34 10 CH en Questions

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The drawing is of a district of Mathsville. There
1. SEXTET (coefficient 1) are ten junctions
In the circles of this figure, we must place the (circles) and eighteen
numbers from 1 to 6 streets (a street is a
2/3 (the 1 is already placed). line that connects two
5/6 We want the sum of two circles without going
numbers placed in two through another
4 disks next to each other circle). Each camera must be placed at a
to be equal to 6, 7 or 8. crossroads; it then monitors this intersection
What number will go and all the intersections connected to it by a
2/3 in the grey box? 4 street in any direction. Each junction must be
5/6 monitored by at least one camera. 2
2. TRIPLE At least how many cameras are needed?
This grid of 9 squares is filled with only the
three numbers 1, 2 and 3, but written in three 6. A HAPPY YEAR (coefficient 6)
different ways: with Indo-Arabic numerals The sum of the digits of the number 2020 is 4,
(1;2;3), Roman numerals and it is also divisible by 4: 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4
(I;II;III), and dice faces and 2020/4 = 505.
oo But Matilda prefers the number 11 which, she
( )
Each of the three values and thinks, brings her happiness.
each of the three ways of
II 3 o What is the next year whose sum of digits
writing are found in each row is 11 and which is also divisible by 11?
and column. I
What does the grey box 7. THE COLOURS (coefficient. 7)
contain? 2 in Indo-Arabic numeral The 10 vertices of the graph must be coloured
so that two vertices
3. KNIGHT SWAPPING (coefficient 3) connected by a line-
In the game of chess, the knight moves along a segment are never of the
diagonal of a rectangle of 2 same colour.
squares by 3 (see the figure on At least how many
the left). colours are needed? 3

In how (coefficient 8)
many The LEON-NOEL calculator shows the date in the
movements, at minimum, form of eight digits written in order: two for the
can we swap the day (from 01 to 31), then two for the month
positions of the two white (from 01 to 12), and finally four for the year.
knights and the two black Thus, 2nd February 2020 is displayed 02022020.
knights on this mini- This is a palindrome (it is read in the same way
chessboard in the shape starting from the left and starting from the
of a cross? 8 right). The first palindrome date of the current
millennium was 10th February 2001: 10022001.
4. MATILDA’S DIE (coefficient 4) What will be the last of this millennium?
Write the eight digits displayed in order.
Note: the third millennium goes from the year
2001 to the year 3000. 29122192
Matilda has made a cardboard die. Here are
three different views of this die. Problems 9 to 18: beware! For a problem to be
How many dots are written on the completely solved, you must give both the
underside of the right-hand view? number of solutions, AND give the solution if
Note: Matilda's die does not respect the order of there is only one, or give any two correct
the dots of a typical die. 2 solutions if there are more than one. For all
problems that may have more than one
solution, there is space for two answers on the
answer sheet (but there may still be just one
9. ARCHIE’S AGE (coefficient 9) 15. AREAS AND PERIMETERS (coef. 15)
In 2020, Archie will celebrate his birthday. His
age will be equal to the number formed by the F p: 14cm S
last two digits of his year of birth.
In what year was he born? 2010 p: 28cm area=? p: 26cm

10. THE COMBINATION (coefficient 10)

J p: 18cm M
What is the combination of four digits of
the FSJM safe?
We know that: A rectangle has perimeter 65 cm. It is divided
• 3-4-7-6 has three digits in common with the into nine smaller rectangles by lines parallel to
solution; all of which are correctly placed; the edges. The perimeter of some of these is
• 3-5-6-8 has two digits in common with the shown in the figure. The sum of the areas of the
solution; one correctly placed, one misplaced; four grey rectangles is 120cm2. What is the
• 3-5-7-8 has two digits in common with the area of the central rectangle in cm2?
solution; both of which are correctly placed; Note: the drawing does not respect proportions.
• 9-6-4-3 has three digits in common with the
solution; all misplaced 3976 16. THE LAST CARD (coefficient 16)
We take a pack of 2020 cards numbered from 1
11. TWO TIMES YES (coefficient 11) (top of the pack) to 2020 (bottom of the pack),
(YES)2 = 2 × YYEES the numbers are written on the back of the
In this substitution, the same letter always cards and not visible. We move the top card to
replaces the same digit and the same digit is the bottom, then discard the next to the table.
always replaced by the same letter. Then we repeat ... the new top card goes to the
What is the number represented by YES? bottom and the next one is discarded. This
continues until only one card remains in hand,
all the others being discarded.
12. TWICE THREE (coefficient 12)
What is the number on the last card that
Six different numbers are written on the
remains in hand?
circumference of a circle. Each number is equal END for L1, GP PARTICIPANTS
to the product of its two immediate neighbours.
Three numbers are positive integers while the 17. A GREAT ORCHARD (coefficient 17)
other three are fractions whose numerator is 1. Augustine wants to create an apple orchard on a
What is the sum of the six numbers, rectangular plot. She has 2020 trees to plant.
knowing that it is an integer? An automatic watering system requires that the
trees are planted on the vertices of a regular
13. THREE COLOUR PROBLEM (coef. 13) network whose meshes are equilateral triangles
In a bag there are six tokens: two blue, two of side equal to 5 m. In addition, no tree should
green and two red. Each blue is worth 1 point, be less than 10 m from the edge of the orchard.
each green 2 points, and each red 3 points. We What is the minimum area of the land?
draw a token, then a second without replacing If needed, take 1.732 for √3 and round to the
the first in the bag. Tokens of the same colour nearest m2.
are differentiated: drawing a blue "a" then a
blue "b" are considered different from the 18. FOUR COMMON PRODUCTS (coef. 18)
drawing a blue “b” followed by a blue "a". Numbers 1 to 16 must be written in the table,
Similarly, a certain blue followed by a certain one per box (1 and 2 are already placed). The
red is different from the drawing of the same products of the numbers
two chips in the reverse order. in each row must be
In how many different ways can we get at different and in ascending
least 4 points? order from bottom to top
(see arrow). The largest
14. WHEEL STUCK (coefficient 14) must be exactly 1.04
The wheel of my little bike is stuck against a times the smallest. These
stair step 12.5 cm four products must also be
high. The distance the products of the four
between the wheel’s numbers in a column, in ascending order from
point of contact with left to right (see arrow).
the ground and the What is the product of the four numbers
edge of the step is 25 written in the grey boxes?
cm. 25 cm
What is the radius of the wheel in cm? END for L2, HC PARTICIPANTS

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