Sabarimala Analysis Module
Sabarimala Analysis Module
Sabarimala Analysis Module
1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background and Relevance ............................................................................................... 1
1.2 The Need and Importance of Development Guidelines for Sabarimala ........................ 1
1.3 Area and Purpose of the Study.......................................................................................... 2
1.4 Priorities for Planned Development at Sabarimala......................................................... 2
1.5 Methodology........................................................................................................................ 3
2. DEVELOPMENT PATTERN AT SABARIMALA......................................................... 5
2.1 Transformation of Spaces: Sabarimala, Past and Present.............................................. 5
2.2 Visual Characteristics of Built Fabric at Sannidhanam ................................................. 7
2.3 Size and Visual Sprawl....................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Pattern, Grain and Texture ............................................................................................... 8
2.5 Vista and Skyline ................................................................................................................ 9
2.6 Evolutionary Characteristics of Built Fabric at Sannidhanam...................................... 9
2.6.1 Growth Pattern of Sannidhanam ............................................................................................... 9
2.6.2 Density of Development at Sannidhanam ................................................................................ 10
2.7 Functional Characteristics of Built Fabric at Sannidhanam........................................ 11
2.7.1 Land use at Sannidhanam ........................................................................................................ 11 Accommodation Area..................................................................................................... 13 Commercial area............................................................................................................ 14 Manufacturing area ....................................................................................................... 14 Service/Amenity area ..................................................................................................... 14 Assembly area ................................................................................................................ 14 Circulation area............................................................................................................. 14 Open area....................................................................................................................... 14
2.7.2 Structural Characteristics of Built Fabric at Sannidhanam .................................................... 15
2.8 Evolutionary Characteristics of Built Fabric at Pampa................................................ 17
2.8.1 Growth Pattern of Pampa ........................................................................................................ 17
2.8.2 Density of Development at Pampa ........................................................................................... 19
2.8.3 Functional Characteristics of Built Fabric at Pampa.............................................................. 19
2.8.4 Landuse at Pampa.................................................................................................................... 20 Accommodation Area..................................................................................................... 20 Commercial area............................................................................................................ 21 Service/Amenity area ..................................................................................................... 22 Public/Semi public area ................................................................................................. 22 Circulation area............................................................................................................. 22 Open area....................................................................................................................... 23
2.8.5 Structural Characteristics of Built Fabric at Pampa............................................................... 23
2.8.6 Analysis of the Built Fabric at Sabarimala.............................................................................. 24 Sannidhanam.................................................................................................................. 24 Pampa ............................................................................................................................ 24
ANNEXURES ...................................................................................................................................i
Annexure 1: Primary Surveys and Terms of Reference for Imagibility Study ..........................i
Annexure 2: Terms of Reference and Details for Landuse Updation Survey ...........................iv
List of Figures
List of Tables
Pilgrims value the sanctity, diverse religious character and the unique quality of pilgrimage at
Sabarimala. Unfortunately, this has been compromised due to the unplanned layouts and
development pressures. Appropriate development initiatives at Sabarimala would be those
which strike a balance between the natural forest settings, historical and religious significance
of the site and the temple structure per se, and the surrounding regional context and the needs
of the pilgrims. The need to clean and orderly settings taking into consideration religious
tradition will continue to be an essential component while planning the region. Hence it is
essential that plans should be aimed towards promoting quality development and
redevelopment that is considerate about the norms on religious, ritualistic, aesthetic
composition and sustainable durability.
Two major determinants that make Sabarimala one of the most famous pilgrim centers in
India and continue to spread its fame allover is the "unique character" and "quality of
experience the pilgrimage in the forest" it offers. It had been the observed fact that these two
factors are the main determinant force that has influenced and contributed to the gradual but
steady growth of pilgrims visiting here. Thus, to sustain the faith and devotion of the pilgrims
it is essential that the character and ambience that contributes to the unique experience be
At Sannidhanam; the core temple site of Sabarimala, there once existed only a small granite
temple surrounded by thick evergreen forests. This locale has been transformed into a mini-
township as a result of unplanned and unchecked building activity in its vicinity since early
1950's, ever since the road way to Sannidhanam was laid. But the development has been
haphazard and ill-planned with little or no consideration for the character and imagibility of
the place, which sustain the religious beliefs. This will not only result in a criminal
waste/destruction of our precious natural and cultural recourses but also will lead to a gradual
depletion of the religious sanctity of the place which stems from its natural setting and the
rituals and observances which have a strong mooring on this.
At the present, the buildings at Sannidhanam range from simple structures to that of complex
structures that serve and support the religious, accommodative, service related and
administrative purposes. These structures had been conceived and upgraded in an ad-hoc
manner through ages and thus have completely transformed the actual character of the
“Temple in the Pristine Jungle” to that of a “Temple within a Concrete Jungle”. This situation
is more serious as the buildings neither seems to follow any style as opposed to the many
religious towns or precincts in the country nor conform to any of our traditional architecture
outlook, design or planning.
The study area includes Pampa, Sannidhanam and trek routes, which forms the final
destination of Sabarimala pilgrimage. This report presents information on the visual elements
of the Sabarimala, and how they contribute to its identity and character. It would provide the
basis for a planning process that would enable concerned authorities to shape the growth of
the area in a manner most beneficial to the pilgrims and the environment. This report
discusses the built form in Sabarimala by providing:
An overview of some important physical features of Sabarimala
A description of the built structural units or “building blocks” at Sabarimala and;
A description of strong, recognizable features, such as density, pattern, scale,
views/vistas, gateways, nodes, streets, landmarks and other elements that define the
character of the place, designates an area just as a space or a vibrant place and
contributes to defining the place being imagible
These elements of built form are analyzed at both a macro and micro scale to identify those
visual qualities that are valuable and worth preserving (religious context); those that are
undesirable and which should be changed; and those vulnerable to change. Analysis of these
visual qualities is expected to explain the opportunities and constraints that can serve as the
basis for policies and programs which shape the character of Sabarimala in the years to come.
Planned Development at Sabarimala is concerned with both the quality and form of the built
environment, including the complex inter-relationships between buildings, spaces, landscape,
and circulation/movement patterns, and the functioning and sustainability of the Sabarimala
for offering unmatched - unparalleled quality of pilgrimage for its pilgrims. Development
paradigm should understand these relationships and balance the competing demands to
deliver a sustainable, vibrant temple settlement of the highest design quality.
Valuing the existing physical diversity and the religious significance; the effort has been to re-
evaluate Sabarimala in a new light – ‘in the context of today’. The effort has been to develop
and redevelop Sabarimala to conform to all our religious aspirations and to imbibe the best of
Kerala’s traditions in accordance to art, culture, traditional temple architecture (Vastuvidya)
and planning. The planning approach had been in three levels:
1. Holistic
2. Area specific (Vicinity, Zone, Precinct, Sector) and
3. Location Specific (Spots, Locality and Setting)
1.5 Methodology
Following table and figure describes the methodology followed for the study and subsequent
Surveys to capture the imagibility of the area and the ‘sense of place’ were carried out in
addition to specific surveys to understand the perception of the pilgrims and other
stakeholders. Terms of Reference adopted for these surveys have been presented as Annexure
1. Detailed component wise mapping of the landuse, vertical and horizontal development was
carried out to work out the strategies for future development.
Lost space
of land, streets or spaces Maps
requiring definition or Photographs
With sketch and measured
Architectural evaluation Site surveying drawings and photographing;
information gathered on tables,
inventory forms for all buildings
Technical infrastructure Maps and reports
Traffic and
Accessibility / Permeability / Maps
Functional Traffic Circulation
Maps presented with appropriate
Functional distribution coloring and coding
Topics of Analysis Tools
and Methods
Demographic structure of the users of / within the
area Tables
The existing economic activities and employment Bar-charts
Analysis of the
The methodology followed for the study is presented in the following figure.
Policies & detailed Guidelines for guided
development, and conservation of built and
unbuilt spaces in Sabarimala
This section presents an overview of the history of development of the temple precinct and
associated areas and describes the existing built fabric at Sabarimala
Sabarimala has surpassed all the accepted definitions of a pilgrim centre. The geographical,
ecological and ritualistic uniqueness gives Sabarimala entirely different dimensions in
comparison with other pilgrim centers. The Sabarimala temple has been attracting pilgrims
even during the 18th and the 19th centuries. The number of pilgrims has increased
tremendously over the past several years, especially after the sixties when the road head was
opened in connection with the Moozhiar Power Project in the neighboring Ranni Forest
Historic transformation of Sabarimala from a lone granite temple structure in the midst of the
dense forest to that of the present sprawling - urban like - development with depleting forest
cover can be traced back to some of the major events over the last four decades (namely, from
1960’s to 1970, 1970 to 1980, 1980 to 1990 and 1990 to present date); eversince1949-1950;
when through the promulgation “Travancore Cochin Hindu Religious Institution Act”, the
management and administration of Sabarimala was vested with the Travancore Devaswom
Period 1980 • Large Scale constructions in the leased area took place during 80’s and 90’s (Refer
to 1990: Figure: 2).
• Water supply scheme to Pampa Sannidhanam was commissioned in 1984
• In 1985 the Pathinettampadi was covered with thick plates of Panchaloha.
Period 1990 • 1996 Appam Aravana Complex construction was initiated under a Build- Operate –
to till date: Transfer (BOT) scheme through private participation.
• Two numbers of six story Donor Houses where constructed (largest and dominant
structures at Sannidhanam)
• Water supply augmentation was carried out in 1996
• 66kv substation at Pampa was initially conceived in1996 which was finally installed
and made operational in 2006
• In 2001 November – Sewage Treatment Plant and Incinerator at Cheriyanavattom in
Pampa, were installed (Instillation started on September 2000)
• In 2001, 12 Oxygen parlors on trek path from Pampa to Sannidhanam, Cardiac care
facilities were donated by Chennai based Apollo group of hospitals, and Cardiology
unit was installed at Neelimala.
• All trek routes to Sannidhanam were operated/managed by TDB till 2000. In 2000,
following the High Court decision on OP No. 15586/2000 the management of Trek
routes from Erumely to Pampa and trek routes from Sathram/ Uppupara to
Sannidhanam was transferred to Kerala Forest Department who started management
of these routes through Eco Development Committees (EDCs).
• In 2005, additional forest area of 12.675 Hectares (from PTR) at Sannidhanam and
Pampa and 110 hectares (from Ranni Forest Division) at Nilakkal was transferred to
Travancore Devaswom Board following an Interlocutory Application (IA 1373) filed
before the Honorable Supreme Court of India by the Board based on the
recommendations in Report on “The Outline of the Master Plan for Sabarimala”1.
The following figure indicates the development of the Sannidhanam area from a small forest
temple to the sprawling urban-like area today over a period of around 50 years.
IL&FS Ecosmart Ltd (2005), The Report on the Outline of the Master Plan for Sabarimala, Government
of Kerala (Approved and Unpublished)
Main components of the built fabric are typical 2 to 3 floor urban structures and few of even 6
to 7 floors dispersed around the Temple. The Core Area has a very diverse built form; mainly
of religious nature. Though certain important elements such as dense and disoriented spread,
pedestrian ways with ramps, underpasses, flyovers, bridges, flight of steps etc announce its
pedestrian orientation; the scale of most of recent developments negates this. Numerous 4 to 6
storied buildings have been recently constructed to accommodate the ever increasing pilgrim
requirements. Most of the buildings have a rectilinear foot print with few exceptions (mainly
storage tanks, Over Head Tanks). Flat roofing pattern has been followed in most of the
buildings, in stark contrast with the sloping roof style most suited to such tropical habitats.
The flat roof pattern allows for future vertical additions to the structures and could be viewed
as a design response to adopt vertical stacking to effectively utilize the scarcely available
forest land. However, certain recent additions have shown sloping roof profile, where the top
floors are provided with semi-permanent roofing systems. This feature is able to match the
sloping roof profile and at the same time optimizes the load on the lower structure.
Temple Complex
Temple Complex
The growth of Sannidhanam area is along linear axis following the main trek routes, from
Pampa on south and from Uppupara in the north and the connecting interior axis formed by
the main pedestrian route; both sides of which have witnessed commercial developments,
highly concentrated in the area to the north of Sannidhanam. The land characteristics along
with the travel pattern of the pilgrims had restricted and defined the development. High
intensity of development has been observed in and around the most easily accessible land
with flat topography in Sannidhanam wherein the coverage2 is above 75percent e.g. the
temple core. However, considering the entire area available for use at Sannidhanam, it is
observed that coverage is an average of 30percent, which is low mostly owing to highly
stacked structures and unusable niches, which resulted from unplanned developments.
Review of the topography reveals that almost 75percent of the land available at Sannidhanam
which is at an altitude of more than 900m (above MSL) has differential sloping
characteristics. Thus only 25percent of the remaining land which form a plateau sort of
formation in and around the Temple precinct
(Sanctum Sanctorum) is comparatively flat and
suitable for developmental activities without
requiring land modifications. In the remaining
area, where density of development is high, the
sprawl has occurred by adopting major land
modification techniques like slope cutting and
filling, which is actually prohibited in the eco-
sensitive zone of the Periyar Tiger Reserve
Coverage is ‘built up area’ as percentage of ‘total area’
In general, the development at Sannidhanam shows coarse grain and texture, characterized by
buildings of varying sizes and angles with differential heights and shapes distributed
randomly. This is in stark contrast with the smooth grained temple towns and precincts with
definite pattern visually familiar and appealing. This also contrasts with the expected
pedestrian scale and reduces the imagibility and easy orientation. Refer Figure 6.
Every place at Sannidhanam has few striking vistas ‘of it’ and ‘from it’. The spaces between
the tree trunks along the trek route opens the unpleasant vista of towering clustered buildings
above the green background of pristine forests for those approaching Sannidhanam from north
or south. The contrast is unpleasant and unacceptable to the visitor who treads the forest trek
route to reach the temple of ‘kananavasan3’. Though the temple is situated atop a high
plateau, the waiting pilgrims mostly fail to get a glimpse of the Thazhikakudam, the most
adored vista in a temple precinct as the sanctum sanctorum is engulfed by a pedestrian flyover
which towers above it.
Most of the views to and from Temple to the surrounding area are blocked at various levels
by adjacent structures. As many new structures have been built around the Sanctum
Santorum, the possible view of the same from Sharamkuthy at a higher elevation as the
pilgrims approach the Sannidhanam through the traditional route remains totally blocked. The
photographs taken from the same location would explain how the unplanned development has
totally transformed the place and have disturbed the much cherished visual experiences
traditionally understood as associated with this unique pilgrimage.
Sannidhanam is shaped by different factors; insitu and exsitu. The main insitu features which
have shaped the development of Sannidhanam are its topography and its routes. The
Sannidhanam area development is linear in character that defines the importance of the
One whose abode is Forests
approach routes. The Sannidhanam area can be clearly divided into the central circular core
sector and two rectilinear sectors along the two major transportation routes.
The Sree Swami Ayyappa Temple, located in the central circular core sector consisting of old
religious structures can be easily differentiated from the rest of the area which consist of
numerous new structures which support pilgrim movement and facilitate religious activities.
Recent addition of fly over around the Sanctum Sanctorum, under passes and the
Neyyabhishekam queue complex have completely transformed the imagibility of this religious
precinct, which now resembles an urban central business district (CBD) area with fly over and
bustling commercial activity around.
The other areas being the comparatively newly added ones along the transportation routes are
towards the south, the north - west and the north of the temple complex. These areas started
developing around 1980’s with the initiation of large-scale construction activities to facilitate
pilgrim accommodation at Sannidhanam. Construction activity is rampant even today. For
any future development, these newly added areas would serve as the nucleus as core area is
Land Availability
Another major disadvantage is that due to high density development in and around the temple
complex and along the movement routes, several land uses are ill-housed especially
accommodation, commercial, public and semi public and the service and amenities. Majority
Sabarimala has been experiencing immense pilgrim influx over the past 20-30 years. Over the
years, phenomenal increase of building activities at Sannidhanam and Pampa has greatly
altered the landuse structure which was originally dominated by natural forests, existing since
ages. Forest was the main ingredient of the concept of Sabarimala pilgrimage as Lord
Ayyappa selected the locale as his abode owing to its unique location within the forests, and
the traditional principles of this pilgrimage are “forest centric” and “temple centric” calling
for strict religious observances leaving no scope for uncalled-for activities or luxuries. This
beckons simple utilization of space here, in a way most suited to the nature / environment.
However, unplanned developments here have resulted in a sprawl with buildings set out
haphazardly diminishing the possible utilization of available area.
The total developed area at Sannidhanam is about 25 hectares. As derived from the detailed
landuse updation survey conducted at Sannidhanam for this study, the area under
accommodation, services/amenities, assembly, circulation, public/semi-public, religious,
manufacturing, and forest/open spaces is 25percent, 16percent, 10percent, 9percent, 8percent,
2percent, 3percent and 22percent of land respectively at Sannidhanam.
In general, majority of the permanent built areas in Sabarimala are either constituted of
structures for accommodation purposes, for office/ service/commercial purpose or related to
the activities of religious significance associated with central core temple complex. Around
75percent of the total structures in Sannidhanam are permanent in nature.
Streets and road are non-existent, as the area is used by pedestrians. Elaborate extent of paved
pathway with numerous steps at close intervals can be seen in Sannidhanam area. About
9percent of the total available area is used for this purpose. The land use map and built area
character map is attached as Maps 1 and 2.
Public/semi public
4% 4%
The density of construction at Sannidhanam is so high that for undertaking any landuse
modification without more demand for land, demolition of some of the existing structures
would become a necessity. However, the fragile environment would suggest lesser
intrusions or demolition activities. A judicious spread of such demolition over a cause of
the planning time frame is required to ensure the restoration of Sabarimala to its place of
pride as a religious precinct suited to the environment, and at the same time catering for
the basic requirements of the pilgrims.
More over mixed land use is found all over the place with little or no exception. It can be
said that more than 98percent of the structures in Sannidhanam are being used for
multiple purposes. This is the result of adapting available spaces which were originally
meant only for administration purposes for accommodating the officials and
commercially exploiting every piece of land for at the ground level and using upper floors
for accommodation purposes. During peak periods, when all available accommodation
facilities are filled up, every inch of convenient space accommodates the pilgrims. As of
now about 52percent of the total area used for accommodation facilities has permanent
arrangement where as 48 percent is housed in temporary structures such as Viris. But an
undemocratic allocation of the scarce resource namely ‘space’ is evident here. It is
observed that around 46 buildings (39 percent of total permanent buildings) with a total of
around 1000 rooms provide lodging of permanent nature. Each room with an area of 15 to
20 sq. m accommodates 1 to 5 persons for an average stay of a day. Considering an
average occupancy (3 pilgrims per room per day), it could be inferred that these buildings
together provide average accommodation for 3000 pilgrims a day. It could be inferred
that while 99.5 percent of the pilgrims staying over at Sannidhanam get a space of 2.5 sq.
m per pilgrim in viri (including circulation area) or in available open areas and around 0.5
percent of the ‘preferred’ pilgrims gets a minimum area of 15 sq. m per pilgrim.
Sannidhanam is full of incompatible land uses which do not go hand in hand with the
environment or the intended function of the place, posing environment pollution, accident
hazard, and disharmony with the surrounding environment. For example the
manufacturing zone at Sannidhanam, located at heart of the area abutting the Shrine is
highly susceptible to fire hazard. This being the core where the pilgrims have to pass
through for darshan poses high safety hazard. Such incompatible land uses have to be
relocated in order to provide better and safe functional area at Sannidhanam.
The existing building structures in Sannidhanam can be grouped under 3 major heads namely;
Permanent structures: Structures with brick wall and RCC roof Semi Permanent structures:
Trussed structures with brick or other type of partitions/walls and asbestos roofing, and
Temporary structures: Mainly tents, sheds, and structures built with temporary materials.
About 51percent of the total buildings are permanent in nature, 22percent are semi permanent
structures while 27percent are temporary structures.
Type of Structures
27% Temporary
Utilization details
Of the total permanent Utility wise classification of Permanent structures
structures available in
Sannidhanam about 38 percent
is towards
Public/semi public
accommodation,15percent 38%
towards manufacturing Manufacturing
(Appam Aravana complex) Commercial
0% 5%
facilities Religious
1% 0%
It is also reported the area has witnessed tremors/earthquakes in the recent past. As explained
in the landscape module of this master plan, this area is geographically weak and susceptible
to tremors.
33% Permanent
Semi Permanent
Figure 13: Structural Characteristics of Buildings used for Commercial Purposes
27% Permanent
Semi Permanent
29% Permanent
Semi Permanent
High intensity of activities is observed along the Pampa Manalppuram along with Thriveni,
which is the venue for taking a holy dip in the scared river Pampa. Hence, most of the
commercial activities are concentrated along this stretch. The Hilltop side is where the
concentration of administrative and services related activities are observed while the
Cheriyanavattom hosts pilgrim facilities catering to the pilgrims trekking down from
Large scale constructions could be witnessed in the left bank side where many multi-storied
structures catering to the administrative requirements, services and amenities (i.e. hospitals,
power supply, fueling station, and canteen) are located. Most of the development here has
taken place post 1980’s. The following figure depicts the development of Pampa area through
the past four decades (after 1960’s)
As it existed in 1970’s …
As it exists now …
Due to development of newer and unplanned buildings along the Pampa River bank, in and
around Ganapathy temple Complex and along the sides of access routes, the built density has
gone up considerably. Available / useable vacant area is less than 10percent considering the
physical characteristics of the terrain and the existing development pattern. It is observed that
the development limits have extended into the area under forest jurisdiction. In order to
contain the development sprawl so as to conserve the forest, it would become necessary to
redevelop or restructure the settlement wherever feasible and to limit the extent of
accommodation / stay at Pampa as the pollution increases with increasing duration of wait /
stay at Pampa.
Use land
Figure 18: Usable Land v/s Total Available Vacant Land at Pampa
Due to high density of development and concentrated pilgrim activities in and around Pampa,
Majority of the facilities and amenities here operate in unhygienic or crowded conditions. The
increasing influx of pilgrims has overburdened the infrastructure available at Pampa. The
existing ad-hoc development provides minimal scope for addition of new facilities without
expanding it boundaries. But, expansion of boundaries would in turn have a deteriorating
impact on the holy River and the forests around. It is observed that the area available for
religious / ritualistic purposes is used for other landuses.
Review of the topography reveals that the land profile becomes steeper as one move away
from the banks of the river. Development has occurred along the river side and in and around
the Ganapathy temple premises, which are the main foci / activity nodes. One of the important
aspects with respect to Pampa is that the left side and the right side (temple side) lie in two
different forest jurisdictions; the left bank area belonging to Ranni Forest division and right
bank area in Periyar Tiger Reserve (PTR), though with less differentials ecologically.
Owing to rapid depletion of vegetation along the banks of the river and along the abutting
hillocks, landslide and erosion are rampant in this area as exemplified by the many mishaps
which have occurred in the recent past. This is an indicator of the extent of deforestation
which is destroying the natural forest setting here and has its ramifications on the safety of the
pilgrims who congregate here for various purposes. Considering these, it seems essential to
formulate a detailed redevelopment plan for sustainable development of Pampa area.
Vehicular Access is limited up to Pampa Bridge beyond which the pilgrims have to walk /
trek, across a wide stretch of paved pathways with numerous steps. There are two bridges at
close intervals across Pampa River.
one of the major causes for the stress that is felt on infrastructure in these areas and if this
fragmentation of the landuses continues it would be very difficult to develop any effective
service infrastructure here to the benefit of pilgrims.
Land Utilisation
8% Transportation
7% Commercial
Public / semi public
Mixed Use
13% Vacant/Green space
Many new permanent structures have come up in the vicinity of River Pampa in contrary
to the traditional use of space here for religious observances. Thus replanning of the area
will require demolition of such structures in the long run. More over mixed land use is
found all over the place with little or no exception. During peak periods, when all
available accommodation facilities are filled up, all available spaces are used by pilgrims
to set up temporary structures spread there viri’s.. Unplanned proliferation of such
temporary structures so close to the river results in pilgrims using the river and its vicinity
indiscriminately, ultimately resulting in extensive pollution of the river. As of today,
about 35percent of the total accommodation facilities are housed in permanent structures
(reserved for staff), whereas 57 percent is in temporary structures such as Viri’s (available
for pilgrims).
Despite the temporary nature of these shops, their sizes are enormous and engulf most of
the available area at Pampa. Also it is observed that they are not demolished after the
season and remain in operation throughout the year.
7% 35%
Permanent Permanent
Semi Permanent Semi Permanent
Temporary Temporary
Figure 20: Commercial Building Characteristics Based on Figure 21: Accommodation Building Characteristics
Structure Type. Based on Structure Type.
0% 4%
Semi Permanent Permanent
Temporary Semi Permanent
Figure 22: Public/semi public building characteristics Figure 23: Service/Amenities Building Characteristics
Based on Structure Type. According To Structure Type.
The buildings in Pampa also can be broadly classified into permanent, semi permanent and
temporary. About 39percent of the existing buildings are permanent in nature, 11percent are
semi permanent structures while 50percent are temporary structures.
Temporary Semi
50% Permanent
Figure 25: Classification of Landuses at Pampa according to Structure type and Utilization
It is also reported that some buildings have been partially destroyed during the
tremors/earthquakes which have occurred in the recent past. As explained in the landscape
module of this master plan this area is geographically weak and susceptible to tremors. Sannidhanam
Considerable land modification has taken place in around 75percent of the total
area as the topography is undulating here. Existing Construction practices never
recognized the need to build around the natural features, without much
modification to the features.
Construction activities were mostly targeted at building guest houses / donor
houses to provide accommodation for pilgrims. However, viris still continue as
the largest available type of accommodation providing facilities for 99.5percent
of the pilgrims while only 0.5percent of the pilgrims being provided
accommodation in permanent built up structures.
Almost 75percent of the total development at Sannidhanam is of permanent
Only 33percent of the land at Sannidhanam is vacant (towards Pandithavalam and
west of the temple complex) but are relatively sloping grounds where current
construction practices would call for large scale land modifications.
Building activities here do not follow any norm, standards or guidelines. Neither
is it mandatory to follow any regulations nor to get approval for construction
(except permission to build in forest area) from even the local body.
Incompatible activity mixing is rampant which adds additional dimension of
conflicts to the already existing problems here
There exist no virtual boundary for development – the sprawl along irregular
edges is gradually engulfing more of abutting forests which has resulted in
gradual deterioration of forest environ in addition to fragmenting the forest
Percentage of green / open spaces within the developed areas is alarmingly low Pampa
Mixed circulation system in Pampa results in pedestrian – vehicle, pedestrian –
pedestrian and vehicle – vehicle conflicts. (Passenger transport, goods transport
and service vehicles).
The temple is built on a hillock about 40 feet high. The Ayyappa temple commands a lofty
view of the mountains and valleys with lush tropical forests all around.
The history of origin of the Sabarimala temple is shrouded in few legends as in the case of
any other temple. It had been discussed that the Sabarimala temple does not possess any
archeological, iconographical, architectural or epigraphical evidence to determine the period
of its sacred origin. There is a mention about the temple in few versions of Keralolpatti, the
traditional chronicle of the Brahmins. The chronicle mentions Parasurama to have built
several Temples including the one at Sabarimala. But from the Pandalam Royal family
traditions and archived records it can be recognized that the temple of Sabarimala which was
a small granite structure, was sanctified in late 18th century4.
The ancient temple has been rebuilt after a fire in mid1950’s. The newly built temple
consisted of a sanctum sanctorum with a copper-plated roof and floor, golden finials at the
top, two mandapams, the belikalpura which houses the altar, and the flag-staff. Replacing the
earlier stone image of the deity is a beautiful idol of Ayyappa in Panchaloha, (an alloy of five
metals), about one and a half feet tall. The existing structure of the sanctum sanctorum
approached from the east through the Pathinettampaddi (the 18 holy steps) and from the west
through the rear staircase.
The Lord Ayyappa Temple is a simple structure just like traditional Hindu temples in Kerala
which are usually simple structures made of wood, brick and laterite stone, elevated about 4.2
m above the immediate surrounding without accessories like prakara-s, parivaradevata-s like
saptamatrika-s, bhairava, kshetrapala and so on that the text of temple architecture
(Vastuvidya) prescribes. However, the temple today has a golden flag staff and gold plated
holy steps. The main sanctum hosting the idol of Lord Ayyappa - Sreekovil - is invariably a
single storied building of a rectilinear plan. Walls and roofs of the Sreekovil are covered with
intricate, beautifully embossed golden plates. There are two small shrines dedicated to
Nagaraja and Ganapathy respectively, but without much textual sanctity for the positioning
and placing. The holy eighteen steps (Pathinettaampadi) is a special feature of the temple.
The temple with its courtyard is riveted with granite slabs into an elevated platform
approached through the Pathinettaampadi in the east and western flights in the rear. Often,
from afar, the only sign that marks the presence of the temple is a tall, ceremonial flag-mast.
The shrine of Valia Kadutha swamy is on the left side and Karuppa Swami - Karuppayi
Gurukkal, Rajan (2000) Enclave Management Study, Periyar Tiger Reserve
Amma on right and near the base of Pathinettaampadi and the shrine of Vavar Swami is a bit
away, facing the Pathinettaampadi.
The Sanctum has a granite base with walls of laterite stone masonry covered with lime
plaster. The inner framework is of wood/timber. This timber framework supports a pyramidal
roof covered with copper tiles and gold plated covering. This sloping roof has been devised so
as to cope up with the almost year-round torrential rains that are a hallmark of Kerala's
3.2.1 Pampa
Pampa is the most important holy spot on the way to Sannidhanam. Road transport facilities
are available only up to Pampa-Thriveni on the southern bank of Pampa River. Beyond this
point all pilgrims have to trek up the hill to reach Sannidhanam. Thus it also forms the main
halting point on the way to Sabarimala.
The holy Pampa River formed by the confluence of five smaller rivers, descends from the
Sabarimala and meets Kakki River at Thriveni Sangamam - the meeting point or point of
confluence of three rivers, which shows distinct characteristics of socio religious cultural
ethos. It is believed that Pampa water purifies one from the curse and the evil and hence most
of the pilgrims take a dip here before proceeding to Sannidhanam. Thus Pampa becomes the
second main activity zone in Sabarimala other than Sannidhanam. Almost 80percent to
90percent pilgrims coming to Sabarimala pass through this place. There are two bridges
across the river at Thriveni, one is a pucca concrete footbridge and the other is a motorable
bridge. Traffic through the latter bridge is not permitted during festival seasons.
Thriveni Sangamam – the area is located on the right side as one approach Pampa through
the road. This place is specifically designated for ritualistic activities like "Pitru tarpanam"
(offering to departed souls of forefathers) and parking. Only temporary shanty construction
specifically for organizing the rituals is seen along the banks in this area and rest of the area is
allotted for parking. This area is also a major location where people go in for open defecation.
This is mainly due to non availability of good toilet facilities in its vicinity. Due to this, the
area including the river gets highly polluted and is filled with unpleasant odour. This being
the area at the entrance to Pampa and where rituals take place; renders an unpleasant image in
the mind of the visitor.
Pampa Manalppuram- This is one of the most developed areas in Pampa. This consists of a
long stretch of about 18 acres of land between River Pampa, Njonangar and the Ganapathy
temple. This area is approached by two bridges across Thriveni. It is a well developed area
with bathing ghats all along the banks of river Pampa and long stretch of shops facing Pampa
which cater to various requirements of the pilgrims. There are lots of viri type
accommodations along with toilet facility available at this place. But the main religious
activities happen along the banks of the river and the Maha Ganapathy temple, which is
located on the upper side of the north bank of the river. Small temples of Sree Rama, Sree
Anjaneya and Goddess Parvathy are also situated in this temple premises. There is a big
Nadapanthal where the pilgrims take rest after worshipping these shrines; adjacent to the
shrines which almost mask the whole area and the temple complex though it is located at a
higher ground. To reach Pampa Maha Ganapathy Temple from Manalppuram, pilgrims have
to climb around 102 steps. Else, they can travel up the road which runs along Njonangar to
reach the temple premise. Breaking coconuts is the main ritual here. As a whole this area
resembles a shanty settlement with high density of poorly constructed and temporary/semi
permanent structures scattered all around with no proper planning.
Cheriyanavattom - This area lies towards the western end of Pampa in between River
Njonangar and River Pampa. Facilities are provided in this area by EDCs managed by the
KFD, with the exception of the sewage treatment plant area. This place is one of the main
locality through which the pilgrims trekking down from Erumely enters Pampa. Here, apart
from the sewage treatment plant all construction is of temporary nature. The construction here
does not conform to any known standards and is poorly constructed and managed. Sufficient
toilets are not provided, thus forcing the pilgrims to resort to open defecation along the banks
of Njonangar River, which gets highly polluted in turn.
The Hill top and the Maramath Complex - This area forms the main administrative core of
Pampa. Many of the main service buildings are located in this area. Three hospitals are
operational usually during the festival period apart from an information center. Fuel station,
BSNL station, police camp office and TDB offices form the major land use in this area, which
more or less remain functional throughout the year. At hilltop there exist parking spaces in
four levels and electrical substation. Apart from this few shops along the main access road to
hill top cater mainly to the requirements of the drivers and other support staff of the vehicles
transporting the pilgrims.
Religious Activities: There are 5 main religious activities associated with Pampa, which
transforms it into a hub of intense activity. These include those carried out almost every day
during the peak season and those, which occur on a large scale on one or two days of
importance. Those in the earlier category are the mandatory holy dip in the River, and
pithrutharpanam while the latter category rituals include the Pampa sadhya (feast), Pampa
Vilakku (which happens during Makaravilakku season) and the Araattu Maholsavam (during
the Sabarimala festival).
Pampa Sadya (Feast): Pilgrim groups prepare feast with the provisions taken from their
Irumudi. Thousand of pilgrims are fed at Pampa.
Pampa Vilakku: Pilgrims believe that Lord Ayyappan will be present at the banks of Pampa
during sunset and they decorate their viri sheds / cottages with lights and candles. Small floats
decorated with lights called PampaVilakku are set on sail in the Pampa River.
Araattu Maholsavam: The Siveli vigraham(a smaller replica of the idol at the Sanctum
Sanctorum) is ceremoniously brought in royal procession from Sannidhanam to Pampa. At
the Aarattu Kadavu at Pampa, the idol is given an abhishekam and a bath by immersion in
River Pampa by the head priest. Enroute Pampa and back, the procession is enthusiastically
welcomed at many points including the Ganapathy temple at Pampa where special poojas are
conducted. Araattu signifies the end of the temple festival or Ultsavam.
3.2.2 Nilakkal
Currently, the Sabarimala pilgrim’s camp at Nilakkal rubber plantation area (called Nilakkal
Thavalam) during the peak pilgrim season, utilise the facilities set up here temporarily. The
area is now being transferred to TDB following the recommendations in the Report on the
“Outline of the Master Plan for Sabarimala”. Existing topography is undulating extending
over 110ha. In addition to rubber plantation, the site houses two temples – Mahadeva Temple
and Devi Temple, staff quarters and canteen ponds, toilets, parking areas and an overhead
tank. Access to the site is from the main road between Pathanamthitta and Pampa, through an
impressive gateway. There is a preliminary internal winding road network through the rubber
plantation, which is being supplemented with an additional entry to the site.
There are many major and minor routes of circulation, which pilgrims use to move
around/reach Sabarimala. The major routes are those, which lead the pilgrim towards their
ultimate destination Sannidhanam. To reach Sannidhanam the pilgrims invariably have to trek
through forest pathways. The distance and the pathways vary according to pilgrim’s choice.
The minor routes are those network of pathways found in Sannidhanam which pilgrims and
service personnel use to approach the buildings here. The main routes, including trek paths
and roads that connect Sabarimala with the outside world are listed below.
a) Main trek paths
Pampa – Sannidhanam (around 3 km)
Kozhikanam (Vallakkadavu) – Uppupara (Pulmedu) – Sannidhanam (Kozhikanam to
Uppupara 10 km (Koop road exits – only jeeps and Buses ply here) and Uppupara to
Sannidhanam (6km Trek Path))
Erumeli-Peruthodu River-Kalaketty- Azhutha River – Kallidamkunnu – Azhuthamedu
– Inchappara kotta –Kariyilamthodu – Karimala – Pampa –Sannidhanam (around 40
kms trek path from Irumpoonnikkara)
Vandiperiyar – Mount estate – Sathram (Motorable road exits up to Sathram – 6Km) –
Uppupara (Uppupara-Sathram 4km) – Sannidhanam (Uppupara-Sannidhanam 6Km)
b) Motorable routes
Plappally- Nilakkal –Pampa (any vehicle can ply here) approx 20km
Pampa to Sannidhanam (Swamy Ayyappan Road and Chandranandan Road) tractor
route which is almost parallel to the trek – path and intersects with trek path at
Marakkootam) 4.5Km
Vallakkadavu - 4th Mile - Uppupara (16.5km - only jeeps and Bus ply here)
Vandiperiyar – Mount estate – Sathram (Motorable road exits up to Sathram - 6Km)
The trek route, Tractor route, Koop Road and the arterial roads connecting Pampa –
Sannidhanam form a complex but unique circulation system at Sabarimala, which
differentiate this place from any of the other religious location. The Plappally –
Chalakkayam- Pampa road plays a key role in the total circulation system of Sabarimala, as it
is the only motorable road leading to Pampa. The only other alterative way to reach
Sabarimala is to trek down from Erumely (around 40 km) or from Uppupara (around 6km) or
Sathram (about 12km). Vehicular access to Pampa is open throughout the year, but the
vehicular access (only jeeps and buses) from Vallakadavu to Uppupara is a Forest Koop Road
which is opened only during the peak pilgrim season. Pilgrims arriving at Pampa have to trek
up the hill for a distance of around 3km to reach Sannidhanam along the dense forest.
At Irumpoonnikkara there are three temples, dedicated to lord Shiva. Sri Subrahmanya
and goddess Balabhadra devi. Pilgrims, after worshiping here enter the dense forest area.
After a 3kms walk crossing many gentle forest streams, reach Arasumudikkotta, where
there exists a small shrine devoted to the Guardian deities of forest. From here the
pilgrims walk along the side of a river called Paarathode and after climbing few hill
slopes and forest areas reach a place called Kalaketti, a sacred spot with the legendary
temple of lord Shiva. This area also forms the first base camp settlement for pilgrims
where they take rest and refresh themselves.
About 2 km from Kalaketti, is Azhutha, a place along the banks of the river known by the
same name. This area forms the second halting place for the pilgrims. From Kalaketti to
Azhutha there is a tarred road instead of rugged forest path. The river Azhutha is a
tributary of river Pampa. Many of the pilgrims camp at this place during night. Here,
basic facilities are provided by EDCs. At Azhutha the pilgrims have to wade through
water and cross the river. As a ritual, pilgrims pick up a stone from river Azhutha when
they cross the river and reserve it for throwing at Kallidumkunnu, still further ahead along
the trek path.
From Azhutha to reach Pampa about 30km of dense forests and two mountain peaks,
Inchappara and Karimala have to be covered. The pilgrim climbs two mountain slopes to
reach these peaks. Another climb on the way to Sabarimala is the slope of the Neelimala
peak, which is beyond the river Pampa.
Pilgrims have to climb about 3km along mountain side called Azhuthamedu, which
culminates at Kallidumkunnu. Walking a short distance from Kallidumkunnu over level
ground, pilgrims reach Inchappara, where there is a temple for the Guardian deity Sri
Inchappara Mooppan. This place also forms a resting and refreshment area for the
pilgrims. From here they have to climb down a steep mountain slope that ends in a valley
called Mukkuzhi, another resting place. At Mukkuzhi there is a temple of Sri Ganesha
and Divine Mother.
From Mukkuzhi pilgrims have to trek about 11 km through thick foot-hill forest to reach
the lofty mountain, Karimala. On the way there are few places for temporary halt with
refreshments organized by EDCs. From the peak of Karimala, pilgrims eventually trek
down to reach the banks of the stream Kariyilamthodu in the valley of the mountain
Karimala. The pilgrims have to cross over this stream and walk next 3 km through the
dense forests in the valley of Karimala from where they start their hike through one of the
most arduous slopes in seven stages to reach the mountain top. At Karimala there are
places for the worship of the Deities Vana Durga, Karimalanaathan and Kochu Kadutha,
who was one of the Chieftains of Ayyappa. There are two ancient wells atop Karimala
which are the major sources of drinking water for pilgrims. This location also forms a
temporary halting station for pilgrims who refresh themselves and gather strength to
continue their journey. From Karimala starts the adventurous climb down through very
narrow and zigzag paths flanked by dense forests. At the end of the descent pilgrims step
into Valiyanavattom; a valley of plain grass land interspersed with shrubs on the banks of
Pampa. This area forms one of the biggest base camps where pilgrims take rest before
proceeding to Pampa through Cheriyanavattom which is just 2 km away and ultimately to
Transit camp - Valiyanavattom Teak plantation Kalaketti
The trek route passes through different places of different characteristics, which include
plantation area, forest settlement areas and thick vegetated forest areas. The ground
profile ranges from plain to moderately sloped area to very steep mountainous area. The
trek path can be classified into three main land profiles namely – plain/gentle slopped
land, rugged - undulating and steep -rugged land. Upon detailed topographical evaluation
it is seen that a total of about 40percent of the trek route is along plane gentle sloped area,
30percent through rugged and undulating area and about 30percent through steep and
rugged area. Average width of the trek route varies from 2m to 5m at places.
During peak season the pilgrims are allowed to proceed to Sabarimala temple through
Sharamkuthy road and return through the Chandranandan Road. A subway has been
recently constructed at the entry point at Sannidhanam to prevent stampede and to
facilitate smooth passage of pilgrims.
Traditional route: Over the course of time, the character of this trek path has been
changed immensely. The stretch up to Marakkoottam is almost fully paved with concrete.
More over the vegetation density along the stretch has reduced considerably from the
condition when no light used to penetrate through the thick tree canopy as it exists along
the traditional route from Erumely to Pampa. As of now almost 80percent of the trek path
up to Marakkoottam and about 40percent of trek path from Marakkoottam to
Sannidhanam is without any significant natural shade, which makes the journey of the
pilgrims miserable and tiresome.
More over during the day time the concrete paving becomes so hot, that it becomes
impossible to walk over it barefoot. There are numerous shops, hotels and halting/resting
points lined up all along the trek path whether or not the facility is actually required by
pilgrims all along. Parts of the route are provided with barricades / handrails.
3.2.4 Forest
Periyar Tiger Reserve: Western Ghats in Kerala is considered as a mega Biodiversity zone
as it shelters unique and diverse fauna and flora. Several Wild Life Sanctuaries and two
National Parks have been created in the Western Ghats area primarily to protect these natural
resources. Periyar Tiger Reserve is one among them, which is a high priority protected area.
The uniqueness of Periyar Tiger Reserve is that it has a 26 man-made lake (Periyar
Lake), the Periyar stream and Pampa and Kakki Rivers within its limits. Parts of Pampa,
whole of Sannidhanam and Uppupara are located deep within this reserve forest.
Ranni Reserve Forest: This is a tropical wet Evergreen Forest with lofty, very dense /
multilayered with evergreens, 40m or more high, with a large number of species, numerous
epiphytes and few climbers. Parts of Pampa and Nilakkal area are located in Ranni forest.
Many sections of the trek route from Erumely also pass through this division. Left bank of
Pampa is located in the Ranni forest division while the right bank comes under the PTR.
In this chapter, elements which mostly determine the character and identity to Sabarimala and
associated areas have been described. These include street pattern, landmarks, nodes, views
and gateways
Sannidhanam has no vehicular movement within its domain. Streets are not well developed
here but are formed by pilgrim pathways and many of the elements generally seen
constituting a street are missing here.
Streets in Sannidhanam in general connect the pilgrim domain with the religious domain and
also link different parts of its environs. These linkages support socio-cultural and religious
interactions and exchange and all the vital functions in this area. Street design contributes
significantly to the quality and character of a community since appropriately designed streets
create safe, quiet and healthy environments.
This generally translates into a battle between conventional suburban loops and cul-de-sacs,
and traditional grid models but as a whole the pattern reflects a distorted organic pattern in
nature. The irregular formation of street system also reflected the irregular plot formation,
which lacks efficiency.
The goal of this study is to suggest street patterns that balance efficiency and quality, and
reconcile functionality and aesthetics. This requires identification of the positive attributes of
existing development and utilizing existing facilities and infrastructure and building upon it to
the best of the satisfaction of pilgrims who are “the primary users and the main stakeholders”.
Street quality: The perceived quality of a street depends on both physical and operational
attributes, some of which are incidental, while others are designed. Street life, visual
complexity, social status and intensity of use are incidental attributes dependent on culture
and history. On the other hand, safety, security, comfort, and a sense of enclosure are
functions of design. In addition, physical attributes, whether designed or incidental, may be
The sociability of a street is critical to its quality in Sannidhanam. Informal contacts that
develop into social-cultural networks are at the root of feelings of belonging and security,
which are prime factors in pilgrim satisfaction. Street activity cannot be designed but it can be
encouraged or inhibited by certain street characteristics.
As of now there exists no green space within the Sannidhanam boundaries. Only few trees in
a very scattered formation are located here. To compensate this and to provide shade to the
pilgrims waiting in queues the authorities have built covered pathways using ‘green house
net’ and a covered /floored Nadapanthal housing other activities as well which have taken
away the charm of the trek. View of the nature setting is always a source of delight and also
creates a sense of identity of the place. Green spaces have been found to have socio-cultural
and psychological benefits that explain the strong pilgrim preference and advocacy for
naturally endowed sites especially in Sannidhanam. Green space provides visual relief and
opportunity for relaxation, becomes a place for casual contacts and forms a haven for
conducting religious rituals.
Pampa has limited vehicular movement within its domain, mostly along its main corridor
during the pilgrim seasons where conflicts are common. Though the vehicular access up to
Ganapathy temple premise is well developed, during the season the general vehicular traffic
beyond Pampa Bridge is restricted. So, at Pampa we generally witness a dominant pedestrian
engulfed street with sparse vehicular movement baring the service vehicles, which undertakes
their rounds as per schedule creating chaos. The present street system formed at Pampa lacks
many essentially identifiable elements generally seen constituting a street.
Streets in Pampa, in general connect the pilgrim activity domain along the Pampa River to the
religious domain around Ganapathy temple and beyond by linking different parts of its
environs and the forest trek routes. These linkages support socio-cultural and religious
interactions/exchanges. Street design contributes significantly to the quality and character of
the religious aspirations of the pilgrims as appropriately designed streets create safe, quiet and
healthy environments along with a sense of place.
Presently Pampa lacks a well-developed street system. The development in Pampa had
occurred gradually through ages along the banks of River Pampa, carried out in an ad-hoc
manner wherein the maximum preference was given for commercial developments. The
concern for the infrastructural efficiencies for effectively catering to pilgrim requirements and
traffic movement within Pampa, and aesthetics has not been well conceived.
In Pampa there exists no specific hierarchy of street system. Mainly most of the pilgrim and
vehicular traffic are routed through two main corridors: one leading to hill side parking area
and the other leading to Pampa Ganapathy Temple Premises. Both these road are paved (road
up to hill parking is tarred with 8m wide carriage way and road from Pampa Bridge to
Ganapathy temple is concrete paved with carriageway width of 8m. All the auxiliary routes
such as trek routes and pathways culminate at these two main corridors.
The goal of this study is to suggest street patterns that balance efficiency and quality, and
reconcile functionality and aesthetics. This requires identification of the positive attributes of
existing development and utilizing existing facilities and infrastructure and building upon it to
the best of the satisfaction of pilgrims.
Street quality - Perception survey of pilgrims clearly indicates the pilgrim’s preferences for
walkable areas without conflicts. The amenities in Pampa are generally located randomly with
no definite norm or standards that it becomes many times difficult for pilgrims to locate them.
More over due to lack of comfortable access to amenities such as viri, comfort stations,
temple premises, retail stores and service areas; there exists a chaotic situation here during the
peak seasons.
In Pampa the existing main collector and arterial streets are inhospitable and unsafe because
of high pilgrim traffic volume and intense pilgrim activity, thus discouraging and hindering
general movement. So, new street system, which has clearer and secluded direct pedestrian
routes separating the activity space from movement space needs to be provided here. In
addition, conflicts at this primarily religious site need to be reduced by keeping off as much
vehicular accumulation here as possible. Service routes need to be well defined and secluded
from main pedestrian movement areas. However, considering the accessibility of Pampa area
through a road, it becomes essential to position service and emergency escape vehicles here.
For pedestrian comfort, in addition to minimizing conflicts it becomes important to ensure
pavements, which are natural and easy to walk on, pedestrian lighting and shade, which are
suitable in a pedestrian precinct. In addition, walkability demands both a conducive street
pattern and equally important, (visual and physical) accessibility to land uses.
As of now there exists no green buffer space along Pampa boundaries. Trees in a very
scattered formation are located along the periphery. This makes the stay and walks along the
Pampa streets most uncomfortable and enhances the hardship for the pilgrims.
4.1.3 Nodes
Nodes are points or strategic spots in an area into which an observer can enter, and which are
the intensive foci along his path of travel. Primarily these nodes are in the form of junctions,
places of a break in transportation, a crossing or convergence of paths, points of shift from
one structure to another. In Sabarimala pilgrimage, there are numerous locations/ points
which can be categorised into nodes namely Pampa Valley, Nilakkal, Pampa, Marakkoottam,
Uppupara, Valiyanavattom, Cheriyanavattom, and the like. All the base camps can come
under the categorization of nodes. These nodes are the foci of Sabarimala region, which
radiate their influence as the pilgrimage progresses and symbolize the religious spirit of the
Certain points along the trek route from Pampa to Sannidhanam, also acts as major activity
nodes. Sharamkuthy is a revered spot, located on the holy trail leading to Sabarimala. This
place is home to a banyan tree named Sharamkuthy Aal. It is a custom for the devotees, who
visit Sabarimala for the first time, to leave a wooden arrow on this tree. This place is witness
to a festival called Pallivetta, which is held on the eve of the Aarattu ceremony, in which the
idol of the deity is given a ceremonial bath. So Sharamkuthy acts as a node wherein very
intense pilgrim activities are marked. Unfortunately here, the main element which determined
the node namely, the religiously important Banyan tree itself is was severed few years back.
Such an approach which gives priority to the goals of the administrators over and above the
religious importance need to be arrested for sake of the religious aspirations and
environmental wellbeing. In addition Sabari Peedom along with Marakkoottam forms loci of
intense pilgrim activity wherein two streams of pilgrim inflow and out flow intersect each
4.1.4 Landmarks
Landmarks are another type of point-references, such as defined physical objects: building,
sign, store, or mountain. Their use involves the singling out of one element from a host of
possibilities. In Sabarimala there are only few elements that could be considered as
landmarks. On a general scrutiny, apart from the imposing hills and mountain around, there is
no significant imposing element that could be considered literally as a landmark. But on
closer appraisal the Pampa Bridge and the Flag post of Temple at Sannidhanam can be
considered the landmarks as these are the two main feature through which pilgrim not only
identify the place but also orient themselves. The Temple which is located on a high plateau
would have been the best expected landmark, if it were not masked by the flyovers and lofty
structures all around. Karimala (specifically Appachimedu) and Neelimala could be
considered natural landmarks along the Erumely trek route.
Along the trek route from Pampa and Sannidhanam, Appachimedu is the major landmark.
This place is marked by sharp descents on either side. These descents, filled with thick
vegetation, are referred as 'Appachi Kuzhi' and 'Eppachi Kuzhi.' The first time devotees to
Sabarimala throw ‘Ariyunda’- a sweet preparation made from rice- onto the depressions to
please the ‘lords of the gorges’.
4.1.5 Gateways
Primary, secondary and tertiary Gateways for Sabarimala region even transcend the district
and state boundaries. However, the study, assessment and recommendations here are basically
for the core area.
In Sabarimala, since there are multiple points of entry it is required to create multiple gateway
points. The basic concept behind identification and development of gateways is to develop the
area that acts as the main entry point to the Sabarimala region as a place that reflects the
religious conviction and image of Sabarimala. These places will act as a stopper point from
where pilgrims would mark their entrance into Sabarimala. So, the basic purpose can be
summed up as:
Transform Gateway area into a Regional Center with enhanced services, resting and
cultural opportunities for the pilgrims.
The places that are best considered to be developed as primary gateways are Erumely,
Sathram and Nilakkal, while secondary gateway can be provided at Pampa and tertiary
gateways at Sharamkuthy and Pandithavalam from where the pilgrims set foot on to the
There are numerous scenic corridors in Sabarimala region along the routes taken by the
pilgrims to reach the temple. These scenic views and settings make Sabarimala unique and are
hence required to be preserved. All major/minor ways including pathways/trek routes that
lead to Pampa and ultimately to Sannidhanam have scenic forest setbacks, providing a sense
of place for the pilgrims. They preserve the natural setting, provide views of nearby
landforms, and visually link to vista corridors and buffers adjacent natural forest from any
negative impact due to pilgrim’s activities.
Protection policy framework and strict design guideline need to be formulated. The Design
Guidelines which are part of this Master Plan would provide an outline of the design
expectations for all designated ‘Scenic Corridors’ and views in Sabarimala.
Many Trek routes and roads in Sabarimala have stunning views of the Sabarimala forest
skyline, Sabari mountain ranges and dense forest, as they overlook the landscape below.
Some of the important corridors and view points in the Sabarimala region area as follows:
marked and all the adjacent developments proposed in here should be developed
accordingly without hampering the view.
5. Cheriyanavattom – From here, Makarajyothi is visible but the extent of area to spread out
and view is limited as shops and viris cover the entire area. More over service
infrastructure such as incinerator and sewage treatment plant has also taken away
considerable extent of land. Figure 30 presents the visual components of the Scenic
Figure 30: Predominant Views along the Corridors in the Present Context
The concern for the infrastructural efficiencies for effectively catering to pilgrim
requirements and traffic movement within the Sannidhanam, along with aesthetics
has not been well conceived
The amenities in Sannidhanam are greatly scattered and generally beyond the five-
minute walking distance desired by Pilgrims.
The present street system formed at Pampa are lacking in many essentially
identifiable elements
High degree of vehicular (service, passenger and goods vehicles) – pedestrian
Lack of clear service routes
Lack of visual and physical access to essential facilities and landuses
Poor overall street design, pattern, surfacing and hardware
After analyzing the historical, religious and contextual perspectives of Sabarimala, it is clear
that our rich tradition and natural settings have not been accorded due consideration while
considering and implementing development here. Various perceived and reported issues and
related development strategies are discussed in detail in the following sections wherein if
proper care and compliance to the recommendations is ensured, the image of the place could
be transformed in a way which would suit the religious convictions and the context as a
One of the major issues at Sabarimala is the gradual deterioration of physical environment of
the place and its building blocks with increase unguided and uncontrolled development.
Presently there are no building rules or development guideline or policy, which regulates the
development in Sabarimala. Though there are standing guidelines regarding possible forms of
development within a reserve forest not much have been done till date to enforce these. The
main reason for this is the relaxation / special consideration given to the place of worship. But
this has led to rampant unchecked development in Pampa and Sannidhanam that has resulted
in a sprawl which is inconsiderate to the religious convictions as well as to the safety and
facilities required for masses of pilgrims. This has transformed this place from a “forest
temple image” as it was renowned in the past to that of present sprawl – an oasis of concrete
buildings within the evergreen forest.
Sabarimala lacks landuse, height and density control, due to which the landuses are scattered
and fragmented at Sannidhanam and Pampa. These have forced effective infrastructure
development throughout the area and in many instances at inappropriate locations wherein
during the season these facilities get overstressed. Rapid development has resulted in general
change in the character of the place due to the differential treatment of façade of newer
structures, which are completely opposite/not in accordance to the traditional builtscape of the
area or are in complete mismatch in the context. So there is a strong felt need to have a strict
control over landuse.
The absence of height control also disturbs the skyline or in other words the builtscape e.g. 5-
6 storey buildings around have totally masked the temple. In addition lack of such control has
resulted in the construction of a flyover dominating even the thazhikakkudam of the temple
within around 10 to 15m radius of the sanctum sanctorum. This is not only visually disturbing
but also taboo considering the traditional and religious values and beliefs. Limited availability
of land and unplanned developments occurring over decades have forced high-rise
constructions during the recent past to accommodate the ever increasing accommodation and
service related demands from all quarters. If this trend continues the essence of the place with
strong moorings on the natural forest-scape would be totally lost. Along with height, the
density of built space should also be controlled by adding in greenery so as to reduce the
vigor and command of built-scape on the forest-scape.
Formulate and enforce building bylaws, landuse, height and density control
Formulate specific spatial development policy in line with traditional temple planning
principles and establish clear guidelines for development
Encourage heritage values, environmental considerations and religious convictions as a
constructive basis for architectural ideas and development schemes.
Delineating and declaring the immediate forest region abutting the Temple precinct and
trek route as cultural heritage landscape for conservation
Promote excellence in design by designing and developing open spaces as “Pilgrims
places” for comfort and use-ability
Promote building designs that are flexible for a range of uses, have a long-term life and
are environmentally friendly
Provide more significant greening and further develop open spaces
Enhance the prominence of major entries to the Sabarimala as “gateways” and improve
the identity of the place by reinforcing existing landmarks and nodes
Encourage new developments at less environmentally sensitive locations.(promote more
development at Nilakkal rather than in Pampa or Sannidhanam)
Plan expansion areas carefully in order to avoid possible conflicts with areas/ objects of
high cultural heritage value or of high environment concern. Use heritage and religious
convictions as a constructive basis for architectural ideas and development schemes.
II. Issue: Lack of defined boundary and Transitions spaces for various activity zones
Developmental sprawl
Fragmented land use
Lack of define zone or clear edges defining zones
Lack of buffer space defining development margins
The land utilization patterns at Sannidhanam and Pampa presently are not governed by any
landuse plan/zoning plan. So most of the land uses, which can be identified based on
contingent activity existing presently, are fragmented and scattered all around the temple core.
Present haphazard /ad-hoc development has resulted in building of infrastructures which are
least prepared to cater to present or future requirements.
Sannidhanam and Pampa area totally embedded in thick evergreen forests. There are no
spaces or margin properly defining the extent of development here. The available area here
has been utilized though leaving unusable chunks of land, and the development is gradually
spreading all around beyond the defined boundary. Such developments have greatly affected
the forest vegetation along the periphery. So, to conserve the surrounding forests and to
contain the sprawl it will be required to create a buffer space all along the periphery defining
the development limit of these areas.
Defining the development margins: Keep a clear line between developed area and forest
area to avoid the sprawl and encroachments into the forest area rather than relying merely
on the ‘jendas’ or demarcating pillars used here.
Integrate the forests surrounding Pampa, Nilakkal, Uppupara and Sannidhanam in the
spatial development strategy for Sabarimala region.
Formulate detailed Land use plan
Unchecked and unplanned structural extension and additions carried out for the temple
Large buildings developed close to the temple complex
Rapid increase in commercial activities in and around the temple precinct
Depleting greenery around the Temple complex
Unchecked and unplanned extension carried out for the temple complex has completely
changed the look and the character of the temple premises. Various new additions abutting the
temple complex such as the Appam Aravana complex, the flyovers, the Neyyabhishekam
queue complex, the office and treasury building have been constructed in the recent past.
Most of these have been constructed in complete violation to the traditional temple planning
norms – Vasthusastra. These constructions where carried out in the pretext of facilitating
better access and satisfactory darshan to pilgrims, but have failed to reap the kind of success
as expected. The pilgrim still complains of not receiving a satisfactory darshan and an overall
chaotic situation exists at Sannidhanam specifically in and around temple complex during
peak times. Maps 6 through 8 present the detail plan of existing Temple Complex with
sectional elevations.
Figure 31 : Comparison of the Temple Complex of Today with that existed Three years back
To encourage the highest possible quality of architecture and design. New development
proposals and improvement measures (including building alterations and extensions)
should respect and reinforce the local character and identity, or seek to create a positive
identity and create a strong ‘sense of place’.
Formulations of a specific development scheme for the temple complex in line with
traditional temple planning principles – Vasthushasthra
Formulate and enforce norms for building design which incorporate and follows the
characteristic features of Kerala traditions in Temple planning and architecture.
To regulate the land use and building activities around the immediate temple precinct
The design of infill or gap site development in traditional religious areas should :
a. Respect the character of the surrounding area and adjacent buildings in terms of
building line, scale/massing, modeling, elevational proportion and materials. The aim
should be for a contemporary design that complements its context rather than
attempting to replicate it. In exceptional cases of high conservation value traditional
restoration or replication may be appropriate; and
b. Religious building developments should, in addition, meet the design criteria set out
in the developmental guidelines.
Viri’s are built by the local laborers in a crude way using basic materials such as bamboos /
wooden poles and tin sheet/tarpaulin sheet roofing. Similar is the case of most of the
temporary shops and hotels that come up during the season. Though shops and viri areas are
designated and defined at the time of tendering itself, the built structures mostly intrude into
spaces meant for circulation making the circulation space more crammed and congested. In
addition to this there are no setbacks provided. There is no guarantee to the structural safety
of most of the temporary structures as many times viris (multi storied) are over loaded with
pilgrims. Most of the temporary structures are constructed in a closely packed formation
utilizing the maximum extent of space possible and among them many structures are even
multi-bunk bedded. This is a very dangerous situation with respect to fire safety as these
structures are highly susceptible to fire and if it occurs the whole place will raze in the fire
with virtually no barrier existing to prevent the spread. Fire possibilities are high as in most of
the viri locations pilgrims resort to self-cooking. Another concern in viri is the health and
hygiene condition existing here as most of these are located far off from (with respect
comfortable accessibility) sanitation facilities which encourage the pilgrims to opt for open
defecations in its vicinity. This propensity pollutes the whole environment here that in turn
raises the health and hygiene issues for pilgrims visiting here. The pollution is further spread
down to Pampa and through it to the whole region.
Most of the temporary built up areas has services and infrastructure below the "adequate" or
minimum levels. The services in the context include circulation spaces, water supply,
sanitation, electricity, and drainage. Water supply, for example, to individual viri or even
group of viris are absent, only few public stand pipes and some hand pumps have been
provided at different locations. Informal networks for the supply of water also are in place.
Similar arrangements are also made for electricity, drainage, toilet facilities etc.
However, since viris are still the most preferred accommodation for most of the pilgrims, it is
hence essential to use available area to recreate the long forgone character of traditional viris,
which were spread amidst the trees. This can be done by creating viri areas between
trees/greenery induced into the existing layout of Sannidhanam and Pampa, using modular
construction, adhering to minimal space standards, providing facilities at convenient distance
for the pilgrims
Identify the planning allocation requirements, decided regionally, for the number of
temporary structures that can be built/ or is required in Sabarimala
Formulation and enforcement of special building rules and guidelines for temporary
structure construction.
Adaptive management at the site-specific level combined with a process of ‘Adaptive
Planning’ across sites to more fully integrate scientific knowledge into resource
management integrating design, management, and monitoring to systematically test
various options to bring about concrete and long-term solutions. (Attempt to foster
“learning projects” should be made to bring out a sustainable and reliable solution)
Movement conflict along corridors e.g. lack of front yard for shops on trek route or/main
pilgrim routes
Services and infrastructure below the "adequate" or minimum levels
Figure 33: Religious Corridor Figure 34: Commercial Corridors Figure 35: Pilgrim Corridors
The activity spaces in Sabarimala can be divided into 3 major corridor spaces namely the
pilgrim corridor (which basically refer to the trek path and the route taken by pilgrims to
reach Sannidhanam), commercial corridors and service corridors.
Numerous hotels, shopping centers, and a growing number of accommodation buildings are
congregated across the stretch along the river Pampa.
Provide paving that complements the unique character of Sabarimala’s built and natural
Design and pave streets in such a way as to respect heritage, conformity to the natural
settings, convenience and safety of pilgrims.
Formulate and enforce strict guidelines for signage
Road system
Recognize the pilgrim traffic (pedestrian) function and give legibility to the temple
settlement structure
Design streets that are safe, attractive and integrated with the traditional temple pattern
and character
Promote Sabarimala as natural and safe trekking region
Improve amenity along all pedestrian routes/Trek routes
Improve the conditions and facilities at all basecamps/transit points
Consolidate parking facilities off the main religious location
Provide clear directional signs to major parking area from distributor streets and gateways
– at Nilakkal, Sathram etc.
Improve design and quality of parking facilities
Public transport
Upgrade the railway stations and bus interchanges which are major public transport nodes
Pursue opportunities to improve public transport services for Sabarimala
Haphazard growth of the built environment has produced an eclectic mix of architectural
styles with associated outdoor spaces. Sitting decisions for new construction, either buildings
or landscape elements such as roads and resting lots/ comfort spaces, has not been carefully
considered. No effort had been made till date to access the physical impacts on the landscape.
Support a harmonious mix of land uses
Promote surveillance of public and private areas through appropriate location of activities
Improve the quality and quantity of lighting
Provide priority night routes for pilgrims between night spots, public places and transport
Improve safety through good design and careful management
Consider safety and security while assessing all developments and redevelopments
Promote safety as the responsibility of pilgrim community, NGOs. CBOs and the
Almost 60percent of trek route from Pampa to Sannidhanam has lost its natural tree
No considerations exist to conserve the trees; tree clearing, land modifications (cutting
and leveling) and tendering out of construction takes place even before the designs are
Lack of buffer space defining the development margins
Achieve a network of “greening” for a sense of continuity and to build a clear mental
picture of the temple as a true ‘forest temple’
Improve the aesthetics of the total settlement
Provide planting for a more pleasant pilgrim environment with shade and improved
Review the all existing and proposed design to accommodate the values of conserving
and enhancing the greenery
Develop a sense of ‘welcoming’ religious centre and sense of arrival at the approach and
entry points to Sabarimala
Maintain base camps and enroute facilities in a clean and well maintained manner
Provide a high level of amenity and comfort for pedestrians
Ensure that appropriate and friendly signage is provided and maintained
Improve facilities for pilgrim information, telephones and toilets
Very poorly designed street furniture are placed along the trek routes
Sitting of facilities and amenities are not in tune with the requirements
Street furniture such as electric posts are seen obstructing the movement of pilgrims
Pilgrims are seen using the steps along the trek route as resting areas which many time
hinders the pilgrim movement.
Existing street furniture are ill-maintained which make at least 30percent of it unusable.
Use a coordinated range of street furniture unique to Sabarimala
Ensure that the street furniture match the need & the context
Encourage pilgrims to rest in the resting places provided and not along the trek route
which hinders the movement of others
Lighting essentials to give proper direction to the pilgrims, as majority of them prefer to
trek during the early morning and evening hours to escape the heat.
Insufficient light at Pampa and Sannidhanam creates confusion and safety concerns
Unlit areas turns out to be preferred spots of open defecation and pollution
Improve the quality and quantity of lighting to enhance safety
Use lighting to enhance orientation, amenity and character
Select lights that are energy efficient, economical, suitable to the wildlife and appropriate
in design
Provide an integrated approach to the provision of lighting
There exists no control or regulation over the signage. Erected at all possible locations in
all possible dimensions and style, they pose danger to waiting / walking pilgrims and pose
as a clear example of ‘privatisation of private space’
Most of the signage do not match the context or the landscape
Important signage in different languages to suit the pilgrims are found missing. Rather
huge advertising signage which are out of context dominate the skyline
Mammoth signage obscure the views and vistas of the place
There exists no pattern or plan in the placement or location of signage
Unnecessary duplication of signage, detracting from views and causing clutter
No order seen in the use of colour, fonts, shape and size of signage.
Large scale use of strident colours
Cause visual intrusiveness as they obscure the building elevations
Reduce the clutter of signage
Develop a ethnic “Sabarimala” style for all public signage
Improve the quality of private signage
Provide all essential signage required by the pilgrims to orient themselves rather than
advertising signage
This section describes the proposed spatial development of Sannidhanam area. The plan so
prescribed has to be followed to make possible the implementation of the development
foreseen in the master plan so as to provide better pilgrimage experience, better identification
as a religious precinct and better relation with the natural settings.
Along side, many new projects intended to provide essential pilgrim facilities and better
management has been conceived at Sabarimala. It is proposed that when the new and
improved facilities are added, the old and now obsolete facilities will have to be abandoned.
As a result shifting out of various activities/uses such as pilgrim accommodation, commercial
and other non-essential uses, which spread across vast extent in the existing layout, existing
building/structures associated with these activities would become an additional liability. Such
buildings will be required to be demolished in a phased manner, thereby opening up more
open space for pilgrim movement and religious activities.
For such a religious precinct, basic principles to be adhered to are those of traditional
Vasthusasthra, the ancient text which formulates guidelines for development on the basis of
set elements of the nature. These principles are adhered to in almost all the religious precincts
in Kerala.
At Sabarimala, many of the buildings, including those in closest proximity to the sanctum
sanctorum are against the principles of Vasthusashtra and completely unacceptable in a
religious precinct. Pilgrim perception survey also confirms the non-acceptability of the
pilgrims to the existing built and circulation situation at Sabarimala.
In the proposed plan, it is proposed that certain buildings and activities need to be removed
from the area, certain others are to be added and certain areas are to be preserved.
The demolition plan has been staged concurrent to the new development proposed. The
Stages so formulated are under immediate plan and long term or fixed period plans.
help in removing the additional crowding here which will enhance the pilgrim circulation in
and around the temple precinct. According to Vastushastra, and traditional temple
architecture, prassadam should be made in any of the outer prakarams of the temple and
hence, it is against the interests of the pilgrims to shift it out of temple area. Vasthu also
prescribes that the new complex can come up either in N-W or N-E zone. Which ever is the
location, it will necessitate demolition of some of the temporary, semi permanent structures
and even permanent structures which are used for commercial, administrative,
accommodation purposes here to make space for the new development.
In this plan, the specific location shown for new complex is in N-W zone towards the rear
side of Malikappuram temple wherein as of today, many viri sheds, donor houses and toilet
blocks are located. These structures need to be cleared to make way for the new construction.
Permanent buildings proposed to be demolished may be modified and used for any purpose
associated with the Appam Aravana Complex, if found suitable.
Queue complex:
It has been proposed in the master plan to shift pilgrim accommodation apart from what is
minimum essential, out of Sannidhanam. Pilgrims would not be allowed to stay overnight in
Sannidhanam (except for very few who may need to stay over for special poojas). The
religious rituals and the time schedule of temple activities will necessitate some sort of
lodging facility for the pilgrims were they can wait for their turn to have darshan. In this
perspective the queue complex has been conceived where in all facilities for the pilgrim to
take rest and wait for his turn would be provided. With the coming up of Queue complex all
the temporary pilgrim accommodation provided now in the Sannidhanam can be completely
In addition, all other immediate interventions at Sannidhanam, Pampa and along the trek
route from Sannidhanam to Pampa, as proposed in Appendix iv of the Outline of the Master
Plan for Sabarimala shall be implemented during this Stage.
Remodeling of Pampa can start during this Stage with the preparation of a detailed
development plan especially for areas such as Thriveni and Manalppuram as most of the
suggestions are easily executable and require demolition of mostly temporary structures. No
further construction activities are proposed here except for redeveloping the area and
remodeling the temple precincts during this Stage.
Stage 2010-2015
Redevelopment of Temple complex:
Developing the temple complex will require considerable time, as the reconstruction activities
have to take care of the pilgrim seasons and patterns. Redevelopment of temple as per
Vastushastra will require demolition of many of the structures used for commercial,
administrative and residential purposes in and around the temple. For the same almost all
structures within the 60m radius of Mahasannidhi need to be considered, as they are
Stage 2015-2020
Redevelopment of Malikappuram Temple complex:
Redevelopment of Malikappuram temple as per Vastushastra will require reconstruction of
many of the commercial, office and accommodation use structures around this temple. Almost
all non-religious structures falling within approximately 40m radius of Temple have to be
Stage 2020-2025
Formation of Buffer space:
Providing a buffer space around the temple complex is essential to regulate pilgrim
circulation as well as to check the new developments abutting the temple complex. Such
space will increase the safety aspects by reducing the probability of any hazard and enhance
the provision and accessibility of services to pilgrims. For the Formation of this many of the
structures coming in this zone have to be demolished.
As part of Master Plan for Sabarimala, it has been proposed to initiate the works to restore
and upgrade the visual image of Sabarimala temple in addition to making space for
pilgrim circulation around the temple and providing facilities and amenities to cater to the
present context and requirements.
This Scheme may be referred to as the Temple Complex Redevelopment Scheme.
Redevelopment area
This Scheme applies to the Mahasannidhi of Sree Dharma Shasta Temple at Sabarimala
(including upper thirumuttam and lower thirumuttam) and an extent of 100 m around it
(with Sreekovil as the focal point / fulcrum).
In case of Kerala temples, it is required that the concept for developing / redeveloping the
temple complex should be strictly according to formats such as the ‘Panchaprakaram format’
prescribed in Thanthra Samuchayam.
The Proposal
Temple to be developed as the one with “Pancha Prakarams” with Balivattom,
Pradakshinavazhi, Vilakkumadam, Sheevelippura and Puramathil
Development Approval
The designated boundary for this redevelopment area is within the leased area. This is a
proposed scheme for redevelopment and need to be discussed and finalized in consultation
with various stakeholders including the Temple Authorities, Government of Kerala,
Department of Forests, and various experts on temple architecture, religious organizations and
pilgrim groups in order to develop a consensus on the proposed layout activities before
commencement of any work in this respect. In case any existing element listed in this plan
falls within the heritage / conservation act, the authorities must submit necessary sanction
documents and detailed plans to the respective authorities and get necessary sanctions.
zones are also permissible. But, underground or ground level water should never be stored
in the West or the Southwest directions.
− Ground terrain should have gradual slopes towards the North and the East directions
where ever possible.
− A bore-well or a constructed well for a water source should be located in the North or the
Northeast directions. Ponds also should be in North East.
− During future development land should be divided into equal rectangular plots, preferably
with breadth to length ratio of 1: 1.618. The longer side should be oriented along the
North-South axis, while the shorter side along the East-West direction. Or length should
not be equal to 1.75 to 2 times the width
− Trees should be planted in the South and West directions. Planting of trees in the North
and East directions should be avoided.
− Toilets should be located in the South and the Western zone
− No Street should have width more than one forth of the total widths of Temple complex.
Streets should be parallel or perpendicular to each other so as to create rectilinear pattern
− Electrical power points should be located in the Southeast corner
− Roofs, if provided, should have slopes towards the East, the Northeast, and the North
directions. Roofs slanting towards the South and the West directions are not advisable.
− Even viris should be aligned parallel to the Sreekovil walls
Table 6: Preferable Directions for Each Landuse as per Vaasthu
Landuse First location preference Second location Location to be avoided
Accommodation East South East North and North West
Commercial North East Or with
Hospital North West
Offices North North East
Counters South East
Godown / Store / Sadyalayam North
Waste Management / STP South-West or North-East
Water Tanks, Purification Plants North east
Fire related North East, North West, South-
The principles followed for developing design and development related guidelines for
Sabarimala are presented below. Please refer Volume 3: Vision Document and
Development Guidelines for the Maps that have been referred in this Section.
1. Temple Zones
Swami Ayyappan temple complex, Sannidhanam
Malikappuram temple complex
Pampa Ganapathy temple Premises
Sathram Mahadeva Temple premises
Mahadeva and Devi temple premises at Nilakkal
2. Redevelopment/Development Zones
Sannidhanam – NE,NW,SE and SW zones
Pampa Manalppuram, Thriveni, Hill parking area
Trek routes
Base camp – Nilakkal, Sathram, Erumeli, Vandiperiyar, etc
Transit camps along trek routes
Other areas
3. Residential/Accommodation Zones
Pilgrim accommodation
i. Permanent
ii. Temporary
Staff accommodation
i. Permanent
ii. Temporary
4. Mixed Zones
Pilgrim/religious activity zones
Pampa Manalppuram and Thriveni
Thiruvabharanam trek route
Pilgrim corridor in Erumely (petta thullal)
5. Service/amenity areas
6. Green areas
1. Temple Zone:
Area Regulations
Temples to be developed based on “Panchaprakara Principles” with Balivattom,
Pradakshinavazhi, Vilakkumadam, Sheevelippura, Puramathil, as this pattern enables
sufficient open areas around the temple for various religious activities and pilgrim circulation.
The minimum sizes designated for the temple complex should be 116.10 meter (m) wide and
140.40 m long with a 25 m buffer space around. It is to be understood that these traditional
principles have strong moorings on the topography and environment and are most suited
for the climatic conditions and religious requirements.
Ancillary uses: Such administrative purposes which cannot be located away from the area,
queuing facilities, prasadam preparation (manufacturing), treasury and ticket counters,
utilities (all activities closely associated with religious activity and included in the detail
scheme listing)
Ancillary uses are allowed to cover a total built up area of upto 1000 sq. m or 10percent of the
total built-up area of the zone, to which ever is lower for sanction purpose.
For ancillary uses to be a part and parcel of the total temple complex, they need to be planned
in accordance to traditional Vasthu principles, which governs temple planning and in no
circumstances should be constructed, unless so specified by the Vastusashtra. The locations,
orientation, sizes and shapes also should follow the specifications in the Vastushastra and no
deviation what so ever should be permitted.
All structures including bridges (but no bridge or flyovers higher than sreekovil), queue
complexes, Nadapanthal etc for circulation of pilgrims within the Sanctum Santorum, which
conform to traditional temple planning norm, are allowed to be constructed in central zone or
the outer zone of the temples as ancillary uses, but no such structure or elements are allowed
inside the inner most core consisting of Sreekovil, Mandapam, Kodimaram and Ganapathy
Kovil in case of Sree Dhrama Sastha Temple or with respect to any temple falling under the
preview of Sabarimala Master Plan .
A buffer equal to the one fifth of the total width of the temple complex or 25 m which ever is
more, for main shrine and 10m for others, should be provided all around the temple complex.
Height Regulations
No structures (except flag post “kodimaram”) what so ever should be higher than the Sanctum
Santorum/Sreekovil at least within the temple zone. To be precise, no building should be
higher than the ‘Temple Thazhikakkudam’.
Minimum of 10 m buffer space should be created around the temple complex on replanning.
Building should within the 200 m radius of temple should not be higher that 10m or 2 storey
which ever is less.
Building within 100m radius of temple should not be more than 5 metres or 1 storey which
ever is less.
This zone comprises of approximately 60 acres in Sannidhanam (in between E-W and S-N
Axis other than demarcated as temple zone, forest area and buffer zone) and about 20 acres in
Pampa area comprising of Pampa Manalppuram, Thriveni, Cheriyanavattom and hilltop and
is coded as Base District Zone in the map.
General Regulations
Area and Layout Regulations
The minimum size of the any new subdivided plot cannot be less than 200sq.m. laid out
preferably in a rectangular or square grid, avoiding angular disposition and shapes. Land
development should be strictly in rectilinear pattern with proposition prescribed by
Territory Definition
The street network should be used as a means of territorial definition for a zone or zones and
will signify its spatial existence as a territorial unit within each zone. The street network will
act functionally in assisting the pilgrims to comprehend the relative position of area’s
functional elements and ultimately the structure and form of Sabarimala. The street networks
that define the territory will physically define the outer space unit, and consequently helps
pinpointing the spatial quality of the territory.
Zones Boundary
The crossroad has a special role in the Hindu rituals and ceremonies, for it is the place where
all the forces from eight cardinal directions meet and are greeted by human beings. Thus,
although not necessarily located in the center of the geographic area of the region, this
crossroad is regarded as the navel of territory.
Religious rituals which have a spatial dimension such as settlement purification ceremony in a
temple town start from the citizens’ house yard, and subsequently move to bigger area of the
neighborhood which gathers more crowd and ends up in the temple ground on the settlement
scale. Hence, in the context of local street network system, the ceremony has a progression
movement from the local street to the collector or Secondary Street and then the primary one.
Such being the case, the designation of this crossroad as the highest order in the local street
network system will certainly assist its role as the place to conduct some Hindu rituals and
ceremonies and its existence as the center of the area, as well as –functionally speaking—the
center of the settlement. Here, such cross roads can be areas where pilgrims gather for their
semi-religious functions such as opening Irumudi or conducting bhajans.
Primary Pathway
Secondary Pathway
Tertiary Pathway
Use of space
Primary use of space is religious and the activities which support activities of the pilgrims are
secondary. Landuses should be harmoniously mixed to mutually complement various uses.
Such mixed use spaces should support religious and pilgrim activities. To support such
places, they should be complemented with adequate open spaces, and also human-scale
building forms and masses
center of all the socio-religious activities. Such areas which simultaneously act as the
landmarks and the nodes need careful planning consideration. Primarily, these areas are meant
for religious activities and hence other uses must be minimal. Not more than 20percent of the
space here should be allowed for other uses.
Further, provision of accommodation at these nodes would be purely for pilgrims, priests and
essential staff of the establishments which provides pilgrim facilities and/or manage the area
The following shall be considered as the building lines, based on the width of the street within
this zone.
For 5 m ROW streets: 3.0 m with exception for commercial and amenities where in it can be
1.5 m
For 10m ROW streets: 4.0 m with exception for commercial and amenities where in it can be
For 20m ROW streets: 5.0 m with exception for commercial and amenities where in it can be
2.5 m
Sloping roof projections or overhangs of not more than 1m are permissible
In the event of conflict between what proposed in the Base District zone standards and the
particular Landuse zone standards, the Base District zone standard will precede and the said
development has to conform to this alone.
Specific Regulations
i. Sannidhanam – North-East, North West, South - East and South -West zones
The main arterial routes leading upto each nada (Gopurams) will have 20m ROW,
the collector streets in each zone will have 10m ROW and the local streets will
have 5m ROW.
Old existing landuses would be retained as long as alternative provisions are made
with respect to the specified zone. But the alternative provision has to be made
within the specified time period.
All streets should be pedestrianised with the pedestrian character ensured through
steps, surfacing, central statues, congregating spaces etc.
All the utilities should be placed underground in suitable horizontal ducts with
manholes at suitable intervals so as to facilitate easy repair and maintenance
without much disturbance and resurfacing works.
Ficus species or any other species suitable to the surrounding evergreen forests and
with some religious significance may be permitted.
The minimum width of the footpath should be 3 meters. Additional width of 2m
should be provided in shopping areas to allow for activity spillovers.
All constructions should be modular.
At no place should the length of a temporary structure or continuous temporary
structures be more than 15m.
Minimum parking space for service vehicles should be provided. The minimum
parking requirement for each car and truck is as follows
Car/jeep: 3m x 6m (when individual parking space is required) and 2.5m x 5 m
when community/group parking space is required)
- Truck: 4 x 10 m
- Ambulance: 3.5 x 7 m
- Tractor: 3.5 x 7.5 m:
- Fire Fighting Service Vehicle: 4 x 10 m
All the utilities should be placed underground in suitable horizontal ducts with
manholes at suitable intervals so as to facilitate easy repair and maintenance
without much disturbance and resurfacing works.
General calculations for regulations adapted for these areas is presented in Appendix (based
on UDPFI guidelines)
General Regulations
Further, no principal building shall be erected within a maximum distance of 7.5m from any
other principal building.
The total extent for the zone shall consist of at least 5 hectares of contiguous area primarily
located towards Southeast and eastern sides.
The number of dwelling units needed in any Accommodation zone shall be determined by the
authorities, but should assure compliance with other regulations. Under no circumstances,
however, may the total number of dwelling units permitted exceed the maximum possible by
either of the following whichever is less:
The number obtained by dividing the total Zone area by the minimum lot size permitted
in the zone existing at the time of the Accommodation Zone being enforced; or
An average of no more than 40percent coverage of the any specified extent of land within
the zone. (with exception only for ancillary use where in coverage can be upto 80percent
but the total extent of this activities only constitute maximum of 10percent of this zone)
carry off and dispose off all predictable surface water run-off within that zone and shall
be so constructed as to conform with KMBR (Kerala Municipal Building rules).
There shall be provided within the Planned Accommodation Zone horizontal carriage
ducts with manholes at suitable intervals so as to carry all the utilities underground to
facilitate easy repair and maintenance without much disturbance and resurfacing works.
There shall be provided within the Planned Accommodation Zone a potable water system,
which shall be of sufficient size and design to supply potable water to all the structures to
be constructed in that zone. There shall be provided a fire hydrant where required by the
Fire department, of a type and in a manner prescribed by the regulations of the Fire safety
standards and as prescribed in the National Building Codes.
The dimensions and construction of roads and alleys areas within the Planned
accommodation Zone, whether or not dedicated to the general use shall conform to all
regulations been prescribed.
Height requirements
The height of any accommodation structure within such zone shall not exceed 10meters and
the height of other structures (associated with ancillary uses) shall not exceed 5 meters.
a) The following shall be considered as the building lines, based on the Width of the street
within this zone.
For 5 m street : 3.0 m
For 10m street : 4.0 m
For 20 m street : 5.0 m
Specific Regulations
Pilgrim accommodation
− Pilgrim accommodation at Sannidhanam will be only for those who climb with
Irumudi and want to conduct certain special poojas that would necessitate over night
stay, for which prior booking has been done. (This provision need to be ascertained in
consultation with Thanthri/Mel Shanti and religious heads)
− All accommodation created at Nilakkal for pilgrim during season should be only
dormitory type (90percent). The dormitory type will be that of 5, 10, 20 and 30
accommodation strength types. Double Room with attached facilities should only for
10percent of the pilgrims.
− All temporary structures should be made of stable and structurally safe material only.
Wood poles, bamboos, dried leaf sheets; etc, which is highly susceptible to fire,
should be done away with. Sheets which conducts heat and succumbs / fails to fire
should be done away with, especially within 100m of the temple.
− No multistoried construction of temporary nature or fire prone semi-permanent is
− Detailed layout plan and construction plan are to be formulated before the actual
construction takes place.
− Temporary structure should not be constructed abutting a permanent building.
Staff accommodation
− In Sannidhanam only permanent stay facilities to be provided, no temporary (viri)
accommodation should be permitted.
− All accommodation for additional service staff during season should be only
dormitory type.
− All accommodation for resident staff should be room with attached facilities type.
− All temporary structures should be made of stable and structurally safe material only.
Wood poles, bamboos, dried leaf sheets; etc. which are highly susceptible to fire
should be done away with.
− No multistoried construction of temporary nature is allowed.
− Detail layout plan and construction plan are to be formulated before the actual
construction takes place.
− No temporary structure should be constructed abutting a permanent building.
− No strident colours / material should be used for construction.
of the overlay districts is to add or amend certain use, development and/or design standards to
mixed zone.
Commercial uses should not have frontage towards the four main arterial streets and may be
developed as inward facing courtyard structures
Commercial uses:
For only commercial uses, the Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) of all buildings on a lot shall not
exceed 1.0. Maximum area for a single plot of commercial use shall not be more than 200
sqm. Distance between two commercial use clusters shall be a minimum of 100 m
For buildings hosting both commercial and residential uses, the F.A.R. of all buildings on a
lot shall not exceed 1.5. The following shall also apply:
Maximum office floor area: All floor area exceeding a floor area ratio of 0.6 shall be
developed for residential uses.
Minimum accommodation floor area: The commercial component of mixed-use projects shall
have a minimum floor area ratio of 0.4.
The maximum number of building units on a lot shall be one unit for each 200 square meter
of lot area, not to exceed thirty-five (35) built units per net acre.
Building Height
Commercial uses: For projects containing only commercial uses, no building or structure
shall exceed a height of 10 m.
a) The following shall be considered as the building lines, based on the Width of the street
within this zone.
For 5 m street : 3.0 m
For 10m street : 4.0 m
For 20 m street : 5.0 m
b) The setbacks for ancillary use are as follows
For 5 m street : 1.5 m
For 10m street : 2.0 m
For 20 m street : 2.5 m
General Regulations
The setback so required for any construction within this zone is 3 m from the edge of any
pathway or road, while roof overhangs or shades can extend a maximum of 1m from the outer
Height requirements
The height of any building structure within such zone shall not exceed 3m while overhangs
can dip to 2.5m at its outer most edge.
The building cluster constructed in this zone should have a good circulation space which
should not be less than 6m wide all around with free access from all directions.
Land conservation requirements
The area of conservation land mainly in form of green space or open space in a Pilgrim
Activity Zone shall equal at least seventy percent (70percent) of the total area.
Specific Regulations
- All above specified norms should be followed here too.
- As this is the starting point from where pilgrim enters the queue complex required
- All above specified norms should be followed here too.
- No buildings should come up within 25 meters of this pond.
- Good buffer space of 5 meters around the pond should be created.
- Access to the pond should be only from its eastern side.
- No construction should come up in this area apart from provision of protective railing
and embankments.
- An access way with minimum 5 meter ROW should be maintained with necessary
utility provisions, without disturbing the trees and natural features.
- All utilities and services should be placed underground.
- Waste dumped within 100 m of this location is prohibited.
General Regulations
Maximum height of any built structure in this zone should not be more than 5m. The dump
pile in case of solid waste management should not be more than 1.5m in height.
A buffer of green space of minimum 15 m depth is required to be provided all around the
- The area of conservation land mainly in form of green space in the service area shall
equal at least forty percent (40percent) of the total area
- Note: This space may however be used for functions connected with such services
which can be performed in such spaces (eg: sprinkling treated waste water, drying
waste cakes etc).
- No waste / pollutant from such areas should be allowed to traverse outside the buffer
General Regulations
All uses permitted in this District shall be subject to the following regulations:
Permitted Uses
Subject to all other provisions of zone, limited pilgrim activities could be allowed here mainly
for holding or dispersing the crowd during emergencies. But no constructions (temporary or
permanent) what so ever will be allowed within this zone
Site Regulations
The minimum buffer area shall be 50 meters or 10percent of the width of the settlement,
which ever is more, around the Sannidhanam.
Activities/built area created in the area newly designated under this zone prior to the date of
adoption this master plan, regardless of area or dimensions, may be used for any of the uses
for a maximum time limit of 5 years from the date of acceptance of the master plan. This time
period provided is to facilitate proper relocation of the existing activities to respective zone as
been prescribed. But in no case any addition or expansion of the same would be allowed even
during the specified 5 years. Beyond which the structure has to be fully demolished and
removed form the location.
Maximum ground coverage (of only permanent building area) shall not exceed 20
percent of the total land area.
Maximum FAR: 1.00
3 percent of the area may be allowed for commercial use.
The maximum height should not be more than 6m.
Construction of Buildings
Other Provisions
The maximum permissible floor area includes the area of mezzanine floors also.
Set backs for all buildings other than buildings on residential plots to be as follows:
S.No. Plot size (sq.M) Front (in Rear(in Side(1)in Side
mts.) mts.) Mts. (2)(in
1 Up to 400 3.0 1.5 0 0
2 Above 400 to up to 800 3.0 3.0 0 0
3 Above 800 up to 1200 4.5 3.0 3.0 0
4 Above 1200 up to 2000 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
5 Above 2000 up to 4000 9.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
6 Above 4000 up to 10000 15.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
7 Above 10,000 up to 20,000 15.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
8 Above 20,000 up to 40,000 20.0 9.0 9.0 9.0
9 Above 40,000 up to 10,00,00 25 9.0 9.0 9.0
(1) Specific set backs shall be as per zonal plan prepared whenever such a plan has been prepared by the
implementing agency.
(2) In case the permissible coverage is not achieved within setbacks, the setbacks of the preceding category
may be followed.
13. Electrification
The electric connection for the areas should be directly obtained by the user agency
(here, TDB) from the appropriate authority (here, KSEB) responsible for distribution
on such terms and conditions and at own cost as decided by the appropriate authority.
Underground safe and secured transmission and distribution lines to be provided in all
zones especially where high intensity of activity is expected.
Colours used should not be offensive. Same colours should be used for utilities and
infrastructure provided of same type around the area. As much as possible, earthly and natural
colours should be used.
Materials, especially those used for paving should be as much as possible natural materials or
earth based materials like stones, terracotta etc with due consideration to the load expected
and should be used in an open jointed manner to allow percolation.
These guidelines have been consolidated in Volume 3 of this Master Plan Report (Vol 3:
Vision Document and Development Guidelines)
Compiled list of interventions, their phasing and the land required for implementation has
been provided in the following table.
Primary Surveys
Planning for all present and future developmental requirements at Sabarimala necessitates an
accurate assessment of the need and demand of pilgrims visiting the Sabarimala shrine during
the peak pilgrim season in the month of November, December and January. This data is the
most critical input based on which conspicuous approach could be derived for Master Plan
preparation which would ultimately address all issues and problems in its righteous way.
The study was undertaken in order to ascertain the Pilgrim Characteristics, Movement pattern,
Transit requirements of the pilgrims during the peak season, ascertain the needs and demands
of the pilgrims / people with respect to developments related to Sabarimala, and bring out
detail checklist of development requirements related to Sabarimala and to prioritise it based
on pilgrim’s expectations.
Questionnaire surveys were carried out at main modal interchange points so as to capture the
retreating pilgrims, after the holy visit. Main Modal interchange points included:
Objective: To capture the Architecture, Vista, skyline, characteristics etc of built form and it
relevance to the activities at Pampa and Sannidhanam. This would involve detailing out the
- Walkway identification
- Pedestrian links
- Walkways /Trek routes
- Vehicular barriers to pedestrian areas
- Public passageways
- Consistent grade
The above said and any additional information documentation as required is expected to bring
out a comprehensive report on imagibility of the area.
1. Updating the existing map – identification of all building, its use and the height (No.
of stories), roof characteristics, plotting of any new structure that might have come
up. (Layout map of the area will be provided)
2. Identification of all temporary structure and collecting details with respect to it use at
Pampa and Sannidhanam.
3. Identification of major service line at Pampa and Sannidhanam– water supply line,
electricity supply line, Sewage plumbing lines, etc. (approximately plot the alignment
of these service lines at Pampa Sannidhanam)
4. Identification and classification of areas according to the activities at Pampa and
5. Major route mapping of pilgrim (circulation pattern of pilgrim) at Pampa
The above said are just the indicatives of the work to be undertaken and should not be
considered as the limitation factor for bringing out a comprehensive report/Detailed Drawing
on landuse and on activities of the area.