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VWT Water Recycle and Reuse Brochure

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Sustainable water management for

Recycling & Reuse

Industrial wastewater,
a valuable resource
In most industries, such as Microelectronics, Pulp & Paper, Power, Food & Beverage and Oil
& Gas, the high volumes of water used during the overall manufacturing process represent
a significant expense. Drawing upon its worldwide experience in industrial water cycle
management, Veolia has developed standard solu�ons for water recycling and reuse.

Demand for water reuse

Water scarcity development

demand for
Costs water reuse Regula�ons
1. Water consump�on costs 1. Limita�on of water intake
2. Discharge costs 2. Discharge limits
3. Increase of produc�on 3. Zero Liquid Discharge(ZLD)

Client benefits
environmental Ensured
Compliance image of constant
with local company water quality Sustainable water
regula�ons Evalua�on treatment solu�ons
& supply
of carbon & op�mized
footprint opera�onal costs

Water quality for reuse and recycling

While the quality requirements vary for the different uses, there are general commonali�es across most plants
for industrial water, cooling water, process water and boiler feed water.

Applica�on for reuse

Common quality issues Pollutants to be removed and/or controlled
and recycling
Dissolved solid content, iron and manganese
Industrial water TSS, Fe, Mn
Corrosion, biological growth and scaling,
Cooling make-up water BOD, TSS, Turbidity, silica, pathogens, legionella
disinfec�on in case of aerosol risk
Thermal exchange limita�on, steam Dissolved solids, hardness, alkalinity,
Boiler make-up water
quality reduc�on, scaling, corrosion conduc�vity
pH, solids, silica, dissolved solids and chloride, As appropriate to the applica�on: pH control,
Process water pollutant concentra�on, bacteriology, dissolved solids, chloride, specific pollutant
compliance with process water specifica�on concentra�ons
Veolia’s Offer
Providing Tailor-Made Contractual Solutions

O&M &


Technologies Chemicals

On-site recycling and reuse Global reuse on-site

Zero liquid discharge

On-site rain
Closed loop recycling

Process treatment plant
line 1 Cascading recycling

Surface water
line 2


line 3
Separate treatment of waste
Cooling tower streams to facilitate treatment
To process water
Use of external sources: or cooling
treated municipal tower make-up

Boiler blowdown
recycling To process water or boiler feed water

Provisioning Uses Rejec�ons

> Drinking water > Storm water > Cooling water > U�lity water > Urban cleansing network
> Drilling water > Desalted sea water > Boiler feed water > Ultra pure water > Natural environment treatments
> Surface water > Ter�ary effluent > Process water > Steam produc�on (primary, secondary ter�ary)

Water recycling Water reuse Zero liquid discharge

normally involves only one use, and the is the use of treated wastewater for is the total elimination of liquid waste
effluent is treated and redirected back beneficial purposes other than the discharge from a plant. In place of
into the same loop and for the same use. initial use, such as cooling systems, disposal, internal waste could be
It can also be used when wastewater is boilers, process water, irrigation, recycled, reused or reduced to achieve
treated and used again in the process. cleaning or ground water recharge. zero output of liquid waste.
Reliable & environmental friendly
solutions o ered by Veolia
Ther technology for water REUSE.
The water reuse is very o en obtained a er associa of several processes/technologies
applied to each case such as clari ca on, reverse osmosis, evapora and chemical treatment.

Actiflo® Turbo e ultimate clarifier

To sludge Hydrocyclone
More than 870 references worldwide
Over 60 ® references for reuse applica ons
Equipped with coagula on tank ccula on improved with
Turbomix™, a hydraulically op mized se ling tank with lamella,
Clari d
a hydro-cyclone for micro-sand recovery e uent
Increased rise rate: 80m/h for industrial process water,
wastewater and seawater Raw
Cost e e veness: more compact compared to conven onal
clar ers, very short startup me
Industrial applica ons equipped with a Turbomix™

- Process water: General use, CTMU, pre-treatment for boiler feed, etc.
- Wastewater: TSS, P, heavy metals, O&G, leachates and reuse ® Turbo process

Actiflo® So ening Process - High rate so ening solutions

® ening combines in a single compact treatment unit both
clar ca ening opera ons to remove cons tuents such as
To sludge treatment
calcium, silica, heavy met rides, suspended solids, while Lime/Soda sand
es micro yclone
improving prope es such as alkalinity, hardness and turbidity. Carbonates <MA> Carbonat ocs to hydroc
sludge Hydrocyclone ballasted
Improve water quality and produce high quality water
Coagulant Polymer
Very small footprint: Up to 10 mes smaller than conven onal Water

ening processes
High rise rate: up to 120 m/h
Clari d
Enhanced chemical precipita on with Turbomix™ rea on tank water

Minimize coagulant demand due to solids precipita on with

calcium carbonates
Sludge characteris cs: up to 8% dry solids; can be easily thickened
lamella and scraper
and dewatered Raw
Industrial applica ons: Power industries, water produ on for tank
cooling tower make-up, water recycling for cooling tower side stream, tank
treatment of produced water for Oil & Gas, SAGD (Steam Assisted
® ening process
Gravity Drainage) water treatment for reuse, wastewater treatment of
e gas desulfuriza on

EVALED™ - Evaporation technologies

Low energy consump on
Recycling of high quality dis llate from heavily polluted wastewater
High separa on level
Ideal to achieve ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge) in combina on with RO plants
Three types of models (series)
Vacuum heat pump evaporators (150 kWh/ton)
Hot/cold water vacuum evaporators (Cogenera on)
MVR evaporators (30-50 kWh/ton)
EVALED™ PC – E series
SIRION™ Mega - Reverse Osmosis systems SIRION™ process(RO)
Produc�on of high purity water Applica�ons:
From to 5 to 30㎥/h - Boiler feed
- Industrial process water
Lower opera�ng pressure,
cost savings due to low energy - Cooling water
consump�on membranes - Reuse / recycling
1 or 5㎛ pre-filtra�on included - Healthcare
Appropriate recircula�on rinsing - Biotechnologies
reduces membrane fouling - Electronics
- Hospitals
- Chemical industry
- Primary metals

OPUS® Process - Reverse Osmosis membranes for high water recovery

High Water Recovery Rates Applica�ons:
Effec�ve Fouling/Scaling Control - Oil & Gas On-site OPUS® Installa�on at San Ardo
Ability to Handle Varia�ons in Produced water treatment,
Feed Water Quality refinery wastewater
High Salt Rejec�on; Silica > 99.9%, - Mining, industrial wastewater reuse
Boron > 99.4%, TOC > 99% ZLD Applica�on
Con�nuous Clean-In-Place(CIP) Process - Power
Low Energy Consump�on Cooling tower blow-down treatment,
Long Membrane Life make-up water




* Membrane filtration can also be provided.

OPUS® mul�ple treatment processes, involving chemical so�ening, media filtra�on, ion
exchange so�ening and reverse osmosis technologies

HYDREX™ Chemicals - Water treatment chemical solutions

Protect water treatment systems against scale deposi�on, corrosion, fouling, etc.
Reduce unnecessary down�me
Ensure op�mum produc�vity
Preven�on and reduc�on of environmental risks
Energy saving
- 1000 series: Total boiler water treatment chemicals
- 2000 series: Cooling water treatment chemicals
- 4000 series: RO water treatment chemicals (Effec�ve membrane an�scalants
and cleaners approved by major membrane manufacturers)
- 6000 series: Drinking water and wastewater treatment chemicals
- 7000 series: Biocides control chemicals
Veolia’s recycling and reuse:
Industrial references
Clients’ benefits offered by Veolia’s O&M services

01 02 03
Reducing opera�on costs Offering of technology
Minimizing environmental
through reuse and recycling knowhow and exper�se to
impact for sustainability
water treatment technologie enhance the value of resources

Automo�ve General Motors Cactus Plant in San Luis Potosi, General Motors Pon�ac, Michigan, USA
Mexico - Opera�on and maintenance of the new wastewater treatment
- Zero Liquid Discharge process design, basic engineering plant since 2001(DBOOM)
and equipment supply - Environmental regula�on compliance
- High quality water for reuse
- High recovery rate with low waste volume (convert 90%
of the ter�ary wastewater into reusable water)

Chemicals Air Products, Tamaqua, Pennsylvania, U.S.A LG/Lo�e Petrochemicals,

- Co-product recovery and reuse Daesan, KOREA
- Significant cost savings (KOH recovery of 85% to 90%) - 20 years of the long-term partnership,
- Environmental benefit and recogni�on: the project won the the largest reverse osmosis units in Asia
'Governor’s award for Environmental Excellence for the State with 84,000㎥/day capacity
of Pennsylvania' - Demi water: 41,120㎥/day,
cooling water supply: 1,861,224㎥/day(circula�on rate basis),
potable water: 5,235㎥/day

Food & Sabim, Sablé-sur-Sarthe,France

Beverage - Outsourcing of the wastewater treatment facili�es for the
meatpacking house
- Biological treatment for grease/oil removal
- Wastewater biological treatment with aera�on
- Sludge-thickening unit on a gravity table, designed to achieve
6-7% dryness

Metals Dongbu steel, Dangjin, and Incheon, Korea

- Supplying sufficient quan�ty of high quality cooling water for produc�on of steel products for 15 years
- Implemen�ng on-line monitoring of opera�on to assure stable opera�on and quality
- Cooling water: 511,872㎥/day, treated wastewater: 5,376㎥/day, demi water: 883㎥/day
- Reusing over 50% of process water to protect the environment and reduce costs

Pharmaceu�cal L’Oreal BeautyCos produc�on factory, Pfizer Nutri�on, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu,
based in Suzhou, China China
- Reduc�on of greenhouse gas emissions, water consump�on - Full scope of performance guarantees
and discharged transportable waste by 50% by 2015 and exper�se in O&M of the
- Energy and chemical consump�on are reduced. wastewater treatment plant
- Sludge produc�on is significantly decreased. - Innova�ve solu�on based on sludge
compos�ng and recycling for land
- Stabiliza�on of the effluent quality and op�miza�on
allowing ter�ary treatment and reuse
- Secure a constant quality of treated
- The water impact index is reduced by 35%.
effluent to allow reuse as cooling
- By implemen�ng a reuse system, the overall water tower make-up
consump�on of the factory could be further reduced by 32%
- Wastewater: 2,400㎥/day
Mining CONSOL Energy Inc., mine water treatment facility, Mannington, West Virginia
- Zero liquid waste discharge acid mine drainage water treatment facility in Northern West Virginia
- 10 year opera�ons period, with 5 year renewal op�ons of DBO project
- Chemical precipita�on, reverse osmosis and thermal technologies
- Applying the water impact index to the mine water treatment facility to maximize the recovery
of clean water

Power E.D.F, Civeaux Nuclear Power Plant, France Macquarie Genera�on, Bayswater Water Treatment
- Partnership with Électricité de France (EDF), the one of the Plants, New South Wales, Austrailia
largest electricity producers in the world - The more efficient water reuse is guaranteed by the improved
- 2 genera�ng units, Produc�on: 7 billion kWh/year water quality and the increased recycled water volume
- Temporary solu�ons for the upgrading of feeding - Design, Construct, Opera�ons & Maintenance
demineraliza�on units (secondary loop) - Op�mize & improve the reliability
- Rental of mobile units, staff for the opera�ons and and availability of exis�ng water
maintenance, guarantee of the produc�on levels treatment plants
- Increased the salt removal capacity
APS(Arizona Public Service) Redhawk Power and reduced the salinity of Lake Liddell
Sta�on, Arlington, Arizona, U.S.A - Capacity 2,640 MW (power sta�on),
120 ML/day (WTPs)
- Providing natural-gas, coal and nuclear generated electrical
power to the region
- Designed to remove water contaminants and recycle
high-quality water back into the process
- Effec�vely recycling the waste created by cooling tower
blow-down and producing high quality water while
adhering to the Zero Liquid Discharge mandate

Pulp & Paper Smurfit-Stone Container Oil and Gas, Pulp and Paper SAPREF refinery,
Corpora�on, Hopewell, USA Mondi paper mill Durban, South Africa
- Design and build of the new - Municipal wastewater reuse for process and
evaporator system cooling water produc�on
- Produc�on: 300,000 tons/year

Micro- SK hynix, Icheon - Cheongju - Gumi, South Korea Showa Denko HD Singapore
electronics - Ultra-pure water, potable water, - Water management capabili�es:
wastewater treatment services ultrapure water, reclaim water,
- Reducing costs and protec�ng the wastewater, u�li�es
environment: An average of 40% - Guarantee the consistent, high-quality
and up to 60% of the process and sufficient water supply
water is recycled - A special facility was constructed for recycling reclaim water,
- Opera�ng state-of-the-art and within two years of opera�ons, the plant now uses 50%
wastewater treatment facili�es to of reclaim water.
meet legal standards on the quality
of treated wastewater Microelectronics Industrial area, Kranji, Singapore
- Supply of high quality water (40,000 ㎥/d) from municipal
wastewater treatment (Cost effec�ve solu�on compared to
seawater desalina�on and transporta�on)

Oil & Gas SHELL Qatar, Pearl GTL complex, Qatar

- Design and build contract for an effluent treatment plant
- Treatment of the cooling water blow-down for reuse in the process
- Op�miza�on of water cycle management and Zero Liquid Discharge
- Sludge treatment using evapora�on and crystalliza�on processes which allow low volume produc�on of dewatered sludge and salt crystals
Over 400 water recycling & reuse projects
around the world by Veolia!

The Number of projects:

The Number of projects:
93 The Number of projects:
Middle East
The Number of projects:
The Number of projects:

Africa The Number of projects:
The Number of projects: 29

Veolia Water Technologies Asia Pacific

[email protected]

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