Tigger Time V1 Activity Book

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Carol Read • Mark Ormero‹

My name is

Hello, TigeF!

Yke Gingerbread Mon
Ytgcr geview 1 poge

Dinner Time poge
Tiger Review 2 poge
The Sore Paw poge O
The Micstng Skateboard poge

Tiger geview 3 Mother’s Dog Father’s Dog poge 59

Teacher’s Dog poge

CIJL Picture Dictionorg poge

Carol Reod • Mark Ormerod

Macmillan Education Acknowledgmerrla
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JSBN 97B-0-230-483o7-6 Rioja; Ar\ria Lorertte Clemente, Escola Miquel Marti i Pol,
Text @ Carol Read and Mark Ormerod 2015 Sant Feliu de Mobregat, Barcelona; Bibiana Comas Planks,
(Add’rtionaJ rriatorial by Kerry PbweJl) Escéla Malioma, Barcelona; Juana Marfa Torras Medina,
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This ed"rtion published 2015 Mallorca, Bâlaaras; M^ Cruz Corrales Ferngndez, CEIP
Fir6t edihon entitled "Tiger Tales" ptAlished 2011 by Santiaimo Cristo de Ta Salud, Hervds, Céceres; Maripi
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illustrated by Adrian Barckzy, Simon Walmesley, Rodrigo when
-Dlgueira and Tony Forbes - 0•• '• s thm.
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Gover illustration by Rodrigo Folgueéa
Songs produced arid arranged by Tom, Dick and Debbie
Authors’ acknowledgments
We would liius to thank everyone at Macmillan Education in
the UK arid in Spain who has heg›ed us in the development
arid the production of thee materials. We would also like to
lharik all the taachors who have taken time to raad, pilot
and give feedback at every stage of writing the course. Special
thanks from Carol to Alan, Jmnie and Hannah for their
encouragement arid support. Special thanks from Mark to
Carlas for his patianca arid wderstancting.

Prnted Ond bound in Thailand

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-4ãÕiß Ł£f,f ‘O ]fi9/•/ *L*!S Ę/' , , Ros puo ‹noțon ‘a»aiy ,/r’ *
O ,¥ Read ond colour. ,. Count and write the number.

yellow brown

black blue

,¥” Colour and sag.

Introduction and raview 4

asDa }șauad @ ‹auaduoșs O

]i3uad O uad O
Buțțșizz :uojțonpozd RJD]NqD3OA ]gLîD *1!^ it 1O
n3Oț/ 6

asoa );auad


”R«oțs aLțț •! Rnq Roy puD ans ^*LI!Vț ayț «no]og g/•' ”Pt!*** PMD ȘOOQ
A‹oțs puo A‹o|nqoaoy
O Reod ond circle.

Can this ($$$$)

Yes, course. Oh, thonk jon!

, please?
Can I have thls ./” bag

¥es. Put it in the basket, too!

Can ! hove this W

Yes, o/ course. Oh, thank you!

Gan I hove this =--- “

Yes. Put it in the basket, too!

Can I have thi5 I '

Yes, o/ course. Oh, thnnk you!

Can I have thls ‹. ›

Yes. Put lt in the basket, too!

Longuoge and communication
Look and write.

Con 1 hnve Con 1 have o

o FU##9F please? , please?

Yes, o/ /"/O,SOFFg.

Con 1 hnve o - °q Con 1 hnve o

, ptease? , pleose?

Yes, o/

Can I have
Con 1 hnve o(@@
, piease?
, ptense?

8 Yes, o/
the aentencae: writing
CLIL: What we do at school
Reod ond motch.

At sch

O I druw.

O I si

Learning about content: reading 9

CLIL: Whot we do at school
• ;›Ć' Write colour. Ask and sog.
, ond
a! dra
k w
Do çou sí g_n o
ut school? Do qou
ut schooÎ?

¥es, I do. 1 do.
Do qou Do qou
ut school? nt schooÎ?

.-a. 1 do. , I do.
.. .
£tt 5Choot?

, 1 do.
Psraonotiøation of cnntønt: wñ äng
O Look ond write the five classroom objects.

O Look at Activitg 7. Read and match whot we do at school.

O I tnlł. O ì druw.

Tich (+x’) whot gou con do.

O . Write ond trace. four, six, eight.


, eight.
Meet me at the school gate.
1/ I’m tote, don’t wort.

O @ Reod ond colour.

uni/orm is
("fg SC/1001 M$
spuoç O

s‹oa O

s6a¡ O
Vocobulory ond story
O Look ond write.

head arms honds legs uth

. ,.,., „

Troce the gingerbreod mon. Tick (+*’) the ports of the bodg it has got.
Reod ond circle. */* /'$ Sing 7’re got a head.

I’ve got a body

and n bodq like qou.

I’ve got a legs nose .

l’Ve got a arms mouth, too!

Run, run os Jost us qou con.

¥ou con’t cntch me.
i’m the ginqerbrend man.

I’ve got arms

rind mouth legslike gon.

l'Ve qOt O_ ! ,heHdfYOSe .

I’ve QFI¥tS , tO O!

Do gou like De song?


Recognizing words in context: reading

Longuoge and communication
Look and reod. _ Tick (t¥’) or cross (X) the sentences.

I’ve got I’ve got


I’ve got i’ve


I’ve got I’ve got

o mouth. ears.

,/’ Drow gour own gingerbmod mon. Write.

I’ve got
“ I’ve got
I’ve got
I’ve got
gve oto

Completing the aentencae: reading and wr”Ring
CLIL: Our five senses
O Reod ond motch.

I see with
mq eqes.

I listen wlth
my ears.

I touch with
my body.

I toste with
mq mo uth.

I smell with

Learning about content: reading

CLIL: Our five senses
Reod ond write.

tiste me ouch
n Ct
wit wit
mq h h

wit wit
my ears. h my h

Pereonotiaation of content: writing
Unit review |§$|/;|
O Look ond write the bodg ports. Motch with the senses.
gj heod
I tnste with

=a=. i .
- I listen with
‹’ —
“ • my ears.

I smett with
mq nose.

I touch with
mq hands.

I see with
m( e(es.

DI Tick (tx’) whot gou con do.

Keg for Activ'ltg 10: I con 1) reod and wrlta the n‹anes of ports of the bo¢gj,
Revision and self-assessment 2) understzztd the storg, 3) rezzJ arid writa cé›out our five senses.
O Trace and write. ,*g Sing Hokeg cokey.

ar heu bod:
m d q
Õi You put your right' in!

O You put your !e/t in


‹*•“” in!
: .. @ You put your
" ""
. "'””
üi You put your

Read ond motch.

We p(oJ We play tag. We play

hide und seek.
O - Look and write.

heod arms

Clossroom Ports of the

objects bodg


pencil case

bag ’°“° ears Re
e'”* Look, mod and
bo — draw pencil cose ears
g sreeh

smetl Cnn I hnve this
with my
nose. pleased

Look, I’ve got arms At schoo!


Con I hove this Look, I’ve

got eyes
pleose? and
J ã Ș 3OJ ğ / J ã 3+/.+

J ã Ș 3+*/- / JäĄ]Dt"]ZUDJÕ a / oaşsis

Vocobulory and story
Look and write. ,>l**’ Colour the fomil§ members in the storg.

siste mothe tathe —

r r r 6retJ+er


Storg activity and vocabulary production: writing

",' /"$ Listen and sing Hove [you got Tiger? Reod, circle and motch.

Hove you got Tiger, Dad ?

Tiger lost todnq.
No, I hoven’t. I’m busq now.
Plen5e qo oRd ptoq!

Have you got Tiger, Grenny Dad 7

Have you got Tiger, Baby Granny ?

Have you got Tiger, Grandad Dpg

Ah, look. Babq pgpgy is sleeping!

Tiger is 5teeping, too!
Oh, Tiger, qou nren't lost.
Bobq hos qot qou!

Do gou like De song?


Recognizing words in context: reading

Longuoge ond communicotion
Reod ond write. Troce.


Have you got Hove qou got

Tiger, '” ”›' '" Tiger,

No, I haven’t. No, I haven’t.

Have you got

Tiger, Tiger,

No, I No, I haven’t.

Completing thB BBfttOrlCee: writing
CLIL: Different fomilies
Look ot Activity 12 in the Student’s Book. Reod and motch.

This is mq mother ond

th‘ts is mq /other.

This is mq brother
rind this is mq sister.

This is mq grnndmother ond

this is mq grond/nther.

This is mq ount rind

this is mq uncle.

These are

Learning about content: reading
CLIL: Different fomilies
Look, reod ond write. s di ‹ Sing Some families are 6ig.

Some /amt1ies ore big.Some /ami1ies nre smn(1

FCliTltlies are diJerent.We tike them ntl!

Who’s this? This is mq “ '“!

And this is mq n TOO.

Who’s this? This is mq r

He looks like gon!

Who’s this7 This is my g

And this is mq g TOO.

Who S this7 ThlS is the / d

And it toves qou!

Drow gour fomilg.

This is my
Pereonotiaation of content: writing
Unit review |§$|/;|
O LODk and reod. _ Write.

This is mg
Thi$ is This is my
mother rind
ond grnnd/other. rind

This is mq This is
brother rind mq

Tick (tx’) whot gou con do.

Revision and self-assessment

Ksg for Activity B: I cci 1) reod cBtd
wdte the n¢xnes of the ftxnitg members,
2) mderstond the storg, 3} reod and wrltn
about different fomBfas.
, Look, motch and write. ’‘, ,j'g Sing The ba6g wants a mother.

grandmothe mothe -/ brothe

r r atJ+er-
grandfatherbabysister r

O . Reod ond motch. '

o 1 live with mq mother, ' J-

, mq /nther ond mq
o 1 live with mJ mother, ’
, mq
grondmother rind
mq sister. “
I live with my rather, my ;
brother and my sister.
!ntsrculturoI learning: reading and wnt*ing
soÔ ad saoşDąod O @ safiDsnDs D

Vocobulory and story
Look and write. Tick (s*’} the food in the omelette in the storg.

s cheese


Storg activity and vocabulary production: writing
O Reod, circle and write. ",',' Sing 7 don’t like sausages.

I don't like @f\

mushroom5 , 1 don’t tike potntoes
pees .
Oh, can I hove an ometette, ptense?

Do gon like mttshrooms cheese ? Yes, I do.

Put some in the omelette, too!

Do gon like cheese Qototoes ? Yes, 1 do.

Put some in the omelette, too!

Do gon like 5ottsnqes pototoes ? Yes, 1 do.

Put in the ometette, too!

lt’s nearlq reodq — one, two, three!

Oh denr! Splot! No omelette /or me!

1 don’t tike , I don't like words in context:
reading and
Oh, can I have n pizza, plen5e?

Do gou like De song?

* ”’
Longuoge and communicotion
Look, write ond circD the answer for gou.

omelett pototoe mushroom

e s s
O 0

Do gon tike c h e e s e? TO $Ou like ?

Ye5, I do. J No, I don’t. ¥es, I do. J No, I don’t.

Do gon tike Do gon like

Ye5, 1 do. J No, I don’t. ¥es, 1 do. J No, I don’t.

Drow yourself and complete the sentences for gou.

I l‘ike @z
I don't tike @

Completing the aentencae: writing

CLIL: Food we eat
O Reod ond motch.


Carrots are

Sausages are

Fruit and
vegetobles ore
/rom plnnts.

Meot and /ish ore

Learning about content: reading
CLIL: Food we eot
O - «ñ" Look, write and colour. Sog.




opptes“ sausages

pototoes carrots

I like rind
i dOR't tlke

Pereonotiaation of content: writing

Unit review |§$|/;|
O Look ond write. Reod ond motch.

Apples ond bonnnns are trom plant5.

Cnrrots ond pen5 been are meat.
Sousnqes and are truit.
Fruit and vegetoble5 are trom animab.
Meat ond /ish are vegetables.

Tick (tx’) whot gou con do.

Kag for Activ'ag 0: I cci 1) read mmd write food words, 2) undefst¢rul Ihe storg,
Revision and self-assessment 3) reod and wdte ob‹nJt food I\am amends md plants.
O r#' Reod ond drow. .'*g Sing Ten 7af ænsayes.

Ten /at Eight /at Six /at Four /at

sausages sausages sausages sausages
cooking in cooking in cooking in cooking in

O Look ond write.

cheese ban tS

J like 1 like J like

and ond




/ather s‹ster

Loolc, reod and write.

uncl plont Dnd — chees Grnndn

e s sausages- e d
1 like sn usoes.
ThiS iS mq Ciunt

Fruit rind
are /rom

Do qou like Not now, plen5e.

Have you I’m busy. Ask
got Tiger,
O Read and motch.
giraȚȚe p snake p parrot p monkey

p crocod‘i1e p eÎephunt

Ź . Draw ond write the next animal.


snake giraȚȚe monkey

8upps :uoiț»npo‹d flJDțnqooo pfãD **ł!^! t* ***^TS

0 O
BjjğO3OJ3 BSł1O\1ł
aÇo ¡fi

”fiJoțs ayț u! •i•• !uo ayț «no]og y*” ”ã1!*^ P^^ ĄDOQ
A‹oțs puo ń«oțnqoaoy
Reod ond circle. ". /'$ Sing On [you he!R me, R!•• se?

Ca« )ou help me, please?

J’ve got a sore paw today.
No, sorry. I can’t. I’m scared.

And the mouse goes ownq.

And the y girnJe monkeq qoes nwoq.

And the mouse snake goe5 away.

And the elephant monkeq qoes nwoq.

Con qou help me, please?
I've got o sore pow todoq.
Ye5, o/ course I can. Put1, pult.

* The thorn come5 out. Hurraj!

Who con help? The mouse monkey .

Do gou like De song?

Recognizing words in context: reading
Longuoge ond communicotion
Troce and write. Sog.

Con qou hetp me, Con qou help me,

Con qou help me, Con you help me,

No, sorry. I can’t.

Con gon help me,

Yes, o/ course I can.

CLIL: How we move
O Reod ond motch.

An elephont
can walk.

A crocodite

A /rog

A gira/}e

A monkeq
cnn climb.

A parrot
can jty.

Learning about content: reading

CLIL: How we move
Look ond write. Sog.

clim Țy swim
O O I can
1 wat
cun k

) I cun

í cun I con’t

Learning about content: wr“Ring

, Reod, write ond circle.

I can cCimb / walk.

! con walk / jump.

I’m a
I can /ly / climb.

, Tick (v’) whot gou con do.

O Troce ond write. #$ Sog the rhgmes.


o Fenj meenq minq moe

Catch a by the toe!

9 Fenq meen( minq moe

Catch a by the toe!

O lenq meenq minq moe

Catch n bq the toe!

O «*’ Find ond colour. . Write.

I can see a I cau see a I can see a

/ p ooqa3oşs

6ttJDfi »3 nduioa
aqJq / too

81 iDfi Ja3ndiuoa
Reod ond circle.p j d Sing Whem’s my skateboard?

Where’s my skateboard? It ISR t here.

1 con’t /ind mq skatebonrd. Oh deor! Oh deor!

The is in the cupboord, keep tooktR .

The is in the cupboard, keep looklR .
Look on, took in, took under things
to /tnd mq skoteboord, too!
"/.r. .
The -.‹/,x' bonrd game car is on the she1/, keep

The is on the shet/, keep (ooking.

Look on, took in, took under things

to /tnd mq skoteboord, too!

The is under the table, keep looking.

The car Is under the chnir,

keep looking.
Look on, look in, look under things
to )°tnd my skoteboord, too!
Longuoge ond communicotion
O Look ond write. Reod ond circle the answer.


Where’s the

It’s in / on / under
the table.

Where's the

lt’s in / on / under the tobte.

Where’s the fi?¿¡tf/$

It’s in / on / under the cupboard.

Where's the

It’s in J on J under the tobte.

CLIL: Moteriols
Look ot Activity 12 in the Student’s Book. Reod ond motch.

1s this house mode

o/ wood, Pinq?

No, it isn’t, Pong.

It’s made o/ metal.

is it mnde o/ metol, Pinq?

No, it lsn t, Pong.

it’s mode o/ plostic.

1s it mnde oJ wood, Pinq?

Yes, lt is.

This house made o/

puper is per/ect!

Oh, Pong. ThÏS ISR t

a house. It’s a box!

Learning about content: reading

CLIL: Moteriols
"/" Look, listen and tick (¥*’). /'$ Sing &aterioIs am fantastic!

metot ptostic wood paper






Complete the sentences.

is made o/
is made o/

is made o/

Psreonotiaation or cnntent: writing

Unit review |§$|/;|
O ,¥fl' Reod, drow ond colour.

metal -- plostic = wood = paper =

@ The car is on the table. It’s made o/ metal.

O The ball is under the table. It’s made ot plastic.

@ The skoteboord is in the cupbonrd. It’s mnde o/ wood.

@ The book is in the cupboard. It’s made o/ paper.

Tick (tx’) whot gou con do.

Kay for Activitg 8: I can 1) reod and writa the nornes of foys, 2) understond the storg,
Revision and self-assessment 3) reod and identifg materiale.
O Circle ond write. >*" Drow gou and gour tog. /\I Sing gour verse of
the song.

, .- °

kite bike car doll

Four great toys in a toy shop
on a shel/ at the top.
Along comes a boy / girl one day,
asks /or the
and takes it away.
§{/, Reod, look ond write.

In the In the In the

holidoqs, holidoqs, holidnqs,

Intercultural learning: reading and writing

scooter giraȚțe bike

car board computer crocodile

parrot skateboard elephant kite

Animols Togs
Look, reod and write.

crocodile skateboard @g
plnstic doll monke —

Look! The
is under the choir.

I’ve got a sore paw.

Where’s my Mq ruler is mode

Unita 5 and B revision
Mother’s Day
ond number. «*' Troce co

I’ve got I’ve qot a I’ve got I’ve got

a jiower. bracelet. a card. a present.
Teacher’s Day
O , ¥Ž' Reod ond colour. Sag.

I’ve qot two brown muq5 I ve qot twO b(ue bugs

und one qeÎÎow sunĘower. and one qreen plant.

I’ve got three red T-shirts ì’ve got three brown bnqs
and two qellow mugs. und two orunge T-shirt5.

s¡uu) d S]O\MjUO


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