A representative mode of operation of equipment shall be defined, which ensures that particle emission
sources are detected. The mode of operation shall reflect the intended use of the equipment. If the
equipment can be operated in different modes of operation (e.g. with or without product), it shall be
decided which of these different modes form part of the assessment. Equipment parameters of operation
shall be defined and agreed upon before testing.
If standardized procedures exist, these procedures shall be taken into consideration. For non-
standardized handling, the manner of handling chosen shall be documented, and reasons for this choice
shall be given.

6.2.4 Considerations for the test environment

The objective of these tests is to characterize and select a test environment prior to installing the
equipment that is to undergo assessment for cleanroom suitability.

Consideration should be given to whether all or some pre-tests are conducted at more than one
measuring plane. An illustration of selected measurement plane(s) may be added.
Information on measurement test methods and equipment can be obtained from ISO  14644-1 and
ISO 14644-3. The following shall be considered.
— Airborne particle concentration measurement: The aim is to confirm that the test environment is
at least one ISO class N (as given in ISO 14644-1) cleaner than the cleanroom or clean zone within
which the equipment is intended to be used.
— Airflow velocity measurement: Guidance range for vertical velocity should be in the range of 0,3 m/s
to 0,5 m/s.
— Temperature: Guidance range should be 18 °C to 25 °C.
— Humidity: Guidance range should be 30 % RH to 70 % RH.
Additional informative pre-tests can include the following:
— airflow direction test and visualization;
— electrostatic and ion generator test;
— particle deposition test.
The results of the considerations shall be used for the determination of the test environment (see 6.2.5).

6.2.5 Determination of the test environment

The test environment shall provide a background level at least one ISO Class N (as given in ISO 14644-1)
cleaner than the cleanroom or clean zone in which the equipment is intended to be used.
NOTE Testing of equipment for ISO Class 1 suitability is accomplished in an ISO Class 1 environment.

The test environment shall not contain any other particle sources than the equipment to be assessed to
avoid influencing the measurement results. This can be achieved using unidirectional airflow.

6.2.6 Approximate identification of HPC location(s)

For equipment with moving elements/components, there is frequently a significant variation in the
concentration of particles generated between different zones of the equipment. The intention of the

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cleanroom suitability methodology is to include those zones that contain HPC(s) within the suitability
assessment measurements.
The objective of this stage of the assessment is to determine the measuring locations of HPC(s)
that shall be included in the subsequent final suitability measurement. It is essential that moving
elements/components, utilities, interfaces, etc., are included in this assessment.
NOTE The number of moving elements/components can influence the number of approximate HPC locations.

Although safe sampling can impose sampling position limitations, the objective is to vary the distance
and/or position of the sampling probe in order to identify the HPC location(s).
The approximate identification shall be performed using a systematic scan of the equipment with a
light scattering discrete airborne particle counter (LSAPC). The entire system including product spaces
of the equipment should be scanned by the sampling probe. While the equipment is scanned using a
sampling probe of the LSAPC, a correlation between its position and the HPC is acquired. Depending on
the make/model of the LSAPC used, the feedback required to establish this correlation can use visual
and/or acoustic means. The sample acquisition time shall be chosen to ensure that the location of the
HPC(s) can be identified appropriately.
Previously identified contamination sources (output of any pre-tests) should be included in this part of
the assessment.
The conclusions of the measurements undertaken for the approximate identification of particle sources
are qualitative in nature.

6.2.7 Precise determination of HPC location(s)

Following the approximate identification, a precise determination of HPC location(s) is carried out using
a LSAPC assessing at least 28,3 l/min of air with a probe having an openness limited to 20 cm2. During
this measurement stage, the geometrical position of the LSAPC sampling probe is adjusted to achieve
the optimum sampling of the HPC location. Probe position shall be set and recorded. This is repeated
for each HPC location identified under 6.2.6.
NOTE The number of measuring locations will be influenced by the number of moving elements/components.

6.2.8 Suitability measurement(s)

The HPC location(s) with the highest particle concentration obtained in 6.2.7 shall be selected for the
suitability measurement. Select at least one HPC location. Measurement locations of specific point of
interest, e.g. associated with product handling, can be added.
Perform particle concentration measurement(s) at selected location(s) using a LSAPC as described in 6.2.7.
The following parameters, required for performing the suitability measurements, shall be specified
and documented:
— modes of operation of the equipment;
— number of operating cycles of the equipment;
— positioning of the equipment to be tested;
— HPC location(s) derived from approximate identification and precise determination;
— additional measurement point(s) derived from a specific point of interest (e.g. product critical
— positioning of the measuring LSAPC sampling probe(s);
— particle size range(s) being assessed;


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— sampling volume and time;

— number of consecutive independent readings at each individual measurement location. For statistical
reasons this number shall be ≥100.
NOTE The acquired data from the LSAPC may be captured, processed and then analysed using suitable
software in order to avoid transcription errors.

6.2.9 Data processing General

The following data processing procedure shall be applied to the readings of particle concentrations
obtained in 6.2.8.
The readings per specified particle size range obtained in 6.2.8 are subject to statistical analysis. In
most cases of the measurements, where the expected value (mean value, x ) for the particle size under

consideration is assumed to be larger than 10 particles per measurement, procedure a) (see
shall be applied. In case that the expected value of the measurements is 10 or below, procedure b) (see shall be applied. Procedure a)

The arithmetic mean of the particle numbers is calculated using Formula (1):

( x i ,1 + x i ,2 + ... + x i ,n ) (1)


x is the mean value;

xi is a single reading in the consecutive measuring of a particle size range i;

n is the number of readings.

For the calculation of the standard deviation, Formula (2) is used:

( x i ,1 − x ) + ( x i ,2 − x ) ( )
2 2 2
+ ... + x i , n − x
s= (2)
( n − 1)

s is the standard deviation;

xi is a single reading in the consecutive measuring of a particle size range i;

x is the mean value;

n is the number of readings.

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Formula (3) shall be used to calculate the upper confidence limit:

Pu = x + 1, 66 × (3)

Pu is the upper confidence limit for a confidence level of (1 – α) = 95 %;

x is the mean value [according to Formula (1)];

s is the standard deviation [according to Formula (2)];

1,66 is the factor from Student’s t distribution.

NOTE tα,υ = 1,66 for the upper confidence limit for a confidence level of (1 − α) = 95 % and 100 individual
measured values.

Formula (4) shall be used to calculate the z-value:

G − Pu
z= n (4)

If the calculated value of z according to Formula (4) is larger than 1,645, the class limit G will not be
exceeded with a confidence level of 95 %.
The derived classification number N which corresponds to the class limit G (maximum permitted
particles of the considered size range within the ISO class number N) will be used in 6.2.10 to establish
reference to the ISO 14644-1 classification system.

NOTE A detailed example is given in Annex A. Procedure b)

If the expected value (mean value, x ) of the measurement result is less than or equal to 10, Table 1,
which is based on Poisson statistics, is used to determine the upper confidence limit.
The mean value is calculated using Formula (1).

Table 1 — Upper confidence limit for procedure b)

Mean value Upper confidence limit
≤x Pu
0,051 2 0
0,355 1
0,818 2
1,366 3
1,970 4
2,613 5
3,285 6
3,981 7
4,695 8
5,425 9
6,169 10
NOTE    Table  1 is based on Poisson distribution for 95  %
confidence limit.

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Table 1 (continued)
Mean value Upper confidence limit
≤x Pu
6,924 11
7,690 12
8,464 13
9,247 14
10,000 15
NOTE    Table  1 is based on Poisson distribution for 95  %
confidence limit.

The derived Pu will be used in 6.2.10 to establish reference to ISO 14644-1 classification system.
NOTE A detailed example is given in Annex A.

6.2.10 Reference to ISO 14644‑1 classification system

For each particle size range measured, a reference to the ISO  14644-1 classification system shall be
made. For this purpose, ISO 14644-1:2015, Table 1 is used to identify the respective ISO class number N.
NOTE 1 ISO  14644-1:2015, Annex  F provides calculation for intermediate class numbers and threshold
particle sizes.

If a LSAPC is used that measures an air volume smaller or larger than one cubic meter per time interval,
the class limits G (maximum permitted particles of the considered size range within the ISO class
number N) shall be calculated to derive the corresponding figure for G.
If Pu (see 6.2.9) is less than or equal to G, the reference to the measured particle size range and respective
ISO Class N is established.
If Pu is larger than G, then the next higher ISO class number N shall be used.
The comparison shall be done for each specified particle size range.
The highest ISO class number N (as given in ISO 14644-1) of the specified particle size ranges shall be
chosen for the cleanroom suitability assessment (see Clause 8). If more than one HPC location has been
taken into account, the highest number of the ISO Class N (as given in ISO 14644-1) shall be chosen for
the cleanroom suitability assessment.
NOTE 2 A detailed example is given in Annex A.

7 Documentation

7.1 General
The documentation shall contain all information required to reproduce the test for suitability.
Where applicable, the items listed in subsequent sections are recommended as minimum information.
Further relevant items may be added to the list.

7.2 Common documentation requirements

a) description of test
b) reference to standards and/or guidelines used
c) date

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d) place where the assessment is carried out

e) person(s) performing the test
f) customer
g) description of piece of equipment including mode(s) of operation considered
h) marking/identification of test object

7.3 Documentation for visual inspection

In addition to common documentation requirements:
— observations of the equipment to be tested; general condition, damage and compatibility with the
utilities and services connection.
— For visual inspection of surfaces:
— description of the visual inspection approach (e.g. normal or magnified; additional light
sources, etc.);
— description of any “critical” surfaces selected for inspection (with justification). Diagrams and/
or photographs to be included.
— In addition, for each surface location of the equipment visually inspected:
— vision magnification when used;

— description of any additional light source used;
— distance between inspector and the surface being examined;
— description of contamination observed;
— results from any assessment used to establish contamination mobility, including whether
any contamination was removed during this assessment.

7.4 Documentation for assessment of test environment

In addition to the common documentation requirements, the type designations of each measuring
instrument/apparatus used and their calibration status shall be required.
a) airborne particle concentration;
1) measurements at the agreed size range(s),
2) derived test environment classification,
3) sampling probe description and orientation,
4) location(s) of sampling,
b) airflow velocity measurement readings and their locations;
c) temperature measurement readings and their locations;
d) humidity measurement readings and their locations;
e) additional informative pre-tests;
1) airflow direction and visualization, method description, results summary and reference to any
audio-visual files,

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2) electrostatic and ion generator tests; method descriptions and results summary,
3) particle deposition test; method descriptions and results summary.

7.5 Documentation for classification measurement

a) test setup photo (and drawing if applicable);
b) ambient conditions/installation conditions of the test environment;
1) temperature,
2) relative humidity,
3) mean air velocity,
4) ISO Class N in accordance with ISO 14644-1,
c) pre-tests that have been carried out and their results;
d) agreed representative mode of operation chosen for the assessment;
e) description of measuring probe location(s) and their justification;
f) description of operating parameters;
g) any extraordinary observations during the measurement(s);
h) serial number/working range of LSAPC used, including reference to calibration certificate;
i) type of probe;
j) duration of measurement;
k) number of measurements taken per location;
l) sampling volume and time;
m) particle size ranges under consideration and their results;
n) analysis of data;
o) result of visual inspection of the test object after the measurement.

8 Statement on cleanroom suitability

The cleanroom suitability of the equipment shall be stated in the following way:
a) An assessment including an agreed upon representative mode of operation, according to ISO 14644‑14
showed that:
Equipment Z has cleanroom suitability for use within a cleanroom of ISO Class X (Y µm).

X is the ISO class number N, highest value according to 6.2.10;

Y is the particle size range measured;

Z is the designation of equipment and unique identification (e.g. type, serial number,
b) The representative mode of operation is as stated in the documentation.

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The documentation according to Clause 7 (including results of visual inspection) is an integral part of
the statement on cleanroom suitability and shall be attached.


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ISO/FDIS 14644-14:2016(E)

Annex A

Example for data processing deriving from measurements

A.1 General
The following facts are assumed:
— 0,1 µm, 0,2 µm and 5,0 µm are specified as particle size ranges;
— six particle size ranges were measured;
— a LSAPC was used with a sampling volume of 28,3 l/min (1 cft3/min);
— 100 consecutive measurements for the suitability measurements were performed.

A.2 Measurement values at one single HPC

For this example, the following individual values in Table  A.1 have been obtained during suitability

Table A.1 — Values measured per 28,32 l measuring air volume during classification
≥0,1 µm ≥0,2 µm ≥0,3 µm ≥0,5 µm ≥1,0 µm ≥5,0 µm
1 1 0 0 0 0 0
2 33 11 3 3 1 1
3 27 13 13 10 9 3

100 0 0 0 0 0 0

Applying Formula (1) and Formula (2) provides the most important data that are needed to assess the
cleanroom suitability of the equipment (see Table A.2).

Table A.2 — Statistical data of the suitability measurement

≥0,1 µm ≥0,2 µm ≥0,3 µm ≥0.5 µm ≥1,0 µm ≥5,0 µm
Number of measured 100 100 100 100 100 100
values, n
Mean value, x 16,33 7,39 5,88 4,19 2,87 0,90
Standard deviation, s 68,12 28,13 22,34 15,79 10,70 2,27
Maximum 586 216 166 116 74 10
Minimum 0 0 0 0 0 0

The readings per specified particle size range obtained in 6.2.8 are subject to statistical analysis. In
most cases of the measurements, where the expected value (mean value) for the particle size under
consideration is assumed to be larger than 10 particles per measurement, procedure a) (see
shall be applied. In case that the expected value of the measurements is 10 or below, procedure b) (see shall be applied.

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ISO/FDIS 14644-14:2016(E)

To determine which statistical procedure according 6.2.9 is to be used, the expected values (mean
values) for the particle size under consideration are reviewed. Therefore, ≥0,1 µm particle size range
is subjected to procedure a) (see, ≥0,2  µm and ≥5,0  µm particle size range are subjected to
procedure b) (see
For particle size range ≥0,1 µm, Formula (3) is used.
Pu = x + 1, 66 × (A.1)

Pu = 16,33 + 1, 66 × = 27, 64 (A.2)

For ISO Class 3 and the particle size range ≥0,1 µm, the limit G is 28 particles per sampling volume of
28,3 l (see Table A.3).

z = 10
(28 − 27, 64) = 0, 05 (A.3)

As the calculated value z = 0,05 does not fulfil the demand of the confidence level (z has to be larger or
equal to 1,645), the corresponding ISO class number N = 3 is not applicable (see ISO 14644-1).

For the ISO Class 4 and the particle size range ≥ 0,1 µm, the limit G is 283 particles per sampling volume
of 28,3 l.

z = 10
(283 − 27, 64) = 37, 49 (A.4)

As the calculated value z = 37,49 fulfils the demand of the confidence level (z has to be larger or equal to
1,645), the corresponding ISO class number N = 4 is applicable (see ISO 14644-1).
For particle size range ≥0,2 µm
As in the previous measurement example, the assumed value (mean value) of the particle size range
>0,2 µm has a value of 7,39, which is smaller than 10. The probability of not exceeding the given class
limit values G has to be calculated with Table A.4, based on Poisson statistics.
Table A.4 leads to an upper confidence limit of Pu = 12.
In the above-mentioned example, Pu = 12 is smaller than the class limit G = 67 (see Table A.3) of the
particle size ≥0,2 µm at ISO Class 4.
The calculations performed demonstrate cleanroom suitability for the equipment, as derived from the
measurements, for the particle size range ≥0,2  µm for ISO Class 4 (0,2  µm), as the likelihood of not
exceeding the limit is ≥95 %.
For particle size range ≥5,0 µm
As in the previous measurement example, the assumed value (mean value) of the particle size range
>5,0 µm has a value of 0,90, which is smaller than 10. The probability of not exceeding the given class
limit values G has to be calculated with Table A.4, based on Poisson statistics.
Table A.4 leads to an upper confidence limit of Pu = 3.
In the above-mentioned example, Pu = 3 is smaller than the class limit G = 8,28 (see Table A.3) of the
particle size ≥5,0 µm at ISO Class 6.
The calculations performed demonstrate cleanroom suitability for the equipment, as derived from the
measurements, for the particle size range ≥5,0  µm for ISO Class 6 (5,0  µm), as the likelihood of not
exceeding the limit is ≥95 %.

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Establishing reference to ISO 14644‑1:2015, Table 1

For establishing reference to ISO 14644-1:2015, Table 1, the following has to be taken in consideration.
Sampling volume was 28,3 l, which is equivalent to 0,028 3 m3. Multiplication of the respective figure of
ISO 14644-1:2015, Table 1 leads to the corresponding figures for G in Table A.3.

Table A.3 — Calculated G figures

ISO class number N Calculated class limit G for specified particle size ranges
≥0,1 µm ≥0,2 µm ≥5,0 µm
1 0,28 0,07 0,00
2 2,83 0,67 0,00

3 28 6,70 0,01
4 283 67 0,08
5 2 832 671 0,83
6 28 321 671 2 8,28
7 283 206 671 20 83
8 2 832 059 671 198 830
9 28 320 589 671 198 0 829 8
NOTE     Grey areas indicate particle size ranges not intended for classification according to
ISO 14644-1.

Table A.4 — Upper confidence limit for procedure b)

Mean value Upper confidence limit
≤x Pu
0,051 2 0
0,355 1
0,818 2
1,366 3
1,970 4
2,613 5
3,285 6
3,981 7
4,695 8
5,425 9
6,169 10
6,924 11
7,690 12
8,464 13
9,247 14
10,000 15
NOTE    Table  A.4 is based on Poisson distribution for 95  %
confidence level.

A.3 Result
For the specified particle size ranges, the following ISO class numbers have been established.

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≥0,1 µm ISO class number N equals 4

≥0,2 µm ISO class number N equals 4

≥5 µm ISO class number N equals 6

According to 6.2.10, the highest ISO class number has to be chosen for the cleanroom suitability

≥5 µm ISO class number N equals 6

The methodology, which is based on the measurement data and data processing of this example, leads
to the equipment’s overall assessment:
“An assessment including an agreed upon representative mode of operation, according to ISO 14644‑14
showed that:
Equipment Z has cleanroom suitability for use within a cleanroom of ISO Class 6 ≥ 5 µm).”

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ISO/FDIS 14644-14:2016(E)

Annex B

Additional optional tests

B.1 General
To obtain information about impact on processes and adjacent environment, additional tests can be
performed as an option.

B.2 Assessment in different phases of equipment operational life cycle

The assessment of the cleanroom suitability is typically performed on new equipment that has
undergone limited operational running.
The particle emission of equipment or single elements/components of it will vary over its operational
life cycle. B.2 makes the following assumption in relation to particle generation over the equipment
operational life cycle.
Particle emission, over time, can be described in three phases.
a) Run-in phase: When equipment with moving elements/components begins to operate, the particle
emission changes over time; typically the emission decreases.
b) Steady-state phase: Particle emissions fluctuate in time, centred about a mean value that is
characteristic of this phase.
c) Deterioration phase: Increased wear of the equipment or single elements/components typically
leads to higher emission rates.
Carrying out measurements according to 6.2, either within differing phases of the equipment
operational life cycle or for longer sampling durations, may provide data for trend analysis.

B.3 Particle deposition measurement method

For particle size ranges (e.g. >10 µm) which cannot be reliably detected by a LSAPC, particle deposition
measurement as described in ISO 14644-3:2005, Clause 10 could be considered to assess these particle
size ranges.
A particle distribution deposition test makes use of one or more witness plates which can be inspected
in situ or off line. The result is expressed in the change of surface cleanliness by particle concentrations
(according to ISO 14644-9) on the witness plate before and after exposure. The result can be expressed
by the number of particles larger than particle size D (µm) per unit surface area per unit of time.

B.4 Total emission measurement method

B.4.1 General
The total emission measurement methodology provides data that enable an assessment of the potential
impact of the particle load, emitted by the equipment under test, on the cleanroom during operation.
NOTE This impact might be used during design of a cleanroom or when introducing new equipment into an
existing cleanroom.

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The total emission method is appropriate for non-unidirectional cleanrooms or clean zones with
classification ISO Class 6 to 9.
The total emission measurement method does not identify local particle sources and the result
represents the average of the total emission of particles over time including HPC locations. Variations of
particle emissions will be averaged.
The concentration of totally emitted particles of the equipment under test per time and volume of air
are compared with the particle concentration of supply air per time and volume of air.
A visual inspection of the equipment under test and the test environment (see Clause  5) should be
executed prior to the measurement.
Similar requirements and considerations as in the HPC method should be observed (see 6.2.2).
NOTE Various total emission methods are described elsewhere (IEST-RP-CC026.2, JIS  B 9926, VDI  2083–
9.1). In this part of ISO 14644, the application for cleanroom suitability is addressed.

B.4.2 Establishment of test environment

The test environment should enclose the equipment to be tested completely and should be of the same
magnitude of volume the equipment needs for operation.
The test environment should provide a unidirectional clean air flow (HEPA or ULPA filtered) or a
background level at least one class better than the desired airborne cleanliness by particle concentration
class in which the equipment will be used.
Since the test is meant for ISO Class 6 to 9, an air supply or environment at ISO Class 5 or better is
The test environment should not contain other particle sources which influence the measurement
The particle concentration of the air that exits the test environment should be measured. The intention
is to measure as much air volume as possible. It should be ensured that the measured air sample is
representative for the total load. Mixing of air and funnel type contraction might be necessary to
achieve even distribution of contamination.

B.4.3 Total emission measurement set-up

In a total emission measurement, the tested equipment will increase the particle concentration of the
air passing through the test environment. To measure this increase, the background concentration of
the test set-up should be measured first. Therefore, the following pre-tests should be executed:
a) determine the air cleanliness of the test environment;
b) perform a measurement without equipment or with equipment at rest. Record the results of the
background measurement (locations and concentrations);
c) non-airborne macro particles could be measured by particle deposition measurement (see B.3).

B.4.4 Total emission measurement of equipment

After the equipment is put into the test environment and set to operation or kept at rest, the particle
concentration of the exiting air should be measured with the same particle counting system as in the

B.4.5 Calculation of average total emission rate of equipment

The results of the total emission measurement (locations and concentrations) should be recorded. The
results of the pre-test should be subtracted.

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The average total particle emission of the equipment is determined using Formula (B.1):
P = ΔC × Q (B.1)


P is the equipment emission rate in particles/time unit;

ΔC is the increase in particle concentration due to equipment presence/operation in particles/m3;

Q is the air volume flow rate in m3/time unit.

Second, minute or hour can be selected as the time unit.

B.4.6 Assessment of the impact of the total particle load

For the assessment of the impact of the total particle load, the emission rate and volume and air change
rate of the intended operating environment should be taken into consideration.

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ISO/FDIS 14644-14:2016(E)


[1] ISO  8573-8:2004, Compressed air  — Part  8: Test methods for solid particle content by mass
[2] ISO  14644-7:2004, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments — Part 7: Separative
devices (clean air hoods, gloveboxes, isolators and mini-environments)
[3] ISO  14644-9, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments  — Part  9: Classification of
surface cleanliness by particle concentration
[4] AIR1167, Environmental criteria and tests for aerospace ground equipment in support of space
[5] IEST-RP-CC002.3, Unidirectional — Flow clean-air devices
[6] IEST-RP-CC013.3, Calibration procedures and guidelines for select equipment used in testing
cleanrooms and other controlled environments
[7] IEST RP-CC026.2, Cleanroom operations
[8] IEST-RP-CC028.1, Minienvironments
[9] JIS B 9926, Clean room — Test methods for dust generation from moving mechanisms
[10] SEMI E49-1104 (Reapproved 1211), Guide for high purity and ultrahigh purity piping performance,
subassemblies, and final assemblies
[11] SEMI E137-0705 (Reapproved 1111), Guide for final assembly, packaging, transportation,
unpacking, and relocation of semiconductor manufacturing equipment
[12] SEMI F28-1103 (Reapproved 0710), Test method for measuring particle generation from
process panels
[13] SEMI F70-0611, Test method for determination of particle contribution of gas delivery system
[14] SEMI G67-0996 (Reapproved 0811), Test method for the measurement of particle generation from
sheet materials
[15] VDI  2083-9.1, Clean room technology  — Compatibility with required cleanliness and surface

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