NOSA Comapny Profile
NOSA Comapny Profile
NOSA Comapny Profile
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NOSA is an accredited NEBOSH® and SETA training provider as well as ISO 9001 certified. Courses
are presented by experienced, well‐qualified and accredited full‐time training facilitators at all NOSA
offices worldwide or in‐house/on‐site.
Applying SHE Principles & Procedures (ASHEPP) (US259604)
Basic SHE Inspections
Environmental Awareness
Introduction to Occupational SHE
Office Health & Safety
SHE Induction (US259639)
Introduction to Occupational Health & Safety Act
Preliminary Incident Investigation (US259617)
Safety for Supervisors Training Course
Safety for Supervisors Training Course with Practical
SHE Representative
SHE Representative Functions (US259619 & US259622)
NOSA Auditor (US12674)
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (HIRA) (US244287)
NOSA Incident Investigation Level 3 (US120335)
Introduction to SAMTRAC®
ITIS: Train‐the‐Trainer (US117870)
NOSA Integrated Five Star System Navigator
Procedures & Observations (US120337)
SAMTRAC® (US244283)
SAMTRAC® for General Industry (Namibia) (US244283)
Strategic Risk Planning (US12885)
NEBOSH International Construction Certificate (ICC)
NEBOSH International General Certificate (IGC)
NEBOSH National Environmental Certificate (NEC)
SAMTRAC® International
Basic Fire Awareness
Fire Fighting ‐ Level 1 (US252250*)
First Aid ‐ Level 1 (US119567*)
First Aid ‐ Level 2 (US120496*)
First Aid ‐ Level 3 (US376480*)
Advanced OHSAct (No. 85 of 1993)
From A‐Z: OHSAct (No. 85 of 1993)
Climate Change Management
Corporate Governance: An Insight into Strategic Risk Management
Safety for Senior Executives
ASHEPP for Mining (US259639)
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment for Mining (HIRA) (US244383)
Introduction to SAMTRAC® for Mining
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Mine Health & Safety Act (No. 29 of 1996)
SAMTRAC® for Mining (US244283)
SAMTRAC® for Mining: Bridging Course (US244283)
SAMTRAC® for Mining (Namibia) (US244283)
SHE Representative for Mining (US259622)
SHE Representative for Mining with Practical (US259622)
NOSA Incident Investigation Level 3 at Mines (US120335)
Spider & Scorpion Risk Awareness
Reptile Risk Management
HACCP Introduction & Overview
ISO 9001:2008 QMS Introduction
ISO 9001:2008 QMS Implementation
ISO 9001:2008 QMS Internal Auditor
ISO 14001 EMS Introduction
ISO 14001 EMS Implementation
ISO 14001 EMS Internal Auditor
ISO 22000 Introduction & Overview
OHSAS 18001 Introduction
OHSAS 18001 Implementation
OHSAS 18001 Internal Auditor
Combined OHSAS 18001 & ISO 14001 EMS Implementation
Combined OHSAS 18001 & ISO 14001 EMS Internal Auditor
Working at Heights: Basic
Working at Heights: Post Fall Arrest Rescue
Working at Heights: Post Fall Arrest Self Rescue
Working at Heights: FAS User
Working at Heights: FAS Rescue
Working at Heights: Fall Protection Plan Development (US229994)
Working at Heights: Fall Arrest & Rescue (US229995)
Working at Heights: Basic Fall Arrest (US229998)
Working at Heights: Advanced Fall Arrest Rescue (US229999)
Confined Space Workshop
Confined Space Entry (US15034)
Confined Space Rescue (US260139)
Fall Protection Plan Development & HIRA
Climate Change Management
Construction Regulations & Implementation
Emergency Planning for Evacuation
Environmental Awareness
Hazardous Chemical Substances
Hazards & Risks
Ladder Safety
Legal Liability
Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL)
QMS Awareness
Safe Stacking & Storage
Scaffold & Fall Protection
Tools & Machinery
Waste Management
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SAMTRAC International e‐Learning
SAMTRAC International is a product of NOSA, a globally recognised provider of occupational risk
management services. SAMTRAC International's e‐learning platform has been designed to be fully
interactive and is aimed at providing a practical experience that equips the learner with the
knowledge and skills to implement and manage an HSE management system.
Over the past 50 years, the SAMTRAC training course has been a cornerstone to the development of
the HSE profession in a number of countries and the decision to create SAMTRAC International was
driven by the demand for the training course from NOSA’s international client base. View an online
demo on the SAMTRAC International website (
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Study in your own time with 24hr access to the e‐learning content
Interactive online e‐learning platform
Over 80 accredited exam centres located around the world
Interactive and engaging content that allows the learner the best opportunity to successfully
complete the course in their own time and without the assistance of a tutor
Visit for detailed information.
NOSA assists clients to achieve set goals through audits conducted by some of the most experienced
auditors in the world. NOSA audits various risk management systems, and issues a NOSA Grading
Certificate and Star Rating.
The NOSA Five Star System Standard Specification is accredited with CMB001 an International safety
management standard. The NOSA Five Star System Standard Specification details the critical
requirements for an effective and efficient occupational health, safety and environmental management
system. Implementing and maintaining the NOSA Five Star System Standard, enables the implementer
to manage risks and improve both sustainability and business performance within the field of
occupational health, safety and environmental management. It is based on the principles of:
• Continual improvement
• Commitment and policy
• Planning
• Implementation and operational control
• Monitoring and system review
The following NOSA Five Star System Standard Audit Guidelines provide a framework within which
the implementer can develop, implement, evaluate, adapt and maintain an effective and efficient
occupational health, safety and environmental management system.
1.1 NOSA Five Star System Standard ‐ Audit Guidelines ‐ Health and Safety
The NOSA Five Star System Standard is implemented by thousands of organisations across the world,
providing them with a rock‐solid framework for managing occupational health and safety. Various
companies wish not to integrate environmental standards into their management systems. This NOSA
Five Star System (Health and Safety) audit outcome is ideally suited for that purpose. NOSA recognises
the need, especially for small or medium enterprises that wish to manage their health and safety risks
but do not have the resources to implement a fully integrated safety, health and environmental risk
management programme, or wish to implement a separate programme to address environmental
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1.2 NOSA Integrated Five Star System Standard ‐ Audit Guidelines ‐ Safety, Health and
The NOSA Integrated Five Star System Standard Audit Guidelines provide for the management of
safety, health and the environment (SH&E) in an integrated manner, based on the risk profile of any
particular site, with an emphasis on effectiveness at an operational level.
The NOSA Integrated Five Star System ‐ Standard Audit Guidelines
• Encompasses safety, health and environmental risk management
• Risk‐based
• Ensures legal compliance
• Provides an outcomes‐based system for benchmarking SH&E performance and experience
• Allows for continuous improvement through measurement of effectiveness
• Is a management system
Implementation will benefit any organisation committed to minimising the SH&E risks. It may be
utilised to manage the issues required for short‐term business success, as well as medium‐term issues
of corporate governance and sustainability:
• Occupational safety
• Employee health and morale
• The state of the natural environment
The NOSA audit team makes every effort to provide an independent audit outcome to clients in the
quest to uphold the best principles of occupational safety, health and environmental care in everyday
business operations. Clients are graded at least once a year to determine the status of their safety,
health and environmental performance and experience. The results of the audits are then displayed as
star ratings. Overall, audit results will indicate possible performance weaknesses in the areas of risk
assessment, human behaviour control, visible leadership, continuous improvement and safety, health
and environmental standards integration.
NOSA Measurement
At the heart of the NOSA Integrated Five Star System Standard Audit Guidelines lies a thorough,
detailed evaluation of the principles and practices that keep an organisation safe, healthy, and
environmentally sustainable.
The main five sections of the NOSA Integrated Five Star System Standard Audit Guidelines are:
1. Premises & housekeeping
2. Mechanical, electrical and personal safeguarding
3. Management of fire and other emergency risks
4. Incident recording and investigation
5. Organisational management
Each applicable element is evaluated during an audit, with criteria and percentage points allocated as
follows for safety, health and environment respectively:
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Hazards identified and risks assessed 10
Appropriate systems, standards, and procedures in place 20
Degree of compliance with above systems, standards and procedural 30
Overall effectiveness 40
NOSA measures incident experience and effort during a grading audit. These outcomes are reached by
taking into consideration and measuring specific safety, health and environmental indicators:
• Fatality frequency rate
• Permanent disabling/impairment frequency rate
• Lost workday frequency rate
• Restricted workday frequency rate
• Medical treatment frequency rate
• First‐aid treatment frequency rate
• Health fatality frequency rate
• Irreversible diagnosed disease frequency rate
• Reversible occupational disease frequency rate
• Noise‐induced hearing loss frequency rate
• Major environmental incident rate
• Medium environmental incident rate
• Minor environmental incident rate
Benefits of Implementing the NOSA Integrated Five Star System Standard
• Health, safety and environmental impacts and risks are easily identified.
• Risks can be prioritised and addressed in a systematic manner.
• Enables all categories of staff to participate.
• Compatible with existing organisational management systems and standards such as ISO
9001:2000 and ISO 14001 and legislative requirements.
• Proven correlation between the incident frequency rate of a company and its current NOSA Star
• Reduces absenteeism, claims and insurance assessments.
• Addresses moral, legal and financial issues related to occupational health, safety and
environmental management.
• Enhances employer/employee relationships and marketing integrity both locally and abroad.
• Boosts morale, productivity, standards of living and profits.
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• Improves commitment to health, safety and the environment that are as integral to operations as
production and quality standards.
• Implementation can start virtually overnight as NOSA can supply all necessary back‐up
documentation, examples of forms, registers and other technical data.
• Recognition is given in the form of a grading certificate and grading board at the entrance of the
plant for all to see – employees, public and competitors.
• Provides for international benchmarking opportunities.
• Could be incorporated into sustainable reporting.
• Reflects perceptions as well as realities as built into corporate reputation.
1.3 SeaSafe System Standard ‐ Audit Guideline ‐ Fishing and Maritime
NOSA, in co‐operation with its maritime clients and ship owners, has developed the risk‐based SeaSafe
System Standard, incorporating all of the requirements of the ISM (International Safety Maritime)
Code for shipping as prescribed by the IMO (International Maritime Organisation). Implementation
depends on the requirements of the client:
• Basic level: smaller vessels including small fishing vessels.
• Intermediate level: larger vessels including trawlers.
• Advanced level: vessels to which the requirements of the ISM Code apply.
NOSA has a wealth of experience in maritime safety management and is assisting clients to attain and
maintain high levels of safety, health and environmental management, both ashore and afloat. NOSA
uses the specialised SeaSafe System Standard Audit Guidelines to conduct independent audits on sea‐
going vessels.
Benefits of the SeaSafe System Standard
• Specialised audit methodology designed for sea‐going vessels
• Improved safety, health and environmental standards
• Demonstrated commitment to employee health and safety
• Increased safety awareness, morale and productivity
• Reduced number of accidents, injuries and costs
• External annual audits to benchmark performance and effectiveness
1.4 Mining System Standard ‐ Audit Guidelines ‐ Opencast, Quarries, Coal, Hard Rock,
NOSA has developed safety, health and environmental management system standards specifically for
the mining industry. Recognising the need for industry‐specific management system standards has
made it possible for NOSA mining clients to implement and manage their systems effectively and with
immediate results. NOSA’s ability to serve the international mining industry comes from its global
network of mining auditors and half a century of experience focused at the trends and specific needs of
the mining industry.
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NOSA audits on the following Mining System Standard Audit Guidelines:
• Opencast mining
• Surface plants, workshops and general
• Quarries and works
• Underground coal mine
• Underground hard rock mine
• Underground: other mineral mines
The Mining System Standard Audit Guidelines are available for health and safety (S&H) as well as for
health, safety and environment (SH&E). NOSA’s international mining auditing team has extensive and
widespread experience in the mining industry and is constantly working with clients to ensure that
unique challenges of the mining industry are addressed. NOSA currently services some of the biggest
mining groups in the world and its commitment to assist mining clients in managing their risks is
Benefits of the Mining System Standard
• Recognised internationally
• Legal compliance
• Standards developed to address specific mining risks
• Specialised audit methodology designed for the mining industry
• Improved safety, health and environmental standards
• Risk based
• Demonstrated commitment to employee health, safety and the environment
• Increased awareness, morale and productivity
• Reduced number of accidents, injuries and costs
• External annual audits to benchmark performance and effectiveness
1.5 Contractors Compliance System Standard ‐ Audit Guidelines ‐ Industry, Mining, Forestry
A contractor can, unfortunately, also add risk to a company’s operations. NOSA has designed
Contractor Compliance System Standard Audit Guidelines that are based on the risk of the contractor
in relation to the activities performed on the premises of the principal company. A certificate of
compliance is issued after a site‐specific audit in three categories: Red, Silver and Gold.
For the high‐risk contractors NOSA provides the well‐known NOSA Five Star System Standard Audit
Guidelines (incorporating safety and health) that gives site‐specific recognition from one to five green
stars. Contractors with significant environmental impacts or impacts that could influence the
environmental impact of the principal should be evaluated on the NOSA Integrated Five Star System
Standard Audit Guidelines (incorporating safety, health and environmental risk management) one to
five platinum stars. In some companies, the contractors outnumber the employees. The impact of
contractors on the operational activities of the business could vary from positive to extremely
negative. Therefore, contractors should be classified or categorised according to the risk associated
with the activities the contractor performs.
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NOSA audits on the following NOSA System Standard Audit Guidelines:
• Industry
• Mining
• Forestry
Auditing becomes vital when dealing with high‐risk contractors. Standards or performance criteria
required for the contractors need to be set for occupational health, safety and environment. Some
contractors will require criteria only for health, while others will require performance criteria for
safety health and environment. It is clear that the performance criteria for contractors should be based
on the perceived risk of the contractor’s activities to the company and its employees as well as risk to
the employees of the contractor.
Principal companies are encouraged to prescribe, to the contractor, SH&E performance criteria in
relation to the risk profile and the influence of the risk on their operation. The minimum for all
contractors should be Gold Status within three years.
Benefits of the Contractor Compliance System Standard
• Industry‐specific, addressing specific risks (industry, mining, forestry)
• Unique recognition system
• Principal companies assured of SH&E standards
• Reduced incidents, claims, costs
• Increased morale and productivity
• Reflects good corporate reputation
1.6 Healthcare System Standard ‐ Audit Guidelines ‐ Hospitals
NOSA provides standard‐specific auditing services to the healthcare industry (hospitals, clinics,
private and public). NOSA realises that the healthcare industry has unique characteristics and with its
network of resources. The Healthcare System Standard Audit Guidelines are specific to risks
encountered in the healthcare industry. It has three objectives, namely patient care, environmental
management and the occupational health and safety of employees.
Patient Care
• Infection control: sterilisation, hygiene sampling, cross‐contamination, theatre air and filtering
• Patient incidents: wrong medication/operations, patient slips and falls, equipment failure.
• Technical integrity: equipment calibration, standby equipment, emergency equipment, equipment
integrity, radiation, and radiation source integrity.
Environmental Management
• Waste management: waste separation, biological wastes incineration, pathological waste disposal,
human tissue disposal, and medical equipment disposal.
• Liquid waste streams: waste stream separation, drain identification.
• Air pollution: incinerator monitoring, filter disposal.
• Employee health and safety
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• Reduction in employees’ incidents.
• Cross‐infection of employees.
Benefits of the Healthcare System Standard
• Better healthcare service to patients
• Fewer infections and less cross‐contamination
• Equipment failure minimised
• Patient death as a result of technical failure minimised
• Fewer insurance claims
• Incidents reduced
• Reduced patient recovery times
1.7 Gas Production System Standard ‐ Audit Guidelines
The audit guidelines deal specifically with the production process of gases through air separation and
other specialized gases production technologies of specialised gases like nitrous oxide and carbon
dioxide. Storage of gases and transportation is addressed through the technical integrity of the storage
facilities and the driver and transportation systems. Correct cylinder filling and handling are ensured
by compliance with procedures and operator training and experience. Environmental management
comprises sound waste management and sound management of water and air pollution. The risk‐
based audits are conducted by an audit team that has worldwide experience in the auditing of gases
production, distribution and storage.
Benefits of the Gas Production System Standard
• Management‐based outputs are achieved
• Industry specific
• Risk specific
• Reduction in incidents and cost
• Corporate reputation is enhanced
• Will lead to world‐class performance
1.8 Forestry System Standard ‐ Audit Guidelines
Incident and fatality rates in the forestry industry are among the highest compared to other industry
sectors. NOSA has designed specific audit guidelines for the forestry industry, including standards for
forestry contractors and it addresses risks from the sylviculture stage to harvesting of plantations. The
guidelines provide for equipment safety and behavioural or safe work procedures. The health aspects
of application of herbicides and insecticides are specifically addressed, including the biological
monitoring of exposed employees.
• Control of contractors through the principal’s management system
• Contractors’ SH&E performance is improved
• High‐risk contractors are managed
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The NOSA Audit
Audits are conducted by the NOSA forestry specialists according to the risks and number of employees.
Pre and post harvesting audits are conducted.
Benefits of the Forestry System Standard
• Reduction in injuries and deaths
• Performance‐based output and measurement
• Recognition is based on effort and SH&E experience
• Reduction of environmental incidents
1.9 Client Protocol ‐ Corporate Standards Audit
NOSA is able to perform audits against corporate standards (e.g. GMP or BOP standards) to evaluate
compliance, analyse trends or identify possible areas for improvement.
1.10 Due Diligence
The scope of due diligence may vary depending on the requirements of the client. NOSA offers
assistance during due diligence process to verify that the client is transparent about its operations and
processes, highlight the potential problems, give an opinion on the client’s current status and provide
input for the development of an action plan to add value.
NOSA’s role during the due diligence process:
• Review existing operations
• Provide valuable input regarding legislative and occupational risk management issues for
inclusion in the client’s action plan
• Identify all relevant laws, standards and codes of practice with which to comply
• Identify all steps that should reasonably be taken to comply with those laws, standards and codes
of practice
• Ensure that the audit scope addresses these required areas
• Identify current performance with respect to relevant laws, standards and codes of practice
1.11 Sustainability
Safety, health and environmental management are a few of the components embedded in the concept
of sustainable development. Society, corporate responsibility and the economy are equally important.
Although it is necessary to protect the environment, it is not always sufficient, since a healthy
environment does not necessarily mean a prosperous society or a healthy economy. Sustainable
development explores the relationships between environmental, social and economic benefits.
Environmental protection implies reducing adverse effects, not necessarily allowing future
generations to inherit the same amount of natural, social and economic wealth as their predecessors.
Whereas environmental protection is often regulated, sustainable development involves going beyond
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compliance. The NOSA auditing and certification division has the expertise to assist the client with the
measurement of standards of performance – an important part of the company’s sustainable
development business strategy.
1.12 Legal Compliance Audits
NOSA offers legal compliance audits to clients who wish to ensure that they act in accordance with
legal requirements. The purpose of these audits is to identify and measure the exposure that the
organisation has to appropriate statutory requirements.
Each NOSA Audit Entails:
• Audit preparation (including identification of relevant legislation)
• Conducting an audit (on site)
• Report writing and feedback
This will depend on the size of each site and the type of activities conducted, as well as the scope of the
Benefits of a NOSA Legal Audit
• An external evaluation of the organisation’s compliance with applicable SH&E legislation.
• A written report on audit findings is provided.
1.13 Limited Scope Audits
These are audits based on limited requirements determined by the client where NOSA audits only a
specified activity or section of the operation.
Examples of such audits are:
• Lockout procedures
• Preventive maintenance system
• Materials handling division
• Occupational health programme
• Standards and procedures
More about the NOSA Audit
NOSA has more than 60 years of experience in auditing companies in all sectors of industry on the
NOSA Five Star System Standard Audit Guidelines.
• Baseline audit: This is the first audit NOSA conducts at the request of a client. During this audit,
system deviations are identified and recommendations for further improvements are made.
• Star grading audit: This is an audit conducted to determine the status of a client’s health and
safety management system and compliance with the standard. This audit is usually conducted once
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a year but could be conducted more frequently at the client’s request. The result of this audit is
usually displayed as a green star grading.
Measuring of Audit Outcomes
The measuring of the successful implementation of the NOSA Five Star System Standard is determined
by the grading audit, which focuses on the programme status and the disabling incident frequency
rate (DIFR) of the company. NOSA awards a star rating based on the following criteria:
> 95 < 0.8 NOSCAR Status
> 91 < 1 5 Star: Excellent
> 75 < 2 4 Star: Very good
> 61 < 3 3 Star: Good
> 51 < 4 2 Star: Average
> 40 < 5 1 Star: Fair
DIFR = Number of disabling incidents x 200 000
Total man‐hours worked
Disabling injuries: Included are lost workday and restricted workday cases. Occupational diseases
are included on the day of diagnosis.
Benefits of implementing the NOSA Five Star System Standard
• Critical issues and risks are easily identified, prioritised and addressed in a systematic manner.
• Enables all categories of staff to participate.
• Compatible with existing organisational management systems, ISO 9001:2000 and 14001
standards and legislative requirements.
• Proven correlation between the DIFR of a company and its NOSA Star Rating status.
• Reduces absenteeism, claims and insurance assessments.
• Addresses moral, legal and financial issues related to occupational health and safety management.
• Enhances employer/employee relationships and marketing integrity both locally and abroad.
• Boosts morale, productivity, standards of living and profits.
• Implementation can start virtually overnight as NOSA can supply all necessary back‐up
documentation, examples of forms, registers and other technical data.
• Recognition is given in the form of a grading certificate and grading board at the entrance of the
plant for all to see – employees, public and competitors.
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NOSA, an accredited training provider, offers height safety training courses, presented by qualified and
experienced practitioners, at its rigged practical training facility in Centurion, Gauteng, as well as at all
NOSA training academies across Southern Africa or in‐house at the client’s premises.
NOSA is an official member of the Institute for Work at Height (IWH) in the Height Safety and
Specialist Fall Arrest Chamber.
Training Courses
Working at Heights: Fall Protection Plan Development 2 days (aligned to US229994)
Fall Protection Plan Development and HIRA (1:10) 4 days (aligned to US229994 and US224287)
Working at Heights: Fall Arrest and Rescue (1:10) 3 days (aligned to US229995)
Working at Heights: Basic Fall Arrest (1:10) 3 days (aligned to US229998)
Working at Heights: Advanced Fall Arrest Rescue 3 days (aligned to US229999)
Basic Working at Heights (1:20) 1 day (competency based)
Working at Heights: Post Fall Arrest Rescue (1:6) 1 day (competency based)
Working at Heights: Post Fall Arrest Self Rescue (1:6) 1 day (competency based)
Confined Space Workshop 1 day (attendance certification)
3 days (aligned to US15034) (competency
Confined Space Entry (1:10)
Confined Space Rescue (1:10) 2 days (aligned to US260139) (competency
ESKOM‐Specific Height Safety Courses
Working at Heights: FAS User :: Duration: 2 days (competency based)
Working at Heights: FAS Rescue :: Duration: 2 days (competency based)
Courses are presented by NOSA facilitators accredited through the Services SETA and evaluated by
Eskom as Approved Eskom Height Safety Trainers.
Certified Installations
NOSA is a certified and competent installer of permanent lifelines conforming to EN 795 C based on
the products as supplied by the Tractel® group.
• Travsmart™ : Single cable lifeline with automatic travel through intermediate and turn anchors
• Travflex™ : For steel and aluminium roofs
• Travspring™ : Easy to install mono cable line
• Travsafe™ : For fragile supporting structures
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NOSA Occupational Hygiene Services, a division of NOSA (Pty) Ltd, is an Approved Inspection
Authority (AIA), with approval number is CI 12/113 OH and includes monitoring of Chemical Stress
Factors, Physical Stress Factors, Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation Systems. Our
Occupational Hygiene services include:
• Health Risk Assessments: on potential exposure to hazardous chemical substances (including
dusts, fumes, vapours, etc.), physical agents (noise, heat, vibration, illumination, etc.), ergonomics
(physical and organisational aspects).
• Workplace & Environmental Monitoring: according to international recognised methods
including NIOSH & OSHA on exposure to chemical stress factors such as industrial chemicals and
stressors including dusts, fumes and vapours.
• Noise surveys for hearing conservation or annoyance purposes
• Illumination (day and night time) and emergency illumination surveys
• Ventilation and indoor air quality surveys, including an evaluation of the efficiency of laboratory
fume cupboards, extraction ventilation systems and spray booths
• Heat and cold stress surveys
• Hygiene evaluation including food premises, sanitary facilities, change rooms, dining rooms and
drinking water
• Evaluation of the air purity from compressed air systems for airline breathing apparatus
• Safety glass assessments
• Baseline ergonomic assessments (physical and organisational aspects)
• Air, water and soil pollution assessments
Laboratory & Analytical Services
• Gravimetric analysis of airborne dusts and fumes (Microbalance)
• Analysis of chemical samples via different sampling media by SANAS accredited laboratories
• Identification of asbestos in bulk materials by Polarised Light Microscopy (PLM) in accordance
with MDHS 77 and evaluation of asbestos fibres in air by Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) in
accordance with MDHS 39/4
• Chemical analysis of air, water and soil samples for contaminants, elements, chemical composition
(X‐Ray Diffraction, Atomic Absorption, Gas Spectrophotometry)
• Microbiological analysis of air, water and soil samples for pathological organisms
Advice & Information Services
• Legal aspects of occupational health, hygiene and the environment, Occupational Exposure Limits
(OELs) and other evaluation standards, including Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs)
• Drafting, implementation and maintenance of safety, occupational hygiene and environmental
management programmes
• Compiling of standards, procedures and guidelines
• Selection, use and maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Ergonomics and workplace design
NOSA Occupational Hygiene Training Services
• In house or at our venues training courses for your managers, supervisors and employees
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Risk Management Consulting
Through our worldwide and highly specialised consulting services, we help clients analyse and
manage risk to people, productivity, quality, and the environment. Under very trying conditions and in
a labour‐intensive environment, mining organisations have to implement and manage effective HSE
programmes. Apart from protecting the workforce, a further concern mine management has to
contend with, is the social responsibility towards its local community and other parties.
NOSA has pioneered an integrated approach to occupational risk management. Our consultants have
first‐hand experience and are positioned to provide advice and guidance on implementing and
management of a HSE risk management programme.
NOSA offers mining sector‐specific implementation and managed services. Some mining companies
conduct their HSE management planning either solely in response to regulatory requirements or to
address their main risk areas, and tend to address HSE challenges on an ad hoc basis. However,
proactive intervention allows systematic identification and prioritisation of all risks and
environmental impacts, including those not regulated.
NOSA mining clients have experienced positive outcomes in terms of improved risk management
performance, assured legal compliance and effective identification of responsibilities beyond legal
compliance. Our proven methodologies define and institute structure, practices, procedures, processes
and resources necessary to ensure sustained regulatory compliance and continuous improvement in
HSE risk management performance.
Services include:
• Guidance and support to mine management in the planning and implementation of an effective
HSE risk management programme, tailored to the mine’s risk profile, structure, size and culture.
• Independent assessment of workplace hazards, risks and environmental impacts and setting
objectives to address them, within an appropriate timeframe, supported by all relevant
documentation and data control.
• On‐site management and integration of existing HSE standards, working with management, focus
groups, supervisors, union officials as well as health and safety representatives and committees to
establish high level of awareness, knowledge and skill.
• Reviews, implementation tools, gap analysis, examples of HSE systems, policies and procedures
and case studies.
NOSA Mining Training Programmes
NOSA Mining Training Programmes provide the necessary knowledge and skills to identify and
manage safety, health and environmental risks within the workplace:
ASHEPP for Mining (US259639)
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment for Mining (HIRA) (US244383)
Introduction to SAMTRAC® for Mining
Mine Health & Safety Act (No. 29 of 1996)
SAMTRAC® for Mining (US244283)
SAMTRAC® for Mining: Bridging Course (US244283)
SAMTRAC® for Mining (Namibia) (US244283)
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SHE Representative for Mining (US259622)
SHE Representative for Mining with Practical (US259622)
NOSA Incident Investigation Level 3 at Mines (US120335)
Spider & Scorpion Risk Awareness
Reptile Risk Management
Mine Safety Audits
NOSA offers audit and consulting services, focusing on its core product, the NOSA Integrated Five Star
System, a world‐renowned set of standards specifically designed to address the occupational risks of
the Mining Industry. NOSA’s audit methods are unique but at the same time consistent with the latest
international practice. The emphasis is on systems rather than simply compliance.
Mining organisations that want to ensure its operations comply with HSE standards, can request NOSA
to conduct a baseline audit of major risk areas. This identifies problem areas, from which a needs
analysis is drawn up which outlines procedures that the mine should implement to manage its risks
effectively. Audits on the following Mining System Audit Guidelines are available: open cast mining,
surface plants workshops, quarries and works, underground coal mine, underground hard rock mine,
underground – other mineral mines. The Mining System Standard Audit Guidelines are available for
safety and health (S&H) as well as for health and the environment (HSE).
Integrated Malaria Management
Not only does malaria have a direct impact on mine employees, it also is a major cause of death in
young children and pregnant women, therefore affecting the entire community. NOSA offers an
integrated solution that helps combat and manage the disease and its consequences. Co‐ordinators
and team members receive intensive training in all aspects of malaria management, including
diagnosis, treatment and monitoring.
Working at Heights – Mining Industry‐specific
NOSA offers competency based and accredited training courses for the mining industry, including:
• Working at Heights: Basic
• Working at Heights: Post Fall Arrest Rescue
• Working at Heights: Post Fall Arrest Self Rescue
• Working at Heights: FAS User
• Working at Heights: FAS Rescue
• Working at Heights: Fall Protection Plan Development
• Working at Heights: Fall Arrest and Rescue
• Working at Heights: Basic Fall Arrest
• Working at Heights: Advanced Fall Arrest Rescue
• Confined Space Workshop
NOSA Working at Heights division develops customised fall protection plans for mining clients.
Mine Management Training and Mentoring Programme
The transition from a supervisory level to managerial level may be overwhelming to some employees,
especially if the employee has not received management training. NOSA’s Management Training and
Mentoring Programme provides the opportunity to grow professionally through structured training
and on‐going mentoring. Our process involves all the relevant knowledge, tools and skills required to
build a successful career in Mine Management. Areas addressed are communication skills, human
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resource management as well as quality, financial and risk management, planning, implementation
and evaluation – i.e. the full cycle of project management. Once the process is complete, all learning
objectives are evaluated to ensure that you are armed with both the knowledge and skill to conduct
your management role effectively and efficiently. All of our training is delivered on the client’s site, and
topics are customised to suit the unique requirements of the client.
Reptile Risk Training
Mining companies often operate in environments where employees are exposed to snakes and other
reptiles. Accordingly it is important to ensure that staff are properly trained and equipped to deal with
the risks associated with reptiles. NOSA, in collaboration with Reptile Ventures, offers various training
programmes for employees in the mining industry, including snake awareness, reptile awareness,
snake handling and first aid for snake bite and emergency procedures. Risk assessments and
environmental impact assessments on reptiles and amphibians for EIA reports, are conducted by
skilled NOSA auditors, throughout Africa.
Spider & Scorpion Risk Awareness
Spiders and scorpions pose a serious health threat in many places around the world. The Spider and
Scorpion Awareness course empowers employees that work in areas where spiders and scorpions
may be found. It provides skills and knowledge to work effectively, responsibly, comply with
environmental policies, emergency protocol and help make the workplace a safer place. Aimed at
employees working in areas that are inhabited by spiders and scorpions. Duration is a full day and
includes presentation, discussion, training manual, workbook and assessment.
NOSA Technologies provides commercial products such as MIRACLES that supports daily HSE
management functions, thereby empowering Risk Managers to have the necessary tools to reduce
incident frequency rates and mitigate high risk activities.
NOSA Technologies has strong internal systems to support the integrated technology implemented by
our clients, such as our support teams, business analysts and project management tools.
MIRACLES (Multiple Integrated Risk Assessment and Control Level Evaluation System) is a
comprehensive and real‐time risk management system for the prevention of incidents and accidents
within the workplace. The system proactively alerts key users on essential risk management activities
and is compatible with standard ISO and NOSA system specifications. It is one of very few software
solutions that accurately predicts workplace incidents before they occur, thereby empowering risk
managers to pro‐actively plan, implement and manage occupational safety, health, quality and
environmental risks.
MIRACLES Training Course Overview:
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• MODULE ONE: Introduction to risk assessment
• MODULE TWO: Occupational hazard identification and quantification
• MODULE THREE: Occupational risks
• MODULE FOUR: The mechanics and technicalities of risk assessment
• MODULE FIVE: The four dimensions of the MIRACLES risk assessment process
• MODULE SIX: Controls
• MODULE SEVEN: The risk assessment process – practical module
• MODULE EIGHT: Practical application of the MIRACLES software
MIRACLES can be accessed through cloud computing which is based on the Software as a Service
(SaaS) model. The MIRACLES software is hosted by NOSA and made available to users via a network,
or the internet.
Benefits of this option include:
• effortless administration
• safe and secure data management and backup
• automatic updates and patch management
• compatible and consistent use of software
• global accessibility from the following internet enabled devices: desktop personal computers /
laptops / tablets
NOSA Integrated Five Star System Standard for the Education Sector (Schools)
The NOSA System has been developed in response to a growing awareness among schools and other
educational systems that HSE matters need to be taken seriously and need active management. There
have also been calls from education institutions for a system that meaningfully reflects a school’s
unique character, focusing on the wide range of risks to both students and staff.
NOSA is a corporate member of the Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa (ISASA) and
the System was developed in consultation with ISASA. As a corporate member, NOSA is a preferred
supplier of HSE services to educational systems.
What is the NOSA System?
The NOSA Integrated Five Star System for the Education Sector (CMB700), based on the NOSA
Integrated Five Star System Standard Audit Guidelines (see 1.2) is a risk‐based system built around 69
elements that serve as a unique framework for institutions to establish, implement and manage an
integrated and sustainable health, safety and environmental system. Once established, the system is
compliant with relevant local legislation and is compatible with international standards such as ISO
9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
The NOSA System is suitable for application in all types of educational systems from small pre‐schools
to large complex tertiary institutions. Being risk‐based the system can be adjusted to reflect the unique
risk profile and range of activities that characterize each institution. A central feature of the system is
that it provides an institution with an integrated and holistic approach to HSE that takes account of the
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whole community. As such, the System has been customized to ensure the health and safety of staff, as
well as the health and safety of the students and when relevant, parents, visitors to the campus and the
surrounding community.
How would your institution go about achieving the highest standards in HSE management?
Having taken the decision to adopt the NOSA Integrated Five Star System Standard for the Education
Sector, NOSA would normally start with a baseline audit of the facilities and the systems that are in
place. Following the audit NOSA consultants can provide all the support and documentation needed to
ensure that the institution is successful in establishing, implementing and managing the system. NOSA
believes in building long term relationships with each of its clients so as to ensure the development
and sustainability of the system. The support NOSA provides can be tailor‐made to suit the specific
needs of the institution and will be based on each institution’s unique requirements and resources.
With the support and assistance of NOSA the institution will embark on a journey of continuous
improvement until the highest level of HSE management has been reached – being awarded five
platinum stars.
NOSA Consulting Services Division offers a complete range of consulting services, including design,
implementation and review of business process:
• Design and implementation of customised risk management solutions focused on social and
environmental responsibility (Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality management)
Diagnostic Review / Situational Assessment
• Initial business risk review
• Initial occupational health and safety (OH&S) review
• Initial environmental aspect/impact/ risk review
• Initial safety, health and environmental (SHE) risk review
• Review of current status of management systems or components thereof
• Review of SHE competencies / training needs
Risk Assessments
• Facilitation of OH&S risk assessments
• Facilitation of environmental risk assessments and aspect registers
• Facilitation of baseline SHE risk assessments
Facilitation of issue‐based/task and risk assessments (HAZOP, Noise, Hazardous Chemical
Substances, After Incidents, New Processes)
• Facilitation of continuous risk assessments
• Facilitation of developing a company SHE risk profile
• Facilitation of task risk assessments
• Facilitation and development of safe work procedures based on risk assessments
• Enterprise wide risk assessment
Integrated Management System Development and Implementation
• Quality Management (ISO 9001)
• Occupational Health and Safety (OHSAS 18001, NOSA Five Star System)
• Environmental Management (ISO 14001)
• SHE Management (NOSA Integrated Five Star System)
• SA 8000
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• Contractor management system
• Company specific / customised system
• Miracles Electronic Risk Management Solution
Management System Optimisation
• Development of corrective action plans following audits
• Management of corrective action plans
• Facilitation of internal audits
• Facilitation of Management System Integration
• Integrated SHEQ management system (ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, NOSA Five Star System, ISO 14001 &
Responsible care)
Skills Transfer
• Workshops on risk assessment and risk management
• Workshops on management system requirements
• Workshops on occupational health and safety awareness
• Workshops on environmental awareness and sustainable development
• Workshops on management system development and implementation
• Customised workshops as per client requirements on SHEQ issues
SHE Reporting
• Incident statistic compilation and reporting mechanisms
• SHE performance reports
Monitoring of Environmental Stressors
• Illumination
• Noise
• Hazardous chemical substances
• Ventilation
• Indoor air quality
• Thermal conditions
Legal Services
• Development of Legal Registers (Health, Safety and Environmental)
• Legal update service
• Legal assessments and recommendations
Certification ‐ Assistance with certification of management systems and standards
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NCA is a subsidiary of MICROmega Holdings Limited, a company listed on
the JSE. Existing NOSA clients stand to benefit from a multiple outcome
audit by integrating the NOSA system with a combination of the above
certifications. With established offices in all major regions across Southern
Africa, NCA is ideally positioned to meet client specific needs no matter how remote the location.
NCA uses the very best industry knowledge and skills available, ensuring our clients receive
professional and efficient services at all times.
ISO 9001 ‐ Quality Management System
ISO 14001 ‐ Environmental Management System
OHSAS 18001 ‐ Occupational Health and Safety Management System
The following training courses are available for the management systems mentioned below:
Awareness, Introduction, Implementation and the Internal Auditor Course
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
OHSAS 18001
ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 (Combined)
ISO 22000
NQA Africa provides auditor training and third‐party management
certification to all business sectors, licensed in Africa, Australia and New
Zealand. Accreditation is via UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service)
and annual audits ensure compliance with strict international business
protocols and auditor qualifications. NQA (UK) is one of the largest
certification bodies in the world, issuing approximately 18 500 certificates
of registration in 52 countries, with agency agreements in place for
representation on every continent.
NQA Africa provides third‐party management certification to the following international standards:
• ISO 9001
• ISO 14001
• OHSAS 18001
• TS 16949
• ISO 22000
NQA Africa auditors are registered with IRCA (UK) (International Register of Certificated Auditors)
and/or SAATCA (South African Auditor and Training Certification Association) and are in possession
of at least one professional qualification (diploma or degree) which complies with NQA UK
requirements. Auditors are selectively scheduled according to proven industry‐related knowledge and
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The Application Process:
1. Client completes application forms (available from NQA Africa)
2. NQA Africa prepares quotation for submission to NQA UK for approval of audit schedules and
3. Once approved, the quotation is presented to the client.
4. If the client accepts, audit schedules are confirmed.
The Certification Process:
1. A pre‐audit can be arranged on request (this does not form part of the actual audit process).
2. Initial / documentation / preliminary audit.
3. Main audit (this must take place within six months after the initial audit).
4. Annual surveillance audits are conducted to confirm and ensure the legitimacy of the certificate
which is valid for three years.
System Kit (General NOSA, Construction and ISO 9001 kits available)
The System Kit is a set of tools that assists with the implementation and improvement of the
Integrated Safety, Health and Environmental Risk Management Programme. These tools are flexible,
easy to use and time efficient. The kit comprises:
1. Integrated Five Star System Guide
2. Implementation Standards Framework
3. Equipment Registers
4. Register Control Documents
5. Appointment Documents
6. SH&E Planner
7. Incident Investigation Documents
NOSA Integrated Five Star System Guide
Provides clarity on the interpretations of the Integrated Five Star System through:
• The definition of key words contained in the intent statement
• Orientation words to assist customisation
• Links to other relevant clauses, which ensures total risk management
• Links to legislation, which ensures legal compliance
Implementation Standards Framework
• No need to develop system documentation from scratch
• Guides practitioners to conformance
• Provides flexibility for customisation
• Provides links for system integration
• Eases document control
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• Provides a means of legal compliance
• Simplifies equipment maintenance management
• All equipment covered in one document
• Document layout provides ease of use
• Paperwork reduced by 90%
Register Control Documents
• All inspections recorded in one document
• Provides record of inspections performed and registers kept
• Identifies areas for attention or improvement
• Can be used in the smaller enterprises as registers
• Consists of weekly, monthly and annual inspection checklists and 28 equipment register
monitoring documents
Appointment Documents
• Commitment ‐ accountability & resources
• Competence
• Risk assessment ‐ identify, assess & prioritise
• Performance ‐ objectives, targets & indicators
• Consists of 36 appointment letters
SH&E Planner
• Breaks down the SH&E policy into measurable objectives
• Provides an overview of the status of the SH&E management system
• Enables the organisation to monitor progress
• Provides ownership of activity
• Increases awareness of SH&E in the organisation
Incident Investigation Documents
• All incidents are recorded
• Incidents are documented and defined in a formal system
• Causes of incidents are determined in a structured manner
• Legal implications of incidents are defined and addressed
• Consists of SH&E incident investigation dockets (10), minor incident investigation register, SH&E
incident register, Annexure II summary
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NOSA offers a range of media products to assist with the implementation and enhancement of
occupational risk management programmes, including:
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Posters are available in A2 and A3 format, full colour, printed on high quality material and laminated.
NOSA posters are used by hundreds of companies to create awareness of occupational risk
management principles, as well as for induction training. The following posters are available:
Registers are for recording of findings during equipment checks, internal inspections and monthly
SH&E representative inspections. Registers are particularly useful documents containing minimum
standards, legislative and relevant industry standards, and codes:
• Provides a means of legal compliance
• Simplifies equipment maintenance management
• All equipment covered in one document
• Document layout provides ease of use
• Paperwork reduced by 90%
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PMR071 PRESSURE VESSELS (Air Compressor)
• Full Version OHSAct (Book)
• Full Version OHSAct (File)
• Mine Health and Safety Act (File)
• OHSAct (OHSAS) (File)
Flags and Grading Board Items
• NOSA flag with logo / NOSA flag with logo & 5 stars
• NOSCAR flag
• ISO 9001:2000 flag / ISO 14001 flag
• Green Stars ‐ Medium 130mm / Green Stars ‐ Large 220mm / Green Stars for Certificate
• Blank Stars ‐ Large 220mm / Blank Stars ‐ Medium 130mm
• NOSA Grading Board Sticker
• Platinum Stars – Large / Platinum Star ‐ Medium
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• Gold Stars Grading 220mm / Gold Stars Grading 130mm
• Silver Stars Grading 220mm / Silver Stars Grading 130mm
• Contractors Grading Stickers
11. NOSHCON (Conference & Exhibition)
NOSA has hosted more than 50 international occupational safety, health and environmental risk
management conferences and exhibitions (NOSHCON).
The conference attracts more than 500 delegates every year, affords local and
many overseas businessmen, SH&E specialists and practitioners the
opportunity to share their knowledge and expertise on the latest
developments in the quest for a safer, healthier and environmentally friendlier
workplace for all employees.
International speakers, exhibitors, industry leaders, government
representatives and delegates come together to network and share experiences and ideas during one
of the largest occupational safety, health and environmental risk management conferences and
During NOSHCON there are more than 25 presentations to choose from while parallel sessions run
concurrently over the three‐day period. Topics relevant to SH&E practitioners, coordinators,
representatives and managers are covered and skill‐focused presentations for SH&E representatives
and SH&E management committee members are usually presented during the conference.
Speakers are selected for their excellent knowledge, practical experience and presentation skills.
Presentations aim to transfer modern business principles and concepts appropriate to SH&E
practitioners and professionals in all industry categories and associated responsibility and support
areas. The Noshcon programme design allows for a vast exposure to both discipline‐specific and
general system management concepts, methods and innovation.
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