Chandra (2006) explains that today's labor force is different. Supervisors must take
responsibility for their own employee retention. If they do not, they could be left
without enough good employees. Wise employers learn how to attract and keep good
employees, because in the long run, this workforce will make or break a company's
reputation. New supervisors must be prepared to be collaborative, supportive, and
nurturing of their people. The old style of "my-way-or-the-highway" style of
management is a thing of the past. Most new supervisors need training to understand
what it really takes to retain employees. Employee retention involves being sensitive
to people's needs and demonstrating the various strategies.
Buchanan (2007) to keep good employees, the employee must grow and develop. A
particular job can become stagnant or the employee feels as if she is not advancing.
When an employee receives additional training, she learns new skills that increase her
knowledge and improves her job performance, employee is weak in an area, and
training will help improve a specific function. For example, if an employee is a high
performer on most of her job tasks but struggles to complete a monthly report,
However, in 1977, the EAC collapsed and the reins of the bureau were transferred to
the Kenyan Ministry of Education thereby making it a department under that
ministry. In 1980, the KLB Act was passed by the Kenyan Parliament making it a
state corporation a status it holds to this day.
1.3 Statement of the Problem
Most organizations understand the importance of employee retention and its impact
on the overall performance and vitality of an organization. The importance of
retaining top performers is consistently increasing over the years which are also
constraining the human resource as a function. Employee retaining is the most
essential but their retention is more important than hiring. In this organization, it is
observed that when employees leave the organization it becomes very expensive or
still, there is huge amount spend on the orientation and training of the new
employees, this is because, cost of replacing of old employees with new is
estimated up to twice the employee annual salary. Employees undergo different
challenges that affect them either positively or negatively, and this determines their
retention. Organizations Endeavour to achieve best and suitable solutions to these
challenges as a way of justifying their existence. Effective solutions to curb them are
the center of any organization success and it is important task of the organization as a
result KLB has its goals and objectives that are set regarding efficiency of its work
force. However the various factors have hindered the company from achieving its
mission. The main challenges faced were being made in consideration with other
factors that involve employee retention. These organizational policy, employee
competence, motivation, finance, and job security towards the employees. Another
cause was the design which was being used to make and implement those possible
and effective solutions. It’s for their reactive that the researcher choose this topic
concerning factors affecting employee retention in parastatals in Kenya.
1.7 Limitations of the Study
1.7.1 Confidentiality
Some of the information required to make the study more successful happen to be very
confidential due to the fact that such information could easily leek to the company’s
competitors. The researcher overcame this limitation by clearly explaining the purpose
of the study and how it was going to be beneficial to them. Confidentiality of the
information obtained was also emphasized.
2.1 Introduction
This chapter presents a review of related literature and various concepts on the subject
under study presented by various researchers, scholars, analysts, theorists and authors.
It has enabled the researcher to gain knowledge from previous research and come up
with other useful information to strengthen the study.
A procedure is a standing plan that outlines a series of related actions that must be
taken to accomplish a particular task. In general, procedures outline more specific
actions than do policies. Organizations usually have many different sets of procedures
covering the various tasks to be accomplished. A rule is a standing plan that designates
specific required action. In essence, a rule indicates what an organization member
should or should not do and allows no room for interpretation. An example of a rule
that many companies are now establishing is No smoking capital. The concept of rules
may become clearer if one thinks about the purpose and nature of rules in such games
as scrabble and monopoly. Policies for quality-oriented is a special type of policy,
Certo (1990). A quality oriented policy is a standing plan that furnishes broad, general
guidelines for channeling management thinking toward taking action consistent with
reaching quality objectives. Quality oriented policies can be made in virtually Any
organizational area and can focus on issues like the quality of a new employees
recruited, the quality of plans developed within the organization, the quality of
decision-related information gathered and distributed within the organization, the
quality of parts from suppliers to be used in the final assembly of products, and the
quality of training used to prepare employees to work in foreign subsidiaries.
According to Cole (2004) Companies that lack policy guidelines would not be able to
offer effective management due to lack of discipline among its staff. Policies offer
guidelines to both staff and customers by setting standards of service to maintained and
adhered to. In addition, policies ensure that management stays on course as they can fall
back on them when in doubt or when issues are not clear to them or their staff.
Moreover, without company policies, nothing can be achieved effectively; hence, codes
of conduct must be adhered to at all times. Policies are rules or procedures put aside by
an organization, department or the government in carrying out specific functions. It is a
deliberate plan of action to guide decision and achieve rational outcome. The term may
apply to government, private sector organizations and individuals.
According to Thompson (2004) public institutions can limit or even bar entry by
requiring licenses and permit. Also stringent public institutions are mandated by
government policies to follow procurement procedures as they are set. Thompson added
that Government policies also encourages or foster procurement procedures. The
contents of the policies include a purpose statement, outlining why the organization is
issuing the policy and what is desired effect of the policy should be effective date which
indicates when the policy comes into force. The public procurement oversight board
was established as an incorporated body which consisted of nine members appointed by
the minister and approved by the parliament from persons who are nominated by
prescribed departments and director general.
According to Lyson (2006), most of organizations that received funding are likely to
be affected by European procurement legislation such organizations include central
government department and local authority among others. The legislation covered
most contracts for supplies, goods and services. MF1’S rules and regulation are
intended to ensure that institution maintain a specified level of capital to promote
public, ensure adequate capital is maintained and the safety of depositors funds in
order to absorb advance event either within their control or due to external factors.
This included minimum capital requirement for deposit taking. Treasury bills and
bonds which are freely marketable and re-discountable, such as assets may be
specified even though statutory prescribed minimum is 20% liquidity requirements
will vary from institution to institution depending on the cash flow requirement and
each institution shall therefore identify its unique. Liquidity requirement over specific
time period and plan for appropriate funding.MF1’S while in place mechanism that
will play out potential funding problem in order to explore ways and means of raising
additional funds of the right mix and amount.
Employee competency has different meanings, and continues to remain one of the
most diffuse terms in the management development sector, and the organizational and
occupational literature. The process of competency development is a lifelong series of
doing and reflecting. As competencies apply to careers as well as jobs, lifelong
competency development is linked with personal development as a management
concept. And it requires a special environment, where the rules are necessary in order
to introduce novices, but people at a more advanced level of competency will
systematically break the rules if the situations require it. This environment is
synonymously described using terms such as learning organization, knowledge
creation, self-organizing and empowerment. Within a specific organization or
professional community, professional competency, is frequently valued. They are
usually the same competencies that must be demonstrated in a job interview. But
today there is another way of looking at it: that there are general areas of occupational
competency required to retain a post, or earn a promotion. For all organizations and
communities there is a set of primary tasks that competent people have to contribute
to all the time (Kesser, 2004).
Employee competencies required for a post are identified through job analysis or task
analysis, using techniques such as the critical incident technique, work diaries, and
work sampling. A future focus is recommended for strategic reasons. Competencies
refer to skills or knowledge that leads to superior performance. These are formed
through an individual/organization’s knowledge, skills and abilities and provide a
framework for distinguishing between poor performances through to exceptional
performance. Supplier competencies can apply at organizational, individual, team,
and occupational and functional levels. Competencies are individual abilities or
characteristics that are key to effectiveness in work. Supplier competencies are the
characteristics of a manager that lead to the demonstration of skills and abilities,
which result in effective performance within an organizational area. (Kesser, 2004).
Once the job requirements have been clarified, then competency interviewing helps
interviewers look for evidence of those requirements in each candidate. For people
already in jobs, competencies provide a way to help identify opportunities for growth
within their jobs. Employee competencies are not fixed they can usually be developed
with effort and support. Employees and their managers together can identify which
competencies would be most helpful to work on to improve the employee’s
effectiveness. They can then integrate that into a learning plan that may include on-
the-job experience, classroom training, or other developmental activities. Supplier
competencies are not a tool to be used for evaluating people for layoffs. Competencies
are only a way of talking about what helps people get results in their jobs. What
matters is performance being effective and meeting job expectations (Sanghi, 2004).
competencies are more specific as they are tailored to the particular knowledge and
skill requirements necessary for a specific job (Shippmann et al., 2000).
Adams' theory states that employees strive for equity between themselves and other
workers. Equity is achieved when the ratio of employee outcomes over inputs is equal
to other employee outcomes over inputs. Skinner's theory simply states those
employees' behaviors that lead to positive outcomes will be repeated and behaviors
that lead to negative outcomes will not be repeated. Managers should positively
reinforce employee behaviors that lead to positive outcomes. Managers should
negatively reinforce employee behavior that leads to negative outcomes. Why do we
need motivated employees? The answer is survival. Motivated employees are needed
in our rapidly changing workplaces. Motivated employees help organizations survive.
Motivated employees are more productive. To be effective, managers need to
understand what motivates employees within the context of the roles they perform. Of
all the functions a manager performs, motivating employees is arguably the most
complex. This is due, in part, to the fact that what motivates employee’s changes
constantly. For example, research suggests that as employees' income increases,
money becomes less of a motivator. Also, as employees get older, interesting work
becomes more of a motivator (Gupta, 2007).
Nicola (2011) states that motivation is a psychological feature that arouses an
organism to act towards a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal
directed behaviors. It can be considered a driving force; a psychological drive that
compels or reinforces an action toward a desired goal. For example, hunger is a
motivation that elicits a desire to eat. Motivation has been shown to have roots in
physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and social areas. Motivation may be rooted in a
basic impulse to optimize well-being, minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure.
It can also originate from specific physical needs such as eating, sleeping or resting,
and sex. Motivation is an inner drive to behave or act in a certain manner. It's the
difference between waking up before dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around
the house all day. These inner conditions such as wishes, desires, goals, activate to
move in a particular direction in behavior.
Robbison, (2007) attributes the educational results to factors under their own control,
also known as autonomy. Believe they have the skills to be effective agents in
reaching their desired goals, also known as self-efficacy beliefs are interested in
mastering a topic, not just in achieving good grade. Extrinsic motivation refers to the
performance of an activity in order to attain an outcome, whether or not that activity is
also intrinsically motivated. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside of the
individual. Common extrinsic motivations are rewards (for example money or grades)
for showing the desired behavior, and the threat of punishment following
misbehavior. Competition is in an extrinsic motivator because it encourages the
performer to win and to beat others, not simply to enjoy the intrinsic rewards of the
A cheering crowd and the desire to win a trophy are also extrinsic incentives. Social
psychological research has indicated that extrinsic rewards can lead to over
justification and a subsequent reduction in intrinsic motivation. In one study
demonstrating this effect, children who expected to be (and were) rewarded with a
ribbon and a gold star for drawing pictures spent less time playing with the drawing
materials in subsequent observations than children who were assigned to an
unexpected reward condition. While the provision of extrinsic rewards might reduce
the desirability of an activity, the use of extrinsic constraints, such as the threat of
punishment, against performing an activity has actually been found to increase one's
intrinsic interest in that activity. In one study, when children were given mild threats
against playing with an attractive toy, it was found that the threat actually served to
increase the child's interest in the toy, which was previously undesirable to the child
in the absence of threat. (Nicola, 2011)
2.2.4 Finance
According to Gitman (2006), finance is the art and science of managing money.
Finance is concerned with the process institutions, market and instructions involved in
the transfer of money among individuals, business and governments. He continues to
explain major areas and opportunity in finance as finance services and managerial
finance, financial services. It is the area of finance concerned with the design and
delivery of advice and financial products to individual, business and government. It
involves a variety of interesting career opportunities within the area of banking and
related institution, personal financial planning, investments, real estates and
insurance. It is concerned with the duties of the financial manager in the business
firm. Financial manage actively manage the financial affairs of any type of business.
Finance is the study of how people allocate scarce resources overtime. He goes on and
explains two features that distinguish financial decision from resources allocation
decision, as that cost and benefits of financial decision are spread out over time. The
reasons as to why we study financial is managing personal resources and dealing with
the words of business. Making informed public choices as a citizen this leads to
expanding of ones mind.
Firms borrow money from banks, financial institutions, public or by issuing bonds or
debentures. There exist an inseparable relationship between finance on the one hand
and production, marketing and other functions on the other hand. Almost all business
activities, directly or indirectly involve the acquisition of funds and use of funds. For
example recruitment and promotion of employees in production is clearly a
responsibility of the production department, but it requires payment of wages and
salaries and the other benefits and thus involves finance. Similarly buying a new
machine or replacing an old machine for the purpose of increasing productive
capacity affects the flow of funds Sales promotion policies come within the purview
of marketing, but advertising and other sales promotion activities requires outlay of
cash and therefore affect financial resource & Finance also makes money available to
meet the cost of production. Alphones (2005) suggests that financial industry has
become highly competitive since products and services being offered are
homogenous. The environments upon which the milk industries operate affect their
performance in much way. Nevertheless with the prevailing competition leading
business most enterprises have failed the market simply because they offer poor
quality to customers.
As noted by Chandra (2008) there are different sources of long-term finance. For an
organization to support its investments, a firm must find the means to finance them.
Equity is the shareholders’ funds. It consists of equity capital, retained earnings and
preference capital. Debt is a loan fluid, it consist of the long-term loan, debentures
and short-term borrowing. The key difference between equity and debt is that debt
investors are entitled to a contractual set of cash flow (interested and principal),
whereas equity investors have a claim on residual cash flows of the firm, after it has
satisfied all the other claims and liabilities. Interest paid to debt investors represents a
tax deductible expense, whereas dividend paid to equity investors has to come out of
profit before tax. Debt has a fixed maturity whereas equity ordinary has an infinite
life. Equity investors enjoy the prerogative to control the affairs of the firm whereas
debt investors pay a passive role of the course; they often impose certain restrictions
on the way the firm is rim to protect their interest.
According to Chandra (2008) there are various terms of loans. Firms obtain long-
term debt mainly by raising terms of loans or issuing debentures. Historically,
financial institutions and banks have been the primary source of long-term debt for
private firms and public firms. Terms of loan also referred to as terms of finance
represent a source of debt finance which is generally repayable in less than 10 years.
They are employed to finance acquisition of fixed assets and working capital margin.
The term loan differ from short-term bank loans which are employed to finance short
term working capital need and tend to be self-liquidating over a period of time,
usually less than one year. As indicated the features of terms of loans which are
currency, security, interest payment and principal repayment and the restrictive
covenants. For currency financial institutions like bank give rupee term loans and
foreign currency term loan. The most significant form of assistance provided by
financial institutions, rupee term Loans are given directly to industrial concern for
setting up new project as well as for expansion, modification and renovation projects.
These finds are provided for incurring expenditure for plant land; building, plant and
machinery, technical knowhow, miscellaneous fixed assets. Preliminary expenses,
preoperative expenses and margin money for working capital Security means that
term loans typically represent secured borrowing. Usually assets which are financed
with the proceeds of the term loan provide the prime security.
According to Prasanna (2008) there are various terms of loans. Firms obtain long-
term debt mainly by raising terms of loans or issuing debentures. Historically,
financial institutions and banks have been the primary source of long-term debt for
private firms and public firms. Terms of loan also referred to as terms of finance
represent a source of debt finance which is generally repayable in less than 10 years.
They are employed to finance acquisition of fixed assets and working capital margin.
The term loan differ from short-term bank loans which are employed to finance short
term working capital need and tend to be self-liquidating over a period of time,
usually less than one year. An organization has one main goal, to be the most
successful company in business industries; it will have key performance of financial
that measures profit and relate to fiscal measure like pre-tax profits and shareholders’
equity among others. Whatever key performance of financial selected they must
reflect industry goals. They must be key to its successful and they must be
quantifiable, key performance of financial are usually term consideration.
Job security in the United States depends more upon the economy and business
conditions than in most countries because of the capitalist system and the minimal
government intervention in businesses. Job security in the United States can vary a lot
since the supply and demand for jobs depends on the economy. If the economy is
good, companies experience more demand for their products and create more jobs,
which increases job security. However, in periods of economic slowdown or
recession, companies try to cut costs and layoff workers which decrease job security.
Importantly, employment in the United States is at will, meaning that apart from
certain limited exceptions, an employee's job security is generally at the mercy of the
employer. (Gupta, 2007)
In most European countries many employees have indefinite contracts which, whilst
not guaranteeing a job for life, make it very difficult for the employer to terminate a
contract. Employees who have legally acquired these rights, for example because they
have been with a company for two years continuously, can only be dismissed for
disciplinary reasons (after a number of formal warnings and subject to independent
appeal) or in the case of a company undergoing restructuring (subject to generous
laws on redundancy payments and often with retraining paid for by the company). In
Spain, for example, such employees are entitled to 45 days redundancy pay per year
worked. The high cost of redundancy payments is in practice what gives employees
job security. (Gupta, 2007)
parastatals in Kenya. Due to this reason the study was conducted to find out the extent
to which it affects the employee retention in parastatals.
Motivation has been defined as the psychological process that gives behavior purpose
and direction. Kreitner, (1995) states that predisposition to behave in a purposive
manner to achieve specific, unmet needs; an internal drive to satisfy an unsatisfied
need and the will to achieve, for this research, motivation is operationally defined as
the inner force that drives individuals to accomplish personal and organizational
goals. He says that at one time, employees were considered just another input into the
production of goods and services. Although this is true, the author did not show us
how motivation affects employee retention in parastatals in Kenya. This problem
created the need for study to be conducted to fill the gaps left.
According to Gitman (2006), finance is the art and science of managing money.
Finance is concerned with the process institutions, market and instructions involved in
the transfer of money among individuals, business and governments. Finance is
concerned with the process institutions, market and instructions involved in the
transfer of money among individuals, business and governments. Whereas this is true,
the author failed to show us how finance affects employee retention in parastatals in
Kenya. This study intended to find out how employee competence affects employee
retention in parastatals.
According to Gupta (2007) job security is the probability that an individual will keep
his or her job; a job with a high level of job security is such that a person with the job
would have a small chance of becoming unemployed. Factors affecting job security is
dependent on economy, prevailing business conditions, and the individual's personal
skills. It has been found that people have more job security in times of economic
expansion and less in times of a recession. Although this is true, the author did not
show us how job security affects employee retention in parastatals in Kenya. This
problem created the need for study to be conducted to fill the gaps left.
2.4 Summary
The organization sets the rules of conduct and enforces them to control and regulate
the conduct of its employees and to protect contractual rights with an access to
security justice. Policy is a standing plan that establishes general guidelines for
decision making. It sets boundaries around decisions including those that can be made
and eliminating those that cannot. The policies are made to ensure that a level playing
field so that there is no unfairness in exploitation or use of resources.
Motivation is the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction.
Predisposition to behave in a purposive manner to achieve specific, unmet needs; an
internal drive to satisfy an unsatisfied need and the will to achieve, for this research,
motivation is operationally defined as the inner force that drives individuals to
accomplish personal and organizational goals. He says that at one time, employees
were considered just another input into the production of goods and services.
Finance is the art and science of managing money. Finance is concerned with the
process institutions, market and instructions involved in the transfer of money among
individuals, business and governments. The finances sourced by the organization
should be used by the organization to widen their operations so that they can maintain
their standards.
Organizational Policy
Employee Competence
Source: Job
Author (2014)
2.5.2 Employee Competence
Employee competence is the ability of an individual to do a job properly. Employees
have different ways of approaching production processes hence this may be used to
determine the production schedules. Employee competence as a combination of
knowledge, skills and behavior used to improve performance; or as the state or quality
of being adequately or well qualified, having the ability to perform a specific role. For
instance, management competency might include systems thinking and emotional
intelligence, and skills in influence and negotiation.
2.5.4 Finance
Finance is the art and science of managing money. Finance is concerned with the
process institutions, market and instructions involved in the transfer of money among
individuals, business and governments.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter represents the research design, target population, description of the
instruments used for the data collection and data analysis procedure applied the
Senior Management 8 6
Middle Management 18 14
3.4 Sample Design
Sampling is a procedure by which some elements of the population are selected as
representatives of the total population through the use of probability to acquire a
representative degree of reliability in the selected area, (Saleemi, 1997). Stratified
random sampling was used because the group was heterogeneous and the researcher
wanted each member of the target population to have an equal chance of participating
in the study. The study used a sample size of 40% of the targeted population.
Middle 18 7 14
Support Staff 104 42 80
3.5.2 Validity and Reliability of Research Instruments
Validity refers to whether the research measures what it was intended to. Reliability
can be identified as the extent to which the measurement of a test remains consistent
over repeated tests of the same subject under identical conditions. A pilot study was
done to identify elements of study population and unit of analysis. During the study,
draft questions were pre tested to remove ambiguity and achieve high degree
precision. On the other hand, questions which will not yield the required data will be
discarded. All the units of analysis were comprehensively studied and whole
population taken into account. Before the questionnaire being administered they
underwent pretesting with five respondents to confirm validity and reliability of the
research instrument and also ascertain whether the target population was able to
comprehend and give information needed by the researcher.
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter the researcher carries out an analysis of date using both quantitative
and qualitative methods. The analysis process is done on the basis of the variables of
the research objectives. The analysis and interpretation of data is done by the help of
analyzed tools such as graphs, pie charts and through judgment due to observations
The response rate was the actual representation of the population. Out of 52
questionnaires distributed 47 were returned, that is 90% of the total population and
only 5 which is 10% was not returned. Most of the targeted employee responded.
4.2.2 Gender Analysis
Table 4.2 Gender Analysis
Category Frequency Percentage
Male 26 55
Female 21 45
Total 47 100
Analysis from the above table 4.2 and figure 4.2 shows that 55% of the respondents
were male while 45% were Female. This can be interpreted that majority of the
respondents were male.
4.2.3 Management Levels
Table 4.3 Management Levels
Category Frequency Percentage
Senior Management 2 4
Middle Management 4 9
Support staff 41 87
Total 47 100
Table 4.3 and figure 4.3 indicate the response of the management levels of persons
who filled the questionnaires. Senior Management respondent by 4%, middle
management 9%, while the response of support staff being the highest with 87%.
4.2.4 Number of Years of Service
Table 4.4 Number of Years of Service
Category Frequency Percentage
5 – 8 years 7 15
9 – 14 years 16 44
14 – 18 years 8 17
Above 18 years 11 24
Total 47 100
Table 4.4 and figure 4.4 above indicates the analysis of work experience. 11% had
less than 5 years, 15% had 5-8 years’ experience, 34% 9 – 14 years, 17% represented
those within 14 – 18 years and 23% had above 18 years of experience.
4.2.5 Highest Level of Education
Table 4.5 Highest Level of Education
Category Frequency Percentage
Primary 5 11
Secondary 7 15
College 9 19
University 26 55
Total 47 100
Majority of the respondents 55% were graduates. 19% of respondents had college
education while 15% had secondary education. 11% of respondents had primary
education. This indicates therefore that most of the respondents were learned, hence
well informed of their rights and expectations as both internal and external customers
of the organization.
4.2.6 Marital Status
Table 4.6 Marital Status
Category Frequency Percentage
Single 7 15
Married 25 54
Separated 10 21
Divorced 4 6
Window(er) 2 5
Total 47 100
Table 4.6 and figure 4.6 indicates that the marital status of the respondents based on
the analysis 15% were single, 53% married, 21% separated, 6% divorced while there
was 5% of widowed respondents.
Yes 41 87
No 6 13
Total 47 100
Analysis from the table 4.7 and figure 4.7 above indicates that 87% of the respondents
agreed that organizational policy do affects employee retention in parastatals whereas
13% of the respondents disagreed. Respondents indicated that organizational policy
should be daily sourced to keep the employees well updated with the current
4.8 Extent to Which Organizational Policy Affects Employee Retention in
Category Frequency Percentage
Large extent 10 21
Low extent 5 11
Total 47 100
From the table 4.8 and figure 4.8 above majority of respondents indicated that
organizational policy affects the organization. This was represented by 55% who
indicated very large extent, 21% large extent, 11% low extent while 13% indicated
that very low extent. This showed that organizational policy does affect employee
retention with a very high extent.
Yes 34 72
No 13 28
Total 47 100
From the above table 4.9 and figure 4.9, 72% of respondent, indicated that employee
competence affects the organization while 28% indicated that employee competence
does not affect. This shows that employee competence do affect employee retention in
parastatals Kenya.
4.2.10 Employee Competence
Table 4.10 Extent to Which Employee Competence Affects Employee Retention
in Parastatalss
Category Frequency Percentage
Very high extent 19 40
High extent 14 30
Moderate extent 5 11
Low extent 6 14
None at all 4 6
Total 47 100
Source: Author (2014)
From the findings in table 4.10 and figure 4.10 the response of 40% indicated very
high extent, 30% high extent, 11% moderate extent, 6% indicated none at all while
14% indicated low extent. This shows that employee competence do affects employee
retention in parastatals Kenya by a very high extent.
4.2.11 Employee Motivation
Table 4.11 Whether Employee Motivation Affects Employee Retention in
Category Frequency Percentage
Yes 45 74
No 12 26
Total 47 100
Analysis from the table 4.11 and figure 4.11 above indicates that 74% of the
respondents agreed that technology affects the organization whereas 26% of the
respondents disagreed. This shows that motivation do affect employee retention in
Parastatals Kenya.
4.2.12 Employee Motivation
Table 4.12 To What Extent Does Employee Motivation Affect Employee
Retention in Parastatals
Category Frequency Percentage
Very high 20 43
High 12 26
Moderate 9 19
Low 6 12
Total 47 100
Source: Author (2014)
Analysis from the above table 4.12 and figure 4.12 indicates that 43% of the
respondents agreed that motivation affects employee retention in Parastatals Kenya in
a very high, 26% high, 19% moderate and 12% low extent. This indicates that
motivation affects employee retention in a very high extent.
4.2.13 Finance
Table 4.13 Does Finance Affect Employee Retention in Parastatals
Category Frequency Percentage
Yes 38 81
No 9 19
Total 47 100
Table 4.13 and figure 4.13 showed the response on effects of finance with 81%
indicating it does affect the organization while 19% diagreed. This shows that finance
affect employee retention in Parastatals Kenya.
4.2.14 Finance
Table 4.14 Extent to Which Finance Affect Employee Retention in Parastatals
Category Frequency Percentage
Large extent 21 45
Moderate 14 28
Small extent 8 17
No extent 5 10
Total 47 100
Source: Author (2014)
From the table 4.14 and figure 4.14 a response of 10% indicated no extent, 17% small
extent, 28% indicated moderate while 45% indicated large extent. From this finance
does affect the organization at a large extent.this showed that finance do affect
employee retention in parastatals Kenya with a high extent.
4.2.15 Job Security
Table 4.15 Whether Job Security Affect Employee Retention in Parastatals
Category Frequency Percentage
Yes 36 77
No 11 23
Total 47 100
Analysis from the table 4.15 and figure 4.15 above indicates that 77% of the
respondents agreed that job security do affect employee retention in Parastatals in
Kenya with a high extent whereas 23% of the respondents disagreed. This shows that
job security do affect employee retention in Parastatals in Kenya
4.2.16 Job Security
Table 4.16 Extent to Which Job Security Affect Employee Retention in
Category Frequency Percentage
Very high 20 43
High 12 26
Moderate 9 19
Low 6 12
Total 47 100
Source: Author (2014)
Analysis from the above table 4.16 and figure 4.16 indicates that 43% of the
respondents agreed that job security affects employee retention in Parastatals in
Kenya in a very high, 26% high, 19% moderate and 12% low extent. This shows that
job security affects employee retention in Parastatals with high extent.
4.3 Summary of Data Analysis
4.3.1 General Information
Out of 50 questionnaires distributed 47 were returned, that is 94% of the total
population and only 4 which is 6% was not returned. Analysis from the above table &
figure shows that 55% of the respondents were male while 45% were Female. This
can be interpreted that majority of the respondents were male. Senior Management
respondent by 4%, middle management 9%, while the response of support staff being
the highest with 87%. Majority of the respondents 55% were graduates, 19% of
respondents had college education while 15% had secondary education while 11% of
respondents had primary education. Marital status of the respondents based on the
analysis 15% were single, 53% married, 21% separated, 6% divorced while there was
5% of widowed respondents.
reward the more likely the employee will be highly motivated. Conversely, the more
negative the reward the less likely the employee will be motivated.
4.3.4 Finance
Majority of respondents pointed out that finance affects employee retention in
Parastatals Kenya and this was indicated by 81% of the respondents who indicated
that it does affect the organization while 19% of them disagreed. Funds are the
requirements for retention and the number of the participants in the programmed in
order to run the organizations activities smoothly. Unavailability of funds would
strongly affect effective management. The respondents pointed out that finance
affected the resources acquitted in the firm and how fast some of the essential
resources were acquired the employees.
5.1 Introduction
This chapter summarizes, discusses and makes conclusions on the findings of this
study in relation to the objectives put forward in chapter one. It also discusses the
recommendations for further research as well as recommendations for policy and
keeping them in good position to perform well. The respondents indicated that the
motivation has greatly changed and transformed the employee retention process and
5.3 Conclusions
A policy is a standing plan that furnishes broad, general, guidelines for channeling
management thinking toward taking action consistent with reaching organizational
objectives. The policy is intended to display the extreme importance management as
attached to hiring competent employees and to guiding action accordingly. Policies
ensure that management stays on course as they can fall back on them when in doubt
or when issues are not clear to them or their staff.
Analysis showed that motivation affects employee retention in Parastatals in Kenya.
The respondents suggested that the more positive the reward the more likely the
employee will be highly motivated. Conversely, the more negative the reward the less
likely the employee will be motivated. Well motivated employees will be able to
perform well in their assigned duties.
Finance is a very important factor to the operations of the organization thus it has a
direct effect to the organization. The management should invest more on the funds to
improve the welfare facilities in the organization to enable employees to improve on
their service delivery to their clients and also increase competitiveness of the
Since job security depends on having the necessary skills and experience that are in
demand by employers, which in turn depend on the prevailing economic condition
and business environment, individuals whose services are in demand by employers
will tend to enjoy higher job security. The respondents indicated that job security had
a great role in influencing employee retention in Parastatals.
5.4 Recommendations
5.4.1 Company Policy
Organizational policy is a key factor in every decision making process of any
parastatals company in their employee retention processes. Policies are an important
factor to the organization and it was recommended that the management should
source daily the new regulations that are required and also inform the clients at any
moment they are changes in the regulations.
5.4.3 Employee Motivation
Motivation is a key factor in every decision making process of parastatals. Motivation
is a factor affecting the organization and it is important for all the levels of
management to be involved in ensuring that their organization undertakes projects to
help the society as a way of giving back to the society.
5.4.4 Finance
Managers should seek funds to sustain their activities other than just organizations
income funding. The management should seek various ways of getting funds. This
will enable the comparing to run their activities throughout without difficulties hence
improving on performance and reaching their goals.
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