SS1 Second Term Computer
SS1 Second Term Computer
SS1 Second Term Computer
When a micro-computer is switched on, it is normally made to start executing the instruction held in R.O.M.
They normally take place automatically as part of switching on. Sometimes, a boot button is pressed instead.
This is known as booting up the system. The instruction in Rom sometimes performs a number of simple
hardware checks such as finding out what RAM is fitted and working. On most computers, not just micro-
computers, the boot-up operation also causes a special loader program in firm wave ROM to load a program
into memory from pre-define tracks on hard disks. On some micro-computers, the program may be loaded
from floppy disk instead of hard disk. The first program load into memory is that part of operating system
which takes primary control over the hardware and which contains the facilities for high level software to use
it. This software has several alternative name including the kernel, the executive, and the supervisor. Booting is
a bootstrapping process that starts operating system when the user turns on a computer system. A boot
sequence is the initial set of operations that the computer performs when power is switched on. The boot loader
typically loads the main operating system for the computer.
Types of Booting
Cold Booting: When the computer is started after having been switched off, put on the computer on from the
Boot button.
Warm Booting: When the operating system alone is re-started from the keyboard using the following keys in
window (Alt+Ctrl+Del) after a system crash or freeze. Both types of booting clear out any memory conflicts and
other problems with the computer or software. Pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Del keys simultaneously while the
computer is running performs a warm boot. You may need to do this if the computer stops responding because
of memory problem or the Blue screen of Death appears.
What happens between the times the user power up the computer and when the desktop icons appear on the
desktop? In order to understand the booting processing, let’s explain it in order for a computer to success fully
boot its BIOS, operating system and hardware components must all be working properly, failure of any these
three elements will likely result in a failed booting sequence. When the computer’s power is first turned on, the
C.P.U initializes itself, which triggered by a series of clock ticks generalized by the system clock part of the
CPUs initialization is to look to the system ROM BIOs for its first instruction in the startup program. The
ROM BIOs, the first instruction, which is the instruction to run the power on self-test (POST) in a pre-
determined memory address.
Type MD and give space
Type the name of the directory
Press enter key
Type CD and give space
Type the name of the directory
Press enter key
* Asterisk For multiplication, e.g. A*B or (3*5)
- Minus For subtraction, e.g. M-N or (4-1)
+ Plus For addition, e.g. K+N or (1+6)
/ Forward slash For real division, e.g. A/B or (7/3)=2.33
\ Bask slash For integer division, e.g. P\G or (7\3)=2
^ Caret For exponentiation, e.g. A^B or (7^3)
= Equal to A=B
> Greater than A>B
< Less than A<B
>= Greater than or Equal to A >=B
<= Less than or Equal to A <= B
Keywords are words that have special meaning and function in BASIC. Such words must be used strictly
according to their functions, otherwise the computer will respond with error message.