Literacy Midterm

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Aubrey Plante

Visual Literacy

Mid-Term Paper

The photograph that I had chosen for this mid term, is a photo of a little boy playing an

instrument while a kitten is looking at him. The boy is alone and has no shoes on and is sitting on

the steps of a building. I chose this photo not only because it captured my eye, but the colors of

the photo really bring energy to the image. This photo has an amazing aesthetic to it and there’s

so many different elements that you can pick up on. I think the quality of the image captured tells

a story in it own and answers the question of whether or not this image represents property in an

honest way?.

Even though this image’s main focus is the little boy and kitten, you can see that it has a

mix between horizontal, curved and vertical lines. You can mostly see the horizontal lines on the

steps and against the wall. The vertical lines are in the blurriness of the background, they are out-

lining the buildings. The curved line, is very slight, but you can see the person on some type of

mobile riding on the road as it curves. These lines might not be as prominent but they all give off

a sense of feeling. The vertical lines gives off a sense of loneliness and isolation. They also give

off the sense of being frail but also sturdy. The horizontal lines, they give off the feeling of being

calm and relaxing. The lines on the steps also gives off a sense of comfort, just by the way the

little boy is sitting on them. The curved line gives off a sense of being organic and gentle. It also

helps bring energy to the photo.

Theres also more than one vector in this photo, there is also an index vector, a graphic

vector and a motion vector. You can see that the graphic vector is the actual instrument, It guides

your eyes right down to the kitten. This is also a type of index vector, its giving you the direction
that you should be looking in. It helps you notice what the image is about. The last vector isn’t as

prominent but its the motion vector, and this is present because of the person in the background

riding off on the curved line. This gives you the feeling of him moving away from the image be-

ing captured.

There are many different shapes in this photo. There are rectangles, triangles, and circles.

The stairs are rectangle, as well as the instrument in his hands. This gives the feeling of stability

and power. The triangles are present in his legs and where the kittens legs meets its body. This

gives a sense of uncertainty but balance. It connects the main focus of the photo together. Lastly

the circle, not only are their heads circles and the kittens body but there’s also circular holes on

the instrument. This is giving off the sense of community, caring and comfort. It also provides

unity between the two in the photo. It beings them together and makes the photo whole. All these

shapes brought together brings you curiosity of the situation that they are currently in.

In the photo we can see many different colors and different hues that helps maintain our

focus to one area. The hue of this photo lacks some more of the purples and pink color. The col-

ors in this photo that we see are yellow, blue, black, orange, white and green. Each color brings a

different meaning to the image. The yellow color that we see, its one of the more dominant col-

ors. It helps make the image more warm and brings a sense of happiness. The yellow falls into a

kind of orange color which also brings out the warmth and energy. The blue that we see in the

side walk and on the building brings a coolness to the photo. It also creates that feeling of com-

fort. The black cat, this brings a sense of boldness to the photograph. Its creating an elegance and

mystery to the overall feel of the image. The white on the shirt and belly of the kitten gives you

that purity feeling. They have an innocence about them. The last present color that we see is
green and this brings out a feel of life and nature. The image looks natural and not staged, a very

candid image of an innocent act of curiosity and art.

The light that you can see in the photo is directly in the center. The edges of the image

are darker than what is in focus. This image has a diffused and soft light affect happening. It

gradually gets darker the closer you get to the end of the photo. The light helps guide your focus

to the two objets that are being photographed. It creates an emotion and overall theme to the im-

age. This image contains a high key lighting style. It brings the theme of calmness and youthful-

ness. A very carefree environment that the child is in.

With the light guiding your focus point, it helps you see the visual weight of the image

and the balance of it. This image is an unbalanced image, resulting in one side having more

weight on it than the other. The side that has the most weight on it is where the little boy is. Its

the brightest part of the image and is the main focus point. The instrument then directs us to the

kitten on the ground, which is very close to that boy. You can also see more detail and texture in

the buildings where the little boy is sitting. It has a very similar balance to an image that is asym-

metrical. It also provides the feeling of youthfulness and energy. It also gives you a feeling of

joy, because of the curiosity conveyed here.

The ethics that this image seems to represent is that its an issue with poverty. It makes

you ask the question, if its representing it in a positive way and if its showing a level of social

status and class. Those questions get asked because its clear that the boy is by himself, no shoes

and doesn’t seem to have bathed. He has a wooden instrument and the curiosity of the cat. You

can see the person driving away in the background and that shows a higher class with technol-

ogy. It kinda compares the two social classes together. It gives a sense of truth and shows an

honest way of how two lives could be different. The boy is entertaining not only himself but that
kitten. He doesn’t have any technology and is just simply playing a sort of tune. Your mind starts

to break down the image and the surroundings in the image, like the chipped paint and makes

you think that maybe he is in a lower class than most.

Overall this image is definitely one that gets your mind working. It has a bunch of differ-

ent elements to point out and its an adorable image. It shows innocence and has a bit of mystery

behind it. Ranging from the placement of the main focus to the meaning behind the colors repre-

sented. This image brings an overall sense of joy and happiness. It’s a light hearted photo of

someone who might be in a tough situation financially. It brings a positive light to a real issue

that is happening everywhere. It also brings that sadness and wonder of what was the story and

the living situation. Its something some can relate to and have sympathy for. The image overall is

a feel good image of a little boy playing an instrument for a curious kitten.

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