Introduction Arts

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Conceptualizing teacher knowledge is a complex issue that involves understanding key

underlying phenomena such as the process of teaching and learning, the concept of knowledge,

as well as the way teachers’ knowledge is put into action in the classroom. When teachers

work together to improve their practice, students learn more. This simple yet powerful

idea is at the heart of effective schools. Collaboration builds collective responsibility for

constantly improving teaching practice and so student learning. The challenge for

teachers and schools is to develop a shared understanding of what excellent practice

looks like. While it will not look the same in every classroom, there are some

instructional practices that evidence suggests work well in most.

As stewards of schools, teachers play a crucial role in ensuring an enabling and

supportive environment for effective teaching and learning. Teacher quality is vital in raising

learner achievement; however, teachers alone cannot bring substantive changes without effective

leadership. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2018) states

that the "quality of education system depends on the quality of its teachers; but the quality of

teachers cannot exceed the quality of the policies that shape the work environment in school and
that guide their selection, recruitment, and development." Therefore, it is intended for future

teachers especially those who are teachers’ of special program in the Arts to transform the school

into institution of academic excellence, considering and reflecting on the experiences lived in

classrooms. It will positively contribute to student learning and social relationships and

interactions in teaching and learning environments.

Across the cohort, problems usually arise during the learning and teaching processes.

Teaching at every stage necessitates exposing learners to some type of engagement or

intervention to increase students' academic success and result in positive outcomes. When

students are given the opportunity to study in more than one method, they learn easily in short

period of time. Several of the aspects to evaluate include intellectual capacity, learners' attitude

toward academics, and the competence of teachers. Various factors influence students' learning

experiences, resulting in poor academic achievement (Casinillo, et al., 2020).

At the onset, the foregoing significantly impact the lives of their teachers and students as

well as it contributes to the school's success. The most perceptible role of all is that of teachers,

in as much as they oversee the school’s operations, coordinating daily activities, curricula, staff,

and schedules. They are ultimately responsible for the learning environment and set academic

goals that empower them with the necessary resources to align their classrooms with those aims.

Teachers ensure that the school environment is safe and comfortable for students. They are the

ones who manage policies and procedures so that the teachers can focus on the different fields.

Working with people, developing a partnership, balancing strategic and operational objectives,

and adjusting to change is essential for effective teachers.

Bayugan National Comprehensive High School, Bayugan City Division, composed of

junior high school teachers, is not new to the profound change in the educational system with

regards to curriculum and instruction. The school encounter challenges across the new

curriculum and its strands but still it continues to make a progress in the field of educational

system . Facilitating learning is essential in addressing any form of a problem and must find

potential solutions and resolve their roles as pedagogical teachers.

Dunkin (2018) considered that teacher competence is a matter of the degree to which a

teacher achieves the desired effects upon students. The latter defined teacher competence as the

extent to which the teacher possesses the requisite knowledge and skills, and teacher

performance as the way a teacher behaves in the process of teaching. Teacher’ effectiveness is

used broadly to mean the collection of characteristics, competencies, and behaviors of teachers at

all educational levels that enable students to reach desired outcomes, which may include the

attainment of specific learning objectives as well as broader goals such as being able to solve

problems, think critically, work collaboratively, and become effective citizens. 

Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2017, it is hereby informed of the National Adoption

and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST).

The adoption and implementation of the new Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

recognizes the importance of professional standards in the continuing professional development

and advancement of teachers based on the principle of lifelong learning. It is

committed to supporting teachers to deliver quality teaching, which is vital in raising students’

Many of the studies on competencies of teachers focus on the teaching role of teachers in

the classroom rather than teachers’ competencies. Teachers’ competencies have been broadening

with respect to reform studies in education, development of teacher education, scientific results

of educational science and other fields. The aims of education change very quickly depending on

the curriculum development which directly affect educational system. Teachers are responsible

in the procedural standards in educational system, and they need strong and efficient

professional competencies.

With this study, the researcher hopes to provide aspiring teachers of special program in

the arts in junior high school with space for reflecting and analyzing the realities they encounter

in education. Furthermore, this study will also contribute to personal growth and professional

development of junior high school teachers. This could provide implications to analyze and

better understand the methods and strategies in the delivery of the instruction and challenging

situations present daily in school. It will enable teachers to face complex problems and make

decisions in a responsible, reflective, empathetic, and assertive way, which will help improve the

quality of education for the future educators in our country.

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