Episode 5 The Global Teacher

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Episode 5
The Global Teacher

Name of FS Student: _SANTOS, ELLIEZA B.

Course: _BSED Year & Section
Resource Teacher MR. ROWELL T. SANTOS Signature Date

My Target
 Identified competencies of the global Filipino teacher
 Knowledge of other countries teachers’ competencies and requirements as professional.

My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)

Field Study 4, Episode 1 – Look deeper into the concepts, nature and purposes of the curriculum
Focused on: The concepts, nature and purposes of the curriculum and how these are translated into the
school community
4 3 2 1
Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of
Documentation: done with tasks were done were done with tasks were done;
outstanding with high quality acceptable quality or most objectives
quality; work met but with poor
exceeds quality
4 3 2 1
My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions
were answered were answered we’re not we’re not
completely; in completely answered answered
depth answers completely
thoroughly Clear connection Grammar and
grounded on with theories Vaguely related to spelling
theories the theories unsatisfactory
Exemplary Grammar and Grammar and
grammar and spelling is superior spelling acceptable
spelling 3 2
4 1
My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements are
profound and clear, but not shallow; supported unclear and shallow
clear, supported clearly supported by experiences and are not
by experiences by experiences from the episode supported by
from the episode from the episode experiences from
2 the episode
4 3 1
My Portfolio Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has many
complete, clear, complete, clear, incomplete; lacking
well-organized and well-organized and supporting components; is
all supporting most supporting documentation is unorganized and
documentation are documentation are organized but is unclear
located in sections available and/or in lacking
clearly logical and clearly
designated marked locations.

4 2 1
Submission Before deadline On deadline A day after the Two days or more
deadline after the deadline 1
4 3 2

Over-all Score Rating: (Based on


Signature of FS Date above

Teacher Printed
Transmutation of score to grade/rating
Score Grade Score Grade
20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81
18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75
16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72
15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below 14
- 2.25 - 84

My Map
Teaching is a respectable profession the world over. The status of teachers has been comparable in all
parts of the globe, hence each year, there is a celebration of the WORLD TEACHER’S DAY! This alone would
tell us, the recognition and honor given to the best profession of all: TEACHING. a teacher is an extra-ordinary
person in whose hands lies the future of the world, hence any teacher regardless of the country of origin should be
Thus you, too, should have qualities, skills, knowledge, views, with wider breadth and deeper sense
because you, too, will be a global teacher.
This Experiential Learning Episode focuses on the global teacher.
Let us begin with ourselves, the Filipino teachers. Why are Filipino teachers doing very well in
classrooms and schools outside the country? Many of them are awarded as exemplar teachers, best teachers and model
teachers. They are honored by the school, parents and community as well. would you like to be a global teacher
too, someday?

A Filipino teacher should be equipped with personal and professional qualities and competencies of the
Effective Teacher. These competencies are enshrined in the National Competency- Based Teacher Standards
(NCBTS) of the Philippines.

Let us see, what competencies our Filipino public-school teachers possess in terms of the domains and
stands of the NCBTS-TSNA.
Here are the steps:
1. Request for an interview of any public-school teacher (Elem. Or High school)
2. Ask him/her about his/her Individual Profile on the NCBTS-TSNA Tool of the DepED.
3. Ask for information on the following:
1. In which of the seven domains do you find yourself HIGH?
2. In which of the seven domains do you find yourself LOW?
3. In which strand, are you an expert? Experienced? Developing or beginning?
My Tools



(high or low)
Domain 1_ Social Regard for Learning HIGH
Domain 2_Learning Environment HIGH
Domain 3_Diversity of Learners HIGH
Domain 4_Curriculum HIGH
Domain 5_ Planning Assessing and Reporting HIGH
Domain 6_ Community Linkages LOW
Domain 7_ Personal Growth and Professional Development LOW

Developing, Beginning)
1. Teacher’s actions demonstrate value for learning. Experienced
2. Demonstrates that learning is of different kinds. Experienced
3. Creates an environment that promotes learning. Developing
4. Makes the classroom environment safe and Developing
conducive for learning.
5. Communicates higher learning expectations to Developing
each learner.
6. Establishes and maintains consistent standards. Experienced
7. Creates healthy psychological climate for learning. Developing
8. Determines, understands and accepts the Experienced
learners diverse knowledge and experiences.
9. Demonstrates mastery of the subject matter. Experienced
10. Communicates clear learning goals for the lesson. Experienced
11. Makes good use of allotted instructional time. Experienced
12. Recognizes general learning processes and Developing
unique processes of individual learners.
13. Promotes purposive study. Experienced
14. Demonstrates skills in using ICT. Experienced
15. Develops and utilizes creative and Experienced
appropriate instructional plan.
16. Develops and uses a variety of appropriate Developing
assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate
17. Monitors regularly and provides feedback Experienced
on learners.
18. Communicates promptly and clearly to Experienced
learners, parents and superiors about progress of
19. Teacher establishes learning environment Experienced
that responds to the aspirations of the
20. Takes pride in the nobility of the profession. Developing
21. Builds professional links with colleagues to enrich Experienced
teaching practice.
22. Reflects on the extent of the attainment Experienced
of professional development goals.
Activity 1 describes the competencies that a global Filipino teacher should possess.
Now, we need to also know the competencies required of other teachers from other
countries of the world.
Since we cannot travel physically to other countries, we can reach these places
through the use of modern technology like surfing the world wide web, interviews and use
of other sources of information.
Choose two countries other than the Philippines. Search for the personal and
professional competencies required of the teachers in that particular country. You may also
interview a Filipino teacher who has taught in these countries.


Name of Country Personal Qualities of Professional Qualities Requirements to
Teachers of a Teachers Become Professional
United States should be must obtain bachelor’s must be a LET passer
of America compassionate, good degree. also must have good
communicator, creative, moral values.
and flexible.
New Zealand teacher must be kind should complete the requires solid academic
towards the students and undergraduate program. records and should
school staff and have interest in
passionate in teaching. teaching.
Thailand teacher must be should complete requires complete
cooperative and flexible. bachelor’s degree. academic records and
should have interest
Indonesia teachers must have the teachers include skills in general requirements for
talent, interest, and communication, becoming a teacher in
noble character. listening, collaboration, Indonesia include
adaptability, empathy, completing a four-year
and patience. university degree or four
years of higher
education, obtaining a
teacher certificate, and
pedagogical, personal,
and social
Australia must have the skills, must have diploma and a 4-year Bachelor of
talent, and complete the Education in one of
confidence. bachelors’ degree. the following areas.
or a minimum of a 3-
year degree, followed
by a Graduate
or Master of Teaching
for a particular age
group, for example,
early childhood, primary
or secondary.
a 3-year Bachelor of


1. Based on your interview of the Filipino teacher on the competencies of the national
standards for teachers, has the teacher met the requirements? Explain.
He has fairly met the requirements of National Standards of Teacher.

2. If the NCBTS is the measure of a global teacher, can the teacher you interviewed meet the
challenges of global education? Why? Why not?
For me no, because the description on the NCBTS are quite low.

3. Are there similarities or differences among teachers in other countries in terms of the
requirements of a professional teacher? Explain your answer.
Yes. Like passing the Licensure Examination which is the main requirement for the teaching profession.

4. Would Filipino teachers be comparable to their fellow teachers in other countries? Explain you
Yes, they are comparable. The government need to improve teachers’ skills. Hoping in the future that
teachers’ will be more competent.

Indeed, becoming a global teacher requires certain standards. As observed, there are more similar expectations
of teachers, the world over.
As a pre-service teacher education student, how do you see yourself, ten years from now vis a vis the other
teachers from all over the world?
Can you meet the challenges of being a global teacher?
If I will assess myself, I can say that I can meet the challenges of being a global teacher.Why? Because I
can manage to use ICT, also by having a good communication skill.
After undergoing this Experiential Learning Episode, what prior learning in the previous courses has been
Identify at least three concepts about the global teacher.
The concepts I have learned before and are affirmed now include the following: Concept 1: A
global teacher has a global intellect and global skills.
Concept 2: A global teacher always consider change. Therefore, they must be flexible in varied situation in
Concept 3: A global teacher must have general knowledge and must have 21st century skills.


Becoming a global teacher is all about adapting the way that you teach and the educator that you are both
inside and outside the classroom. There are many ways that you can do this, but they do not simply happen
Think about your classroom's environment
Another great step to take is to make your classroom more global friendly. If the walls are just plain bare
concrete then consider decorating them with global posters and maps of the world. International calendars
also help to continue their education about the world. The world is a colorful place, so make sure the inside
of your classroom reflects this.

Make global content part of your teaching.

Teaching your pupils about the world will not just happen overnight, and they certainly aren't going to do it
themselves. You must plan and prepare to integrate global content into your classroom curriculum. Three
key areas that are important to cover are: World themes (multicultural topics), world regions (geographic
literacy) and world problems (global issues).

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