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PDF Document 2
PDF Document 2
1. Discuss the different representations and conceptualizations of
the self from various disciplinal perspectives;
2. Examine the different influences, factors and forces that shape
the self;
3. Compare and contrast how the self has been represented across
the different disciplines and perspectives; and
4. Demonstrate critical and reflective thought in analyzing the
development of one's self and identity by developing a theory of the
• Meaning and nature of philosophy
• Different philosophers and their
philosophies in understanding the self
1. Socrates
2. Plato
3. St. Augustine of Hippo
4. Rene Descartes
5. John Locke
6. David Hume
Directions: Answer the following
philosophical questions.
Use your critical thinking to
justify your statement.
Do guns protect people or
kill people?
Is there life after death?
Where does a thought go when
it's forgotten?
Can a person be happy if they have
never experienced sadness?
Do you shape your own destiny or
does everything happen by fate?
The Self from Various Perspectives
Lesson 1
From the Perspective of
Philosophy 2
●German philosopher that is ● His studies on Asian
known for his works on philosophies had a strong
empiricism and rationalism. influence on him but it was
●Lived all his life in the town
the French philosopher
of Konisberg in East Prussia
Rousseau that made him
(presently Western Russia).
●He stayed away from the realized and enabled him to
church but he was deeply formulate his philosophical
spiritual. ideas.
● The founder of German ● Mind is not just a passive
Idealism in which his receiver of sense experience but
philosophy was awakened rather actively participates in
and motivated by David knowing the objects it
Hume. experiences.
●Instead of the mind
●Wrote three books: Critique
conforming to the world, it is
of Pure Reason, Critique of the external world that
Practical Reason and conforms to the mind.
Critique of Judgment (Price, ●Knowledge is the result of
2000) human understanding applied
to sense experience.
● When the self sees an object, it ● All objects of knowledge,
tends to remember its which includes the self, are
characteristics and applies on it, phenomenal; that the true
the forms of time and space. nature of things is altogether
Therefore, unknown and unknowable
a self must exist or there could (Price, 2000).
be no memory or knowledge. OTHERS:
●Transcendental apperception – ●In the matter of God, Kant
the experience of the self and its stated that the kingdom of God
unity with objects. is within man; that God
manifested in people’s lives
therefore, it is man’s duty to
move towards perfection.
• Austrian Psychologist and ● Freud’s then revolutionary
physician. ideas of the probable
●Father of Psychoanalysis factors that determine
●One of the most influential human behavior pave the
way for science to look into
people of the twentieth
the workings of the
century and his enduring unconscious mind.
legacy has influenced not only ● Conceptualized the 3 levels
psychology, but art, literature of consciousness that
and even the way people provides an idea how a
bring up their children. person develops a sense of
●Topography of the mind ● The person’s observable
(an illustration of an iceberg behavior, however, is further
to show how the mind works controlled by the workings of
based on his theorizing. The his unconscious/subconscious
tip of the iceberg represents
● Hysteria –these are
the conscious awareness
manifestations of hidden
which characterizes the and unexpressed
person as he deals with his (repressed) thoughts and
external world. memories that control the
person’s consciousness.
Source: Macayan, and Co., 2018. Understanding the Self, C and E publishing, Inc
End of Philosophy