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Hordes of Chaos FAQ

Q . What happens if a unit of Tzeentch Screamers Q . Armour of Damnation vs. Hatred. How does this
makes a slashing attack on a unit that does automatic work (successful hits are re-rolled, failed hits are re-
hits, like a Night Goblin Fanatic? rolled)?
A . Both units inflict and take damage. In the example of the A . The attacking player rolls to hit and re-rolls misses.
Fanatic, the Screamers take D6 S5 hits and simultaneously Then the defending player makes the attacker re-roll all
each do a S3 hit on the Fanatic. successful attacks.

Q . When an enemy unit is affected by Green Fire of

Tzeentch and strike themselves, does the unit use its
main weapon (caster basically chooses), or does the
owner of the unit get to choose? For example, if a unit
is equipped with great weapons and shields, would
they use the great weapons (caster’s choice) or hand
weapon and shield (owner’s choice)?
A . Caster’s choice.

Q . If two units with Cloud of Flies are fighting each

other, or a Plaguebearer unit is affected by a spell that
makes them attack themselves, do they suffer the -1 to
hit modifier?
A . No.

Q . I mount a Chaos Lord of Khorne atop a Chaos

Dragon, and equip him with the Chaos Runeshield and
the Berzerker Sword. Do all the models in base to base
contact with my Dragon count for the effects of both
A . Yes.

Q . The Slaanesh spell Titillating Delusions states that

affected units must move towards the nominated point
in the remaining moves phase – does this mean that
they can declare charges as normal (thereby moving
before being forced to move in the remaining moves
A . Yes. If there is an enemy in their way, they must
declare a charge against them following the normal
turn sequence.

Q . Does a character on a Daemonic mount benefit

from its immunity to psychology?
A . No.

Q . Are Nurglings skirmishers? In their description, it

says so, but in the army list it doesn’t.
A . Yes.

Q . If Gaze of the Gods turns my Khorne Lord into a

Chaos Spawn, is it a Bloodbeast of Khorne or just a
normal Chaos Spawn?
A . Just a normal Spawn (not that any Spawn is really

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