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Mini Snack House

Business Plan


Ariana G. Caranzo
Mylen T. Vargas
Mitche Honey B. Agdon
Alessandra Mae S. Rondina
Jennyvieve Pastrana
Genevieve Amodia
Delbert Tepait
Franz Jordan Escaran
Janrel Sarraga
Richell Ann Ompad
Jimuel Rondina
John Kervee Layese
Reylan Valendez
Jaybar N. Layese
Jake Bernard Paragsa
Kenneth Aloyan



Mini Snack House

Of young Entrepreneurship Manufacturing Cooperative in Sulangan Integrated School
Personal Details

Name of the Owners

Ariana G. Caranzo Senior High Student

18 years old

Mylen T. Vargas Senior High Student

18 years old

Mitche Honey B. Agdon Senior High Student

18 years old

Alessandra Mae S. Rondina Senior High Student

17 years old

Jennyvive Pastrana Senior High Student

18 years old

Genevieve Amodia Senior High Student

18 years old

Delbert Tepait Senior High Student

18 years old
March Village,Sulangan,Bantayan,Cebu

Franz Jordan Escaran Senior High Student

18 years old
March Village,Sulangan,Bantayan,Cebu

Janrel Sarraga Senior High Student

19 years old
March Village,Sulangan,Bantayan,Cebu

Richell Ann Ompad Senior High Student

22 years old

Jimuel Rondina Senior High Student

19 years old

John Kervee Layese Senior High Student

18 years old

Reylan Valendez Senior High Student

18 years old

Jaybar N. Layese Senior High Student

23 years old

Jake Bernard Paragsa Senior High Student

18 years old

Kenneth Aloyan Senior High Student

19 years old

Table of Contents

Title Pages
Chapter I………………………………………………………………….. 1

Chapter II………………………………………………………………… 2-3

Business Model
Business and Product Position
Wealth Improvement Approaches
Parties Supporting Business

Chapter III. Environmental Analysis….………………………………… 4-5 Trend

in the Industry
Consumer Analysis:Market segmentation and targeting, Demand Analysis
Competitors Analysis:Supply Analysis
Market Forecast:Demand and Supply Forecast
Market Strategy

Chapter IV. Business Description..…………………………………………6

Product Description
Equipment/Materials Needed
Size of the Business
Personnel Requirement

Chapter V.Organizational Plan……………………………………………..7-9

Form of Business Organization
Liability of the owner
Organizational Structure
Role of the Owner
Proposed Salary

Chapter VI.Production Plans……………………………………………….10-11

Production Schedule
Production Process
Equipment Required
Source of Materials
Estimated Product Cost

Chapter VII.Operation Plan…………………………………………………12

Evaluation of Suppliers
Purchase Procedures
Storage and Inventory
Sales Procedures
Chapter VIII.Marketing Plan……………………………………………….13


Snack is a small portion of food generally eaten between meals.Snacks have

different types of variations such as street foods ,milk tea, or shakes, bread
roll,desserts , and many more.We Filipino always include snacks in our daily life
especially “Meryenda” usually starts at 2pm to 4pm and midnight snacks 10pm to
12am.Therefore, we make a lot of affordable snacks which includes suman, thick
milo, and sospas.We will assure that our product is affordable and satisfies the
cravings of consumers.

Location of the Business

Our Mini Snack House is located at Purok Chokitok, Sulangan ,Bantayan

wherein many people passes by. Furthermore,we will sell our product in different
puroks, here in Barangay Sulangan for additional income.

Source of Income

As a student, we can’t afford the ingredients and products we need for

our business.So,we ask for financial support from our beloved parents to fund our
Mini Snack House.


Executive Summary

Mini Snack House is here to provide and satisfy the cravings of customers.We
will assured that every time we produce our product,we will make sure that it’s
cleaned with fast services and it’s delicious.


Mini Snack House aims to serve our customers to make more income and
especially to know and improved our cooking skills and sales talk ability.

Goals and Objectives

Our goal is to expand the Mini Snack House , create more new different kind
of food and drinks that will satisfy the craving/needs of costumers.And, become one
of the suppliers of different variety of snack products.

Business Model

Partner Key Offer Customers Customer

Network Activities Segment

Community Online Suman Customer All age

Marketing Thick Milo Oriented
School Key Distribution
Resources Channel
Market Community
(Erwin’s Store)
Cost Revenue
Structure Statements

Affordable Gain Profit

Business and Product Position

Our primary product is Suman, the secondary product is Thick Milo and sospas is
our substitute product this kind of product is available for all customers regardless of

Wealth Improvement Approaches

In our business, we maximize the utilization of the product with necessary

ingredients of Suman, Thick Milo,Sospas.We choose the most affordable and saleable
brand that is delicious and made it presentable so that the customer will patronize our

Parties Supporting The Business

Customers are very important supporters of the business.They are the one who
buy and pays for the services. Because of the customers, Our Mini Snack House will
become successful in the near future ,with the resilience and diligent work of the
owners.The profit that we earned will become the investment for the new product,so
the Mini Snack House will improved.The owners and colleagues are the one who
manage the business with their teamwork and ideas ,the business will surely become


Environmental Analysis

Trend in the Industry

Suman is the one of the most common Filipino snack in our community as well
in the other cities of the Philippines.Thick Milo is also known the top and famous in
beating the heat of the summer. Sospas in all season is the most affordable snack all
over the Philippines.This three Products are just a few in so many different varieties
of snacks.

Consumer Analysis

Market Segmentation and Targeting

Our target is within the community of Barangay Sulangan and tourist or visitors
regardless of age passes by in our Mini Snack House.This way of marketing is the
easiest way to sell and produce our product.

Demand Analysis

In this trying time,Filipino prefer the snack nearby in their community or within
the community with delicious to taste that will satisfy their cravings with an
affordable price.So,we as a senior student decided to produce a product that is lower
than the competitors yet the profit are still there.The customers will buy and patronize
our product that is affordable and yummy.

Competitors Analysis

Supply Analysis

Product Our Price Competitors Price

We sell our product in only Competitors price is higher
Suman 5 pesos each which is lower than ours because they sell it
than competitors. 7 pesos each.
We sell our product in only Competitors price is 10 pesos
Thick Milo 10 pesos each , which is each cups but there plastic
same than the competitors cups is just 7oz.
but our disposable cups are
8oz and it’s bigger than the
competitors .
We sell our product in only There’s no competitors
Sospas 5 pesos each(7oz plastic selling chicken soup.

Market Position

The product will proceed in affordable price for consumers and our Mini Snack
House ,located in School Sites .Customers are guaranteed of the clean and fast
services with delicious taste ,we offer in every product.

Market Strategy

The most awaited opening for our business named Mini Snack House, will be
announcing through social media and will be seen in School Sites ,Sulangan
area.Consumers regardless of age and gender are welcome.


Product Description

The primary product is Suman which steamed. Suman was made of sticky rice ,
fresh coconut milk ,ginger,white sugar and a little bit of salt and rapped in banana
leaves.The secondary product is Thick Milo ,Thick Milo was made of crashed
ice ,milo,white sugar, sprinkles or chocolate chips and chocolate condense and mixed
it together to satisfy the taste.Every product is affordable and can satisfies the
cravings of the consumers.

Materials and Ingredients Needed

-1kl. Pellet
-3pcs Coconut
-1grams ginger
-1/4 salt
-1/2 Refine sugar
-200g. Milo
-Condensed Milk
-7 oz disposable cups
-plastic spoon
-Pot (Kaldero)
-Banana Leaves
-Serving spoon

Size of the Business

Our business contain three product which is Suman ,5 pesos each.Thick Milo ,5
pesos in every 7 oz and Sospas for substitute product that prices 5 pesos in 7oz
disposable cup.The Mini Snack House can accommodate at least 20 to 30 customer a

Personal Requirement

As the owner of the Mini Snack House, We require the employee to be

presentable and attentive .Employee must communicate well to the costumer , be
consistent in cleanliness and responsible to the assign task.Always inform other for
the issues that will encounter in the process teamwork and cooperation is a must.


Organizational Plan

Form of Business Organization

Mini Snack House has a form of organization ,partnership in terms of financial

needs for our business . We owners funded the business with the same amount but we
have different positions and task for running the business .We have supervisor that
will ensure the cleanliness of the snack house and observe the colleagues to make sure
that they are doing their task . A cashier are responsible for the money and change of
the customers .Cooks are responsible in cooking the products and a sales lady that
will serve and assist customers.

Liability of the Owner

As the owner of Mini Snack House , we guaranteed customers fast and clean
services . We have chosen the best brand yet affordable for the customers . The
individual share will be distribute equal and fair. We owners are reliable and can be
trusted in managing the business and service to the customers.

Organization Structure


Ariana G. Caranzo


Mylen T. Vargas

Sales lady
Cooks Sales Man

Mitche Honey Alessandra Mae S.

Jimuel Rondina
Agdon Rondain

Ritchell Ann Jennyvive Pastrana Delbert Tepait


Genivieve Amodia
Janrel E. Sarraga Jake Bernard S.

John Kervee
Jaybar N.
Franz Jordan A. Layese

Kenneth B. Reylan Valendez


Role of the Owner

Owner should be responsible leader to all subordinates and also should know how to
handle the business . He /She will be fair in decision
making . Owners should know about planning for the
better future of the business.

Proposed Income

Time: 8 hours a day (10 days only)

Daily Income: 300
Overall Income: 3,000


Production Plan

Production Schedule

Our production schedule will be in 1st week of may until 2nd week of May.

Production Process

We will buy the best ingredients needed for Suman, Thick Milo , and Sospas.
We will prepare the product properly and sell it when it is ready.

Equipment Required

In our business we will need some materials ,such as pot , ladle ,serving
spoon , cups , and plastic spoon . All this materials are needed for preparing for our

Source of Materials

The source of our business materials was Erwin’s store because this store is well
known when it comes in different products . All the materials we need are
available .The Erwin’s store in our main supplier for our products and ingredients we
need in our business.

Estimated Product Cost

Primary Product

Ingredients Grams/Kilo/Pieces/Liters Unit

Pellet 2kls Kilos
Refine Sugar 1/2kl Kilo
Ginger 1g Gram
Water 3L Liter
Salt 1g Gram
Coconut Milk 3pcs Pieces

Secondary Product

Ingredients Grams/Kilo/Pack/Pieces Unit

Milo 200g. Grams
Refine Sugar 1/2kl. Kilo
Sprinkles 1pck Pack
Ice 10pcs Pieces
Condensed 3pcs Pieces

Substitute Product

Ingredients Grams/Kilo/Pieces/Lipid/Liters Unit

Pellet 1/4kl. Kilo
Rice 1kl. Kilo
Onion Leaves 3pcs Pieces
Garlic 1 pc Pieces
Egg 15 pcs Pieces
Knorr Cube 2pcs Pieces
Oil 1/2 lpd Lipid
Water 2L Liters
Ginger 1/4kl Kilo
Salt 1g Gram
Seasoning 3pcs Pieces


Operation Plan

Evaluation of Suppliers

Mini Snack House has the best store supplier for the ingredients needed for our
product. Our store supplier is reliable and they always have stocks , so there are no
issues . Our supplier is legal and had a registered license.

Purchase Procedure

We will buy all the ingredients at Erwin’s store by the person assigned to
this particular task. Receipts are kept by the cashier and supervisor will check if all
the needed ingredients are purchased.

Storage and Inventory Control

The Mini Snack House has a proper storage.The product ingredients will be
stored in a proper kitchen cabinet and refrigerator,so that the product ingredients will
not spoil.Inventory will always check by the Supervisor to ensure that the product
sold and remaining product is tally.

Sales Procedure

When the products are ready,it will be place accordingly.The employee will be
assign to their designated position.Customers will order to sales person,and cashier is
the one who counts the total bills and give the change to the customers.The cooks are
the one who assign in cooking and the sales person are the one who served and
prepared for the orders of the customers.


Marketing Plan


The primary product is Suman and Thick Milo for the secondary product. The
substitute product is Sospas.


The Mini Snack House is located at School Site in Sulangan, Bantayan

Island, Cebu.


The price of the Suman is 5 pesos each, for Thick Milo 10 pesos, and also 5
pesos for Sospas.


We promote our product through sales talk and informing through social
media about our Mini Snack House.


All people can afford our product. All citizen of Barangay Sulangan and tourist or
visitors regardless of age who pass by in our Mini Snack House are welcome to buy.


Suman will be wrapped in banana leaves, Thick Milo and Sospas will be put
in 8oz. Plastic cup.


Our Mini Snack House was well position in School

Site,Sulangan,Bantayan,Cebu that can be seen by all people who passes by.


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