Bikas 2015

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Int J Adv Manuf Technol

DOI 10.1007/s00170-015-7576-2


Additive manufacturing methods and modelling

approaches: a critical review
H. Bikas 1 & P. Stavropoulos 1,2 & G. Chryssolouris 1

Received: 16 November 2014 / Accepted: 6 July 2015

# The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Additive manufacturing is a technology rapidly layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing
expanding on a number of industrial sectors. It provides de- methodologies, such as traditional machining” [1]. AM can
sign freedom and environmental/ecological advantages. It deliver parts of very intricate and complex geometries with a
transforms essentially design files to fully functional products. minimum need for post-processing, built from tailored mate-
However, it is still hampered by low productivity, poor quality rials with near-zero material waste, while being applicable to a
and uncertainty of final part mechanical properties. The root variety of materials, including plastics and metals. Therefore,
cause of undesired effects lies in the control aspects of the AM is a tool that offers increased “design freedom” and en-
process. Optimization is difficult due to limited modelling ables designers and engineers to create unique products that
approaches. Physical phenomena associated with additive can be manufactured at low volumes in an economical way.
manufacturing processes are complex, including melting/ An indicative example of the design freedom offered is that
solidification and vaporization, heat and mass transfer etc. conventional assemblies can be redesigned in a single com-
The goal of the current study is to map available additive plex structure that could not be manufactured with the current
manufacturing methods based on their process mechanisms, manufacturing processes. Another driver of the AM technol-
review modelling approaches based on modelling methods ogy is that it is environmentally and ecologically promising.
and identify research gaps. Later sections of the study review Additive manufacturing technologies and methods are in-
implications for closed-loop control of the process. creasing constantly in terms of application and market share,
spreading into various manufacturing divisions, such as auto-
Keywords Additive manufacturing . Process control . motive, medical and aerospace, and are expected that this
Process mechanisms . Modelling methods heavy growth will continue over the next few years. Accord-
ing to the Gartner report [2], sales of sub-$100,000 AM ma-
chines have grown worldwide by 49 % in 2014 and are ex-
pected to have reached a 75 % growth rate by the end of 2014.
1 Introduction In terms of materials processed, plastics are currently lead-
ing the AM market, with around 30,000 machines in produc-
Additive manufacturing (AM) is defined as “the process of tion [3]; however, the metal AM market is also growing. With
joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually over 1500 machines sold to date (Fig. 1), it is expected that the
metal AM machines will see double-digit percentage growth
* G. Chryssolouris in their sales, over the next 5 years, despite the global recession.
Indeed, according to [5], the industry’s average annual
Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation, Department
growth (CAGR) over the past 25 years is impressive, namely
of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, University of Patras, 25.4 % (Figs. 2 and 3).
Patras 265 00, Greece In the last few years, there is a significant trend towards
Department of Aeronautical Studies, Hellenic Air Force Academy, metal AM for the production of structural components, mainly
Dekelia Air-Force Base, TGA 1010 Athens, Greece in areas, such as aerospace and motorsport applications, that
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

built from metal; therefore focus is given to processes, such as

SLS/SLM, DMD and EBM for industrial uses.

2.1 Laser-based processes

Laser-based additive manufacturing processes use a laser

source of medium to low power in order to melt, solidify or
cure the material. The laser-based processes can be distin-
guished in two sub-categories, depending on the phase change
mechanism, namely laser melting and laser polymerization. In
Fig. 1 Metal AM machine annual sales (Wohlers report 2014) [4]
the laser melting processes, the material is supplied, in the
form of powder, either to a powder bed or via nozzles directly
could benefit from significant weight savings. A lot of effort is to the processing head. A laser beam is used in order to melt
being made on making those AM processes faster and more the material, which then cools down and solidifies in order for
reliable. Therefore, the modelling of metal AM processes is a the part to be produced. In laser polymerization, the material is
“hot topic” as it is the main enabler for process (and product) usually a photosensitive resin, which is being cured upon its
optimization. exposure to UV radiation, provided by a low-power laser

2.1.1 Laser polymerization

2 Additive manufacturing methods
All laser polymerization additive manufacturing processes are
A large number of additive manufacturing processes are now
based on the same material phase change principle; a liquid
available; they differ in the way layers are deposited to create
photosensitive resin that solidifies upon illumination from a
parts, in the operating principle and in the materials that can be
(usually a low-power) laser source. Laser polymerization pro-
used. Some methods melt or soften materials to produce the
cesses are limited in producing polymer parts of relatively
layers, e.g. selective laser melting (SLM), selective laser
low-strength resin, therefore, they are usable in prototyping
sintering (SLS) and fused deposition modelling (FDM), while
and non-structural applications rather than in structural parts’
others cure liquid materials, e.g. stereolithography (SLA).
production (Fig. 4).
Each method has its own advantages and drawbacks, and
some companies consequently offer a choice between powder
Stereolithography (SLA) Stereolithography is based on the
and polymer for the material that the object is built from. The
photopolymerization principle of photosensitive monomer
main considerations made for choosing a machine are gener-
resins when exposed to UV radiation. The UV radiation
ally its speed, its cost that of the printed prototype, the cost and
source is a low-power He-Cd or Nd: YVO4 laser (up to
range of materials as well as its colour capabilities [8]. Now-
1000 mW in modern machines [10]) that solidifies a thin layer
adays, there is a significant tendency towards AM of structur-
on the surface. An SLA machine mainly consists of a built
al, load-bearing structures, by taking advantage of the inherit
platform, which is immersed into a bath of liquid resin and a
design freedom of such a process. Those structures need to be
laser source, including the appropriate hardware and software
for control. A layer of the part is being scanned on the resin
surface by the laser, according to the slice data of the CAD
model. Once the contour of the layer has been scanned, the
interior is crosshatched and hence solidified; the platform is
being submerged into the resin, one layer below. A blade
sweeps the surface to ensure flatness and the next layer is
built, whilst simultaneously is attached to the previous one

Solid ground curing (SGC) SGC is a photo-polymer-based

additive manufacturing technology in which the production of
the layer geometry is carried out by means of a high-powered
UV lamp or laser source through a mask [12]. SGC was de-
Fig. 2 Breakdown of the percentage of the industrial sectors using AM veloped and commercialized by Cubital Ltd. in 1986. While
[6] the method offers good accuracy and a very high build rate, it
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 3 Rapid prototyping

worldwide 2001 [7]

bears high operating and changeover costs due to the system’s reversible metastable state, which is subsequently polymer-
complexity. ized by the radiations of the second laser. The process is as-
sociated with various technical limitations such as insufficient
Liquid thermal polymerization (LTP) LTP is a process sim- absorption of laser radiation at higher depths, shadowing ef-
ilar to SLA in the way that the part is built by solidification of fects of the already solidified material and diffraction of laser
successive layers of liquid polymer. However, the polymers light, leading to difficulties in obtaining the precise intersec-
used in LTP are thermosetting instead of photopolymers and tion of the beams [13].
hence, the solidification is induced by thermal energy rather
than light. The thermal nature of the process makes the control Holographic interference solidification (HIS) In this pro-
of the size of the polymerization zone difficult, due to the cess, a holographic image is projected on a liquid photosensi-
dissipation of heat [13], therefore, the parts produced by this tive polymer contained in a vat so as for the entire surface of
method are less accurate. Nevertheless, the process has a rel- the polymer to be solidified, instead of point-by-point [13]. In
atively high throughput and can be considered in applications that essence, the process is really similar to that of solid
where accuracy is not an issue. ground curing.

Beam interference solidification (BIS) BIS is based on 2.1.2 Laser melting

point-by-point solidification of photosensitive polymers at
the intersection of two laser beams having different wave- Laser melting additive manufacturing processes use a laser
lengths. The first laser excites the liquid polymer to the source to selectively melt a material supplied in the form of
fine powder. The material then cools down and solidifies to
form the final part. Scanning optics is being used to steer the
laser beam in the x-y plane, while a table moves towards the z-
direction (Fig. 5).

Selective laser sintering (SLS) Selective laser sintering uses

a fine powder, which is heated by a laser beam (ranging from
7 W for plastic [14] up to 200 W [15, 16]) in such a way so as
to allow the grains to fuse together [17]. Albeit the process is
known as sintering, it is not entirely true. Before the powder is
sintered by the laser beam, the entire bed is heated just below
the melting point of the material in order to minimize thermal
distortion and facilitate fusion in the previous layer. After each
layer has been built, the bed is lowered and a new powder
layer is applied. A rotating roller is then used to spread the
powder evenly. The sintered material forms the part, while the
unsintered material powder remains in place to support the
structure. The unsintered material may be cleaned away and
Fig. 4 Laser polymerization AM process schematic [9] recycled after the build has been completed. Materials, such as
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

layer is completed. This technique is equivalent to several

trademarked techniques, such as DMD, LPD and SLC [18].
Compared to processes that use powder beds, such as SLM,
objects created with this technology can be substantially larg-
er, even up to several meters long; however, the accuracy and
surface quality are usually lower.

Direct metal deposition (DMD) DMD is an additive

manufacturing technique that uses a laser as the power source
to sinter or melt powdered material (typically metal), with the
laser automatically aiming at points in space, defined by a 3D
model, binding the material together to create a solid structure.
The operating principle is really close to the SLS/SLM pro-
cess, albeit lacking in a powder bed; instead powder is fed by a
Fig. 5 Laser melting AM process schematic [9] number of nozzles (usually 3) directly to the processing head,
similar to that of LENS.
metal powders, nylon, nylon composites, sand, wax and
polycarbonates, can be used [17]. However, the process is still Laser powder deposition (LPD) In this layered manufactur-
relatively slow (when compared to EBM for metallic struc- ing process, a powder/air stream is injected directly into the
tures for instance) and suffers from issues such as non-uniform laser beam focus point on the substrate [19]. Variants of this
thermal field distribution, which might lead to thermal distor- process are LENS, SLC, SDM and DMD [20].
tion and cracks on the product. Despite that, SLS’s high de-
gree of accuracy and surface quality renders it one of the most Selective laser cladding (SLC) Selective laser cladding is
commonly used metal AM processes. another commercial material processing technique that uses
the laser as a heating source to melt metal powder to be de-
Selective laser melting (SLM) Selective laser melting is a posited on a substrate. This technique is being applied, as a
process similar to SLS; the two are instantiations of the same rapid manufacturing (RM) process, to generate a point-by-
concept but differ in technical details. Instead of sintering, in point and a layer-by-layer part. It has been introduced as a
the SLM process, powder melting occurs in order to form a means of creating functional metal parts with near-net shape
part. Therefore, laser beam power is usually higher (around geometries and has a significant advantage over the traditional
400 W). RP techniques. This is due to the direct fabrication of a near-
net shape part compared to the two-step process, involving an
Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) Direct metal laser intermediate step of mould preparation in conventional RP
sintering is another commercial name used for the description techniques [21].
of a laser-based additive manufacturing process, similar to
SLS/SLM. However, while SLS/SLM is able to process a 2.2 Extrusion processes
variety of materials, the DMLS processes metallic powder
only. The DMLS has been developed by EOS and it is a The material extrusion processes are thermal and use a heated
trademarked name. The typical laser power of the EOS ma- extrusion nozzle in order to soften or melt material, usually
chines is 200–400 W [18]. plastic, provided in the form of wire. After being melted, the
material passes through an extrusion nozzle that deposits the
Laser engineered net shaping (LENS) Laser engineered net material, which then cools off in order to solidify and form the
shaping uses a high-power laser to melt metal powder. A spe- final part geometry (Fig. 6).
cially designed powder delivery nozzle injects the powder
stream directly into the focused laser beam, and the laser head 2.2.1 Fused deposition modelling (FDM)
and powder nozzle move as an integral unit. Metal powders
are delivered and distributed around the circumference of the The FDM technique uses a movable head, which deposits a
head either by gravity or by using a pressurized carrier gas. thread of molten thermoplastic material onto a substrate. The
The laser beam creates a small molten pool on the substrate or material is heated up to 1 °C above its melting point, so that it
previously deposited layers. The powder fed into this region is solidifies right after extrusion and subsequently welds to the
consumed in this puddle, causing its height to grow away from previous layers. The FDM system head usually includes two
the substrate surface. The x-y table is moved to fabricate each nozzles, one for the part material and one for the support
layer of the object. The head is moved up vertically as each material. The system’s advantage is that it can be viewed as
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Fig. 6 Extrusion AM process

principle and schematic [14]

a desktop prototyping facility, since it uses cheap, non-toxic, 2.3.2 Inkjet printing (IJP)
odourless materials, in a variety of colours and types, such as
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), medical ABS, PLA, IJP is a type of computer printing that creates a digital image
investment casting wax and elastomers [17]. The simplicity by propelling droplets of ink onto paper, plastic or other sub-
of the FDM process, the relatively cheap equipment and the strates. Inkjet printers are the most commonly used types of
raw materials render its use ideal by hobbyists as well as the printers and range from small inexpensive consumer models
production of low-cost plastic parts. However, accuracy and to very large professional machines that can cost tens of thou-
surface quality are relatively poor when compared to those of sands of dollars or more [23].
powder-based plastic AM processes.

2.3.3 Multijet modelling (MJM)

2.2.2 Robocasting
The principle underlying MJM is the layering principle, used
Robocasting is a freeform fabrication technique that is based in most other RP systems. The MJM builds models using a
on layer-wise deposition of highly loaded colloidal slurries for technique akin to inkjet printing applied in three dimensions.
dense ceramics and composites. The process is essentially The MJM head moves in the x-y plane, depositing special
binderless with less than 1 % organics and the parts can be thermo-polymer material only where required, building a sin-
fabricated, dried and completely sintered in less than 24 h gle layer of the model. A UV lamp flashes through each pass
[22]. to cure the thermo-polymer deposited. When the layer is com-
plete, the platform is distanced from the head (z-axis) and the
head begins building the next layer [13].
2.3 Material jetting

The material jetting processes use thin nozzles in order to

“spray”, in a controlled manner, either molten material or
more usually a binder (adhesive) in order to bind the powder
in a solid object. The process operating principle is much like
all the laser-melting processes, albeit no phase change occurs;
instead, the binder holds the powder particles together (Fig. 7).

2.3.1 Three-dimensional printing (3DP)

3DP is a layered manufacturing process, where parts are cre-

ated inside a piston, containing a powder bed. In more detail,
the piston is gradually dropped and a new layer of powder is
spread across the top. The part is formed by “inkjet printing”
the binder into the powder [23]. Fig. 7 Material jetting AM process principle and schematic [9]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

2.3.4 Ballistic particle manufacturing (BPM) 2.4.1 Laminated object manufacturing (LOM)

The BPM process involves a stream of molten droplets ejected The material used in LOM is a special kind of paper, having a
from piezoelectric inkjet printing nozzles to be deposited on heat-sensitive adhesive applied to one of its sides. The paper is
the target substrate. The process still uses the 3D data of the supplied from a roll and is bonded to the previous layer with
solid model to position the stream of material on the substrate. the use of a heated roller, which activates the paper’s adhesive.
Since the process is based on the material’s melting, it is par- The contour of the layer is cut by a CO2 laser, carefully mod-
ticularly suited for the materials, namely thermoplastics and ulated to penetrate into a depth of exactly one layer (paper)
metals that easily melt and solidify [13]. thickness. Surplus waste material is trimmed to rectangles to
facilitate its removal but remains in place during build-in order
to be used as support. The sheet of material used is wider than
2.3.5 Thermojet the building area, so that, when the part layer has been cut, the
edges of the sheet remain intact in order to be pulled by a take-
Thermojet is a process similar to multijet modelling. The sys- up roll and thus to continuously provide material to the next
tem generates wax-like plastics models, albeit with less accu- layer [17].
racy than SLA. The machine uses a wide area head with mul-
tiple spray nozzles. These jetting heads spray tiny droplets of
melted liquid material which cool and harden on impact to 2.4.2 Solid foil polymerization (SFP)
form the solid object. This process is commonly used for the
creation of casting patterns in the jewelry industry and other The process is based on complete polymerization of semi-
precision casting applications. polymerized plastic foils on exposure to suitable light source.
The semi-polymerized foil is first stacked on the previously
solidified part and then illuminated such that bonding is
2.4 Adhesive achieved after complete polymerization. The excess foil that
is not illuminated can be removed by being dissolved into
Adhesive-based processes are of limited use nowadays. The suitable solvent, leaving behind the desired part [13].
operating principle involves (usually a laser) a cutter, which
cuts a thin film of paper or plastic in the desired outlines. The
film is then pressed down onto the previous one by a heated 2.5 Electron beam
compactor, thus activating a heat curing adhesive present on
the downwards face of the film, in order to be bonded to the Electron beam processes are identical to the laser-melting pro-
substrate (Fig. 8). cesses but instead of a laser beam, an electron beam is used as
an energy source in order to melt or sinter the material (Fig. 9).

Fig. 8 Adhesive AM process schematic [9] Fig. 9 Electron beam AM process schematic
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2.5.1 Electron beam manufacturing (EBM) depending on the development approach. The analytical
models are the output of the process’s mathematical analysis,
EBM is a relatively new but rapidly growing process similar to taking into consideration the physical laws and the relevant
SLS, albeit suitable for building metallic parts only. Powder is physical processes. The main advantage of such models is that
melted by an electron beam powered by a high voltage, typically the derived results can be easily transferred to other pertinent
30–60 KV. The process takes place in a high vacuum chamber to processes. The limits of the analytical modelling are deter-
avoid oxidation issues. EBM can also process a high variety of mined by the underlying assumptions. The empirical models,
pre-alloyed metals [24]. When compared to SLS, EBM can offer on the other hand, are the outcome of a number of experi-
much higher throughput and more uniform thermal field distri- ments, whose results are evaluated; one model type is chosen,
bution; however, accuracy and surface quality are lower. the coefficients are determined, and then the empirical model
can be verified by further tests. The quality of the models’
2.6 Comparative table results is limited in the special conditions of the specific pro-
cess. Their major advantage, compared with that of the ana-
The categorization of AM processes can be summarized in lytical models, is that they require minimum effort. Numerical
Table 1. models are in between, in essence, stem from the physics of
the process, but a numerical step-by-step method is employed
over time in order for useful results to be produced. Following
3 Modelling approaches is a list of authors who have presented modelling attempts in
The AM processes are hampered mainly due to their low Table 2 presents a categorization of those attempts, based
productivity, relatively poor surface quality and dimensional on the method (analytical, numerical and statistical/empirical)
stability as well as uncertainty regarding the mechanical prop- used to model the desired attribute. Moreover, Table 3, at the
erties of the products. Therefore, those manufacturing attri- end of Section 3, presents modelling approaches categorized
butes should be optimized in order for AM to get established on the basis of the modelled attribute, both for the AM prod-
in production. For the optimization of any manufacturing pro- ucts (accuracy, roughness, integrity etc.) as well as for the
cess, a deep knowledge of the process itself is required. This process (phase change, heat transfer etc.)
knowledge could be gained, either by experimentation or by
analysing the physical mechanisms of the process. A model is 3.1 Laser-based processes
the abstract representation of a process that establishes a rela-
tion between input and output quantities. The real system is In laser-based processes, the most usual modelled aspects are
simulated by the models that aim to predict its performance. the interaction between the laser beam and the material and the
Models met in literature can be divided into three major associated phase changes, either from liquid to solid
categories, namely analytical, numerical and empirical ones, (photopolymerization) or from solid to liquid (melting).

Table 1 Additive manufacturing process categorization

Int J Adv Manuf Technol

Table 2 AM modelling approaches categorized according to modelling method

Process Modelling method

Type Name Analytical Numerical Empirical

Laser-based (polymerization) SLA [25–33] [34, 35] [36–49]

Laser-based (melting) SLS [50] [51–58] [59]
SLM [60, 61] [51, 52, 60, 62, 63]
DMD [56]
LPD [64, 65]
SLC [55, 66, 67]
Extrusion (thermal) FDM [57, 68–72] [68, 72–78] [58, 79, 80]
Material jetting 3DP [65] [81, 82]
Adhesive LOM [33]
Electron beam EBM [83–87]

3.1.1 Laser polymerization techniques and process the results with the response surface
methodology and analysis of variance (ANOVA) methods, to
Chryssolouris in [88] has used a semi-empirical approach investigate into the optimal parameters (including layer thick-
through statistical design to extract a model, regarding the ness, hatch spacing, hatch style, hatch overcure, blade gap,
dimensional accuracy of AM parts built via stereolithography; position on the build plane) of the platform of the SLA pro-
thus identifying the most crucial process parameters that affect cess. The issue has also been experimentally modelled, by
accuracy in each direction built. Retraction (the distance of the [36–38, 89] having presented experimental studies on the di-
hatch vector end from the layer border) is not only the dom- mensional accuracy of the SLA parts and the associated pro-
inant parameter in the x-direction but also important to the y- cess parameters. A process planning method was developed
direction accuracy; whereas, in the z-direction, the shrinkage by Lynn et al. [41, 42] and was further improved by West et al.
compensation function was found to be the most influential. [34] in order to develop response surface models for the eval-
Zhou et al. [47] as well as others [39, 40] have used a similar, uation of the SLA parts’ accuracy. An interesting approach
semi-empirical approach by the Taguchi experimental design was presented by Cho et al. [48], modelling the SLA process

Table 3 AM modelling approaches categorized according to modelled attribute

Process Modelled attribute

Type Name Product Process

Surface Dimensional Dimensional Build Mechanical Heat transfer Material Phase Other
roughness accuracy stability time properties deposition/ change
melt pool

Laser-based SLA [25, 26, [34–42, 48, [27, 43–46, [30–32, [25, 29, 30] [25, 29,
(polymerization) 49] 88, 89] 90] 91] 30]
Laser-based SLS [54, 59] [53, 92, 93] [50, 51, 53, 84, [51, 52,
(melting) 92–94] 62]
SLM [61] [63] [60, 63] [52, 62]
DMD [56] [64] [64]
LPD [64, 65] [64]
SLC [67] [66] [66] [55]
Extrusion FDM [58] [74] [77, 80] [68, 70, 72, 75, [73] [57, 68–71,
(thermal) 76] 79]
Material jetting 3DP [81] [65, 82]
Adhesive LOM [33]
Electron beam EBM [83] [83–85] [86, 87] [83]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

via a genetic algorithm model in order to determine the opti- volume built by SLA. Flach et al. [27] integrated an analytical
mal process parameters (which include layer thickness, hatch resin shrinkage model into the general SLA process model
spacing and hatch overcure) that would yield the minimum developed in [28], to have a theoretic prediction of the dimen-
part build error. Chryssolouris et al. [25] has estimated the sional stability due to resin shrinkage, concluding that faster
average surface roughness of SLA-produced parts as a func- shrinking resins should result in lower overall shrinkage
tion of the layer thickness and the angle of the inclined surface values. It has been found that the overall linear shrinkage,
(Fig. 10). Modelling was based on simplistic trigonometry due to cure for a line of plastic, was estimated to have been
assumptions, while the surface roughness could be calculated given by the equation:
according to the following equation:
"rffiffiffiffi #
2 PL sinθ sinθ F C ¼ 1=L f r ðY Þdy ð2Þ
Ra ¼ Dp ⋅ln −OC ð1Þ
π W 0 V S E C 4tanθ 4tanθ 0

fr(y) residual fractional linear shrinkage at position y
Dp depth of penetration
FC overall fractional linear shrinkage due to cure
PL laser power
L length of strand of plastic (cm)
W0 laser beam spot diameter
t time (sec)
VS laser scanning speed
ts time for laser to scan from position y to L (sec)
EC critical exposure time
OC overcure
Chryssolouris [25], Jelley [29] and Jacobs [30] investigated
Reeves and Cobb in [26] and [49] presented an analytical the polymerization process that occurs during SLA
model for SLA surface roughness that took into consideration manufacturing, based on the modelling of the laser source,
the layer profile as well whether the plane was up-facing or the modelling of the photo-initiated free radical polymeriza-
down-facing, which was verified with experimental data. tion and the modelling of the heat transfer involved in the
Podshivalovab et al. [35] has used a 3D model to verify the process. A few have dealt with modelling the build time in
dimensional accuracy of scaffold-like structures used in bone the SLA process. Chen [31], Giannatsis [91] and Kechagias
replacement via CAD and FEA. Part dimensional stability has [32] have calculated the process time analytically. Kechagias
been experimentally studied by a number of researchers. [32] has presented a method where the total distance travelled
Rahmati [43] studied dimensional stability in SLA as a result by the laser beam is directly calculated from the part geometry
of resin shrinkage; Wang et al. [44] studied the effect of the (STL file). The time required for each layer to be produced is
post-curing duration, the laser power and the layer pitch on the then calculated analytically on the basis of the laser velocity,
post-cure shrinkage and empirical relations were established keeping in mind whether the laser is performing border draw-
on the basis of the least squares method. The shrinkage strains ing, hatching or filling. Furthermore, the time required for all
were investigated by Karalekas and Aggelopoulos [45] based the auxiliary steps is estimated. Contouring and hatching ve-
on a simple experimental setup and the elastic lamination the- locities were calculated by:
ory. Narakahara et al. [46, 90] studied the relationship between vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u2 P
the initial linear shrinkage and resin temperature in a minute CvðiÞ ¼ u tπ  L . ; ð3Þ
Cd ðiÞ Dp
W 0 EC e
HvðiÞ ¼  L.  ð4Þ
Cd ðiÞ Dp
hsE C e

PL laser power
W0 laser beam half width
Cd curing depth
hs hatching space (distance between neighbour scanning
m number of times the slice area is hatched
Ec critical energy
Fig. 10 Trigonometry used by Chryssolouris [25] Dp penetration depth
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

It has been found that the hatching time, calculated as the temperature-transforming 2D numerical model. This model
ration between the total hatching length Hl(i) and the hatching converts the enthalpy-based energy equation into a nonlinear
velocity Hv(i) deviates from the actual one, due to delays equation with temperature being the only dependent variable.
occurring during hatching; further experimental study of the Vasinonta et al. [64] have developed two process maps for laser-
hatching procedure has led to the following equation, the ac- based solid freeform fabrication processes, through the investi-
curacy of which was found to be within 0.5 %. gation of the melt pool size and the residual stresses developed
via finite element thermomechanical models. Michaleris [60]
Hl ðiÞ
THatch ¼ þ 0:0005NoVectors investigated two finite element techniques for modelling metal
HvðiÞ deposition and transient conducting heat transfer in SLM. Par-
Hl ðiÞ ticularly, quiet and inactive element activation is probed. In the
þ −0:206: ð5Þ quiet case study, the elements are manipulated through their
54HvðiÞ þ 6114
properties in order to be neutral. In the inactive case study, the
Jacobs [30] assumed that the laser presents a Gaussian dis- elements are not included in the analysis until the related mate-
tribution and the absorption of the laser radiation within the rial has been added. Analytical equations have been used for the
resin follows the Beer-Lambert Law. Based on these assump- formulation of transient conductive heat transfer. The evaluation
tions, he calculated the maximum depth of the cured line. Based has been performed by the use of 1D and 3D FEA models.
on the relation among the maximum exposure, the laser power, Zhiqiang [62] investigates the topic of fusion-based additive
the half beam width and the scanning speed, required for their manufacturing of titanium through the use of mathematical
solidification to a specific cure depth, were calculated: and numerical modelling in order to model the melt pool. The
rffiffiffiffi   s numerical model was correlated with experimental measure-
2 PL C ments. Melt pool monitoring was an attribute also investigated
Vs ¼ exp − d ð6Þ
π W 0 EC Dp into by Hu and Kovacevic in [52] using a 3D numerical model.
Matsumoto et al. [63] proposed a simulation method about a
Chen et al. [31], based on Jacobs’ work [30], developed an single layer deposition of the SLM process. The stress and
analytical model for predicting total build time, by incorporat- temperature within the solid layer have been calculated with
ing a correction factor based on experimental work. The mod- the heat conduction and linear finite elements. Kolossov et al.
el has been found to be in good correlation with experimental [94] modelled the heat transfer and thermal field using a non-
data for a number of different parts. linear 3D model, which took into consideration the thermal
characteristics of bulk material, such as thermal conductivity
and heat capacity and the thermal history of the material in each
3.1.2 Laser melting step. Dong et al. [53] created a 3D FEA model to predict statis-
tically the temperature and density distribution in the SLS of
Wang and Kruth [50] modelled the laser beam scanning and polycarbonate. The parameters analysed include the laser beam
the energy absorption, taking place in an SLS machine, by velocity, laser power and laser diameter, and the results have
using the analytical ray-tracing model which allowed the cal- been verified against experimental values found on related lit-
culation of the sintering zone dimensions (width and thick- erature. A similar approach was followed by Liu [92], develop-
ness). The energy necessary to fuse a certain powder particle ing a micro-scale 3D FEM in order to investigate the character-
can be calculated according to the following equation: istics of the temperature distribution within the powder bed.

Giovanni et al. [61] investigated the surface roughness and
E m ¼ cp  ΔT þ cl  ρ  V ð7Þ
morphology in SLM parts. A mathematical model is introduced
where: for the prediction of surface roughness. Both the stair step effect
and the increasing presence of particles on the top surface are
cp specific heat (KJ/KgK)
considered key contributing factors to the surface morphology.
ΔT temperature rise required for melting (K)
In Khairallah [93], a mesoscopic 3D model has been introduced
cl latent melt energy (KJ/Kg)
to simulate the SLM processes by using the commercial code
ρ density (kg/mm3)
ALE3Dmulti-physics. The simulation includes the substrate,
V volume of the (spherical) particle (mm3)
the random particle melding and re-solidification either into a
A simple comparison of the absorbed energy Ei to Em will continuous or a discontinuous track. The model is taking into
determine whether any particle absorbs enough energy to melt consideration the thermal diffusion to hydrodynamics, the
or not. The sintering zone dimension is evaluated from the temperature-dependent material properties, the surface tension
most side-wise molten particles. and the random particle distribution.
Chen and Zhang [51] investigated the parameters affecting Various researchers have investigated shrinkage in SLS.
the sintering depth and shape of the liquid pool by formulating a Chen and Zhang [54] created a partial shrinkage model of
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

two component metal powder mixture with different melting na apparent viscosity determined using a capillary
points, in order to investigate the effects of volume fraction of rheometer
the gas in the liquid or sintered regions on the shape and size of Q volumetric flow rate
the heat-affected zone. Furthermore, Raghunath and Pandey
It was calculated that the filament material would buckle if:
[59] utilized the Taguchi method for the determination of the
influence of the SLS process parameters to shrinkage, as well as 8QlðL=RÞ2
to define the optimum shrinkage conditions. E=ηα < ð9Þ
π3 r 4 k
LPD, DMD and SLC are variations of the same process,
where a powder is injected into a laser beam and melted simul- where:
taneously with a thin layer of the substrate to form a continuous L/R slenderness ratio of the filament
track of material. Costa et al. [95] developed a thermo-kinetic FE k scaling factor (experimentally determined)
model of multilayer LPD for the investigation of the microstruc-
tural transformations and hardness variations that occur during Yardimici [70] and Agarwala [71] have studied the issue of
the deposition of steel parts for the calculation of the final hard- filament buckling in a liquefier entry by theoretical means. An
ness distribution in the part. The results obtained were in agree- experimental investigation into the same phenomenon was
ment with published experimental observation. Gockel et al. [83] conducted by Venkataraman [79]. Heat transfer to the built
have developed an FE model capable of simulating the material material inside the liquefier was theoretically studied by [68,
solidification of Ti64 in an electron beam wire feed AM process 70, 72], while a number of authors dealt numerically with the
resulting in the prediction of the material microstructure and same issue [68, 72, 75, 76].
properties. A similar model of the LPD of titanium was devel- Ramanath [72] having used Bellini’s previous work [68]
oped by Crespo et al. [66] in order to study the influence of the has mathematically modelled the pressure drop during the
deposition path geometry on the melt pool stability as well as to extrusion of PCL.
estimate the adjustments of the deposition parameters, necessary Using the law of non-Newtonian polymer melt flow
to avoid hot spots. The same thermo-kinetic model has been γ=φτm, the pressure drops for each of the five zones were
used in order for the hardness distribution of the SLC process derived, by considering Bellini’s work [68].
to be predicted [67]. Toyserkani et al. [55] investigated the ef-   m1  1   
fects of laser pulse shaping on the SLC process with a 3D FE V mþ3 m 1 1
ΔP1 ¼ 2L1 exp α −
model. In Muller’s work [56], an analytical model of the direct ϕ r1mþ1 T −T 0 T α −T 0
LPD process has been developed, for functionally graded mate- ð10Þ
rials (FGM). Particularly, this study focuses on the operation of a   m1   m1   
powder distribution system. The model scope is to be utilized in V mþ3 1 1
ΔP2 ¼ 2L2 exp α −
order for manufacturing strategies, in the production of parts, to ϕ r1mþ1 T −T 0 T α −T 0
be compared with complex material distribution. ð11Þ
  m1   m1   
V mþ3 1 1
ΔP3 ¼ 2L3 exp α −
3.2 Extrusion processes ϕ mþ1
r1 T −T 0 T α −T 0
FDM is a process modelled for various attributes. Zhang and !  1   
Chou [73] developed a 3D FEA model to simulate the FDM 2m 1 1 V m 2 mþ3 1 1 1
ΔP4 ¼ α − r1 2 ðm þ 3Þ m exp α −
3 3
r2m r1m ϕ T −T 0 T α −T 0
process melt pool. The same model was used and enhanced by 2
Zhang in [74] for the simulation of the residual stresses in order ð13Þ
for part distortion to be evaluated. Prototype parts were built and   m1  2  m1   
used to validating the simulated results. Bellini et al. [68] and V r 1 ð m þ 3Þ 1 1
ΔP5 ¼ 2L5 exp α −
Venkataraman et al. [69] have analytically modelled the material ϕ r2mþ3 T −T 0 T α −T 0
flow on the extrusion nozzle. Venkataraman et al. [69] investi- ð14Þ
gated the material buckling in the liquefier using Euler’s analysis
for buckling and a capillary rheometer. The pressure drop (ΔP) ΔP ¼ ΔP1 þ ΔP2 þ ΔP3 þ ΔP4 þ ΔP5 ð15Þ
in a capillary rheometer required that a non-Newtonian fluid be
driven through a tube of length l and radius r is: where:

8ηα Ql L1 −L3 andL length of respective zones

ΔP ¼ ð8Þ
πr4   . .
L2 ¼ π R2 þ d 1 2 2
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

R2 radius of the channel at zone 2 Key flow parameters, namely pressure, velocity and tempera-
r1 radius of the cylindrical area of the melt flow channel ture, have been investigated into.
r2 the exit radius
a nozzle angle
V filament velocity at the entry 3.3 Material jetting processes
u fluidity
m flow exponent 3DP has also been the subject of various researchers’ study.
T working temperature Jee and Sachs [81] proposed a visual simulation technique so
Ta the temperature at which m and u are calculated as to facilitate the surface texture designs to be produced by
To the absolute temperature 3DP. This technique simulates 3DP by taking into consider-
ation all the necessary geometric attributes of physical phe-
The model’s results were verified with those having de- nomena and therefore enables the realization of a manufactur-
rived from the use of an FE model in ANSYS. able design with minimum iterations. Sachs and Vezzetti [82]
Crockett has investigated the deposition and liquid-to-solid numerically modelled the deposition process of a new 3DP
transition phase of the FDM process, by developing an ana- head design in order to ensure a reliable and continuous jet
lytical model for bead spreading [57]. Sood et al. [80] have deposition, resulting in an order of magnitude increase in the
developed a semi-empirical methodology using neural net- printing speed. Curodeau [65] modelled the drop merging (the
work algorithms to develop a model that would predict the phenomenon where, in a uniformly spaced train of drops, the
compressive strength of FDM built parts. Martinez et al. [77] leading drop is retarded by air drag and tends to merge with
have used a methodology usually applied to fibrous composite the drop behind it) in order to evaluate the number of merged
materials for the characterization of parts built by FDM using drops for various distances and printing conditions.
FEA. Anitha et al. [58] focused on optimizing the FDM pro-
cess surface quality. Taking into consideration the Taguchi’s
analysis, three variables have been investigated into, those of 3.4 Adhesive processes
the road width, the build layer thickness and the speed of
deposition. In addition, analysis of variance (ANOVA) has Chryssolouris et al. [33] have used a semi-empirical approach,
been performed with the same parameters. Mostafa et al. through a statistical design in order to model the surface
[78] have performed both 2D and 3D numerical analysis on roughness of the LOM process. The specific model can pre-
flow behaviour of ABS-iron composite in FDM, through the dict the part’s surface roughness for any combination of pro-
ANSYS FLOTRAN and the CFX finite element packages. cess variables.

Fig. 11 Sectional view of melt flow channels showing five zones considered by [75]
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

measurements which, along with operator inputs, determine

the process state. The states of complex processes are moni-
tored by a sophisticated signal processing of sensor measure-
ments. The techniques for the monitoring of machining have
been traditionally categorized into two methods, namely the
direct and indirect.
The techniques of the direct monitoring methods can
achieve a high degree of accuracy; however, due to numerous
practical limitations, they are characterized as laboratory-
oriented techniques. On the other hand, the indirect monitor-
ing methods are less accurate but more suitable for practical
Fig. 12 Process/monitor/control loop [96] applications, at machine shop level. In Fig. 11, the process-
monitor-control loop is presented for successful functional
3.5 Electron beam processes systems (Fig. 12).
The main process variables, according to each process are
Shen and Chou [84, 85] developed an FE thermal model to presented in Table 4.
investigate the preheating process effect on the EBAM pro- Although there are several additive manufacturing tech-
cess. Preheating was modelled as a part of the thermal cycle, niques with different working principles and machine setups,
occurring as initial conditions before the actual electron beam it could be identified that the energy providers in all of them
scanning and melting process. Ammer et al. [86, 87] focused are either nozzle based (extrusion processes) or laser based.
on the 3D thermal lattice Boltzmann method for the simula- By further inspection over the machine elements, it could be
tion of the EBAM process, having taken into consideration identified that most of the parts, namely the manufacturing
physical and thermal effects such as melt pool, beam absorp- chambers’ temperature in SLS, the paper supply in LOM
tion, melting and solidification. and the height of the building platform in most AM processes,
could be monitored with conventional methods such as travel
sensors, strain gauges and cameras. On the other hand, the
nozzle and laser elements tend to be non-conventional tech-
4 Monitoring techniques nologies, with variable contingencies. In the next section,
monitoring techniques of the basic machine elements will be
For the optimization of a specific AM process, one must mea- presented in a generic approach.
sure and quantify the variables of interest. Moreover, the mon-
itoring of process variables enables the verification of process
models. In addition, monitoring and control of manufacturing 4.1 Laser monitoring
processes is becoming a driver for the manufacturing indus-
tries’ development and sustainability. Process monitoring is Temperature monitoring in laser-based processes is based on
the manipulation of sensor measurements (e.g. force, vision, optical measurements of the temperature distribution to the
temperature) in determining the state of the processes. A ma- sintering/melting zone by using a camera sensor and maximum
chine tool operator performs routine monitoring tasks; for ex- surface temperature monitoring in the irradiation spot with the
ample, it visually detects any missing and broken tools as well use of a high-speed, two-wavelength pyrometer. The brightness
as the chatter generated from the characteristic sound. Un- and colour temperature measurements are based on Planck’s
manned monitoring algorithms utilize filtered sensor law, which describes the spectral density of electromagnetic

Table 4 Additive manufacturing technique and basic elements

AM process Monitored attribute

Laser power/ Melt pool Nozzle Jet status Chamber Chamber Platform Head
distribution temperature temperature temperature vacuum position position

Laser polymerization processes X X X X X

Laser melting processes X X X X X X
Extrusion processes X X X X X
Material jetting processes X X X X
Adhesive processes X X X
Int J Adv Manuf Technol

radiation intensity emitted from a black body. On brightness or the material phase change. Subsequently, modelling processes
colour temperature determination, the intensity of the thermal in the field of additive manufacturing were presented and cat-
radiation from the surface, in the region of laser action, is re- egorized, based not only on the operating principle but also on
corded by a CCD camera or a pyrometer in one or two spectral the modelled process attribute and the modelling
intervals and is correlated with the ones of the black body methodology.
simulator, located in the same surface region. The degree of The most commonly modelled AM process is that of the
its approximation to the thermodynamic temperature is defined SLA, followed by the SLS/SLM and FDM. Most authors deal
by the accuracy of the material emissivity determination. In with modelling dimensional accuracy/stability, while quite a
creation of the temperature monitoring system, a combination few others deal with predicting the mechanical properties of
of two types of optical sensors—2D sensor—a digital CCD the finished product as well as the total build time.
camera and a single spot sensor pyrometer, based on photodi- The most utilized approach to the issue of dimensional
odes, which integrate thermal radiation emitted by a surface of accuracy is by empirical models, via statistical methods
certain size, are used [97]. This technique could also be used in (ANOVA etc.). Mechanical properties and dimensional stabil-
extrusion, requiring that the nozzle temperature for the mate- ity modelling are usually made by numerical heat transfer
rial’s liquidity control be measured. models, studying mainly the melt pool and the material phase
change, while build time has been investigated both analyti-
4.2 Nozzle monitoring (jetting) cally and numerically.
However, most studies present either a theoretical approach
As it has been referred to, in the previous section, one of the with little to no verification compared to that of real-life re-
dominant elements, in many of the existing additive sults, or semi-empirical approaches that may correlate well
manufacturing machines, is that of the nozzles. To ensure with specific experiments, but their results are not directly
productivity and reliability as manufacturing tools, the nozzle transferrable and expandable to other machines, requiring fur-
status needs to be monitored, while the jet failures should be ther experimentation. The AM processes could significantly
identified. To detect jet failures, the use of piezo self-sensing benefit from accurate, verified models, aided by the use of
signals has been proposed. A piezo inkjet head uses a piezo machine-integrated monitoring systems in order to be able to
actuator to jet ink droplets. In addition, the piezo actuator can back up the models with real, measured data. Given the turn of
be used as a sensor, by sensing the force that results from the industry to metal AM, the models of laser-based AM and
pressure wave of ink inside the inkjet dispenser. The possible EBM metals are of utmost relevance, especially in the thermal
causes of jet failures include the inkjet head temperature con- field, dimensional stability and residual stresses, since these
trol failure, the backpressure control failure, wetting on the factors significantly affect the quality and safety of the final
nozzle surface, the nozzle blockage, etc. For the verification product.
and the detectability of these jet failures, jet images could be
acquired for comparison with self-sensing signals [98].
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://
4.3 Mechanical parts: rollers—building, which permits unrestricted use,
platforms—material supplier distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appro-
priate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
The mechanical parts’ motion is usually accompanied by
monitoring the applied torque or force, with the use of strain
gauges or by monitoring the back EMF of the actuator. Fur-
thermore, for the machine’s general function, the optical data
could be harvested with the use of photo and video recording
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