Vde 0815 Scan File 1

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,.2.2.1 In .PE sheath

the of cableD with lil.raln ,.. relie r
!J-2Y2Y(St)(Zg)2Y ••• SlIIIBd and J-2Y2YCZg)2Y .•• Sll1l8d.' the glass, fibre
bunches shBll be embedded concentrically to the cable core, as sho.'4nin
FIgure 5. The thickness of the outer part of the sheath (a). which lies
outsHlethe strain-relIef elements. is lndicated In lable 19. Colunn lJ.

The recorrrnended value for the thickness of the lnner part of the sheath
(b). lying under the strain-relief elements, is 0.3 mm.

straln-re lie f e lemenls

PE sheath

j figure 5
.' . for the flat wire J-rV according to Table 3, Column 3, the

following minimum widths shal! be observed:

For two-core flat wires - 4.9 mm,

for three-core flat wires - 8.4 mm.

The I'l'idth shall be measured with the slj ding calliper according to DIN


5.2.3 The relevant tests are specified in Lines 1 to 3 of Table 21.

5.3 Mechanical propertIes, thermal stability and fire resistance

5.3.1 The tests for wiring cables and installation wires are ~pecIfied in

Table 21. Lines 4 to 32. •'.

5.3.2 ror cables with strair.-relief J-2Y1Y{StH2g)2Y .. StllIBd and

J-2Y2Y(Zg)2Y ••• StlllBd, when the "test f~Tce according to Table 20 has been
reached,the load shall be increased to breaK . T o determine the
optimum errbedding of strain -relief elements in PE sheaths, the remaining
force ·at 5 s after SrEe:1( shall be not more than 1/3 of the breaking'
force Obtained. I(
....; ,
5.3.3 The benc',",'1, elongation and }mpact tests at lckJ temperature 5"',al~

be carrIed oul 2' temperature or (-15 + 2) 0(. ror the low temperature
Impact test, • of the drop hammer shall be taken from Table 6!1.2

DIN ~7 8lS!VO( eBlS

: 5 .3.4 All materhh in cables JE-H(St)H ••• Bd. JE-H(Sl)H •••.Bd n:,
J: ... P':H ••• ed, JE-LiHOi. •• Bd, JE-LiHH .•• 8d, J-HH ••• Bd and J-H(St)H••• Bd
She.!! shOw pH value of more than
end electrolytic conductivity of
less then 100 \.16 x em in tests of the corrosivity of combustion gases
a:::cordH~~ tc DIN IVO( 01.72 . drl 813.

5.3.5 \:Jiring cables JE-H(St)H ••• Bd, JE-H(St)H ••• Bd fE, J(-HCH ••• Bd,
X-Lit-iCK •.• Bd, J[-LiHH .•• Be, J-HH ••• Bd and J-H(St)H ••• Bd shall satisfy the
fire res':stance teslaccording to DIN II/DE 01.72 Part 604,
test method C.

S.3.6 In the lest of the continuance of the insulation effect of cable

J~-H(St)H ... Bd FE according to OIN/VOt 0~72 Part 814, the
) dUIatior of the test shall be 20 minutes.

6 Elect~ical properties, requirements and tests

6.1 Gene ral
\>!iring cables and inst~lllation wires shali have the electr ical properties
specified in Tables 9 to 14. These shall be determined before delivery.
The reference temperature is 20
maintained for I min.
°e. The prescribed test voltages shall be
The relevant tests are given in Lines 35 to l.0 of
Table 21.

6.2 Insulatlon resistance

J The insulation resistance_ of wire YI flat wire J .. FY and lead--in wire 2n
shall be determined on samples with a length of 5 m, immersed in water of
(20· ... 3) ce, 60 s after application of the test voltage.-- .Jmmediateiy
before the test, the samnles shall have been immersed for 24 h i0·wat p r of
(20 ... J) °C.

6.3 Ele~tric strength

The electric strength of wire Y shall be testea 'on a sample with· a
length of 10 m with the meta! cylJnder after ~,storage for 4 )( 24 h In a
test atmosphere according to OIN 50.: 015 - 23/83 - 1. ,
The electric strength of le:::c::'-in .. wire.2YY and flat wire J-FY 1S tested on
5 m long samples artIer strage for 24 h in water at (20. 3) 0c.
DIN l7 81S1V'{)C- 081S'

Resistance to dir'ecl current

• Y end cables J .. Y(St)Y ••• lg. J(-Y( Sl)Y ••• Bd,
, The cores of wi re
J£.>liYCY ••• Bd. JE-YCY ... Bd. J[-LiYY ... Bd and J-YY ... Bd shall satisfy the
test of the resistance to direct current according to Line (.0 of lable 21.

6.4.1 PrelIminary test

The temperature of the water shall be (20 ::. ::5) °C and the immersi on time 4 i'

h. The a.c. voltage shall be:

800 V for an insulation thickness of 0.2 mm.

1200 V for insulation thicknesses of 0.3 and 0,4 mm.

The duration of the test shall be 10111in.

6.4.2 Main test

The ter..perature of the v"ater shall be (20 -+ 3) °C. The d.c. voltage she 11


(110 + S) V for an insulation thickness of 0.2 mm.

(220 -+ 10) V for insulation thicknesses of 0.3 and 0.4 mm

Tneduration of the test shall be ~J CjYs.

There shall be no breakdown.

6.5 Capacity unbalance

The capacitive unbalance values given in Tables 10, 11 and 13, apply to a
length cf 100 m. For lengths of more than 100 m, the values shall be
multiplied by the conversion factor L/lOO.

The capacit.ive unbalance values gi ven in Table ,1(. apply to a length of 300
) m. For conversion to other lengths, the valyes given i'n Table lu, Columns
2 _and 3, Line 4, shall be multiplied by the conversion factor "'lLnoo. for
test lengths l ( loa en, L = 100 shall be used. The test length in m shall
be substituted for L •



i Te:ble- ) Installation wires for telecommunication eystems.

J typ~s Yt J-~Y, 2YY, construction ~nd use

::;01.."..., I1 2 3 ~

line Cone tr u.:: t1 on

I Iftll.aUotlon wlreY', flet wU., J·FY', laaa- In..... ' ra 2'1''1'',

1 Stranalnq al~nt Con - -

2 Ccc;oc r COt\OuC Ul r
01_ter mm 0,6,0,8 0,6 ,:0 \1"".,0,

.3 InlkJiatlon PVC !oa1 lO-PC

lnlCJ<na ••
~lnal ".1..­ 0,5
mm 0,4 10 ,(
.c Corr ntlAOC u
Prcfcrrca v.lve.
\,,2.3.04 2.3 ,
S lorntlflcatlQn of
&tranolnq cl~t.
5.r. oenqrapn . ~.'(.2 s..., PIT oQ r liP'" .
.(.( .( 5«r oareoraQl'\ .c.-<.3
6 St.!'analt\Q SCI' p.ar&Qr.,pn 4..6.1 P.nlhl -
7 . s.-vatll - - PVC t.nlc... n.a'l -
'\orc:Hlao ",alull 1.0 ......
Colour: tllac...

In ory ano tl...fftl CI pr_laa

6 Use In Clry IIfV1 t"""POnlrl1y ........,lC prr<r.1sts:

br II<1'oOcooeCl In
p! •• n r
In toe OOCO:Il. "'!IV De
t<l\O.oalf.~ In pleD tlfr.

Inatcllctlon u!re~ trv nat plltl'll11101a In pC>.Ar lna uUatlot\8 I!I'\O r or

lav't\Q ~TQro~

1:1 Pel ,....1 . . 1011: llr"T(llfra4lra

r&l'\Qa ror a La Uon.tIry ..
- C!::n.:l 1 t1 on

for 0ftQ" ri'\Q conal Uon

-30·C to +70·C
-,s·C to +5O·C
'I Far 6y-nboll, c()'TIo1ctlr oUIQ~t1Qt"1 of ..lr'5 ana o~~IQn4tlon c.... amplc!S • .~~ pereQr.~n ).~. ,

) .-


lab Ie " Wiring cables (or telecolMlunicstion f)ysteme,


typ'es ?-y(~q!: ... lg, J(-Y~St)Y ... Bd, JE-H(Sl)H ••• 9d, JE-H(St)H ••• Bd rE,
constr~ction and use
Co 1..--. I1 2 3 .(
Line ton. tr uC U 01'1
J·Y(SI)Y ... LG
WI fin" Cllull'

JE·H(StiH ...Bd
••.Bd Fe:
1 Strano lng .., tnoo Levu .treMI'',)
6JlCtltoQ I)


2 (cDon c:ono...c: U) r
Ol.-...:ur mm 0.6. 0,8 0,6 0.8 0.8
3 lot... h tlOt'1 PVC
HIIIOQlto-fru _urlal

hoslnal ... 1".

mm 0.2, 0,.( I 0,3 0,3 1 0 ,3

1 pr.'.rt*aof valve.
~I'r. palTa 2. -', 6. le, 16. 2{). 2,(.6.12.20,32,40 (
) !
f eo. 100 f
5 lotntlflcatlon of Sc~ PUAlOtllOf15 Sec PIIT"CQTCPI'IS .( ..(.6 IIJ\O .(.5.2 J
\ .. .treno~ Itl~nts ~ ..(.5 tlnd .... .s.,
I:.o:.J:-I tJ no ""f tf'lO(J


StfW101ncj .

.--­ ...
I 5<:e

At lent

1 s.-t

lev.r o( plllltlc LaP'


~ltn o~trlllc I
- ea-.oo COrt
I Common corc coverlnQ plr-ls.1Dlc, I
.te ParllQrapn 10.7

8 . Serlin , e"tfa ear':..'1

",1fe 0." ...... Cu uo ,, .wople-nentery t:lITttl ... Iff 0.8""" c.."
ltlyltT eolo.... reo. ploUlc oaCI<.RO "'Ctlll
tlloe •
._­ to 10 palrs. 0.6
"'" for II'IOU t".....
(">etal alOI! 1n)

10 pal r:.. 1 lftvtT ~' " .

colo...rRd ple5tlc
Il.Clt.O _ tal ·tAP<t .
(~ul 810e tn)

- I AaaltlonclCO~HlnQ pU"I11II1oll.\ '

UI P~re.:;UI.;l" 1..7 __

9 sncltl"l'l pvc ! ""J .. Qf!".fr<te .... Url.!

' ll'llC~I">of" .• 'Oft! la.o.lr ''3,
(or tl'llC1<n.cru. ler la.oh 19
Cal"""" 2 Col"",'" ;: 41"': ,
ColD<Jr Qr~y 5) (0 1Ou.r: Q~r'l'
or 01....... or \J'11 tt:

to un 1... crv and "'~la Pf~l.t:'; _yt>c emorooro 1n pluttr

In tile 0011'\ In f1Kt:!l ins tAU. t1 on

I.!lrlnc;: cael" ·.ra Nlt pr ..... l . . 1Dlt In po..ocr In. Lal 11 tiOl'l. W\Q (or l·wl"IQ
uliOf: rQ lS)(J r;o
- ..
t1 P-c,...II'lolr : . -:>e TO t", rf:
r-"'Qt 'or !It .on.r~


-30 ·C \.0 +70 ·C

fOT "-J.l'.t:i curtO! tl00


-S·C ... 5O·C .


----- -
• ___ ...... _ ..... 1 ""'_ .... 1 ...... _ .....n ""....... t ............ t..-.. _ ... A.II"Ir"t._ ..... P.rA.r:rao"'~ } ....

DIN 57 Gl~/VD( Oel~

tsbi~ S Wlrl},g cables for telecOlTmun!cetion systems, types JE-VCV••• 8d,

J£-~~H .•. 9~: J£-LIVCV ••• 8d. J[-LIHCH ••• 8d. Construction end use
Col""""" I1 2 3
" 6
"'1 rl n; CIiOII! 'I
tOtl;lh.C t Ion
JE-YCY ..,Bd I JE·HCH ...ed I.,.IE.LlYCY ...Bd I JE·lIHCH ...Bd
, Strc."lOlny 'UI./lOO a...nc h ln.o J)
! "wlr

2 Co()Ootf c.oroo...c tor 1

al~tn mm ! 0.13 "
0.8 - -
croas-acl: 110tl mm
I­ - 0.5 0.5
I'Cl cf ..,1 Nrl )(

ol~t>'r mm - - 7)( 0.3 7)( 0,3

3 PVC HelD9"..-r nrC! PVC He lOQen- f rn

. Thlc"neSII aeutla! a,eletlal
.­ .-.
"'=INl ".1.... mm O.~ 0,3 0,3 0.3---' - '" ~-~

) I
.c h.fto~n of patrs -
Prefer~l!a v.l.....
I 2.~.e.
5 Iorntlrlc.tlOtl of
ItTanc,j 11~ta
C::un t1 "0 _ I./lod
SrI! pereQrllptls '(A.6 ~.5.2
6 j Stn:'::lll"~' Set! pare>;lrllp"s "_6.3
I '1 &;Ill"';'
At lust one

h'Vc:r plutlc Upe ,",1tt1 Overlap

ea.r.on eo rcr
-cover1n.o pft-
I- ~cortr
eo"uln.o PH­

- I Sene"
_aslol" aee
PUOQrlptl ".7
Brda of 1l1IC'1r or t.1Me(J Cower ..1 tes. ..lre Olameter 0.2
I ~.
"'1111101•• It!e
DaraQraQh ~_7

••• pang ClIp" .. ,1.6

- I AQOl uonal
c-ovartno - .. Aool Uonal

p.""luIoh 1 p.r....lulole
I . Me loQf'\-' ret
. 5neetr' ~ PVC - PvC
I""'~·'''' .
.Colour 1:1 10..0« ""-IItula! , Col~r clue. l'I6u:al
or ony [olo...r: grey or Qrey Colo... r: 9re1
- -
rgr 'I.IllC"'f'Iotu. att 11!.!lb '9,col~ 2 &nO 3 - I
10 In ary ana ~ld prernllcs: tlllIV Ol! ~eOOcO 1n pll!st~r;

ln tnt!
00"" in
\11'1 l>-« ooan In
f,I~·C lnlluUatlo'-,
\ -
1''''1r1''9 r:a:ll .. are not- Prtr"'lnlDh 1n po...!! r 1". uU. UO'" .1"10 f t: 111, : ...:;; I
...n:M f'9 Nluncl t
l' 1'trw.151 IOle t«""(luawrl!
ut"\Q~ for alAUonary

-lO'C ­
Ul +70·C "
r0 r -.0 ... 1"Q tOi':lJ I \1 Otl
-5 at:. _W +5O·C
') for _...-.0011. CO"Tltl h t. a.alQf\<l t 1 en of c...oha ar\Il 0 . . ~ Ql'C t 1 on .....01 ••. a.e I'ua\ltapn ).4.
') e....n.::1'\(' I Of .. pal"
~ rOf •• tCT'"'lI! "'II rw ! I'IQ . I"e "'r~rllOl' :'l:l.l.!>

DIN S7 81S/VO( 081~

• t.bIa 6 Wiring cables for teleconmunicotlon systems,

• -types J£-LiYY ••• Bd and JE-liHH ••• Bd, construction and use


, 2 . I3
1.Il'W! CDIl S\ r \Ie t1 on l.J1flno Clol•• ') I

JE·UYY... Bo J JE·lIHH...ed i

1 5 tr "';01 rio ... tnoa &.,nc;ntnIJ

2 CooP. r cat'\OwC to r
twO"Jllnd ero••••ctlon mm 0,5
ho. of ...1 ntllX 01 ... tttr mm 7)( 0,3

. Insulation
PVC helOO~frcc •• t~rl.1
Tn I Cit n,.. I

NaJll~l .,.1....

mm 0,3 0.3

" hU'!:lOe ra of corea

Preferrea .,.l~e.

) 5 locntlfle&tlon of atrandeO
Coun t I nIJ ~ t.nod


5. .. fl.e.Tlllrtlpnll -4 •.(.7 ana (.5.3

.- r
6 Stunatnq Su: fl.e.rtlr;~pn .(,6 ..(
7 iaptno
At latnt one layer p1 .. \ic usp. ..,ltn Overlap
Cutnon "ora cc"cuno
CDm'on carl' r.a"rnn~
- pcrml..1oll: , au PH •• ~n

halD~~~f~;c ~tc:l,l
S St-..sSU1 ') PvC ,

Colour; QTty Colour: Iiltly

or olue
ror thlckn~"!I. ,,~~ hob 19. Col~. 2 1"'0 ,
g Usor In dry ana "~<10 pr~la •• ; "Sy etc WIIt.Iaoc'WC t" 0l .. \u;
- •
In tn. In fl_ora
In. tAll. t1 on;
-- I
f~) U1'rlno c.atll .. • ra not Cl'W"ll . . 1bl. \n I)O-,Ar , l,,*ulhtlc"'.
ana for lav1nQ unocrQrouno
10 Porf"'lllal01r t..-.orr.wn rViOI! !cr

.J atallonary COt\OHlo<1
-30·C ar.o+70·C

~Dr -a.,loQ cooo1t1on -S ·C a."Id+ SO·C
-..... ...­
" for 8~la. cO"IDlru an1OntltiOt'lor C:&bira .....cl 0 •• 1Qn4tlon .k~lrD. eel! ~rIlQrl!..D'" ).1.
'1 ro!'. DsU:n.al .... rtt:l~. In I1Inor ::OJ.)'' 3.3.5



TCblc 7 l;fIring cables for te1ecolM'IUniclJt inn systems.
trpes .:-y~ ••• Bd. J-HH ••• Bd, . J-Y(st)V••• Ba, J-H(St)H••• Ba,
Cons!!"u::tlon entl use .,,:,,

Co 1l,.1li':1 11 2 ~ .­ S

line I~tr...ctlOi'l J·VY,.,Bd I J·HH,..Bd

"lUno caoln ."
1J·YISIlY...Bo JJ·H(SIIH ... So
, S 1r IIn::lI no .. t1\OO e,,,,cn1no
Star bullCl

2 C::oo.r
c.O<loCI."Clor mm 0,6 0,6 0.6 0.8 0.6 o.e
:3 In..,hllon PVC ".loo·,,·tr•• PVC ..... lo~.n.tn"
t".lct< ...... ...urlal "'!luna I
Hoo&l'Wl .. al_
mm 0,2 0,3 0.2 10•• 0.3 10.'
" ot p.lra
Pr.t.rn-a .... 1..... 2.(,6,10,'20,30,.(,100
5 Iaentltlcetlon ot atrant1rl'l

ec....nUf\Q ~tnoo See P!! rag rr.pns .(,..ra ana .( .5.•
6 Stral'1l'.llna ~r Pe rflgTl!pn .(.6,5

1 1...,109 At 1ll!BIlt 'one lIIyrr pill' tlc tIIet ..,1 tn o"uloo

Co-Dn c.orc
tDwcr1na - Camton cor.
- .
CG1'<1IOI1 core
p.f'IIl uloi•. lite p.tftl.dOlr, I ..
PereQrllP'" 10,7, Pcr....r.pn 1.,7
0 'Scu.n
- ' •• tTa •• rll'l
...In.'. C...
, •• tr. ,.:'.1\
.1 rr. C...
0.6mm 10,6 O.6r..m t 0.8mm
- Ont lev.r eolcurta pleSllC 0&0:.0
",.. tal tap. ("'CUll .10t In)
"-o:H tienal
:0,,« r1na per·
el11ulo1«, s«':
-. p.ugraeJn 1..7

. ,
9 '­ Son« av> :I) .
?VC jhlllOQtn-frt« PVC ~lo;t","fru

ColoLlr: Qfty
or U'll tl! I "Wlterlal
ColOur: gUy
- ,
Co10..r: .;re.
or Jll tt: .
r.a u~rlal
Colo..,r: Qr.~

. -­ - '-lrOf tnlC:I<nrall. eer hilh 1~. ColllMa 2 ana ) •. -

10 UN ! In· aty ef\O t'v1I1C pU:'1IUra; "0.,. Dt emo.oO«O 11"1 ;llnter;

I \; tne OP"'"
t·, '1-«0
- lIn1'" fino
In, ",n I­
~,... 'Us 1.a Uon snlulh'!.lof'l
"'Irina cael .. .rl ~t p.~l.alol. In pOJlr lnltall.~;~~. for 1 •• 1"10
ISIOt T'Q rolSlc

11 ~",1 .. 1olc ~lr.tuTi

, . ;
r~ tor .tatlonarv c.of\Ol Hon
\-:- 30 • C to + 70 • C
ror "'O"l"l/l conoHIO<'\ ..'!S·C to +SO·C
t,. for lII""Coh. c~l.t. acalQnatlof'l of, c.o1.a Ina c.slonatlon •• ~1.1 a •• PdTIQrao" ).~.
') for 2. I.. (, &1'\0 10 pelr.
') rO~ C!"'t.r~ I ... ,.... 1"Q. ••• ParlQrlO'" }.).~
DIN 57 Bl~/VO[ 001S

Table: e Wiring coble with strain-relief, .

typcr. J-2Y2Y{St)(Zg)2Y ••• 5.11lIBd end J-2Y2Y(Zg)2V ••• StIIlBd,
c~struction and use '

CoWw'l 1 2'
. 3
Ltnt' COIV true tl"" Wl flf\Q caoha
J·2Y2Y(SI)(ZgI2Y...S.UIIBd I

1 Strsnolf\Q . . 1hoO e..'ICfltno .

Star QUaa

2 CcaOt!f COtlO..c 14 r
al~t.::f mm 0,6 0,6
3 In.... la tlOtl PE
'"01>1.... 1 "alue
mm 0,25 10,25
.c "'-"'of! U of pairs '0
Pr~(~rrrO "alues 2• .(,6.10,20,30,50 I
) 6 lo.ntt(Ic.~lon or • tfa"'OCd '\1J
th"",... u
Cc:J: II no .. t.rI.oO

Sora Pta r Clj n,pn .(..(.8 ano -<,5,. ...

\ 6 S:'ranolno Sore Pafllgrtlptl .t.6.5
7 lllOlnQ ~t llest one leytr plestlc tepe uttn o".rlaD
e 1nne r s nue UI natural colour.
P( -.helltt-,. P( Shelltn, t\8wnll cclovr,
ti'\h:k~.S& 0.6 lin (oulc~ IIflh.. el th1ckne~, 0.8 ~
, 1 •• tra aerth uire O.6~ CJ. (recommenaec valvel
1 leyer calCUTta ~1~8tlc-OackeQ
1llet61 t.tpc (lI'Qul alae 1n)

9 Straln-reUef 5f:t: PtlraQrapt\ .(.a .
10 . 51>•• Ul f'£. thiCknass ••a Tcolr 19. Column 3 .. c=lour: ole::..
11 .. ­ v.r
In dry ana ~lc pr~ls~,. In tn~ oor~ t~ (l_r: :~.:.lle::on~ C~~
De emoorOooro ln pl&4ter. In Q"ncr.l net s... lu:;la for layl,,'il
uM(!orrorouM(!, O...t al'lort ••ctlon, pe""'1=~101~ In sOt::1I1 can .. ..,!~,.. \
or-tr. protcctlon. Sf rorQwlrco. ~trlnQ cael«• • r. not pa~1 •• 1011 for
pOJIIr 1nu.. lhUonl. .­
- "' ...
12 F'cTtOh.l0h t......,trtWf'll rar>Qt
tor atAtlonery conalt\an
roJ' -..:Jvlno COro:ll tlon
-55·C to +70·C
-55·C to + 70·C

- - ."


. 1
DIN ~7 el~/vD(OSl~

1 a.b~e 9 Installation ..,ires for telecommunication sys terns,

types Y, J-rV aod 2VV, electrical properties

• .
Co~"""" 'I 2 -3 .
1.1.... Elect:lcal proplrrU •• lnUaU&UM wln: Y not wi r. J-FY lno-ln-...ln: .
Copprr cono.JCtor
. al_U~ .....
0.6 r 0.8 1 0 .6 1.0 tllY\lrO
1 ~tor fr.l .... nce '·Of , ..... Care: Con Cor.
_. --­
1oIe,,1.....,.,. n E5 136.6 65
i \
2 In....laUon ,...ht.lltlC. for , IuOI

til 1"11_ MO 1()0 5(XX)

:; lc:st vcluglr r ...... "a.t..u.

V 2000 1000 2QC()

.$ Op~retlOQ "OlLlQ_
Pltll" I1l5iul! V 600 375 ~

DIN S7 el~/VD( oelS

t£ble 10 Wiring ceblee for "telecQrMlunicalion systems,

types J-Y(St )Y••• Lg, X-Y(St)Y ••• Bd, J(-H( Sl)H ••• Bd 1 JE-H(St)H .•• Bd rE

Col .......... I,
2 13 I' Is
Llt'Wt (1I('.trlt&1 ~t rl'no teol . .
PfOQUtI . .
J.Y(St)V_.LO I JE·Y(St)Y.•.Bd I JE·H(SIIH ...Bd I JE.H(St)H.:,Bd FE
Coppa r conouc Ulr
131_ t.r .... .
O.ti lo,e I O,B 1 0 ,8 I 0,6
, Cono~Ot re~lstanct

ror ~ kM

..... ,-
)nll.. 1a tlon re,UtWlCI

n 130 I 13.2

(or 1 "M

M1n1_ M!) 100 .it!

3 (f( &cttvt cepee1 tlll"lCl

.. ror 1 d
.It 80) tU

nF 100') ,20') 01
\ .-
Capac 1 tv ~lIhnce
ror '00 .. lit 8!Xl JU
Ked_ pF 3C1;1) 2Ot:i) I
5 Tnt ';'oluoe ,
R••" .... due
SOtu V ~~~} SOJ/2<XXt1 .
! .
6 1 O?e r etlno
. i Pe... value volU9C
. V 300 300'1 225
rot caol" wlln uP to ~ lIa1rll, the ... alu•• ~v be CkCecaca by 20)'; . •
or tl'll: "alues. O0.4t f'IOt less tnan one vll!uC, ll\av bt up to 500 pr.
'} 20% or tnc values. Out nat less tnan ont velu., ll\ay 0. up to ~OO pro
.} Tnc n u t , fl;...:. epclle! to tne cort/cort \.fit, th, arcone fiQ0.4rt to lne COfe/,creen tc,t.
') T~rar1ly (bs/~1n) uP to bOO v 1s oerm1s,101,. ­

Te61e ,Il l<:iring cable,s for lel~communiCBtion 8yslems.

types Y--YCY ••• Bd, X-HCH •••• Bd. ]E-LiYCY ••• Bc end JE-liHCH ••• Bd.
elect:'!,::;::l properties

. 1 2 3 .c J!>
Line ( lrctrtcal loll rI "0 caOf h
J€ · YCY ...9d I JE·HCH ...8d JE·LlYCY... 8d I JE·LIHCH...Bd
C.ooper CC'lO..c; lor k~lnal tro,.~.ectio" of
Di_tAr mm capper cono..ctOt mm2
, 0.8 1 0 .8 0,5 10 .5
," .. -Cono..ctOt nalatancc .
for 1 l<.1li
. . ~--"~---~---

... ---~--
- , ' ... --- ...


" \ Ke .. l _ n 13;1 . 78,4

:2 , .lnaulatloo
1 '''"


Hlnt ....... MO

3 " ((fectlve c.paclLanc~

fot 1 km at 600 ,HZ

H.c.l_ nF 100') 120 1) 100') '20')

Capacity unoalance Ie
" for 1lXl :a a t 80D I1l
Ked_ pF 2O'ij

Tut "oluO_
R••••• ,vlll .... 0

50Hz V SOO/2(Y'.XiJ)

I> Oo.r.tlno volLaQc

p .... 1/
225 •

) .
- .

.- --- ­ ,­

1) for cables with up to 4 pairs, the values may be exceeded by '20~.

2) 20~ of the values, but not less than one value, may be up
to 400 pro
3} The first figure applies to the -fore/core fest, the second figure to
Lhe core/screen test.

Table 12 Wiring cables for telecommunication systems,
t.;pes J£-liYY ••. 8d and JE-LiHH ••• Bd,
elec~rical properties

Co 1..-.
1 2 lj
I.,,,. Cl.e trlcel IoItrlrq c.oln
Pf'CIQ« r 1.1... JE·UYY•••6d l JE·lIHH••.6d
H~ln.l cro•• • ••etlon

of c.oppcr c()nClu(: to r mm'

0.5 J0,5
1 Cond..c: La r res!' t.nea:
(or , .... .. -- "-~.- .

1'\1,,1_ 0

2 In.ulation res1st.ence (or 1 1111>

'I1n1.-..- MO 100 f
i 3 T" l vol t.e9« (':
\ 1: ••••• .... lue
\ 50 11.1 V 500
~ 'CpenUng lIolt!lge
P«aI< value V 22S
. .

( ..,.



t~ls '::' WIring cetJles for te!~c:onvnunIc:et1on eystems.

tvoes,J-VV ••• Bo, J-HH ••• Bd, J-V(st)V ••• Bd enO J-H(St)H••• Bd

ele:tr1cal properties

:::01..,.." 1 12 3
LltW. (lllctrtc:ai
propllerU •• II ...'·YY••.Bd I J-HH ...Bd
WI r lOQ CaDl...

, J,Y(SI)Y ••.Bd , J·H{SI)H ...Bd

1 LOI\O...cUlf r".htance
0,6 I 0.6
Cooe- r

t 0,6 -
Conc:JuC tor

I 0,8 I 0.6 I 0.8

for 1 Itll
(\ ".
n 130 ' . ,
, 130 I 73.2 1 130 I 73.2
1 130

) 2 In.....i.t1on rC.llt.nee /

ror 1 It ...
l'Iln1_ MO 100

\ 3 Ureeth. c.epacl tance

(or' .... at 8OO.HZ
~.l ....... nF 100" 120') 10Ql} 120'1
, ((r.ctlvc capacitancl
... (or 1 ..... at 800 HZ

t\adll\o..rl pF .
Ie, 300')
~ ,il 100"1
5 fest .... 01 LIIQe
A••••• ....al...«
SO HZ V WOI-') !OO/6OO'1 • I

6 O~f.t!~ .... oltaQI':

p« ....... h!C. .. V 300
')-Fcr Ul:)lu ...1 tn ~p Ul " palNo. (UCCI! ~ colunn 2 ... 1 tn 2 pill No) Ulls ",al"", 1114'1 Ilc .xcceoed Il~

.,I, -
f' or
2~ or tNI
c.aolu ",1 tn I. palr. Ul1a value _ : no~ bjf • • cauUrOlly 201(.

"'&1.... ", o..st net t.u tn.n 0..... v&l.... "v t>a I.(l to SOD pf. .
-) ,CIOo( V\f: .... l_s. but not 1. . . tnanl, ... 1..... (re(.nne.. ' ..... v tic uO Ul XIO pr.
") 1~ flnt flQVra appl1u co ·tI'\C cora/con UlI't. Ule .!rcano (l9utt \0- tn.e ccn/'llctIlllf'\ tC5t.
-- .-
-- I

OIl'UVDE 0815

"T<::ble 1ft Wl rIng cebles for telecorr:"unicetion systems,

tVP25 J-2V2V(St){Zg)2 V ••• StIIIBa end J-2V2Y(Zg)2V ••• StlIIBd.
electrlc~l properties

Col.....,n t 2 . 1
L.!rw nilctrical Wir1no. aob.h....1 th • tralt\-nll.r
proc;I.r th:a.
J-2Y2Y(Stl(ZgJ2Y•••S1IIIBd I J·2'l2V(ZaI2Y•.•SllflBd

1 Cono...ctor re.l.t.nce for 1 km

. t:opPI r co~ tOJ'
OlWNItct 1n
1 0 •6
Q '30
M.... l _
2 l ........ la tlon r •• l.~nel (or , km

Mini_ MQ
10000 ()

3 [ffective capec1tence for 1 k'"

• t 6C() H, t1a:d_ of 50
C~cltv uno.lancl (or JOO 11\

" • t 6DO til

11&.. 1.A..n
120') . _.

!. Tc-It volUQI

i R...... ".1.....

50 Hl V '000120:;.0:' I , if,x)! _ I)

G O;5eratlnQ vall8QI
P" ... val.....
- V 225
'J fl'>lll v.l....... y OC '",C•• OIO oeculon.Uw for eeen ....p.!.e. for Eo .na 10 pain, 01'\1 value af !. O::._c f (er tr'f
t noll 10"':::« ......0 I, "Ilue. (rtf'T.~e.s) ~)OOpr fer ~. ~S •• 12 tnO.l .....c. In t~ 01.' ounen, .,. paro. b.l.
tIThe fl:-,t f iQ.src IPplll111 to ~c con/cen te,t, t!"!f Ifeona flQur. ~o tnl care/,c~ln te,t.
- ..

• f.t

DIN 57 eu/vO( oen
':'t;b.L: :;;; Stranding in byers of wiring cable J-Y(St)y •••lg

i1 2 3 .c 5 I6 7
t.:JOtf' c~ p::.lra ~.r cr.p.lra In ltv.r
1 2 3 I~ 5 16
2') 2
"6 6')
10 2 8

5') 11
~ 1 6 13

2 8 1,(

10 16
~J "1 1 13 19
50 ~ 10 15 21
60 1 S 12 1 '8 .,.,. •
£0 ..c 10 15 12: I ~A

2 8 ! ...
.... !~
i 25 \31
."J In s tft - ~ !: ', .......
(n roll

~ .. II('I.~., '" COte U pU'llllsdch.

Table 16 Bunching of WIrIng cables JE-Y(St)Y .•• Bd, JE-H(St)H ••• Bd,
J£-H(S~)H ••• Bd rE. JE-YCY .•• Bd, JE-HCH ..• Bd, JE-LiYCY ••• Bd, JE-LiHCH •• ~Bd

1 2 :3 14 I5
~~!" of ~:.:!r t}f ~t or Ounch«. in layH
Palt:. tlur\C1'\C •
1 12 13
- 1
e 2 2
12 3 3 .'
16 .c
20 "S -
- 1-2.f
28 -­
6 ,, I-
32 B 2 f'i 6
36 9 2· 7
40 10 3 7 •
.I~ 11 :J 8
.(8 12 ..c e
52 13 ..c 9
56 1..c ..c 10
~ 15 1 5 9

64 16 1 5 10

6, .

80 ­ 20 2 7 11
IJ In at..,. Q...~ .u""Olno •
OIN/VD( 08'~

. "

; TGble 17 BunChing of wiring clIules J£-L 1YV ... Bd end JE-UHH ••• ad

1 2 3 , I

tt.Joaor plIlre lIIo.I'\Q. r or "LI'lOrr of D...n~nllS \n

D.,ot\Cn.1 h~rr
A.' cora
1 2
4 1)(" , -
e 1)(8 1 -
16') ~)(~ .( -
2~ 3)(8 3 -
80 10)( 8 3 I~
') Wncnu 1 and ~. colour '~Qw«ncr:'cluc/rwo/Qr~y

~~. ~~ .. ,
co'lour '.Quene«: orcan/crownl fI

unlulDiecx •
",' I

Table 18 Bunching of wl;lng cables J-YY ... 8d, J-HH ••. 8d, J - Y( S t ) Y • • • 8d "
J-H(St)H ••• 8d and wiring cables with strain-relief
J-2Y2(St)(Zg)2v ••• StIIIBd and J-2Y2Y(Zg)2Y .•• StIIIBd

1 2 3
~er or fc"""rr or ouncnejJ ror 2. I.. 6

1n laver pelra, t~ rollDJlnO

j ep;:l1u:

2 -
- 1 sur QUIa,
co1""rl: rca

2 aur QueOa, Oll3r

colOur:: ,rtO ~,,,\O
orr~ •
.~ aLllr ~. bef....
colo..rc: ra<l, 9r~
Ina or.y
10 1
20 2
30 3
50 5
60­ 1 5 .~

,\' - ... J
r ,1'

tr ..
r::- i
] MI~ . '2\

, . -,'.
:01..,..,... 1 2 3 . 5 6
.. "

, till
-Y J·FV 2VY J,Y(SIIV... lg JE·H(SIIIf...B·d
J·7.Y2Y{S IIIZg)2Y
RIPtl'VI~nr. Iccordlrq l.o

• JE· Y(SIIY.. ,Bd JE..H{SI)H... Bd FE ,..SIIIIBd eceo 1"0 I "'9 to
JE·YCY... B~ J1:·HCH... Bd J·2Y2Y(ZO)2V DIN VOE 0.-472
JE,UVCV...Bd J1: ·lIHCH...Od ,..StIlIBd
JE·llYY... Bd JE·UHH... Bd
J·YY...Bd J·HH...Bd DIN VDe 0815
J·YISI)Y...8d J·H{SI)H ...Bd J DIN
VOE 0'l01

1 w
Wldlh -1 X - - - - - PareQr~ - A
2 Ihlc'neal or In~uletlon )( x x IX x x Part 1.02 Toales , to 5 end
parflQr&Qh 5.2.1
- A

3 'hleloin.lI' or .,.....th

LJ..' :. ·1- x, x x x
. Pert 1.02 'r 10 I rI
to 5,
- A

..... ' .......... -...-- ..... '.

.~Icd pr-oprrtlrs, lhu."",l ftu,olll
, &) ConOuCtDr'
tv lind IIItIterlal ClOI'I\iIosl tlon
. Clo"'9t1Hon U bM''' x X X X ') )( ') I )( Paro.qrl'J;:ll"l C..2, t.
- T
- .'.
b) IMulotlon

x') - -

tt"llJllr atrr-nQth rod
elDl"9t1tlon lit brePt
brrorr end crtrr .;r''''9
X x

. . X Part. 602 PlIl'flql'eph ... ,. 1 II""
",3.2 .
"""rt Z
01' t.

. j

- Par.t )))I'Oe./5) Pa rl'Q I"I!IQh c..). 1 Itt>d .",., 2'·)

) Aqt'lnO In
~lItl"O X X f0- X
. X Typt or ~1"'9

- Part. .. ,.. ....Z

r lO1J1Jor "'"" U'I""-'Q" X )( - x'i
- 1'111'1 612 ParDqMIP" ".).1 T
"""f'Or.. llc:n ~
I I"'f'lllnQ poInt - - )( - -X') X Pftrt 607. p". r "9 /"1!tlh C. • .3. 1 Pert 2
T '0

, (Ionqallon .l rlrvlllwd
t!""Optretul'1' , - -. j
- - I ~
- Part 61!1 Pareqreot'l C. .::1.2 Part T o
I e) Coru

) M(>chan\CII P!"09t'rlln - I- X - . - X Part £,17·) , PerllQrl!(lt\ 10.'.1 Part 2 T

~ !'~ n!'1"(l~t'8Jlon .ttr"~lh.t. )( 1)( - x I) lit*) .-

Part. 6O"J Pllreqrec:n ... ). 1 f'zIrt ..
,. I Part Z'
• • •~... - !
I'" - IX F'!!rt 6;:,e-, - Pert ~ T

~'~ r,m.,..~,..;s_
.... ".,....,. ",
....... I -
~~T _
, ) (
. (.)-­
. 1

\ ~-1~'


i -
~ .t 2' 13 14 Is ti 7 Q
9 '~_~_+';.
ArQU1~t. eccol'tll~ lu r~t
.. I r.llI Y I J·FYI7:fY I J.'I(SIIY.. .lQ ,l£.H(St,ILBd . J·2Y2Y(St)(ZQJ2Y r>.'rrO['1lllOnct
Ilct:ordlrq t.J)
. . tI~
JE·Y(St)Y•.8d JE·H(S!jtL.B(J FE ••.stIllBd
·r I I JE·YCY.•. Bd JE-HCH...Bd J·2Y2Y(ZoIZV DIN VOE 0.472
I JE·lIYCY... Bd JE·UHCH.... Bd 1...StilIBd
; I I
JE..lJYY ... B<:I .n:-lIHH.. ,~d
1 J·YY ... Bd
J·Y(St)Y... Bd
J-HH... Bd .
J·H(SI)H ... Bd

C..op8C I t1.,. ~ lenc.

)( I), t_') )( ") )( Pllrt ~6/01o .81
test; type l
TeO'" '0. II .".,
PllreQrllQl'\ 6.'
- . 1"
G.' - ,..
(leetrlc .tr~th e) - , X I )('1 I- I- I­ f Pnrt ~'P')
te,tjtypr A

- - - - - I
PlIrt sen'"
te, t; type B
Pllr8Q~ £OJ - A

,- , x' . I )( I- I Part m") I PII rllQr-eph 6. I !­ I,..

teet; type C
,- ,- ,- ,x I Pllrt m'"
trat;type C
I PllrIIQ~ 6.1 I- I,..

R I!'S I , t..encII to d' ~ t

"t:urrrn t
)( I- I- IX I- ,­ I ~art
tyPe l
I,Pa reqt'8P"1 6." I Part .. IT

) At p""rnt drert I'

) "rar l ~i.B'o
~s rooL ~lv to .trrded conduCto,rll.

T~t Of' U. ~ Im.ul.llon or the, condvCtoti.

DoH r-ot ~lv to X-V(Sl)Y .. Bd, .:t-lI't'CV ..Bd end X-lIY'l' ••• B:i.

Applin onlv to eroee-ll"".cS _urlale or ~CJ'II\>OISld tvP" H" ....:I 1-f11.
But lI~t ~ ... ture -,0 °c .' I C
~ 11 M O"Ilv to rw7'-Cl"ou.Unlct!d _ler!a Ie or ~O"'P0lI'd typ" H12 end 1-f"2, ~
.,..11• be
n-.. u.t OIrrl~ out wi til :thJ O'Jur CDvrrlrq •

ror ,tvj:. ,X-l'''Y, cr.. e.eoecltv lroti,~ ....ce If"d trr'ClIVf cl!Psclt.InCr ~t!I erl! tJ'II~tt~.

Duration or t.nt 1 aln.

1Ip(l1ln cnly La tyPe ,X-H(Sl)H ... B::l rt.

Don rot .oplV to type .x.Llt+i...Bd.

, l _ t"C!'d, I I.e. the rDuU~ end .rJrctl". trsU.

5r1~ctl-r lr,t. ~Ich Is earrlt!d out, only on II pllrt Dr rv~ry ~ltvery. Include-, all the te,l, lhted "ere.
!",pr tp,'. ""Ie h 's elrrlt!d out OCCII!I\(7'1I1'ly but not on evny rell"pr,{"­ .-.d, J1tch

DIN 57 815/VOE 0815

;~O~oted stenderds end specifIcations

DI~/VDE"'0207 Part 2 Insulating and Sheathing compoundS for cables and

flel(iole cordsj polyethylene 1n5u18t\ng compounds

DIN/VDE 0207 Pert 3 Insulat1ng end Sheathing compoundS for cables and
flexible cords; polyethylene she~th1ng compounos

DIN/VOE 0207 Part 4 Insulating and-sheathing compoundS for cables eno

flexible cords; :pvC insuleting compoundS

DIN/VDE 0207 Part 5 ~ Insulating and shea thing compounds (or cables. ano
flexible cords; PVC Sheathing compounds

-OIN/VDE 0207 Part 23 Insulating anc Sheathing compoundS f(lr cables and
flexible cords; Halogen-free InsulaUng compoundS

DIN/VDE 0207 Part 24 1nsulat1ng end sheathing compounds for cebles and
-. flexible cords; Halogen-free sheathing compounds
- ,"
. _Rules for testing insul~ted caOles and flexible
\ DINIVDE 0472

DIN/VDE 0472 Part 303 - Ageing

DIN/VDE Ot. 72 Part 402 - Wall thickness and thickness ofaxv,ouring

DIN/VOE 0472 Part 501 - Conductor resistance

DIN/VD£ 0472 Part 502 - !~swlation resistance and volume resistivity

DIN/VDE 0472 Part 504 Effective capacitance

DIN/VDE 0472 Part 506 - Capacitance unbalance

DIN/VDE 0472J::urt 509 Olelectrlcstrength on cabi'es. wires and cords

'1 f~r telecommonication systems

DIN/VOE 0472 Part 510 Resistance to direct curtenr- ' ..

DINlVDE 0472 Part 501 - Density

DIN/VOC 047,% Part 602 - Tensile strength and elongation .3t iJreak

OlN/vQ£ 0472 Pert 605 - Abrasion

DIN/VO£ Otf72'E'art 607 - Melt flow index


i)IN/VDE 0472 Part 608 - Heat-~hock-behaviour

'..J ,
DIN/VDE 0472 P~rt 609 - Pressure test at h1gh temperature

""OlN/VOC 0&:.72 Pert 610 8encl1ng test et low tempereture

DnUJJDE 0472 Pert 611 Colo Impact test

DIN/VDE 0472 Part 612· Loss of mass by evaporation

Elongation test at low temperature

DIN/VDE 0'72 Part 615 Hot set test

DIN/VOC 0472 Part 616 - -Elongation tes.t at low temperature

DIN/VOC 0472 Part 617 Mechanical behaviour of polyethylene after" ",.

t.hermal ageing
DIN/VDE 01..72 Part 623 Elongation at break of copper conductor

DIN/VDE 01..72 Part. 625 ... Traction relief for cables and i .... sulated wires
by strain-bearing elements

DINlVOE 0472 Part 628 Shrinkage'

DIN/VDE 0472 Part 702 Resistan~e to heat of t.extile braidS

D!I'UVOE 0472 Part 804 Behaviour under fire condition
DIN/VO£ 0742 Part 813 Corrosivity of combustion gases
DIN1VO£ 0472 Part 814 Continuance of insulation effect under fire
DIN/VOE 0500 Part 1 TeleCOf11Tlunications- Rection and operation of •
facili ties
DIN/VDE 0800 Part 2 Telecof11Tlunications - Earthing anc eQuipote.... tial
t'~ I

'" /
DIN/VD( 0800 Part 3 Telecommunications Telecommunica tion .faci l i t.i es
with remote supply

DIN 862 Vernie~ callipers; def1nitions, technical require­

ments, permissiole deviations, test
DIN 1451 Part 1 L~::ering: linear-antique without serifes; general

r:N 47 002 Colours and colour COdes for cables and flexible


Oli~ 50 015 AtmosPheri,s and their tecnnlcal applications;

cons tant 'test a trnospheres •

DIN 61 850 Textile glass prOducts and auxiliarV pro~w::s;

te~s and aef1nltlons

OIN 57 815/VO£ 081S

.. rurt..'1er standards
DIN/VDE 0206 Recomendations on colours for toe ove roll soeaths
" and coverings of plastics or rubber for caDles and
flex.ible cords
DIN/VDE 0891 Part 1 Use of cables and 1nsulateo wires for telecommunication
. systems and information processing systems - General
guid1ng princIples
DIN/VD€ 0891 Part 5 Special direction for installation cables and wires
accoroing to DIN 57 815/VDE 0815

PrevIous EdItIons
VDE 0815: 05.44,04.56,,11.71
DIN 57 815/VDE 0815/04.81

A:2enc::!l'tle?:n ts :
As against DIN 57815/VDE 0815/04.81, the following amendments have been

The content has been revised and ",iring cables with improved propert1es

1n case of fire have been included, see the Explanatio~s.

b:plan3tions .

ThIs standard, was prepared by Sub-committee 412.1 "Telecommunication

cables and flexible coros" of Comm1 ttee 412 "Information caole.s and

flexible cords" of the German Electrotechnical Commission in DI:~ and

VOC (Dt<£).

The standard had to be re1ssued after only a shor~ t::-n2 -as the ae\:~l!J;:;!'tJe:"!t

of caples wi th improved properties in cas·e of fire a!U tne tecnnical

preparation for appropriate tests were concluded at the time.

Fufu?e users played a decisive role in the selectioro~ caDle types, for
whict' improved properties in case of fire are requirEd. The great nurnDe:
of seven types of SUCh cables arose from the necessitv.to include as
many.5trcnding and core 1dentification types as possiole for the wide
area.of application of present~day. caoles.

Tt~8e new caole types are not suitable for outdoor installetion.

DIN ':'7 .
. 815/VDE 0015

Note the (allowing minor emendment5:

For tupe JE-YCY .•• Bd, the insulation compound has been changeo.
- The type code for cooles with stress-relief Incluces a sy~oal for tne
inner Sheath.
- ihe tables g1ving preferred values for core and twin core nLffloers have
been rev 1seO.
- W1th regard tri"use,it has been decided 1n th1~ stanOard, that these
cables and wires are also suitable for ~moeOd1ng 1n plaster.

InteI'f'Utional Patent Classlfl.::at!.an

H 01 8 7/00

8 01 8 11/00
G 01 R 27/02 cf

\ ~ 01 R )1/02
G 01 R,31/12


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