LAC Minutes MELCS - SY2022 2023
LAC Minutes MELCS - SY2022 2023
LAC Minutes MELCS - SY2022 2023
Department of Education
Lantawan, Pasonanca, Zamboanga City
School Year 2022-2023
Today’s Learning Action Cell Session was hosted by Mrs. Julie Anne Enriquez, Grade 9 English Teacher and the English
LAC Coordinator The session started with a prayer led by Mrs. Roxan Adrias, Grade 8 English Teacher. Ms. Shirley Anne Enriquez,
Grade 7 English Teacher, welcomed everyone for the opening remarks.
A. Lesson Planning
Mrs. Maricel Alfaro, Designated English Subject Coordinator walked the teachers through the procedure of the Daily
Lesson Log (DLL). She emphasized that every DLL must have the reflection part at the end of every lesson. She shared that
according to the school principal, Dr. Olga A. Guevara, teachers may choose to do either the DLL or Semi-detailed lesson plan.
The majority opted for the semi-detailed lesson plan. Submission of the lesson plan will be every Friday of the teaching week.
Teachers were reminded to always carry their lesson plan during their class hours.
B. Accomplishing of Budget of Work
To be equipped for this school year, teachers are to produce a Budget of Work containing the learning competencies
extracted from English Curriculum Guides and the number of contact days with the students. Below is the Budget of Work
prepared by the English Teachers for First Quarter SY 2022-2023.
EN7V-IVC-23.1 Supply other words or expressions that complete an analogy Viewing Comprehension 2 1
EN7V-I-a-22: Distinguish between slang and colloquial expressions in conversations Vocabulary Development 2 1
EN7V-IVC-I-d-6 Identify the genre of a material viewed (such as movie clip, trailer
Viewing Comprehension 2 2
news flash, internet-based program, documentary, video, etc.)
EN7LT-I-a-2 Describe the different literary genres during the pre-colonial period. Vocabulary Development 2 2
EN7VC-I-c-3.1.3: Give the meaning of given signs and symbols (road signs,
Viewing Comprehension 1 3
prohibited signs, etc.)
EN7LT-I-c-2.2.1: Express appreciation for sensory images used. Literature 1 3
EN7G-I-c-11: Observe correct subject-verb agreement Grammar Awareness 3
EN7RC-I-c-7.1: Read intensively to find answers to specific questions Oral Language and Fluency 3
EN7RC-I-e-2.15: Use non-linear visuals as comprehensive aids in content texts Reading Comprehension 1 5
EN7SS-I-e-1.2: Transcode orally and in writing the information presented in Reading Comprehension 1 5
diagrams, charts, table, graphs, etc.
EN7WC-I-e-4.3: Identify basic features and kinds of paragraph Writing and Composition 1 5
EN7WC-I-e-2.8.1: Recognize the parts of a simple paragraph Writing and Composition 1 5
EN7LT-I-f-2.2.3: Determine the tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author Literature 1 6
EN7OL-I-g-1.14.4: Use the rising intonation pattern with Yes-No and tag questions; Oral Language and Fluency 1 7
the rising-falling intonation with information- seeking questions, option questions
and with statements
EN7LC-I-g-5.1: Listen for important points signaled by volume, projection, pitch, Listening Comprehension 1 7
stress, intonation, juncture, and rate of speech
EN7WC-I-h-2.2: Retell a chosen myth or legend in a series of simple paragraphs Writing and Composition 1 8
EN7VC-I-h-10: Determine the truthfulness and accuracy of the material viewed Viewing Comprehension 1 8
ENG8-Ie-8: Use appropriate cohesive devices in composing an informative speech Grammar Awareness 2 5
EN8LT-Ie-2.2.3: Determine tone, mood, technique, and the purpose of the author. Literature 2 5
EN8OL-If-5: Use appropriate prosodic features of speech when delivering lines Oral Language and Fluency 2 6
EN8LC-If-5.2: Note changes in volume, projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
Listening Comprehension 2 6
juncture, and the rate of speech that affect meaning
EN8RC-Ig-7.1: Read intensively to determine the author’s purpose Reading Comprehension 2 7
EN8LT-Ig-2.3: Draw similarities and differences of the featured selections in
Literature 2 7
relation to the theme
EN8V-Ih-6: Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the culture
Vocabulary Development 2 8
by noting context clues
EN8LT-Ih-3: Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history,
Literature 2 8
environment, or other factors
EN8RC-Ii-7: Use the appropriate reading style (scanning, skimming, speed reading,
Reading Comprehension 2 9
intensive reading, etc.) for one’s purpose
EN8F-Ii-3: Deliver a self-composed informative speech Oral Language and Fluency 2 9
First Quarter Exam 4 10
EN9G-IVd-23: Express permission, obligation, and prohibition
Grammar Awareness 2 1
EN9G-Ia-1.6/1.7: Use appropriate punctuation marks and capitalization to convey Grammar Awareness 2 3
EN9WC-Ib-8: Distinguish between and among informative, journalistic, and literary Writing and Composition 2 3
EN9RC-Id-13.2: Scan sequence signals or connectors to determine patterns of idea Reading Comprehension 2 4
EN9LC-Id-8.4: Agree or disagree with the ideas of the speaker Literature 2 4
EN9G-Ic-18: Use interjections to convey meaning. Grammar 2 5
EN9LT-Id-14: Analyze literature as a means of discovering the self Literature 2 5
EN9OL-Id-1.14: Use the correct pitch, juncture, stress, intonation, rate of speech, Oral Language and Fluency 2 6
volume and projection when delivering lines of poetry and prose in dramatic and
conventional speech choirs
EN9V-If-11: Arrive at meaning of words through word formation (clipping, Vocabulary Development 2 6
blending, acronymy, compounding, folk etymology, etc.)
EN9G-If-17: Use normal and inverted word order in creative writing Grammar 2 7
EN9LT-Ig2.2.3: Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author Literature 2 8
EN9V-Ih-12.3: Note types of context clue (restatement, definition, synonyms, Vocabulary Development 2 8
antonyms) used for a given word or expression
EN9VC-Ii1.5/2.5: Draw generalizations and conclusions from the material viewed Viewing Comprehension 2 9
EN9WC-Ii-3.6: Use literary devices and techniques to craft poetic forms Writing and Composition 2 9
EN10G-Id-26: Using words and expressions that emphasize a point Grammar Awareness 2 4
EN10LT-Ie-2.2: Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the Literature 2 5
theme of a particular literary selection
( Elements of a Story)
EN10G-Ii-3.6: Use modals Grammar Awareness 2 5
EN10V-Ie-13.9:Differentiate formal from informal definitions of words Vocabulary Development 2 6
EN10WC-Ig-12.3: Compose a persuasive text of three paragraphs expressing one’s Writing and Composition 2 7
stand on an issue
EN10LC-Ig-8.7: Make generalizations Listening Comprehension 2 8
EN10VC-Ig-1.5/2.5:Draw generalizations and conclusions based on the materials Viewing Comprehension
EN10LC-Ii-14: Examine how spoken communication may be repaired or enhanced Listening Comprehension 2 9
I hereby certify that the foregoing are true and correct. Signed this 2 nd day of September, 2022 at Pasonanca National High School,
Pasonanca, Zamboanga City.
Prepared by:
Noted by: