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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Design and Fabrication of Low Cost Electric Bicycle

Boopathi S1, Saranya A2, Raghuraman S3 Revanth R4
1Associate professor, Mechanical Engineering, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode, Tamilnadu.
2,3,4Student ,Mechanical Engineering, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Erode, Tamilnadu.
Abstract - Now days the automobile industry become more device with the power. Not only in bicycle but also in
competitive the vehicles can get the energy from petrol or alternator bikes, cars and exercise bikes use this principle.
diesel engine for its drive. The recent years e-bike became
more attractive and less maintenance cost. However only 2. WORKING PRINCIPLE OF E-BICYCLE
drawback of e-bike is requires frequent charging form EB
supply. In this project is based charging arrangement on the e- If you have dynamo-powered bicycle lights, you
bike. The motor is used the electric energy from battery and already own an electric-powered bicycle. You pump your
battery can receive electric energy from hub dynamo. This legs up and down on the pedals, you make the wheels rotate.
energy is stored in battery. Market available e-bike batteries A small dynamo (generator) mounted on the rear wheel
are designed to spent 6-8 hours/charge by using EB supply. produces a tiny current of electricity that keeps your back
This e-bikes running cost is very low, when compare to other safety lamp lit in the dark. Now suppose you could run this
sources of energy. Today available e-bike are using3-4numbers process backward. What if you removed the lamp and
of 12v batteries. In this project only use one 24v battery, the replaced it with a large battery. The battery would kick out a
battery cost is reduced. These batteries are charged by Hub steady electric current, driving the dynamo in reverse so that
dynamo. The electric supply cost also reduced. it spun around like an electric motor. As the dynamo/motor
turned, it would rotate the tire and make the bike go along
Key Words: Hub Dynamo; Motor; Battery; Cycle; V without any help from your pedaling. It may sound a bit far-
Belt. fetched, but this is more or less exactly how electric bikes
The batteries are the most important parts of the
India is the second most popular nation in the bike, because (if you don't do any pedaling) they contain all
world. Like many other countries where agriculture is the the power that will drive you along. Typical electric bike
main activity, biomass and other non – commercial fuels batteries make about 350–500 W of power (that's about 35–
constitute around 40% of energy requirements in India. 50 volts and 10 amps), which is about a quarter as much as
Around 85.49% of Indian villages are electrified. People use you need to drive an electric toaster. In theory, you could use
bicycles as the main medium of transportation in villages. In any kind of battery on a bicycle. In practice, however, you
addition in cities, where most people use exercise bikes, the want to use something that stores lots of power without
energy can be productively used to power electronic being too heavyor you'll be using half your power just
gadgets, which require less power. moving the battery along! That tends to rule out heavy lead-
acid batteries like the ones that start cars, though some
In India, many of the villages are still without electric bikes do use them Light weight lithium-ion batteries,
electricity and most of them use bicycle as their medium of similar to those used in laptop computers, mobile (cellular)
transportation. In such places, our system will be of great phones, and MP3 players, are now the most popular choice,
help. Charging of the battery can be done by a layman by just though they're more expensive than older rechargeable
connecting the circuit to the output of the dynamo which is battery technologies such as nickel-cadmium ("NiCad").
connected to the bicycle. This would charge the li-ion Typical batteries will give your bicycle a range of 10–40
batteries. miles between charges (depending on the terrain) and a top
speed of 10–20 mph (which is about the maximum most
World is a storehouse of energy. And according to countries allow for these vehicles by law). You can extend
energy conversion law, energy neither be created nor be the range by pedaling or free-wheeling some of the time.
destroyed but can be transformed from one form to another.
But we are wasting resources that can produce energy as if
they are limited. Humans are able to generate approximately
150W of power while riding bicycle. However, this power
goes waste without any use. If this is making use of this
energy, would be able to power many electronic devices.

A dynamo or an alternator can be used for

harvesting the energy generated by a cycle rider while
riding. We can charge mobile phones or a small lighting

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 146
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


At a time when there is energy crisis casting its

shadow all over the world, one has to look into alternator
renewable energy sources. One such alternator way to
generate power is presented in this paper. The rotating
energy of the tries in the bicycle, generated by dynamo can
be used to operate small powered devices.

The issues associated with electric bicycles may be

addressed by custom-designed drives that are most efficient
over a given operating cycle. The results of the studies listed
here can serve as a platform to improve electric bicycle
performance, if new drive systems are designed around key
parameters that will result in improvement of the system
The batteries are the most important parts of the
performance. Furthermore, they can be used for comparison
bike, because (if you don't do any pedaling) they contain all
of existing drives in a systematically, comprehensive, and
the power that will drive you along. Typical electric bike
technical way.
batteries make about 350–500 W of power (that's about 35–
50 volts and 10 amps), which is about a quarter as much as
you need to drive an electric toaster. In theory, you could use
any kind of battery on a bicycle. In practice, however, you
[1] Robert Cong, Rodney Martinez, Mark Casilang, Peter
want to use something that stores lots of power without
Vong Electric Bicycle System-Senior Project
being too heavyor you'll be using half your power just
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis
moving the battery along! That tends to rule out heavy lead-
Obispo, June 2010.
acid batteries like the ones that start cars, though some
electric bikes do use them Light weight lithium-ion batteries,
[2] Mehrdad Ehsani, YiminGao, Ali EmadiModern
similar to those used in laptop computers, mobile (cellular)
Electric, Hybrid Electric, & Fuel cell Vehicles-
phones, and MP3 players, are now the most popular choice,
Fundamentals, Theory, & Design-second addition-
though they're more expensive than older rechargeable
2010, CRC Press
battery technologies such as nickel-cadmium ("NiCad").
Typical batteries will give your bicycle a range of 10–40
[3] S.I.Brand, N. Ertugrul and W.L. Soong –Investigation
miles between charges (depending on the terrain) and a top
of an Electric assisted bicycle and determination of
speed of 10–20 mph (which is about the maximum most
performance characteristics University of Adelaide.
countries allow for these vehicles by law). You can extend
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
the range by pedaling or free-wheeling some of the time.
Adelaide, Australia.
We had the dynamo/motor driving the back wheel
directly, simply by pressing on the tire. Most electric bikes [4] General Electronics Battery Co., Ltd.Comparison of
work a different way. They have compact electric motors Different Battery Technologies 2006-526.
built into the hub of the back or front wheel (or mounted in
the center of the bike and connected to the pedal sprocket). [5] Olivier Tremblay1, Louis-A. Dessaint Experimental
Take a look at the hub of an electric bike and probably you'll Validation of a battery Dynamic Model for EV
see it's much fatter and bulkier than on a normal bike. Applications World Electric Vehicle Journal Vol. 3 -
ISSN 2032-6653, May 13-16, 2009.
[6] NXP Semiconductors Brushless DC motor control
Pedaling is optional. Ride at speeds of up to 20+mph. Ride using the LPC2141- AN10661 Rev. 01 17 October
up long distance. Eco Friendly. No pollution. Not have to pay 2007.
for gas. Reduce your dependence on foreign oil. No license or
insurance required. Perfect for rehabilitation. Fun to ride - [7] Vinatha U, SwethaPola, Dr K.P.Vittal Simulation of
Relieve stress. Four Quadrant Operation & Speed Control of BLDC
4. DISADVANTAGES Surathkal, India-575025.

A motor that cannot exceed 250Wofpower.Maximum speed

of 25 Km/hr. They cannot weigh more than 40 Kg.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 147

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