Revised CHRP Curriculum Level 7 1
Revised CHRP Curriculum Level 7 1
Revised CHRP Curriculum Level 7 1
3. Course Structure
Section 1
1. Human Resource Management
2. Business Law
3. Accounting and Financial Management
Section 2
4. Organizational Theory and Behaviour
5. Employee Resourcing
6. Human Resource Management Information Systems
Section 3
7. Compensation & Reward Management
8. Employee Relations and Labour Laws
9. Human Resource Development
Section 4
10. Performance Management and Productivity
11. Coaching, Mentoring and Counselling
12. Research Methods for Human Resource Practitioners
4. Entry Requirements
An individual entering this course should have any of the following
minimum requirements:
(a) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C+
and above
(b) A Diploma in Human Resource management from a recognized
examining body
(c) A bachelors degree from a recognized University
(d) Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National
Qualifications Authority (KNQA)
5. Trainer qualification
Training institutions shall engage trainers with the following minimum
(a) A Master ’s degree in a relevant field from a recognised institution
with pedagogical training of not less than six months
(b) Bachelor’s Degree plus relevant professional qualification such as
CHRP(K), CPA(K), CPS(K) with pedagogical training of not less than
six months
8. Assessment
The course will be assessed at two levels: internally and externally.
Internal assessment is continuous and is conducted by the trainer who is
monitored by an internal accredited verifier while external assessment is
the responsibility of HRMPEB.
9. Certification
On successful completion of a Unit of Learning, a trainee shall be issued
with a Certificate that acknowledges the achievement of that competence.
On successful completion of all units of learning, the trainee shall be
awarded CHRP qualification. These certificates will be issued by HRMPEB.
Unit Description
This unit seeks to provide the learner with knowledge of human resource
management required by a Human Resource Professional in both public
and private sector organisations. It equips the Certified Human Resource
Professional with competencies to apply the concept of Human resources
management and the regulatory and institutional framework for human
resource management profession, apply the theories and models in human
resource management, develop human resources policies and procedures,
manage human resource records, plan for human resources, conduct
job analysis, develop job descriptions and job specifications, design
organisational structures and jobs, develop personal brand, develop work
ethic and identify emerging trends in human resource management
Recommended Resources
• Strategic plans;
• human resource polices;
• Guidelines and regulations;
• Work plans /work programmes and schedules; and
• Organization policies and procedures.
Unit Description
This unit comprises of competencies that will enable the Certified Human
Resource Professional to; explain the nature, purpose and classification of
law, discuss the sources of law, discuss administrative law, illustrate the court
system in Kenya, apply the law of persons, the law of tort, the law of contract,
the law of agency, the law of sale of goods, the general principles of consumer
credit, the law of guarantee and indemnity, the law of partnership, the law
of insurance, negotiable instruments and resolve commercial disputes
Recommended Resources
• Strategic plans;
• human resource polices;
• Guidelines and regulations;
• Work plans /work programmes and schedules; and
• Organization policies and procedures.
Unit Description
This unit seeks to equip the learner with knowledge and skills in recording
accounting transactions and preparing books of account, preparing
financial statements, adjusting and correcting books of account, computing
depreciation, preparing inventory accounts, preparing petty cash accounts,
reconciling books, and managing business finances.
Recommended Resources
• Kenyan tax legislation including finance acts;
• Study texts; and
• East Africa Community Customs Act.
Unit Description
This unit seeks to provide the learner with knowledge of organisational theory
and behaviour required by a Human Resource professional in both public
and private sector organisations. It equips the Certified Human Resource
Professional with competencies to apply the knowledge of organisational
theory and behaviour in management, influence organisational culture,
lead, motivate, manage work groups and teams and handle power and
politics. The unit further equips the learner with competencies to enable
them, manage conflict, stress, emotions, change and transformation.
Recommended Resources
• Training room;
• Learner Management System;
• Library/e-library;
• Strategic plans;
• Human resource polices;
• Guidelines and regulations;
• Work plans /work programmes and schedules; and
• Organisation policies and procedures.
Unit Description
The topics in this unit are designed to to equip the learner with knowledge
and skills in employee resourcing, human resource planning, development
of employee resourcing framework, strategic resourcing, recruitment and
selection, employee retention, learning and development and management
of employee separation.
Recommended Resources
• Strategic plans;
• Human resource polices;
• Guidelines and regulations;
• Work plans /work programmes and schedules; and
• Organisation policies and procedures.
Unit Description
This unit equips learners with competencies that will enable the Certified
Human Resource Professional to be able to apply the information
management theory and various Information systems in organisations; more
specifically the Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS). The learner will
develop competencies to identify system needs, demonstrate the concept of
system design, implement a system, make decisions, explain the concepts of
database management, information systems architecture, explain the types of
HRIS, illustrate the concept of HRIS data and information management,
ensure security of HRIS data, perform HRIS audit, review existing package
solutions, demonstrate legal and ethical issues in management information
systems, identify emerging issues and trends in management information
Unit Description
This unit seeks to provide the learner with knowledge of employee
compensation and rewards required by human resource professionals
in both public and private sector organisations. It equips the Certified
Human Resource Professional with competencies to evaluate the various
compensation, reward and incentive systems, apply the concept of total
compensation and reward policy, develop and implement compensation
strategies, evaluate the various employee benefits and pension schemes,
develop and implement a reward system for special groups, administer
salary and rewards, link performance and rewards, conduct job evaluation,
job grading, market rates analysis and salary survey, tax planning, apply the
legal framework on compensation and rewards and identify emerging issues
and trends in compensation and reward systems.
Recommended Resources
• Training Room;
• Learner Management System;
• Library/e-library;
• Strategic plans;
• human resource polices;
• Guidelines and regulations;
• Work plans /work programmes and schedules; and
• Organization policies and procedures.
Unit Description
This unit equips the learner with the knowledge, skills and competencies
that will enable the Certified Human Resource Professional to understand
and apply the labour laws and to effectively manage employee relations at
the workplace. This unit will cover the understanding of the various labour
legislations, the nature and role of employee relations, framework of industrial
relations in Kenya, the concept of trade unions and trade unionism, managing
employee welfare, managing employee safety and health, demonstrating
the nature of collective bargaining agreements, understanding the nature
of joint consultation and employee participation, handle grievances and
disputes, application of the ILO conventions and recommendations in
managing labour relations as well as identifying emerging issues and trends
in employee relations
Recommended Resources
• Strategic plans;
• human resource polices;
• Guidelines and regulations;
• Work plans /work programmes and schedules; and
• Organization policies and procedures.
Unit Description
Human Resource Development (HRD) Unit is designed to equip the learner
with human resource development knowledge, skills and attitude required
by a professional Human Resource Officer (HRO) in both public and
private sector institutions. The Unit equips the Certified Human Resource
Professional trainee with the knowledge and competencies needed to apply
human resource development. Specifically, the trainee will be able to explain
human resource development and employee career growth, identify and
apply psychology of learning, conduct training needs assessment, calculate
the cost-benefit analysis of training and development, identify learning and
development approaches and techniques, identify and apply methods of
coaching and mentoring, apply employee training and development
methods, plan and conduct training programs, measure the impact of
training programs, develop and implement employee career growth and
succession management in the workplace, create a learning organization for
continuously improved performance, plan and implement organisational and
executive development programs, use artificial intelligence to identify the
future roles of human resource, prepare and conduct an e-learning program
and identify emerging issues and trends in human resource development
Topic Content
1. Introduction to 1.1 Introduction to human resource
Human Resource development and employee career growth
Development and 1.2 Introduction to training and development
Employee Career 1.3 Objectives of employee training and
Growth development
1.4 Benefits and challenges of training and
1.5 Distinction between employee training and
1.6 Role of employee training and development
in job enrichment
1.7 Role of employee training and development
in job restructuring
Unit Description
This unit comprises of competencies that will enable the Certified Human
Resource Professional to be able to analyse the concept of performance
management, identify the elements of performance management, apply
the methods, tools and models of performance management evaluate the
performance management theories and application in the work place
performance management, appraise employees describe the performance
management process and strategies, measure and evaluate performance
analyse the concept employee engagement and empowerment and the
impact of performance management to employee development, develop
and apply reward systems in performance management and manage team
Recommended Resources
• Strategic plans;
• human resource polices;
• Guidelines and regulations;
• Work plans /work programmes and schedules; and
• Organization policies and procedures.
Unit Description
The Mentoring, Coaching and Counselling Unit is designed to equip the
learner with knowledge, skills and competencies required by a Human
Resource Practitioner to facilitate mentoring, Coaching and Counselling at
the workplace in both public and private sector institutions. This unit
comprises of competencies that will enable the Certified Human Resource
Professional to be able to facilitate coaching, mentoring and counselling of
employees at the workplace, explain the functions of a human resource
counsellor, apply the process and techniques in counselling and identify
emerging issues and trends in mentoring, coaching and counselling.
Recommended Resources
• Strategic plans;
• Human resource polices; and
• Guidelines and regulations.
Unit Description
This unit seeks to provide the learner with knowledge of research methods
required by a Human Resource Professional in both public and private
sector organisations. It equips the Certified Human Resource Professional
trainee with competencies to apply appropriate research methodologies to
systematically collect, analyse and interpret work related data for decision
making. The unit covers introduction to business research, identifying a
research problem, formulating research objectives, questions and hypothesis,
developing a theoretical and conceptual frameworks, reviewing literature,
research design, population and sampling, collecting and analysing data
using statistical tools, ethical issues in research and writing a research report.
Recommended Resources
• Training Room;
• Learner Management System;
• Library/e-library;
• Strategic plans;
• Human resource polices;
• Guidelines and regulations; and
• Work plans /work programmes and schedules.
Unit Description
This unit will equip the Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP),
with knowledge and competencies that will enable them to effectively
perform their duties in both the private and public sector. It will enable them
to analyse the concept of change management, evaluate models of change
management, various approaches to change management, change
management process, role of leadership in change management ,manage
resistance to change, design a change communication strategy, manage
stakeholders during change, manage innovations, analyse the concepts of
creativity, knowledge management and the learning organization,
organisation development, organisational culture and structure, plan for
business continuity and manage risks.
Recommended Resources
• Strategic plans;
• human resource polices;
• Guidelines and regulations;
• Work plans /work programmes and schedules; and
• Organisation policies and procedures.
Unit Description
Strategic Management for Human Resource Practitioners Unit is designed to
equip a trainee with strategic management knowledge, skills, attitude and
behaviour required by a professional Human Resource practitioner in both
public and private sector institutions. The Unit equips the Certified Human
Resource Professional trainee with the knowledge and competencies
needed to apply strategic management at work place, identify and scan the
work environment for improvement identify and formulate strategies for the
work place, implement strategy in the work place, monitor and evaluate
strategy to improve the workplace, apply strategic human resource
management to improve organisation performance, identify and apply
human resource strategies at workplace for improved productivity, outline
the role of strategic human resource management in organizations and
Identify and apply strategies to respond to emerging issues and trends in
strategic management.
Unit Description
This unit equips the learner with competencies required by a Human
Resource professional in both public and private sector organisations.
It equips the Certified Human Resource Professional with competencies to
be able to explain the concept of HR Accounting, Metrics & Analytics,
Procedures, Measurement and Evaluation, account for HR Value Proposition,
prepare HR Budget and prepare Reports, explain the concepts of HR
Accounting Benchmarking and human resource programmes reporting and
identify emerging issues in Human Resource accounting.
Recommended Resources
• Strategic plans;
• human resource polices;
• Guidelines and regulations;
• Work plans /work programmes and schedules; and
• Organization policies and procedures.
Unit Description
This unit equips the learners with competencies that will enable the
Certified Human Resource Professional to be able to apply the concept of
human resource consultancy and apply HR consulting process, manage
the consultancy relationships, manage a HR consultancy firm, develop a
HR Consultancy proposal, manage contract in HR consultancy,
demonstrate the HR Consulting ethical standards, explain HR consulting as
an entrepreneurship opportunity, manage HR consultancy project, apply
ICT HR consultancy, identify emerging issues and trends in human resource
Recommended Resources
• Strategic plans;
• Human resource polices;
• Guidelines and regulations;
• Work plans /work programmes and schedules; and
• Organisation policies and procedures.
Unit Description
The unit is designed to equip the learner with knowledge, skills and
competencies required by a Human Resource Professional to facilitate
effective Human Resource Audits at the workplace. It comprises of
competencies that will enable the Certified Human Resource Professional
to be able to understand the concept of human resource audit, develop and
apply human resource audit strategy, demonstrate the functions and roles
of a human resource auditor, perform human resource audit process,
prepare human resource audit documentation, apply the human resource
auditing standards, manage risk in human resource audit, explain the human
resource audit framework and regulation, develop the various HR control
procedures, prepare human resource audit reports, issue human resource
audit opinion, outsource the HR audit function, verify and evaluate HR audit
reports and identify emerging issues and trends in human resource audit.
Recommended Resources
• Strategic plans;
• human resource polices;
• Guidelines and regulations;
• Work plans /work programmes and schedules; and
• Organisation policies and procedures.
Unit Description
Strategic Leadership, Ethics and Governance Unit is designed to equip
trainee with strategic leadership, ethics and governance knowledge, skills,
attitude and behaviour necessary for a human resource professional officer
or practitioner in both public and private sector organisations. This unit
comprises of competencies that will enable Certified Human Resource
Professional to demonstrate strategic leadership skills, apply effective
leadership behaviour at work place, demonstrate ethical practices of personal
integrity, professional integrity, ethical agent in an organisation, identify
legal framework of ethics and integrity in Kenya, identify fundamentals of
governance globally, identify essentials of corporate governance in Kenya,
apply governance principles, corporate practices and reporting, identify and
engage the various stakeholders in governance, apply enterprise architecture
governance identified and used in corporate governance, identify tools
used in corporate governance, manage risks in an organisation, prepare
and implement plans for business continuity and identify emerging issues
and trends in leadership, ethics and governance and identify possible global
and cultural effective responses emerging issues and trends in leadership,
ethics and governance.
Unit Description
The Unit is designed to equip the learner with knowledge, skills and
competencies required by a Human Resource Professional to facilitate
effective Human Resource Audits at the workplace. It comprises of
competencies that will enable the Certified Human Resource Professional
to be able to understand the concept of human resource audit, develop and
apply human resource audit strategy, demonstrate the functions and roles
of a human resource auditor, perform human resource audit process,
prepare human resource audit documentation, apply the human resource
auditing standards, manage risk in human resource audit, explain the human
resource audit framework and regulation, develop the various HR control
procedures, prepare human resource audit reports, issue human resource
audit opinion, outsource the HR audit function, verify and evaluate HR audit
reports and identify emerging issues and trends in human resource audit.
3.1 Appeal
A student who is not satisfied with the verdict of the panelists shall
be accorded an opportunity to appeal.
The structure
2.1 Introduction – Say what is contained in the literature
review in one to two paragraphs, why the literature
review is important, and how it is organised.
Summary – (1 Paragraph)
Give a brief description of the main issues in the
6. References Should contain at least 40 references. You should list
all the references cited in the text of the proposal,
arranged according to the APA style 5th edition.
Download from the internet if you cannot access it
The reference list at the end of the project report
provides the information necessary to identify and
retrieve each source.
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